ch. 10 notes: money when you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can...

Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses : Anything that serves as a medium of exchange A unit of account

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Page 1: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Ch. 10 Notes: Money

•When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of.

•Economists think of it for 3 uses:

–Anything that serves as a medium of exchange

–A unit of account

–A store of value

Page 2: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Ch. 10 Notes: Money

• Money as a Medium of exchange you know.

– Paying for something (ex: DVD) with cash, check

– If you didn’t have this, then you would have to barter. The direct exchange of one set of goods for another.

Page 3: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Money

• Money as a unit of Account you use every day without even thinking about it.

– Money provides a means for comparing the values of goods and services.

– Ex: You find a jacket for $30 at Dillard’s, but you think the same jacket is at Macy’s for only $28.

– You can do this b/c the cost of the jacket is expressed in dollars, just like other stores in the US.

Page 4: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Money

• And Money as a Store Value you rely upon each time you get change back.

• This means that money keeps its value if you decide to hold on to-or store it-it instead of spending it.

• The one important exception to this is when an economy experiences a period of inflation.

Page 5: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Money

Page 6: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Money

The Six Characteristics of Money

• Durability

• Portability

• Divisibility

• Uniformity

• Limited Supply

• Acceptability

Page 7: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Money

• What makes money valuable? That is determined by what type of money each one is:

– Commodity money (salt, cattle, precious stones)

– Representative money ( IOU, Continental, gold or silver certificate)

– Fiat money (US money today, order or decree)

Page 8: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking History• Two original views of the national bank:

– Federalists( led by Alexander Hamilton) wanted a national bank to manage the federal government’s funds and issue one currency

– Antifederalists( led by Thomas Jefferson) wanted a decentralized banking system, and the states would regulate banks within their borders

Page 9: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking History

• The Free Banking Era:– After the fall of the 2nd national bank– Problems with this time included:

• Bank runs

• Wildcat banks

• Fraud

• Many different currencies

Page 10: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking History

• After reform acts failed during and after the Civil War, the US moved to the Gold Standard.

– The gold standard set a definite value for the dollar…one ounce of gold was worth $20. People could redeem their paper money at any time for gold.

– The government could only issue currency if it had gold in the treasury to back the notes.

Page 11: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking History

• The Federal Reserve System

– Created 12 regional banks that stored some of the cash of the Federal Gov.

– Federal Reserve Board: supervised Federal Reserve Bank

– The 12 Regional banks could make short term loans to member banks to cover withdraws

– Federal Reserve notes created: Our currency we know today.

Page 12: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking History

• The Great Depression was caused by bad loans, farmers unable to pay loans back after crop failure, and the stock market crash forced many banks to close b/c of bank runs.

• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)- Created to insure customers that even if a bank fails, customers accounts will be covered by the federal government up to $100,000 per account ($250, 000 per account today)

Page 13: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking History

• The Savings and Loan Crisis caused by:

– Deregulation

– High interest rates affected older loans at low interest rates

– Bad Loans

– Fraud

Page 14: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking Today

• Money supply consist of two categories:

– M1= assets that have high liquidity» Currency» Checking accounts (demand deposits)» Traveler’s Checks

– M2= assets also called near money. Not as highly liquid as M1.

» Savings deposits» Retail money markets funds» Small denomination time deposits

Page 15: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking Today

• Functions of a Financial Institution

– Storing Money

– Saving Money

– Loans

– Mortgages

– Credit Cards

Page 16: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking Today

• Types of Financial Institutions

– Commercial banks (Wells Fargo, Chase, etc.)

– Savings and Loan Associations

– Savings banks

– Credit Unions (for particular groups)

– Finance Companies (cars, appliances, RVs)

Page 17: Ch. 10 Notes: Money When you think money, you think coins, cash, or any other slang terms you can think of. Economists think of it for 3 uses: –Anything

Chapter 10 Notes: Banking Today

• Electronic Banking

– ATM machines

– Debit Cards

– Home Banking

– Automatic Clearing Houses

– Stored value cards