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Ibn Battuta: First, I’ll ask where and when Ibn Battuta was born, and what his full name was. Then, I’ll ask about when and why he decided to leave his home for Mecca. Did he think he would be gone for many years, or did he expect just to be gone 1 or 2 years to Mecca and back? How old was he when he started this journey, and how did he feel about leaving home? Was he married with a family when he left? How did he travel across North Africa—by camel caravan? On foot? A mix of both? Where did he go in the Middle East before he got to Mecca? What were the major cities which he saw (You should mention Cairo and Jerusalem) and what impressed him the most about these cities? Where did he stay as he traveled through these cities? How long did it take him to reach Mecca, what did he do there, and what was the most important thing he saw? Why and how did Ibn Battuta decide to keep traveling rather than return to his home in North Africa? You should talk about his dream and the way it was interpreted by a wise teacher. Where did he go after Mecca? What did he see in Persia and in India? How long did he stay in these places, and what kind of study did he do in these cities? I’ll also ask about how he got robbed and left —where and when did this happen, and how much did the robbers take? How did he get back to civilization and safety? As he traveled, he wrote about what he saw, and what were a couple of wonders or wonderful things which he saw which amazed him? You should use his own writings here to find two interesting examples. When did Ibn Battuta travel to what are now the Maldive Islands, and how long was he there? What were some of the remarkable customs which he saw there? When did he finally return to his home in North Africa, and how many miles and how long had he traveled? Finally, I’ll ask what we can learn from reading about his travels today and how he can inspire us to travel and learn about other cultures today. Benazir Bhutto: I'll first ask where and when Benazir Bhutto was born and where she grew up. What languages did she learn to speak when she was young, and what was her first or primary language? What political position did her father

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Ibn Battuta: First, I’ll ask where and when Ibn Battuta was born, and what his full name was. Then, I’ll ask about when and why he decided to leave his home for Mecca. Did he think he would be gone for many years, or did he expect just to be gone 1 or 2 years to Mecca and back? How old was he when he started this journey, and how did he feel about leaving home? Was he married with a family when he left? How did he travel across North Africa—by camel caravan? On foot? A mix of both? Where did he go in the Middle East before he got to Mecca? What were the major cities which he saw (You should mention Cairo and Jerusalem) and what impressed him the most about these cities? Where did he stay as he traveled through these cities? How long did it take him to reach Mecca, what did he do there, and what was the most important thing he saw? Why and how did Ibn Battuta decide to keep traveling rather than return to his home in North Africa? You should talk about his dream and the way it was interpreted by a wise teacher. Where did he go after Mecca? What did he see in Persia and in India? How long did he stay in these places, and what kind of study did he do in these cities? I’ll also ask about how he got robbed and left—where and when did this happen, and how much did the robbers take? How did he get back to civilization and safety? As he traveled, he wrote about what he saw, and what were a couple of wonders or wonderful things which he saw which amazed him? You should use his own writings here to find two interesting examples. When did Ibn Battuta travel to what are now the Maldive Islands, and how long was he there? What were some of the remarkable customs which he saw there? When did he finally return to his home in North Africa, and how many miles and how long had he traveled? Finally, I’ll ask what we can learn from reading about his travels today and how he can inspire us to travel and learn about other cultures today.

Benazir Bhutto: I'll first ask where and when Benazir Bhutto was born and where she grew up. What languages did she learn to speak when she was young, and what was her first or primary language? What political position did her father hold when she was young, and when did Benazir become interested in politics? Which political party did her father belong to, and did Benazir join this same party? If so, why? After her education in Pakistan, which university in America did she attend and what was her major? Which colleges in England dis he attend and what did she study while she was there? Did Benazir want to run for political office back in Pakistan? If not, what did she plan to do for a career? When and how was her father pushed from power in Pakistan, and how did this change Benazir's life? How long was she and her family under house arrest in Pakistan? What kind of prison was Benazir in starting in 1981, and what were the conditions like there? When was she released and how did her imprisonment influence her plans for her political future? When did Benazir become the head of the PPP party in Pakistan, and what did "PPP" stand for? What were her views on economic and foreign policy? When did Benazir become India's first woman prime minister, and what percentage of the vote for the Nation Assembly did her party win? What were her main priorities for Pakistan as prime minister and what changes to the Pakistan constitution and government did she want to see? What was her relationship as Prime Minister to the President of Pakistan, and how did the Prime Minister and President share power? In foreign

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policy, how high were tensions between Pakistan and India at this time, and how did Benazir deal with those tensions? What was her policy toward the region of Kashmir and whether it belonged to Pakistan or India? Did she think Pakistan should have nuclear weapons? If not, why not? If she did, what steps did she take to promote the development of nuclear weapons? How close did Benazir want Pakistan to be to the United States, and what was her relationship to President George H.W. Bush? How did Benazir promote and strengthen the Pakistan space program and what was her main goal in space? When did Benazir lose power as prime minister, and why? When did she begin her second term as prime minister, and what kinds of ethnic and racial tension and violence did she face during her second term? How did she try to deal with this issue? What charges and accusations were brought against her, and how did she respond to them? When and why was she eventually exiled from Pakistan, and how did the army under General Musharraf take over the nation? Where did Benazir live during her exile and how often did she speak out in person or on television about Pakistan and her own situation? When did she return to Pakistan and what office did she decide to run for in 2008? Then, we'll move to her assassination--on what day and year did this happen? What was Benazir doing when she was shot, and how was she killed? Which individual or group killed her and was anyone or any group ever brought to Justice for her murder? How important was Benazir was a role model for democratic leaders not only in Asia and the Middle East but around the world? How important was she as a role model for women in political life around the world?

Carlos Bulosan: I'll begin by asking where and when Carlos Bulosan was born. There are different estimates of his date and year of birth, so you should choose one date which you think is the most authoritative and go with that. What was life like for him growing up in the Philippines? How did his family make a living and how much poverty did they face? What kind of work did Carlos do to help his family get by? Where did he go to school as a child and teenager? How many siblings did he have? What was his attitude about America and why did he begin to think of going to America? When did his brothers go to America and where did they settle? When did Carlos sail for America and how old was he? How much did Carlos' voyage cost, and how did he and his family pay for his journey and also the journey of his brothers? How long did Carlos' voyage last and in what city did he land? How did he end up working at a cannery in Alaska? How much did he get paid there and how long did he stay? After leaving Alaska, what kind of work did Carlos do in Eastern Washington? What kinds of discrimination and racism did he face? How did he respond to these racist attitudes? Did he have any legal protection at all? What kinds of places and people did he associate with? Did he become a criminal, and if so, what crimes did he commit? Did Carlos feel bitter or betrayed by the promise that in America that everyone can do well and has equal opportunity? How and when did Carlos get involved in the labor movement among Filipino workers? How much was he able to improve the lives of immigrants from the Philippines like himself? Which union or unions did he join and did he hold any position of leadership in a union? If so, what was this position? When did Carlos turn to writing poetry and stories? Had

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he always shown an interest in writing when he was young, or did he become interested in it after he got to America? When did he publish his first collection of poetry, and what were the themes or messages of most of these poems? What illness did Carlos get hit with in 1936, and how long was he in the hospital trying to recover? How much writing did he do during this time, and to what extent did he recover from his illness? Where did he settle after leaving the hospital, and when did he publish his poem collection titled "Letter from America"? I'd like you to pick one of these poems and read part of it (or all of it if it's very short) to us. Tell us the name of the poem, read it, and then explain its meaning for us. When did he start writing his book "America is in the Heart" and what was it about? How much of his own story in America was in this book, and how much did he invent for the book? I'd like you to quote a passage from this book describing his life in America--it should be at least 5-6 sentences long (about one long paragraph). When was "America is in the Heart" published, and what did the title of the book mean? Where was Carlos living during the 1940's and 1950's, and how poor was he? Was he ever able to lift himself out of poverty? Did Carlos marry and have a family? If he did, whom did he marry and when? When and where did Carlos die, and what was the cause of his death? Where was he buried, and how long did he have an unmarked grave? When did he finally get a nice headstone? How widely were Carlos' stories and poems read during his lifetime and in the decades after his death? How common is it for college students to this day to read his poetry and his book "America is in the Heart"?

Indira Gandhi: First, I'll ask where and when Indira Gandhi was born, and what her maiden name was. Who were her parents, and why was her father away so much of the time during her childhood? How much contact did Indira have with Mohandas Gandhi during the time he was working for the independence of India? Did she know him well, and how did he influence her when she was young? Which colleges and universities did she attend, and did she graduate with a degree? If not, why not? If she did, what degree did she earn and when? When did Indira get married, whom did she marry, and did she have children? If so, how many? How did Indira help her father during his time as the first prime minister of India, and what did she learn ab out politics from this work? What positions did she hold in the government of India, and when did she become prime minister of India for the first time? Was this her goal, or was his more her father's goal for her? Did she face opposition and prejudice because she was a woman? What were her main goals and her main accomplishments within India and in foreign policy during her first term as Prime Minister? How successful was she at increasing India's economic power and expanding its territory? How much was her economic policy socialist? What were the goals of her "5 Year Plans" and how many of these plans did she push? Why did India move closer to the Soviet Union and away from the United States while she was prime minister? What was India's relationship with Pakistan like during her time as prime minister? Were there military conflicts between India and Pakistan, and if so, did India prevail in these conflicts? When did India develop nuclear weapons, and how did this change India's relationship with Pakistan? How long did she serve as Prime Minister during her first term, and why and when did she lose power? Why was she did she return for her second term as prime minister, and why

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arrested and what was the result of her trial? When did she start her second term as Prime minister, and how long did she serve before being assassinated? When and where was she assassinated, who killed her, and why? When and where did she give her last speech, and what did she say about her own death in that speech?

Hattori Hanzo: First, I'll ask where and when Hanzo was born, and what was his full name? How did he get the nickname "Hanzo"? how and why did he become a samurai, and who trained him? When did he fight his first battle, which battle was it, and for whom did he fight? What other battles did he fight in, and how did he help Tokugawa Ieyasu and his supporters? How important was Hanzo's help in making Tokugawa the shogun? How was he rewarded when Tokugawa united Japan? Besides sword fighting, what other weapons was he skilled with? How and when did Hanzo train as a ninja? What skills did this give him? What other martial arts did he master? What supernatural abilities were credited to hanzo, and how much truth, if any, is there in these legends or accounts? Later in his life, where did Hanzo live, and what kind of lifestyle did he adopt? When and why did Hanzo die? When and why did Hanzo become a favorite figure in popular culture? In what films, video games, and other formats has he appeared, and how has his historical story been changed and distorted in these formats? How does he appear in these games and movies? What has Hanzo's image come to represent for most people today? Is he known around the world, or mostly in America?

Zheng He (or Zheng Ho): I'll first ask where and when Zheng He was born, and what his name was at birth. When and how did he get the name "Zheng He" or "Zhengo Ho" and what does "Zheng" mean? What did Zheng's father do as a profession, and how and when did his father die? Which enemy army captured Zheng and how old was he when this happened? What did the enemy army do to him physically, and why did they do this? When did he become a eunuch and what was a eunuch's traditional duties at that time? Which princes did he serve and what kinds of services did he perform for them? What kind of education did he receive and how old was he when he became a trusted advisor to his prince and lord? How many military campaigns did Zheng lead and how successful was he as a military commander? How religious was Zheng as a child and young man, which religion did he follow, and how important was it to him? How many overseas voyages and expeditions did the Ming Emperor of China send out between 1405 and 1433, and how many of these did Zheng command? Why was he considered a good choice to be admiral of these expeditions? When did Zheng make his first voyage, how many ships and sailors did he have, and wh at was his mission? Which lands or nations did he visit during this first expedition and how long did it last?

Mineko Iwasaki: I'll begin by asking where and when Mineko Iwasaki was born and what her name was at birth. How and why did she begin her study of Japanese dance at a geisha house of "okiya"? Why did her parents make this decision? What was a "geisha" and how long of a history did they have in Japan? What were the

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traditional roles or skills of a geisha, and what were the skills which Mineko learned at this house? How long was her apprenticeship at this geisha house, and when did she became a full geisha? How did she get the name "Mineko Iwasaki"? At what age was she appointed to be the "atotori" of the geisha house, and what did this word mean? How did she respond to the life of a geisha as a teenager and young woman? Was it fulfilling for her personally, and was she proud of her profession and the tradition behind it? What kind of dances did Mineko give as a geisha, and how popular did she become? What qualities set her apart from other geisha? If possible, I'd like you to find a clip of her dancing and show us a minute or so of it, to give us an idea of her art and skill. To set up the clip, tell us the name of the dance she is performing and when and where it happened? Who were some of the famous people for whom Mineko performed? What kind of cosmetics and costumes did she usually wear, and how long did it take to prepare her outfit and her hair and make-up for performances? What physical illness did she face, how old was she and how long did it take her to recover? What kinds of gossip or jealousy did she face among the public and how did she respond to these comments? Why did she retire from her life as a geisha at age 29? What new career did she choose, and why? Whom did she marry, when, and did she have any children? If so, how many, and where did Mineko and her family live? Who came to Mineko to do an interview for the novel "Memoirs of a Geisha"? When did she interview with this person, how long were the interviews, and why was it so important for her that her identity not be revealed by the author? When was the novel "Memoires of a Geisha" published, and what did Mineko think of it? Why did the public know that it was based at least in part on her own life? What did she think the novel got wrong about her life and the lives of the geisha? What legal action did she take against the author of the book, and what was the end result of this legal action? To what extent did Mineko's reputation suffer as a result of the novel and the movie based on it? Why did Mineko decide to write her own autobiography, and when was it published? I'd like you to quote a short passage (4 or 5 sentences) from this book which sums up her reason for writing it. The introduction could be the best place to find this kind of passage.

Akiro Kurosawa: First, I’ll ask where and when Kurosawa was born, and what his family life was like. What did his parents do for a living, how many brothers and/or sisters did he have? What kind of education did Akiro get as a child? Did he watch movies as a child and a teenager, and if so, what kinds of films was he attracted to? Did he watch mostly Japanese silent and talking films, or American films? Who influenced Akiro to go into directing movies as a profession? How old was Akiro when he was hired as an assistant director, and for which company did he work? Did he know anything about directing at the time, or did he simply learn on the job? How many films did he assist on, how many years did he assist, and what were the most important lessons he learned about directing during this time? Which director during this time influenced Akiro the most, and how? When did Akiro direct his first film, what was it called, and what was it about? Was it a commercial success? What kinds of censorship, if any, existed in Japan during World War II, and did Akiro have trouble getting some of his films approved? How many films did he direct during World War II, and what topics or themes did they cover? As Akiro also

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screenwriting and/or producing films at this time, and if so, how much of his time was spent writing as opposed to directing? Who was producing his films and putting up the money for them, and were they critical and commercial successes? Whom did Akiro get married, and when did they marry? After World War II, he directed “No Regrets for Our Youth”. What was the main story and message of this film, and what made it controversial? I’d like you to show us a clip from “No Regrets” to give us a sense of his style and the story. What was Akiro’s “style” of directing: that is, how did he work with and cooperate with actors, how did he try to motivate them, and was he cooperative or more dictatorial? Did his direction present stories in a certain pattern which was repeated in many of his film? Then, we’ll move to what is probably his most famous film: “The Seven Samurai”—where did this story come from, and how and why did Akiro think it would make a great film? What attracted him to the story? When did he start filming, and what stars did the film feature? What is the basic story of the film? I’d like you to show a couple of short (2 minute) clips of this film—you can pick them and choose scenes you like. Before showing each clip, you should tell us what is going to happen and how it fits into the overall storyline. How did “Seven Samurai” influence American movies and which American film was based on it? How did critics and audiences respond to “Seven Samurai”? I’ll next ask you about his film “Throne of Blood”—when did he make this film, what was the story about, and what famous play inspired it? Was Akiro influenced much by American movies during this time, and if so, which films? Did he ever go to Hollywood to direct films, and if so, for how long, and how many films did he direct? How many films did he direct in his career, and how many awards did he win, whether in America or in Japan? To what extent did he pave the way for later Japanese film directors?

Aung San Suu Kyi: I'll begin by asking in which city and nation and when Aung San Suu Kyi was born. Remember that Burma is now called Myanmar by some scholars and books, though in America it's still mostly referred to as Burma. What is the origin of her names? How did her father help Burma get its independence from the British, and how had her father died? How old was Suu Kyi when her father died? What schools did she attend when she was a child, and what languages did she learn to speak? Why did Suu Kyi go to live in India when her mother, and how long did she live there? Which college did she attend in India, and in which nation did she earn her B.A. degree? What was her major? When did Suu Kyi move to America, where dis he live, and what kind of work did she do for the United Nations? When did Suu Kyi get married and who did she marry? What were Suu Kyi's political views and philosophy? How did the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi influence her? What kind of democratic reforms did she think Burma needed? party in Burma, and what were her main economic and political views? When and why did Suu Kyi return to Burma, and what political movement did she help create in 1988? What were this political organization's main goals? When did the Burmese government arrest Suu Kyi and why? What kind of imprisonment did she face, and how long was she in captivity? How tightly were her communications and movement controlled? What was the main theme of her "Freedom from Fear" speech? I'd like you to quote a passage of 4-5 sentences from the speech to illustrate this theme. In 1990, how well did Suu Kyi's

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political party do in the Burmese elections, and why didn't her party take power? When did her husband come to visit Suu Kyi in Burma, and after he left, why was he not allowed to ever come back? What illness did her husband get, and when did he die? Who were some of the world leaders who urged the Burmese government to let Suu Kyi's husband join her? After her husband's death, how many times was Suu Kyi arrested and then released by the Burmese government? How did she work to move Burma to a democratic system, and how much help did she get form other world leaders and from the United Nations? What happened during the 1996 attack on Suu Kyi and was she hurt? Who was responsible for this attack? When and why did Suu Kyi win the Nobel Peace Prize? Was she able to give an acceptance speech? If she did, what is a quotation from her speech which sums up her view of Peace? What other international awards as she won? Has she succeeded in making Burma or Myanmar more democratic, and where does she live today? Is she free today or under arrest? Who are some of the world's leaders and activists whom Suu Kyi has influenced or inspired?

Lao Tzu (also spelled Laozi ) : First, I'll ask where and when Lao Tzu was born (get as close as you can to an actual year, though no precise records exist). There may be different accounts of when he lived--you should make him a contemporary of Confucius. What does his name mean, and what is the main legend about his birth? Was he married and did he have children? Here, too, you may find conflicting accounts, so you should go with the oldest tradition or the information found in most of your sources. What did he look like? What government job did he hold, and how did this lead him to become a teacher? Did he ever create a formal school, or was his teaching informal? What is the "Tao Te Ching", what does the title mean, and what is the main legend about how and why Lao Tzu composed or wrote the "Tao Te Ching"? Who was Yinxi and how did he become the model of a Taoist disciple or student? What was the "Dao" according to Lao Tzu, and what kinds of images or metaphors did he use to explain it? You should describe at least two short passages from the "Tao Te Ching" and then explain their meaning and how they illustrate the idea of the "Dao". What was "Wu wei", and why was it so important to Daoist thought. What was the main goal of life, according to Lao Tzu, and how does a person reach this goal? How does the cartoon character "Winnie the Pooh" illustrate the concepts of Daoism? You should find the book "The Dao of Pooh" in order to answer this question. I'll also put the "yin-yang" symbol on the screen and ask you what it means and how it illustrates the teachings of Daoism? How far did the beliefs of Daoism spread during Lao Tzu's lifetime, and was he well known for his teachings during his life? Did he ever meet Confucius, and what were the main differences between Daoism and the teachings of Confucius?

Imelda Marcos: I'll start by asking where and when Imelda Marcos was born, and what her name was at birth. How many brothers and sisters did she have, and how much wealth and social status did her family have? Where did she go to school and when and why did her mother die? Who raised Imelda after her mother's death, and where did she live? Why was Imelda attracted to a career as a singer? Who influenced her in this direction? When and where did she get her formal training in

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voice lessons? When did Imelda begin to sing professionally and what kinds of jobs did she get? Which beauty pageant did she enter as a young woman, and what place did she finish in the pageant? How did this experience lead her into the career of a model, and how successful was she at modeling? Then, we'll move to when Imelda met Ferdinand Marcos--how and when did they first meet, and why was Imelda attracted to him? How long were they together before they married, and when were they married? How many children did they eventually have, including any adopted children? When was her husband Ferdinand elected as president of the Philippines, and where did she and her husband live? How did Imelda's lifestyle change? Who were some of the famous people whom she was able to meet in her role as First Lady? What did the Beatles do which upset her, and how did this effect her reputation with the Filipino people? In 1972, after her husband established martial law and became a dictator, how did Imelda's own power and influence increase? How much shopping did she do, and how much money (in U.S. dollars) did she spend each year on not only shopping but on lavish parties? When did Imelda's shoes become widely known, and how many pairs of shoes did she eventually own? How did the Filipino people respond to Imelda and her display of wealth? Who tried to kill Imelda in 1972, and where did this happen? How close to Imelda come to being assassinated, and what was the reason for this assassination attempt? How much political power did she have? What social programs did she establish to help the Filipino people, and how effective were they? What did she do in improve family planning? How widely did Imelda travel and who were some of the American presidents and other world leaders whom she met? How much shopping did she do overseas, and what was her most outlandish overseas purchase? How many jewels and paintings did she own? Why and how did Ferdinand Marcos lose power and have to flee the Philippines with Imelda? When did this happen and where did they go? What crime was she and her husband charged with in the United States, when was their trial held, and what was the ultimate outcome of this case? When and how did Ferdinand die, and when did Imelda return to the Philippines? What political offices did she hold after returning to Philippines? What crime was she accused of, and what was the verdict? What was the last political position did she hold, and when did she retire?

Miyamoto Mishashi: I’ll first ask where and when Miyamoto Mishashi was born, and what his full name was. What does the word “Mishashi” mean? There are contradictory traditions as to his birth and death dates, but sort through the various accounts and come to your own decision. What kind of education did he receive in Buddhist beliefs and in other skills, and who taught him when he was young? Who introduced Miyamoto to the skill of the sword, and how long was he in formal training? Was he committed also to the “bushido” code of the Samurai at this time? If so, what were the beliefs he learned as part of that code? When did Miyamoto fight his first duel, what was the cause of the duel, whom did he fight, and what was the outcome? What was the name of the sword-fighting technique which Miyamoto developed? What made it unique for that time? Was Miyamoto in the service of powerful patrons, serving as their vassal, or was he more independent? How many duels did he fight during his lifetime and what made him so successful at defeating

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so many opponents? What were the causes of most of these duels? Did duels usually end in death, or did the defeated warrior often end up wounded but alive? What was his most famous duel, against whom, and what happened during this duel? What did Miyamoto look like? Did he have facial blemishes which caused him to be treated differently by people? In which war did Miyamoto fight, for which side did he fight, and how successful was his side in the war? How wealthy and powerful did Miyamoto become, and when did he write his “Book of the Five Rings”? What is the main theme of this book and the most important teachings in it, and why did Miyamoto write it? I’d like you to quote a passage of several sentences to illustrate his most important points. What other books did he write, and what were they about? When and why did Miyamoto die?

Mumtaz Muhal: First, I’ll ask when and where Mumtaz was born, and what her name means. Then, I’ll ask how she became the queen of the ruler of Moghul India, Shah Jehan. Was she of a royal and noble family, or was she more of a commoner? How much did she love Shah Jehan? Did he have other wives? If so, how did Mumtaz Muhal feel about that? Then, I’ll ask how many children she had with Shah Jehan, and how she became ill and died with her last childbirth. What happened, and how old was she when she died? Then, we’ll move to the beautiful Taj Mahal which her husband had built to hold her body. I’ll put a photo of it up on the screen as I ask you about it. What were the main materials used, how many workers were involved, and how long did it take to build? What types of architectural styles were used? You should talk about how it’s a combination of both Hindu and Muslim architecture and be able to point out examples from the building of each of these. Where is the burial site of Mumtaz Muhal in the building? What are the most unique and interesting qualities of the Taj Mahal? For example, you should talk about the marble changes color from sunrise through the day to sunset. Also, doesn’t the white marble symbolize the love and purity of Mumtaz Mahal?

Mulan: I'll first ask where and when Mulan was born, and what her social status was--were her parents farmers? Were they rich or poor, or somewhere of middle status? What did her name mean? Then I'll ask about the threats to China's borders during her time? How great was the threat from the Mongols in the North? Who was the Chinese emperor at the time, and how big was the Chinese army? How successful was the Chinese army in defending its borders? Then, I'll ask how and why Mulan got involved in the military? Did she actually fight as a soldier, or did she help the army in other ways? Of course, you may be dealing with more legend than documented history with her, but if legend is all we have, you should go with that. If she was a soldier, how was she able to hide her identity? Did she actually perform any deeds of heroism which helped save her fellow soldiers or China? When and why did she leave the army? Did she marry and have a family afterward? How quickly did her legend begin to spread? When was the ballad written about her life? Who wrote it? Finally, I'll ask what Mulan's story meant to the Chinese after her, and also what we can learn from her story today.

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Kim Phuc: I’ll first ask you when and where Kim Phuc was born and where she grew up. What was her early life like with her family—how did they make a living? Did Kim or her parents have strong feelings about the struggle in Vietnam during that time? Was Kim or her family strongly connected to either the Communist Viet Cong or the South Vietnamese/American side? Did people in Kim’s family or Kim herself take part in any insurgent operations for either side, and if so, what kind of operations were these? Then, we’ll move to the day her village was bombed—what day was it, who attacked the village, and what happened to Kim and her family as a result? What caused her burns, and how bad were the burns? How much of her body was burnt? What happened to Kim’s family, and how did she get help? Who took the famous photograph of her on the road? How far did Kim have to go to get help, and how long after the attack was she hospitalized? Who shot the film footage of Kim at this point? I’d like you to find and show us this footage, as well as the famous photo. How long was Kim in the hospital, where was she hospitalized, and how many operations did she have to have? When was she released, and how was her appearance changed permanently by her burns? Where did Kim settle after this, and what profession did she pursue? In which university did she study in Communist Vietnam, and how did the government try to use her as propaganda? When and why did Kim leave Vietnam, where did she go, and why? How long was it before she chose Canada, and when did she get Canadian citizenship? Did Kim get married? If so, who did she marry and when? How many children, if any, did she gave? When the Vietnam Veterans Wall was dedicated in Washington, what did Kim say at this event? How did she feel about going to the memorial and what were her views about the Vietnam War? Did she feel anger and even hatred for what happened to her? How did Kim make a living, and how did she try to promote peace? What foundations or groups did she participle in or create? How often did Kim speak about what happened to her and about the theme of peace, and how far as she traveled in order to speak? Is she still alive today, and if so, where does she live?

PSY: First, I'll ask when and where PSY was born, and what his real name is. Where did he go to school, and how and when did he get interested in music? What university in America did he plan to attend, and what was he planning on majoring in? How long did he attend this university, and why did he drop out? How much training in music and singing did he get in America, and when did he return to South Korea? How and when did he get attention or his singing and dancing? When did he take the stage name "PSY" and what does it mean? When did he release his first album, what was it called, and what kind of music did it feature? How similar was PSY's music to the popular K-Pop at that time, and how was PSY's music and dancing different? When did he release his second album, and why was it controversial? What was his song "Champion" about, and how did the World Cup competition in Seoul help popularize this song? I'd like you to play a part of this song for us. What awards, if any, did PSY's first two albums win? Why was PSY exempted from military service in South Korea's army, and why was he eventually forced to enlist? How long did he serve, and what was his rank and job in the military? When did PSY join the label YG Entertainment, and what was his most

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popular song with this label? What lyrics in his song "Right Now" were controversial and even considered unsuitable for younger listeners? How did PSY respond to this controversy and criticism? When did PSY come up with his dance and song "Gangnam Style" a nd when did he first perform it live and when did he make the music video of it? How quickly did its popularity spread? I'd like you to show us a clip from the music video illustrating the song and especially the dance. What were some of the major TV shows in America on which he appeared, and how have American audiences responded to his live appearances and his videos? Who are some of the political leaders for whom PSY has performed? Does he see himself as an ambassador for South Korea and its culture, and if so, how does he promote South Korea's image?

Rama: You’ll be telling us the main story or plot from the “Ramayana” poem. There are different versions of it, and you should try to blend them together as best you can, though you may have to choose some events over others if they contradict each other. I’ll first ask where and when Rama was born, and I’ll ask about the legends surrounding his birth. There are different versions What made him special and set him apart from others? What miraculous stories are connected to his birth? Then, I’ll ask about his role as a prince—who were his parents, and what kingdom did he expect to rule some day? I’ll then move to when he met Sita. When did he first see and meet her, and what did he think of her? How beautiful was she, in Rama’s eyes? How deep was his love for her? How and why was Rama banished to the jungle? How did Sita respond to this exile? Did she go with Rama or did she stay behind and wait for him? How long was this exile, and what happened to Rama and Sita during this time? What were Rama’s feelings during this time? How did Rama eventually return from exile and reclaim his title and his power? What role did Sita play in this? Did Rama and Sita became king and queen together and live a long life together, or did Rama lose her? Then, I’ll ask about the meaning of the story of Rama to the people who told it and to the people today who still love it. What are the qualities or values which Rama still symbolizes to people? What can we learn from Rama’s story to inspire us in our own lives today?

Rumi: I'll begin by asking where and when Rumi was born and what his real full name was. How did he get the name "Rumi" and what does that name mean? In what nation would we find his birthplace on a map of today's world? What jobs did Rumi's father hold, and how did his father's mystic views of Islam influence Rumi as he was growing up? What religious profession had been practiced in his family for many years before his birth, and how old was Rumi when he began to also practice this occupation? What kind of education did Rumi receive in Islamic law and preaching, and who taught him, or did he mainly teach himself? What was the main language which he grew up speaking, reading, and writing? How old was Rumi when he became interested in Persian poetry, and who influenced him in this direction? Whom did Rumi meet in 1244, and how did this person change Rumi's life forever? What happened to this friend, and how did Rumi feel about it? How did Rumi express his feelings for his friend in lyric poetry, and what was the name of the collection of poems named in honor of this friend? I'd like you to quote a few lines

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from one of his poems about this friend. Give us the title of the poem, then read about 4-5 lines, and then explain the meaning. What was Rumi's major work of poetry, and how many volumes did it contain, and when did he write it? What were the main themes of the poems in this collection? I'd like you to read one of his short poems to illustrate his teachings about the soul and union with God. Give us the title, read the poem, and then explain the message and the images, including any symbolic imagery in the poem. What was the "Sufi" teaching about God, and how deeply was Rumi involved with Sufism? How did Rumi see the relationship between God and humans, and how important was not only poetry but also music for him in expressing this relationship? About how many poems did Rumi write during his lifetime, and how popular were they? How widely did they circulate around the Middle East at that time, and how widely was Rumi known? Besides poetry, what kinds of other writings did Rumi produce? Did Rumi marry and have a family, and if so, how many children did he have? How and when did he die? When was the 800th anniversary of Rumi's birth, and how many nations celebrated him during this celebration? How did they celebrate? What are some of the other names Rumi is known by in places other than Iran?

Murasaki Shikibu: I'll begin by asking where and when Murasaki Shikibu was born and what was her actual name at birth. You may find that this is uncertain, but go with your best evidence here. What Japanese clan was she part of and how important and powerful was this clan? What social class did she belong to? When did she take the nickname "Murasaki Shikibu", and what did the name mean? Why did Murasaki become interested in writing stories and poetry, and who influenced her in this direction? How old was she when she married, who did she marry, and did Murasaki have any say in choosing her husband? Why or why not? How many children did she have and did they all live to adulthood? If not, why not? How many languages did she read and write, and which language did she write these stories in? What instruments did she use to write with, and what material did she write on? When did she start writing the novel "Tale of Genji", and what was the main subject or theme of this novel? I'd like you to summarize the plot of this novel by telling us the main story: what happens to the two main characters--Hikaru Genji and Lady Kiritsubo, and what kind of relationship do they have? How do Genji's fortunes and status fluctuate up and down in the novel? What is Murasaki's main message about love and especially about romantic love in the book? Some scholars have called this book the world's first novel--why? What qualities makes it a candidate for that honored title? How does the story end, and was the endig intentional, or did Murasali simply not finish it? You should consult what modern scholars think about this ending and make up your mind, presenting us with just one view. How popular was "Tale of Genji" and how widely was it was read in Japan? Did people in other nations in Asia also read it? When did knowledge of it come to Europe? How popular is it today in Japan? How many languages has it been translated into, and what are some of the more modern novels and writers whom Murasaki's work influenced?

Sita: . I’ll first ask where and when Sita was born, and what social status she occupied. Was she a princess or of royal or noble family, or was she of lower social

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status? Was she as well known or as famous for her beauty and her grace and intelligence?? What are the legends surrounding Sita’s birth and early life? When and how did she first see and meet Rama, and what did she think of him? How much did she love him? How did Sita react when Rama lost his status and was exiled by his enemy? Did she decide to stay behind while Rama was in exile or go with him? How long did the exile last, and how did Sita deal with this exile? Was Sita in danger from Rama’s enemies? If so, what happened? What role did Sita play in Rama finally returning from exile and returning to power? How did she help him do this, and how did she sacrifice for Rama? In the end, many years did she spend with Rama in happiness? How did Sita die? Finally, I’ll ask what her story and her personality symbolize for people today and what it symbolized for Indians and others then. What qualities or values does she embody? What can people today, in America, learn from Sita’s famous story? Is she the symbol of the perfect mate and wife? Did she have to submit her own ego and desires to his? Is this a theme which modern American women can really relate to, or is it out of step with modern American womens’ beliefs?

Sukarno: I'll start by asking where and when Sukarno was born, and what his full name was at birth. If you need help pronouncing his name, listen to it a few times on Google and then practice it. What was he re-named after he was sick as a child? What did the name "Sukarno" mean? How wealthy was Sukarno's family and what social class did they belong to? What schools did Sukarno attend as a child and teenager, and what were the main languages spoken in these schools? Where did Sukarno go to college, and what was his major or focus of studies? What did he want to do for a living when he was in college? How many languages clould he speak fluently by the time he graduate from college? When and why did Sukarno become interested in politics and nationalism? Who influenced him in this direction? What were his feelings about the Dutch colonial power which controlled his homeland? Who was Marhaen and how did he influence Sukarno's views on politics? Which political party did Sukarno become the leader of, and when did this happen? What were the main goals of this party for the people of Indonesia? What did Sukarno think of capitalism and communism? How did Sukarno helps spread the views of his party, and how popular was it among Indonesians? When was Sukarno sentenced to jail, and what was his crime? How long was he in prison? Why did Sukarno become a popular hero while he was in prison? When did Sukarno publish "To Attain Independent Indonesia" and how popular was it? I'd like you to quote a short passage (3 or 4 sentences) from it which sums up his main view. When Japan invaded Indonesia during World War II, how did Sukarno cooperate with them, and why did he do this? What were the five principles for Indonesian independence which were part of his "Pancasila", which he spoke about in 1945? After 1945 and Japanese defeat, how much opposition from the British and the Dutch did Sukarno and his nationalists face before being able to rule Indonesia themselves? Did Sukarno support military action against the Dutch, or was he willing to negotiate with them? When did Indonesia finally become fully independent, what was the name of this new government, and how much power did Sukarno have as president in the new parliamentary government? How much of his position as president was

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symbolic and ceremonial, and how frustrating was this for him? Instead of parliamentary democracy, what was the "Guided Democracy" which Sukarno supported, and how would it work, according to him? When did army commanders take power from the elected government of Indonesia, and when did Sukarno take full control of the country through martial law? Once Sukarno was fully in power, what was his main economic policy? Did he allow competition and much private ownership, or did he exert control over most of the economy? What was his policy on the role of Islam? Did he allow Islam to influence the government, or did he maintain secular control of the government? Did he allow other political parties or leaders to criticize his government? If not, how did he deal with dissenters? In the Cold War between America and Western Europe and Communist China and the Soviet Union, which side did Sukarno favor, and why? Was Sukarno able to expand Indonesia's borders and influence, and if so, how did he do this and how much land did he add to Indonesia? When and why was Sukarno pushed out of power? How many times was he married, and how many children did he have?

Trung Trac: I'll start by asking where and when Trung Trac was born. What was her sister's name and who was older. When Trung was born, what was the land of Vietnam called? Who taught Trung about military tactics and fighting as she was growing up? How much power did China have in Trung Trac's homeland at the time of her birth? How long had the Chinese controlled the land and how did they mistreat Trung's people? Who did Trung marry, how did they meet, and what did the Chinese do to her husband? In about what year did Trung start a revolt against the Chinese, and how quickly and how far did this revolt spread? How big did Trung's army become as the revolt grew, and how many Chinese forts or fortified positions did she capture? Was Trung the main leader of the revolt, or did she share power with her sister or with male soldiers, too? Did Trung herself fight in battles, and if so, what weapons did she use and what animals, if any, did she use? Was Trung ever wounded in battle? What was the legend of Trieu Thj Trinh and what she did during a battle? What political title did she claim, and what new kingdom or land did she establish during the revolt? Did she face any opposition from her own people because she was a woman? How and when did the Chinese manage to defeat Trung's army and put down the revolt? Did the Chinese win a decisive battle against Trung's forces, and if so, what was it and what happened during the battle? Or did Trung's forces simply gradually melt away, and if so, why? In what year did Trung's revolt end, and what did she and her sister do rather than be captured by the Chinese? You should use details from both the Chinese and Vietnamese accounts of Trung and blend them together, but when it comes to her death, go with the Vietnamese legends and favor them whenever there's a clear conflict in the accounts.

Mao Tse-tung (also spelled Mao Zedong): First, I'll ask where and when Mao was born, and whether he was born into a wealthy or a poor family. What kind of education did he receive, and what did he think of traditional Confucian teachings?

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How was he influenced by the Xinhai Revolution of 1911-1912? What were the goals of this revolution, and how did Mao participate in it? After this revolution, which professions did Mao consider following, and what profession did he eventually choose? What kinds of books did he read, and how did they influence his political views? When and how did Mao learn about the Marxist revolution in Russia, and what did he think of the writings of Marx and the revolutionary ideas of Lenin? When was the Communist party in China founded, and how involved was Mao in creating the party? How did he try to help Chinese workers, such as coal miners, during this time? When did Mao organize his first Communist army, and where did this happen? How much opposition did they face, and how dangerous was it for Mao? How often did his army have to move, and how large did his army eventually become? When and where did the "Long March" begin, and what was Mao's goal when it started? Where did Mao and his troops eventually settle, and which forces did Mao's army join with in order to battle the Japanese, who had invaded China? How did Mao and his army battle and harass the Japanese army during World War II? After World War II and Japanese defeat, how long did Mao and his Communists fight a civil war against Chiang Kai-shek's army? How and why were the Communists able to win this war, and when was the People's Republic of China established? As Communist party chairman, how did Mao enforce Communist principles in Chinese farming, and how did Chinese peasants respond? How bad were the food shortages which resulted from Mao's Communist policies? Did he allow any private ownership of land or any form of capitalism? How oppressive was Mao against his political enemies, and about how many died or were sent to prison camps during his reign in China? How did Mao try to improve and strengthen the Chinese economy and promote industry? Why did Mao's armies get involved in the Korean War, and how successful were Chinese armies against American and United Nations forces during this war? Later, how much aid in weapons, money, and supplies did Mao give to the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong during the Vietnam War? When did he launch his "Cultural Revolution", and what were Mao's goals in doing this? How did the Chinese people respond to this, and how did the suppression of creativity and dissent hold back China from progress? Why did Mao eventually agree to a visit by President Richard Nixon to China? What were Mao's views toward America and the Soviet Union changing during this time? What were Mao's goals in normalizing relations with the United States? When did Mao die, and how long did he rule in China? Is it fair to say that he was worshipped almost as a god by the Chinese people, and that he attracted a cult following?

Hua Tuo: I'll begin by asking where and when Hua Tuo was born? You will have to choose from some different estimates, since his dates are uncertain; but you should choose one set of dates and stick to them. Why and how did Hua Tuo become a surgeon? How important was surgery in Chinese medicine at that time, and how did Hua Tuo look at surgery differently? How did Hua Tuo invent an anesthetic, and what substances was it made of? Was he the first Chinese doctor to use anesthetics? To give us a comparison, when did American surgeons begin to routinely use anesthesia in surgery? How effective was Hua Tuo's anesthetic? What were the main surgical procedures which Hua Tuo practiced? You should describe his method for a

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laparotomy, splenectomy, and anastomoses. What did Hua Tuo use for sutures to sew up wounds? Besides surgery, what was Hua Tuo's method of acupuncture? How did he treat the King of Wei with acupuncture when Hua Tuo was the court doctor? What were Hua Tuo's ideas in hydrotherapy, and what types of exercises did he prescribe to keep people healthy? Which animals was each type of exercise based on, and what were the similarities between each exercise and the animals on which it was based? How many medical books did Hua Tuo write, and how much, if any, of his writings have survived? How and why was Hua Tuo executed? How much did his ideas influence later Chinese doctors and medicine in other lands outside China?

Sun Tzu: I'll first ask where and when Sun Tzu was born. Then, I'll ask what China was like during his time--was it mostly peaceful, or was there constant warfare between differing kingdoms? Was there mostly political unity or several smaller kingdoms? Why did Sun Tzu become interested in war and the theory of how to make war? Was he a warrior himself, or did he stay away from the actual battlefield? Did he ever lead troops into battle? If so, how successful was he as a leader? Then, I'll ask about his famous book, "The Art of War"--when did he write it? Why did he write it? Was he trying to gain a position with some powerful ruler, or was he trying to prevent some of the wars of his time? What were his main messages about war in the book? According to him, why were wars fought? What were the best methods to use to win a war? What kind of warfare was most effective? What were some of the biggest mistakes which armies or commanders made during a war, according to him? Did he also write about how to avoid wars? If so, what was his advice? At this point, I'll ask you to read a couple of short quotations from his book (2-3 sentences each) which you think express his wisdom. Then, I'll ask how popular the book was, and if Sun Tzu became well known or remained obscure after it was written. Finally, I'll ask what we could learn from his book.

Malala Yousafzai: When and where was Malala born, and what does her first name mean? Why was she given this name? What was her family like? Were they wealthy, poor, or middle class? How many brothers and sisters does she have? What was her father's job, and how much was he involved in her education? What school did she attend, and for how long? How much power did the Taliban have in the Swat valley of Pakistan during her childhood, and when did they outlaw girls going to school? How many schools were attacked or blown up by the Taliban in order to stop the education of women? Why was the Taliban so much against education for women? How did the Taliban control and punish women and girls in other ways, like getting jobs or even going out in public? What were Malala's hopes for her future: what professions was she thinking of pursuing? When did she start writing her blog calling for education rights? How did the BBC help her get her views out, and what name did Malala take as her pen name, so her real name wouldn't be known? Why did she take this pen name? How often did she write in this blog and what other issues did she write about? I'd like you to quote one passage from her blog in which she calls for education for girls, and to show why she thought this was so important.

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How often did she write in her blog, and about how many people read it? How did Malala begin to participate in politics, what positions did she hold, and how was she highlted in a UNICEF video? How politically active was her father, and how much did he inspire Malala? Did schools for girls re-open in her area of Pakistan, and if so, how long? What kind of threats did Malala face because of her activities? On what day was she shot, and who did it? Where was she when she was shot, and where did the bullet hit her? How did Malala try to save others during this event? How bad was Malala's wound, and how close did she come to dying? How long was she in critical condition, and how close has she come to making a full recovery? When was Malala released from the hospital and how big was the public reaction to her shooting? What did Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and President Obama say about her being shot and about her work? Where is she living now, what is her physical condition, and is she safe from further attacks? Has she been able to continue her work for women's education and womens' rights, and if so, how is she doing this? What are Malala's plans for her future?

Isoroku Yamamoto: I'll first ask where and when Isoroku Yamamoto was born and what his name was at birth. How and why did he come to be adopted into the Yamamoto family? How old was he when he was adopted and why did he take the name "Isoruko Yamamoto"? How and why did he become interested in serving in the Japanese navy? Who influenced him in this decision? When did he graduate from the Japanese Naval Academy, and what kind of combat did he see during Japan's war against Russia in 1904? After the war, when did he visit America, where did he lived, and how long was he in America? What were his impressions of American culture and of American industrial and military power? What did he think of the idea of Japan eventually going to war against Japan, and why did he hold this view? When did he return to Japan, and when did he reach the rank of captain? When did he gain command of his first ship, and what ship was it? In the 1930's, what was Yamamoto's opinion of the treaty which kept the number of Japanese ships lower than the navies of the Western powers? What did he think of the alliance between Japan and Germany? Why was Yamamoto chosen to plan and lead the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941? What was his plan for hitting Pearl Harbor, what did he hope to achieve by defeating the American fleet there, and how risky was this plan? How smoothly did the Japanese plan go as they approached Pearl Harbor? After the attack happened and many people saw it as a great Japanese victory, did Yamamoto agree? Why or why not? What mistakes, if any, did he make during the Pearl Harbor campaign? Did he really say that Pearl Harbor had only awakened the "sleeping giant" of America, or is this must a myth attributed to him? After Pearl Harbor, what was Yamamoto's plan for the Midway campaign and the Battle of Midway in June 1942? What mistakes or mis-calculations did he make during the battle, or was it his commander with the fleet who made these mistakes? How did Yamamoto respond to the surprising and strong American victory at Midway? Then, we'll move to his death--where was he traveling by air and why was he going there? How did American planes find out where his plan was, and on what day and year did they shoot him down? How did the Japanese government and people respond to news of

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his death? If Yamamoto had lived, how much could he have done to either prolong Japanese defeat or even to prevent Japan's defeat?

Shen Zhou: You’ll be portraying the Shen Zhou who lived from about 1427 to 1509, the forerunner of landscape art for the Europeans, There’s another Shen Zhou painter from centuries later, but you’re not him. I’ll first ask where and when Shen Zhou was born. What kind of education did he receive, and how and why did he become interested in art? Did Shen Zhou study as an apprentice under a master, and if so, who was it? What was the dominant tradition in Chinese painting when Shen Zhou was learning art? Was landscape painting already established and popular, or were other topics more popular for Chinese painters? When did Shen Zhou begin to produce his own landscapes, and what did they depict? Here, I’ll put a couple of his best known paintings up on the screen—“Poet on a Mountain top” and “Lofty Mt. Lu”. Then, I’ll ask you when he painted them, where in China these places were, and why he chose them. I’ll also ask what messages about nature and humans he was trying to express through this art. Did he see nature as divine, like the later Romantics in Europe? Did he regard nature as more powerful than humans? How popular were these types of paintings? How many paintings were in his “Landscape Alum” and when did he complete this collection? How widely in China or other lands did Shen Zhou travel, and were mountains his favorite place to go and his favorite topic for landscape art? What other parts of nature did he enjoy painting? How long did Shen Zhou live and paint, and how important was his influence on later Chinese painters and on later European landscape painters?

Le Zun: First, I’ll ask about when and where the Buddhist monk Le Zun was born—he is something of a legendary figure, so you may have to estimate the year and place of his birth, but you should find some legends about it, so use them. Where was he a Buddhist monk, and what is the story of his vision of the Mogao Caves? You should tell us the story of how he was traveling and saw a sunset while on Sunwei Mountain, leading to a vision. What did he see in the vision, which cave did he find afrer the vision, and what did he paint on its walls? How did this cave painting of Le Zun’s draw attention from other monks, and how did it lead to the painting of many other caves at Dunhuang or Mogao? How many caves were eventually painted, and where would we find these caves along the Silk Road? How long does this gallery of art caves extend? What were the dominant themes or scenes depicted on these cave walls? Over how many years did it take to paint the caves and how many different main styles of painting can we see there? How do different caves depict the Buddha differently and how do they show influences from both China and India? How do they show influence from as far away as Europe? You should put up on the screen scenes of the Buddha from at least three different caves—these can be paintings or carved statues in the caves. The three Buddhas should illustrate three different painting styles and different aspects of Buddha. You should also show images of demons and angels from the caves, which are famous for their unique style and beauty. How many people, especially Buddhist pilgrims, came to worship and admire the Mogao caves, and for how many centuries were they a popular pilgrimage site? How big was the town which grew up alongside the caves?

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When did the caves stop being a popular pilgrimage site, and why did this happen? Which nation do they belong to today, and who takes care of them?