
The 1 UnmirctZstl Bank & Quotation Section Railway Earnings Section INCLUDING Railway & Industrial Section Bankers' Convention Section financial, tiro wk Electric Railway Sectiot State and City Sectiot A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interest) of the United States. TO DECEMBER, 1912, INCLUSIVE VOLUME LXXXXV. WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, FRONT, PINE & DEPEYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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The 1

UnmirctZstlBank & Quotation Section

Railway Earnings Section


Railway & Industrial SectionBankers' Convention Section


tiro wkElectric Railway Sectiot

State and City Sectiot


Representing the Industrial Interest) of the United States.




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Advertising, Does it Pay? (F. S.) 258gricultural and Conservation Congress_ _1446

Agricultural Credit, Rate of Interest 1170Agricultural Credit System, Urged by Presi-dent Taft 1015

Agricultural Development in Public Schools 1002Agricultural Development, Remarks of

-B. F. Yoakum 506Agricultural Development, Southern Ry.

Helps 322Agricultural Education and Bankers, 644,

791, 1016Agricultural Outlook 329Agricultural Yield of 1912 Will End Era of

-High Prices, Thinks President Taft 1091Agriculture, American, Is It Overcapitalized 1444Agriculture and High Cost of Living, Re-marks Before Ohio Bankers 15

Agriculture and Intensive Farming 1719Agriculture, Lack of Growth in, Responsiblefor High Prices 380, 442, 776, 938

Agriculture, Mortgage Banks 1447American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Pen-

sion, &c., Scheme (F. S.) 1294Andrew, A. Piatt, Resigns as Asst. Sec. ofTreasury 14

Anthracite Coal Cases, Supreme Court De- •ci sro"n 1652

Anthracite Coal Production, 91, 340, 658945, 1249, 1586

Anthracite Regions, Labor in 862Anti-Trust Decisions-see Court Decisions.Anti-Trust Law-Reported Intention toAmend (F. S.) 1354

Anti-Trust Suits-Against Candy Combine 1246, 1370Against Chinese Laundrymen 208Against Phila. Jobbing Confectioner's

Association_ 1720Against Publish' ig Cos. and Newspaper

Unions Regarding Stereotyped Matter_ 456Coffee Valorization Trust 1509Elgin Board of Trade & Creamery Butter

Manufacture 1721For Dissolution v, Billposters &Distributers 456

Arizona-Constitutional Amendment Adoptedfor Judicial Recall 1420

Atchison Report 937Atlantic Coast Line and Growth in Oper-

ating Cost 1363Austria and Servia, Tension Between, &c.(F. S.) 1356, 1645

Balkan Situation 860Aloalkan War Controversy, Meeting of Peace

Delegates (F S.) 1570, 1644, 1705Balkan War Practically Ended (F. S.) 1295, 1355Balkan War, Probable Ending of 1360,

1435, 1497Balkan War and the Stock Markets 1083Balkans, Outbreak in 933Balkans, Terms of Peace in 1710Balkans, War in, Again, 1647, 779, 854, 929,

1003, 1008, 1079, 1157, 1235Bait. & Ohio Employees' "Safety First" Con-

velition (F. S.) 136Bait. & Ohio RR. Report 1244B.._ Clearings at Leading Cities (mthly.),

21, 275, 595, 868, 1250, 1514Bank Clearings by Telegraph, 21, 274, 594,

867, 1250, 1513Bank Clearings in U. S., MonThly Features

of (F. S.) 4, 259, 569, 854, 1234, 1495Bank Notes, Changes in Totals of, &c., 21,

460, 725, 1096, 1376, 1725Bank Stock Sales, 14, 88, 149, 207, 271, 335,392,454, 520, 589, 656, 720, 787, 863, 1015,1091, 1168, 1246, 1309, 1368, 1445, 1508,

1580, 1659Bankers, Investment, in Distinction fromBrokers 16

Bankers and the "Money Trust" Inquiry_ 650Bankers Convention at Detroit, Report ofProceedings and Addresses in

Full. See

"Bankers' Convention Section" Sept. 21.Bankers Convention Section. See following

articles, &c.:Editorial Articles-

Detroit's Marvelous Progress.Convention and the Currency.

Banking Section-Banking and Currency Reform.Agricultural Development.Land and Agricultural Credits.Bankers and the People.Gorninnent Helping Agriculture.Report of Secretary.Report of Treasurer.Report of General Counsel.Report of Execurive Council.Report of Standing Protective Committee.Report of Bills of Lading Committee.Report of Currency Commission.Report of American Institute of Banking.Report of Library and Reference Dept.Report of Agricultural Committee.Report of Law Committee.Report of Committee on Forms.

Bankers' Convention Section (Concluded)Banking Section-(Concluded)

Detailed Report of Proceedings,Addresses of Welcome.President Livingstone's Address.

Trust Company Section-The Money Trust Inquiry.Achievements of Trust Section.Some Unscheduled Liabilities.Report of Executive Committee.Report of Committee on Legislation.Report of Committee on Protective Laws.Report of Secretary.Report on a Model Trust Company Law.Detailed Proceedings.Addresses of Welcome.

Savings Bank Section-The Postal Savings Bank.European Land and Rural Credit.Savings Bank and the Community.RepOrt of Executive Committee.Report of Membership Committee.Report of Committee on School Say. Banks.Report of Committee on Methods & Systems.Report of Secretary.Report of Law Committee.Detailed Proceedings.

Banking Control and the Money Trust.1656, 1717Banks, Liability of, for Not Honoring Checks 453Banks and Postal Savings 715Bath-Tub Trust Declared Illegal (F. S.).. _ _ _1354Billboards and Signs in Manhattan, Com-

plaints of (F. 5 777Book Notices-Democratic Mistake 658Railroad Finance 658International Mind 658Why Should We Change Our Form of-government? 658

Majority Rule and the Judiciary 658Breaodrtastuffs Receipts at Lake and River

Ports 86, 332, 334, 940, 1308British Consols, New Low Record (F. S.)

138, 198, 1006British Fleet nspected (F. S.) 80British Labor Disputes to be Dealt with by

Legislation (F. S.) 199British Legislative Matters in House of Com-mons (F. S.) 322

British National Insurance Scheme__ _141, 198British Naval Policy 'and Germany 198British Parliament, Home Rule, Disestab-lishment, &c. (F S.) 929

British Parliamentary Situation Improved(F. S.) 1436

British Transport Workers' Strike Called Off(F. S.) 261

British Workmen's Insurance and the Medi-cal Men 199, 1646, 1706

Bryan, William J., Dominates DemocraticConvention 2

Bryce, James, Ambassador, Resigns_ _1296, 1299Building Operations, Features of.. _206, 383,. 710, 1004, 1355, 1644Bulgaria, War against, Declared by Turkey(F 5.) 1003

"Bull Moose" Party, Call for, Organization(F S.) 75

Business and Politics, Pragmatism in 1009Business Prospects Good (F S.) 382

ranada Offers Great Britain Battleships to%-• Cost $35,000,000 (F. S.) 1498, 1571Canadian Bank Clearings (monthly)_ _ _20,

274, 594, 867,1249, 1513Canadian Pacific's Marvelous Growth andExpansion 513

Canadian Premier in London (F S.) 5Capital, Absorption of Public Utility Enter-

prises 1162Car, The Independent, in Railway Opera-

tions. See Railway & Ind. Sec. Oct. 26.Car, New-Type, in American Street Rail-ways. See Electric Railway Sec. Sept. 28.

Car Shortage and the Large Crops (F. S.).. _1233Chicago Burlington & Quincy's Advance in

Operating Efficiency 1245Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. under

Unfavorable Conditions 719Chicago & North Western Ry. Report

7China Again Considering the Resumption ofChicago Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Report.. ..1164

Boycotts (F. S.)


China, Independent Loans of £5,000,000 to(F. S.) 778,855

China Loan Negotiations with Six-Powers

China Pass another Crisis (F. S.) Passes1004, 1236, 1570, 11461544655Group (F. S.)

China to Plan New Railways (F. S.) Chinese Affairs Again Running Smoothly(F. S.) 507

Chinese Cabinet Appointments by PresidentYuan Accepted (F S.) 200

Chinese £10,000,000 Loan (F. S.).. _570, 646, 710Chinese $300,000,000 Loan Not Yet Ar-ranged (F. S.) 4 ,80, 138, 260

Citizenship of Socialist Canceled, Then Re-stored 657


(F. S.)Congress and Congressional Acts-

Action on Cotton Schedule 337, 393Action on Metal Schedule 337, 393Action on Wool Bill 208, 336, 392, 455Adjournment of Congress 520Aggregate Appropriations 520Appropriation for Army Manoeuvers_14, 88Appropriation for Tariff Board Withheld,

88, 271, 523Appropriation for U. S. Commerce Court,

393, 455, 1509, 1580Appropriations Extended 14, 336, 392Army Appropriation Bill-Legislation

Against Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood, 14,393, 522

Bill to Amend Patent Law 150Commission to Inquire into Industrial

Relations 150, 456, 1718Congress Re-convenes 1508, 1580Congress Passes Burnett Immigration Bill 1718Creation of Commission to Investigate

Conditions under Which Foreign Gov-ernments Purchase American Tobacco,

394, 323Extra Session to Be Called by President-

Elect 1368House Passes Bill to Create a Department

of Labor 149House Passes Bill for Jury Trial in Con-tempt Proceedings 88

House Passes Bill to Pension Spanish WarVeterans 1580

House Passes Bill to Prohibit Dealings inCotton Futures, 150. Text of Bill_ _ _ _ 210

Investigation of Shipping Trust 256Message from President Regarding Philip-

pine Islands 208Money Trust Investigation, 1170, 1363,

1508, 1574, 1580, 1659Naval Appropriation Bill and New Battle-Ships 88, 207, 394, 455

New Bureau of Foreign and DomesticCommerce Established 523

Newspaper Relations in Post Office Ap-propriation Bill, 393, 455, 521, 787,

864, 942, 1015, 1169, 1574, 1660Panama Canal Bill, 324, 337, 384, 446,

521. 1369Parcels Post Established 521Pension Appropriation Bill Abolishes In-

dependent Pension Agencies 394, 454Physical Valuation Bill Passes House_ _ _ _1509Pomerene Bill for Uniform Bill of Lading

Passed in Senate 455President Taft Submits Report on Need ofa National Budget 150, 721, 861, 864

President s Annual Message 1496Regulating Wireless Apparatus on Steam-

ers 150, 456Resolution Directing Investigation of An-

thracite Coal Prices 272Senate Declares Policy of U. S. Regarding

Foreign Naval Stations in America_ __ _ 260Senate Finance Committee Reports Against

Extending Powers of Pujo Money TrustCommittee 272

Senate Passes Bill for Excise Tax on in-Cornea 271

Senate Passes Bill Authorizing Inter-State Corn. Com. to Determine FreightClassification 455

Senate Passes Lodge-Bristow Sugar Bill_ _ _ 271Summary of Bills Passed by Congress 520Tariff Hearings 1580Tariff Legislation-Chemical Schedule De-feated in Senate 14

Text of Law Providing for Eight-HourDay in Government Work 272

Thanks to Capt. Rostron of Carpathia__ A488Congress and the Constitution 1574Consols, British, New Low Record (F. S.) 138Constitution and Congress 1574Constitution (U. S.), in Defence of 783Constitution-Making, Recent, as Illustratedin Ohio 1361

Constitution, the Value of 1651Copper Production and Consumption, 91,

339, 658, 945, 1249, 1586Corn Crop of 1912 (F. S.) 1234Corporation, Purchase of One Share Does NotGive Right to Inspect Books 1721

Cost of Living, High, Due to Lack of Agri-cultural Development 380, 442, 776, 938

Cost of Living, High, Ascribed to MonetaryStandard by Irving Fisher, 852, 1088, 130

Cost of Living and High Cost of Selling 1577Cost of Living and Higher Wages 1506Cost of Living, Inquiries Concerning Same,

329, 397, 789Cotton-Annual Report for 1911-12, 568, 577Cotton Condition and Acreage Reports, &c.,of the Government 11, 258, 568, 853

Page.Coal Production. See Anthracite.Coffee Valorization Trust 1509, 1720Commission Government in New Jersey..__ 444Compensation for Injuries to Employees,

Joint Resolution Introduecd in Congress3

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Page.Cotton Consumption of Europe and theWorld (by Cable) 1157, 1167

Cotton-Crop Estimate of Dept. of Agricul-ture (F. S.) 1568

Cotton-Fall River Mill Dividends, 19, 383,723, 1364

Cotton-Fall River Wage Agitation (F. S.),1434, 1496

Cotton-Growing at the South, PresidentFinlay on (F. S.) 322

Cotton Manufacturing in Japan 1166Cotton-Movement for Better Relations Be-tween Shippers and Users (F. S.)_ _ _ _197, 777

Cotton-Nationat Assn: of ManufacturersConvention (F. S.) 646

Cotton Receipts at Southern Ports, 86, 332,334, 941

Crops, Condition of 77, 329, 927, 1568Court of Appeals, Keep It Non-Partisan_ _1168Court Decisions-

Anthracite Coal Cases Decided by U. S. Su-preme Court-65% Contracts Illegal ....1652

Corporation Tax on Incomes in Mining,Value of Ore Extracted Cannot BeCharged off as Depreciation 942

Danbury Hatters' Case, Result of Re-trial,591, 1017, 1370

Kansas City Fruit & Produce ExchangeHeld to Be Illegal 1017

N. Y. Court of Appeals Holds Law IllegalRegarding Sale of Stock Transfer TaxStamps 1171

N. Y. Law requiring Issuance of InsuranceLicense Unconstitutional 1447

Purchase of One Share Does Not GiveRight to Inspect Company s Books_ _ _1721

Union Pacific-Southern Pacific MergerIllegal 1494, 1502

U. S. Supreme Court Holds "Bath-Tub"Trust Illegal 1354

Courts, Reform of 13Cuba, Developments in (F. S.) 5Cuban Finances Sound (F. S.) 780Currency Holdings by Treasury, 215, 459,

724, 1096, 1374, 1513Currency Reform and the Political Campaign 387

Dbury Hatters' Case Re-tria1.591, 1016, 1370t Statement U. 8_214, 459, 724, 1096,

1374, 1512Democratic National Platform and Nom-

inee 2, 8Denver & Rio Grande RR. Annual Report 574Dollar, Giving it Stability of PurchasingPower 1301

Dynamite Cases, General Trials 1017 1509Dynamite Trials, Clarence 8, Darrow Triedand Acquitted 456, 591

Vastern War 1008i-dlection, Presidential, the Result _ _1232, 1239Electric Railway Service in Pezmsylvania_ _1716Electric Railroads and the Farm. See

Electric Ry. Section Sept. 28.Electric Railway Operation Economies.

See Electric Ry. Section Sept. 28.Electrical Exposition and Advance in Use

of Electricity (F. S.) 1078Employees Liability Constitutional Amend-ment Proposed in N. Y 3

England, Bank of, Advances Discount Rate(F S.) 1006

Experiment (Presidential Primaries) Failed.. 9Exports and Imports of Merchandise, &c. •

215, 458, 593, 792, 1450Express Rates and Inter-State CommerceCommission 204

Failures, Monthly Features of (F. 8.).. _78,324, 645, 928, 1234, 1495

Failures, Quarterly Returns 1097Fall River Cotton Manufacturing, Poor

Results in 1364Fall River Mill Dividends_ A9, 383, 723, 1514Fall River Wage Agitation (F. S.)._-_ _1434, 1496Farmers Responsibility for the High Cost

of Living (F. 8.)_ _382, 442, 776, 926, 938Fisher, Irving, Suggests New Monetary Unit

852, 1088, 1301Food, High Cost of 329Foreign Credits and the American Manu-

facturers' Export Association (F. S.) 777Foreign Money Markets (F. S.) 1155Foreign Trade, Monthly Features of (F. S.)

444, 709, 1003, 1354, 1643Foreign Trade of the U. S. in 1911-12 145French Premier's Visit to Russia (F. 8.) 384French Presidential Candidate (F. S.) 1707

Germany's Challenge to England and theWorld 203, 265

Goff, Justice, Stigmatizes Wall Street 1642Gold Imports and Exports (Monthly)_215,

458, 593, 792, 1450Gold Production in Nine Months of 1912_ _1085Gold Production of Transvaal. See Transvaal.Gold Standard, Irving Fisher suggests NewMonetary Unit 852, 1088, 1301

Government, Experiments in 449Government Finances for the Fiscal Year.. _ _ 83Government Functions, Tendency to Extend(F. S.) 320

Government Revenue and Expenditures_ 216,460, 597, 1097, 1376, 1725

Governmental Methods, Improving 861Governors' Conference.. 1582Grain Crops, Condition of. _ _ _77, 329, 645, 927Great Britain, Asquith Government Again

in Favor (F. S.) 1705Great Northern Ry.'s Favorable Report.. _,....1011

Hanford, Cornelius H., United States Dis-trict Judge, Resigns 207, 336

Harvests in 1912 1714Higher Wages and the Cost of Living 1506Home Rule Bill, Adverse Vote on Financial

Clause, &c. (F. S.) • 1296, 1356Home Rule Bill Passes Committee Stage(F. S.) 1571

Illinois Central RR. Report 786immigration and Emigration, Monthly Fea-

tures of (F. S.) 137, 269, 1295, 1568

Page.Imports and Exports, United States, Month-

ly 215, 458, 593, 792, 1450Income Tax in Wisconsin, Unpopular (F.S.)_ 708Income Tax Passed by Congress (F. 8.)__.._ 258Income Tax, A Suggestion Regarding 1717Industrial Activity, The Elements of 1439Inequalities, Leveling (Communicated)...._ _1506Insurance Act in Great Britain and the Doc-

tors (F. S.) 1646, 1706Insurance Business and Government Regula-tion1 505

Internationalism, Bright Side of 9Inter-State Commerce Commission and Car

Shortage Inter-State Commerce Commission and Ex-1233

press Rates 204Inventors, Some Revolutionary Plans of. _ 389Investment Bankers' Association 1365Investment Bankers, Coming Meeting of.. _ _ 268Investments and the Panama Canal 717Iron Ore Shipments, Lake Superior._ _91, 399,

Iron Production, Our Large, 51' 1994152' 1249, 1586

267Iron and Steel Trade Revfval (F. S.) 74Iron Trade, Marvelous Activity Due to New

Policy Regarding Prices 75, 1078Ives Case and Probable State Legislation(F. 5.) 1434

Jap a n , Cotton Manufacturing in 1166apan, Illness and Death of the Mikado(F. S.) __ 200, 259

Japan Steamship Service through- the Pan-ama Canal (F. 8.) 1646

Judicial Recall, Constitutional AmendmentAdopted in Arizona 1420

T abor in the Anthracite Regions 862B-.abor Conditions at Lawrence Textile Mills 150Labor Leaders Again Guilty of Contempt 208Legislative Happenings a Cause for Dejec-

tion (F. 8.) Lehigh Valley' RR. Report Living, High Cost of, and High Cost of Sell-1464522ing _ 1577

Living, High- Cost of, 'lice Important-Prob-lem of the Day, Farmers' Responsibility,&c. (F. S.) 380, 382, 442, 776, 926, 938

Living, High. Cost of, and the Politicians(F. .) 776

Living, High Cost of, Professor Fisher'sUnique Suggestion (F S.) 852, 1088, 1301

Locomotive Engineers, Award of ArbitrationCommissioners in Wage Matter a Disap-pointment (F. 8.) • 1432

Louisville & Nashville RR. Report 862

Rif agdalena Bay and the United Statesll'A (F. 8.) 260Mail, Railway Compensation for Carrying _1714Merchandise Imports and Exports (Monthly),

Mexican Congress, Closin2g1o5i (4F58. s, 593 , 792 , 1450. ) 1646

Mexican Situation again Disquieting (F. 8.) 1706Mexico, Disturbing Developments in (F. 8.),

5, 261, 385, 447, 508, 570, 647Mexico, No Special Session of Congress in reIntervention (F. S.) 856

Mexico, Revolt against Madero Collapses(F. S.)_ 1004, 1080

Mineral Wealtli:A-nnually -Wasted ___ U. S_ _ _ 589Monetary Reform (Book Notice) 1095Monetary Standard, New Unit Suggested byIrving Fisher_852, 1088, 1301

Monetary Unit, Stable, Prof. Fishers Planfor ____ 852, 1088, 1301

Money ________ at Remunerative Rates(F. S.) ______ __ 76

Money, No Tension ____ NotwithstandingUpheaval at Stock Exchange (F. S.) 1566

Money Stock in Country, 216, 461, 725,1097, 1376, 1724

Money Trust and Banking Control Statistic's,1656, 1717

Money Trust Inquiry and the Bankers Con-vention 6

Money Trust Inquiry, Power of Congressional50, 1642

Committee Analyzed 590, 721, 788, 864Money Trust Investigation. See Congress.Mongolia, Negotiations Between China and

Russia (F. S.) 1356Morgan, Mr. J. P., Appears Before MoneyTrust Investigators (F. S.)

1642Morocco, German Bombardment of Agadir (F. S.) 323

Mortgage Banks, Discussion at Conserva-tion Congress

1447Municipal Bond Sales (Monthly), 124, 432, 634, 697, 914, 1286, 1557

Municipal Functions, Extending, Means Ex-tending Their Legal Liability. See "Stateand City" Section Nov. 30.

Ne wspap er Publicity Features in Postal •Law, 393, 455, 521, 787, 884, 942,

1015, 1169, 1660New York Clearing House Revises Chargesfor Check Collections 1445, 1510

New York Constitutional Amendment Re-garding Employers Liability 3

New York, Problem of the Piers 1363New York Stock Exchange Listings,Half-Year 143New York Stock Exchange Share and Bond

Sales, 21, 275, 594, 867, 868, 1250, 1514New York Traffic Conditions 1154Nicaragua again Peaceful (F. S.) ' 1236Nicaraguan Revolution (F. 8.), 261, 385,

508, 570, 648, 712, 780, 930Norfolk & Western Report 652Northern Pacific Ry. in a Period of Depres-

1sion 086

nhlo Constitution Making 1361%-• hio, Constitutional Amendments in 576Oregon, Large Number of Propositions to BePassed on by Electorate (F. 8.) 1079

Pacific Ocean, Development Possibilities of 82

anama Canal Bill Discussions in Congress.See Congress.

Panama Canal Bill, Fight over (F. 8.) 261Panama Canal and Free Tolls for American

Ships (F. S.) 324, 384

Page.Panama Canal, Great Britain's Attitude(F. S.) 78, 137, 199, 570, 930, 1569

Panama Canal Bill Signed by President Taft446, 506, 511

Panama Canal and Investments 717Panama Canal Opening Date Fixed (F. SO 711Panama Canal, Pres. Taft Proclaims Tolls.. ..1369Panama Canal, Treaty Rights Not Involved

in Tolls on Coastwise Ships 506Panama Canal, the Whole World GettingReady for Its Opening 711

Peabody (George) College for Teachers andIts Needs 87

Peace Conferences 1649Pennsylvania, Electric Railway Service In.. _1716Pennsylvania RR. Mr. Rea Succeeds Mr.McCrea as President (F S.) 1294

Pennsylvania Semi-Centennial of War 776Pension and Other Benefit Plans by Cor-

porations (F. S.) 1704Petroleum, The Coming of 451Piers, New York The Problem of_ __ _1362, 1704Political Campaign 573Politics and Business, Pragmatism in 1009Population, Urban, Growth of 142Portugal, Attempt to Restore the Monarchy(F. S.) 79

Postal Savings and the Banks 715Postal Savings Deposits, Amount of 1369Postal Savings Deposits Not Preferred inNew York 1247

Post Office, Suggested Exclusion from Mailsof Clearing Houses and Stock Eschanges_ _1574

Presidential Campaign of 1912 1160Presidential Primariesja Failed Experiment 9Presidents, Ex-, Pensions for 1441President's Message (F. S.) 1496Progressive Party Convention (F. 5.) 321Public Utilities, Valuing 266Public Utility Enterprises, Capital Absorp-

tions of 1162

Radicalism a Menace to Trade Activity.. _ _1642ailroad Earnings, Gross (monthly)_- -85,

333, 654, 940, 1307, 1578Railroad Earnings, Gross, Half-Year 1912


Railroad Earnings, Net (monthly)_ 147, 391,653, 1013, 1306, 1654

Railroad Locomotive Engineers Demand forHigher Wages-Award of Arbitrators___ _1432

Railroad Net Earnings for the Half-Year _ _ _ 516Railroad Regulation Must Not Be Strangu-

lation 1,651Railroad Repression, Accomplishments of _ _1010Railroad "Safety First" Convention 136Railroads Defrauded through Misstatement ,

of Character of Shipments (F. 8)1 197Railroads, Economy and Safety on, Em-

ployees Desired to Help (F. S.) 444Railroads, Electric. See Electric.Railroads and the Large Crops and CarShortage (F. 8.) 1233

Railroads and Water-Carriage Connections.See Railway and Industrial Sec. Oct. 26.

Railway, Harriman Lines Invite Suggestionsfor Safety of Employees 444

Railway Mail Compensation 1714Railway Safety Movement. See Railwayand Industrial Section Oct. 26.

Railway Service, Electric, in Pennsylvania_ _1716Railway and the Shipper 1085Railway Shippers' Practices-Investigationsby Edward S. Meade 197

Railway Statistics of the United States forYear Ending June 30 1911 • 270

Reading RR. Report 784Recall as Applied to the Judiciary (F. 8.)_ _ _1154Reid, Whitelaw, Death of (F. S.) 1646Roosevelt, Attempted Assassination of (F.S.)1002Roosevelt Convention in State of New York 644Roosevelt and the Tariff (F. S.) 568Roosevelt, Third Party, Call for Organiza-

tion (F. 8.) 75Roosevelt, Third Party Organized (F. 8.) 321Roosevelt and Wilson Contrasted 327Russia Agrees to Negotiating New Treaty

with United States (F. S.) 711Russia and America, Status Quo to Be Main-

tained until End of Taft Administration(F. S.) 1297

Russia, French Premier's Visit to (F. 8.)- - 384Russia, Rights of American Citizens in (F.S.)1646Russian Troops Being Mobilized (F. 8.)...._ _1435Russia's Future Commercial Policy Towardthe United States (F. 8.) 1498

Russia's Naval Appropriation (F. S.) ' 5Russo-American Treaty, A Year's Extensionof (F S.) 1080

"Ste First" Convention yntjo)n of Bait. & Ohio 136

San Francisco Employees

and Exports of Goldand Silver 20, 214, 724, 1374

Santo Domingo Endeavors to TranquilizeAffairs (F. S'.) 1156

Savings Bank Deposits, Aggregates forCountry 1170

Savings Bank Trustee Cannot also be Trusteeof Church Which Borrows from Bank_ __ _ 15

Servia. See Turkey.Servia and Austria, Tension Between (F 8.)

1356, 9645Silver Imports and Exports (monthly) _215,

458, 593, 792, 1450Socialism, the Contribution of 1442Socialism's Offer of Six-Hour Working Day(F. S.)136

Socialistic Strike in Belgium (F. S.) 780South American Progress 515Southern Pacific-Holdings of Shares of byUnion Pacific Declared. Violates Anti-TrustLaw 1494, 1502

Southern Ry.'s Continued Progress 935Spain's Prime Minister Assassinated (F. 8.)_1297Stanley Steel Committee Report Disturbing(F S.) 196, 338

Stock Market Advances After the Election(F. S.) 1232

Stock Markets and the Balkan War 1083Stock Shares, Specific Performance of Con-

tracts to Convey 1166Stock, Subscriptions to, and Agreement for

Repurchase by the Corporation 390

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Page.Sub-Treasury Figures Unreliable 1566Suez Canal Rate War (F. S.) 507Sugar Substitute Bill Passed by Senate 271Syracuse Convention of the Progressive

Party (F. S.) 644

'r aft on the Issues of the Campaign 263A aft, Pres., Suggests a National Budget andEconomy 150, 721, 861., 864

Taft, Pres., Urges Agricultural Credit Sys-tem1015

Tariff Legislation. See Congress.Tariff More of an Issue in the PresidentialCampaign (F 5.) 926

Tariff a Red Herring, Says Roosevelt 568Tariff Revision, Danger of Settling It With-out Reducing Duties on Farm Products 926

Titanic Disaster, British Inquiry Concluded(F. S.) 5

Titanic Disaster, Judgment Of BritishBoard of Trade 272

Trade Activity Jeopardized by DisturbingCriticisms 1642

Trade Activity, Revival is Due to NewPolicy in Steel Industry 74, 1078

Transvaal Gold Production (F. S.)_ _137,383, 710, 1355

Treasury Currency Holdings. See Currency.Treasury (U. S.) Report 1500

Page.Tripolitan War, Favorable Prospects forPeace (F. 5.)_..200, 260, 323, 385, 446,

508, 569, 647, 711, 1004Trumbull, Frank, on the Evolution of Busi-

ness Methods 1445Trust Company Reports in New YorkEmasculated 320

Trust Company Returns, New York, Re-stricted by New Supt. of Banks (F. S.)... 320

Trusts, the Control of (Book Review) 1241Turkey Declares War Against Servia and

Bulgaria (F. S.) 1003Turkey Apparently to be Driven Out ofEurope (F. S.) 1235

Turkeys Internal Troubles (F. S.) 323Turkish Reverses Fail to Exert a Depressing

Influence (F. S.) 1155

Union Pacific in a Year of Unfavorable Con-ditions 1575

Union Pacific-Southern Pacific Merger HeldIllegal by Supreme Court 1494, 1502

Urban Population, Growth of 142U. S. Constitution, Defence by SenatorHenry Cabot Lodge 783

u. S. Government Deposits, Increase Sug-gested 510, 857, 1508, 1566, 1660

U. S. Senate Declares Policy Regarding.- Foreign Naval Stations in America 260

Page.U. S. Debt Statement. See Debt.U. S. Steel Corporation Showing (F. 74U. S. Steel Corporation's Unfilled Orders,

1311, 1586U S. Treasury Report 1500

Vocational Guidance 1711

wage Increase, Voluntary, by U. S. SteelCorporation (F. S.) 1704

War (Balkan) and the Stock Markets 1083War Governors' Conference, Semi-Centennial

of (F. S.) 776Water Carriage Connections and Railroads-

See "Railway and Industrial" Section Oct. 26.Wilson, President-elect, His Probable Atti-tude 1232

Wilson, President-Elect, Talks about Panic_1643Wilson and Roosevelt Contrasted 327Wilson, Woodrow, Owes His Nomination toBryan (F. S.) 2

Wilson's, Governor, Political Views 859Winter Wheat Condition (F. S.) 1568Wisconsin, Income Tax Unpopular in State(F. S.) 708

Yoakum, B. F., on Agricultural Producerand Railroads (F. S.) 506



Agnew, Andrew G. Death of_ 943gricultural Appropriation Bill 394

Agricultural and ConservationCongress 1446

Agricultural Credit System,1015, 1582, 1719

Agricultural Development andEducation 1016

American Bankers' Assn., 151,395, 523, 589, 656, 720

American Bankers' Assn., Uni-formity in Clearing-House Re-turns 89

American Bank Note Co 211American Institute of Banking,

397, 592, 720, 864, 1173, 1583American Shipbuilding Co 1721Anthracite Coal, Increased Prices

Investigated 272, 1447Appraisers, General Board of,New Appointment 1091

Appraisers of Merchandise (For-eign) to be investigated, 456,

1015, 1246Appropriations for Fiscal Year1911-12 Continued One Month,

14, 392Archbald, Judge, impeachmentrecommended and trial. 88,

149, 336, 523Army Appropriation Bill again

passed and signed, 14, 393, 522Army Manoeuvers Appropria-

tion 14, 88Atterbury, John T., Death of. _1583

Babson, Roger W 1448B./aeon, Francis M., Death of 790Bank Deposit Guaranty Law-Colorado 943Oklahoma 1171

Bank Employees' salaries andefficiency 1310

Bank (National) examinationsto be made more effective_


Bankers Trust Co. of New York,form of voting trust 1581

Banking Business in Maryland 15Banking Law Journal Digest_ ..1374Banks, tendency towards con-

solidation of 1719Barker, Nelson E., Death of. ...1094Battleships voted for 394, 455Billposters and Distributers ofU. S. and Canada, suit for dis-solution of 456

Bills of Lading 15, 209, 455Blair Bros 943, 1371Bodine, George I., Death of. .... -1661Brown, Alex. & Sons (Balt.)__-... 865Budget, National, Pres. Taft Or-

ders preparation of estimates_ 721Bullard, Willard Austin, Death

of 1372

Californla National Banks de-barred in matter of deposits 591

California State Banking Report,Recommendations 1370

Canadian Reciprocity 337Candy Combine, Suits to dis-

solve 1246, 1370, 1720Capital and Rates, relation be-between 1092

Carpathia's Captain Thanked byCongress 14, 88

Carroll, Rev. David H., Death offChamber of Commerce of U. S__ 152Chamber of Commerce, Inter-

national Congress 864Cement Companies in Texas

charged with combining in re-straint of trade 1660

Chemical Schedule Revision De-feated in Senate 14

Chemistry, Bureau of 1169,1718Chicago Butter and Egg Board...1660Chicago Stock Exchange 457Chinese Laundrymen in restraint

of trade 208Clark, James S., Death of 1093Clearing-House Bank Examina-

tions, address by Mr. JamesB. Forgan 1583

Close, George W. Death of_- - - 523Clouston, Sir Edward, Death of_1450Coal-See Anthracite, Rre' 4041PVI •Coffee Exchange protests at billI aimed at so-called "Coffeer Trust" 1720Coffee Trust, Govt. Suit to Dis-

solve 1509Coke interests being investigated 456Colorado Bankers' Association_ 153


Commerce, Bureau, Foreign andDomestic, new head 523

Commerce Court and President'sVeto 393

Congress Adjourns, work of thesession 520

Congress to be convened in extrasession in the spring 1368

Congress in session again 1508Connor & Co 457Continental & Commercial Safe

Deposit Co. (Chicago) 153Cooke, Jay Jr., Death of 1661Corbin, William H., Death of... 790Corporation Tax decisions by Treasury 15, 1091

Corporation Tax Law, decision byJudge Chatfield 209

Cotton Bills of Lading-See Billsof Lading.

Cotton Futures, Bill forbiddingdealings in passed by House 150

Cotton Schedule passes theHouse and Senate 337, 393

Credit Men, Nat. Assn of 1170Criss, Hugh F 398Cunningham, Briggs S., death of 1449Currency Legislation, bankers toappear before Banking andCurrency Committee 1582

Dale, Thomas H., Death of..... _ _ 592anbury Hatters'Case Re-tried,&c 591, 1016. 1370

Darrow, Clarence S., Acquitted,456, 591

Depositors, Surety Bonds toProtect 591

Dow, Stephen R., & Co., Assign-ment of, &c 790. 944, 1173

Duane, James May, Death of.Duluth Stock Exchange Out of

Business 1448Dynamite Cases Trial at Indian-

apolis 1017, 1509

Eames, Francis L., Death of. _1310ckert, Charles M., Death of.. 722

Economy and Efficiency Com-mission 150, 864

Elgin (Ill.) Board of Trade Suitto Dissolve 1721

Equitable Casualty & Bank De-positors' Guarantee Co. (Co-lumbus, O.) 592,723

Equitable Life Assurance Society,397, 1510, 1721

Farmers' Duty to Increase Ag-ricultural Efficiency 1446

Farmers' Interest Rate, It Is Con-tended, Does Not Average% for Borrowed Money_ _ _1170

Farming, Intensive, as a Remedyfor High Cost of Living 1719

Fidelity Sc Casualty ,Co 1660Fidelity & Deposit Co. (Balt.). - 944Fischer, Charles R., Death of 457Food Prices. High Pres. Taft

Declares Wave is SubsidingHere 1091

Freeman, James G., Death of. -1584Freight Bill to Determine Justand Reasonable Uniform Clas-sification 455

Government Appropriations Ex-tended 336

Government Laborers to WorkOnly Eight Hours, Text ofLaw 272

Governors and AgriculturalCredit System 1582

Griscom, Clement A., Death of..1311

Hall, Henry W., Death of_ _1584anford, Judge, Resigns.. .207, 336

Hanson, S Death of 276Harris, N. W., on ConditionsAbroad 210

Harris Safe Deposit Co 273Hermann, Ferdinand, Death of. 790Holidays on the Exchanges-520.

943, 1169, 1717Howard, John D,. & Co., Balt 339Hudson, Joseph L., Death of. _ _ 90Hyde, Charles II., Convicted of

Bribery and Sentenced_1510, 1584

Illinois Bankers' Assoc'n_ _ _723, 791mmigration, Burnett BillPassed1718

Income Tax (House Excise TaxBill) Passed 271

Indiana Bankers' Association._ _1171


Industrial Relations, InquiryInto 150, 394, 457. 1718

Inland Exchange, New YorkClearing-House Investigation_1445

Insurance Law of N. Y. State,Section 142 Declared Uncon-stitutional 1447

Investment Bankers' Ass'n ofAmerica_ _151. 210, 271, 335,720, 722. 1017, 1092, 1171,

1310, 1365, 1445

irennings, John G., Death of... _ _ 8664.F ury Trial, Clayton Bill 88

Vansas City (Mo.) Fruit Sr Pro-L% duce Exchange Held to be

a Combination in Restraintof Trade 1017

Kansas State Bank Examiner _1723Kansas State Banks, Qualifica-

tions of Cashiers, &c 1370Kennedy, H. Van Rensselaer,Death of 152

Kentucky State Bank Commis-sioner 15

Kentucky State Banks Not toHold Stocks as Investment.. _1017

Kleybolte, Rudolph 1584Knight Robert, Death of 1448Koon,Judge Martin B., Death of 523

Labor, Department of 149aittre, de, John, Death of... 791

Landis, Guy C., Death of 866Lawrence Strike Investigation,

Report 150Legislative, Executive and Ju-

dicial Supply Bills_ _393, 455,1509, 1580

Lewis, Henry G., Death of 523Little, William, Death of 1449Little, William C., Death of_ __ -1662Living, Cost of, Inquiry into,

395, 789, 1719Loans, Excessive, by NationalBanks, Comptroller's Statem't1169

Los Angeles Clearing4louseAss'n 457Louisiana and the High Cost of

Living 1660

McClung, Lee, Resigns as Treas-urer of United States 1309

McGill, John D Death of 1511Mails, Using to Defraud, ArrestsMade 1369

Manhattan Life Insurance Co 1172Mathews, Bertram, Death of__ _ 273Meats, Unwholesome, Indict-ments for Shipping 457, 657

Meeker, Claude 1370Metal Schedule of Tariff Vetoed,

337, 393Mining Corporations in Coloradoand Corporation Tax Laws... 942

Minnesota Bankers' Association_1661Mississippi Farmers' Union 1172Mitchell, John, Am. Federationof Labor, Sentenced 208

Mitchell Leander P., Death of_1580Montclair, N. J., Clearing-House Association 209

Morgan, J. P., & Co 89Morgan, William Cole, Death of.1584Monetary Systems, the World's

Principal 789Money Market, Resolution Di-

recting Sec. of Treas. to Re-lieve, Introduced in Congress,

1508, 1660Money Trust Inquiry-590, 721,

788, 864, 1170, 1246, 1368,1508, 1580, 1659

Mortgage Banks 1447Moyer, Edward Evans, Death of 153Mutual Life Insur. Co., N. Y 1717

Mational Banks, see also "Banks."ational Bank Examiners- -89.

152, 789 1092, 1584National Bank Examination Re-

ports Uniform 151National Bank Inquiries (Pujo)- 272Nat. Citizens' League, Alms of_ 394National Debts of the World... 212National Safe Deposit Co.( Chl.)1248National Surety Co 1248Naval Appropriation Bill_88, 207,455Neuhaus & Co. (Galveston) _ 274Newburger, Henderson & Loeb(Philadelphia) 18

Newell, Zenas E , Death of 1722New Jersey Bankers' Associa'n_1170


New Jersey Commission of Bank-ing and Insurance 1171

New Orleans Stock Exchange__ - 15Newspapers and the Post Office

Appropriation Bill_ _787, 864,942, 1015, 1169, 1660

New York Clearing-HouseAss'n,864, 1510

New York Life Insurance Co 722New York Mercantile Exchange 394New York Produce Exchange

Safe Deposit & Storage Co__ _1510N. Y. State Bank

Examiners_. _ 457

New York State Banking Dep'tat the State Fair 590

New York State Banking LawAmendment and Real EstateLoans 1246

N. Y. State Savings Bank Ass'n_1172N. Y. Stock Exchange.864, 1510, 1580Nimlet, David C., Death of.. _1372

Ober, Gen. Robt., Death of... 592hio Bankers' Assn 15

Ohio constitutional amendmentas to use of words "bank," &c_1248

Ohio State banking institutionsand the Act regulating reserves 789

Oklahoma State bank assessmentof ji of 1% 722

Oleson, Leonard, citizenship re-stored 657

Panama Canal Bill Signed 521anama Canal Message 337

Panama Canal, N. Y. Chamber ofCommerce action 1509

Panama Canal Toll Rates 1369Palfrey, William, Death of 19Patent Laws of the U. S.,amended 150

Pennsylvania Bankers' Assn_ 16Penn. Co. for Insurances on

Lives and Granting Annuities(Philadelphia) 1173

Pension Appropriation Billamended 394, 455

Pensioning Widows and MinorChildren of Spanish-AmericanWar Veterans 1580

Phila. Stock Exchange 339Philippine Islands Self-Supporting208Pitts Bros. & Co. (Balt.) 457Pittsburgh Traveling Exposition 398Postal Savings Bank Funds not

preferred deposits in N. Y.savings banks 1247

Postal Savings Bank System,209, 1369

Post Office Appropriation BillPassed and signed, &c., 455,

521, 787Powers, George C., Death of. _ _ 90President Taft's Secretary 149Press Associations enjoined fromforming a combination 456

Prentiss, Frederick W., death of 1093Private Banks, New York, call

for condition report 589 'Private Bankers in N. Y. Stateand use of name "Bank" 1247

Property or Credit, obtaining ofby false statements a misde-meanor 589

Prudential Insurance Co. of Am.(Newark, N. J.) 16

Railroads, physical valuationbill passes House 1509

Read, Wm. A. & Co 865Reuss. Charles C., Death of. _ _ _1585Reynolds, Sheldon C., death of.Rivers and Harbors Appropria-

tion Bill 150Robin, Joseph G., not to escapepunishment 1510

Rodes, J. Walter, Death of 944Rostron, Capt., Thanked byCongress 14,88

Royal Securities Corp. of Can-ada, Ltd. (Montreal) 791

St. Louis Fruit & Produce Exch.1582avings Bank Deposits in U. 8_1170

Savings Banks (N. Y.) and Main-tenance of adequate reservefunds 1509

Savings Banks reducing interestrates 864

Savings Bank trusteeships de-fined 15

Savings and Thrift, campaign ofEducation on 1583

Schwab, Gustav H., death Of. - _1310

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Securities Auction at Chicago_ _ _ 722Senate, Presidents pro tempore_1718Sherman, James S. (Vice-Pres.

of U. S.), death of 1168"Shipping Trust" Inquiry 456. Smith, Edward B., & Co. (Phil.) 339Smith, Herbert Knox, resigns asCommissioner of Corpora'ns 149

Smith, Robert A., death of 154South Carolina's Bankers' Assn- 89South Carolina-Right of Gov-

ernor to remove State BankExaminer is denied by Court_ _1092

Sprague, Alfred D., death of_ _ 657State Funds in defunct banks

preferred over ordinary depos-itors 1447

Stock Transfer Tax ruling by N.Y. State Atty.-Gen.. _ _ _209, 1719.

Stock Transfer Tax stamps de-cision by N. Y. State Court ofAppeals 1171

Stollenwerck, Frank, death of. 339S tolzenbach , Conrad, death of.. .1449Sugar Bill passed by Senate 271Sundry Civil Approbriation Billsigned 522

Tariff Board Abolished 522A ariff Board, Appropriation for,

&c 88, 149, 271Tariff Revision, Dates for Hear-

ings on 1580Testamentary Rights WhereTrustCompany Named in Will_ _ _1247

Texas Anti-Trust Law Violations1721Texas State Banks and Exami-

nations 1017Texas State Banks to Keep State-ment of Average Deposits.. _ _ _ 591

Titanic-Report of British Courtof Inquiry 272

Tobacco, American-Grown, In-quiry into Foreign Buying of,

394, 523Treasury-A. Piatt Andrews Re-

signs and Successor Appointed,14, 88, 149

Turner, Albert E 339

U.S. Steel Investigation andLegislation 338U. S. Treasurer, New, &c 1368

Veal, Immature, Fines forShipping 864, 943

War'Clonfmlirtel.Ilse of, on Market

Willetts, John T., Death of 1371Wireless Telegraphy, Regulation

of 150,456Wisconsin Life Ins. Dept. Issuing

Policies & Annuity Contracts.. 1092Woods, John W. Death of 1723

RWool Schedule evision VotedDown by Senate 208

Wool echedule Vetoed by Presi-dent and Passed by HouseOver Veto 336, 392

Wool Schedule, President's VetoSustained by Senate 455

young, Col. Hugh, Death of.. _1093


Aetna Nat 339, 1172, 1722lbany County (Albany, N. Y.)1584

All Night & Day (Los Angeles)._ _ 658All Night & Day (Memphis).

1094, 1512American Exchange Nat 272American Exchange & Savings(Baltimore) 1585

American Nat (El Paso, Tex.)._ 945American Nat. (Macon) 1374American Nat. .(t. Paul) 1373American Say. (Lansing, Mich.) 274American State (Terre Haute) _ _ 398Anglo-South American, Ltd.(London) 791, 1095

Ashland State (Chicago) _458, 723Athens (Ga.) Trust & Bank'gCo _1723Atlantic City (N. J.) Nat_ 398Atlantic Nat. (Boston)_211, 274, 592Audubon Nat 1371Augusta (Ga.) Nat 91Austin State (Chicago) 90

Bakersfield (Cal.) altimore Banking Institutions'Interest Rates

Baltimore (Md.) Nat Battery Park Nat Boatmen's (St. Louis)


153, 1661790

524Boise (Idaho) State 944Bowmanville Nat. (Lincoln,I11.) 1449Bridgeport (Conn.) Savings.... _ _1093British North America (Canada),

1174. 1374Broadway (Brooklyn) 17Broadway (St. Louis) 1723Broadway Nat. (Nashville) 458Broadway Nat. (St. Louis) 90Brooklyn (N. Y.) 398

Capital Nat. (Indianapolis) _ _ 18apital Nat. (Sacramento) 723

Capitol Nat. (Guthrie, Okla.) _ _ 944Central Manufacturing District

State (Chicago) 657, 944Central Nat. (Columbus, 0.)..... 398Central Nat. (Richmond)Central Nat. St. Louis) Central Savings (Detroit)Century Charleston (S. C.) Chase Nat Chatham & Phoenix Nat Chelsea Exchange Chemical Nat


Chicopee Nat. (Springfield, Hill, Inc. (Richmond) _ _1585Citizens' Central Nat_16, 1248, 1661Citizens' & Southern (Augusta.Ga.) 657Citizens' & Southern (Savannah),

154, 945Citizens' State (Mihneapolls).. _ _1450Citizens' Trust & Savings (Los

Angeles) 1094


City, Nat 1248, 1 60City, Nat. (Baltimore) 1585City, Nat. (Cleveland)_ _18, 212,

City Nat. (Columbus,70230, 1372, 1661 657

City Nat. (Omaha) 1662City, Nat. (Salt Lake City)__ _ _1019City, Nat.jSeattle) 658Claremont Jersey City) 17Cleveland at. Banks, Growth of1373Colonial 1721Columbia Bank & Savings Co.(Cincinnati) 1723

Colonial Trust & Savings (Chic.) 657Columbia Nat. (Buffalo)_ _ _339, 790Columbia Nat. (Pittsburgh)._

- _1018

Commerce, Canadian (Toronto),1095, 1724

Commerce, Nat 790, 1448, 1661Commerce, Nat. (Houston)

_- - _ 154

Commerce, Nat. (Kansas City),153, 213

Commerce, Nat. (Providence) _ _1722Commerce, Nat. (St. Louis)..--- 212Commercial Nat. (Columbus,0.) 273Commercial Nat. (L. I. City). _1661Commercial Nat. (Macon) 154Commercial Nat. (Minneapolis),

458, 723Commercial Nat. (Washington,D. C.) 212

Commercial Nat. (Waterloo, Ia.) 153Continental & Commercial Nat.(Chicago). _18, 395, 457, 722,

944, 1248, 1373Continental Nat. (Indianapolis) 593Corn Exchange 865Corn Exch. Nat. (Phila.) _ _1248, 1717Cuba, Nat. (Havana, &c.) _ _458, 791Cumberland Nat. (Portland,Me.) 865

Des Moines (Ia.) Nat 944eater Horton Trust & Say-


ings (Seattle) Dime Sayings (Detroit) Dominion (Canada) Douglas State (Chicago) 1511Drovers' Deposit Nat. (Chicago)

1511, 1723Drovers' Nat. (Kansas City).- 398Drovers' State (East St. Louis,

III.) 1248

EVast Side State (Milwaukee) -.1585hot Nat. (Boston)1093. 1173, 1511Elyria (0.) Banking & Say. Co.. 212Escompte et he Depots (Lausanne)339

chExange (New Orleans) 0

Exchange Nat. (Little Rock) _ _ _ 593

rarmers', of Canada (Toronto)-1095armers' & Drovers' Nat.(Waynesburg, Pa.) 1723

Farmers' & Mechanics' Nat.(Philadelphia) 273

Farmers' & Mechanics SavingsMinneapolis) 1173, 1373

Farmers' & Mechanics' Savings(Sacramento) 1585

Farmers' Nat. (Annapolis, Md.) 592First Nat 1661First Nat. (Albany) 790, 1722First Nat. (Birmingham) 91First Nat. (Boston)_ _90, 1173,

1370, 1371First Nat. (Brooklyn) 90First Nat. (Capitol Hill, Okla.)_1015First Nat. (Cleveland) •First Nat. (Columbus, 0.) 1444597First Nat (Detroit) 18First Nat (Grand Forks, N. D.).. 791First Nat. (Greenfield, Mass.)_ _1372First Nat. (Milwaukee)_ __ _273, 1248First Nat. (Pensacola) 1512First Nat. (Phila.) 212, 1661First Nat. (Pittsburgh)_

- _722, 1018

First Nat. (Richmond)__1-9, 153,274, 593

First Nat. (St. Paul) 1173, 1248, 1373First Nat. (Tenafly, N. J.) 1583First Nat. (Tipton, Ind.)

1732982First Nat. (Utica, N. Y.) First Nat. (Wilmington, Del.).... 153First Nat. of Birmingham (Pitts.) 153First Nat. of Buchanan County(St. Joseph, Mo.) 866

Flatbush (Brooklyn)1018Flushing (L. I.) Nat_ 1248, 1371, 1584Foreman Bros. Banking Co.(Chicago) 866

Fort Dearborn Trust & (Chic.). 657Fourth Atlantic Nat. (Boston)._ 592Fourth Nat 1172Fourth Nat. (Boston)_211, 274,

Fourth Nat. (Cin.) 457, 592

212Fourth Nat. (Macon) 1374Fourth & First Nat. (Nashville) 91Franklin Nat. (Phila.) 18Franklin Trust & Say. (Chic.)_ _1511

f • arfield Park Trust & Savings%.11 (Chicago) 90George W. Hallock (Bath, N.Y.) 211German (Baltimore) 398, 944German (Sheboygan, Wis.) 19German-American 339German-American Nat. (New 0.) 91German-American, Nat. (St.Paul) 1311, 1585

German Nat. (Peoria) 398German Savings (Brooklyn).. _1371German Savings (Des M.)..153, 1173Germantown Avenue (Phila.)- _1723Girard Nat. (Phila.) 1717Globe Savings (Los Angeles)___ -1724Gotham Nat 1583Grand Rapids (Mich.) Nat City_1248Grand Rapids (Mich.) Savings 524Greenwich 1661

Hamilton National 152amilton Nat. (Chattanooga)_ 19

Hanover National 17, 339Harris Trust & Savings(Chicago)

398, 593, 1373, 1585Hartford (Conn.) Nat 790, 1448Hayden-Clinton Nat. (Colum-bus, Ohio) 1248

Hellman Commercial Trust &Savings (Los Angeles) 658

Hibernia (Savannah) 213Hochelega, d' (Montreal) '1662


Hong Kong & Shanghai BankingCorporation 152, 789

Hyde Park State (Chicago) .273, 398

I llinois Trust & Say. (Chicago)..1094ndia Australia & China 722

Indiana Nat. (Indianapolis) 18Indiana State (Indianapolis)... -1373Industrial Sayings & Loan Co.__ 16International 1661Internat. Banking Corp .._ _943, 1721Internationale du Canada.. ..945, 1174Irving Nat _152, 790, 943, 1310, 1722Irving Savings Institution 1659

Iefferson County Savingsmingham, Ala.) 214, 399

Vent State (Grand Rapids,IN. Mich.) 592

Lake Charles (La.) Trust & Say. 152a Salle St. Nat. (Chic.) _ _723,' 1094

La Salle Street Trust & Savings(Chicago) 866, 1094

Lincoln National 1371Live Stock Exch. Nat. (Chicago)1585Logan Square Tr. & Say. (Chic.)1094London (Mexico & South Amer-

ica) 791, 1095Los Angeles (Cal.) HibernianSavings 1723

Lowry National (Atlanta) 213

RA'acon (Ga.) National_ _ _ _723, 945Manchester (Vt.) National.. 1374Manhattan Company 1661Marine National (Baltimore)__ _1585Market St. Nat. (Philadelphia)_1722Market Trust & Say. (Chicago). 593Mechanics' & Metals' National

722, 1172, 1371, 1582Mechanics' Nat. (Baltimore )......1448Mechanics' Say. (Toledo)_ _723, 1511Mechanics' & Traders' State(Chicago) 458, 593

Mechanics' Trust & Say.(Dallas) 658Mellon Nat. (Pittsburgh)_ _ _273, 790Mercantile Trust & Say. (Chic.)_ 18Merchants' (Canada) ........1512, 1724Merchants' & Clerks' Say. (Tol.)1449Merchants' & Manufacturers'(Milwaukee) 657

Merchants' & Mechanics' Nat.(Baltimore) 1448

Merchants' National 152, 1371Merchants' Nat. Baltimore)_ _1448Merchants Nat. Boston)_943, 1018Merchants' Nat. Fargo, N. D.)1374Merchants' Nat. Los Angeles)..1094Merchants' Nat. Newark) _17, 153Merchants Nat. St.Joseph,Mo) 866Merchants' Nat. (St. Paul).1311,

1449, 1585Metropolitan (Toronto) 1174Milwaukee (Wis.) Nat 2'73, 593Minneapolis (Minn.) State_ 19Molson's (Montreal)___399,-4-5-8;

1174, 1585Montreal (Canada)_ _723, 1174, 1512Mutual 1584

Massau, Nat 16, 152I lational Discount Co. (London)154New Brunswick (Can.). _ _1095, 1174New Netherlands 790New Orleans (La.) Nat 91New York (N. B. A.)

- __A172, 1661

New York State Nat. (Albany)_1584Night & Day (Little Rock) 1174Night & Day (Oklahoma City). 723North America (Okla.) 1448North Side (Brooklyn) 1661North Side State Savings (Chic.)1511Northern 1248Northern Crown (Canada) 214Northern Illinois Trust & Sav-ings (Chicago) 866

Northern Liberties, Nat. (Phila.)1173Northwestern Nat. (Minneap-

olis) 723, 866Northwestern Nat. (Phila.)___ _1585Nova Scotia (Halifax)_399, 1095,

1174, 1662

Ogden Ave. State (Chicago)___ 944Id Detroit (Mich.) Nat.1093, 1511

Omaha (Neb.) State 398, 1373Ottawa (Canada) 458Oyster Bay (L. I.) 152

acific Nat. (Tacoma) 1662ark (Los Angeles)

Peninsular State (Detroit) _ _398,866, 1723

People's (East Orange, N. J.)___ 398People's Nat. (Boston) 1372People's Nat. (Kan. City, Kan.).1585People's Stock Yards State (Chic.)398People's Trust & Savings (Chi-cago) 90, 1585

Phila. (Pa.) Nat 592Portland (Me.) Nat 865Private Banks in Chicago and

State Control 1093Prospect Park (Brooklyn) 1018

Quebec (Montreal) 1742

Ravenswood Nat. (Chicago) 212eserve, Nat 16

Richmond (Va.) Trust & Say-ings 339, 1249, 1448

Rogers Park (Ill.) Nat 593Royal (Canada) 593. 658, 1585

San Antonio (Tex.) Nat 658candlnavian-American (St.P.)1373

Seattle (Wash.) Nat 1095, 1724Second Nat. (Allegheny, Pa.)_ _ _1723Second Nat. (Boston) 211, 1372Second Nat. (Cin.) 18. 90, 212,

592, 944, 1373Second Nat. (New Haven)1448, 1661Second Nat. (Phila.) 1723Second Nat. (St. Paul) 657,

944 1094Second Ward Savings (Milw.).

, _1723

Shasta Co. (Redding, Cal.)____ _ 658Shawmut, Nat. (Boston). _ _153.

,Sixth Ward

(Atlanta1)093, 1173

1722213, 723South End Nat. (Boston) 1372


Southwest Nat. (Kansas City),153, 213, 1249,

Southwest Nat. of Commerce(Kansas City) 213, 274

Southwest Trust & Savings (Chi .) 18Standard (Canada) 791, 1662Standard of South Africa 592State (Chicago) 153State of Italy (Chicago) 523State Nat. (Boston) 1372State Savings 339, 943State and City, Nat. (Richmond,

Va.) 723State Nat. (Boston)_ _ _ _ _ _943, 1018Stock Yards Bank of Commerce(Kansas city) 1511

Stock Yards Nat. (St. Paul)_90, 274Swedish-American State (Chi.)_1585Swiss Bankverein (Basle) 339

Teutonia Bank & (New Ori.)_ ..274hird Nat. (St. Louis) 19,

154, 657, 1450Toronto (Canada) 1249Traders' of Canada (Toronto)91, 593Tr-County Banking Co. (Potts-town, Pa.) 153

UT nion (Milwaukee) Union Discount Co. (London). 154Union of London (England) andSmith's 214

Union Nat. (Boston) 153Union Nat. (Grand Forks, N. D.) 791Union Nat. (Newport R. I.) _ _1172Union Savings (Pittsburgh) _ __ _1511Union State (Muskegon, Okla.). 657Union Stocks Yards (Buffalo)_- 911United Banking & Savings Co.(Cleveland) 212

U. S. Nat. (Pittsburgh) 18, 153U. S. Nat. (San Diego, Cal.)._ _1094

Virginia, Nat. (Richmond),153, 274, 593

luashington Savings 1721VV ashington Trust & Savings

(Seattle) 791West Englewood-Ashland State(Chicago) 723

West Englewood State (Chl.)458, 723West Town State (Chicago)._ _ _ 593Western German (Cln.) 1511Wilmington (Del.) and Brandy-

wine Nat 153Windham Co. Savings (Daniel-son, Conn.).. 398

Windsor Locks (Conn.) Savings..1448Woodhaven (L. I.) 1172

Yokohama (Japan) Specie_ _ _ _1095ough Nat. (Connellsville,Pa.)1093


Albany (N. Y.) 1584merican (Boston) 592, 1173

American Bank & (Bridgeport)_1371American Bank & (Portland, Ore.) 458Astor 1510

BBaltimore (Md.) 398ankers' Waco, Tex.) 791

Belmont (Philadelphia) 1585Boston (Mass.) Safe Deposit &- 865Broadway 17, 592, 1371Brookline (Mass.) 1584, 1722

Cambridge (Mass.) 1372amden (N. J.) Safe Deposit & 17

Canal-Louisiana Bank & (NewOrleans) 524

Carnegie 1248, 1371Central 137, 166/Central (Baltimore) 398Central (Pittsburgh) _1) 1723Central of Illinois Chicago)53, 457Central Texas Exchange (Waco) 458Chicago (Ill.) Title & 273Citizens' (Augusta, Ga.)_ _213, 399Citizens' (Brooklyn) 17Citizens' (Savannah, Ga.) 945Citizens' (Utica) 722Citizens' Dank & (Memphis)._ - 19City Bank & (New Orleans).- _ -1585Colonial (Philadelphia) 592Columbia (Boston) 1018Columbia Bank & (OklahomaCity) 1171

Columbia-Knickerbocker._152,1018, 1660, 1721

Commercial (Phila.) .17, 90, 212, 273Commercial Savings Bank &(Toledo) 866

Commerce (Toledo) 1511Commonwealth (Boston).1173, 1584Commonwealth (1Iarrisburg,Pa.)1372Commonwealth (Houston) 154Commonwealth (Memphis) 593, 1374Commonwealth (Pittsburgh) .....1723Continental (Denver)._ _ _1019, 1373

Des Moines (Iowa) 657etroit (Mich.) 90, 153. 1723

Dollar Savings Fund & (Pitts.)_1723

Elizabeth (N. J.) 1511mpire 16, 152, 273, 1093

Equitable (Atlantic City, N. J.).. 943Exchange (Boston) 1172, 1371

Farmers' (Kansas City) __--

.._ _ 19armers' Loan &_ _ _211, ---- 1448

Federal (Bridgeport,Conn.)___ _ 865Federal (Cleveland) 1173Federal (Newark) 273Fidelity 89, 1371Fidelity (Bait.) 866, 1170Fidelity (Phila.)_ _ _1372, 1511, 1661Fidelity Title &

(Pittsburgh).- _ 153

First (Portland, Ore.) 91, 1249Fletcher Savings & (Indianapolis) 18Frankford (Phila.) 1661Franklin Savings & (Pittsburgh) 592Fulton 1661

Georgia (Atlanta). _213, 339, 1662erman-American Title &(Phila.) 722, 1173

Girard (Phila.) 1720, 1722Gloucester (Mass.) Safe Dep. &_1173Greenbaum Sons Bank & (Chic.) 19

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TRUST CO'S-(Continued.)Page.

Guaranty_ _90, 152, 523, 657,865, 1018, 1583, 1661, 1722

Guaranty State Bank & (Dallas),214, 658

Hamllton (Brooklyn) 211artford (Conn.) 865, 1722

Hibernia Bank & (New Orleans) .1585Hillyer (Atlanta)_ _91, 213, 458, 593Homestead (Pa.) Savings Bank&

18, 339Hudson 1583

indiana (Indianapolis) 18I Denver) 791Iowa Loan & (Des Moines)_274, 1662

jefferson-Gravois (St. Louis)_ -1585

Knoxville (Tenn.) Banking &_ _1662

afayette (Brooklyn) 12471-.and Title & (Phila.)


1661Lawyers' Title Ins. &__ __ _273, 1172Lehigh Valley Trust & Safe De-

posit Co. (Allentown, Pa.) 212Liberty (Newark) 1448

TRUST CO'S-(Continued.)Page.

Lincoln 211, 1093

Manchester Savings Bank &(Pittsburgh, Pa.) 457

Mercantile Trust & Deposit Co.(Baltimore) 18

Merchants' Bank & (Los Angeles) 658Merchants' Loan & (Chicago)-1373Merchants' Union (Phila.)1093, 1372Metropolitan 1018, 1510Metropolitan Bank & (Cin.) - _ -1723Michigan Avenue (Chica o)_- - _1585Mississippi Valley (St.Louis).

339, 944, 1173Missouri-Lincoln (St. Louis)_ 866Montgomery (Amsterdam, N. Y.)592Morristown (lc J.) 1583Munsey (Baltimore) 1723

Wassail (Brooklyn) 1661Lew Jersey Title Guarantee &

(Jersey City) 722Newport (R. I.) 457New 'York 17, 1721New York Life Ins. &--_ _1018, 1583North Adams (Mass.) 1173North America (Phila.) 17, 90North Texas (Fort Worth) 1512Northern New Jersey(Edgewater) 17

TRUST CO'S-(Continued.)Page.

Northwestern (Phila.) _ _1248Northwestern (St. Paul)_ _1018, 1373

Oglethorpe Say. &(Savannah)_ 154Id Colony (Boston) 865, 1018

Old Dominion (Richmond)1173, 1512

Paul Revere (Boston). 865,1093, 1248

People's (Brooklyn) 17People's (Philadelphia) 865Phila. (Pa.) Trust, Safe Deposit& Insur. Co ....153, 212, 457, 865

Plainfield (N. J.) 211Provident I/fe & (Phila.)_ _657, 1661

Queen City Say. Bank & (Cin.)1093ueens County (Jamalca)_ _ _ _1248

D eal Estate (Pittsburgh) 592BA,eal Estate Title & (Chicago)_ 273Rhode Island (Providence) 398

Sacramento Valley Bank &(Sacramento) 458

San Antonio (Tex.) Loan & 658Savannah (Ga.) 213, 723Savings Union Bank & (San Fr.)1094Security Bank & (Memphis)____ 593

TRUST CO'S-(Concluded.)Page.

Standard 657, 865, 1018State (Plainfield, N. J.) 90, 722

ir entente Bank & (New Orleans) 458I itie (Seattle) 658Title Guarantee & 90 152, 1661Title Guarantee & (Baltimore)

723, 866, 1093Tradesmen's (Philadelphia) _ _ _ _1248Transatlantic 90, 1172, 1510Travelers' Bank & (Atlanta) .213, 723Trenton N. J.) Trust & Safe De-

posit Co 1511

UTriton 1310, 1721nion (Detroit) 1723

Union (Pittsburgh) 865, 1723Union Bank & (Meridian, Miss.)1512Union Bank & (Phoenix, Ariz.)_1723Union Say. Bank & (Cincinnati)1585United States 89, 272U. S. & Mexican (Kansas City)_ 339U. S. Mortgage &_ _1018, 1661, 1722Utica (N.Y.) Trust & Dep. Co_ _1511

WSt. Louis (St. Louls)_ __ _1249

VT estern Bank & (Dallas) 1094Wilmington (Del.) 153, 273Woodruff (Springfield, Mo.)_-__1173


Breadstuffs, Agricultural Re-ports on__122, 372, 695, 991,

1284, 1631Breadstuffs; British Prices, &c.See "Monetary and Commer-cial English News."

Breadstuffs-Exports from U. S.,459, 1222, 1419, 1757

Breadstuffs-Market & statistics(weekly)_ _61, 121, 185, 246,307, 371, 430, 494, 558, 632,694, 764, 840, 912, 990, 1066,1141, 1221, 1284, 1343, 1417,-

1483,1554,1630,1692,1756Commercial Times (weekly) .67,

117, 181, 242, 303, 367, 426,490, 554, 628, 690, 760, 836,908, 987, 1062, 1137, 1217,1280, 1413, 1479, 1550, 1626, 1752

Commercial Epitome. See "Com-mercial Times" (weekly).

Page.Corn & Corn Meal. See "Bread-

stuffs Market" (weekly).Cotton-Agricultural Reports on

59, 307, 630, 910, 1629Do Census Bureau Reports

on Ginning, &c_ _ _692,910, 1139, 1282, 1415,

1629, 1691Do Conference 245Do Consumption in Europe

245, 428, 762Do Consumption and Over-

land Movement (mthly)59, 492, 910, 1282, 1553

Do Egyptian Crop 1416Do Exports of Yarns and

Goods from Great Brit-ain____184, 692, 1219, 1416

Do Exports from U. S. _459.

15o First New Bales122 , 1419 , 1757 59

Page.Cotton-In sight 1911-12 1219Do Japanese Cotton Mills_ _1219Do Manufacturers' Exports

from U. S. _ _ _59, 692,1064, 1139, 1415, 1755

Do Market and Statistics indetail (weekly).

Do New Bedford Strike, &c.245, 369

Do N. Y. Exchange_ ___692,762, 838

Do Porto Rico Crop 1220Do Production by States

1911-12 762Do Revision of Quotation at

New York 1415Do Southern Textile Asso-

ciation 1630Do Visible Supply in World

(weekly).Do Warehouse Act 311

Page.Cotton-World's Supply and Tak-

ings (weekly).Crops of the Year 1757

Dr(Goods Market and Statistics

weekly)_ _ _63, 123, 186, 247.09, 372, 431, 495, 559, 633,696, 765, 841, 913, 992, 1067,1142, 1223, 1285, 1344, 1419,

1484, 1556, 1632, 1694, 1758Grain Production Abroad 1757Iron. See "Commercial Times"(weekly).

Merchandise Stocks at N. Y.(mthly.)_ _117, 303, 628, 908,

1280, 1550Petroleum Exports from U. S.

459, 1222, 1419, 1757Provisions Exports from U. S.

E459, 1222, 1419, 1757

Wheat and Flour xports fromU. S 695, 1222, 1419, 1757


A uction Sales of Securities. See"Commercial and Miscel-

laneous News" (weekly).

Bahlmore Stock Exchange Pri-ces (weekly). See Bank-

ers' Gazette.Bank Clearings. See in "Edi-

torial Articles."Bank of England Statements(weekly). See "Monetary andCommercial English News."

Bank and Quotation Section forJuly 6, Aug. 3, Sept. 7, Oct. 5,Nov. 2 and Dec. 7.

Dank Statements of N. Y., Bos-ton and Philadelphia (weekly).See "Commercial and, Miscel-laneous News" (weekly).

Bank and Trust Company State-ment, Chicago. See "Bankers'Gazette" (weekly).

Bank and Trust Company Stocks.Prices in N. Y. See "Bankers'Gazette" (weekly).

Banks of England, France, &c.,(weekly). See "Fin. Situation"(first editorial each week).

Banks. National, Abstracts from• Reports to Comptroller of Cur-rency. 1178, 1179, 1180,

1181, 1182Bankers' Convention Section.

Sept. 21.Bankers' Gazette_ _25, 96, 159,220, 279, 344, 404, 464, 528,600, 663, 730, 798, 472, 9.19,1023, 1101, 1183, 1255, 1315,1380, 1455, 1521, 1591, 1667, 1730

Bonds, Prices of All Classes See"Bankers' Gazette" (weekly).See "Bank and Quotation"Section (monthly).

Bonds. See "Titles U. S. ,State,Municipal and Railroad.'

Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimoreand Chicago Stock ExchangePrices (weekly). See "Bank-ers' Gazette."

Canal and Miscellaneous Stockand Bond List. See "Rail-

way and Industrial" Section(quarterly).

Chicago Banks and Trust Com-pany Statement. See "Bank-ers' Gazette" (weekly).

City Bonds, Prices of. See"Bank and Quotation" Sec-tion (monthly).

Coln and Bullion Prices in N. Y.See "Bankers' Gazette." Pri-ces in London, see "Monetaryand Comm. English News."

Consols, Daily Prices of, in Lon-don. See "Monetary and Com-mercial English News."

Page.Commercial and Miscellaneous

News__21, 92, 155, 216, 276,340, 400, 459, 524, 596, 659,725, 793, 868, 945, 1019, 1096,1175, 1252, 1311, 1376, 1451,

1516, 1587, 1662. 1724Currency Holdings of U.S.Treas-

ury. "Editorial Articles."

Deht Statement of U. S. Seein "Editorial Articles."

Dividends Declared (weekly).See "Commercial and Miscel-laneous News."

Electric Co. Stock. See "Bankand Quotation" Section.

Electric Ry, Section Sept. 28.England, Bank of. See "Bank."English Correspondence & Cable

Reports (weekly). See "Mon-etary & Corn. English News."

Exchange. See "Foreign Exch."Exports and Imports of Mer-

chandise and Specie at N. Y.,Value of (weekly). See "Conmercial and Miscell. News.'

Exports and Imports of Mer-chandise and Specie for U. S.See "Editorial Articles."

For La orrs iTlrc e on% rkea (we ty see

"Monetary and CommercialEnglish News."

Foreign Exchange Market andPrices (weekly). See "Bank-ers' Gazette.

Foreign Exchange, Sterling DailyPrices of (monthly). See"Bank & Quotation" Section.

Foreign Government Bonds. See"Bankers' Gazette" (weekly),"Bank & Quotation" Section.

Gas Stocks. See "Bankers' Ga-zetts" (weekly, See "Bank

& Quotation" Sec. (monthly).Gold Exports and Imports at N.Y. (weekly). See "Commercialand Miscellaneous News."

Government Revenue and Ex-penditures (monthly). See"Editorial Articles. '

mports and Exports of Mer-chandise and Specie at N. Y.

(weekly). See "Commercialand Miscellaneous News."

Imports and Exports of Mer-chandise and Specie, UnitedStates (monthly). See "Edi-torial Articles.

Industrial Stocks, &c., Prices of.GSee "Bankers' azette" (wklyl

and "Bank and Quotation'Section (monthly)

Page.Insurance Stocks. See "Bankand Quotation" Section.

London Letter (weekly). See"Monetary and Commercial

English News."

Manufacturing Stocks. See"Bank and Quotation"

Section (monthly).Merchandise Imports and Ex-

ports at New York (weekly).See "Commercial and Miscel-laneous News."

Merchandise Imports and Ex-ports, United States (monthly)See "Editorial Articles."

Mining Stocks, Prices of. See"Bank and Quotation" Sec.

Money Market (weekly). See"Bankers' Gazette."

Miscellaneous Securities, Quota-tions of. See "Bankers' Ga-zette" (weekly) and "Bank &Quotation" Section (monthly).

Monetary and Commercial Eng-lish News. _.21, 92, 154, 215,275, 340, 399, 459, 524, 595,658, 725, 792, 868, 945, 1019,1096, 1174, 1251, 1311, 1375,

1451, 1515, 1586, 1662, 1724Money Market in London, &c.(weekly). See "Monetary &Commercial English News."

Municipal Bonds. See "Bank &Quotation" Section (monthly).See "State and City "SectionNov. 30.

IMational Banks Organized, &c.11 23, 92, 156, 216, 27.1, 341,401, 462, 526, 597, 725, 794,945, 1099, 1175, 1252, 1312,1376, 1451, 1516. 1587, 1662, 1725

New York City Bank Statement(weekly). See "Bankers' Ga-zette" and "Commercial andMiscellaneous News."

New York City Exports and Im-ports (weekly). See "Com-mercial and Miscell. News."

N. Y. City Foreign Trade_ _214,460, 725, 1376, 1725

nutsIde Securities. See "Bank-ers' Gazette" (weekly).

Phlladephla Bank Statementand Prices of Stocks and

Bonds (weekly). See "Bank-ers' Gazette."

D ailroad Earnings. See "Edi-torial Articles 'and "Railway

Earnings "Section (monthly).See 'Investment and RailroadIntelligence" (weekly).

PageRailroad Stock and Bond List.See "Ry. & Ind." Sec. (guar.).

Railroad Stocks and Bonds,Prices of. See "Bankers' Ga-zette" (weekly). See "Bank& Quotation" Sec. (monthly).

Railway Earnings Sec., July 20,Aug. 17, Sept. 14, Oct. 19,Nov. 16, Dec. 21.

Railway and Industrial Sectionfor July and October.

Cilver and Gold Exports and• Imports at N. Y. (weekly).See "Corn. & Misc. News.

Silver and Gold Exports and Im-ports of U. S. (monthly). See"Editorial Articles.'

State Bonds. See "Bankers' Ga-zette" (weekly). "Bank andQuotation" Section (monthly).

State and City Section, Nov. 50.Sterling Exchange. See "For-

eign Exchange.Stock and Bond Market and

Prices, N. Y., Boston, Phila.Balt. and Chicago (weekly)See 'Bankers' Gazette."

Stock and Bond Tables See"Railway and Industrial" Sec-tion (quarterly).

Stocks and Bonds, General Quo-tations. See "Bank and Quo-tation" Section (monthly).

Stocks, Bonds, dm., Volume ofBusiness on New York, Bostonand Philadelphia Exchanges

(weekly)-_ _33, 106, 167, 230.

287, 354, 414, 474, 538, 610,671, 740, 808, 882, 957, 1031,1109, 1191, 1263, 1323, 1390,

1463, 1529, 1599, 1675, 1740Stocks (American), Daily Prices

in London. See "Monetary &Commercial English News."

Street Railway Securities. See"Bank & Quotation" Section.

Street Railway Section. See"Electric Railway" Section.

Street Railway and TractionEarnings (weekly). See "Inv.and Railroad Intelligence."

Telegraph & Telephone Stocks.&c., Prices of. See "Bank

& Quotation" Sec. (monthly).Trust Company Stocks. See"Bank and Trust CompanyStocks."

Tnited States Securities Marketand Prices (weekly). See

"Bankers' Gazette." Prices inLondon (weekly). See "Mone-tary and Commercial EnglishNews" (monthly). See "Bankand Quotation" Section.

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Annual Reports are Indexed in Black-faced Figures.


Acme White Lead & Color Wks 751dams Express Co 1209

Adirondack Elec. Power Corp 112Adrian Gas Co 1747Akron Canton & Youngst'n By.. 678Akron Gas Co 681Alabama Coal, Iron & Land

Colonization 1747Alabama Consol. Coal & Iron Co.,

50, 112, 237, 620, 1685, 1747Ala. Gt. Southern RR__ _ _1038, 1199Ala. N. 0. & Tex. Pac. Jct. Rys- 967Alabama Traction, Light & Pow-

er Co., Ltd 234, 617, 1471• Alabama & Vicksburg Ry_967, 1398Alameda Sugar Co 1209Alaska Gold Mines Co ______ 482Alaska Northern By 1330, 1401Albert Lea Light & Power Co.... _ 751

• Alberta & Great Waterways Ry_1683Alberta By. & Irrigation Co_ _ 617Alexandria County (Va.) Electric

Lighting Co 681, 1041Algoma Central & Hudson BayBy 748, 1206, 1540

Algoma Central Terminals, Ltd..1540Algoma Eastern By 748, 1206Algoma Steel Corp 421, 1747Alliance (0.) Gas & Power Co.,

112, 1275Alliance Realty Co 819Allis-Chalmers Co_ _50, 751, 969,

1209, 1543Alton Jacksonville & Peoria

(Electric) By 175Amalgamated Copper Co.._819,

1041, 1275Amarillo (Tex.) Elec.&Wat. Co_ 112Amarillo (Tex.) Gas Co„, 177Amazon Pacific By 360Am. Agric. Chemical Co_ __542, 681Am.-Asiatic SS. Co 546Am. Bank Note Co 237, 1041Am. Book Co 44Am. Brake Shoe & Foundry Co.,

1404, 1474, 1609, 1747Am. & British Mfg. Co., Provi 43Am. Can Co 1474, 1543Am. Caramel Co., Phila. _1124, 1209Am. Cement Co., Phila. _ _1124, 1543Am. Cities Co., N. Y 1471, 1540American Coal Co 1747Am. Cotton 011 Co., N. Y_1275,

1329, 1338Am. District Telegraph Co. ,N.Y. 45American Express Co 1209



44, 1209421

American Felt Co Am. Fruit & SS. Co Am. Gas ,Sc Electric CoAmerican Glue Co Am. Hardware Corp Am.-Hawalian SS. Co Am. Hide & Leather Co.._ _ _237,

616, 1124Am. Ice Co 299, 482, 546, 681Am. Ice Securities Co 482Am. Iron & Steel Mfg. Co 969Am.-La France Fire Engine Co.,

482, 1609, 1685Am. Light & Traction Co_ 299Am. Linseed Co 1333, 1401Am. Lithographic Co., N. Y__1474Am. Locomotive Co_615, 1041-, 1209Am. Machine & Foundry Co...... 620Am. Malt Corp 819, 1204Am. Malting Co 1204, 1333American Milling Co 751Am. Multigraph Co., Cleveland,

50, 178, 1333, 1474Am. 011 Fields Co., Los An_892, 1041Ara. Petroleum Co., Los A..892, 1041Am. Pipe & Construction Co.,

Philadelphia 482Am. Pipe & Construction Se-

curities Co., Phila 178, 237Am. Pneumatic Service Co., Bos. 39Am. Power & Light Co_ ___112, 1124American Printing Co 1209Am. Public Service Co 1474Am. Public UtilitiesiCo., Grand

Rapids_ _50, 237, 681, 1471,1543, 1685

Am. Ry. & Lighting Co_ _299, 1685Am. (Electric) Rys., Phila_749,

817, 889, 1038, 1202, 1206, 1744Am. Refrigerator Transit Co-_ _1747Am. Shipbuilding Co_969, 1400,

1543, 1747Am. Smelting & Refining Co...... 615Am. Smelters' Securities Co_ _ 819American Snuff Co 620, 1543Am. Steel Foundries Co...... _299,

1124, 1275American Stove Co 819American Strawboard. 112Am. Sugar Refining Co_ _ _ _112, 1609Am. Sumatra Tobacco Co 421Am. Surety Co 1041, 1404, 1685Am. Telephone & Telegraph Co.,

482, 681, 1404Am. Thermos Bottle Co 44American Thread Co 173Am. Tobacco Co_

- _362, 1405, 1747

Am. Tube & Stamping Co 620Am. Typefounders Co.... ....1041,

1120, 1124Am. Union Telephone Co_ _421, 620American Utilities Co 50Am. Water Works,& GuaranteeCo., Pittsburgh.._237, 1333,

1537, 1548Am. Window Glass Co 1041Am. Wringer Co 43Americus (Ga.) Gas & ElectricCo 1609

Ames-Holden-McCready, Ltd.,Montreal 178

Ames Plow Co., Boston 1474Amoskeag Mfg. Co ____ 1747Anaconda Copper Mining Co.__ 819Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.,London 174, 1685

Ann Arbor RR.967, 1117, 1540, 1683Annuity Realty Co., St. Louis_ 620Appalachian Power Co., New

River, Va 112, 1405, 1747

Page.Argentine By 360, 480Argentine Central By 47, 543Arizona Commercial Copper Co_ 178Arizona Eastern RR_ 1206 , 1330, 1471Arkansas South Eastern By.. _1121Arkansaw Water Co., Little R'k.1543Armour & Co. 546Arnold Irrigation Co., Bend, Ore. 969Aroostook Construction Co 237Artesian Belt RR 418Assets Realization Co.

' Chicago-1474

Associated Merchants Co. _ 620. 678Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe By.,

M3, 962, 980, 1121, 1402Athens (Ga.) By. & Elec. Co 1038Atlanta Birmingham & AtlanticRR 296, 678, 888, 1744

Atlanta & Macon (Electric) By.,296, 618

Atlantic & Birmingham Construc-tion Co 681

Atlantic City (N. J.) Transpor-tation Co 1041

Atlantic Coast Line Co (Conn.)-1036Atlantic Coast Line ER_ _ _967,

1121, 1393, 1402, 1410Atlantic & Danville Ry 1606Atlantic Fruit & SS. Co_ ___113,

1041, 1124, 1275Atlantic & Gulf Portland CementCo 1275, 1543

Atlantic Northern & SouthernRy 967Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd....1685Atlantic & Western RR 1038Atlas Engine Works_ _113, 237,

421, 751, 819, 1124Atlas Plantations Co., Ark 620Atlas Powder Co 1209Augusta-Aiken By. & Electric

Corp.. .175, 234, 360, 1121, 1683Aurora Elgin & Chicago RR.817, 1201Automatic Electric Co_ _44, 50, 363Autosales Gum & Chocolate Co_1041Avery Co., Inc., Peoria, 111_482,

892, 1401

Ba kersfield (Cal.) Water Co_ 620aidwin Co., Pianos, &c., Cin_1474

Baltimore & Ohio RR_ _109, 235,678, 889, 1121, 1268, 1277,

1402, 1744Bait. & Ohio, Chic. Term. RR -.1272Halt. Refrigerating & Heat. Co.. 421Bait. Suburban Sewerage Co....1124Bangor & Aroostook RR_ _418,

1038, 1116, 1121Barnheisel Building, Chicago_ 546Barre & Montpelier Traction& Power Co 1330

Bartlesville (Okla.) Gas, Electric& Ry 1402

Bartlesville (Okla.) InterurbanRy 749, 1402, 1471

Bath & Brunswick (Me.) Light& Power Co 620

Battle Creek Coal & Coke Co..-

_ 421Bay Cities Home Telephone Co 50Bay State Street, Ry.

' Boston

175, 360, 418, 543, 618, 678Beaumont & Gt. North. RR .967, 1121Beaver & Ellwood RR 1272Belding, Paul & Corticelli SilkCo., Ltd., Montreal 483

Belleville Water Supply Co 1544Bellingham Bay & British Co-lumbia By 1121

Bellingham & Northern Ry -1121Bell Telep. Co. of Canada....-44, 113Beloit Water, Gas & Elec. Co-.... 113Belt Line Ry. Corporation, N.Y.1744Belt By., Chicago 418Bergner & Engel Brewing Co.. -.1124Berkshire Street Ry 967, 1039Bethlehem Steel Corp.. ..113, 483,

546, 681, 892, 1209, 1475Billings & East Montana Pow.Co1333Bingham Consol. Mining &

Smelting Co., Utah 1685Binghamton By 360Birmingham Ensley & Bessemer

(Electric) RR 749Birmingham & Gulf By. & Nay..Co 1471

Birmingham (Ala.) Water-WorksCo 1544

Bishop - Babcock - Becker Co.,Cleveland 113, 751, 819

Black Lake Asbestos & ChromeCo. Ltd 1124

Black Lake Consol. AsbestosCo.,Ltd 238

Blackstone Valley Gas & ElectricCo__483, 546, 620, 751, 1333,

1475. 1544, 1747Bluefields SS Co 178Blue Ridge Elec. Co., Georgia . - 113Boise RR 480Bolivia Central By 360, 480Boonville St. Louis & Sou. Ry.... 968Borax Consol., Ltd., London...... 819Borne-Scrymser Co _ 1405Boston & Albany RR_175, 235, 1039Boston Cape Cod & New YorkCanal Co 620

Boston Elevated Ry_ _216, 618,1121, 1272, 1400, 1402, 1606

Boston & Lowell RR.1272, 1330, 1683Boston & Maine RR_ _110. 478,

749, 965, 968, 1200, 1206,1402. 1606

Boston & Providence BR.... -235,678, 817

Boston Railroad Holding Co 968Boston Revere Beach & LynnRR 1121, 1402

Boston Suburban Electric Cos.... 817Boston & Worcester Elec.Cos749, 815Boston Woven Hose & RubberCo 1041, 1475

Boston & Yarmouth SS. Co. ,Ltd. 546Brandon (Man.) Gas & PowerCo., Ltd 621

Brazil By 360, 480, 1039Brazilian Trac., Lt. & Pow. Co.,Ltd 175, 543, 618, 968, 1039

Bridge Oper. Co., N. Y_ _1402, 1471

PageBridgeton & Saco River RR........175Brinson By • 1330Bristol (Va.) Gas & Electric Co.. 113Bristol & Plainville Tramway... -1330British-Amer. Tobacco Co.

' Ltd.

50, 178, 238, 363, 483,1041.1544, 1609, 1686, 1743

British Columbia Electric By...... 110British Columbia Packers' Assn.. 299British Westinghouse Elec. &Mfg. Co., Ltd 617

Bread River Granite Co 50Brockport-Holly Water Co 483Brooklyn Cooperage Co 113Brooklyn & Manhattan FerryCo. 299Brooklyn & North River RR.

235, 418, 749, 1471Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co_ _47,

294, 817, 1039. 1206Brooklyn Union Elevated RR.

1039, 1206, 1607Brooklyn Union Gas Co_ _1333, 1405Brown Shoe Co., St. Louls.1275, 1405Browning Engineering Co.,Clev_1609Buckeye Powder Co., Peoria ,111_1475Buffalo Creek & Ganley RR.._..- 817Buffalo Gas Co 892Buffalo & Lackawanna Trac.Co_1471Buffalo & Lake Erie Traction Co.

1121, 1206Buffalo Natural Gas Fuel 546Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburgh

Ry.......296, 357, 361, 365, 749,817, 1402

Buff. & Susq. RR. & Ry___361, 746Burlington (Ia.) Ry. & Lt. Co.

678, 1039Burr's Ferry Browndel & ChesterBy 618

Burt (F. N.) Co., Ltd., Toronto_1405Bush Terminal Co 546, 751,

1333, 1686Butte Electric & Power Co_178,

299, 1275, 1333Butte & Superior Copper Co_483, 819

Cairo & Thebes RR 1121airo Vincennes & Chic. Ry_ _ 817

California Central RR 817California Consol. Light & Pow.Co., San Francisco 752

California-Idaho Co.' Pittsburgh1544

California PetroleumC or p .1041, 1609California By. & Pow. Co_1540, 1744California Sugar Refining Co 299California Wine Association_ .. - 45Calumet & Arizona Mining Co_ _1544Calumet & Hecla Mining Co.

238, 363, 483. 1275, 1405, 1609Camaguey (Cuba) Co., Ltd..... _418Cambria Steel Co 421, 752, 819Canada Bread Co 621Canada Brick & Fireproofing Co.,Ltd 681

Canada Cement Co., Ltd 43, 50Canada Foundries & Forgings,Ltd 178

Canada Interlake Line, Ltd_ _1609Canada Iron Corporation 1209Canada Machinery Corp- _ -1748Canada South. Ry_ _1541, 1607, 1744Canadian Car & Foundry Co.

752, 1610, 1681, 1686Canadian Cereal & Flour MillsCo., Ltd 819, 1209, 1275Canadian Converters Co., Ltd__ 113Canadian Cottons, Ltd., Mon-

treal 41, 1209, 1544Canadian General Electric Co.,Ltd., Toronto 41, 681, 1544

Canadian Light & Power Co.,Montreal 299, 363

Canadian Locomotive Co., Ltd.816, 819

Canadian Northern Ry_47, 235,1039, 1394, 1402, 1607, 1683

Canadian Northern MontrealTunnel & Terminal Co_ _235. 1039

Canadian Northern Ontario By.1402, 1744

Canadian Northern Quebec By.1402, 1471

Canadian Pacific By.. -417, 418,541, 550, 679, 889, 1037,

1331, 1402, 1607Canadian Western Natural Gas,Light, Heat & Power Co., Ltd. 483

Canadian Westinghouse Co. ,Ltd.• 617, 1610

Caney River Gas Co 363Canton Co. (Balt.). 418, 421, 483Cape Breton Coal & Iron Ry.,Ltd 235, 817, 1744

Cape Breton (N. S. Elec. Co_ __1121Cape Girardeau & Chester RR_ _1683Carbon Steel Co., Pittsb_752, 1210Cardiff Collieries, Ltd 681Carolina RR 1683Carolina Clinchfield & Ohio By.,

358, 418, 480Carolina Power & Light Co 110Carolina-Tennessee Power Co.,N.Y 178

Carolina, Terminal Co., Charles-ton 1610, 1748

Carver County Sugar Co 752Case (J. I.) Threshing MachineCo 1125, 1210, 1610

Casein Co. of America j....45Ca.ssidy's, Ltd. Canada 1686Cassville &Western (Electric) By 235Castle Valley Coal Co 1125Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Ry.& Light Co 749

Cedar Rapids Mfg. & Power Co.,50, 1210, 1275

Central California Gas Co.' Los

Angeles 546, 681, 1475Central California Traction Co.,

Stockton 1744Central Coal & Coke Co 418Central Colorado Power Co.,

1544. 1606, 1610ldCentral Fuel Co., N. Y. and Oa.892

Central of Georgia Ry., 47, 110.889, 967, 1037, 1122, 1683

Page.Central Illinois Public ServiceCo., Mattoon 618, 1744

Central Illinois Utilities Co 1748Central Iron & Steel Co., liar-

risburg. , Pa 299Central Leather Co 238, 1125Central Lumber Co.

' So. Dak_


Central Mass. Light& Power Co.,Boston 238, 363

Central Mexico Light & Power Co.752Central New England Ry_ _418, 968Central Park North & East River.RR., 968, 1039, 1122, 1206„

1272, 1331, 1402, 1744Central RR. of New Jersey, 679,

749, 812Central By. of Canada, 110, 175,1206Central & South American Tele-graph Co 819. 1275, 1748

Central States Electric Corp.,50, 621, 1334

Central Terminal Ry., Chicago.. 749Central Union Telephone Co.... _1219Central Vermont Ry.749, 1039, 1536Centre & Clearfield St. By.,

Philipsburg, Pa 1122Chambersburg Engineering Co.... 621Champaign & Urbana (Ill.)Water Co 1125

Charleston (S. C.) Consol. By.,Gas & Electric Co 1122

Charleston Consol. By. & Light-ing Co 297, 419, 1206

Chattahoochee & Gulf RR 1607Chattanooga (Tenn.) Ry. & Lt.Co 543, 1122

Cheboygan Electric Light &Power Co 1683

Cheboygan (Mich.) Paper Co..... 422Chemung Copper Co 299Cherryvale Oklahoma & Texas Ry480Chesapeake & Ohio Ry., 358,

743, 757, 1039, 1122Chesapeake & Ohio By. of In-diana 47, 175

Chesapeake S. S. Co., Bait 752Chester Perryville & St. Gene-

vieve By 1683Chester Valley Electric Co.,

Coatesville, Pa 50, 1475Chicago & Alton RR.. 361, 480,

749, 889, 1273, 1328Chicago Breweries Co., Ltd_ _..1688Chicago Burlington & QuincyRR., 236, 480, 1197, 1214,

1607, 1683Chicago City By 1683, 1744Chicago City & Connecting Ry.,

1683, 1744Chicago & Eastern Illinois RR.,110, 749, 1039, 1122, 1197, 1393

Chicago Elevated Rys.'

47, 110,749, 889, 1607, 1683

Chicago Fox Lake & LakeGeneva RR 1402

Chicago Great Western RR.,618, 889, 968, 1122, 1269

Chicago Indianapolis & Louis-ville By 968, 1118

Chicago Indianapolis & St.Louis Short Line By 817

Chicago & Interurban TractionCo 968

Chicago Junction Rys. & UnionStock Yards Co 1610

Chicago Lumber & Coal Co.,St. Louis 45

Chicago & Milwaukee ElectricRR 361, 679, 817

Chicago Milwaukee & PugetSound By 745, 1683

Chicago Milwaukee & St. PaulBy 744, 889, 1472, 1683

Chicago & North Western By.,419, 743, 755, 1039, 1402,

1541. 1745Chicago Peoria & St. Louis By.,

889, 968, 1122, 1402, 1745Chicago By. Equipment Co.. _ _ _ 45Chicago Rys., 236, 419, 618,

1122, 1206, 1331, 1402Chicago Rock Island & PacificRR 1114, 1132

Chicago Rock Island & PacificBy • 1114, 1132, 1607

Chicago St. Paul Minn. & OmahaBy 744, 812

Chicago Securities Co 1210Chicago Suburban Gas & ElectricCo 546, 1686

Chicago Subway Co 175, 236Chicago Telephone Co 51Chicago Terre Haute & South-

eastern Ry 419, 1118Chicago Union Traction Co_ „-1206Chicago Utilities Co., 47, 175,

236, 889, 1039Chicago & Western Indiana RR.,

361, 419, 749, 1039, 1273, 1471Chicago New Union Passenger

Station 543, 1039Chicopee (Mass.) Gas Light Co.. 422Childs (Restaurant) Co., N. Y.,

1042, 1210, 1334Chino Copper Co 1334Choctaw By. & Lighting Co.,

McAlester, Okla 1745Cinn. Bluffton & Chicago RR- 236Cinn. & Columbus Trac. Co..

- ...1402

Cinn. Ham. & DaYton Ry_817, 1329Cinn.-Nashville Southern Ry_ -1122Cinn. New Orleans & Texas Pac.By 1273, 1402, 1469

Cinn. Traction Co 817, 889Cities Service Co. (of Del.),N. Y 173, 483, 1475

Citizens' Gas Co., Indianapolis,113, 178, 238, 483, 819, 969

Citizens' (Mt. Vernon, Ill.) Gas,Electric & Heating Co 113

City Fuel Co., Chicago, 1334,1405, 1475, 1610

City Investing Co 1272City Light & Traction Co., Se-

dalia, Mo 419, 1683City of New Castle Water Co.. -1544

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Page.City Realty Investing Co. of

Montreal, Ltd 51City Water Co., Chattanooga,Tenn 1544

City Water Co., East St. Louis_ _1544City Water Co., Marinette, W1s_1544City Water Co.., Merrill,Wis_ _ _1544Claflin (H. B.) Co 178Claremont (N. H.) Power Co.... ..1125Clarksburg Northern RR 1039Cleveland-Akron Bag Co., 51,

752. 1748Cleveland Cinn. Chicago & St.Louis BY., 480, 817, 890,1039, 1206, 1472, 1541

Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co 51Cleveland Electric Ill. Co 969Cleveland & Pittsburgh RR_ ___..1331Cleveland (Electric) BY. 175,

236, 749, 968Cleveland & Sandusky BrewingCo 1334

Cleveland Southwestern & Co-lumbus Ry 1607

Cleveland Telephone Co., 483, 892Cleveland Valley & Terminal RR1206Clinchfield Coal Corp., 113, 363, •

422, 483Clinton (Iowa) Water Works Co.1544Cluett, Peabody & Co., Troy,N. Y 1475, 1686

Coal & Coke Ry 749, 816, 1607Coast Counties Gas & ElectricCo.' San Francisco 681

Coast Valley Gas & Elec. Co_ _ _ _1610Cockshutt Plow Co., Ont 819Colorado Fuel & Iron Co., 752,

1125, 1210, 1329Colorado Midland By., 1331,

1402, 1683Colorado & Southern By.. 293,

1328, 1336, 1607Columbia Coal Mining Co 299Columbia Gas & Electric Co.,

178, 422, 752, 1125, 1210Columbia (S. C.) Ry., Gas &

Electric Co 1122Columbus Delaware & MarlonRy 297, 480, 1331, 1472

Columbus Kenton & ToledoTraction Co 297

Columbus Newark & ZanesvilleElectric By 47, 890, 1039

Columbus (0.) R. & Light Co.'297, 419

Columbus Spgfd. & Cin. RR__ 817Columbus Urbana & WesternBy 110, 236

Colwell Lead Co., N. Y 1210Commercial Nat Safe DepositCo , Chicago 1042, 1405

Commercial Tow Boat Co., Bost _ 1475Commonwealth Edison Co., Chi-cago 113, 1042, 1275, 1406

Commonwealth Gas & Elec. Cos. 113Commutation Rates 175, 1039Computing-Tabulating- Record-

ing Co 238, 969, 1210, 1748Coney Island & Brooklyn RR_ _ _1122Connecticut River Co., Wind-

sor Locks 1042Connecticut River Power Co.,Boston 178, 1042, 1610

Connecticut River RR 679Connecticut Valley St. By.,

Greenfield, Mass 297Connect. Gas Co. Columbus, 0_1610Connellsville (Pa.) Water Co_

- _1544

Consol. Cities Light, Power &Traction Co. (of Del.)__ _110.

679, 1748Consol. Electric Light Co., Port-

land, Me 363Consol. Gas Co., N. Y_113, 178,

483, 819Consol. Gas, Elect. Lt. & PowerCo., Bait 819, 1120, 1686

Consol. Light & Power Co., Mt.Pleasant, Mich 1210

Consol. Lighting Co., Mont-pelier, Vt 1334

Consol. Lumber Co., Manistique1686Consol. Power & Light Co.,Deadwood 51

Consolidation Coal Co. of Mary-land 546, 621

Consumers' Gas oronto.._1210Consumers' Power

Co.,do. (Mich.)_1683

Continental Can Co 1610, 1686Continental Milling Co., Mont' 48:3Continental Oil Co., Denver_ __ _1210Continental Public Service Co__ 175Continental Telephone & Tele-graph Co. of N. J 752

Copper Range Consolidated Co 1475Corn Products Refining Co 969Coshocton District Gas & Fuel'Co., Ohio 1042

Costilla Estates Develop't Co.._ _ 752Cote Piano Mfg. Co., Fall River. 752Council Bluffs (Ia.) IndependentTelephone Co 51

Counties Gas & Electric Co.,Ph11.819County Traction Co., Chicago_ _1402Cramp, Wm., & Sons, Ship &Engine Building Co 42, 1686

Creamery Package Mfg. Co.820, 1748Crescent Coal & Lumber Co. ofW. Va 51

Creston (Ia.) Winterset & DesMoines (Electric) RR 1607

Cripple Creek Central Ry_1039, 1469Crucible Steel Co. of America,

422, 820, 892, 1210, 1272,1334, 1475

Cuba RR 175, 297, 615. 1541Cuban-American Sugar Co.1475, 1748Cudahy Packing Co 1475Cumberland Basin Coal Co. ,Balt. 113Cumberland County Power & Lt.Co., Portland, Me 361, 1206

Cumberland Corp.._ _ _361, 422, 480Cumberland Pipe Line Co 1334Cumberland Telephone & T el e-gra ph Co 681, 752, 1610

Ctunberland (Md.) & Western-port Electric By 110

Curtis Publishing Co., Phila..-- - 582Cuyahoga Telephone Co 40, 892

Dallas Elec. Corp_113, 1472, 1541allas Gas Co 1210

Dallas Southern Traction Co__ _ 968Danbury, & Bethel Gas & Elec. •

Light Co., Conn 1042

Page.Danville (Va.)ITraction Co 480Danville (Va.) Traction & P. Co. 749Davis (John R.) Lumber Co.,

Phillips, Wis 752 WDavis & eber Counties Canal

Co 1210Davison Chemical Co., Balt 51Dayton (0.) Gas Co 178, 820Dayton Lebanon & Cinn. RR.& Terminal Co 110

Dayton & Troy Electric Ry-

_ - -1745Decatur (Ala.) 'Water SupplyCo. 51Deere & Co., Moline, Ill_

- _238,

299, 820 1405, 1610Delaware & Hudson Co 1683Delaware Lackawanna & West-

ern RR 480, 1683, 1745Denver City Tramway Co 472Denver Laramie & Northwest-ern By 110, 543, 1273

Denver Northwestern & Pacific

Ry- _47, 236, 361, 480, 544,

679, 749, 817, 890, 1122,1403, 1683

Denver By. Securities Co_ _890,1331, 1541, 1607

Denver & Rio Grande RR_ _176,613, 623, 1273. 1402, 1472, 1541

Denver & Salt Lake RR 1683Des Moines City Ry 818Des Moines & Fort Dodge RR 109Des Moines Gas Co_

- _483, 546, 1748

Des Moines Water Co 1748Des Plaines Valley By 1403Detroit Bay City & Western RR.1273Detroit & Mackinac Ry....1206, 1398Detroit Salt Co 483, 546Detroit Toledo & Ironton Ry.,

110, 815, 890, 1039, 12'73,1607, 1745

Detroit & Toledo Shore Line RR .1122Detroit United

Ry_- _110, 890, 1683

Development Co. ofAmerica..__ 51Diamond Match Co 178Dilworth Coal Co., Pittsburgh_ 113Disston (Henry) & Sons, Iron &

Steel Works 113Distillers' Securities Corp.. .889, 1686Dixon (Joseph) Crucible Co.... - -1275Doherty Holding Co 113Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd 483Dominion (Ont.) Gas Co 113Dominion Power & TransmissionCo. Hamilton, Ont 238, 1514

Dominion Sawmills & LumberCo., Ltd 422, 483, 1125

Dominion Textile Co., Ltd.,Montreal 42, 179, 1544

Donnacona Paper Co., Ltd.,Utica 682

Dorchester Electric Co. Quebec_ 546Dover (N. H.) Gas Light Co_ _ _1544Dowagiac (Mich.) Gas Sr Fuel Co. 113Dry Dock East Broadway & Bat,

tery RR., N Y 1206Duluth South Shore & AtlanticBy 361, 818, 1118, 1122

Duluth-Superior Traction Co.,1206, 1331, 1472

Dunlop Tire & Rubber GoodsCo., Ltd., Toronto 51

Dunnville Wellandport & Beams-ville Electric By 818

du Pont (E. I.) de Nemours Pow-der Co., 51, 113, 299, 969,

1210, 1544Duquesne Light Co., Pittsb_ _ _ _1748Durango Central BR 1206

V agle Lock Co., Terryville,Conn 1610

Eagle's Mere By 544East Ohio Gas Co., Cleveland,

682, 969, 1334Eastern Canada Pow.& Pulp Co.1748Eastern Car Co., New Glasgow,N. S 820

Eastern Malleable Iron Co.,Naugatuck, Conn 1475

Eastern Mfg. Co. (Lumber, Pulpand Paper, Bangor, Me) 682

Eastern Michigan Edison Co......1544Eastern SS. Corp 546Eastern Tenn. Power Co 546Eastern Texas Electric Co..1210, 1745Eastman Kodak Co. of N. J 820Edison Electric Ill. Co.

' Boston,

113, 422, 682, 820, 1120, 1125Edlson-Sault Electric Co., Sault

Ste. Mario 892Edmonton Dunvegan & BritishColumbia By 1207, 1273

Electric Bond & Share Co 1121Electric Cable Co., Bridgeport_1405Electric Investment Corp_1334, 1475Electric Properties Co.. 40, 51,

113, 238Electrical Development Co. of

Ontario, Ltd 363Electrical Securities & Construc-

tion Co 646Electrical Securities Corp_ _682, 1798Electrical Utilities Corp.. .1120. 1475Emira Water, Light & RR. Co- 176El Paso (Electric) Co 618El Paso Gold Mining Co., Deny_ 682El Paso & Southwestern RR_ __ _1273Emerson-Brantingham Co.,Rock-

ford, 111_179, 238, 299, 363, 1042Empire Cotton Oil Co., Atlanta.. 621Empire Gas & Fuel Co 1042Empire Steel & Iron Co 1610Enid Ochiltree & Western RR- 968Equitable Ilium. Gas Light Co.,

Philadelphia 1544Erie & Central New York RR_ _1745Erie County (Pa.) Elec. Co_51, 621Erie (Pa.) Lighting Co 621Erie RR_ _236, 207, 544, 614,

618, 818, 962, 975, 1403Evansville Light Co 752Everett (Wash.) Light & Wat.Co. 110Everett Water Co 114Express Rates 179, 238

Fairmount Park Transporta-tion Co., Phila 419, 480, 1607

Fall River Automatic TelephoneCo 546, 1686

Faultless Rubber CO., Ashland,Ohio 752

Federal Light & Traction Co.... 419Federal Min. & Smelt. Co_1125, 1203Federal Sign System (Electric),Chicago 179


Griffin Wheel Co., Chicago__ _1125Groton (Conn.) & Stonington

(Street) Ry 236, 361Guanajuato Power & Electric Co.(Mexico) 752

Guantanamo & West.RR.,Cuba.1470Guayaquil & Quito Ry_419, 544,

818, 1745Gulf Florida & Alabama Ry_419,

1122, 1541Gulf Line By 480Gulf & Ship Island RR_ __..968, 1117Guyandott,e Water-Works Co .1544

& B. American Machine Co_ 621A agerstown (Md.) Lt.&Ht. Co- 239Hale & Kilburn Co., Phila 239Halifax (N. S.) Electric TramwayCo 968, 1331, 1745

Hall Railway Signal Co_52, 179, 546Hamilton (0.) Gas dr Electric Co.

114, 239, 300, 547Hampden RR. Corp 1207, 1684Harbison-Walker RefractoriesCo.

1544, 1681Harrisburg (Pa.) Lt. & Pow. Co.. 239Harrisburg Railways 1745Harrison Bros. & Co., Inc 1686Harrison-Doddridge Coal & CokeCo 363

Hart-Parr Co 300, 423, 621Hartford City Gas Light Co........ 484Hartford Electric Light Co 1749Hartley Silk Mfg. Co., Tona-wanda, Pa &c 1210

Harwood Elec. Co., Mina_ 621. 1042Hattiesburg (Miss.) Trac. Co_.... 679Havana Electric Ry., Light &Power Co 968, 1472

Page.Federal Sugar Refining Co 1405Federal Telephone & TelegraphCo., Buffalo 44

Fitchburg RR 750, 818, 1122Florida Central RR 110Florida East Coast Ry_ _ _ _1122, 1468Fonda Johnstown & GloversvilleRR 110, 544, 614

Fore River Shipbuilding Co.,Quincy, Mass 42

Follansbee Bros. Co.. Tin Plate.&c 483

Fort Dodge Des Moines & Southern RR 1607

Fort Dodge (Ia.) Light Co 1544Fort Scott & Nevada Light,Heat, Water & Power Co_ .... _ 820

Fort Smith (Ark.) Light & Trac-tion Co 47

Forty-Second St., Manhattanville& St. Nicholas Ave. By., N.Y. 679

Four States Coal & Coke Co.,Pittsburgh 546

Frankfort Tacony & HolmesburgBy 1331

Freeport (III.) Gas Co 820, 1475Freeport (Ill.) Gas Light & CokeCo 114,546

Freeport (Ill.) By. & Light Co.... 480Freight Car 'Demurrage 480Fremont (0.) Yaryan Co 51

Gage Park Realty Trust of Chic.1475alveston-Houston Elec. Co 679

Galveston Wharf Co 483Garford Co. (Autos), Elyria, 0_1475Garland Corp., Pittsburgh_ _42, 52Gary (Ind.) & Interurban By.,

750, 890, 1331, 1472Gas Co. of Montgomery, Co. Pa.. 820Gas Securities Co., N. Y__363 1042Gas Traction Co. of Minneapolis 179General Baking Co ..752, 1686, 1748General Chemical Co_296, 1334, 1748General Electric Co...114. 238,

422, 621, 752, 892, 1611, 1748General Gas & Electric Co. (ofMaine) 110, 422, 1042. 1210

General Motors Co 238,1038, 1060, 1405

General Petroleum Co_ _ _1405. 1475General Rubber Co 1544Geneva & Auburn By 47Georgia-Carolina Power Co........ 179Georgia & Florida By.. ....1207, 1472Georgia Light, Power & Rys.,Macon 544

Georgia RR. & Banking Co_ _ _ _1039Georgia Ry. & Electr ic Co_ 1122, 1207Georgia By. & Power Co., At 1472. 1541

Georgia Southern & Florida By.,1122, 1403, 1470 1472

German-American Car Co., Chi-cago 546, 820, 1475

H RGettysburg & arrisburg y_ -1039Gilbert Transportation Co., Gro-ton, Conn 52

Gillette Safety Razor Co., Bos-ton 546, 682

Glendale (Cal.) Consol.WaterCo. 892Glidden Varnish Co., Cleveland, •Ohio 483, 647

Goldfield (Nev.) Consol. MinesCo 422. 1275, 1644

Goodrich (B. F.) Co...238. 547, 1611Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.,Akron, Ohio 423, 1680

Gordon, Ironside & Fares Co.,Ltd 820

Granby Consol. Mining, Smelt-ing & Power Co., Ltd__ _892, 1205

Grand Rapids By 891Grand Trunk Ry - 111. 297, 419,

1122, 1207, 1331,1396, 1683, 1745Grand Trunk Pac. Branch Lines.I331Grand Trunk Pacific Ry......750,

1207, 1403, 1607Grand Trunk Terminals Ware-house Co., Ltd_114. 179, 621, 1039

G rasselli Chemical Co., Cleve... _1611Great Eastern Telep. Co., N.Y_1210Great Lakes Coal Co., Pitts-burgh 1125, 1405

Great -Northern Iron Ore Proper-ties 682, 1544

Great Northern By...... _ _ .47, 236.618, 679. 968, 1036, 1046,

1541, 1607, 1745Great Shoshone & Twin FallsWater Power Co_ _ _238. 621, 1544

Great Western Power Co 1606Green Bay Water Co Green Bay & Western RR Greene Consol. Copper CoGreenville & Knoxville Ry

Page.Hawaiian Agric. -Co. Honolulu_ 682Hawaiian Com'l & Sugar Co_752, 893Hawaiian Sugar Co 893Hawley, Edwin (Deceased) 363Hercules Powder Co 1211Haywood Bros. & Wakefield Co.

114, 752Highland Spruce Co., BlackMountain, S. C 682

Hocking Valley By...... _680, 814,1122, 1403

Holding Corporation, N. Y 682Holland (Mich.) City Gas Co_ _ _1405Home Long Distance TelephoneCo., San Francisco 52

Homestake Mining Co 1686Home Telephone Co. of Detroit_ 484Hoosac Tunnel & Wilm. RR_ _ _ _1541Horse-Shoers' Association 1611Hester-Columbus Associated

Breweries Co 52Hotel Sherman Co.. Chicago_ 1686Houston Belt & Terminal By.... 750Houston & Brazos Val. Ry_297, 1403Houston Gas & Fuel Co 364Houston Oil Co 179, 1682Huasteca Petroleum Co 1686Hudson Navigation Co., N. Y 1686Hudson's Bay & Pacific Ry 818Huntington Richmond & Hamil-ton RR 236,297

Huntington (W.Va.) Water Co_1544Hydraulic-Press Brick Co., St. L. 423

/dal° Light & Power Co.... _236, 480Idaho Southern RR 1541Illinois Car & Equipment Co 423Illinois Central RR_ __ _111, 618.

811, 823, 1039, 1684Illinois Northern Utilities Co.,Chicago 1123, 1331, 1405

Illinois Traction Co 172, 1542Illuminating & Power Securities

Corporation 239, 1211Imperial Steel & Wire Co., Ltd_ - 484Improved Property Holding Co.

'N.Y 179,300Independent Brewing Co., Pitts-

burgh 423, 1275, 1401Independent Telep. Co., Omaha. 52Indian Refining Co., Inc., N. Y.and Cincin 1330, 1334, 1405

Indiana Gas Light Co_ _1686. 1749Indiana Lighting Co 179, 542Indiana Pipe Line Co 820, 1611Indiana By. & Light Co 1684Indianapolis Chicago & Meridian

(Electric) By 480Indianapolis Columbus & South-

ern Traction Co 680Indianapolis Gas Co 300Indianapolis Telephone Co 1211Indianapolis Water Co 1611Inland Steel Co., Chicago_ _296, 6,4

1686, 1749Interborough-Metrop. Co_ ....747, 1745Interborough Rapid Transit Co.

417, 614, 677, 1331, 1472Inter-City Power Co., N Y...621, 820Intercontinental Rubber Co.239,

969, 1539Internat. Agricultural Corp_893,

967, 1211. 1749Internat. Button-Hole SewingMachine Co 114

Internat. Cotton Mills Corp.354. •1275, 1334, 1476, 1686

Internat. Engineering Works,Ltd., Montreal 1125

International & Gt. North. Ry.111, 176, 680, 1273, 1331

Internat. Harvester Co 239,300, 302, 359, 364

Internat. Lumber & Devel. Co_ _1476Internat Mercantile Marine Co.

364, 893Internat. Milling Co., Minnesota .•4and Canada 682

Internat. Motors Co., N. Y. __ _1686Internat Nickel Co__ _239, 621,

682, 752, 1686Internat. Paper Co 423, 484Internat. By. of Buffalo_ -618,

1123, 1608Internat. Rys. of Central Amer.

480, 544International Salt Co 423International Silver Co 621Internat. Shoe Co., St. Louis

1476, 1544Internat, Steam Pump Co_1405,

1611, 1681internat. Text-Book Co 1540Internat. Traction Co., Buffalo

420, 891Interoceanic By. of Mex_ _1331, 1397Inter-State Independent Telep.& Teleg. Co., Joliet, &c_ 179

Inter-State Public Serv. Co.680, 1745Interstate RR., Virginia 1608Inter-State Telep. & Teleg. Co.of New Jersey 179, 423

Interurban By. & Term. Co.,Cincinnati 1331

Investment and Railroad Intelli-gence_ _36, 107, 170, 231, 290,355, 415, 475, 539, 611, 674,741, 809, 883,960. 1034. 1112,1194, 1266, 1326, 1391, 1466,

1532, 1602, 1678, 1741Iola (Kan.) Portland Cement Co.

752, 1211Iowa City (Ia.) Gas & Elec. Co_ - 752Iowa City Light & Power Co.... 752Iowa & Illinois (Electric) By...... 680Iowa By. & Light Co., Cedar

Rapids, Ia 750Iowa Short Line RR 968Iron Mtn. & Greenbrier Ry........ 1 I 1Iron Steamboat Co 1334, 1401Iroquois Natural Gas Co., Buff_ 547Irwin-Hermine (Pa.) Tree. Co.. 17Isle Royal Copper Co 11Ithaca (N. Y.) Steret By ' 1207

Tackson (N. H.) Co., Nashua,N. H 1125, 1905

Jacksonville (Fla.) Gas Co 621Jacksonville By. & Light Co.,.... -1542Jacksonville (IL) Water-WorksCo 1476

James Lake Irrigation Co 1905Joplin (Mo.) Water-Works Co._ _1545Joslin-Schmidt Co., Cincinnati 1211

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INDEX. EVOL, Lxxxxv.


Kanawha & Michigan Ry_111, 1396anawha Water & Light Co.,Charleston, W. Va 1611

Kansas City Mexico & OrientRy 297, 420, 1123, 1331

Kansas City Outer Belt & Elec-tric RR 420, 480, 968, 1472

Kansas City Ry. & Light Co.176, 236, 297, 361, 420, 618,

680, 750, 752, 1207, 1684Kansas City Southern Ry_ _814,

887, 904, 1039, 1207, 1273, 1472Kansas City Stock Yards ofMaine 1211, 1275, 1545, 1749

Kansas Natural Gas Co 1042Kansas Okla. & Southwest. Ry 481Kayser (Julius) & Co., N. Y.

Kellogg (F. P.) Lumber1125, 1405

Seattle 179Kellogg (Spencer) & Sons, Inc.,

Buffalo 547, 621Kellogg Toasted Corn Flakes Co.1749Kelly-Springfield Motor TruckCo 1211

Kenosha Gas & Electric Co__ 1123Kenosha Electric By 1472Kentucky Elec. Co., Louisville_ _1476Kentucky & Indiana TerminalRR 297, 1403

Kentucky Heating Co 1687Kentucky Public Service Co__ _ _1211Kentucky Securities Co 176Kentucky Traction & TerminalCo., Lexington 1472

Kentucky Utilities Co 1745Keokuk & Hamilton Bridge Co 818Keokuk Water-Works Co 1545Kern Trading & Oil Co., San

Francisco 683, 1749Keystone Telephone Co -----300300Keystone Watch Case Co_ 820. 1125Kings County Electric Light &Power Co__1125, 1275, 1476, 1687

Kings County Lighting Co 423Kingston & Pembroke By 176KirschbAum (A. B.) Co., Phila.

114, 683Klots Throwing Co., Scranton,Pa 622, 1406

Knickerbocker Ice Co., Chicago1334,1406

Knox Automobile Co., Spring-field, Mass 1211, 1276

Knoxville Gas Co 114Kokomo Frankfort & Western

Traction Co 1684Kokomo Marion & Western

Traction Co 1684Kokomo Public Utility Co 1687Kokomo Water-Works Co 1545Kootenay Central By 1608Kresge (S. S.) Co. Five and Ten-Cent Stores.._ _ _179, 424, 683,

969, 1276, 1545, 1611Kroger Grocery & Bakery Co.,

Cincinnati 52Kyes Water Co., Riverside, Cal_1042

La Belle Iron Works 1042,1406, 1476, 1545

Lackawanna Coal & Land Co.,Scranton, Pa 52

Lackawanna Coal & Lumber Co.,Scranton, Pa 52

Lackawanna Steel Co 114, 969Laclede Gas Light Co 240, 1125Laconia (N. H.) Car Co 52La Crosse Gas & Electric Co.. ......1545La Crosse Water • Power Co.,

1042, 1749Lake Erie & Eastern RR 361Lake Erie & Nor. (Elec.) Ry_ ._1746Lake Erie & Pittsburgh Ry 680Lake Erie & Youngstown By.

420, 1608Lake Erie Youngstown & South-

ern RR 111Lake Shore Elec. By., Cleveland 297Lake Superior Corp__ _114, 748,

752, 893, 1545, 1611Lakeview Trac. Co. Memphis

297, 420, 1123Lake of the Woods Milling Co 970La Maya Valley Land & Imp.Co.1476Lancaster Oxford & SouthernRR 236, 544

Land Log. & Lumber Co., Ltd.,Minn. and B. C 622

Laramie Hahn's Peak & PacificBy 111, 891, 1039

Laurentido Co., Ltd 622, 678Lawrence(Mass.)Dye Works Co.1042Lawyers' Mortgage Co., N. Y.._ 174Leadville (Col.) Lt. & Pow. Co_ _1545Lehigh Coal & Nay. Co.179, 683, 820Lehigh & Hudson River By.

1123, 1396, 1684Lehigh & New England RR.111, 1403Lehigh Valley Coal Co 477Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Co_ __ _ 821Lehigh Valley RR 477, 486Lehigh Valley Transit Co_ _ _ _47,

750, 1684, 1746Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co.

753, 817, 970Lenawee County Gas & Elec.Co.,

Adrian, Mich 1687, 1749Lexington (Ky.) Hydraulic &Mfg. Co 52

Library Bureau -1611Licking River RR 1273Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co...._1211Light & Development Co., St. L.. 622Lima (0.) Locomotive Corp.._53. 821Lincoln (Neb.) Gas & Elec. Co....1476Little Falls & Dolgeville RR_ _ _ _ 176Little Falls & Johnstown ElectricRR 111, 1123

Little Miami RR__ __750 1040, 1331Little Rock Ry. & Electric Co....1746Locomobile Co. of America 114London & Port Stanley By 1608Lorain Ashland & Southern RR_1608Long Acre Elec. Lt. & Power Co.,

114, 240, 622, 821, 893, 1042,1211, 1276, 1406

Long Beach Cal.) Consol. GasCo 753

Long Island RR 1040Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., 240,

364, 1276Lorillard (P.) Tobacco Co 1545Los Angeles Gas & Elec. Corp.._ _ 622Los Angeles By. Corp 1273

Page.Louisiana & Arkansas Ry_1040, 1198Louisiana By. & Nay. Co 544Louisiana Southern Ry 618Louisiana Water Co 1545Louisville Gas Co_ 300, 821Louisville Henderson & St. LouisRy_1040, 1270, 1274, 1472

Louisville Lighting Co 179Louisville & Nashville RR., 111,420, 544, 886, 891, 895, 968,

1123, 1542, 1684Louisville & Southern Indiana

Traction Co 1040Lowell (Mass.) El. Lt. Corp....... 547Lowell Machine

Shops..__- 1125, 1211

Lozier Motor Co.. Detroit 300Ludlow Mfg. Associates, Boston 1211Lyons-Atlas Co., Indianapolls 1125Lytton Bldg., Ckicago_ __ _1611, 1687

Mackay Companies 114cCrum-Howell Co., 424, 893,

1211, 1334, 1406, 1476McElwain (W. H.) Co., Boston.. 41Madison River Power Co 1334Mahoning Investment CO., ..616, 622Maine Central RR., 111, 176,

680, 1201, 1684Maine & New Brunswick Elec-

trical Power Co., Ltd 53Makaweli Sugar Co., San Fran-

cisco 753, 893Manatawney Bessemer Ore Co.... 53Mangum (Okla.) Electric Co........ 53Manhattan Bridge (N. Y.) Three..Cent Fare Line RR., 111,

236, 420, 618, 1331, 1684Manhattan Elec. Supply Co.. -.1042Manhattan & Jamaica (Electric)By 420, 1207

Manhattan & Queens TractionCorp 1207, 1274

Manhattan By., N Y 1331Manhattan Shirt Co 179, 622Manila Electric RR. & LightingCorp 1542

Manila By 298Manistee & Northeastern RR_ 39Manning Maxwell & Moore,Inc_ 753Mansfield (0.) By., Light &Power Co 1542

Manufacturers' Light & Heat Co.,Pittsburgh, 179, 300, 424,

547, 1125, 1749Marconi Wireless Tel. Co., Am.,

179, 300, 622Marconi Wireless Tel. Co. ofCanada 179

Marconi Wireless Tel. Co., Ltd.,London 173, 1334

Marinette Tomahawk & West-ern Ry 420, 1040

Marion Bluffton & EasternTraction Co. Bluffton, Ind__ 297

Marion Light Heat & Power Co.. 753Marion & Rye Valley By 1472Maritime Coal By. & Power Co.,Ltd 233

Maritime Telegraph & TelephoneCo 424

Marshall Butler's Lumber Co.,L'Anse, Mich 484

Marshalltown Lt. Pow. & Ry.Co. 750Marquette Cement Mfg. Co___ _1476Maryland-George's Creek CoalCo 821

Mason City & Fort Dodge RR 1274Massachusetts Electric Cos.,

618, 750, 1123, 1403, 1537Massachusetts Gas Co., 179,

970, 1119, 1476, 1749Massachusetts Ltg. Co., Boston_ 1125Massillon (0.) Elec. & Gas Co.... 114Matheson Lead Co 114Mattoon (Ill.) Gas Light Co.__ 547May Department Stores Co-.- 484Meadow River Lumber Co....... ..1042Merchants' Heat & Light Co.,

Indianapolis 821, 1042, 1545Merchants' Public Utilities Co.of Indianapolis 893, 1545

Mergenthaler Linotype Co.1042, 1204Meridian (Miss.) Lt. & Ry. Co._ illMesta Machine Co., Pittsburgh-1545Metal Shingle & Siding Co.,Ltd., Canada 1406

Metropolitan Coal Co., Boston.. 683Metropolitan Street By., Kan-sas City 1608, 1684

Metropolitan Street By., N. Y.. - 47Mexican Eagle Oil Co., Ltd..-- 364Mexican Northern Power Co...... 753Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd.,

300, 1687Mexican Telegraph

- __821, 1749

Mexico Northwestern By., 176,478. 968

Mexico Northwestern Trans-portation Co. Ltd 683

Mexico (Mo.) Power Co_ -- - - 53Mexico Tramways Co____1274, 1403Miami Copper Co 240, 617Michigan Copper & Brass Co_ __1476Michigan Limestone& Chem.Co. 683Michigan State (Bell) TelephoneCo 484, 622

Mid-Crosstown By., N. Y. City 1403Middle West Utilities Co., 481,

1040, 1406, 1545, 1746Midland Continental RR_ _1542,1608Midland Pennsylvania RR., 47,

176, 298Midland Valley

RR.' 47, 618,

1271, 1274, 1472, 1608Milburn Coal & Coke Co., Pitts.. 53Miller Rubber Co., Akron, 0..__ 53Mill Valley & Mt. Tamalpais

Scenic By 481, 544Milwaukee & Chicago Breweries,Ltd 683

Milwaukee Electric By. & LightCo 481. 544, 818,1274

Milwaukee Light Heat & Trac-tion Co 1274

Mines Co. of America 114, 1687Minneapolis General Elec. Co.,

180, 424Minneapolis & St. Louis RR.,

236, 1207, 1684Minneapolis St. Louis & Cana-dian By 236

Minneapolis St. Paul & Sault Ste.Marie By., 481, 544, 745,

750, 965, 1207

Page.Minneapolis Threshing MachineCo 114, 1476

Minnesota Gas & Electric Co..Albert Lea 683

Minnesota Sugar Co 683Miss. River & Btonne Terre Ry 236Miss. River Power Co., Keokuk_ 683Miss. Valley Gas & Electric Co.,Chicago 300

Missouri & Kansas Teleph. Co..., 180Missouri Kansas & Texas By.,

111, 968, 1036, 1056, 1274, .1403Missouri Oklahoma & Gulf RR


Missouri Pacific By., 111, 176,542, 813,818, 1207,1331, 1472, 1746

Missouri River Electric & PowerCo 300, 1334

Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co., Ra-cine 300

Mobile Electric Co 753Mobile & Ohio RR_1123, 1198, 1403Mohawk Valley Co 1331Mohican Oil & Gas Co 683Mono Power Co., Bishop, Cal 753Monongahela Valley Trac. Co 176Monongahela Valley Water Co _1545Montana Power Co_1334, 1611, 1687Montana Water Co., Billings,Mont 1749

Montour Railroad 1403Montgomery (Ala.) Light &

Traction Co 47Montpelier & Barre Lt. & P. Co_1331Montreal Central Terminal Co 111Montreal Cottons, Ltd 42, 1476Montreal Lt., H. & P. Co_ _114, 364Montreal Tramways Co....

- _295,1608, 1684

Montreal Tunnel Co 111Montreal Water & Power Co_ _ - 543Moore Filter Co. N Y 1545Morris Co. (N.Y.) Traction Co.

680, 1608, 1746Morris & Co., Chicago 547Mortgage Bond Co., N. Y.....683Motion Pictures Patents Co_ 484,

1125, 1545Mt. Baker Timber Co., Seattle_ 53Mt. Vernon El. L. & Pow. Co. 1545Mt. Vernon Water-Works Co_ 1545Mt. Whitney Power & Elec. Co.,

Visalia, Cal 1476Mountain Devel. Co., Seattle.... _ 683Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co.. 753Munce (Ind.) Water-Works Co_1545Muniepal Service Co., Phila ......1476Muscatine (Ia.) Lt. & Trac. Co.. 818Muskogee (Okla.) El. Trac. Co_1331Muskogee (Okla) Gas & El. Co_1477Mutual Teiep. Co., Erie, Pa.... _ _ 484

Mashville Chatt. & St. LouisRy_.:111, 968, 1115, 1123, 1684

Nashvile-Gallatin Inter. El. By.. 111Nashville Gas & Heating Co_ 114Nashville Ry. & Light Co 1608Nat. Elec. Signaling Co.300-,-424, 683Nat. Fireproofing Co.... ..53, 240,

300, 424, 893, 1043National Grocer Co., Detroit.. 46National Lead Co 115Nat. Light, Ht. & P. Co., N. Y.174)Nat. Motor Indem. Co.. N.Y.. ..l276Nat. Packing Co 240, 300, 547Nat. Railways of Cuba _ _1403Nat. Rys. of Mexico_ 618,888,

891, 1207, 1743, 1746Nat. Steel Car Co., Ltd., Mon-

treal 548Nat. Sugar Refining Co...._ -115,

424, 1274, 1406Natomas Consol. of Californa_ 622Nebraska (Bell) Telephone Co.

45, 53. 1611Nevada-California-Oregon By.

750, 818, 1201Nevada-California Power Co_53,

300, 622Nevada Cons. Copper Co_1276, 1477Nevada Co. Narrow-Gauge RR-1746Nevada-Utah Mines & Smelters

Corporation 180Nevada (Mo.) Water, Light &Traction Co 753, 821

New Albany (Ind.) Water Co..._1043New Bedford (Mass.)Cot. Mills_ 821Newburyport Silver Co., Keene,N. H 1750

New Consoldated Copper Co.- 48New Departure Mfg Co., Bris-

tol, Conn 753, 1043New England Fish Co 1611New Engand Power Co., Boston 180New England (Bell) Telephone &Telegraph Co 115, 970, 1043

New England Watch Co 300New Hampshire Electric Ry_47,

236, 298, 1608New IIaven Gas Light Co 1406New Jersey Consol. Gas Co.......1545New Jersey Gas Co 300New Jersey & Penn. Trac. 176New Mexico Colorado Coal &Mining Co 753

New Orleans & Grand Isle By.,Light & Power Co., Ltd 618

New Orleans & Grand Isle Trac-tion, Light & Power Co 618

New Orleans Great North. RR_ _1605New Orleans. & NortheasternRR_ 750, 968, 1399

New Orleans Ry. & Lt. Co_298, 1684New Orleans Texas & Mex. RR_ 111Newport & Providence(EL) By.. 1403Newport News & Old Point By.& Elec. Co 481

New River Co., Boston_ __ -115.240, 424, 548, 1477, 1750

Newton (George B.) Coal Co.1212, 1477

N. Y. Air Brake Co.. ....180, 484, 1406N Y. Central & Hud. RiverRR.

544. 968, 1040, 1332, 1403,1473, 1608

N Y. Central Lines 1403, 1608N. Y. City Interboro. R,y_..544, 1274N. Y. Connecting RR__ _ 968N. Y. Consol. RR__1207-, 1274, 1608N. Y. Dock Co __1271, 1477,1687N. Y. & Harlem -1111 47, 1040N. Y. & Kentucky Co. (Roches-

ter, N Y.) 234, 1546N. Y. Municipal By. Corp 818N. Y. Mutual Gas Light Co.I15, 1687

Page.N. Y. New Haven & HartfordRR__48, 176, 237, 417, 481,818, 963, 1040, 1123, 1207,

1403, 1542, 1608, 1684, 1746N. Y. & New Jersey Water Co....1276N. Y. & Nor. Jersey Rapid Tran-

sit Co 298N. Y. Ontario & Western By,

358, 481, 746, 818N. Y. Phila & Norf. RR_ _1332, 1608New York Railways_ ...361, 420,

544, 619, 1207, 1473, 1608New York State Railways.... ..48,

361, 1040, 1208, 1403N. Y. Susq & West. RR__968, 1200N. Y. Tanning Extract Co_ _1477N. Y. Telephone .Co__548, 753, 1334N. Y. Terminal Co 115N Y. Transportation Co 1334N. Y. Westchester & Boston

(El.) Ry_48, 298, 1040, 1208, 1746N. Y. & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co.

301, 484Niagara & Erie Power Co. .548548Niagara Falls Power Co.. _ ;240. 1125Niagara Lockport & OntarioPower Co 301, 1043

NiagaraW3Iland & Lake ErieRy. 680Nipe Bay Co 424Niptssing Mines Co 174Norfolk County (Va ) Water Co.. 753Norfolk Southern RR_ _ _48, 111,298, 481, 068, 1040, 1116,

1123, 1208, 1684Norfolk & Western Ry..358, 361,

544, 619, 676, 686. 1040, 1473North American Co., N Y.1276, 1473North Atlantic Fisheries, Ltd....1546North Butte Mining Co. ,Duluth

43, 1477Nortti Carolina Elec. & Pow. Co. 301North Carolina Pub ic Serv. Co.. 361North Platte Valley Irrig. Co,._ _1477North Shore Gas Co., Chicago 548Northeast Elec. Co., Rochester_1477Northern California Power Co.,

424, 548, 1546Northern Central Gas Co 240Northern Central Ry 680Northern Colorado Power Co 234Northern Electric By., Cal.,

237, 680, 968, 1473Northern Engineering Works of

Detroit 548Northern Illinois Light & Trac-

tion Co 1123Northern Indiana Gas & Elec-

tric Co 484Northern Ohio Traction & LightCo 48, 481, 1473, 1542

Northern Ontario Light & PowerCo., Toronto_970, 1406, 1477, 1750

Northern Pacific By., 111, 298,887, 1114. 1127, 1473

Northern Pacific Terminal Co__ 176Northern By. of Costa Rica..___ 544Northern Securities Co 1684Northern States Power Co.,

180, 301, 821Northern Texas Electric Co 680Northwestern Electric Co.,Portland, Ore 1276

Northwestern Elevated RR.,Chicago 818

Northwestern Gas Light & CokeCo., Oak Park, Ill 821, 893

Northwestern Ohio By. & PowerCo 48, 176

Northwestern Pacific RR 111Northwestern Penn. (Elec.) By.,Meadville 420

Norton (Mass.) Water Co 1125Norwalk (0.) Steel Co 424Norwich & Westerly Trac. Co.,

237, 361Norwood & St. Lawrence RR_ _ _1542

Oakland (Cal.) Rys., 111, 420,544, 619

Oakland (Cal.) Terminal Co 619

Oberlin (0.) Gas & El. Co. .115,622, 1477

Occidental Steel Corp., Port-land, Ore 1477

Oceanic S. S. Co., San Fran_ 53Ocean Shore RR., Cal 1403O'Gara Coal Co., Chicago, &c.,

43, 1477.Ogilvie Flour Mills Co 1403Ohio Copper Co., N. Y 53, 115Ohio Copper Mining Co., 115, 240Ohio Electric Ry 237Ohio Fuel 011 Co 301Ohio River R 237, 1123Ohio River & Northern RR.818, 1208Ohio Traction Co 818, 1473Oh Fields of Mexico 684Oklahoma Central PR 818

-Oklah ma Natural Gas Co__ 47Old Colony RR 680, 818, 1208Old Dominion Co. of Maine........ 622Omaha Water Co. 301, 821Oneida (N. Y.) By., 176, 361, 1040Ontario Power Co. of Niagara

Falls 1212, 1477Oregon Electric By 1274Oregon Land & Water Co 240Osceola Consol. Mining Co 821Oscaloosa (Ia.) Traction & LightCo. • 1208

Otis Elevator Co 1043Otsego & Herkimer (Elec.) RR_ _1473Ottawa Electric By _1473Ottawa (Ont.) Light Heat &Power Co 54, 1477, 1687

Overton County RR 481, 1123Owens Bottle Machine Co.,Toledo 1406, 1471, 1750

Ozark Power & Water Co .1043

Paauhau Sugar Plantation Co.,Hawaii 821

Pacific Coast Borax Co 821Pacific Coast Co...... _970, 1038. 1055Pacific Coast Steel Co., S. F. 54, 364Pacific Electric By. of Los Ang.,

298, 750, 1208Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (of

Arizona), Phoenix 1477Pacific Gas & Electric Co., S. F.,

237, 680, 891, 1332. 1473Pacific Great Eastern By., 298,

481, 1332, 1404Pacific Light & Power Corp.298, 545

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Page.Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass.,

1546, 1750Pacific Power & Light Co 822Pacific RR. of Nicaragua 48Pacific Teleph. & Teleg. Co.,

180, 1406, 1687Paint Creek Collieries Co 54Palmer Union Oil Co 822Panama Canal 420I'aranaRy 361, 481Parkersburg Branch RR 237Parr Shoals Power Co., Colum-

bia., S. C 1125Pasadena ( al.) Land & WaterCo 54

Pawcatuck Valley Street Ry.,1473, 1746

Pawtucket (R. I.) Electric Co.. 484

Paxtang Electric Co., Harrisburg,Pa 240

Pearsons-Taft Land Credit Co 54Peden Iron & Steel Co., Houston 753Peerless Motor Car Co. 622,

1477,1.546, 1750Pelham Park RR 48Penman's, Ltd., Montreal 234Pennsylvania Company 1208Penn. Central Light & Power Co. 54Penn.Light & Power Co. ,115, 301, 622Pennsylvania RR_ _1123, 1332, 1473Penn. & Rochester RR 1473Penn. Southwestern Ry 1208Penn. Tank Car Co., Sharon, Pa. 822Penn. Textile Co 180Pennsylvania Water Co 54PennsylvanialWater & Power Co 1334Penn. & West Va. Steel Co.,

Lebanon, Pa 1126People's Gas Electric Co.,

Burlington, la 684People's Light & heat Co., In-

dianapolis 1546People's Water Co., Oakland,Cal 115, 1126

Peoria (III.) Light Co 822Pere Marquette RR___48, 111.

294, 481, 545, 1208, 1604, 1608Pettibone Mulliken Co. ,Chicago,

548, 1750Phelps, Dodge & Co., 54, 364,

1043, 1276, 1546, 1611Phila. Bait, & Wash. RR 680Phila. Co. of Pittsburgh, 298,

619, 891, 1473, 1746Phila, Electric Co 240, 301Phila. Rapid Transit Co., 233,

294, 1608Phila. & Western (Elec.) Ry.420. 545Philip Carey Mfg. Co., Cinn_ __ 364Piedmont & Nor. (Elec.)

Ry_- 619

Pillsbury-Washburn Flour MillsCo., Ltd., London 40, 1687

Pioneer Telephone & Teleg. Co__ 753Pittsburgh Brewing Co_ ....1276, 1401Pittsburgh Coal Co.. 893, 1043, 1406Pittsburgh & Connellsville RR__ 680Pittsburgh Ft. Wayne & Chi-cago Ry 176

Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR_ _ 1542Pittsburgh Oil & Gas Co 301Pittsburgh Steel Co -822, 888Pittsburgh Steel Foundry 684Pittsburgh & Susquehanna RR_ _1684Plainfield (N. J.) Union WaterCo 240, 1126, 1611

Platt Iron Works Co., Dayton,Ohio 622

Plymouth Cordage Co 1205Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd.,

Boston 1546Pocahontas Consol. CollieriesCo. of Va 484

Poca.sset Mfg. Co., Fall River 684Pond Creek Coal Co 1750Pope Mfg. Co 893, 1121Port Arthur Light & Power Co..1126Portland (Me.) Electric Co 364Portland Eugene & Eastern

(Electric) By 48, 420, 1404Portland (Me.) Gas Light Co__ _1212Portland (Me.) Lighting & PowerCo 364

Portland Nehalem & Sea CoastBy 1473

Portland (Ore.) By.. Light &Power Co.. _298; 1274, 1473,

1542, 1746Portland (Me.) Terminal Co.,

1334, 1404Porto Rican-Amer. Tobacco Co.,

180, 301, 418, 1406Porto Rico Rys. Co., Ltd 1473Portsmouth Berkley & Suffolk(Va.) Water Co 1546

Portsmouth (R. I.) Coal MiningCo 1334

Portsmouth (0.) St. RR. &Light Co 361

Potomac Fredericksburg & Pied-mont RR

12Prairie Oil & Gas Co.._.. 1126, 112123Sales Car Co 684

Pressed Steel Car Co 424Procter & Gamble Co...._ _1334, 1687Providence Dyeing, Bleaching &

Calendering Co 822Providence (R. I.) Gas Co 485Public Service Corp. of Nor. Ill_ 970Public Service Corp. of N.J_111, 1208Public Service Investment Co.,

Boston 111Public Utilities Co., Evanston,

Iii Puebla Tramway, Light & Power1040Co 1473, 1684

Puerto Principe & Nuevitas Ry_1274Puget Sound Traction, Light &Power Co III, 818, 891, 1040

Pullman Co 1043, 1119, 1335Pure Oil Co., Phila 54, 301Putnam (Conn.) Water Co_ _684, 893

Quaker Oats Co.._ ..485, 1276, 1406uanah Acme & Pacific By.. -1274

Quapaw Gas Co 1276Quebec Central Ry 619, 1123Quebec & Lake St. John Ry.298, 1746Quebec Oriental By 1608Quebec By., Light, Heat & PowerCo 545, 619, 680, 815, 1040

CQuincy (Copper) Mining o..___1406

Racine (Wis.) Water Co 1546ailroad Construction, &c..-_ _1746

Page.Railway & Light Securities Co.,

Boston 619Railway Storage Battery CarCo 893

Raleigh & Charleston RR 892Raleigh Charlotte & Sou. Ry 48Ralston Steel Car Co 116, 1687Rapid Transit in N. Y. City-48,111, 237, 420, 1040, 1208, 1473

Ray Consol. Copper Co 616Reading Co 1111, 829, 1040,

1199. 1684Realty Associates of Brooklyn,

822, 1477, 1539Reece Button-Hole Machine Co.. 115Reliance Cement Co., Phila_ _ 684Reo Motor Car Co 301Republic Bank Note Co._ _ _ _180, 485Republic Iron & Steel Co- -417,

622, 753, 822, 1126Republic Ry. & Light Co 112Republic Rubber Co 54, 364Reynolds (R. J.) Tobacco Co.,

301, 485. 1611Rhode Island Co. (N. Y. N. H.& H. RR.) 619

Richelieu & Ontario Nay. Co.543, 97Richmond & Henrico ElectricRy 112, 1685

Richmond Radiator Co., N. Y- -1477Richmond & Rappahannock(Elec.) Ry • - 1404

Rio Grande Junction By 1542Rio Grande Ry 1474Rio Grande Southern RR____ - 680Riordon Pulp & Paper Co., Lid.,Montreal 54

Riverside (Cal.) Artesian WaterCo 1043

Riverside-Dan River CottonMills, Va 301

Riverside (Cal.) Water Co. ..240,822, 970, 1688

Robb Engineering Co., Ltd.424, 1126Roby Coal Co., Cleveland 1212Rochester Corning & Elmira

Traction Co 176Rockford & Interurban Ry 1332Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal &Iron Co 55, 622

Rochester & Suburban By 1040Rock Island Co 1115, 1132Rock Island Southern By 545Rockingham Power Co 684Rocky Mountain Fuel co., Den-

ver 1043, 1126Rolland Paper Co., Ltd., Mon-

treal • 485Round Mountain RR., Mining& Smelting Co., Ouray, Col__ 298

Rohr-McHenry Distilling Co.,Benton, Pa -1276

Roscoe Snyder & Pacific By.. _ _1685Rubber Goods Mfg. Co_ ..i546, 1688Rumely (M.) Co., La Porte,Ind 1335, 1750

Russell Motor Car Co., Ltd_ 684Rutland RR 48, 680, 1609Rutland By., Light & Power Co.. 112

Saco well -Lo Shops, Boston.... ....i126aco-Pettee Co 1126

Sacramento Valley Elec. RR_ _ _ 680Sacramento Valley Irrigation Co.Sacramento & Woodland (Elec-

tric) RR 680Saginaw-Bay City Ry 298, 481Saginaw & Flint Ry 1404St. Clair Co. (Ill.) Gas & Elec-

tric Co 425, 548St. Croix Paper Co., Woodland,Me • 753

St. Francois Co. By 237St. Johns (N. B.) Ry 1333St. John & Quebec By 545, 1747St. Joseph & Grand Island By..420, 619. 750, 1123, 1474, 1536

St. Joseph By., Light, Heat &Power Co 1542

St. Joseph Water Co 1546St. Lawrence Bridge Co., Rock-

field, Que 425St. Lawrence Sugar Refineries

Co., Ltd 425. 622St. Louis Car Wheel Co. 1750St. Louis County Gas Co 684St. Louis Iron Mountain & South-

ern Ry 112, 176, 818St. Louis Rocky Mt. & Pac. Co.,298, 619, 1040, 1197, 1332,

1404, 1417St. Louis & San Francisco By.,420, 680, 750, 1274, 1393, 1408, 1474St. Louis Southwestern 11y_358,

361, 680, 887, 1208, 1474St. Louis Springfield & Peoria

(Electric) RR 177, 237, 1542St. Mary's & Western Ontario Ry.420St. Paul Eastern Grand Trunk 421

St. Paul Union Depot Co 1609Sagadahock Light & Power Co.,Bath, Me 622

Salmon River Power Co. (N. Y.) 1043San Antonio Uvalde & Gulf RR_ 680San Bernardino (Cal.) ValleyGas Co 115

Sanborn (G. F.) Co., Oregon-.... 55San Diego Consol. Gas & Elec-

tric Co 1335, 1546Sandy Valley & Elkhorn By.. 892San Francisco Electric By 1609San Francisco-Oakland TerminalRys 545, 619

San Joaquin Light & PowerCorp 340, 1611

San Jose Terminal Ry__ - -1208, 1333San Pod. Los Ang. & Salt L. Ry-1542Santa Fe Renton & East. RR 751Santiago (Cuba) Electric Light& Traction Co 754

Sao Paulo Electric Co., Ltd__ _1043Sao Paulo Tramway, Light &Power Co 681, 1685

Sapulpa (Okla.)& Interurban By. 751Savannah (Ga.) Electric Co_ _1040Savannah (Ga.) Power Co 1043Schuylkill & Dauphin Trac. Co.. 177Schuylkill Gas & Electric Co.,

Phila 684Scranton (Pa.) Electric Co_ _ _ 548Seaboard Air Line By,, 48, 361,545, 751, 814, 818, 886, 906,

1333, 1474

Page.Sea.lshipt Oyster System. 1212,

1477. 1682Sears, Roebuck & Co.. 55, 364,

622, 893, 1276, 1547Seattle Renton & Southern Ry.,

49, 545. 751, 1208. 1404Second Ave. RR., N. Y 892Sedalia (Mo.) Light & TractionCo 115, 681. 1685

Shannon Copper Co 425, 1625Sharon Steel Hoop Co 55Shawinigan Water & Power Co.,

364, 622, 684, 1276, 1547Sheffield Coal & Iron Co_ _ _893, 1212Sheffield Farms-Slawson-DeckerCo 1126, 1276

Shelbyville (Ky.) Water & LightCo 485

Sherbrooke (Que.) By. & PowerCo 968, 1685

Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleve_ ....1335Shredded Wheat Co 1611Shreveport Gas Elec. Light &Power Co 1335

Shreveport Traction Co 1747Shreveport (La.) Water-WorksCo 754, 1547

Sierra & San Francisco PowerCo 1625, 1750

Silk Finishing Co. of America__ _1477Smart Bag Co 1406, 1547Smart-Woods, Ltd., Montreal_ _1406Solar Refining Co 1276Solvay Process Co 1212Somerset & Cambria RR 681South American Rys 362South Carolina Light Power &By. Co 751

South Carolina Western By...... _1680South JerseyGas, Electric& Trac.Corp 1685

South Pittsburgh Water Co_ _1547South Porto Rico Sugar Co 1406Southern Aluminum Co., Whit-

ney, N. C 485Southern Bell Telep. & Teleg.Co 684, 893, 1212

Southern California Edison Co_ 364Southern California MountainWater Co 301. 485

Southern Counties Gas Co. ofCal 425, 754

Southern Iron & Steel Co., 55,115, 364, 1276. 1625

Southern New England RR.Corp 481, 1333

Southern Pacific Co., 49, 358,481,-619, 681, 1542, 1747

Southern Pipe Line Co 301Southern Power Co., N. C. andS. c 1625

Southern Ry., 681, 963, 968,971, 1404, 1609, 1685

Southern Sierras Power Co.,Cal 55, 180

Southern Timber Co 684Southern Traction Co., Dallas,

421, 968, 1274Southern Traction Co. of Illinois 1208Southwestern Gas & Electric Co.,

1335, 1406Southwestern General Gas Co.,

Chicago 685Southwestern Reserve Gas Co_ _1043Southwestern (Bell) Telep. &

Telegraph Co 1547Southwestern Utilities Corp.

55, 818. 1126, 1274Spanish-American Iron Co 1547Spokane & Inland Empire RR.,

818. 1203Springfield (Mass.) Gas Light Co. 425Springfield (0.) Light Heat &Power Co 754, 1212

Springfield (Mo.) By. & Light Co.362Spring Valley Water Co_ _485, 1407Standard Chemical Iron & Lum-

ber Co 1688Standard Cordage Co 55, 1212Standard Gas & Electric Co.,

296, 822, 1688Standard Heat & Ventilation Co.,N. Y 1477

Standard Milling Co., 180, 240.822? 970, 1043, 1120

Standard Motor Construe. Co.._ 109Standard Oil Co. of Cal., 801,

425, 1335, 1478Standard Oil Co. of Indiana,

180, 1126, 1750Standard Oil Co. of N. J., 548, 1478Standard Oil Co. of Kansas 1276Standard Oil Co. of N. Y.. .._55, 1750Standard Oil Co. of Ohio 1212Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co.,

1126, 1407, 1547Standard Screw Co 46, 1750Staunton (Va.) Lighting Co_.. _1478Steel Co. of Canada, ad.,

Hamilton 41, 1750Stetson (J. B.) Co., Phila 116Stratton's Independence. Ltd_ 970Street's Western Stable Car

Line 822, 1206Stromberg-Carison Telephone ,Mfg Co., Rochester 55

Suburban RR.. Chicago 1404Suburban Water Co., Newark_ _1276Suffolk Gas & Electric Lt. Co_ _1276Suffolk Light, Heat & Power Co_ 548Sunbury & Susquehanna (El.)By. _ 49

Superior Coal Co 116, 364Superior Colliery Co 364. 1688Surbrug (Tobacco) Mfg. Co.754, 893Sutter-Butte Canal Co 1212Swift & Co., Chicago 548, 1547Syracuse Binghamton & NewYork RR 481

Syracuse Lake Shore & Northern(Electric) RR 177

Syracuse (N. Y.) Rapid TransitBy 1040

Tampa Northern RR., 49, 112, 892A anana Valley RR 1123Taylor Iron & Steel Co., High

Bridge, N J 822, 1547Taylor Wharton Iron & Steel Co.,

822, 893Telluride Power Co 240, 485Temple Iron Co 1688Tennessee Copper Co 116Tennessee Eastern Elec. Co_ _ - 116

Page.Tenn. Ky. & Nor. RR., 481,

1040, 1123Tenn, Northeastern RR___481, 619Tennessee Power Co 549Tennessee By 49Tennessee By. Lt. & Pow. Co.,

481, 545, 549Terminal Freezing & HeatingCo., Balt 425

Terminal RR. Assn. of St. L.,545, 1208, 1685

Terre Haute & Eastern Trac. Co. 892Texarkana (Tex. and Ark.) Gas& Electric Co 622, 1335

Texas Co 479, 622, 894Texas Pacific Land Trust 174Texas & Pacific Ry 1609Texas Power & Light Co.,Waco 240. 970, 1126

Third Ave. RR., N. Y., 112.172, 362. 545, 1274, 1609, 1747

Thomas Iron Co., Easton, Pa.... _ 485Thomas Motor Car Co 622Tidewater & Southern (Electric)By 112. 237, 818, 1274

Tobacco Products Corp., 1043,1212, 1335, 1547

Toledo Peoria & Western By.. ......1680Toledo Rys. & Light Co., 681.968, 1040, 1333, 1542, 1609, 1747

Toledo St. Louis & Western RR.,421, 1395

Tonopah Belmont Develop-ment Co., Phila 1547

Tonopah & Goldfield RR., 818,968, 1199, 1542

Tonopah Merger Mining Co........ 180Tonopah United Water Co 754Topeka Independent Telep. Co.. 180Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo RR.1041Toronto & Niagara Power Co.__ 301Toronto Paper Mfg. Co 1212Toronto Power Co 364Toronto By 237, 362. 545Toronto Terminals By 1474Torrington (Conn.) Co 678Trans-Mississippi Terminal Co..New Orleans 1609

Tr-City R. & Light Co _____ _ 818Trinidad Electric Co., Ltd.,B. W. I 481

Tri-State Telep. & Teleg. Co.,Minn 360

Tuckett Tobacco Co., Ltd.,Hamilton, Ont 627

Trumbull (0.) Public ServiceCo 116, 485

Tulsa (Okla.) Corp., 425, 485, 685Twenty-third St. By., N. Y___ _1333Twin Fails Oakley Land & WaterCo 1547

Twin Falls Salmon River Land &Water Co 1547, 1625

Twin Falls (Ida.) Street Ry.681, 1404Twin States Gas & Elec. Co.,

Hoosick Falls, N Y 1750

Underground Electric Rys.,London_ _112. 298, 362, 478,

1404, 1547, 1609, 1747Union-American Cigar Co., Pitts-burgh 301, 479

Union Bag & Paper Co 1547Union-Buffalo Mills Co.... _ _364, 627Union Carbide Co 685, 1478Union Electric Light & PowerCo., St. Louts 549

Union Ferry Co 180Union Gas & Electric Co.. Cinc_ 116Union Oil Co. of California_ _549,

1407, 1478Union Pacific RR_ _357, 481, 751,

1474, 1543, 1604, 1612, 1685Union By., Gas & Electric Co.,

Springfield, Ill 1747Union Stock Yards Co. of Balt_1547Union Switch & Signal Co.. _549, 1688Union Telephone Co., Erie, Pa_ 301Union Terminal Co., Dallas.......1124Union Traction Co., Indiana,

298, 362, 819Union Traction Co., Kens_ _49, 1474Union Traction Co., Phila_362. 819Union Utilities Co., Morgan-town, W. Va 177

United Boxboard Co_ _116, 241, 1688United Cigar Stores Corp.. ..238,

241, 549, 754, 822, 1478United Coal Co., Pittsb_1407, 1547United Cobalt Exploration Co 55United Drug Co 1688United Dry Goods Cos 616United Elec. Lt. & Water 970United Equities Co., N. Y....1750United Equities Corp_ _ _ _16-2-5-, 1760United Fruit Co:_116, 366, 485,

549, 685, 822, 1547, 1605, 1623United Gas & Electric Co. ofSouthern Indiana 1044

United Gas & Electric Corp.(Conn.) 177, 237. 685

United Gas Improvement Co.,116, 425, 822, 1335

United Illuminating Co., NewHaven 1750

United Light & Power Co., Cal_1626United Light & Rys. Co., Chi-cago & Grand Rapids 49, 421,

751, 819,1474United Natural Gas Co. (of Pa.).. 54()United Properties Co.

' Cal 1209

United RRs. of San Francisco,751, 1209, 1333, 1609

United Rys. & Electric Co., Balt.1124United Rys. of the Havana &Regla Warehouses, Ltd_ _421, 1041United Rys. Investment Co.298. 1609United Rys of St. Louis_ _ _1124,

1404, 1543United Shoe Machinery Corp.,116, 1212. 1751U. S. Bobbin & Shuttle Co.,

1044, 1539U. S. Envelope Co 1044, 1688U. S. Express Co 1213, 1330U. S. Finishing Co.._ .822, 894, 1205U. S. Glass Co 479, 549, 1276U. S. Independent TelephoneCo., Rochester.._ -425, 970, 1688

U. S. Light & Heating Co.. _970, 1751United States Lithograph Co___ 425U. S. Lumber & Cotton Co_ 485U. S. Motor Co_685, 104.4, 1-126-,

1213, 1335, 1407, 1626

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INDEX. [VOL. Lxxxxv.

Page.U. S. Natural Gas Co 1626U. S. Printing Co 425, 754U. S. Printing & LithographingCo 425, 1044, 1751

U. S. Rubber Co__116, 485. 970,1547, 1688

U. S. Smelting, Refining & Min-ing Co 822

U. S. Steel Corp 116, 295, 301,366, 425, 685, 970, 1126, 1203,

1335, 1478, 1626, 1751United States Telephone Co_ _ _ _ 41U. S. Worsted Co_ _894, 1044,

1126, 1407United Stores Association, N. Y..1751United Telephone & Teleg. Co.of Pa 485

United Water & Light Co., Pitts.1547United Wireless Teleg. Co., N. Y. 301Uruguay RR 362, 481Utah Co 1126Utah Consol. Mining Co_ _ _1335Utah Copper Co_ _ _ _366,1 -279, 1478Utah Power & Light Co 1126Utah Power Co 1213Utah Securities Corp 1045Utica & Mohawk Valley Ry___ A041Utilities Improvement Co., N.Y.,

1045, 1213, 1279, 1688•

Vallejo & Northern (Elec.) RR_ 681V acuum Oil Co 55, 754Valdosta Fort Gaines & Mont-gomery Ry 421

Valley Home Telephone Co.,Saginaw 485

Valley Rys 298Valley Traction Co., Harrisburg,Pa 112

Vancouver (Wash.) Gas Co_ __ _ 117Vancouver (B. C.) Lumber Co.,Ltd 55

Vandalia RR 1474Vera Cruz Terminal Co 1685Vicksburg, (Miss.) Light & Trac-

tion Co 49Vicksburg Shreveport & PacificBy 968, 1399

Vicksburg Water Worlts Co.,117, 1126, 1478, 1626

Victor-American Fuel Co 1540Virginia Air Line Ry 819Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.,

39, 117, 180, 360

Page.Virginia-Carolina Ry 362, 681Virginia (Minn.) Electric Power& Water Co 1747

Virginia Iron, Coal & Coke Co.,822, 1204

Virginia Ry. & Power Co...... 112,751, 1041, 1274, 1333, 1397

Virginia & Southwestern Ry.,1041, 1399

Virginian Power Co 1213Virginian Ry 49, 1209, 1270Vulcan Detinning Co 1478

Wabash RR_ _49, 112, 177, 298,VV 744, 968, 1115, 1209, 1404. 1747Wabash-Pittsburgh TerminalRy_ _237, 1274, 1395, 1609, 1685

Wages 177, 1209, 1474Wagner Electric Mfg Co 1549Walpole Tire & Rubber Co_894, 1478Walter A. Wood Mowing & Reap-ing Machine Co 1335

Waltham Watch Co 1688Ward Bread Co 366, 1213, 1335Ward Equipment Co., N. Y_ -1478Washington Bait. & Annapolis

Electric By 751, 891, 1747Washington Co. (Pa.) Coal Co .1126Washington & Old Dominion

(Electric) By 482Washington Potomac & Chesa-peake By 1041

Washington Ry. & Electric Co.,237, 481, 819, 1209

Washington & Rockville Ry - 1209Washington Utilities Co 1209Washington Westminster & Get-tysburg RR 112, 177

Watauga Power Co., Elizabeth-ton, Tenn 1478

Waters-Pierce Oil Co 1213, 1279Watertown (N. yo Light & Pow.Co 117, 485

Watertown (S. D.) Water Co.._ -1549Waygamack Pulp & Paper Co.(Montreal, &c.) 1216, 1751

Wellington Grey & Bruce By. - 112Wells, Fargo & Co , N. Y 1271Wellsville (N. Y.) El., Lt., Heat& Power Co 1549

Wellsville (N. Y.) Water Co.._ 1549Wendling-johnson Lumber Co.,S. F 55

West Chester Electric Ry 112



Antigo, Wis.-Election onpurchase of water plant 1143

Arizona-Act providing for election

of State, county andprecinct officers in Nov.1912 declared uncon-stitutional by SupremeCourt 310

Constitutional amend-ments 766, 1420

Arkansas-Result of general election .1068Supreme Court ruling on

submission of constitu-tional amendments.. .._1759

Augusta County, Va.-Ac-tion to enjoin road bondIssue 1420

Aurora, Colo.-Old waterbonds declared invalid by

State Court 126

Baltimore County, Md.-Road bond case_ _560, 1558Sewer plant purchased-1143

Bayou Sole Drainage Dist.,La.-Bond issue perpetu-ally enjoined 64

Billings, Mont.-MontanaWater Co. refuses city'soffer to purchase 1759

Brockport, N. Y,-Watercompany refuses offer ofvillage to purchase 496

Chicago, TaxLaw held invalid 1558

Chisholm, Minn.-Questionof purchasing light plantdefeated 1068

Cincinnati, Ohio-Annexa-tion of suburbs 373,

1143, 1345Cleveland, Ohio-Annexation of Newburgand Nottingham fa-vored 1143, 1288

Municipal telephone 83'1'tem proposed 916

Proposed new charter__ _1558Second suit to enjoin sale

of light bonds 64Coeur d'Alene, Idaho-Bonds issued to purchasewater plant declared void-1068

Colorado-Dismissal of appeal inbond case 1224, 1420

Measures to be voted onat general election_698, 1143

Supreme Court upholdsinitiative and referen-dum • 310, 699, 916

Commission plan of gov't.-Alexandria, La 633Anadarko, Okla ---------248 Anniston, Ala ---- 373Atchison, Kan 916Athens, Ala 634, 698Boone, Iowa 1420Bryan, Texas 842Champaign, Ill 1759Deal, N. J 64Duluth, Minn 1558Durango, Colo 1633East St. Louis, 111_842, 1143Florence, Ala 634Florence, So. Caro__993, 1420

Page.West Chester Kennett & Wil-mington Electric Ry 177

West End Street Ry., Boston,619, 1474, 1609

Westerly (R. I.) Lt. & Pow. Co_ 180West Penn Trac. & Water PowerCo., 237, 298, 358, 1275, 1333, 1543

West Side Belt RR., Pittsburgh,421, 751, 1395

West Virginia Traction & ElectricCo., Wheeling, 177, 298, 362,

619 1041West Virginia Water & ElectricCo., Charleston 1U6

Western Allegheny RR_ _ _421, 619Western Cities Gas & -ElectricCorp 1213

Western Dry Dock & Shipbuild-ing Co., Ltd., Port Arthur,Ont 1751

Western Grocer Co 56Western Maryland By., 50, 237,

969, 1041, 1124, 1274, 1535Western N Y. & Penn. By 1474Western Ohio By. & Power Co 112Western Pacific Ry 1747Western Power Co 627Western Rys. & Light Co 233Western States Gas & Elec. Co.,

180, 754Western Steel Car & Fdy. Co_ _ _ 425Western Steel Corp., Irondale,Wash 1478

Western Stoneware Co., Mon-mouth, Ill 117

Western Telep. & Teleg. Co.,180, 1407

Western Union Teleg. Co., 425,685, 967, 983, 986, 1045, 1549,

1688, 1751Western Utilities Co., GrandRapids 822

Western United Gas & El. Co ...1549Western Vermont Light & PowerCo 112

Westinghouse Air Brake Co.,685 748, 894, 1126

Westinghouse Electric & Mfg.Co 56, 754, 1549

Westinghouse Machine Co., 56,296, 970

Wheeling Electric Co 627, 685Wheeling & Lake Erie RR., 888,966, 969, 1275, 1474, 1609, 1747

Page.Wheeling Steel & Iron Co 485,Wheeling Traction Co.. 237, 298,

619, 892White (J. G.) & Co., Inc., En-

gineers, &c 1407White Pass & Yukon By., Ltd_ _1685-Whitney Co 301Whittenton Mfg. Co., Taunton,Mass 56,

Wichita Falls & NorthwesternBy 421, 681

Wichita Natural Gas Co 1279'Wichita (Kan.) Water Co., 56, 1549Williamsport (Pa.) Gas Co 241Willys-Overland Co., Toledo,

1547, 1751Wilmington New Castle & Del.City By 620

Wilmington (N. C.) Sewerage Co1216Wilmington Southern Trac. Co- 681_Winnipeg Salina & Gulf Ry. 545, 1609,Winona (Wis.) By. & Light Co.,

546, 1747Winston-Salem (N. C.) Gas Co 489'Wisconsin Central By 969Wisconsin Edison Co., Inc 1335Wisconsin Gas & Elec. Co.,Kenosha, &c 986, 1124, 1275.

Wisconsin & Michigan By 751Wisconsin Minn. & Pac. By..620, 681. 892, 1041, 1209,1275,1333.

Woolworth, F. W.,& Co., N. Y.,366, 425, 685, 986, 1126, 1279,

1626, 1751Worcester Consol. Street Ry___ A124Worcester Electric Light Co_ 754Wrightsville & Tennille RR_ _ _ _ 751Wyandotte County (Kan.) GasCo 1407

Vale-Towne Mfg. Co 168S1 ankee Fuel Co 754Yonkers (N. Y.) RR 112Young (J. S.) Co., Balt --- 241Young, Smyth, Field Co., Willi. 425Youngstown & Ohio River

(Electric) RR 290Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.,

1626, 1751Yukon Gold Co 425

Zanesville (0.) Gas & El. Co_ ..1216,Janesville (0.) By. Light &

Power Co 892


Page.Commission plan of govt-Con.Fresno, Cal 310Glen Rock, N. J 993Great Bend, Kan 764Jackson, Miss 560, 916Jackson, Tenn 1633Lake Charles, La_ _1633, 1759Long Beach, Miss 634Los Angeles, Cal 1558McKinney, Texas 1345Mart, Texas 560Mississippi 1420Nampa, Idaho 64Natchitoches, La_ _ _699, 1143New Orleans, La.. _ _ _187,

560,634, 1633Paducah, Ky 634, 1420Pawhuska, Okla 311Pensacola, Fla 1633Phoenix, Ariz 1146, 1420Salem, Mass 1421San Jose, Cal 1695Savannah, Ga 560, 1420Sheffield, Ala 311, 560Spokane, Wash_496, 993, 1421Trinidad, Colo 560Vicksburg, Miss_ _ _ _634, 1559Waterville, Maine 1421Wichita, Kan 560Wildwood, N. J 126, 248Winona, Minn 1421Yazoo City, Miss 700York, Neb 1695

Connecticut-Constitutionalamendments adopted_ 1345

Opinion relative to taxa-tion of bonds issued bybusiness corporations_ 496

Opinion of Attorney-Gen-eral on savings bank in-vestments 993

Copiah County, Miss.-Bonds declared valid_ _ _ _1224

Custer County, Mont.-In-junction dissolved 560

Dallas, Tex.-Bonds de-clared legal investmentsfor New York savingsbanks 842

Des Moines, Iowa-Pro-ceedings for condemna-

tion of water plant,1485, 1759

Detroit, Mich.-Revision ofcity charter proposed_ _ _ _1558

Direct election of U. S. Sena-tors-Louisiana 64

I-.verett, Wash.-Water-

plant-condemnation or-dinance repealed 126

Florid a--I- Constitutional amend-

ments adopted_1068, 1345Extra session of Legis-

lature 496Foreign Governments-

Argentine Republic-Ten-ders of bonds requested 1633

Austria-Loan 1633Budapest, Hungary-Loan 64Cuba-Bonds drawn for re-demotion 373

Notice to bondholdersconcerning new cou-pons 1633


Foreign Governments-Con.Hawaii-Bond sale- -248,

433, 496Nicaragua_Debt set tlement64,560,1224Receipts during ad-

ministration Americancollector 766

Porto Rico--Bond sale 311,634Bond offering 1633

Tokyo, Japan 1558

Georgia-N-a Constitutional amend-

ments adopted._560,993, 1420

Legislature Adjourns_ _ _ - 496Grand Rapids, Mich.-Mu-

nicipal ownership of streetrailway proposed 916

Great Falls, Mont.-Le-gality of bond electionquestioned 433

Guthrie, Okla.-Legality ofviaduct bonds questioned 496

Hyde Park, Mass.-Suitattacking water bondsale dismissed 248

I daho-Constitutional amend-ments 842, 1558

Illinois-Sources of munici-pal revenues 1633

Income tax (State), Okla-homa 917

Income tax (United States)-States send notificationof ratification_1288, 1225, 1345

Indiana-Case involving newconstitution appealed toU.S. Supreme Court _126,

634, 1143, 1485Initiative, referendum and

recall-Colorado 310, 699, 916Duluth, Minn 1558Phoenix, Ariz 1420United States 1558

V earney, Neb.-Litigation 434entucky-Constitutionalamendments_ _ ....699, 1345

Lakeland, Fla.-Bonds de-clared valid 1558

Laramie Valley MunicipalIrrigation Dist., Wyo.-Organization of bondhold-ers' protective committeesuggested 1420

Lawton, Okla.-Bond Com-missioner not required topass on assessment bonds_ 699

Louisiana-Constitutional amendmentsadopted 1485

Extra session of Legisla-ture 373, 560

Legislature adjourns 187Tax reform measures

passed 560Louisville, Ky.-Agreement

for purchase of Gas Co.shares owned by city- _ 248

RA aine-Road bond amend-ment adopted 766


Manistee, Mich.-Bonusbonds not a lien uponproperty 310

Manitowoc, Wis.-Purchaseof light plant favored,

993, 1345Marysville 5th. Dist., OhioBond issue enjoined 1486

Massachusetts-Savings bankinvestments 1143

Michigan-Constitutionalamendments adopted_... _1420

Miles City, Mont.-Bridgebonds declared valid 1695

Millcreek Twp. S. D., OhioBond issue enjoined 1633

Mississippi-Commission governmentupheld by SupremeCourt 1420

Constitutional amend-ments defeated_ _ _842, 1420

Missouri-Constitutional amend-ments 842

Road district law upheld_ 64Municipal bond sales (mthly)124, 373, 432, 634, 697,

915, 1286, 1557Murray City, Utah-Bond

issue attacked 1420Muskegon Sch. Dist., Mich.-Bonds declared legal__ _1420

Nacogdoches, Tex.-Citywins light suit 1558

Nebraska-Constitutionalamendments 699, 1558

Nevada-Proposed consti-tutional amendments.... _ 310

Newark, N. J.-Court ofErrors and Appeals decidesagainst city in Prudentialtax case 1224

New Hampshire-Result ofvote on constitutionalamendments 187, 1486

New Jersey-Water landdeal approved 1224

Newport, Ky.-Annexationof neighboring cities pro-posed 248

New York City-Bronx County bill ap-

proved by voters 1288Budget for 1913_ _ _ _1224,

1486, 1633Tentative assessed values

for 1913 916New York State-Bonds listed 434Dallas, Tex., bonds de-

clared legal investmentsfor savings banks 842

Mortgage tax-opinion ofAttorney-general 993

Road bonds voted_1288, 1695Tacoma, Wash., bonds

legal investments forsavings banks 700

Torrens land registrationlaw litigation 1224

North St. Paul, Minn.-Litigation 1633

Oakland, Cal.-Result ofrecall election 373, 434

Oakland-Topeka, Kan.-An-nexation election 1759


OakPark,111.-Village agreesto purchase water plant_ 917

Ohio-'Bondsmen hold liable for

interest obtained onState funds 1288

Bribery cases.. _ _181, 993,1633, 1695, 1759

Constitutional amend-ments__ _187, 634, 699, 766

Financial history of State_ 373Oklahoma-Bond Commissioner not

required to pass onstreet assessment bonds

(see Lawton) 699Car.:tol removal question

560, 1345, 1558Court interprets law au-

thorizing townships toissue bridge bonds 248

Income tax and graduatedland tax 917

Inheritance tax 1143Re-hearing denied in tax

case 1420Special session of Senate. _1486Supreme Court upholdsbond issue to refundoutstanding warrants _1420

Oregon-Result of vote atgeneral election_ ___1145, 1759

Dark City, Tenn.-Bond/- sale declared legal 1068Perris Irrigation District,• Cal.-Judgemnts againstdistrict 1759

Philadelphia School District,Pa.-District assumesschool debt of city 993

Pomeroy, Ohio---Litigation_1759Portland, Ore.-Charteramendments 1068, 1345

Port of Seattle, Wash.-Harbor improvement pro-jecta declared valid 017

Putnam, Conn.-Terms torpurchase of water plantaccepted 699, 917

Recall elections-Oakland, Cal 373, 434Rock Island, Ill 434Shreveport, La 766, I.061)

Revere, Mass.-Citizens fa-vor annexation to Boston_1069

Richland Co. S. D. No. 13,So. Caro.-Petition to en-join bond issue denied.... _ 373

Riverside, Cal.-Municipalwater system 248, 1061)

Rochester, N. Y.-Appell-ate Division affirms lowerCourt decision In WestSide sewer bond ease- 188

Rock Island, 111.-No recallelection 434

Can Francisco, Cal-Char-tero.7 amendments 1760

Offer of city to purchaseplant of Spring ValleyWater Co. rejected 496, 1420

Seattle, Wash.-Court directs valuation of

Seattle ilent011 & Sou.By. by Public ServiceCommission 1421

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GENERAL NEWS-(Conel.)Page.

Seattle, Wash.-(Con.)Hebb power site, city not

compelled to purchase.. 699Movement to recall May-or falLs 1486

Municipal car line bondsdeclared valid by Su-preme Court 64

Shreveport, La.-City offers to purchase

water plant 766Result of recall election

766, 1069South Carolina-

Constitutional amend-ments 700, 1558

Cotton warehouse act de-clared unconstitutionalby Supreme Court_ __ - 311

Spokane, Wash.-Specialelection ordered by Courtto abolish commissiongovernment 496

Sullivan County, Tenn.-Bonds declared valid.248, 1288

Tacoma, Wash.-Bonds le-gal investments for New

York savings banks 700Taylor County, Ky.-Agree-ment with holders of oldrailroad bonds 1760

Texas-Condition of Statefunds 1224

Torrens Land Title Regis-tration Law-

New York State 1224

UUnited States-Election of Representa-tive Catlin of Missourideclared invalid 434

Election of Senator Lori-mer of Illinois declaredinvalid 188

Proposed initiative and re-call amendments to con-stitution 1558

Utah-Constitutional amend-ments defeated 1421

VIcksburg, Miss-Propo-sition to buy water

plant defeated 1146,1421, 1633

Virginia, Minn.-Water com-pany accepts city's offerto purchase 1421

Waco, Tex.-Revised sys-tem of assessment__ -1345

Washington-Constitutionalamendments_1225, 1421, 1633

West Virginia-Special ses-sion of Legislature 1559

Wildwood, N. J.-Incorpor-ation proceedings upheldby Supreme Court 496

Wilkes-Barre and Dorrance-town, Pa.-Annexationdefeated 634

Wilmington, No. Caro.-City purchases plant ofsewerage company 1225

Wisconsin-Result of voteon State questions 1559

Wyoming-Constitutionalamendment defeated- 1633


Aberdeen, Miss 65berdeen, So. Dak _1345 1486

Aberdeen, Wash 1421Aberdeen Sch. Dist., Cal.__ 126Abernathy Sch. Dist., Tex.1559Abilene, Tex__ - _373, 496,

1146, 1633Abingdon, Ill 634Abington, Va 65Accomack Co., Va 188, 496Ackerman, Miss 126Acton, Maas 496Acton, Ont 849, 1161Ada, Ohio. 312, 434, 1559, 1761Ada S. D., Ohio.. 766, 993, 1146Adair Co., Okla 766Adams Co., Miss_ _65, 474, 993Adams Co., Wash 126Adamston, W. Va_ _ _ _1345,

1421, 1633Adamsville, Tenn 1633Adel, Ga 312Aga.ssiz, B. C 1074, 1700Agawam, Mass 993, 1069Ailsa Craig S. D., Sask 131Akron, Ohio_ _188, 496, 766,843, 917, 993, 1069, 1146,

1421, 1633Alabama City, Ala__ - _248,

312, 1695Alamance County, No. Car_ 843Alameda, Cal_ _ _434, 700,

1069, 1146Alameda S. D., Cal... .312, 560Albany, N Y 767, 917Albany County, N. Y.634, 767Alberhill S. D., Cal_._ _560,

1069, 1146, 1761Alberni, B. C 1351Alberta 1429, 1563Albert Lea, Minn 560,

1147, 1633Albion, N. Y 373Albion Sch. Dist., Neb 917Albion Sch. Dist., Cal 1695Albuquerque S. D., Cal.,

1421, 1695Albuquerque S. D., NewMex 843, 1288, 1761

Algona, Iowa 126Algona S. D., Ia_767, 993, 1486Alhambra, Cal....312, 767,

1993, 1147Aliceville, Ala 1633, 1761Allan, Bask 193Allegheny Co., Md_ _ _1147, 1225Allegheny Co., Pa-1345, 1421Allen Co., 01110_434, 767,

1069, 1345, 1761Allentown, Pa 767, 1147

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Alliance, 0_126, 248, 312,434, 496, 560, 843, 999,

1421, 1633, 1695, 1761Alliston, Ont 70Alma Ind. S. D., Tex 434Altamont, Ill 700, 993Altamont, N. Y. _560, 917, 1421Altamont Un. Fr. S. D.,N.Y 993

Altoona, Pa 373, 434, 843Alturas Gram. S. D., Cal,

496, 017Alva, Okla 1069Alviso S. D., Cal_65, 312,

700, 1069Amaranth, Ont 254Amazon, !Flask 849Amesta Sch. Dist., Cal_ _ 496Amherst, N. 5 502, 640Amherstburg, Ont_ _1291, 1766Amite Co., Mias___560, 700, 767Amsterdam, Ohio 993, 1147Anadarko S. D., Okla 1633Anamosa S. D., Iowa 1288Andover, Ohio 1761Andrews S. D., No. Car_ _ 65Angola, N. Y 1761Annapolis, Md__ _ _188, 248, 496Ann Arbor, Mich 560Anne Arundel Co., Md. _65, 188Ansley, Neb 373Anson Co., No. Car 248Ansonia, Ohio .,248Anthony, Kan 1633Antioch, Cal 312, 917Antelope Park, Sask._ _ _ 640, 999Antwerp S. D., Ohio _248,

700, 1069, 1147Aoxee Dr. Dist., Wash 843Apollo S. D., Pa 126Appalachia, Va 1761Appleton, Wis 373, 496Aransas Co., Tex 434Aransas Pass, Tex 700Arcade, N.Y 1695Arcanum, Ohio 1559Archbold, Ohio 188, 434Arcola, Bask439 1429Arizona 1069, 1633, 1695Arlington, So. Dak _373, 700Arlington, Tenn 1147, 1633Arlington Heights, Ohio,

1147, 1345, 1633Arm River, Bask 1228Armstrong, B. C 1638Arnold, Neb 1761Arnprior, Ont 193Arran Twp., Ont 922Arrow Twp., Ont 1491Arroyo Grande, Cal_ __634, 1486Artesia, N. Mex__767, 993, 1225Arthur, Ont__70, 131, 193, 640Ashby S. D., Va 634Asheville, No. Car__ A486, 1695Ashland, 0_126, 188, 373,

560, 767, 1486, 1633, 1761Ashland, Ore 843, 1761Ashland, Va 1633Ashland Co., 0 248Ashley, Ohio_ ..A88, 700,

993, 1421, 1634Ashley S. D., Ohio 1069Ashtabula, 0_126, 248, 496, 635Ashtabula City S. D., Ohio,

1147, 1288Ashtabula Co., Ohio 1225Asotin Co S. D., Wash.... 312Assiniboia, Man.502, 1151, 1563Assumption, III 1634Atascosa Co., Tex 1761Athabasca Landing, Man.,

439, 1291, 1700Athens, Ohio_ _ _496, 1695, 1761Athol, Mass 767, 843Atlantic City, N. J....635,

1069, 1559Atlantic Co., N. J 126Atlantic S. D., Iowa__ _ _65, 434Atoka Co., Okla 1421, 1695Attala Co., Miss 434, 993Attleborough, Mass__ _496,

560, 1069, 1147Auburn Sch. Dist., Neb_ _1695Auburn, Cal 434Auburn, N. Y 1634Auburndale, Fla 1559Audubon, N. J 700Auglaize Co., Ohio 1559Augusta, Ga__312, 1225,

1345, 1559, 1634Augusta, Me 917, 993, 1069Augfata Co., Va 188, 635Aurora, Ont 772, 1228Aurora, III 434Aurora Twp. S. D., 0 _126, 373Austin, Minn 1225, 1345Austin, Tex 635, 767Austin Co., Tex 1695Austin S. D., Cal_373, 767, 1069Avalon, N. J 843, 1345Avery Ind. S. D., Tex 635Avila S. D., Cal 560, 917Avilla, Ind 1421, 1634Avinger Ind. S. D., Tex.,

635, 1069Avoca, Pa 1695Avon, N. Y 188, 248Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J.,

1345, 1634Avonlea, Bask 1700

Babylon, N.Y.1147, 1345, 1634aker, Ore., 843, 993,1421,1695

Bakersfield, Cal., 635, 843,91'i , 1069

Bakersfield S. D., Cal., 373, 1695Baldwin, Ia 496, 1147Baldwinsville, N. Y. _917, 994Ballston S. D., N Y_ 917Ballston Spa, N. Y. _ _1559, 1634Baltic, 0 496, 767, 1147Baltimore, Md., 188, 560,

1345, 1421Baltimore Co., Md_ _248, 635Bancroft S. D., So. Dak.,434,635Bangor, Wis 1634, 1695Baraga Co., Mich 312, 1486Barelas S. D., New Mex.312, 700Barksdale, Wis 1422Barnesville, Ohio, 994, 1225,1761Barnwell, So. Car 1288Barry Co., Mo_126, 635, 767Bartlesville, Okla 1422Barton Twp., Ont_ _1491, 1638

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Bartow Co., Ga 312, 1069Bassano, Alta_ _ _ _70, 439, 999Bassett, Neb 1288, 1761Bastrop Co., Tex., 126,

373, 635, 700, 1069, 1225Batesville, Miss 1695Bath, Pa 1422Baton Rouge, La 1486Battleford, Sask., 193, 377,

502, 564, 1291Bay, Ohio 248, 994, 1634Bay City, Mieh_126, 248, 700Bay City, Tex. - 496, 700, 767Bayfield, Wis 65Bayfield Co., Wis 635Baylor Co., Tex 635Bayou Cane Dr. DLst., La.._ 312Bayou Terre-aux-BoeuffsDr. Dist., La 466

Bay Twp., OhioBeach Haven, N. JBeadworth, Bask Beam2ville, Ont 254Beatrice, Neb. _ _ _496, 917, 1422Beaver, Pa 635, 1069Beaver Falls, PaBeaverton, Ore 1147, 1695Beckley S. D., VaBedford, Ind Bedford, OntBedford Twp., Mieh_1225, 1422Bedminster Twp. S. D.,N J 188, 700

Beecher, Ill 496Bee Co., Tex 126, 635Bee Co. Corn. S. D., Tex.,

635, 767Belington Ind. Sch. Dist.,W. Va 434, 635

Bell Centre, 0 1559, 1695Bell Co., Ky 1422, 1695Bell Co. Corn. S. D., Tex.,

767, 1147, *1427Bellefontaine, 0., 312, 700,

1147, 1761Belle Fourche, So. Dak_ 1761Belleville S. D., N. J_1422, 1486Belleville, Ont., 194, 254,

317, 377Belle Plaine, Kan 843Belle Plaine, Ia 1069Bellevue, KY 635, 1422Bellevue, Ohio, 126, 635,

843, 1422Bellevue, Pa 1761Bellevue S.D.,Cal.,248, 635, 700Belmar, N. J 635, 700Belmont, Mass 496, 560Belmont Co., Ohio, 65, 248,

767, 1559Beloit, Kan 248Belvidere S. D., Cal 434Beltrami Co., Minn 994Belzoni Dr. Dist., Miss_ 373Bemidji Ind. S. D., Minn_ 249Bend, Ore., 188, 249, 434,

560, 1069, 1147Bennington, Kan 1069Bennington, Okla 994Benton Co. S. D., Ore_ .65, 1069Benton Co. S. D., Wash.. 635Benwood Un. H. S. D.,W. Va 767

Berdue, Bask 1074Berea Vii. S. D., Ohio.1486, 1559Bergen Co., N. J 994Berkeley, Cal 1422, 1486Berlin, Ont., 70, 194, 254,

317, 377, 640, 1151, 1700Bernards Twp., 4. J., 1486,

1559, 1634Barrington, Ill ' 843Berrien Co., Mich 1761Bethany, Mo 126Bethel S. D., Ohio_ _ _ _126, 188Bettsville S. D., Ohio, 15,

249, 312, 373Beverly, Mass 1486Beverly, N. J 188, 434Bevier, Mo 917, 1070Bexley, Ohio 312, 1559Bienfalt, Flask 849, 999Difnast, Man 439Big Fork S. D., Mont_994, 142213igg S. D., Cal 1070Biggar, Sask., 254, 317, 564,,

772, 849, 1291Biglick Twp., Ohio 1422Big Quill, Bask 254Big Rapids, Mich., 767,

1225, 1761Big Springs, Tex 1070Big Valley S. D., Cal_ _560, 843Bijou Irr. Dist., Colo 1422Billings, Mont 1761Billings Co., No. Dak_ 1225, 1422Biloxi, Miss_ -1147, 1225, 1634Birch Hills, Bask 1228, 1766Birdsboro S. D., Pa 85Birmingham, Ala., 635,

1070, 1147Bishop, Cal 917, 1486Bishop S. D., Cal 1422Bishop S. D., Tex 312Black Creek Dr. Dist.,Miss 1070, 1634

Blackshear, Ga 700Blackville, So, Car., 312,

434, 635, 700Blackville S. D., So. Car.,

496, 767, 1761Blackwell, Okla 373, 496Bladworth, Bask 772Blaine Co., Mont., 635,

1486, 1695Blairmore, Alta 1228Blairville S D., Bask 1228Blanchard, Ia 496, 917Bloomfield, N. J 434, 767Bloomingdale, N. Y__1559, 1634Bloomington, III 843Bloomington Ind. S. D.,Cal 249, 434, 560

Bloomington S. D., III 1559Bloomington S. D., Ind_ _ _ _1761Bloom Twp., Ohio_ 1345, 1486Bloomville, 0 844Blue Earth Co., Minn 373Blue Island, Ill 312, 373Blue Mountain, Miss 1695Bogart, Ga 844Bogota, Ind. S. D., Tex.,

249, 434, 1070Boise, Idaho 844, 1486



17611422, 1761 194

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Boise City Ind. S. D., Ida_ 312Boise City, Ida_ _1070, 1634,

1695, 1761Bomarton Ind. S. D. Tex.,

249, 767, 1147Bonham, Tex 1225Bonhomme Co., No. Dak_ _1070Bonners Ferry S. D., Idaho,

1422, 1634Bonneville Co. Ind. S. D.,Idaho 767

Boone County, Iowa 65Boone County, Mo 767Bosque Co., Tex 373Boston, Mass _65, 560, 635,767, 844, 917, 1147, 1288,

1345, 1422Box Butte Co., Neb_ _1070, 1559Bovill, Ida 373Bowdon, Ga 635, 994Bowdre Twp., Ill 1228Bowen, Ill 767Bowerston, 0 700, 1345Bowie S. D., Ariz 496Bowling Green, Ky._ _312,

434, 635, 844Bowling Green S. D., Ohio,

65, 126, 240, 497Bowmanville, Ont.849, 999, 1074Bracebridge, Ont.. .254, 377, 922Bradentown, Fla_ __ _1228, 1695Bradford, Ohio 126Braintree, Mass 249, 373Brampton, Ont.... 194, 439,

564, 1491, 1638, 1700Brandon, Man__194, 564,

1563, 1638Brantford,Ont.70,922,1228, 1700Bratenhal, 0 700, 1761Brattleboro, Vt 1070Brazoria Co., Tex_ _ _ _1070,

1634, 1695Brazoria Co. S. D., Tex _ 249, 497Brazoria Co. Drainage Dist.,Tex. 1634

Brechin, Ont 1351Brecksville Twp., 0 1695Bredenburg, Sask 70, 564Bremen, 0.. __1288, 1345,

1486, 1634Bremer Co., Iowa 1422Bremerton, Wash 312, 434Brenner Co., Iowa 1070Brewer, Me 635Bridgeburg, Ont 1491,

1638, 1766Bridgeport, Conn 1147Bridgeport, Pa 497Bridgeton, N. J. 126, 373, 1695Bridgeville S. D., Pa 1761Bridgewater, Va 635, 999Brighton, Ont 1638Briggs S. D., Cal_917, 1422, 1634Briscoe Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex *1427, 1695

Bristol Co., Mass_ _ _ _1225,1422, 1559, 1695, 1761

Brittannia, Bask 254Broad Oaks, W Va 1225Brockport, N. Y 496,

1070, 1695, 176113rockton, N Y 312Bronxville, N. Y__560, 700,

767, 994Brooke Twp., Iowa 65Brooke Twp., Ont 131Brookhaven, MLss 434, 560Brookhaven Un. Fr. S. D.,N.Y 188

Brookline, Mass 434Brooklyn S. D., Iowa...434, 844Brooks Co., Tex 1634Brookville S. D., Ind 65Brown Co. S. D., Tex_1422, 1695Brown's Creek S. D., W. Va.,

994, 1559, 1695Brownlee, Bask 922, 1151Brown Twp., 0 249, 560Bruce Co., Ont 439, 1766Bruning, Neb 126, 844Brunswick, Md 188, 635Brunswick, Mo 700Brunswick Co., Va 434, 635Bryan, Ohio_ 65, 373, 497,

700, 1422, 1634Buchan, Bask 1228Buchanan Co., Mo 65 ,635Buehtel Vii. S. D., 0_ _ _497, 700Bucyrus, Ohio 126, 635Buffalo, N. Y_ _65, 249, 635,701, 767, 844, 917, 1147,1225, 1288, 1422, 1486, 1559

Bureau Co., Ill 1070Burk's Falls, Ont 1700Burleson Co., Tex_ _ _1225, 1761Burley, Ida 635, 767Burlingame, Cal_ .635,1070,

1147, 1345, 1761Burlingame, Ran 844, 1070Burlingame S. D., Cal.994,

1486, 1559Burlington, N. J 249Burlington dr Nelson Sch.

Sections, Ont 70, 317Burnaby, B. C 1228, 1429Burnett, Tex 1695Burton, Ohio. 1070, 1288 ,1422Butler Co., Iowa_ _ _ _1070, 1422Butler Co., Ohio 249, 497Butler S. D., Pa 1289Butte City S. D., Cal_ _65,

249, 434, 1634, 1761Butte Co., So. Dak 188Byron, Ill 169513yesville S. D., Ohio... _ _65, 249Byromville, Ga 1225

rabazon S. D., Cal 434‘sabell Co., W Va 1695Cabri, Sal* 1766Cache Co., Utah 65Cache River Dr. Dist., Dl.. 994Cadillac S. D., Mich 497Cadott, Wis 434Cainsville, Mo 126Calcasieu Parish S. D., La.,

373, 497, 844Caldwell, N. J 434, 635Caldwell, Ohio 1486, 1695Caldwell Co. Corn. S. D.,

Tex...767, 1147, *1427,1634, 1695

Caldwell S. D., Ida .994, 1422Caledonia, Bask 70, 502

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Calgary, Alta ._ _ _254, 317,377, 440, 564, 640, 772,

849, 1291, 1351, 1638, 1766Calgary S. D., Alta 1766Calhoun Co., Ia.1225, 1422, 1634Calhoun Co., So. Car. .767. 1422Calhoun Co., Tex 1634California_126, 312, 635,

917, 1070, 1422, 1486, 1634Callahan Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 717

Calloway Co., Hy 1345Calumet Co., Wis 249, 373Calumet S. D., Mich 635Calvert, Tex 1345, 1634Calvin, Okla 312'Cambridge, Mass...65, 126,

635, 701Cambridge, N. Y 1695Cambridge, Ohlo_65, 126,

994, 1147Camden, N. J 312, 767Camden, So. Caro_ ....1147, 1559Camden Co., N. J..126, 374, 434Camden Run Dr. Dist.,No. Caro 994

CameronCo.Com.S.D., Tex.1634Cameron Co., Tex 635,

701, 767, 994Cameron Co. Dr. Dist., Tex.1634Cameron Co. Dr.

Dist., La_1634

Camilla, Ga 767, 1345, 1559Campbell S. D., Tax... _560,

*1427, 1761Camose, Alta 1292, 1491Canadian, Tex 994, 1147Canal Dover, 0 374Canastota, N. Y 434, 560Canine°, N. Y_188, 560,

701, 994, 1070.Cannington,Ont.1292, 1491, 1563Canonsburg, Pa 1070.Canora, Sask__377, 440,

502, 772, 999, 1151, 1563Cantna S D., Cal 635Canton, 0....65, 126, 249,

312, 497, 560, 635, 701,767, 844, 994, 1070,1346, 1422, 1486, 1634, 1761

Canton S. D., 0 1422Canuck S. D., Bask 772Canutillo S. D., Tex 767Canyon City, Ore 1422Cape Girardeau, Mo 694Cape May Co., N. J_ _ _ _65, 249Capreol Twp. Sch. Sec., Ont 131Carbon Co., Pa 1422, 1486Carey, 0_ ....767, 994, 1486, 1761Carleton Co., Ont 440,

564, 705, 1638Carlevale, Sask 1229Carlinville, Ill 635-Carlinville S. D., Ill 249Carlisle Spec. S.D., Ark.701, 767Carlstadt, Alta 440, 772Caroline Co., Va 249Carr S. D , Colo 65,188Carroll Co., Miss 67Carrollton, Ga 1145Carrollton Spec. S. D., 0.,

994, 1422, 1695Carrothers Spec. S. D., 0.,

249, 497, 1487, 1761Carter Co., Ky 497Carter Co., Okla 844Carterville, Ga 65, 312Carthage S. D., Mo_ _ _ _188, 249Cartierville, Que 1292Cascade, Mont 312, 701Cascade .Co., Mont_ .188,

1070, 1761Casper S. D., Wyo 188Cass Co., Tex 65, 844Cass Co., Neb 1147, 1422Cass Co. Con. S. D., Minn_ 434Cass Co. S. D., Tex 1761Castle Rock Irr. Dist., Neb.1487Castietown S. D., Sask 772Castor, Alta 640Castro Valley S. D. Cal.,

126, 635 844Catawauba Island Twp. S.D., Ohio 1695

Catawissa, Pa 497, 844, 994Cavan, Bask 70, 440Cecil Co., Md 701, 767Cedar Co., Mo 917Cedar Creek Twp., Ind__ 635Cedar Falls, Ia 1422, 1487Cedarhurst, N. Y.767, 917,

994, 1070Cedar Rapids, Neb 498Celina, Ohio 994, 1289Center Twp., Ohio 1422Central Islip S.D., N. Y.434, 561Centralia, Ili 126, 312, 701Centralia, Wash 1070, 1696Centralia S. D., Ill 497Central Point, Ore 1696Centre Twp., Mo.635, 1346, 1634Ceres High S. D., Cal_188,

917, 1147, 1225Cerro Gordo Co., Ia 1070Chagrin Falls, 0..844, 1422, 1487Chambers Co., Tex_ _65,

635, 1070, 1147Chambers Co. S. D., Tex.._ 249Chambersburg, Pa- _ _1070, 1225Champaign, Alta 502, 922Champaign, Ill_ _126, 497,

994, 1487, 1761Champaign Co., 0...... _994,

1070, 12811, 1634Champaign S. D., Ill _ 126, 635Chandlerville S. D., 0_188,

249, 312, 497Chaneyville Ind. S. D., Tex.,

767, 1147, *1427, 1761Chanute City, Kan 635Chapple, Our 254,- 1700Chardon, Ohio 1422, 1634Charles City, Ia 1147, 1289Charleston, So Caro 635Charlestown S. D., W. Va.,

65, 249, 1761Charlevoix Co., Mich 561Charlotte, Mich 1487, 1634Charlotte, No. Caro...._188,

249, 312, 767, 844Charlottetown, P. E. I....._1638Chase City, Va__ _312, 636, 1070 1Chatfield Twp., Ohio 65Chatham, N. J 994Chatham, Ont 1151, 1768

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Chatham, Va 994 Columbus, Ga 66, 435, 844 Dayton, Ohio 66, 127, East Town Twp., Pa 250 Fairview S. D., Cal_ _ _435, 561Chattanooga, Tenn__ _188,

767, 844, 1070, 1559Columbus, Ind 1634Columbus, Miss 374, 497

250, 313, 374, 636, 701,768, 995, 1147, 1228,

East View, 0_1346, 1423, 1696East View S. D., 0 250

Falling Spring S. D., W. Va. 250Fallon, Nev 1762

Chautauqua Co., N. Y__ ..1422 Columbus, Ohio_-

_ _66, 127, 1348, 1423, 1487, 1635, 1762 East View Rom. Cath. S. D. Fall River, Mass., 250, 313,Chaves Co. S. D., New Mex.,

497, 701189, 249, 313, 497, 701,768, 844, 1147, 1229,

Dayton S. D., Ohio_ ..1487,1898, 1762

Ont 440, 773, 922, 1429East Williston Water Dist.,

845, 1763Fall River Mills S. D., Cal_

Cheatham Co., Tenn 1696 1423, 1487, 1634, 1698 Decatur, Ind 561, 701 N.Y 630_498

Fannin Co. S. D., Tex 1635Cheeksawaga, N. Y__ _ _127, 249 Columbus S. D., Ohio_ 1423. 1696 Decatur Twp., Ind 1147 East Windsor S. D., N. J., Far Hills S. D., N. J 1560Chehalis, Wash 994, 1228Chehalis Co., Wash__ _ -65, 1422

Columbus S. D., Neb_ _66, 374Colville, Wash 435

Deckerville, Mich 313, 836Deckerville, H. S. D.,Mich_1696

1148, 1226East Youngstown, 0_ _313,

Faribault S. D., Minn 1070Farmdale S. D., Cal., 250,

Chehalis Co. S. D., Wash__ 844 Comanche Co. S. D., Tex. Dedham, Mass___313, 561, 636, 995, 1896 918, 1070Cheltenham Twp. S. D., Pa. 65 636, 768, 1070, *1427 636, 995 Eatonton, Ga 1696 Farmers' Irr. Dist., Neb.,Chemung. N. Y 1696 Concho Co. S. D., Tex_636, 1147 beemston, Pa 374 Eburne, B. C 317, 377 '1560, 1635Cheraw, So. Caro 127, 249 Cone S D., Cal 435, 994 Deer Creek, Ill 995 Ecorse, Mich 995, 1696 Farmington, Wash., 702,Cherry Valley, Ill 994 Conley S. D., Cal_844, S17, 1147 Deer Park, 0_844, 1226, Eden, Me 250, 435 1070, 1289, 1696'Chester, Mont 994 Connell, Wash 1696 1346, 1487 Eden Twp., 0' 1423, 1696 Farrell, Pa 313, 374, 1148Chester, So. Caro 767 ConnelLsNille, Pa 636 Defiance, Ia 250, 636 Edgar Co., Ill 1226 Fauquier Co., Va_127, 498, 636Chester, Sask 849, 1563 Connaught, Sask 1766 Defiance Co., 0 918 Edgefield, So. Caro_ _ _845, Fayette Co. S. D., Tex.918, 1289Chester Twp., 0 374, 497 Conrad, Mont_ _701, 1147, De Kalb Co., Ala_313,1147,1423 1289, 1560 Fayetteville, N Y 1070Chesterville, Ont 1429 1226, 1487 Delaware, 0_ 127, 497, 701, Edgewood, Va 1289 Ferdinand S. D., Ida 845Cheyenne, Okla 127, 188 Converse Co. S. D., Wyo. 844, 1560 Edgewood Ind. S. D., Tex., Fergus, Ont 1838Chicago, 111_188, 249, 497, 1289 66, 1634 Delaware Co., 0_636, 918, 1147 497, 768, 1148, *1427, 1696 Ferndale, Wash.1226, 1146, 1696'Chicago Junction, 0_ _ _127,

313, 561, 1487Continental VII. S. D. 0_ 844Contra Costa Co.,Ca1.1487, 1696

Delaware S. D., 0 497,1346, 1635

Edgwood, Pa 1762Edmonds, Wash 1070

Fernie, B C 132, 254Fifth Louisiana Levee Dist.,

Chickasaw Co., Miss 313 Conyers, Ga 249 Del Rosa S. D., Cal 1762 Edmonton, Alta 70, 502, La 768Chico High S. D., Cal 1422 Cook Co., Ill_ _66, 844, 994, Delta, 0 497, 701 999, 1429, 1563 Fillmore, Sask 1838Chicopee, Mass_ _249, 313,581, 636, 844, 1289, 1346, 1422

1289, 1580Cook Co., Minn 1696

Delta, Pa 1289Delton, Wis 636

Edson, Alta 132, 377, 849Edwards Co. S D., Tex.,

Fillmore S. D., Cal_ _ __313, 845Findiater, Sask 773, 849

Chilliwack, B. C.502, 922, 1074 Cook Co., Tex 1070, 1634 Delta Co., Mich_844, 1423, 1487 *1427, 1696 Findlay, Ohio 250, 313Chino Gram. S. D., Cal_ _ _ _ 249 Coon Rapids, Ia_ _189, 497, 1289 Demarest S. D., N. J____66, 250 Egansville, Ont • 132 Fitchville Twp., Ohio 1580Chino High S. D., Cal 249 Cooper, Tex 768, 1226 Denholm Sask 1563 El Centro, Cal_ 127, 1228, 1635 Fitzgerald, Ga 66, 127Chinook, Mont 127 Cooperstown, N. Y 1289 Denison, Tex 1280, 1423 El Centro S. D., Cal 1560 Flanagan, Ill 636Chinquacoasy, Ont_ _ _ _377, • Copiah County, Miss 127 Denison S. D., Tex 1635 Eldora S. D., Ia 1487 Flathead Co. S. D., Mont__ 189

1292, 1491 Coquille S. D., Ore_ __844, 1346 Dennison, 0. 189,636 Eldorado, 0 845, 1289 Flemington, N. J 1696Churchbridge, Sask 849 Coraopolis, Pa 189 Denton Co. S. D., Tex 1762 Electra, Tex 845 Flemington S. D., W. Va. _1346Churdan, Ia 701, 768 Corbin, Ky 1696 Denzil, Sask 1563 Elefros, Sask_ _317, 440, 564 Flint, Mich 498, 1070'Cincinnati, O65, 189, 249, Corcoran ljn. 11.5. D., Cal _ 1070 De Pere, Wis 1835 Elizabeth, N. J., 313, 701, Flora S. D., So. Dak 435

313, 374, 561, 636, 844,994, 1070, 1147, 1346,

1422, 1487, 1761

Cordele, Ga_ _249, 561, 844, 994Cornwall, Ont 717Coronado S. D., Cal__ _189,

Deposit, N Y 1487Deport Ind. S. D., Tex _ 636,

788, 1148, *1427, 1762

1560, 1835Elk Bayou S. D., Cal 313Elkhart County, Ind. .250, 435

Floresville, Tex., 768, 1220, 1423Flushing VII. S. D., Ohio,

498, 636Cincinnati S. D., 0 917 497, 581 Dereham Twp., Ont 377 Elkin Twp., No. Car 1635 Fond du Lac, Wis., 250,Circleville, 0 1834, 1762 Coronation, Alta 999 Deshler, O..561,. 636, 718, 995 Elko, Nev 788 • 561, 768, 995City Creek S. D., Ca1.1634, 1762 Corpus Christi, Tex__ _701, Des Moines, Ia. .127, 250, Ellington Twp., Mich 1226 Foraker, Okla 1070, 1423Claiborne Co., Miss_ __ _497, 917 768, 1423 435, 497, 918, 1487 Elliott Ind. S. D., Ia_1560, 1696 Ford Co., Kan 127Clallam Co., Wash_ _ _ _844, 1423 Corpus Christi Ind. S. D., Des Moines Ind. S. D., Ia., Ellis Co., Tex., 66, 127, 250, Ford Co. S. D., Tex 313Clara City, Minn 917 Tex 917, 1423 66, 127, 1148, 1226, 1289 497, 701, 845, 1148, 1226 Ford River Twp., Mich.... 86Clarington S. D., 0 1634 Corsicana, Tex 994, 1289 Des Moines S. D., Ia_ 918, Ellis Co. Dr. Dist., Tex 127 Forest, 0 189, 435Clark Co., 0_85. 497, 636,

1289, 1559, 1762Corte Madera, Cal 701Corvina, Cal 1762

1635, 1762De Soto, Kan 1762

Ellis Co. Corn. S. D. No. 49,Tex 127, 636

Forest, Ont., 564, 849, 1074,1700Forest Un. S. D., Ohio, 250, 435

Clark Co. S. D., Wash 374 Cortlandt S. D., Neb 994 De Soto Co. Rd. Dist., Miss.1696 Ellis Co. Corn. S. D. No. 111, Forestville, N. Y 250Clarke Co., MLss_63Q„ 701,

768, 1'226, 1698Corydon, Ky 1423, 1761Coshocton Co., Ohio 249

De Soto Co. SupervisorsDist. No. 1, Miss 127

Tex 1635Elmvale, Ont 1429

Forrest Co., Miss.. 435, 702,• 995, 1580, 1098

Clark Fork, Idaho 65 Coshocton S. D., 01110_701, De Soto Co. Supervisors Ellsworth, Me 1070 Forsythe S. D., Ga., 630,Clarkson S. D., Neb 1289 995, 1487, 1762 Dist. No. 2, Miss 127 Ellwood City, Pa 66 845, 1226Clarksville, Tex 1346, 1696 Cote, Sask 254, 317 Detroit, Mich__127, 313, Elmdale S. D., Cal_ _ _ .250. 498 Fort Atkinson Joint S. D.,Clatskanie, Ore 127 Cottle Co. S. D., Tex _497, 435, 561, 701, 844, 995, Elmira, N. Y., 127, 313, Wis 250Clay Co., Ind 844, 1896 768, 1427 1226, 1289, 1423, 1560, 374, 435, 701 Fort Bend Co., Tex., 127,Clay Co., Miss_249, 497, 561, 701 Cotton Creek Irr. Dist. ,Col. 1635, 1762 Elmira, Ont., 132, 194, 377, 702, 845, 918, 995, 1289Clay Co., No. Caro 249 701, 995, 1634 Devils Lake S. D., No. Dak. 844 773, 1000, 1491, 1766 Fort Bragg S. D., Cal 845Clayton, No. Caro__ _994, 1559 Coulee de Jan Dr. Dist., La. Dewey, Okla 1835 El Modena S. D., Cal_ _66, 250 Fort Edward, N. Y 1763Clearwater, F1a_844, 994, 1147 127, 844 De Witt, Neb 250, 374 Elmore, 0 581, 638, 1560 Fort Dodge, Ia 127, 498Clearwater S. D., Sask. _ _ _ 772 Coupeville S. D., Wash.... 189 Dexter, Mo 435, 561, 701 Elmore Co.

' Ida 189, 581 Fort Francis, Ont 1151

Clemons Con. S. D., Ia__ -1226 Covington, Ky 631 Diamond City, S. D., Alta_1838 Elmore Ind. S. D., Minn., Fort Laramie, Ohio 1423Clermont Co., 0 1559, 1096 Covington Co., Miss_ _1346, Dickinson Co., Va... _435, 1487 435, 636 Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 498,Cleveland, O.65, 497, 636, 1634, 1762 Diller, Neb 1635 Elmvale, Ont 1000 702, 1346

701, 768, 844, 917, 994,1147, 1225, 1346, 1423,

1487, 1762

Covington S. D., Ohio ____ 435Coweta County, Ga 189Cowlitz Co. S. D., Wash.

Dillon S. D., Mont 1762Dinuba, Cal_ 1289, 1346,

1696, 1762

El Paso, Tex., 768, 995,•1289, 1346

El Paso Co., Tex., 66, 498,

Fort Lee, N. J 845, 995Fort Meade, Fla 68, 435Fort Pierce, Fla 1226

Cleveland Co., Okla 313 1070, 1226 Divide Co., No. Dak 313 561, 701, 768, 1560 Fort Saskatchewan, Alta.__ 773Cleveland H'gts, 0_ _1423, 1762 Craghill S. D., Cal 1423 Dixon Un. S. D., Cal_ _636, El Paso Co. Rd. Dist., Tex_1762 Fort Scott S. D., Kan.,Cleveland Hgts. S. D., Ohio Cranbrook, B. C 564 618, 1423 El Paso S. D., Tex 636 189, 435, 702

1147, 1289 Craven County, No. Car__ _ 917 Dodge City S. D., Kan__ -- 995 El Portal S. D., Cal_.

.995, 1898 Fort William, Ont., 641,Cleveland S. D., Ohio_ _ _65, Craven Co. Farm Life S.D., Dodge S. D., Neb 313 El Segundo S. D., Ca1.313, 498 1151, 1229, 1766

1346, 1423, 1487, 1762 No. Car 497 Doerum, Ga 1487 Elsinore, Cal 1423, 1635 Fort Worth, Tex 189, 314Cleves, Ohio 636, 844 Crawford Co., Ark 701 Dominion, N. S_ 841, 773, 1292 Elvis 8. D.1 Mo • 1289 Fostoria, 0., 66, 189, 374,Clifton Forge, Va 1559 Creelman S. D., Sask_ .564, 773 Dominion of Canada_ _131, Elwood, Neb 313, 374 561, 845, 1070, 1423, 1783Clinton, Ill 844 Creemore, Ont 1563 254, 999, 1491, 1710 Elyria, 0 1148, 1635, 1762 Fowler, Cal., 374, 845, 1070,1763Clinton, Ia 917 Crescent City, Cal 844 Dona Aug Co., N. Mex_ _ _ _1835 Elyria S. D., Ohio_ _ _1226, 1346 Fowler Station S. D., Ida_ _1763 .Clinton, Mass 844, 917 Cresson, Pa 844 Donlphan, Mo 995 Elyria City S. D., Ohio, Fowler Twp., 0 250, 498Clinton, Ont_ _ _ _705, 1151, 1638 Crestline, 0 561 Doniphan, Neb 1560 1635, 1762 Fox Hill, Sask 773Clinton Co., Ky 1634, 1696 Crete, Ill 374, 435, 768, 917 Dorchester Co., Md 1762 Emerald, Sask 1151, 1638 Francis Rural Municipality,Clinton Co., 0_1423, 1560, 1696 Crittenden County, Ky._ _ 313 Dorset Twp. S. D. ,0.1487, 1696 Emmett S. D., Ida 66 Sask 564, 922Closter, N. J 1289 Crockett Co. Corn. S. D., Douglas, Ga 844 Emsworth, Pa., 1070, 1346, Frankfort, Ohio 1423, 1560Clover Valley S. D., Sask__ 772 Tex 249, 788 Douglas Co. S. D., Wash 66 1487, 1635, 1696 Franklin, Mass 1346Clovis, Cal 1226 Crooksville, Ohio 189 Douglasville, Ga__636, 995, Enderby, B. C., 440, 705, Franklin, Neb 250Clyde, Ohio __ _1147, 1226, 1289 Crosby County, Tex 1226 1487, 1635, 1698 773, 1229 Franklin County, Fla 1560Clyde Ind. S. D., Tex_ _768,

1147, *1427, 1762Cross Plains Ind. S. D.,Tex.

127, 249, 844Dover, 0 374, 636, 918Dover City S. D., N. J_-- 995

Enderlin, No. Dak 845Englewood, N. J., 1423,

Franklin Co., Ind 702, 918Franklin County, Ia 1898

Clyde S. D., Bask 772 Croswell, Mich 374 Dover City S. D., O..1423, 1487, 1560 Franklin Co., Miss__ _1070, 1763Coahoma County, _ _ 66 Crowley, La 636 1560, 1635 Enid, Okla 1148, 1226 Franklin Co., Ohlo_88, 127,Coal City S. D., Ill 313 Crowley Dr. Dist., La_ _313, Dowagiac S. D., Mich..701, 1148 Ennis, Tex 68, 636 189, 314, 374, 498, 561,Coalinga S. D., Cal 434 636, 788, 995 Dow City, Ia 1696, 1762 Ensign S. D., Cal 66 1070, 1560, 1763Coatsville, Pa 1070, 1147 Crown City Spec. S. D. 0_ 66 Doylestown S. D., Pa 1696 Enterprise Irr. Dist., Ida. .1762 Frazesburg S. D., Ohio.-- -1340Cobalt, Ont 1700 Crystal Falls S. D., Mich. Driggs, Idaho 374 Enterprise Twp., Kan 435 Frederick Co., Md 435,Cobden, Ont 1563 189, 1423 Driggs S. D., Idaho 66, 497 Entwistle, Alta 922, 1700 836, 1423Coblenz, Sask 564 Cuba School District, Ill.. 249 Dublin, Va 313 Evamasa Twp., Ont 1766 Fredericksburg, Ia 1346Cobleskill, N Y 1226, 1696 Cudahy, Wis 701, 917 Dublin Ind. 5, D., Tex_ _1635 Erie, Pa 189, 498 Frederickton, N. B__1151, 1292Cobleskill S. D., N Y 768 Cudworth, Sask 705, 1074 Dubuque Ind. 5, D., Ia.. 66 Erie Co., Ohio 1070, 1226 Fredericktown, Mo_ ...314,Coburg, Ont 922 Cuero, Tex 636 Duck Lake Sask_ _440, 705, 922 Erie Co., Pa 768 702, 1148, 1487Cochise Co. S. D., Ariz _435,

497, 994Cuero Ind. S. D., Tex_ _189,

1147, *1427Dunbar, Pa 435, 768, 1289Duncan, D. C 377, 502,

Erie Twp., Ohio 768, 918Escanada, Mich

Freedom, Pa_ _374, 561, 845, 918Fredonia, N. Y 845, 918

Cochrane, Ont 70, 999 Culpeper County, Va.. _313, 497 705, 1074 Escondido S. D., Cal., 435, Freeport, N. Y. _ _ _127, 435, 498Cody Canal Irr. Dist., Wyo. 768 Cumberland Co., N. J_189, Duncanville Ind. S. D., Tex., 561, 1070 Freeport, Ill___1423, 1635, 1696Coffeyville, Kan 917, 1762 313, 1226 *1427, 1696 Essex Co., Mass 701, 768 Freeport, Pa 830, 702Cohocton, N. Y___313, 374, 497 Cupar, Bask 254 Dundas, Ont 922, 1700 Essex Co., N. J 189,1035 Frelinghuysen Twp. S. D.Cohoes, N. Y 1487, 1634 Custer County, Mont.1289, 1560 Dundee, Neb 1635, 1090 Essex Fells S. D., N. J.',374, 1762 N. J 1070Coltsville Twp. S. D., Ohio Custer Co. S. D., Mont. Dunkirk,0_497, 1070, 1346,1560 E.ssex S. D., Vt 845, 1070 Fremont, Mich 1696

127, 313 127, 561, 701, 768, 917 Dunkirk S. D., 0 995 Estevan, Sask., 849, 922, Fremont, Neb 1340Coke Co. S. D., Tex_*1427, 1696 Cut Knife, Sank 1229 Dunlap, Ia 127 1151, 1838 Fremont, Ohio_ _ _ _127, 435,Colborne, Ont 1429 Cutler Sch. Dist., Cal 127 Dunmore S. D., Pa_ _1289, 1487 Estevan S. D., Sask._ _317, 504 636, 702, 918, 1148, 1423Coldstream, Man 999 Cuyahoga County, 0_ _88, Durant, Okla 918, 1423 Estherville S. D., Ia., 127, Fremont S. D., Ind 00Coldstream S. D., Man-502, 772 127, 189, 249, 313, 374, Duval, Sask 377, 440 845, 1289 Fremont S. D., Neb 127Coldwater, Mich 497Coldwater, Ohio 1696

661, 701, 708, 844, 917,1147, 1226, 1487, 1560

Duval Co.. Fla 844, 918 Etewanda S. D., Cal 250Euclid, Ohio 1226, 1487

Fresno, Cal 66, 250, 561Fresno County, Cal 1070

Coldwater, Ont 564, 999Coleman, Alta_ __ _640, 773,

• 849, 1491Coleman Co. Corn. S. 'D.,Tex 313

Cuyama S. D., Cal_ _1070,1346, 1560

nade City, Fla 1634voade Co, Fla__844, 1289, 1762

East tstN.V, ewstasOhkanogan Irr.p 844, 995

East Chicago S. D., Ind.768, 995East Cleveland, 0_189, 435,

701, 1289

Eufaula, Okla 4S8Eugene, Ore., 374, 435, 702, 995Eugene S. D,. Ore., 1348,

1560, 1762Empora, Miss 1835

Frio County, Tex 995Fruitland S. D., Cal 788Fry S. D., Alta 773Fullerton, Cal.. ..127, 314,

638, 1346Coleman S. D., Alta 377 Dade Co., Mo_ _127, 917, 1560 East Cleveland S. D., 0., Eustis, Neb 127 Fullerton T.T. S. D., Cal.Colerain Twp. S. D., Ohio Dalryville S. D., Cal__435, 995 561, 918, 1346,1696 Eutawville S. D., So. Car 66 1071, 1340, 1580, 1783

1487, 1696 Dakota S. D., Cal 313 East Conemaugh, Pa 1423 Evangeline Parish S. D., La.1148 Fulton, N. Y_374, 498, 845, 1070Coleridge, Neb..__249, 374,

768, 1226Dallas, Tex_ _66, 374, 497,

561, 1346, 1634, 1762East Garafraxa, Ont 1766Easthampton, Mass_ _ _ _561, 636

Evanston, Ill., 1148, 1289,1696, 1762

Fulton County, N. Y 127Fulton County, Ohio. ..561,769

Colfax, Cal 374, 636, 1634Colfax, Ill 435

Dallas City, Ore_ _66, 374,435, 768

Eastland Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 497, 918

Evanston S. D., Ill 189Evanston T*p. S. D., Ill_ _1070 nadsby, Alta 1000

Colfax S. D., Cal 1762 Dallas County, Ala_.

__127, 497 East Lansdowne S. D., Pa., Everett, Mass., 498, 1148, ‘3‘ adsd en County, Fla.__ -1071Colgate, Sask 1151, 1292 Dallas Co. Corn. S.D., Tex. 250, 435 1423, 1487 Gainesville, Tex 918College Hill, Pa 189, 1762 249, 497, 768, 1147 East Liverpool, 0_189, 497, Everett, Wash., 313, 498, Galena, Mo. 127College View, Neb 189

'Collingdale, Pa 249, 1696Dalton, Ill 435 636Dansville, N. Y 1070, 1634

768, 995East Luther Twp., Ont_ ...1O74

918, 1560, 1762Excelsior Springs, Mo. 768, 918

Gallatin Co. S. D., Mont.- 709Gallatin Co., Mont__

Collingwood, Ont_131, 377,705, 1292, 1429, 1700

Danville, Ky 701, 768Danville, Va 127

East Lynne S. D., Cal__435, 844East McKeesport, Pa_ 313,

Exeter, Ont 132, 254Exeter, Cal 995

1487, 1690Gallon, 0_ _127, 498, 702,

Collingwood Twp., Ont__ _ _1766 Darby Twp., Pa 1346 435, 1070 Exeter S. D., Cal., 1346, 769, 1560Collingsworth Co. S. D.,Tex ___768, 1147, *1427, 1762

Darke County, Ohlo_1346, 1696Dartmouth, N. S 1760

Eastman, Que 999East Moline Twp. S. D., Ill. 313

1423, 1635Export S. D., Pa 313, 374

Gallia County, Ohlo_918, 1148Gallipolls, Ohio 1071, 1783

Colonsay, Sask 70, £22 Dauphin, Man 840 Eastnor Twp., Ont 1292 Gallipolls Spec. S. D., Ohio_ 498Colorado County, Tex 917 Davenport S. D., Ia_ _189, 249 Easton, Pa_ _127, 189, 836, 768 Ont 1229 Gall Lake, Ont 849Colorado Spgs., Col_ _1289, 1423 Davenport TJn. Fr. S. D., East Palestine, 0_ _435, 768, Fairbanks,

airfield Ind. S. D., Ia____ 313 Gallup, New Mex_66, 189, 435Colton S. D., Cal 561, 917 N.Y 768 844, 1226, 1289 Fairlight, Sask 1229 Galt, Ont __70, 132, 1151,

• Columbia S. D., Pa 994 Daviess County, Ind_ _250, 1289 East Palestine S. D., 0_497, 836 Fair Oaks S. D., Cal_1340, 1487 1292, 1583Columblana Co., Ohlo_127,

249, 313, 497, 561, 701,917, 1147, 1423

Davison, Sask 131Dawson Co. S. D., Mont.

788, 1487

East Pittsburgh, Pa_ _636, 701East Rochester, N. Y.1835, 1762East St. Louis Park Dist.,I11. 127

Fairport S. D., Ohio 995Fairview, N. J 1635Fairview, Ore 1423

Galt Joint II. S. D., Ca1.129, 189Galveston, Tex 498Galveston Co. Dr. D., Tex-1763

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Gananoque, Ont 1229Gap, Sac* 922, 1229Garden City, Kan 1783Garden Grove, Ia 250Garfield S. D., Cal_66, 314, 435Garrettson, So. Dak___128,

845, 1635Garrison Ind. S. D., Tex.

314, *1427, 1696Gastonia, No. Car 1635Gates S. D., N. Y 189, 435Gault, Ont 1229Gauze Ind. S D.,Tex_ _769,

1148, *1427. 1696Geauga County, Ohio 1635Geddes Un. Fr .S. D., N.Y.

995, 1071Geneseo, N. Y_ _ _ _128, 250, 561Genesee Co., Mich_ _ _ _845,

918, 1071Genesee Ind. S. D., Ida__ 995Geneva, Ill 374, 845, 995Geneva, N.Y. _ _918, 1071,

1560, 1635, 1763Geneva S. D. Cal 1289Genoa, O. :66, 636, 702, 918George S. D., Ia 498Georgetown, Ont_ _254, 377,

773, 1229Georgetown S. D., Ill 1226Georgia 1148Georgia Twp., Ont 317Gering, Neb 1696Germantown, Neb 1289Gibsonburg, Ohio 6313, 845Gibson City, III____66, 636, 702Giddings S. D., Tex 1148Gilbert Plains, Man 1638Gilman, Ia 128, 314, 435Girard, Kan 1580Girard, Ohio 66, 250Gladstone, Ore 918Glassboro, N. J 128Gleichen, Alta 317Glenada S. D., Alta 773Gienavan, Bask 849Glencoe S. D., Alta 773Glen Co. II. S. D., Cal_435,

702, 1423Glen Cove, N.Y 769Glendale, Cal_66, 314, 498,

995, 1423Glendale City S. D., Cal__ _, 66Glendora S. D., Cal 1424Glens Falls, N. Y 374, 561Glen Rock, N. J 561, 918Glenville, N. Y 1763Glenville Un. S. D., N. Y.._ 769Gloucester Co., N. J__1071,

1226, 1424, 1560Gloversville. N. Y_189, 918,

1148, 1226Glynn County, Ga 66, 498Goderich, Ont 1766Goethe S. D., Sask 773Golden Valley, Minn 498Golden West, Bask_ _1151, 1701Gold Hill, Ore 1346Goldrad Ind. S. D.,Tex_702, 845Goldsboro, Pa 1289, 1763Gonzales County, Tex 66Gonzales Co. Rd. Dist., Tex. 128Gonzales S. D., Tex 498Goodeve S. D., Sask 773Goodlands, Man 502Goodrich S. D., Mich 561Gordon County, Ga__ _ _636, 769Gouverneur, N Y 250Govan, Sask_317, 377, 849, 1563Grady County, Okla 1424Graham Co. S. D., Kan.. 561Gramling S. D., So. Car__ _ 128Grand Encampment, Wyo.

435, 636Grand Falls Dr. Dist., Tex.

1148, 1636Grand Forks, B. C 440, 705Grand Forks Co., No. Dak_ 66Grand Haven S. D., Mich__ 498Grand Island, Neb 1580Grand Junction, Colo_ _189, 250Grand Rapids, Mich.._1148,

1424, 1696, 1763Grand Rapids, Minn 66Grand Traverse Co., Mich_ 435Grand View, Man 377Granger S. D., Tex 1148Grangeville S. D., Ida 1763Granite City, III 845,

1148, 1228Granite S. D., Utah 918Giant Co., Wash_ ___1487, 1635Grant Co. S. D. 12, Waah_1424Grant Co. S. D. 25, Wash 995Grant Co. S. D. 94, Wash.

918, 1148Grant Co. S D. 109, Wash.

1424, 1697Grant Co. S. D. 111, Wash.

918, 1148Grant S. D., W. Va__ _ _250, 561Grant's Pass, Ore 1071,

1560, 1635Grapeland Ind. S. D., Tex.

498, 769, 1148, *1427, 1697Grass Lake, Soak 1701Grates S. D., Ohio 250Grattan S. D., Sask 377Gravette, Ark 189Gray Co. Corn. S. D., Tex.

66, 250, 435, 769, 1148Grayling Twp. S. D., Mich_ 995Grayson, Sank 705Grayson Co. Corn. S.D.,Tex1148Great Bend, Pa 374, 769Great Falls, Mont-66, 374, 1560Great Neck Un. Fr. S. D.,N.Y 250

Greeley Co., Neb 128, 1071Greeley S. D., Cal-66, 918, 1667Grenfell, Bask 1491Greenburgh, N. Y 189Greenburgh Un. Fr. S. D.,N. Y 128, 189

Greene Co., Mo 769Greene Co., N. Y.. _845, 965Greenfield, Mo-_-561, 702G18Greenfield, Ia.. -996, 1148,'1635Greenfield Park, Que 318Greenlee Co. S. D., Ariz.,

435, 16(17Greensboro, No. Car_ _250,

636, 769, 918, 1763Greensboro S. D., Ala 128

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Greensburg S. D. Ind .637,702Green Twp. S. D. Ohio

-- 128

Greenville, Pa_ _66, 189,498, 769, 845, 1697

Greenville, So. Car 67Greenville, Tex 1697, 1763Greenville S. D., Mich_250,

498, 918, 1697Greenville S. D., Ohio_67, 250Gregory Co., So. Dak 1424Grenada Co., Miss 435,995Gresham, Ore 189Grimes Co., Tex 918Grimes Co. Dr. Dist., Tex..1424Grimes Co. Sch. Dists, Tex.,

. *1427, 1697Grimsby, Ont . 1701Griswold, Iowa 498Grove City, Ohio_ _67, 128, 374Grove Hill S. D., Ohio 314Guadalupe Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex_ _769, 1148, *1427, 1697

Guelph, Ont__ 70, .194, 318,502, 1292, 1638, 1701

Guernsey Co., Ohio 189Guilford Co., No. Car_ _498, 769Guin S. D., Ala. .250, 637,

995, 1635Guthrie, Okla 67, 128, 314Guymon, Okla 769, 1346

Hackensack, N. J. _561, 702addonfield S. D., N. J.,

845, 1289Haddon Heightg, N. J.1148,.1226Halley, Idaho 498Halleyburg,Ont .1229, 1563, 1701Halbrite, Sask 254, 641Haleyville, Ala 314, 702Halifax, N. S 70, 254Hall Co. Corn. S. D., Tex.,

*1427, 1697Halton Co., Ont 565Hamblen Co., Tenn 189Hamilton, Ill 769Hamilton, Ohto_250, 561,702, 845, 1346, 1487, 1560, 1763Hamilton, Ont_1000, 1429, 1766Hamilton, Tex 561, 1763Hamilton Co., Ia_314, 435, 1560Hamilton Co., Ohio_ _ _498, 1346Hamilton S. D., 0.. . _189,

1071, 1635Hamilton Co., Tex_ _702, 1148Hamilton Ind. S. D., Tex.,

769, 1148, *1427Hancock Co., Ind 435Hancock Co., Ohio _ _995,

1071, 1148, 1347Hancock Co. S. D., Ill 67Hancock S. D., Mich 498Hanford, Cal__637, 702, 918,

1071, 1560, 1763Hanford S. D., Cal_ _ _769,

1148, 1424, 1635, 1697Hanley, Bask _194, 849,

922, 1074, 1292, 1351Haniontown, 0 561Hanmer Twp., Ont 132Hanover Twp. S. D., Pa._ 435Hanover, Pa 095Harbin Ind. S. D., Tex.,

1289, 1697Harbor Beach, Mich 374Hardin Co., Iowa 1697Hardin Co., Ohio_ _128, 189,

250, 702, 845Hardin Co., Tex 67Hardscrabble Irr. Dist.,Colo 408, 918, 1071, 1487

Hardwick, Vt 1635Harman, III 702Harlan Graded S. D., Ky 769Harleyville S. D., So. Car 995Harper, Hans 1148Harriettstown, N. Y 498Harrisburg, N. Y 637Harrisburg, Pa 250, 374Harrisburg S. D., Pa_ _995, 1289Harris Co., Tex 435, 702Harris Co. Dr. Dist., Tex.,

637, 1071, 1148, 1424Harris Co. S. D., Tex_ _769,

1148, *1428, 1697Harrison, 0 250, 498, 769Harrison, Ont 502Harrison Co., Miss- _128,

702, 1346Harrison Co., Mo 189Harrison Co., Tex 995Harriston, Ont 922Harrlsville S. D., Mich_ 67Hart, Mich.. 128, 189Hartley Co., Tex 1071Hartford, Conn 128, 1697Hartford, Mich 128Hartford S. D., Ky 435Hartlip S. D., Alta 773Hansel's, Ala. 314, 562Hartwell, 0 250, 769Hasbrouck Heights, N. J__ 769Haskell Co. Dr. Dist., Tex_1148Haskell Co. S. D., Tex- -__*1428Hustings, Fla 1635Hastings S. D , Pa 702,918Haverhill, Maas 1289Haverstraw, N Y_250, 374, 702Hawarden, Soak 565Hawthorne, N. J 189Hazel Bridge S. D., Man.,

641, 922Hazleton, Pa 435, 769Hayes Center, Neb 498Hayes Creek Dr. Dist., Ga.,

1071, 1148, 1635Hay Twp., Ont 1151Hayward, Cal 1226Hayward, Ga 637Heber Springs S. D., Ark_ 189Helena, Ark 1763Helena, Mont 128Helena S. D., Mont_ -189,

314, 498Hemet, Cal 250, 436, 769Hempstead Un. S. D., N. Y. 127Henderson, Ky 1424Henderson Co., Tex 1560Henderson Co. Dr. Dist. ,I11. 189Henderson Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex '637, 760, 1071

Henderson S. D., Tex 1226Henrietta, Tex 637, 769Henry Co., Ohio 918IIenryetta S. D., Okla 1148

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Herbert, Sask_ 1151, 1229, 1701Herbert S. D., Sask.440, 773, 922Herkimer, N. Y 1763Hermann, Mo 250Hermiston S. D., Ore_1226, 1763Hermosa Beach, Cal_ _314,

702, 845Herrin Co. High S. D., Ill.,

1148, 1424Hester S. D., Cal 128, 435Hibbert, Ont 71Hico, Tex 436Higginsville, Mo 1346Highland County, Ohio__ _ _ 498Highland Park, Mich_ _67,

128, 190, 1697Highland Park S. D., Mich.

637, 769, 1226, 1560High Point Twp., No. Car_ 498High Springs, Fla 845Hightstown, N. J_ _190, 702, 845Hill Co. S. D., Mont__ _67, 1560Hill Co. S. D. No. 50, Mont. 67Hill Co. S. D. No. 16, Mont. 250Hilliar Twp., Ohio 114Hillsboro, TexHillsburgh, SaskHinckley, IllHinds Co., MissHingham, Mass Hinton, Okla__1226, 1346, 1487Hiram Twp. S. D., 0_1148, 1289Hobart, Okla 128Hdrooken, N.

J-- _ _67, 128, 190

Hocking County,Ohlo 1148Holbein S. D., Sask 773Holdfast, Bask 1563Holedredge, Neb 498, 845Holland S.

D., Mich_ -.250, 314

Hollis Ind. S. D., Tex 1424Holmes County, Ohio_ 128, 251Holyoke, Mass 1424Homer S. D., La 1071Homestead, Pa 1560Homestead S. D., Cal- 251, 436Honeoye Falls, N. Y 845Honey Grove, Tex 769,

1148, *1428, 1697Honey Lake S.D.,Cal_436, 1424Hood River, Ore_ _128, 190,314, 498, 918, 1148, 1226,

•1635, 1763Hooker, Okla 702, 1071Hope, No. flak 374, 1424Hope, Bask 318, 773Hopedale, Ill 251, 314Hopkins Co. S. D., Tex.

1071, 1148, *1428Hoquiam, Wash 1635Hoquiam S. D., Wash 1424Horicon, Wis 67Horse Cave S. D., Ky-769, 1226Horse Fly Irr. Dist., Ore_ _ _1346Horse Shoe Dr. Dist., La_ _1697Horton, Kan 128, 314Houston, Pa 374, 637Houston, Tex___190, 1071, 1148Houston Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 498, 1560

Houston Heights, Tex 1071Howard Co. Neb__67, 562, 769Howell, Moll 128, 190Howland Ind. S. D., Tex.__ 251Hubbard, Ohio 1763Hudson, Mich 128Hudson, Ohio 1289Hudson County, N. J.1487, 1560Humboldt, Ia_ 562, 918, 1071Humboldt, Sask __132, 502,

706, 1151, 1429, 1491, 1701Hummelstown S. D., Pa. 190,251Huntington, Ore 845Huntington Bch., Cal_128, 1763Huntington Park City S. D.,Cal 918, 1071, 1560

Huntington Park Un. HighS. D., Cal 67, 251

Huntss'dile, Ala 769Huntsville S. D., Ohio_ _190, 251Huron County, Mich 1424Huron County, Ohio__ -436,

498, 702, 1346, 1635Hutchinson, Kan___67, 190, 769Hyde Park, N Y 1763

Iberville Parish, La 190belie Parish, La_314, 498,

769, 1635Idaho Co. S. D., Ida 67Idaho Falls, Ida 1560Idaho Falls S. D., Ida 374Ilion, N. Y 314Illiopolis S. D., Ill- -.1635, 1697Imperial, Sask. -377, 641,

706, 1000Independence, Mo.. - _702, 1424Independence S. D., Mo.

251, 637, 1071, 1148Independence Co.Dr.D.,Ark.1071Indiana__ _498, 845, 1424, 1697Indian Falls S. D., Cal. ....1487Indian Head, Bask 132Indianapolis, Ind 1763Indianapolis Sch. City, Ind.

1635, 1763Industry 8. D., Alta 773Ingersoll, Okla 1763Ingersoll, Ont 132, 194, 318Ingram, Ga 67Invermay, Bask 318, 440Iowa City, Ia 190 251Iredell Co., No. Car_ 67, 251Iron County, Wis 499Irondequoit S. D., N. Y.

251, 374, 845Iron River, Mich 637Ironton, Ohio 67, 128Ironwood Twp., Mich 769Irving, III 128Irving Ind. S. D., Tex 1148Irvington, N. J 251 845Isanti County, Minn_ _251, 375Itawamba Co., Miss_ _251, 436Ithaca, N. Y ._ 251

Jack Co. tom. S. D., Tex.499, 769

Jackson, Cal 499Jackson, Miss 128, 918Jackson, Ohio 1635Jackson County, Iowa 1697Jackson Co., Miss_190, 375,

436, 637, 702Jackson County, Ohio 1897




BONDS, &C.-(Continuedpa.g)e.

Jackson County, Tenn 128Jackson Co. Dr. D., 1T6e3x5as, 1763

Jackson Joint Un. H. S. DCal 128,14365soJackn Twp., Ohio


Jackson Twp. S. D., Ohio1560, 1763

Jacksonville, Fla_251, 1148,1346, 1424, 1488

Jamestown, N. "Y 769, 1424Jamestown S. D., Cal_ _436,

637, 769Jamestown S. D., N. Y---_ 769Jamestown Un. S. D., N.Y.

918, 1424Jasper Co. Superv. Dist.,Miss 128, 1226

Jefferson dr Plaquemine Co.Dr. Dist., La 1561

Jefferson Co., Ala_ _67, 499,702, 1635

Jefferson County, Ind 845Jefferson County, Ky 499Jefferson County, 0.. _918, 1148Jefferson County, Texas _ _ _6,7

rsJeffeon Co. Dr. D., Tex_ _11419498rsJeffeon S. D., Ga


Jefferson S. D., Ohio Jenkintown, Pa 1071Jersey City, N. J_637, 769, 1071Jesup, Ga 67, 190Jewell, Ia_7611, 1071, 1636, 1697Johnson City, Tenn _114148;881561

Johnson Co., Tex_ _251, 499,637, 918, 1148, 1424

Johnson Co. Dr. Dlis4t2r4ic,,t 1561Nob

Johnston Twp. High S. D.,Ohio 190, 375

Johnstown, Colo 314, 436Johnstown, Pa_ _ _375, 637, 1071Johnstown, Ohio 845,

1071, 1149, 1424, 1697Johnstown S. D., Pa 128Johnstown Twp. S. D., 0 67Jonesboro, Ga 1697Jones Co.

' Miss _436, 702, 1149

Jones Co. Corn. S. D., Tex.,

Joplin, Mo 637, 11491561, 1636

Jordan S. D., Cal 918, 1071Joalin S. D., Man 502, 706Jourdantown Ind. S. D.,Tex 251, 769, 1149, 1428

Julian-Obertin S. D., Cal.,251, 499

Justin S. D., Tex_ ...h289, 1636

Kadaka, So. flak 436alamazoo, Mich.314, 436, 499

Kamloops, B. C_565, 190272, 65, 1174961Kam.sack, Bask Kane Co., Iowa

769' 11056711Kankakee Co., IllKansas__ _637, 1289, 1561, 1697Kansas City, Kan _251,

375, 436, 1561Kansas City, Mo_995, 1149,

1488, 1561, 1636, 1763Kansas City S. D., Mo.,

1071, 1226Kaufman, Tex 499, 1289Kaufman Co., Tex_ _128, 1071Kearny, Neb 702, 1488Keeler S. D., Flask 773Keene, Ill 499

1075, 11374061Keewatin, Ont

194, 1701Kelliher, Minn KKeellsoow,nwa,a8Bh

190, 499. C

Kempner Co., Miss_ _846, 1763Kendrick S. D., Ida_ ___251, 846Kenefic, Okla 128Kenmore, 0..1071, 1143486:81763

Kennedy He1g67h, ts14S88. ,D1., 690,7,.1763

Kennett, Mo 702,1481224986Kennett Sq. S. D., Pa Kenora, Ont

67128, 251


Kent, Wash Kent Co., Mich

1636Keokuk S. D., Iowa Keokuk, Iowa Korn Co., Cal 1636Kenton, Ohio_ _190, 1424, 1636Kersh Lake Dr. Dist., A3r7k2_,1258695Kerrville, Tex 837, 1071Kerrobert, Bask Kersey, Colo 499, 702Kertcreek Dr. Dist., Wis.__ 637Kewanee, Ill 251, 637Kewaunee Joint 13. D., Wis.,

562, 918Keyser S. D., W Va

1351, 1516490Kildonan, Man Kilgore Ind. S. D., Tex____ 257Wiliam, Bask 773Killeen, Tex 1561Kimball Irr, Dist., Neb_ _ _ 436Kimballton, Iowa 499Kimbalton Vii. S. D , 0.562,918Kindersley, Sask__377,501, 2,641000

King Co., Wash_ 499, 637,1071, 1226, 1424, 1661, 1697

King Co. S. D. No. 19,Wash 251, 499

King Co. S. D. No. 179,Wash 251, 499

Kingman, Kan 1636, 1697Kingsley, Iowa 499Kingston, Ont_1075, 1564, 1638Kingsville, N. S 773Kinistino S. D., Bask 254Kinley, Bask 318, 773, 1292Kirkland, N. Y

Mo Kirkwood S. D., Ill _245361.17 36496

314, 499, 637, 1346Kb3simmee, Fla__ _436, 769, 918Kitaap Co., Wash.. ..1226. 1346Kittitas Co. S. D., Wash_ 918Kittitas Reclamation Dist.,Wash 314

Koochiching Co., Minn.__ 251Kutztown, Pa 995, 1071Kyger Spec. S. D., 0_31741: 458469299

9acarne, Ohio A-.achine, Que Lackawanna, N.Y.702,846, 1071

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Laclede Co., Mo 190Lacombe, Alta 849La Crosse, W113 314, 436Lafleche S. D., Alta 773La Fayette, Ore 1636Lafayette Co., Miss 375La Grange, Ga_ _314, 846,

1226, 1488La Grange, Ohio 190La Grange Twp., Ohio 128Laird, Bask 502, 922, 1151Lake Charles, La 436Lake City, Ia 1424Lake Co., Ind 1636Lake Co. S. D., Ore 769Lakeland, Fla_ _ _ _251, 314, 436Lake of the Rivers, Sask.__ 773Lake Placid, N. Y 1483Lakeside S. D., Cal_ _ _ _251, 436Lakeview, Ohio 1424Lakeview, Ore 67, 314Lakewood, 0_67, 637, 846,

1149, 1289, 1424, 1488Lakota, No. flak 67Lamar Co., Tex 702, 1149Lamar Co. Com. S. D., Tex.,

1149, *1428, 1697Lamar Twp., Mo 1346Lambton Co., Ont_ __ _849, 1151Lancaster, N. Y 251Lancaster County, So. Car_ 918Lansing, Mich 67, 311Lansdowne, Pa 128La Plata County, Colo 251Laporte, Ind 499Larchmont, N. Y 637Largo, Fla 1227, 1763Larkspur, Cal_ ___499, 562, 1346La Salle, Que 1351La Salle', N.Y 702, 1071La Salle Twp. S. D., Ill.. ..1561La Salle-Peru Twp.S.D.,I11_1697Las Cruces, N. Mex._ _637,

1149, 1636Lashburn, Bask 71Latah, Wash 1071, 1636Latah County, Ida 436Latah & Nez Perce Co.S.D.,Ida 1697

Lauderville County, Miss_ _1635Laurel, Miss 67Laurens S. D., Cal 67Lavaco Co., Tex_91E, 1636, 1697La Vine S. D., Cal 251Lavon Ind. S. D.,Tex. _251, 769Lawrence, Kan 095Lawrence, Mass 1227, 1424Lawrence County, Ala 702Lawrence Co., Miss.190,251, 435Lawrence County, Mo__ 702Lawrence Co., Ohio__ _1561,

1697, 1763Lawrence County, So. flak.

1488, 1561Lawrence County, Tenn 251Lawrenceville, Ga 919,

1071, 1347, 1636Lawtonia, Bask 377Leavenworth, Kan__ _1424,

1488, 1561Leavenworth, Wash__ _499,

769, 846Lee County, Miss 499, 702Lee County, No. Car_ _ _128, 436Leflore County, Okla 1347Lehigh, Ia 190, 251Lehighton, Pa 1071Leifur School DLst., Man.__ 132Lemburg, Bask 1075Lemon Twp. S. D., Ohio_67, 314Lennox S. D., Man... _502, 773Leonia, N. J 190, 562, 1149Lecnia S. D., N. J 190,314Leross, Bask 565, 773Le Sueur County, Minn__ . _ 846Le Sueur Center, Minn_ _ _ _ 436Latent Twp., Ohio 499, 995Lethbridge, Alta_ _254, 706,

1151, 1430, 1701, 1786Lewis Co., Tenn_ ..67, 436, 769Lewis & Clark Co. S. D.,Mont 562 1071

Lewiston, Ida 314, 846, 996Lewiston, Utah 190Lewistown, Pa 996, 1149Lexington, Ky 996, 1347Lexington S. D., Ill_ _ _314, 1227Libby, Mont 1227, 1561Liberty Co. Rd. D., Tex_67, 436Liberty Twp. S. D., Ohio

128, 314, 499Licking Co., Ohio_436, 499, 637Ligonier, Pa 128, 846Lillington, No. Car 1763Lima, 0..67, 190, 499, 846,

1227, 1488, 1561Lima City S. D., Ohio 67Limestone Co., Tex... _637,

1071, 1697, 1763Limestone Co. S. D., Texas

702, 1149, 1227, *1428, 1697Lincoln, Neb 1149, 1488Lincoln County, Ga___ _314, 562Lincoln County, Ida 1763Lincoln Co. S. D., Wash_ ..1424Lincoln S. D , Cal 1635Linden S. D., N. J 769Lindsay, Ont 255 706, 922Lindsey, Ohio 1424, 1697Lindsey S. D., Ohio 67Lineville, Ia 1424Lisbon, Ohio 128Litchville, No. flak. ..769, 1347Little Falls S. D., N. J....._ 769Little River Twp., Kan_ _ 251Little Rock, Ark 499, 1347Little Rock S. D., So. Car__ /69Littleton, Mass 251, 1561Livingston S. D., N. J.919,

1227, 1897Livermore, Cal 1071Llagas S. D., Cal 1227Lloydminster, Sask._ _ _132, 922Lockland, Ohio __251, 789, 1071Lochiel Twp., Ont 132Lockport, Ill 1561Lockport, N. Y___190, 251, 314Locksburg Spec, S. D., Ark_ 702Lodi Twp., N. J 251Logan, Ia 499, 562Lon Butte S. D., Alta 773.London, Ohio 1768London, Ont.440, 849, 1564,

1638, 1701

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XVI INDEX. [VoL.Lxxxxv. _

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

London S. D., Alta 1000Long Beach. Cal _499, 919, 1227Long Beach, N. Y 314Long Beach S. D., Cal_637, 1561Long Meadow, Mass-__499, 919Longview, Miss , 919Longview, Tex_ _ _ _190, 702,

770, 1149, 1227Longview Ind. S. D., Texas

1697, 1763Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

128, 436, 499, 637, 1636Lookout S. D., Cal 702Lorain, Ohlo_128, 251, 562,

637, 770 ,846, 919, 1071,1424, 1488, 1636, 1763

Lorain County, Ohio 996Loreburn, Sask 850, 922Lorne, Man 378Los Angeles, Cal__436, 919,

1071, 1697Los Banos, Cal 1227, 1661Los Gatos, Cal_ __ A90, 770,

996, 1347, 1697Los Nleros Val.H.S.D.,Cal_1149Los Padillas S. D., N. Mex. 702Lost Hills, Cal 314Lost Hills S. D., Cal__499, 996Louisville, Ky . 996Loup City S. D., Neb 436Louth Twp., Ont 565Loveland, O_562, 1071, 1897Lovington, Ill 702Lowell, Mass.128, 251, 314,

436, 837, 702, 1149,1227, 1347, 1424, 1601, 1636

Lowellville, 0 1227, 1424Lower Merlon Twp., Pa.. ....1149Lower Miami S. D., Ariz__ _ 314Lowville, N. Y 702, 770Lubbock Co. S. D., Tex_ _ _ 370Lucas Co., 0.129, 375, 436, 582Lucille S. D., Sask 378, 502Ludington, Mich 67Ludlow, Ky 1424Luduc, Alta 502Lunenburg, N. SA, 71Luverne, Minn.129, 314, 846.996Lynn, Mass 190, 1581, 1636Lyon Co. S. D., Nev 1347Lyons. Ga 1763

McAlester, Okla 190McAlester S. D., Okla_ _ 314McArthur, 0A29, 251, 314, 582McArthur S. D., 0_ _1561, 1703McBee S. D., So. Caro_ _ _ _1581Macdonald, Man 378Macedonia, Ia 770McCulloch Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 251, 499

McDonald, N. S 773McDonough, Ga 67McHenry, M1ss_703, 846, 1347McIntosh, So. Dak 1488McKeesport, Pa 499McKees Rocks, Pa_ _ _ _ 251,

314, 1698Mackinaw, Ill 67Mackinaw Twp. S. D., Ill_ _ 129McKinley,Minn.1347, 1488, 1636Macklin, Sask 440Macleod, Alta 706, 1075McLain Co., Okla 314McLean Co. S. D., Ill_ _251, 436McLennan Co., Tex_1149, 1698McMinn Co., Tenn 1424Macomb, Ill 190, 702Macon, Ga__251, 314, 562,

702, 846, 1071, 1290McTaggart S. D., Sask.__ 378Madeira Vii. S. D., 0_1149,

1347, 1488, 1698Madison, Ind 919, 1290Madison, Minn___251, 375, 562Madison, Neb 638, 1149Madison, Wis 87Madison Co., Ala 1763Madison Co., Tenn 129Madison Co.,S. D., Mont.._ 702Madison Co. Com.S.D.,Tex1636Madisonville, Tex.314, 770, 1290Madison Twp., 0 1071Madoc, Ont 1504Magnet S. D., Man 041Magrath, Alta 1292, 1639Mahoney S. D., Pa 1347Maidstone, Bask 565Malden, Mass87, 1290,

1347, 1036, 1698Malden, Wash 702Mamaroneck, N. Y_ ..A90,

375, 436, 770, 990Manatee Co., Fla 702, 770Manchester, N H 638, 702Mandeville, La 1227, 1424Manhattan, Kan 770Manhattan S. D., Nev 436Manistee, Mich 919Manor Ind. S. D., Tex_121i , 436Mansfield, La 1561Mansfield, 0_1071, 1347, 1425Mansfield, Wash„ 582Mantua Twp., N. J___314,

375, 702Maple Creek,Sask.378, 502, 1152Mapleton S. D., 0 67Maplewood, Mo 436Margate City, N. J 1561Maricopa, Cal 375, 770Marlcopa Co., Ariz_ A425,

1636, 1698Maricopa Co. S. D., Ariz__ 702Maricopa Co. Rd. Dist.,Arlz1425Marietta, Ga 251, 436Marietta, 0 436Marion, .Ind 562, 638Marion, Ky 436Marlon, 0_314, 499, 990.

1149, 1290, 1488, 1836,1098, 1783

Marion Co., Kan 998Marion Co., 0-190, 251,375, 662, 770, 919, 1071, 1290

Marion Co., W. Va_ 190,919, 1636

Marion S. D., 0_ _129, 251,998, 1071, 1488, 1838

Marion Graded S. D., Ky.,251, 314

Marlon Twp., Ill 702Maricopa, Sask 1152, 1701Markle, Ind 430Marlette, Mich 190, 499

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Marlin, Tex 1636Marmora, Ont. A32, 850, 1229Marquis, Sask_1000, 1229, 1786Marshall,Tex.67, 846, 919, 1636Marshall Co., W Va 1347Marshalltown, Ia 1425Marshalltown Ind. S. D.,Ia. 919Marshfield, Ore_1149, 1636, 1698Marshfield, Wis 846Marquette, Mich 19Martinez, Cal 314Martins Ferry, 0 996Martlam Twp., Ont 1229Maryland__129, 375, 638,

1071, 1425, 1561, 1636Maryville, Mo 1561, 1636Marysville, 0 499, 1836Marysville S. D., 0_67, 190, 251Mason City, Ill 251, 314Mason City, Ia_314, 375, 770Mason Co. S. D., Wash.,

638, 1072, 1488Massena S. D., Ia 1149Massillon, 0 436Massillon City S. D., 0_67, 314Matagorda, Tex 67Matagorda Co., Tex_ _68,

314, 1488, 1763Matagorda Co. Dr. Dist.,Tex ._190, 499, 562, 996, 1072

Matagorda Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 251, 562, 1227,

*1428, 1698Matamoras, 0 1638, 1698Mattoon S. D., 111____770, 1227Maurnee, 0 438, 702Maysville, No. Dak 436Mayville, N. Y 703Maywood, Neb 499Meadville, Pa 1227Meaford, Ont 1491Mechanleville, N. Y....499,

562, 770, 846Medford, Mass _129, 375,436, 770, 840, 919, 996,

1072, 1149Medford, Ore_ _499, 703, 996Medicine Hat, Alta._

- _194,

255, 318, 378, 440, 773,850, 1292, 1584

Medicine Lodge, Kan 129Medicine Valley S. D., Alta. 773Medina, N Y 562, 703Medina, Ohio__

- _129, 251,

436, 499, 846,1149, 1290,1347, 1561

Medina Co., Tex 499Medina Co., Ohlo.998, 1149,1425Meding, Minn 190Meigs, Ga 375Meigs Twp. S. D., 0......252, 375Melbourne, KY 1425Melfort, Sask. _850, 922, 1430Melfort S. D., Sask._ _265,

773, 922Mellette Co., So. Dak 1698Melita S. D., Man_502, 565, 023Meloland S. D., Cal_ _1140, 1347Melrose, Mass _375, 436,

1425, 1488Melville, Sask. _850, 1152, 1564Melville S. D., Bask 1292Memphis, Tenn.. ..129, 502,

1561, 1698Menno, So. Dak 1290, 1561Mentor VII. S. D., Ohio__ _1488Merced Falls S. D., Cal_703,

919, 1072Merced High S. D., Cal_ _ -1636Mercelln, Sask 318Mercer Co., N J 129,

1072, 1561, 1783Mercer Co., Ohio 190,

252, 375, 436, 703, 919Meridian, Idaho 68Meridian, Kan 703, 1149Meridian, Miss _436, 1072, 1425Meridian S. D., Idaho.._190, 703Meridian Ind. S. D., Tex.,

190, 770, 1149, *1428, 1698Merrill, Iowa 1425, 1488Meslck, Mich 1425Mexico S. D., Mo_ _1149, 1098Miaml Co., Ohio_ _1425, 1561Michigan City, Ind 436Middleburg, Ind _1425, 1488Middlesex Co., Mass.88, 562,638Middlesex Co., N. J 1698Middletown, Conn. ....1488, 1581Middletown, N. Y_ _ _ _129,

190, 252, 1783Middletown, Ohlo....68, 252,314, 375, 436, 582, 638,

770, 846, 1072, 1227, 1698Middletown S. D., 0_1425, 1698Middle Twp. S. D., N. J 129Middlehurst S. D., Sask. 378Midland, Ont 265Midland, Pa 1072, 1763Midland, So. Dak 437Milam Co., Tek. _68, 499, 846Milam Co. Com. S. D., Tex. 252Milden, Sask 1152Milford, Conn 1698Milford, Ill 437, 562Milford Center, Ohio _1488, 1763Millbrae S. D., Cal 88Millburn Twp. S. D., N. JA347Millcreek S. D., Cal 638Millcreek Twp. S. D., 0111,3_1763Miller, So. Dak 375Millington, Sask 71Mills Co., Tex_ _ _ _499, 846,

996, 1347Milltown, Ga 437Milton, Ont 923Milton, W Va_ _315, 499, 703Milton Un. Fr. S. D., N. Y_ 315Milverton, Ont 378Milwaukee, Ore...._68, 638, 1763Milwaukee, Wis__375, 499,

703, 770, 1072Milwaukee Co., Wis___770, 996Mineola, N. Y 770, 998Miniota, Man 706Minneapolis, Minn.__ -437,838, 703, 770, 919, 996,1149, 1227, 1425, 1488, 1784

Minnesota_638, 919, 1425,1836, 1698

Minooka, Ill 68, 437,1072Minster, Ohio _129, 499,

770, 1784Mission S. D., Cal_ 502, 1290

BONDS, &C.-(Continuepa.)8e.

Missoula Co., Mont 1698Mitchell, Neb 437Mitchell, Ont.. _71, 255, 1292Mitchell Co., Tex 315Moberly S. D., Mo 129Mobile, Ala _68, 252, 315,

770, 846, 1838, 1698Modesto Irr. Dist., Cal_ _ .... 770Modesto S. D., Cal 315Modoc Co., Cal.. ..437, 770,

Mondov1, Wis 996, 1425, 1636

1149Mohave Co., Ariz_ 1227, 1638Mohave Co. S. D., Ariz_ 1227Moline, Ill 315, 375, 562Moline S. D., Ill_ _68, 129, 437Momence Twp., Ill_ _437, 562Moncton, N B 132Monmouth, Ill 1764Monmouth, Ore 1561Mono, Ont 255Monroe,

Utah 9961149, 1636MonMonroe,o

996Monroe Co., Miss_ _315, 499, 770Monroeville, Ohio-_1488, 1147854Montague Co., Tex


Montana 1227, 1425Montario, Sask 1766MontebellaS. D., Cal__638,

770, 996Montclair, N J....129, 190, 375Montesano, Wash _1072, 1122927Montgomery, Ala


Montgomery, Tex 1764Montgomery Co., Md 190Montgomery Co., Miss_437,

638, 770Montgomery Co., Ohlo_770,

919, 1072, 1347, 1581Montgomery Co., Tex 1425Montgomery Co. Corn. S.D.,Tex 1836

i‘Mioeanttggeommeeryry S. D., Man......p.,o__ 0638, 95962

Monticello, Ga 190Montmartre, Sask. _773,

1564, 1788MMoonnttrpeear Q, uOehlo 638, 1425 194

Montreal S. D., Que. 440,

Montrose, 7a08, 860, 1075, 1430P 190

Moorde, oMoody Co., So. Dak_1149, 1747Moore,ee 194

Moore Twp., Ont_ _ _ _1584, 1788Moorpark S. D., Cal • 770Moose Jaw, Sask_71, 194,

1639, 1701, 1766Moosic S. D., Pa 770, 1227Moran Ind. S. D., Tex 252Morris S. D., Ill 315Motris Rural Municipality,Bask 71, 255, 773

Morristown S. D., N. J.,190, 315, 298

Morrow Co., 0_252, 315,1072, 1290

Morse, SaskowVil4 133.7)56.,3 8, 0_1488, 1764 318

Mortlach, Bask 565Mosa Twp. S, D , Ont 1075Mosca Irr. Dist., Colo 919Moscow, Idaho Moss Point, Miss

1072, 1425129, 437

Moundsville, W. Va_ _1290,

142Moundsville Ind. S. D.,1661., W Va 129

Mountain Iron, Minn.._315, 638Mt.M o u An tyarl ns Sask -1564 315

Carey oBlanchard, 0 848, 1425

770Mt. Carmel S. D., Pa 1347Mt. Clemens, Mich _252,

43ery, 07, 499, 638, 1227, 1347Mt.

C 1149

Mt. Forest, Ont_923, 1430,1.491Mt. Holly Springs S. D.,Pa 500, 1149

Mt. Pleasant S. D., 0.._252, 500Mt. Pulaski S. D., Ill_ _190,

638, 770Mountrall Co., No. Dak.,

1227, 1347Mt. Vernon, N. Y..68, 1149,

10T, e1x488 , 1561, 1898Mt. Vernon, 68, 562Mt. Vernon S. D., N. Y__ -1227Mt. Victory S. D., 0...._129, 190Moville, Ia 129, 0Moville S. D., Ia


Mulberry, Fla 1898Mulberry Spec. S. D., Ark.. 770Munson Twp. S. D., 0.-- 252Murray City, Utah........500, 770Muscatine, Ia 1764Muscatine S. D., Ia_ _252, 315Muskegon Heights, Mich 347Muskegon S. D., Mich 1698Muskogee, Okla_ _68, 437,

1636, 1764Musselshell Co. S. D., Mont.,

129, 375' 14Macogdoches, Tex 13195llacogdoches Co. Cora. S.D., Tex _315, 500, 770, 1149

Napoleonville, La 1036Nappanee, Ind

Nonahoo, B C..602, 1152,1351, 1701

Narragansett, R. I 1072

Nhua, N. H 1149

asNashville, Ga.252, 638, 989466;194 8819Nashville, Ill Nashville, Tenn Natrona Co. High S. D.,13941972,., Wyo 315, 638

Navarro Co., Tex 996Navarro Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 68, 252, 770

Nebraska 252Neches Ind. S. D., Tex.,

O, Wis

*1428, 1898Neenah, 1698, 1764N 502, 706

Nees Colony S. D., Cal_437, 919Nelson, B. C.__132, 194,

318, 378, 041, 1767Nelsonville, 0_ 375, 1425, 1764Neosha Spec. Rd. Dist., M 0.1638Nether Providence Twp.,Pa 252, 437

New Durham, Ont Newell S. D., S. Dak Newfane, N. Y New Glasgow, N. S New Hamburg,

Ont_- .706,1000, 1152

New Hampshire 1072New Hartford, N. Y......68,

191, 315, 437, 1704New Haven, Conn_846,919,1425New Home S. D., Cal 1347New Hope Irr. Dist., Utah..

562, 770New Kennedy S. D., Man.

'255, 503New Knoxville, 0 638New Knoxville S. D., 0_ 191New Lebanon. N.Y 68New Lexington, 0_68, 315, 1764New Llskead, Ont. _850, 1767New London, Conn _477, 770New London, Ia 500, 703New London Twp., 0 1149New Market, Ont_318, 378, 440New Mexico_129, 252, 1149,

1347, 1425, 1488, 1698New Philadelphia S. D., 0.,

191, 315Newport, Ore__638, 846,

996, 1638, 1698Newport, R. I.._ ....191, 770, 846Newport Beach, Cal.. 846,

1347, 1764Newport News, Va_ _ _ 315,

770, 996, 1838New Rochelle, N. Y__919, 1072Newton, N. J 68Newton Co., Mo • 315Newton Falls, 0 _191, 638, 919New Waterford, 0___1227, 1561New Westminster, B. C.,

132, 1584New York City, N. Y__68,

375, 638, 919, 1290, 1581Nez Perce Co., Ida 437Nez Perce Co. S. D., Ida_ _1698Niagara Falls, N. Y____88, 129Niagara Falls, Ont ___565,

774, 923, 1564NIcholasville, Ky 1347Niles, O........68, 129, 252, 562Ninishillen Twp., 0_ ......562, 846Nisland S. D., So. Dak_ 68Nobles Co., Minn 129Nobles Co., 0 638, 919Noes Colony S. D. Cal_ _

_- 315

Nokomis, Sask.. 378, 850,923, 1152, 1292, 1767

Nolan Co., Tex 1636Norfolk, Neb 703Norfolk, Va_129, 252, 770, 1149Norfolk Co., Mass...... _770, 840Normal Heights S. D., Cal.

'252, 437Norman, Okla 191Northampton, Mass 1426Northampton Co., Va_ _375,

562, 1072North Attleboro, Mas3.562, 1636North Battleford, Sask....71,

503, 1000, 1075, 1229, 1701North Bay, Ont_ _71, 1292,

1430, 1701North Carolina_1347, 1561, 1698North Catasauqua S. D., Pa. 191North Chattanooga, Tenn 846North Cowichan, B. C 318North

Dakota_- _ _129, 703,1072, 1562, 1764

North Danville Un. Fr.S. D., N. Y__703, 1562, 1698

Northern Colo, Dr. Dist.,Colo 129

North Glendale S. D., Cal.._ 191North Hempstead, N. Y.,

191, 315, 1072, 1290North Irwin, Pa 1072, 1420North Jackson S. D., Ohio-1227North Lewisburg S. D.,Ohio 703, 846

North Paterson, N. J 1227North Pelham, N. Y.._ _252,

437, 1764North Plainfield S. D.,N J 191, 437, 770

North St. Paul, Minn 770North Sidney, N. 5 440Nortli Tonawanda, N. Y.,

1227, 1347North Toronto, Ont.. _133,

641, 923, 1229, 1351Northumberland Co., N. B.,

585, 850North Vancouver, B. C_318,706, 1075, 1152, 1229,

1351, 1491, 1564, 1701North Vernon, Ind 437North Wales, Pa 1347North Warwood, W. Va.. 437North Wildwood, N. J_ _129,

252, 848, 1072, 1038North Wilkesboro, No, Car_ 252North Winnipeg, Man 318North Yakima, Wash_68, 1630Norton, Kan_ _ _68, 129, 437Nortonville, Kan 68, 437Norwalk, Ohio 1426Norwalk City S. D., Ohio,

1562, 1698Norwalk Twp., Ohio 129

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Neudorf S. D., Bask 71Nevada Co., Mo 1347Nevada S. D., Tex 919Neuces Co. Corn. S. D., Tex. 500Nevada 919Newark, N. Y 770Newark, N. J___919, 998, 1347Newark, 0 638, 1426, 1698Newaygo, Mich 437, 770Newaygo Co., Mich_1227, 1425New Bedford, Mass.._ _562,

, 703, 770, 846, 1636New Berlin, 0 662, 996New Britain, Conn__ _ _252, 315Newburg, 0 703Newburg City, 0 437Newburgh, N Y__315, 437, 600Newburgh Heights, 0_ _191, 437Newbury, Ont 132Newburyport, Mass _1227, 1764New Castle, Pa 191, 437New Castle Co., Del__ _703,

1347, 1488, 1636New Decatur, Ala 1488


BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Norwich, Conn 771, 1227Norwich Twp. S. D., Ohio- 703Norwood, 01310_191, 315,376, 703, 996, 1149, 1347,

1488, 1764Norwood City S. D., Ohio,

1072, 1428, 1582, 1698Nottingham, Ohlo_252, 500, 848Noxubee Co., Miss...... _437, 1426Nueces Co., Tex 1704Nueces Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 500, 771, 1149

Nutley, N. J 771, 1072Nyack, N Y 1227

Oak Bay, B. Cak Creek, Colo 1898

Oakdale Irr. Dist., Ca1.919, 1898Oakfield, Wis 1072Oak Harbor, Ohio ' 562Oakhurst, Ga 375Oakland, Cal_638, 771, 846, 996Oakland Co., Mich___846, 1426Oakley, Ohio 1072, 1347Oak Park S. D., Ill 68, 129Oakwood S. D., Ohio.... _08, 252Oberlin, Ohio 129Ocean City, N. J 129Oceanside-Carlsbad UnionHigh S. D., Cal___502,

840, 1636, 1098Ochre River, Man 133Ocilla, GaOdell S. D., Neb Odessa S. D., MoOgden, UtahOgdensburg, N Y Oglethorpe Co., Ga Ohio City, Ohio Ohio City S. D., OhioOhiowa, Neb Okanogan Co. S. D., Wash.. 500Okemah, Okla 1636Oketo, Kans 1836Oklahoma 1838Oklahoma City, Okla_ _315,

703, 1784Okolona, Miss 1898Okotoks, Alta 1701Olds S. D., Alta 503Olean, N. Y___996, 1562, 1036Oleander S. D., Cal 252Olive Twp., Ohio Olivet S. D., BaskOlin S. D., LaOlmsted Falls, Ohio Olney, Ill....375, 919, 1149,

1290, 1488Omaha, Neb_252, 703, 840, 1347Onawa, Iowa 191Oneida, N.Y 191, 771Oneida Co., N Y 1764Oneonta, N. Y 1836Ontario, Cal__191, 437, 638,

1072, 1347Ontario Co., Ont _ 023 , 1000, 1787Opelousas S. D., La 437Opelousas, La_996, 1290, 1784Orange, N J 998Orange, Tex 500Orange Co., Cal__315, 375,

500, 846, 1347Orange Co., Fla 252, 919Orange Co., No. Car 1837Orange Co., Tex 252, 703Orange Co. Poor Dist., N.Y.1764Orange S. D., Cal 315Orange Un. S. D., Cal_ _88,

375, 562Oregon City, Ore 88, 129Orient S. D., IowaOrillia, OntOriskany Falls, N. YOrleans Co., N. YOrlando, FlaOrmstown, Quo Oro Lorno Sanitary Dist.,Col 316


Ossining, N. Y 1784Oswaha, Ont_ __ _774, 923, 1767Oswego, N. Y 1072Oswego Co., N Y 252Oswego S. D., N. Y 1637Ottawa, Ont__71, 565, 641,

1504, 1767Ottawa Co., Mich 919Ottawa Co., Ohio 191, 252Ottawa Co., Okla 771Otthon, Sask 194Ottumwa, Iowa...503, 038,

703, 1072Ottumwa S. D., Iowa 129Outlook, Sask._ _ _440, 641,

1229, 1701Owatonna, Minn__252, 437,

1347, 1420Owen Co., Ky 998Owen Sound, Ont_ _71, 255,

503, 850, 1075, 1701Owosso, Mich 129, 375Oxford Twp. S. D., N. J. __ 437Oxnard, Cal_ _191, 252, 847, 1347Oyster Bay, N.Y 919, 1072Ozark, Ala 771

page Co., Ia 500, 703age S. D., Cal__191, 315, 919

Pacific Co. S. D., Wash__ - _1637Painesville, 0 1602Palacios, Tex.._ _838, 1072, 1149Palaclos Ind. S. D., Tex.._ 191Palarnar S. D., Cal 1072Palisade S. D., Neb 703Palm Beach Co., Fla_ _315,

503, 771Palmerston, Ont 255, 440Palmyra, Mo 703, 1426Palo Alto, Cal 191Palo Pinto Co. Cora., Tex.._ 600

191, 37577415621072

194, 850, 92308, 771, 919


Osage City S. D., KanOsborne, Kan Osceola Co., FlaOskaloosa, IowaOsnaburg, Ohio

1072,1704703,848 771 996, 1227

129, 1916381784


88 774 919


437 378, 503 998 191, 252 840, 1227


Pana, Ill Pangman, SaskParadise Twp., MichParis, Idaho Paris, OntParis, Tex Paris Hill S. D., N. Y 68Park, Sask 1151Park Co.,S. D., Wyo.68, 252, 847Park Hill, Ont. -133, 255, 708

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BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Restoll Page.

ParrylSound, Ont. _ _ _706, 1701Parsons, Kan 1698Pasadena, Cal_68, 252, 838,

771, 996, 1149Passaic Co., N. J 638, 703Paterson, N. J 996, 1149Paulding, 0____252, 919, 1149Paulding Co., 0 315Paullina, Ia 437Pawtucket, R. I- - - -563,

1426, 1637, 1698Paxton, Ill 500Pease Twp. S. D., 0_1347, 1487Pecos Co., Tex 703Peebles Vil. S. D., 0 129Peekskill, N. Y 129, 315Pekin S. D., Ill 129Pelee Twp., Ont 1000Pelham, N. Y 771, 847Pelham Manor, N. Y. _563, 703Pelham Un. Fr. S. D ., N. Y.,

1227, 1290, 1347Pembervllle, 0 1149, 1347Pembroke, Ont. _378, 565,

850, 1075Pemiscott Co. Dr. Dist .,MO 1426Pendleton, Ore 1764Penelope Ind. S. D., Tex_ 252Penetanguishene, Ont.,

1152, 1351Penfield Twp. Rd. Dist., 0- 191Pennington Co., So. Dak 129Penn Yan S. D., N. Y..252,

638, 996, 1227Pensacola, Fla 1426, 1637Penticton, B. 0_641, 850,

1351, 1767Peoria, Ill 70Perdue, Bask 1564, 1767Perkins, Okla 375Perrysburg, Ohio 906Perrysburg, Va 704Perry Twp., 0 191Perry Twp. S. D.,0 129Perth Amboy, N. J.437, 500, 638Peru Twp., 0 1149, 1290Petaluma City S. D., Cal-_ 68Peterboro, Ont 1639, 1701Peterborough, Ont_71, 503,

565, 1000, 1152, 1292,1430, 1639

Petersburg, HI 1149, 1637Petersburg, Va. .704, 996, 1489Petrolla, Ont 1351, 1701Pheba, Miss 252Phelps, N.Y 771, 1149Philadelphia, Pa919, 996,

1489, 1764Philadelphia S.D., Pa.1347, 1426Phillips Co., Kan 191Philmont, N. Y 771, 1149Phoenix, Ariz 847, 996Phoenix S. D., Ariz- - - -1637Pickaway Co., 0 252, 375Pickering, Ont. 194, 706Piedmont S. D., Cal_ _1149,

1347, 1698, 1764Pierz, Minn 847Pike Co., Miss 847, 1227Pilot Rock, Ore 315Plnal Co. S. D., Ariz 1072Pincher Creek, Alta. _ _ _503, 641Pine Grove, Pa 1426Pinellas Co., Fla.315, 1290, 1637Pineville, Ky 1290Piper City, Ill 771, 919Piqua, 0 1562Pisgah, la 1698Pitcairn, Pa 315, 500Pittsburgh, Pa_ -500, 771,

847, 919, 1347, 1489, 1562Pittsfield, Man 375Pittsylvania Co., Va- _563,

638, 996, 1150, 1637Plain City, 0 1562, 1764Plainfield, N. J__ _437, 563, 638Plainview, Tex 1348Plainville, Kan 1426Planada S. D., Cal_ ..1348, 1764Plant City, Fla 1426Platte Co., Neb 375, 500Pleasant Heights, 0 847Pleasant Point S. D., Man- 255Pleasant Valley, Bask 1152Pleasantville, N. J 130Pleasantville, N. Y. _997,

1227, 1348Plummer, Ida.315, 437, 563, 1072Plymouth Co., Mass 1489Plymouth S. D., Pa_ _130, 191Pocatello, Idaho 500Poinsett Co. Dr. Dist., Ark _1428Point Grey, B. 0.133, 850, 1039Point Hope, Ont 850Poland Twp., 0 130,Polk S. D., Cal 500Polk Twp., Mo 1562, 1698Polytechnic, Tex_ ....1428, 1764Pomaria, So. Car 68Pomeroy, Wash 847Pomeroy S. D., Ohio 252Pomona S. D., Cal 997Pooler, Ga 191, 437Pope County, Ark 704Poplar Bluff S. D., Mo 130Portage County, Ohio_ _252,

500, 771, 1426, 1489, 1637Portage La Prairie, Man_ -.1075Portage Twp., Mich 252Portage Twp., Ohio. .1072, 1290Port Alberni, B. C 378,

440, 774, 1351Port Arthur, Ont_ _641, 706,

774, 1292, 1767Port Arthur, Tex. 500. 563, 771Port Arthur Ind. S. D., Tex.

252, 315Port Austin, Mich 847,

1290, 1489Port Chester, N. Y 704,

771, 1150, 1637, 1698Port Clinton, 0_638, 1072,

1290, 1426Port Colborne, Ont.._ _ _641,

Port Dover, Ont 1076, 1639

133Porter Couhty, Ind 68, 375Port Huron, Mich_ _1637, 1764Portland, Ore_191, 252, 315,

437, 500, 638, 704, 771,997, 1072, 1150, 1227,

1348, 1489, 1562, 1637Portland S. D., Ore._1150, 1637Portland Water Dist., Ore_ _1150

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Port of Coos Bay, Ore.1428, 1698Port of Nehalem, Ore __ 997Port of Seattle, Wash_ _130,

997, 1426, 1562, 1637, 1764Portola S. D., Cal 500Portsmouth, Ohio 191,

1150, 1290, 1426Portsmouth, Va_ _191, 375, 1637Portsmouth City S. D., 0 _1489Portsmouth S. D., Ohio_ _ _ _1072Posey Co., Ind_ _ _563, 639,

847, 997. 1637Potsdam, N. Y 253, 847Poweshiek County, Ia 1426Prairie, Miss 130Prairie Chapel S. D., Tex_ 130Prairie Dale, Sask 1229Prairie Dell S. D., Tex_130, 315Prairie Flower S. D., Cal. .1227Prairie Flower Joint S. D.,Cal 997, 1489

Prairie Rural Municipality,Sask 133, 503

14Prattville, Ala 26, 1699Preble County, Ohio 191Prescott, Ont_ _706, 850, 1292Prescott, Wis 1072Presque Isle Co., Mich_315, 1426Preston, Ida 1227Preston, Ia 1489Preston, Ont 71, 1351, 1430Price S. D., Utah 997Prince Albert, Sask _ _ _ _133,

641, 850, 923, 1767Prince Rupert, B. C. _71,

641, 850, 12132, 1564, 1767Princess Anne, Md 920Princeton, Minn 500Princeton S. D., Ind 253Prosser S. D., Wash 375Providence, R. I 1348Pueblo Co. S. D., Colo_ 919Pulaski, Va 375, 771Pulaski Co., Va_ _315, 920, 1072Pullman, Wash 437, 704Purcellville, Va 1426Put-in-Bay, Ohio.. __1348, 1764Putnam County, Fla 1637Putnam County, N. Y. _704, 847Putnam County, Ohio_ _500, 771

Queen Anne County, Md.563, 639, 847, 1290

Quincy, Mass_68, 130, 315,376, 563, 639, 997, 1426

Racine, Wis_378, 437, 639,704, 997, 1637, 1764

Racine Co., Wis_ _ _ _68, 191, 376Radville, Sask 71, 318, 706Rainbow S. D., Sask 774Rainy River, Ont

4Ralston, Neb 1148869 Randolph, N. Y 1227, 1290Randolph Twp. S. D., Ohio.1637Ransburg S. D., Cal 315Rapid City, Man_ _ _ _1000, 1229Rapid City S. D.

' So. Dak.639, 771, 1764

Ravalli Co. S. D., Mont_ 376Ravenna, Ohio_ __376, 639,

1489, 1764Ravine S. D., Sask 774Rawlins, Wyo 563, 771, 847Rawson, Ohio 1489Raymond S. D., Wash__ _ _1348Raymore, Sask_565, 1075, 1564Reading, Ohio 191Red Deer, Alta- ..378, 565,

850, 1292, 1430Redfield, Ia 1072Redfield, So. Dak _771, 1348Redford, Sask 641Red Lake Falls, Minn 191Redlands, Cal 315, 437, 704Red Lion, Pa 1290Redman S. D., Cal 1348Redmond, Ore 437, 920Red Oak Twp., No.

130, 101, 1, 376

Redondo Beach, Cal_ _ _315,997, 1348, 1562, 1764

Red Star S. D. Cal Reedsburg, 1824907Reeves Co. Cora. S. D., Tex. 315Refugio Co., Tex_704, 997, 1426Regina, Bask__ _1008, 1564, 1767Regina S. D., Sask 318,774Rembrandt S. D., Ia 500Remsen, N. Y 563, 704Rendville, Ohio

133, 1716971Renfrew, Ont Rensselaer Co., N. Y_ _1348,

1489, 1699Rentz S. D., Ga 1562Renwick, Ia 1072Rescall, Sask 1000Revelstoke, B. C 1152Revere, Mass 1072Rhode Island 1227, 1290Richardson Co., Neb 1426Richards Ind. S D., Tex.

*1428, 1899Richfield S. D., Cal_ _315, 1764Rich Hill, Mo 847Rich Hill S. D., So. Car_ _ _ _ 253Richland Center, Wis 771Richland Twp. S. D., Mich_ 68Richland Twp. S. D O..68, 191Richmond, Cal.. _ _500, 997,

Richmond, Que 1348, 1489

565Richmond, Tex __639, 771, 1582Richmond County, Ga 1426Richmond Twp., Ohio 1637Richton, Miss 1290Richwood, Ohio 1290, 1764Ridgefield Twp., Ohlo_563,

Ridgely, Md 704, 771

639Ridgetown, Ont 850Ridgeville S. D., So. Car_ _ _ 437Ridgeway, Pa 1072Rigby, Ida 68, 1150Ripley Twp., Ohio_ _1562, 1764Rising Star Ind. S. D., Tex.,

315, 437Ritchfield S. D., Cal 997Riverdale S. D., Cal 639Riverside, Cal., 563, 1072,

Roanoke, 13a48, 1489, 1562, 1764Va 1348, 1562

Robertson Co., Tex., 68,318, 1699

Roosevelt, UtahRosalla, WashRoseboom S. D., N.YRoseburg, OreRosedale, SaskRosemount, BaskRosenberg, TexRosetown, Sask., 71, 706, 1075Roseville, Ohio 1637Rosser, Man 1564Rosthern, Sask., 850, 1075, 1767Round Lake, Ill 1290Round Valley, Sask 1152Round Top Com. S. D .,Tex. 130Round Valley S. D., Cal_ _ - 130Rowena S. D., Cal 639Rowlesburg, W. Va., 253,

771, 1072, 1290, 1764Roxboro, No. Car 253Roy S. D . , Wash 500Royal Oak, Mich 68Royal S. D., Alta 774Runnels Co., Tex 500, 920Running Lake Dr. Dist.,Ark 1290

Rupert, Ida 1228Rush S. D., 0 68, 191Rushford, Minn 1072Rushville, Neb 378Rusk Co. S. D., Tex 771Russell Co., Va__639, 920, 1073Russellville, Ark 704, 847Ruston, La 704, 1073Ruthton, Minn 1637, 1764Rutland Spec. S. D., Ohio,

500, 563RYe, N. Y 847, 920Ryegate S. D., Mont 997Ryley, Alta 255

Snantch, B. C 255abina S. D., Ohio 253

Sabine Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 847, 1348

Sabine Parish S. D., La. ...1290Sacramento, Cal., 318, 376, 1562Sacramento Co., Cal_ _583, 1637Sacre Coeur S. D., Sask.,

194, 503, 774Saginaw, Mich 68St. Agnes S. D., Sask_ _255, 850St. Albans, Vt 191St. Andrews, Fla 69, 500St. Andrews, N. B 71Sr. Andrews, Man 1000St. Anthony Consol. S. D.,Ia 1228, 1349

St. Bernard, Ohio 130, 1426St. Bernard S. D., Ohlo,378, 563St. Boniface, Man 1351St. Catharines, Ont 440St. Charles, Ill 997St. Clair Co. S. D., Ill., 191,

1349, 1764St. Clairsville S. D., Ohio,

704, 1073St. Clements, Sask., 255,

565, 706St. Francis Consol. S. D.,Minn 1150, 1637

St. Francis Levee Dist.,Ark.1765St. George, So. Car., 253,

771, 1637St. Hilaire, Minn 1637St. Jerome, Que 1000St. John, N. B 194St. Johns, Ore- - _ _69, 253, 1699St. Johns Co., Fla_ .. _437, 704St. Joseph S. D., Mo 920St. Lambert, Que 318St. Laurent, Que 378St. Lawrence Co., N. Y 437St. Louis, Mo., 376, 1073, 1426St. Marie's S. D., Ida _1426, 1699St. Marys, Ohlo_69, 563, 704St. Mary's, Ont 1564St. Paul, Minn.. 191, 253,437, 500, 639, 847, 997,

1150, 1290, 1349St. Petersburg, Fla.__ A30, 315St. Thomas, Ont., 503, 565,

774, 1229, 1430, 1639St. Vincent, Ont 1767St. Vital, Man 1491Salem, Ia 500Salem, Mass_-- -69, 1150, 1290Salem, N. J. .._847, 1073, 1290Salem, Ohio, 253, 639, 920,

1073, 1290Salem, Ore., 1426, 1489,

1637, 1699, 1765Salem Cora. S. D., Miss.... 704Salem Ind. S. D., W Va. 69Salem S. D., Ia 920Salem S. D., N. J 847Salem S. D., Ohio, 1349,

1426, 1562Salina S. D., Kan 130Salina S. D., Ohio 130Saline, Mich 997Saline Co. S. D., Ill 253Salt Coats, Bask 503Salt Lake City, Utah.. _507, 920San Angelo, Tex 563

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Rochester, N. Y., 68, 130,191, 253, 315, 376, 437,500, 583, 639, 704, 771,847.997,1072,1227,1290,1348, 1428, 1489, 1562,

1637, 1764Rochester, Pa., 68, 500,

704, 997, 1699, 1764Rochester Twp., Ohio 1072Rochester Twp., Ont 1430Rockaway Twp. S. D. N. J.

68, 847Rockcastie Co., Ky., 639,

704, 1228, 1348Rockford, 0_ _1562, 1637, 1764Rock Hill, So. Car., 316,

500, 920Rockingham Co., No. Car 68Rock Island, Que 255Rockland, Mass 1150Rockland, N. Y 1426Rockport, 0 1426, 1764Rockport Vii. S. D., Ohio__ 947Rock River, Wyo 639, 704Rockville, Minn 437Rockwood, Pa 191, 639Rodeo S. D., Cal., 920, 1150,

1290, 1348Roff, Okla 563, 639 997 191, 500

1150 37, 639 194, 255

71,255 500

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

San Anselmo, Cal 253, 376San Augustine Ind. S. D.,Tex *1428, 1765

San Benito Dr. Dist., Tex_ _1349San Benito Ind. S. D., Tex_ 437San Bernardino, Cal_ _847, 1426San-Bruno Park S. D., Cal_ 500San Buenaventura S. D.,Cal 69

Sanders Co. S. D., Mont.,847, 1290

San Diego, Cal__316, 500,1228, 1290, 1489, 1562

San Diego Co., Cal_ _438, 920Sandpoint, Ida 130Sand Spgs. S. D., Okla 1073Sandusky, Ohio_ _191, 438,

771, 1150Sandusky S. D., Ohio_ _376, 639Sandwich, Ont _1152, 1430, 1639San Fernando Un. H. S. D.,Cal 316, 500, 1073, 1290

San Francisco, Cal_ _69, 191,1228, 1290, 1426, 1765

Sanger S. D., Cal_ _69, 316,920, 1489

San Juan Co., New Mex.,563, 1426, 1765

San Juan Co., Wash 130Sankertown, Pa 1562San Leandro, Cal 191San Mateo Co., Ca1.316, 704, 920San Mateo S. D., Cal 500San Patricio Co. S. D., Tex.,500, 639, 771, 1150, *1428,

1699, 1765San Rafael Sanitary Dist.,Cal 438

San Saba Co., Tex 771San Saba Irr. Dist., Tex 500Santa Ana Grammar S. D.,

Cal 130Santa Ana High S. D., Cal_ 130Santa Barbara, Cal 1765Santa Barbara Co., Cal_ _69.

316, 376, 500, 920, 1426Santa Clara, Cal_ _130, 316,

500, 997Santa Maria, Cal_704, 847, 1073Santa Monica City H. S.

Dist., Cal 920, 1228Santa Monica Gram. S. D.,Cal 438

Santa Monica H. S. D., Cal.,316, 438, 639

Santa Rosa Co., Fla 1150Sapulpa, Okla 1489, 1699Saranac Lake, N. Y 69Saratoga S. D., Cal_ _ _ _563,

704, 1073, 1426Saratoga Spgs. S. D., N. Y.1228Saratoga, Fla 1489, 1699Sarnia, Ont_ _774, 1229, 1292Saskatoon, Sask. _71, 318,

378, 503, 1564, 1839Saskatoon Pub. S. D., Sask.,

71, 133Sault Ste. Marie, Mich_ _ ..1228Sault Ste. Marie, Ont 1767Saunders Co., Neb 1426Sawtelle, Cal_ _ _316, 920,

1150, 1765Saybrook S. D., Ill_ _ ..438, 639Saybrook Twp. S. D., Ohio_1489Sayre, Pa 1290Schenectady, N. Y_ _ _ _501,

563, 1765Schenectady Co., N. Y-997,

1228, 1349Schleicher Co., Tex 1637Schottand S. D., Alta 774Sehroeppel, N. Y 376, 1073Schuyler, Neb 1637Schuylkill Co., Pa_253, 501, 920Scott, Sask 1430Scott Co., Ill 920Scott Co., Iowa 253Scott Co. Dr. Dist., Mo.,

771, 1073Scott Co., Va 563Scotts Bluff, Neb_438, 501, 1228Scotts Bluff S. D., Neb.771, 1562Scranton S. D., Pa 69,316Seaforth, Que 255Seattle,

Wash_. _130, 316,

639, 704, 997, 1562, 1637Seattle S. D., Wash_ _1426, 1637Sebastian Co., Ark 704Sebewaing, Mich 1228Sebewaing Twp., Mich_ 130Sebring, Ohio 253, 501Sebring S. D., Ohio_ _1150, 1426Sedgwick Irr. Dist., Colo .1785Selkirk, Man_ _ _ _641, 923, 1075Selma, Ala 1228Selma, Cal 253SeMaLL9, Sask.._ _ _503, 565, 923Seneca Falls, N. Y 501, 639Senecaville S. D.

' Ohio_ _ _ _ 318

Senatobla Creek Dr. Dist.,Miss 191, 704, 997, 1637

Senota, Ga 130Sequin, Tex 1637Seville, Ohio 639, 771, 997Shackelford Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 1426

Shaker Heights, Ohio 1699Shaker Heights Vil S. D., 0_

191, 253, 438Shakopee, Minn 1290Shaler Twp., Pa 191Sharon, Pa 501, 1637Shawnee, Okla 1489Sheho, Sask 774, 1075Sbelbina S. D., Mo 771Shelby Co., Ky 1426Shelby Co., Ohio 69Shelbyville, Ill 130Sheldon, Mo 1290Shelton, Neb 563Shenandoah, Pa 997Sherbrooke, Quo. .255, 378, 1767Sherman, Tex_ _69, 130, 363,

639, 771, 1150Sherman Co., Neb 376Sherman Co. S. D., Tex.,

*1428, 1765Sherman Twp., Ohio_1489, 1765Shorey S. D., Kan 1765Shoshoni, Wyo 847, 1073Shoshone Highway Dist.,Idaho 316

Shreve, Ohio 1228Sibley Ind. S. D., Iowa_ _ 997

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Sidney, Neb 191Sidney, N. Y 563, 920Sidney, Ohio 1562Sierra Madre, Cal 1699Sigourney S. D., Ia_ _1150, 1699Silver Bow Co., Mont 1426Silver Springs, N. Y 191Silverton, Ore_ _ _ _376, 563, 771Simcoe Co., Ont 774Sioux Centre Ind. S. D., Ia_ 69Skiatook, Okla 192, 253Smiley Ind. S. D., Tex 1489Smith Co., Kan 69Smith Co., Miss 1349Smithville, Tex 438, 563Smith Co., Miss_ _69, 501,

1291, 1637Smith Co. Corn. S. D., Tex.,

1150, *1428, 1699, 1765Smithfield Ind. S. D., Tex_1228Smithland, Iowa_704, 997, 1073Smith's Falls, Ont 440, 923Smoky Hollow, Minn_ _130,

501, 771Smythe Co., Va 997Snipe Lake, Suit_ _ _ _1229, 1430Snohomish Co., Wash.1150, 1349Snohomish Co. S. D., Wash.

1228, 1765Snowflake S. D., Man_641,

923, 1292Social Circle, Ga 316Solvay, N.Y 192, 316Somers Point, N. J 130Somerville, Mass 1765Somerville S. D., Tex 192Souderton, Pa 1426Souris, Man 1491, 1639Souris S. D., Man 1639South Amboy, N. J.. _847, 1073Southampton Un. Fr. S. D.,N. Y 1765

South Bend, Ind 376, 438South Bethlehem, Pa 192South Carolina_ _920, 1349, 1489South Connellsville S. D.,Pa 639, 997

Southeastern Spec. Rd.Dist.Mo 130

Southey, Bask 1351, 1701South Framingham, Mass_ _1349South Haven Twp., Mich.

771, 847, 1349South Helghts S. D., Pa_ _ _ _ 253South Kingstown, R. I 1150South Moline Twp., Ill_ _ _ _ 253South Norwalk, Conn 130South Orange Twp., N. J.

1228, 1349, 1426South Pasadena S. D., Cal.

376, 639, 1073, 1291, 1637South San Joaquin Irr. Dist.Cal 1562

South Vancouver, B. 0_503,1000, 1292

Sovereign, Bask 1639Spartanburg, So. Car_ _253,

920, 1073, 1637Spencer Co., Ind 1228,

1426, 1637Spencerville S. D., 0_1562, 1699Spokane, Wash_ __130, 438,

563, 771, 1562Spokane Co. S. D. No. 81,Wash 69, 253

Spokane 00. 8. D. 78, Wash. 192Spotsylvania Co., Va 1562Sprague, Wash 501Springfield, Ill_ _ _ _847, 920,

1073, 1489Springfield, Mass 639,' 997, 1073, 1150Springfield, Mo 69, 192Springfield, 0_69, 130, 253,

316, 376, 438, 563, 639,704, 920, 997, 1073, 1349, 1562

Springfield City S. D., Ohio501, 639

Springfield S. D., Can 318Springfield S. D., Ill 192Springfield S. D., Man 706Springfield Rural Municipal-

ity, Man 378, 641Spring Lake, Mich 316Springville, N.Y 847Springwells Twp., Mich.__ 69Spur S. D., Tex 1426Stafford, Kan 376, 1699Stafford, Ont 1000Stamford, Conn 316, 1349Stamford, N. Y 920, 997Stamford S. D., Tex.._ _130 ,

920, 1562Stanberry, Mc 438Stanley Co., So. Dak 1637Stanton S. D., Ia 704Starke S. D., Alta 774State Line City Sch. Town,

Ill 69Statesboro, Ga 997, 1489Statesville, No. Car._ _920, 1150Steelton, Ont ...318, 850, 1767Stellarton, N. S 133Sterling, III 376, 771, 921Stettler, Alta 194, 565Steubenville, Ohio_ _69, 376,

1150, 1426, 1489, 1765Stevens Co. S. D., Tex_ ___ 438Stevens Co. S. D., Wash.

316, 704, 1150Stevens Co. Un. H. S. D.,Wash 69, 563

Stevens Point S. D., Wis_ _ _1426Stillman Valley S. D., Tex_ _1637Stillwater, Minn 76Stonehenge, Sask 565Storm Lake, Ia 438Stornoway S. D., Sask_503,

641, 1152Stouffville, Ont 923, 1430Stoughton S. D., Wls 376Stoughton, Sask 1292Strassburg, Sask 255, 1430Stratford, Ont 1639. 1767Strathmore, Alta 378. 923StrathroY, Ont__255, 1491, 1701Streetsvllie, Ont 440Strongfield, Bask 1152Strong S. D., Alta 774Strongville Twp., Ohio 1489Struthers, Ohio 130, 1073Sturgeon Bay, Wis 1637Sudbury, Ont__ _ _133, 923, 1292Suffolk, Va 130, 192, 438

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BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Suffield S. D., Alta 1639Suisun, Cal 1228, 1291,

1562, 1637Sullivan Co., Mo 130, 438Sullivan Co., Tenn _ _1699, 1765Sullivan S. D., Ind 639Sulphur, Okla 1291Sulphur, Tex 1073Sulphur Bluff Ind. S. D.,Tex 438, 501, 771

Sulphur S. D., Okla 997Sulphur Spgs., Tex. .1349, 1489Summerland, B. C 1430Summit, N. J 1699Sumpter Co., So. Caro_704, 997Sunbury, Ohio_ _ _ _69, 501, 704Sunbury Vii. S. D., 0_ _771,107Sundance, Wyo 920Sunderland, Ont 1292Sunflower Dr. Dist., Miss_ A073Sunnybrook S. D., Cal .771 , 1073Sunnyside S. D., Cal 1349Sunset S. D., Cal_253, 920, 1489Superior, NVis 130, 253, 376Susquehanna, Pa 997Sutherlin, Ore 639, 771, 997Sutter City High S. D., Cal.

69, 316, 438Sutton, Sask 1229, 1639Swan S. D., Tex 316Swan River, Man_ _378, 565, 923Swanton, Vt 920, 1699Swea City, la 1426Sweet Grass County S. D.,Mont 253, 316, 771, 1073

Sweetwater, Tex_ _ _69, 438,771, 1150, 1228

Sweetwater Ind. S. D., Tex_ 316Swift Current, Sask ___255,

440, 503Swissvale, Pa 376, 501Sycamore, Ga 1426Sycamore S. D., Ga 1349Syracuse, N. Y. _69, 316,

376, 1150, 1228

Taber, Alta 318,503565, 641, 923

Tacoma, Wash__316, 704,1-073, 1427, 1765

Tacoma S. D., Wash_1427, 1562Taft, Cal_69, 253, 438, 639,

1228, 1427Talladega, Ala_ _69, 192, 376, 563Tallahatchie Co.,Miss.1150, 1489Tampa, Fla_ _192, 563, 847,

1228, 1489, 1562, 1765Tantallon, Sask 1564Tara, Ont 1075, 1639Tarrant Co. Com. S. D.,Tex 192, 438, 639, 847

Taylor, Pa 192Taylor, Tex. 130, 376, 438, 1073Taylor Co. Com. S. D., Tex.

253, 501Taylor S. D., Tex_ _ _ _1073,

142/, 1699, 1765Taylorville, III_ _130, 376, 1699Tazewell Co., Va 1765Tehachapi, Cal..847, 1150, 1489Temple, Tex 920, 1637Terrace Park, 0 1150, 1562Terrell, Tex. .130, 563, 847, 997Terry, Mont 130, 438Teton Co., Mont_772, 1073,

1427, 1699Teton Co. S. D., Mont.772, 1073Texarkana, Tex..847, 1427, 1562Texas 1427Texas Co., Okla 1428Thief River Falls, Minn.,

316, 438, 1073,1699Thomasville, No. Caro.,

1349, 1582, 1765Thorah Twp., Ont 71Thornbury, Ont_133, 184,

318, 706, 1701Throckmorton S. D., Tex 501Thurston & Chehalis Cos.S. D., Wash 1228

Thurston Co. S. D., Wash.,130, 501, 704

Tiffin, 0 192, 438, 704Tilbury, Ont .440, 641, 1152, 1292Tillamook S. D., Ore 1490Tillsonburg,Ont .1639, 1701, 1767Tippecanoe Co., Ind 1699Tipton, Ind 704, 1150Tisdale, Sask 71, 1152Titus Co. Com. S. D., Tex.,

847, 1349Tiverton, R. I 847, 920Tofield, Alta 706Toledo, 0_192, 316, 438,

563, 704, 722, 920, 1073,1291, 1349, 1428, 1490, 1765

Toledo S. D., 0...772, 997, 1073Tom Greene Co., Tex_ _130,

253, 501, 639, 772Tonkawa, Okla 501, 704Tonopah, Nev 639, 1150Topeka, Kan__ _ _501, 847, 1349Topeka S. D., Kan_1490, 1562Toppenish, Wash 316Toronto, Ont_ _318, 706:

1152, 1292, 1430, 1639

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Torrington, Wyo 847, 1073Toslin S. D., Man 774Towanda, Pa 192Townsend Twp. S. D., 0.,

1349, 1490Tranquilly S. D., Cal_ .563,

847, 920Transcona, Man_923, 1229, 1564Traverse City, Mich. ..438, 848Trenton, N. J_316, 438,

1073, 1150Trenton, 0 997, 1349Trenton, Ont 1767Trenton Un. Fr. S. D.,N. Y__316, 639, 704, 997,

1073, 1291Trigg Co., Ky 1427Trinchera Irr. Dist., Tex_ 997Trinity Co. Tex 1428Trinity Co. Com. S. D., Tex.

253, 1699Trio Co., Tex 920Trofield, Alta 255Troy, N. Y.69, 316, 501,

639, 772, 1699, 1765Troy S. D., 0 1349Trumansburg, N. Y..1291, 1350Truro, N, S 194Truxton, N Y 1073Tugaske, Sask 1152, 1767Tulare, Cal_69, 316, 848,

1350, 1562Tule Vista S. D., Cal 1291Tullahoma, Tenn_ _69, 253, 316Tulsa, Okla. _69, 192, 438, 1765Tunica; Miss 998Tuppers Plains S. D., 0_ _ _ 192Turlock, Cal .639, 920Turlock Irr. Dist., Cal_998,

1150, 1228Turnberry Twp., Ont_1000,

1152, 1765Turon, Kan 1562, 1765Turtle Creek, Pa 998Turtle Lake, Wis 920, 1428Tuscarawas Co., 0 704Tweed S. D., Sask 774Twin Falls, Ida_920, 1228,

1562, 1765Twin Falls Co., Ida 316Tyndall R. D., Man 133Tyrone, Pa 563, 998

Uhrichville,Ohio, 704,920,998, 1228, 1562, 1637

Uinta Co. S. D., Wyo 1765Umatilla Co. S. D., Ore.... 316Union, N. J 1699Union City, Ohio 848, 1291Union Co., N. J., 316, 438,

563, 848, 920Union Co., Ohio, 130, 253,

1490, 1562Union Dist. High S. D.,W. Va 848, 1150

Union Free S. D., N.Y..-. 639Union Furnace S. D., Ohio_1765Union S. D., Cal 438Uniontown, Pa 1073Union Twp., Mo 438Union Twp. S. D., N. J- - - - 376University City S. D., Mo.

438, 704Upland S. D., Man -378, 706Upper Darby, Pa 563Upper Dublin Twp. S. D.,Pa 1428

Upper Sandusky S. D., Ohio,69, 253

Upper Terrebonne Dr. Dist.,La 501, 704

Upshur Co., Tex 705, 772Upshur Co. Corn. S. D., Tex. 772Urbana, Ill 1699Urbana. Ohio, 639, 848,

1428, 1562Utah 920Utica, N. Y., 130, 192, 705,

772, 920, 1428, 1562Uxbridge, Mass 920, 1073

Valdosta, Ga., 253, 316,639. 998

Valley Co., Mont 131, 563Valley Co. S. D., Neb 1350Valparaiso, Neb 848Van Allen S. D., Cal 848Van Alstyne, Tex____1291, 1899Van Buren Co., Ia 1637Vanderburg Co., Ind., 563,

1150, 1228, 1428, 1490, 1699Vancouver, B. C. .255,503,565, 641, 1564, 1639, 1701

Vancouver, Wash 1350Van Wert Co., Ohio_ _131, 316Vegreville, Alta 194, 503Venice, Cal., 192, 501, 772,

998, 1150Venice S. D., Cal., 69, 438,

848, 920, 1073, 1228, 1490Venice City S. D., Ca1.1563,1765Ventnor City, N. J.. 705,

772, 1490, 1699Ventura Co., Cal., 131, 920, 1765Veimilion, Alta 133, 503Vermilion Parish, La 69

BONDS, &C.-(Continuedpa.g)e.

Vernon, B C. 133, 318, 378Vernon, Tex 772Vernon Co., Mo 1428Verneczanka S. D., Sask._ _1491Viceroy, Sask 318Vicksburg, Miss., 69, 192,

376, 501Victoria, B C., 255, 318,

1152, 15Victoria, Tex


Victoria Plains S. D., Sask_ 565Vidalia, Ga 376Vienna, So. Dak 1563, 1699Vigo Co., Ind 1150Village Creek Dr. Dist.,Ark .1490Villa Heights, Mo 131, 438

501 1073Vinita, Okla Vinton Co., Ohio 1429Vinton S. D., Ia 131Virden, Man 71Virgilina, Va 376Virginia, Minn_1421, 1490, 1765Visalia S. D., Cal., 69, 253, 438Viscount, Sask 565Vollmer, Ida 1428, 1765

Waco, Tex 169911V adena, Sask.1000,1229,1639Wadsworth, Ohio Wadsworth Twp., Ohlor2: 5126998Wagoner Co., Okla 639Wahltlaku Co., NYash _ 1150, 1350Wahtoke S. D., Cal__ _316, 563Wainwright, Alta., 71, 503, 1351Wakeman Twp., Ohio Walcott Twp., Minn Walden, N. Y


438Waldhelm, Bask

5Walhalla S.D., So.Car1.1312' 6, 1 °27911NVallaceburg, Out 318Walla Walla Co. S. D. No.

17, Wash 998Walla Walla Co. S. D. No.23, Wash 998

Waltham, Mass Walthill, Neb 1699NVann, Okla

501, 1699

°Wappinger Falls, N. Y._ _ _ _193968 Ware Co., Ga

1°Warren, Ohio, 316,57030637

Warren Co., Ky 1150, 1429

376Warren Co., Miss., 131, 193, 772Warren Co., Ohio 848, 1073Warsaw, Ind 0Warsaw, N.Y


Warwood, W. Va., 501, 639,1150,

Washington_69,19 Washington, Ill

,1270268,, 11262989

7Washington, Ohio, 316,37065% 501

998Washington City S. D. 0.,

Washington Co., lad. .316253

, 63 9716Washington Co., Ohio 35Washington Co., Ore


Washington Co., Pa_1350, 1429Washington S. D., W. Va 376Washington Twp.0_1228, 1563Washington Twp.'S. D., 0.

Waskado, Alta Waterford, Wis

193', 660339

8Waterloo, Oat. .565, 100408,, 11669329Watertown, Mass_ A31, 438,

Watertown, N Y 998, 1073

69wWaatteervrtollwien,,mSoe. Dak_ _998, 1150

Waterville Ohio


Watervliet, N Y Watford, Ont Watkins, N. Y

705 772

Watrous, Sask.__ _5031,87335797414,1607798773271

Watson,Watts, Cal

81a815k2, 1229, 1292, 1431

Waumpum S. D.,

p a

Wausau, Wis.438, 563, 7.72,

4 13,95203998, 1563

8Wauseon, Ohio 772,192928 NIvVaavuetarluyg,a0Thwio -p., No. Car..

Wawata, See 438

as Waxahachie, Tex 1463684Waycross, Ga _501, 848,

Wayne Co., Ind 69Wayne Co., Miss_3761,35500;.1637

639, 848Wayne Co., Ohio_ _ _ _1490, 1765Waynesboro Separate S. D.,Miss_ 639

WWaynesborotii. ii_., -6-9-,Webb Cit1y°,3M, 2053' 316' 5601, 673792Webb Co., Tex • 772Webster, N. Y 772Webster City, Ia_848, 1291, 1350Webster Co.. Neb Webster Groves, Mo 1123258°Webster Groves H S. D., _Mo 1073, 1228. 1690

Weiser, Idaho 193N'N vV ee 11 Iclaonn0 ,S S. Oat.D., C a_1 316133 , 378 ,

503, 923, 1767

BONDS, &C.-(Continued.)Page.

Wellington, Kan_ 253, 705,1291, 1637

Wellington, Ohio_ _501, 772,998, 1350

Wellington, Sask_641, 774, 1152Wellston, Ohio 1490Wellston, Okla 998, 1150Weliville, Kan 438Wellsville, Ohlo_193, 316, 1699Welton, Iowa 1765Wenatchee, Wash 1073Wenonah, N. J 640West, Tex 1291West Allis, Wis-316,501,848, 920Westboro, Mass 1073, 1637West Branch S. D., Alta__ _ 774Westbrook, Me 564, 639West Carrollton S. D., Ohlo 69Westchester Co., N. Y.840, 848West Chester S. D., Iowa,

376, 772, 1228West End, Pa 439Western S. D., Cal 317Westfield S. D., N. B 1639West Hoboken, N. J 69West Lafayette, Ohlo_1150, 1699West Lorne, Ont 440West Mansfield, 0_376, 439, 921West Milwaukee, Wis 705NVestmount, Quo 706, 1152Weston, Ont 133West Orange S. D., N. J.69, 131West Pittston, Pa 1765West Plains Spec. Rd. Dist.,Mo 69, 439, 1637

West Point, Neb_705, 1073, 1638West Springfield, Maas 253,

705, 772West Union, W. Va 376West Vancouver, B. C. _71,

774, 1000, 1075, 1431, 1701West View Twp., 0_1699, 1765West View Spec. S.

D., 0_ _1765

Westwood, N. J 1563, 1765Wetaskhvin, Alta 923, 1431Weyburn, Sask 1564Wheatland Twp., Mich_376, 640Wheaton S. D., Minn 772Wheeling, W. Va_253, 501, 921Whitby, Ont 255, 778White Cloud, Kan 1074White Co., Ind__317, 501,

1074, 1563White Co., Tenn 69Whiteford Twp., Mich.,

1228, 1350Whitehall, N. Y 193, 439Whitely Co., KY 69, 848White Plains, N. Y 439,

564, 640, 921, 998,-1490, 1765White Plains Un. Fr. S. D.,N.Y.1074

White River Levee Dist.,Ark 439

Whitesboro, N. Y 1638Whitestown Un. Fr. S. D.

'N. Y 253, 376White Sulphur Springs S. D.,W.Va 848

Whitesville S. D., Mo 253Whitewater, Wis • 921Whitewater Twp. S. D.,Wis 376, 439

Whiting, Iowa 1638NVythewold Beach S. D.,Man 1564

Whitman Co. S. D. No. 169,Wash 376, 564

Whitman Co. S. D. No. 180,Wash 70

Whitman Co. S. D. No. 45,Wash 1490

NViarton, Ont 1351Wichita, Kan 1490Wichita Co., Tex 921, 1765Wichita Co. Cora. S. D.,Tex 1700

Wichita Falls, Tex__ _ _998, 1350Wicomico Co., Md____131, 193Wildflower S. D., Alta 774Wild Rose Valley S. D.,Seek 774

Wildwood S. D., Cal 848,921, 1150

Wilkes-Barre, Pa_772, 921,998, 1291

Wilkie,Sask_133, 641, 1701,1767Wilkie S.D., Bask _ 133, 706, 1430Wilkinson Co., Miss 1563Williams Co., No. Dak 131Williams Co., Ohio.. 1583, 1700Williamson Co. Com. S. D.,Tex 253, 772, '1428

Williamson S. D., Ga 1150WlliitsS.D., Cal 501, 1150Willmar, Minn 70Willoughby, 0 1490, 1700Willoughby Twp., 0 131Willowbrook S. D., Cal.... 439Willow Glen S. D., Cal _131,

439, 772, 1073Willow High S. D., Cal_ 253Wilmerding S. D., Pa__ _70, 772Wilmerding Twp., Mich__ _1228Wilmot, 0 772, 1490Wilson, No. Caro 131

BONDS, &C.-(Concluded.)Page.

Winchester, Ind 1638Winchester, Ky 376Windber, P5_131, 193, 376, 501Windernere S. D., Alta_ _ 774Windsor, Ont _ _133, 706,774, 923, 1292, 1564, 1767

Windsor Mills, Que 440Windthorst, Sask 133Wingham, Ont-133, 440, 1767Winnebago, Neb 998, 1499Winnemucca, Nev_131, 193, 501Winnetka S. D., Pa 70Winnipeg, Man_ _440, 503,

565, 774,1152, 1491, 1701Winnipeg S. D., Man_ 1435, 1701Winnsboro, Tex_193, 705. 1765Winona Co., Minn_ _ _ _501,

921, 14Winslow S. D., Pa


Winston,. m, No.asCsaro___ -317, 375


Ia Park, Fla_564, 1074, 1228v


WinthropWise Co., Va 1540901,, 11716506

Wise Co. Corn. S. D., Tex_1700Woburn, Mass 70, 1709Wolcott, N Y 193Wood Co., 0_ _131, 253, 317,

377, 1074, 1291, 1490, 1700Wood Co., Tex_ _640, 705,

1074, 1151, 1228Wood Co. Com. S. D., Tex.,

Wood Creek, Sask 253, 772

71Woodland, Wash oodlawn S. D., Pa

Woodsfield, 0

772, 97291NV1350, 1563

Woodstock, Ont 318, 1075Woodstown, N. J 131, 317NVoodsville, Ont 1352Wooster, 0_439, 601, 640,

848, 1766,Worcester, Mass_439, 564,

1491, 1563Worcester Co., Md. _1228, 1638Worcester Twp., Pa 1700Worthington Fire Dist.

Wrenford, Sask 253, 317641, 774

Wright Co., Ia 193NVyandot Co., 0_ _193, 253,

377, 998Wyandotte Co., Kan-. _131, 439Wyman S. D., la Wynyard, Sask



Wyoming, 0_849, 1074, '1350, 1563

YIvakasimha Co., Wash_ _193, 1079skims Co. S. D. No. 3,

4Yakima .kiama Co. S. D. No. 38°8 7°5,Wash 1491, 1766

Yakirsha Co. S. D. No. 90,W 193, 439

YaNkviasmha Co. S. D. No. 97,

64Yakima kiama Co. S. D. No. 7728,Wash

28, 1429

YaNkviarnsha Co. El. D. No. 99, 1429

Yale, Mich 705,Yalobusha Co., Miss Yamhill, Ore Yankton, So. Dak 1491


Yazoo Co., Miss 317, 439Yellow Grass, Seek 1430Yemlloownsttone Co.,Motit.921, 1429Yellowstone Co. S. D. No. 2, -

Yellowstone Co. S3.176.

30, Mont

5N640., 849

564Yereington, Nev 772Yertem,S. D., Cal 849Yoakum, Tex_253. 501, 849, 1074Yolo Co., Cal. .705, 849,

921, 1074, 1291Yonkers, N. Y. _439, 564,

0, 1429Yorba Linda S. D.,


York, N. Y 317, 439, 814391,, 98949

York, Pa 501York Co., So. Caro_ __ _921, 1291Yorkshire S. D., 0 254-Yorkton, Sask __ _585, 774,

1000, 1075, 1229York Twp., 0 York Twp S. D., 0


Young, Sask 706Youngstown, 0_193, 254,501, 840, 921, 1151, 1291, 11730600

Youngstown S. D., 0 Yuma Co., Ariz 1074Yuma Co. High S. D.,1trit,z.,1330

Zanesville, 0_ ig04, 9121, 1766Zanesville S. D., 0_ _1351,

1429, 1766Zealandia, Sask 194, 774Zeeland, Mich ..._1074Zurich Twp., Ont 1569

.See Texas.

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