cf. john 12:3 holy cross lutheran was...

Holy Cross Lutheran Church “Sharing the Ointment for Jesus’ Feet, Giving God our Very Best” Cf. John 12:3 Our mission statement: Celebrating God’s love by worshipping God, caring for each other, and serving in community. Vol. 25 No. 6 June 2019 I was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter- nate Old Testament pericope text for Pentecost Sunday while marveling at the incredible human naivete that imagines that technological advances are the stairway to heaven. God and his universe are sweetly condescending when it comes to the much vaunted impact of human endeavor and pride. The Tower was supposed to reach God and He is pictured as leaning over his heavenly front porch with a telescope hooked up to binoculars that are tied to a microscope and saying to himself, “Now where is that cute little nub those humans are so proud of?” At least in this scriptural case, these technological advances of urbanization, architecture, and new building materials opened the doorway to chaos. This text auspiciously occurs near the commemoration day of the death of Nicolaus Copernicus, May 24, 1543. All these things were buzzing in my head, when in my state of chronic sleep deprivation I dropped off, and dreamt that the late Milton H. Erickson, the world’s foremost therapeutic hypnotist from Taos, New Mexico, progressed me into a future life and my clone……………………………finished all my sentences for me. I couldn’t tolerate my clone. He was of chronological necessity decades younger than me, and yet he looked close to the way I looked back then, scrawny and pale with coke-bottle-bottom glasses, poor guy. And there the resemblance ceased. BERGY’S BABBLE: HELLO DOLLY, GOODBYE NICOLAUS ” … /// ...

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Page 1: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter-nate Old Testament


Holy Cross Lutheran Church

“Sharing the

Ointment for Jesus’

Feet, Giving God

our Very Best” Cf. John 12:3

Our mission statement:

Celebrating God’s love

by worshipping God,

caring for each other,

and serving in community.

Vol. 25

No. 6

June 2019

I was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter-

nate Old Testament pericope text for Pentecost Sunday while marveling at

the incredible human naivete that imagines that technological advances are

the stairway to heaven. God and his universe are sweetly condescending

when it comes to the much vaunted impact of human endeavor and pride.

The Tower was supposed to reach God and He is pictured as leaning over

his heavenly front porch with a telescope hooked up to binoculars that are

tied to a microscope and saying to himself, “Now where is that cute little

nub those humans are so proud of?” At least in this scriptural case, these

technological advances of urbanization, architecture, and new building

materials opened the doorway to chaos.

This text auspiciously occurs near the commemoration day of the

death of Nicolaus Copernicus, May 24, 1543. All these things were buzzing

in my head, when in my state of chronic sleep deprivation I dropped off, and

dreamt that the late Milton H. Erickson, the world’s foremost therapeutic

hypnotist from Taos, New Mexico, progressed me into a future life and my

clone……………………………finished all my sentences for me.

I couldn’t tolerate my clone. He was of chronological necessity

decades younger than me, and yet he looked close to the way I looked

back then, scrawny and pale with coke-bottle-bottom glasses, poor guy.

And there the resemblance ceased.


… /// ...

Page 2: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter-nate Old Testament


I shared, “Hey man, listen to this cool brain candy. It’s Hendrix’s

cry-baby wah-wah on “Electric Ladyland.”

He retorted in rejoinder, “Chill, gangsta-dank Bubbadad and

excavate: It’s a rhyming-dictionary-in-a-popcorn-popper-shoved-through-a-

pitbull rap song, a veritable conjunction of intellect and melody.”

I tried to appreciate my clone’s musical taste and finally decided that

Lil’ Twerp should be arrested for committing impersonation of a melody.

After all he used two notes and four foul words for a whole song plus some-

thing about bustin’ a cap on someone’s hindquarters. I was confused; I

busted a cap on a bagel the other day and had to go back to the dentist!

I woke up devastatingly disappointed with shattered clonal and tonal

expectations caused by my recalcitrant replicant.

Isn’t what we want the most and what we fear the most, having

someone around who could possibly know us totally, inside and out, our in-

nermost thoughts, a strange merger of self with doppelganger-appliance-for-

spare parts self? Fear not. It’ll never happen. But it’s good for a few thou-

sand TV episodes during these millennial times of the X-filing of America,

where anything’s possible, everything is non-reproducible pseudo-science,

and it’s all sinister or at the least, conspiratorial. Lately, the media enter-

tainment complex is obsessed with vampires, werewolves and zombies, and

that’s just the political pundits on the news channels.

Into the midst of this messy Zeitgeist, (where we all have little wires run-

ning into our homes to let us know what we should believe, what we should

buy and what we should fear), stepped Dolly the Scottish cloned sheep. Re-

member her? Feel sorry for the unwitting ungulate who steps into the cul-

tural expectations of Dr. Frankenstein, and Dr. Moreau. It’s hard to scrape

that off your hoof. The mad scientist archetype runs deep, contrary to the

reality of the situation which used to require that all future ‘mad’ scientists

get passing grades in college and prove their theses with strict scientific

method. This little bit of academic rigor and discipline usually weeds out

most lazy psychopaths. … /// ...

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Hello Dolly, Goodbye Nicolaus”

Page 3: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter-nate Old Testament


Anyway, I think a plaid sheep from Scotland would have been a much

more unique genetic engineering experiment. In fact with simple selective

breeding of roans, zebras and appaloosas here in America, I could envision an

equine stars and stripes at the front of every 4th of July parade.

So now we are hearing the thunder of pundits, a stampede of bioethicists,

a hypocrisy of fundamentalists and a gridlock of legislators overtaking the issues

of biotechnology. With stem cells, nanotech, biomass-fuelled robotic combat-

ants (kill the weak, eat the dead), genetically modified foods, and particle

colliders, already in production and use, it’s fair to say that global warming

should go on the back burner, so to speak. Commissions and Czars are appointed

to represent all our political, scientific, and moral diversity. Like I believe that!

The goals of commissions are consensus so they consist of people who generally

agree. Like for instance, never in history would we have seen a commission with

Martin Luther and the Pope and Copernicus sitting on it.

In 1543, a 70-year-old man died with a “gotcha” smile on his face.

He was a poor priest. As was common then much of his income supported a

sequestered common-law spouse and possibly children. He was canon of the

cathedral at Frauenburg in Polish East Prussia. He studied and practiced both

law and medicine, was an international diplomat and wrote excellent essays on

finance and economy for King Sigismund I of Poland. He restructured the

Prussian economy by reforming its currency and exchange values and averted a

national financial disaster. All of this, running a parish, being a doctor and a

lawyer and a national economic advisor left him little spare time to squeeze in

his dabbling in astronomy and the mathematics of elliptical orbits.

1800 years before, in 250 B.C., Aristarchus of Samos opined that the

earth rotated and revolved around the sun. The sun doesn’t rise and set, the

horizon does! It sets in the morning and rises at dusk. For those 1800 years the

idea of heliocentricity didn’t catch on because the math didn’t work out with the

assumption of perfectly circular orbits of the heavenly bodies. Nicolaus Coper-

nicus worked out the math for elliptical orbits and everything made more sense.

… /// ...

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Hello Dolly, Goodbye Nicolaus”

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Pope Leo X pretended to be open-minded about it, and asked for a

demonstration of the thesis. Unfortunately, at this time, Leonardo Da Vinci

would be dying in 4 more years with only blueprints for helicopters, not

space shuttles, so our spotlighted friend, N. Copernicus could not literally

oblige. Methinks the Pope was being tongue-in-cheek, like the M.I.T. Phys-

ics final exam question which reads: “Describe three ways to destroy the

universe and demonstrate two.”

Anyway, Martin Luther caught wind of this ridiculous idea in 1530.

He called Copernicus an upstart Roman fool who “wishes to reverse the

entire scheme of astronomy….sacred scripture tells us that Joshua com-

manded the sun to stand still, not the earth.” John Calvin once again getting

on the band wagon said, “Who will venture to place the authority of Coper-

nicus above that of the Holy Spirit?”

Copernicus said, “Fine, I’m busy.”

But Lutheran mathematician Georg Rheticus would not let it go.

He was professor at Wittenberg and before that, precocial Greek student of

Philip Melanchthon. Melanchthon heard of Rheticus’ interests. Georg was

ordered to cease and desist teaching the Copernican hypothesis at Witten-

berg, and Phil called Nick a crazy Prussian astronomer who moves the earth

and fixes the sun. “Verily, wise rulers should tame the unrestraint of men’s

minds.” As Frank (Zappa, that is) would ask four-and-a-half centuries later,

“Who are the brain police?” You never know.

Anyway, Georg talked Nick into publishing and Georg paid for it,

and then hightailed it for a teaching post in Leipzig where he could exercise

his intellectual freedom. After all, scientific inquiry was not the top issue of

the Reformation. Georg left the completion of his task to his friend and

Lutheran pastor and reformer, Andreas Osiander, who wrote the preface for

Copernicus’s book but wisely didn’t sign it. The book came out in May of

1543. One of the first copies reached Nicolaus Copernicus on his deathbed

on May 24. He read the title page, smiled and died. “Gotcha.”

The upshot of all this is that we have sailed a ship past Pluto, outside

of our solar system and still haven’t reached God yet. God is still squinting

and grinning and thinking, “Those upstarts just don’t quit, do they?” … /// ...

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Hello Dolly, Goodbye Nicolaus”

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As far out as we’ve gone, we’ve also explored the inner workings of

humanity through the human genome project. Compared to what lies ahead in

the near future in microbiology and nanotechnology, cloning is almost a non-

issue anymore. After all a clone is simply an identical twin that’s a lot young-

er, and raised in a different environment, which will essentially make him or

her a totally different individual. If you put Michael Jordan’s clone in a Suzu-

ki music school, he’s going to be flying over cello strings instead of basketball


Then there’s the fear of mass cloning armies of Steven Segal organic

robo-mercs to fight the battles of the world, and spending all that time in train-

ing and money only to have them all wiped out by an adventitious bacteria that

specializes in those of identical genome. Oops.

Laws against cloning or any new technological advance aren’t going to

change the fact that it will happen. That’s why God made offshore islands. On

the other hand, experimental biotechnology could have some legal oversight,

so that contracts and standards could be enforced and inept practitioners could

be made liable for malpractice. Then we could listen to Channel 13 on Friday

night and hear the hologram of Marvin Zindler crying out, “Let’s hear it gang,

Slime in the Electron Microscope.”

Just by observing you can see the score. It’s a dog race and the check-

ered flag is confusion. The scientists are in the lead, the lawyers are moving

up fast on the outside, and the ethicists are hanging on like a flea on a bald

man’s pate in a West Texas windstorm. Meanwhile the Communion of Saints

is in the stands yelling, “Come Holy Spirit!!!”

You can say that again, Xerox. Likewise. Copy that. Verily and

Amen. Ditto. Etc.

See you in Worship ………………………………… Bergy

“We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.

Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than

we do about peace—more about killing than we do about living.”

General Omar Bradley

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Hello Dolly, Goodbye Nicolaus”

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… /// ...


APRIL 17, 2019

The April 2019 Church Council meeting was called to order by Presi-

dent Wendy Lambeth on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.

Pastor Berggren opened the meeting with a prayer.

In attendance were: Pastor Jim Berggren, Pastor Jhon Jairo Arroyave,

Wendy Lambeth, Bettie Baring, Pat Curran, Deacon Karen Davidson,

Francisco Gonzalez, Julie Kilkenny, Bettye Raschke, Wayne Schaper,

Kay Vaccaro, and Sharon Wagner.

Wayne Schaper welcomed the newly elected Council members:

Francisco Gonzales, Wendy Lambeth, Kay Vaccaro, and Sharon

Wagner for President Lambeth, who had lost her voice at meeting time.

The minutes from the March Council Meeting were submitted by Julie

Kilkenny and, after correction of an error on the time of Maundy

Thursday services, were unanimously approved by Council. They will

be submitted for publication in Crossties and on the website.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Wayne Schaper. Offerings for

the month of March were $29,693, an increase of $856 over the previ-

ous month. Expenses for the month were $38,886, an increase of $894

over February expenses. Year to date expenses exceeded offerings by

$35,791. The checking account balance at 3/31/19 was $203,820, not

including restricted funds. The Endowment Committee has $488 inter-

est available for disbursement. Mr. Schaper took time to explain de-

tails of some of the line items on the report. The Treasurer’s report

was unanimously approved as presented.

Pastoral Staff Reports:

Pastor Berggren updated Council on his activit ies over the past

month. March activities included the Congregational Meeting Part II

and the Arts and Crafts Fair.

Page 7: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter-nate Old Testament


Pastor Berggren remarked that the TLU Choir performance on March

28th was great, and he expressed his thanks to everyone who helped

make the evening a success. The Early Learning Center spring fund-

raiser was held on April 12 th; it raised approximately $14,000, which

will help close the gap between tuition and the costs of running the

school. Lenten mid-week services and meals continued with an aver-

age attendance of 30. He noted that Calvin Remmert turned over the

administrative functions of the (Men’s) Breakfast Group to John

Wenger. Pastor Berggren continues preparations for the Lent and

Easter services, as well as visits with homebound HCLC members,

prospective members and visitors to the church.

Pastor Arroyave has been wor king to ease the t r ansit ion for the

Spanish congregants after June 30 th. He is planning several topical

discussions for adults during services in April and May, including

emotional, financial, and health and physical wellness. Classes con-

tinued for members preparing for First Communion and Confirmation

on May 26th.

Deacon Davidson updated Council on her activit ies for the month.

She acted as liaison/facilitator for the TLU concert. She had a busy

month with her visits, phone calls and prayers for HCLC members and

friends. She continues preparation of the PowerPoint presentation for

the early worship service. She is working on preparations for Holy


Old Business and Committee Reports:

Bettie Baring reported on WELCA activities. There was a WELCA

Board meeting on April 6 th, and she noted that work on the “Beside

Still Waters” room is near completion. WELCA is planning a tour of

the campus in June to showcase improvements to Holy Cross facilities,

including refurbishment of the Beside Still Waters room, Craft Room,

Youth Room, and restrooms. … /// ...

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting —April 17, 2019

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… /// ...

Ms. Baring noted that the Craft Sale was a success, netting a $756

profit, and that the vendors were happy with their results. The Lu-

theran World Relief kits were displayed and blessed on April 7 th and

are boxed up and ready to send. WELCA decided to collect for a

Grandparents’ Day basket in September instead of the usual Mothers’

Day basket. She thanked Cathy Elijah and all the volunteers who

made the TLU Choir concert a memorable experience.

Council discussed intermittent problems with mail delivery and de-

cided that a first step might be to get a locking mailbox with a more

prominent address label, in case substitute mail carriers unfamiliar

with the campus were contributing to the problem. President Lam-

beth noted that Warren Schick will take care of this. Mr. Schaper

gave a quick overview of the routine inspections and associated fees

required by the City of Hilshire Village and other agencies.

Ms. Lambeth reported that the contract to market the Telge property

was signed and returned to the broker, and a sign was posted on the


Ms. Lambeth reported on the progress of the Transition Team, which

has had several meetings. Pastor Arroyave stated he continues work

on his profile to send to the Synod in pursuit of another ministry

after his call expires in June. The Team worked to put together a list

of families to contact to ascertain whether individual members want

a combined ministry or prefer the separate Spanish -only activities.

Pastor Arroyave proposed using a supply pastor to provide Spanish -

only services. Discussion continued on the topic of transition.

New Business:

Council considered filling the position of Vice President of the

Council. The nomination of Bettye Raschke (by Ms. Lambeth and

Mr. Schaper) to this position was affirmed by a voice vote of Council


… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting —April 17, 2019

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… /// ...

President Lambeth asked Council to consider an addition to the Finance

Review Committee. (Current members of this committee are Jay Fort,

John Stokes, Hans Sunder, and John Wegner.) Ms. Lambeth felt that it

would be helpful to add a member with a working knowledge of some

of the processes and costs of projects HCLC will be considering in the

near future. She proposed adding Alan Lambeth to this committee, as

he does meet these requirements and has been involved in numerous

facilities projects for Holy Cross. Council approved this action.

Kay Vaccaro asked for clarification regarding graduating seniors.

Pastor Berggren explained that in the past he has dedicated part of a

worship service to recognize these students, usually including a small

gift. Ms. Kilkenny added that there was also a bulletin insert congratu-

lating these members. Mr. Schaper noted that some years ago a Holy

Cross member gave a designated lump-sum gift to be used toward these

students’ college funds. Several Council members remarked that they

were not aware of this fund. As this was a finite gift near its comple-

tion, Council determined that the remainder of the fund should be split

among the current graduates.

Ms. Lambeth noted a problem getting a current directory to new

members. Sussy Terry stated that the current directory/phone list

format (in Microsoft Publisher) is cumbersome to make changes to,

especially with the frequent additions and changes to the roster. Kay

Vaccaro offered to help in this endeavor.

Ms. Lambeth introduced an email sent to Cathy Elijah from the Texas

Department of Protective Services requesting the use of Church facili-

ties on recurring Saturdays (9 am – 1 pm) to provide supervised visits

of the families of foster children. As the email did not provide much

detail as to what was needed, Ms. Kilkenny volunteered to follow up to

get more information.

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting —April 17, 2019

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The next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15,

2019 at 4:00 p.m.

Upon motion to adjourn, the meeting was closed with the Lord’s


Respectfully submitted,

Julie Kilkenny

Council Secretary


Next Council Meeting:

Wednesday, June 19,

at 4:00 p.m. in the Annex.

Church Council

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting —April 17, 2019

With sadness, at the end of June 2019, we say goodbye to Pr. Jhon Jairo

Arroyave and the Spanish language service at Holy Cross Lutheran Church.

His time here has been a blessing and we wish Pr. Jhon God’s blessings in

this next chapter of his Ministry.

Church Council

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This is a temporary address for:


(713) 724-5148

3620 Greenbrier Dr.

Bettenford, IA 52722


The Adult Forum has completed the study on Simon Peter.

We will begin a new study (yet to be announced) sometime in September.

We will let you know so you can come and join with us in this wonderful

time of fellowship and learning.

Deacon Karen Davidson


Cell (513)477-1002

8526 Highcrest Dr.

Houston, TX 77055

[email protected]



Kathy Auth (Daughter)

Cell: 713-392-3990

12122 Stone West Dr.

Houston, TX 77035-4606

Page 12: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter-nate Old Testament




Meredith Schomburg gr aduated fr om Westchester High School.

She will attend Texas A&M University to study engineering. She

will continue her love for lacrosse, playing this summer on a travel

team in Vail, and then on with club lacrosse at A&M.

Laura Byerly gr aduated fr om the Univer sity of Houston with a

Bachelor of Science in Communications Disorders. In the fall she

will begin work on her Masters of Speech Pathology at Emerson

College. She will be teaching Kid Yoga during the summer and

throughout graduate school.

Blaise Fort gr aduated fr om Tr inity Univer sity with a Bachelor of

Arts in Classical Mediterranean History and minors in Geographic

Information Systems (GIS) and History. He is working in June as a

camp counselor at Camp Allen in Navasota, as he begins his job

search in GIS.

Jackson Lambeth gr aduated fr om the Univer sity of Houston -

Downtown with Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting.

This summer he plans to “enjoy a 3-week vacation, come home, find

a job, and work, work, work!” He has applied for the MBA program

at UHD and is working to get his CPA license. Julie Kilkenny

Page 13: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter-nate Old Testament



Congratulations to those who received Holy Communion for the first time:

† Eduardo Antonio Casas

† Raeanna Fuentes

† Fátima Valeria García

† Alan Hernández

† Ashley Yoana Hernández

† Marta Griselda Hernández

† Melinda Hernández

† Mayrin Geraldine Iracheta

† Andrés Morales

† Deisy Morales

† Edgar Morales

† Edwin Morales

† Jimmy Navarro

† Yatziri Parada

† Charlie Ramírez

† Christopher Ramírez

† Esmeralda Victoria Ramírez

† Rachel Emma Ramon

† Coraline Romero

† Erik Santiago Salgado

† Esperanza Guadalupe Tenorio

† Miguel Angel Tenorio

~ Spanish language congregation ~

May 26, 2019

Page 14: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran was studying Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel, the alter-nate Old Testament


MAY 2019

Altar flowers were donated by:

05 Pat Boessling

12 Betty Mooney

19 Bettie Baring

26 Loy Dell & Jo Rita Kaltwasser










Revelation 22:12-14,

16-17, 20-21














8:1-4, 22-31















1 Kings

19:15-16, 19-21



5:1, 13-25




JUNE 2019

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The Friendship Club will be meeting Saturday, June 15, at the church.

We will be having baked potatoes topped with bar-b-que and all the trimmings.

We will also be playing Bingo so please bring an item that can be used as a

prize. If you plan to attend, it will be necessary to RSVP to Charlotte Jaster

(713-705-3861) by June 13, as we want to be sure that there will be enough

potatoes and bar-b-que.

We will begin to gather at 4:00 pm and supper will be served at 5:00 pm.

Hope to see you there!

Nancy Beamesderfer


Please join us on Sunday, June 9th —10:30-11:00 a.m. for a tour of Holy Cross.

Find the areas that have been renewed and refurbished and are looking great.

Thank you to all who had a part in the transformations.

More information coming. There will be prizes!!

Sharon Wagner

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If your name is not listed or if this is incorrect information

please contact the Church Office so that the list can be corrected.

Holy Cross members celebrating birthdays this month:

01 Jo Rita Kaltwasser

03 Hanne-Lore Sunder

05 Doris Pannell

06 Charles Hess

08 Rafael Alvarado

Joyce Huey

Phil Ninman

15 Wayne Schaper, Jr.

16 Betty Larson

Priscilla Anthony

Christine Vasquez

17 Mark Rose

18 Bruce Jaster

20 Florentina Araiza

21 Pat Curran

22 Fred Abrego

24 Ann Crick

25 Dorothy Preuss

26 Joseph Lambeth

28 Christopher Fisher

Alice Braun

29 Joshua Berggren

Xavier Abrego

Claude Dale

30 Jennifer Crick


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The homebound, disabled, long-term

ill and prolonged recovering.

If you are not receiving HCLC

Prayer Request emails and would

like to, please contact

Renee Allcorn:

[email protected]

or call (713) 254-8638

Note that Prayer Request emails

are sent out daily, so if you are on

the email list and did not receive

any email, please contact Renee.



8:30 am—4:30 pm


8:30 am—2:30 pm

You may sign up for

Altar Flowers

in the Narthex.

Suggested donation is $50.00

and $12.00 for a rose.

Ed Cooper

Betty Firth

Betty Morris

Doris Pannell

Elaine Snell


If you have any questions call

Wayne Schaper, Sr. at (713) 465-5206.

APRIL 2019

Receipts $ 37,995.00

Expenses 35,534.55

Balance $ 2,460.45


Operational receipts

year to date received …….. $ 117,996.00

Expenditures year to date ..… 151,451.35

Balance < $ 33,455.35 > ====================

Building Rental $ 320.00


Saturday: 20

Sunday: 71

Palm Sunday 60

Maundy Thursday 82

Good Friday 26

Sunrise service 21

Easter Day 107


Sunday: 82

Palm Sunday 89

Good Friday 24

Easter Day 102



Dolores Abrego

Julie Davidson

Karen Estes

Dolores Fojt

Nanette Luker

Ilse Newlon

Nancy Norrick

Ida Pearl


Jaime Urbanski

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100 Church Office

101 Sussy Terry

103 Rev. Jim Berggren Senior Pastor

104 Rev. Jhon J. Arroyave Hispanic Pastor

105 Karen Davidson Deacon

107 Financial Office

108 Stephen Ministry Office

109 Family Life Center

111 Volunteer Office

Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Spring Branch

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

7901 Westview Dr. Houston, Texas 77055

Tel. (713) 686-8253 Fax (713) 686-9095

E-mail: [email protected]


“Holy Cross Lutheran Church is a community of Christians

gathered by God’s grace and reaching out through God’s love.”


† Rev. Jim Berggren — Senior Pastor Email : [email protected]

† Rev. Jhon Jairo Arroyave — Hispanic Pastor Email : [email protected]

† Karen Davidson — Deacon Email : [email protected]

† Sussy Terry — Office Manager Email : [email protected]


Cathy Elijah Music Director / Organist

Jo Ann Meeker Pianist

Ann Crick Pianist


ELC (713) 461-5535


Wendy Lambeth President

Bettye Raschke Vice-President

Julie Kilkenny Secretary

Wayne Schaper, Sr. Treasurer


6:00 p.m. — Atrium


English Service : 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School : 11:00 - 11:45 a.m.

Spanish Service: 11:00 a.m.

Estudio Bíblico y Escuela Dominical

12:00 noon

Office Manager & Events Coordinator