ch 10.3 sectional conflict. 1. sectionalism 2. internal improvements: 3. american system: 4. :...


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Page 1: Ch 10.3 Sectional Conflict. 1. Sectionalism 2. internal improvements: 3. American System: 4. : Disarmament: 5. demilitarize: 6. court-martial: : loyalty



Ch 10.3

Sectional Conflict

Page 2: Ch 10.3 Sectional Conflict. 1. Sectionalism 2. internal improvements: 3. American System: 4. : Disarmament: 5. demilitarize: 6. court-martial: : loyalty


1. Sectionalism 2. internal improvements:

3. American System:

4. : Disarmament:

5. demilitarize:

6. court-martial:

: loyalty to a region, above loyalty to the nation as a whole

federal projects such as canals and roads to develop the nation’s transportation system

policies by Henry Clay to stimulate the growth of industry to help America become self-sufficient

Removal of weapons

To remove armed forces from an area

Trial held in a military court

Page 3: Ch 10.3 Sectional Conflict. 1. Sectionalism 2. internal improvements: 3. American System: 4. : Disarmament: 5. demilitarize: 6. court-martial: : loyalty

The Era of Good Feelings1. The absence of major political

divisions after the War of 1812 helped forge a sense of __________________.

James Monroe, the _________________________, faced almost no opposition. The __________________barely existed as a national party.

Monroe won with an overwhelming margin.

National unity

Republican Candidate


Crushed it.


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2. What Federalist programs did the Presidents James Madison, James Monroe and other Republicans support?

  3. Political differences seemed to fade

away and these years became known as the ____________________________

Federalists are gone, but their ideas return…

•Tariffs to protect industry from foreign competition•National bank to store money and make loans to business

Era of Good FeelingsI feel good…. I knew that I would… .


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Sectionalism Grows

What sections were in conflict? Why?

New England knows what the country


No, the West does!

You’re both wrong. The

South is right.

North vs. South vs. West – differences in economy led to differences in politics

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5. 4 issues that created sectional conflict in this time period:

6. Southerners stressed the importance of _________________.

Sectional Conflict

slavery tariffsnational bank

would cost gov’t money lead to more taxes higher tariffs

internal improvements

States’ rightsWe have more power than you do!

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John C. Calhoun

7. Describe John C. Calhoun –


8. Calhoun emerged as one of the chief supporters of ________________________, the idea that states have ________________________. Calhoun became an opponent of ____________because they raised the price of manufactured goods. He also argued that tariffs protected inefficient manufacturers.


States’ rights

More powertariffs

planter from SC; War Hawk; nationalist at first, but changed to sectionalist; originally thought American Plan would help the South, later changed his mind due to tariff

South Carolin



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9. Describe Daniel Webster –

10. Webster came to favor the _________of 1816, which protected American industries from foreign competition. He favored policies that he thought would strengthen the __________ and help the .

New Hampshire congressman, later Massachusetts Congressman and Senator; became famous as a speaker/orator/debator



Daniel Webster


New Hampshire

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Henry Clay

11. Describe Henry Clay –

 12. Henry Clay became known as the

national leader who tried to resolve through .

Kentucky War Hawk; Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1811; represented the interests of the West (western states); helped negotiate the Treaty of Ghent

Sectional disputescompromise


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Free states

Slave states

Missouri Compromise, 1820

13. Why did the state of Missouri cause great controversy?

whether or not to let it enter the Union as a slave state; would upset the balance of power in Congress (the Senate) where there were an equal number of slave and free states.

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Missouri Compromise, 1820

14. The _________________ _____ of 1820 (also called the Compromise of 1820) provided for the admission of ____________ as a ___________ state and _____________ (separating from Massachusetts) as a _____________ state. The agreement banned slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of the ________________ parallel.

Missouri Compromise

Missouri slaveMaine


36°30’ NorthFree


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The American System

Whose idea was the American system?

(and prevent another situation like that leading to War of 1812).

Henry Clay – to develop US industry

A self-sufficient nation is a strong nation.

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The American System

Protective Tariff

would protect developing industries from foreign competition by raising the price of imported manufactured goods from other countries

Internal Improvements

road, canals, and other transportation projects would stimulate trade - would help manufacturers get raw materials to factories and move finished products to markets to sell

National Bank

would control inflation (rising prices due to drop in value of money) and lend money to help build industries

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Who opposed the American System? Why?

I and the other Southerners don’t like this at all.

Southerners who opposed the tariff – English merchants paid them for their cotton in manufactured goods which would be taxed by a tariff

Jefferson and other Southerners thought it would favor wealthy New England merchants

Some thought the cost of internal improvements would lead to an increase in the tariff

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McCulloch v. Maryland16. Explain the debate involved in McCulloch v. Maryland and the final decision in the case. Why was the decision significant?

 The state of Maryland was trying to tax the Baltimore branch of the Second Bank of the U.S. (a federal bank). Maryland lost – couldn’t tax it. The Supreme Court said the federal government got their authority from the people, not from the states, so a state can’t control (or tax) a federal institution.

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Gibbons v. Ogden

17. Why was the court’s decision in Gibbons v. Ogden significant?

This ruling strengthened the national government –said a state could not interfere with Congress’s power over interstate trade

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Foreign Affairs

18. How did the Rush-Bagot Treaty and the Convention of 1818 settle problems with Great Britain?

Rush-Bagot Treaty: •set limits on US and British ships on Great Lakes•started disarmament along US-Canadian border

Convention of 1818: •set US-Canadian border in the Louisiana Territory at the 49th North parallel•demilitarized the border

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Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson was a US Army officer in the South. Seminole warriors living in Florida were crossing the Spanish-US border into Georgia and attacking American settlements. Then they fled back across the border where US Army couldn’t follow them.

Jackson was finally told to follow the Seminole next time they attacked, but to break off the pursuit if they took refuge at a Spanish fort.

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Trouble on the Border

Jackson followed the Seminole into Florida after the next raid.

The Seminole took refuge at the fortified city of St. Augustine.

Jackson sent a message to his commanders telling them he was attacking the city unless they notified him and told him to stop.

Jackson not only attacked the city, he also claimed Florida for the U.S.

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An international conflict erupted between the US and Spain. Many people wanted Jackson court-martialed.

Monroe’s Secretary of State John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams) defended Jackson, saying that Spain had properly policed it’s territory and stopped the Seminole, no US military action would have been needed.

The US then negotiated the Adams-Oñís Treaty, purchasing east and west Florida from Spain.

Spain, you know it’s really all your fault.

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Adams-Oñís Treaty, 1819

terms:• Spain gave East Florida to the U.S.• Spain gave up all claims to West Florida – U.S. got it.• U.S. gave up claims to Spanish Texas (some had said it

was part of Louisiana Purchase)• U.S. gave up $5 million in claims against Spain due to

property damage caused by Seminole and loss of runaway slaves• Set the border between U.S. and New Spain along

Louisiana Purchase; gave the U.S. a claim to the Pacific Northwest

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James Monroe and Foreign Policy

20. How did James Monroe change the nation’s foreign policy?

Spain wanted European help to regain many of the colonies it lost to revolutions in South and Central America (Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and others). Pres. Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine, which declared that the U.S. would not allow new European colonies in North or South America.

Europe, KEEP OUT of the Americas!

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James Monroe and Foreign Policy

20. How did James Monroe change the nation’s foreign policy?

The U.S. could not enforce the Monroe Doctrine at that time, but the British helped enforce it. They were trading with new countries and did not want that trade hurt. Monroe Doctrine is still an important part of U.S. foreign policy today.

Europe, KEEP OUT of the Americas!