cf. john 12:3 holy cross lutheran church - clover...

Holy Cross Lutheran Church “Sharing the Ointment for Jesus’ Feet, Giving God our Very Best” Cf. John 12:3 Our mission statement: Celebrating God’s love by worshipping God, caring for each other, and serving in community. Vol. 25 No. 5 May 2019 “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Luke 23:46. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit,” a redundant reiteration of the obvious. The man, after all had led an entire lifetime, spirit totally committed to the Father. With complete control, he relinquishes control. It is a callshot to end the game a winner. “Two rails and a kiss into the left corner pocket.” My Dad taught me how to shoot pool. This mechanistic game, totally dependent on the laws of physics was a screen activity for philosoph- ical conversations that lasted 40 years. “Son, the balls on the table don’t care about you. They are mindless material to be manipulated. Don’t get upset. Observe the angles. Master your breath, your concentration and your emotions. We began this method of father/son communication in 1960 at the pool hall on Main Street, McPherson. One of the valuable learnings of these sessions was that even in something so mundane, or, as was the popular opinion in those days, profane, as a pool game, one could discover the deepest mysteries of the universe. Isaac Newton for Dummies. Theology, mythology, psychology and metaphor blooming into infinite angles and possibilities at the satisfying crack of a tight rack, the Oedipal struggle on green felt, his pride and my remorse the first time I finally won a game. BERGY’S BABBLE: INTO YOUR HANDS” … /// ...

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Page 1: Cf. John 12:3 Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Clover · Holy Cross Lutheran Church “Sharing the Ointment


Holy Cross Lutheran Church

“Sharing the

Ointment for Jesus’

Feet, Giving God

our Very Best” Cf. John 12:3

Our mission statement:

Celebrating God’s love

by worshipping God,

caring for each other,

and serving in community.

Vol. 25

No. 5

May 2019

“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Luke 23:46.

“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit,” a redundant reiteration

of the obvious. The man, after all had led an entire lifetime, spirit totally

committed to the Father. With complete control, he relinquishes control. It is

a callshot to end the game a winner. “Two rails and a kiss into the left corner


My Dad taught me how to shoot pool. This mechanistic game,

totally dependent on the laws of physics was a screen activity for philosoph-

ical conversations that lasted 40 years. “Son, the balls on the table don’t

care about you. They are mindless material to be manipulated. Don’t get

upset. Observe the angles. Master your breath, your concentration and your


We began this method of father/son communication in 1960 at the

pool hall on Main Street, McPherson. One of the valuable learnings of these

sessions was that even in something so mundane, or, as was the popular

opinion in those days, profane, as a pool game, one could discover the

deepest mysteries of the universe. Isaac Newton for Dummies. Theology,

mythology, psychology and metaphor blooming into infinite angles and

possibilities at the satisfying crack of a tight rack, the Oedipal struggle on

green felt, his pride and my remorse the first time I finally won a game.


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Andy never threw a game for anyone to save their feelings which instead

needed to be dealt with and savored. And the game he taught was Callshot.

Slop balls that went into the pocket unintentionally, got spotted and put back

into play. Learn to live under the Law with no Grace. Control was the name

of the game.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? CONTROL? One of life’s bitter con-

tests that we all play is control. Perhaps it is the earliest, most original of

sins, a primeval lactational struggle for survival. Control your food source

for nourishment.

Pontius Pilate, control your crowds. You Sanhedrin there…control

your pilgrims and Passovers. Judas, you stiletto wielding terrorist, control

your revolution, and for God and Israel’s sake, Mary, control your son.

Dad’s last words to me were, “Keep it under control kid.” That was a

lifetime tape that he implanted in my head. But it was also a joke that we

shared. And that moment near death we chuckled at our standing under-

standing for years. In this world, control is rare and most often exploitative

or tyrannical. The illusion of control is most often self-will run riot. One of

the dictums of twelve step groups is, ‘You didn’t cause it, you can’t cure it

and you can’t control it.’ So relax and praise God and go ahead and commit

your spirit. Giving God control is the highest form of control there is.

We are most ecstatic, most free when we relinquish the control we

think we have. All of our favorite rites and passages, some of them deeply

sacramental are callshots to win, giving control to the Father God. In

baptism, my parents and the community gave up control of my life to God

himself, and then reassumed temporary custody, until confirmation when I

was called upon to reaffirm for myself, God’s control over my life.

Confession is the admission to God and others that I am aware that I

am flat out of control and ‘please God step in and help.’ And in communion

I am strengthened by consuming God and giving him indwelling control

over my nature and nurture. … /// ...

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Into Your Hands”

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In marriage we know that the union will survive and thrive if God is

in control. In marriage we say to the whole community, my control is now

relinquished to the life of the other and God’s image in my beloved. The

extent of our control in family life is determined by our ability to live in the

Christlike example of mutual servanthood.

Ordination is not spiritual striving, but giving control to the possibil-

ity of a call from the Body of Christ; to discern the Body of Christ and serve

in it. We “eat to our destruction” when we try to control the Body of Christ.

He’s the head. We are called to meet the need which evokes our responsive-

ness, not to anticipate canned success by controlled programming. The

wonderful thing is that God’s doing this whole thing perfectly, and all we

need to do is keep saying thanks, and suiting up and showing up.

“Into thy hands I commit my spirit.” Psalm 31:5. It is an unashamed

commitment. Something has been worked through to the bitter end, the

point of no control. Beginning in hope, Jesus controlled the winds and the

waves, the demons and the diseases, the Pharisees and the paralyses. But

from the very beginning, funneling down toward apparent defeat he realized

that he must enter the conundrum. To control sin and death, he must give up

all control and allow sin to ride him into death.

Jesus controlled himself with kindness and servanthood, so that the

most pathetic commentary ever written on human life is the two millennia

long roster of his out of control enemies. “Into your hands I commit my

spirit,” is not surrender. In those full and rolling syllables, he pronounces

the death knell to death. It is a wily, uncanny, strategy to defeat sin and


Medieval Christian artists and Mel Gibson got it partially right with

all those ghastly realistic pictures of the barbarous crucifixion. However,

left with those images we are left awash in the aftermath of human control.

Earlier Christian art showed a crowned king on the cross driving sin and

death before him. … /// ...

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Into Your Hands”

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Nothing had gone wrong. Something had gone eternally right. He drank the

bitter cup and hurled it away, and climbed into death with confidence, de-

feating hell and receiving the crown of his Kingdom.

The whole day of Good Friday seems pervaded by a sense of out of

control troubled uncertainty. There was no control in Pilate. He went in. He

went out. He read a Captain Marvel comic book. He sat down. He stood up.

He ate a ham sandwich. He asked questions. He talked to his wife. He didn’t

listen to her anyway. Isn’t that typical? He gave judgments. Then he went

back on his judgments. Then he washed his hands. This is the guy in

charge! The one in control! Yeah. Right.

There was no control in the frantic mob, supposed to be celebrating

high holy days. There was no control in the frightened band of disciples

who by now should certainly have known what was going on. They’d been

told a hundred times. The Sanhedrin was out of control and couldn’t get its

act together, arguing, disorganized and confused.

Only Jesus was deliberate and masterful. To Pilate he virtually offers

reassurance and some degree of absolution. “You say that I am a king, but

my kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my followers would fight.” If I

were playing the same control game as you, if this was just another mamma-

lian territorial dispute, another monkey dance, then you’d be corned beef

hash in a Kosher deli. Pilate was a marionette possessed. The last word

from him is a confession of faith in bold print above Jesus’ bleeding brow,

in three languages so no one will miss the significance of this death. “This

is the King of the Jews.”

At the foot of the cross his friends don’t get it. When he says his last

words about committing his spirit, he shouts in a loud voice. To them it

sounds as if he is regaining control, a second wind maybe. “Hang in there

Jesus, the angels are coming.” Or at the very least, Passover starts at dusk.

If he can live until then maybe the Romans won’t break his legs and he

won’t suffocate. … /// ...

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Into Your Hands”

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See you in worship …………………… BERGY

Anyway, watch out for when you think you have the most control

and your plans are really clickin’. You got one finger on the steering wheel

and you’re cruisin’ down the highway of life, wind in your hair, elbow out

the window, tires hummin’ on the pavement….Watch out!! You might be

getting ready to make a big mistake. If we think we have it under control,

we’ve missed the point of the cross. In a cruel world of chaos, rudeness,

unpredictability, and upheaval, the best we can do is commit our lives into

God’s hands, and climb into the grace of being in Christ’s control and

compassion. “Into your hands, O dear God, we commit our whole lives.”

And then Easter happens! Amen.

… /// … Bergy’s Babble: “Into Your Hands”


The Friendship Club will be meeting Saturday, May 18, 2019,

for pot luck at the church.

Our hostess will be Linda Cuzzort and she will provide dessert.

Please bring your favorite covered dish to share.

We will begin to gather at 4 p.m. and supper will be served at 5 p.m.

Hope to see you there.

Nancy Beamesderfer

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MARCH 13, 2019

The March 2019 Church Council meeting was called to order by

President Warren Schick on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.

Pastor Berggren opened the meeting with a prayer.

In attendance were: Pastor Jim Berggren, Pastor Jhon Jairo Arroya-

ve, Warren Schick, Bettie Baring, Jay Byerly, Pat Curran, Deacon

Karen Davidson, Julie Kilkenny, Wendy Lambeth, Bettye Raschke,

Wayne Schaper and Fredda Yurk.

The minutes from the February Council Meeting were submitted by

Julie Kilkenny and unanimously approved by Council. They will be

submitted for publication in Crossties

and on the website.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Wayne Schaper. Offerings

for the month of February were $28,837, an increase of $7,761 over

the previous month. Expenses for the month were $37,992, a

decrease of $1,163 from January expenses. Year to date expenses

exceeded offerings by $27,234. The checking account balance at

2/28/19 was $223,470, not including restricted funds. The Endow-

ment Committee has $387 interest available for disbursement. The

Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved as presented.

Pastoral Staff Reports:

Pastor Berggren updated Council on his activit ies over the past

month. He noted that his annual report for the Synod was completed

and sent in on time. He presided at the Baptism of Stella Louise

Case, the daughter of Cassie (Walker) and Theo Case. He conducted

a memorial service for Darlene Johnson at Woodlawn Cemetery.

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He continues preparations for the Lent and Easter services. He also

visited homebound HCLC members and reached out to prospective

and visitors to Holy Cross.

Pastor Arroyave r epor ted that the Spanish minist r y welcomed five

new families into membership. Classes continued for adult members

(over 19 years old) to prepare for First Communion and Confirmation.

Sunday school attendance averaged 23 students, and plans are in the

works for special adult classes on a variety of subjects.

Deacon Davidson updated Council on her activit ies. She also

completed her annual report to the Synod. She noted that Holy

Cross welcomed 20 new members last year, and several more in

2019. Deacon Davidson brought registration information for the

Synod convention (May 17-18th at Kinsmen Lutheran Church). She

noted that the convention will take place over two full days, instead

of three days as in the past. She continues her visits, phone calls

prayers for HCLC members and friends, as well as the preparation of

the PowerPoint presentation for the early worship service. She noted

that the Adult Forum class has begun its study of Adam Hamilton’s

book Simon Peter, Flawed but Faithful Disciple.

Old Business and Committee Reports:

Mr. Schick updated Council on Building and Grounds activities. The

problem of water getting into classrooms in the ELC arose again and

was related to clogged gutters. After discussion, Council determined

that Mr. Schaper should call the contractor and put HCLC on a regular

maintenance schedule to have the gutters cleaned every 6 months.

… /// ...

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting — March 13, 2019

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… /// ...

Bettie Baring reported on WELCA activities. The WELCA Board

met earlier this month and allocated funds to the following projects:

$1,500 to Heavenly Quilters (for the restroom renovations) and $200

to the TLU Choir performance (for piano rental). Proceeds from the

February 17th Thankoffering were $800. WELCA is working on a

“Spring Basket” for donations to Krause Center. She noted that

several WELCA members expressed an interest in helping with the

TLU Choir performance on March 28 th by providing dinner for choir

members and serving refreshments after the concert.

Mr. Schick reported that Fratelli’s Ristorante donated back $250

from the HCLC Night. Council members noted that it was a fun time

and that there was good participation from Holy Cross members and

friends. Thanks to Cathy Elijah for organizing the event.

There were no new updates from the Telge Property team or the

Spanish Ministry team.

New Business:

The Congregational Meeting Part II on Sunday, March 17, 2019 will

consider the election of Council and certain Committee members, as

well as proposed changes to the HCLC Constitution and Bylaws.

President Schick reminded Council of the Holy Week services and


Maundy Thursday Service & Seder Feast (April 18 th at 6:30 p.m.)

Good Friday Service (April 19 th at 7:00 p.m.)

Saturday Informal Service (April 20 th at 6:00 p.m.)

Easter Sunday: Sunrise Service (April 21 st at 7:00 a.m.)

Breakfast at 8:00 a.m.

English Worship Service at 9:30 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt (following 9:30a.m. Service)

Spanish Service at 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School at 12 noon

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting — March 13, 2019

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Council approved a request by Spring Branch I.S.D. to use the Youth

Room April 22nd—30th for early voting.

Mr. Schick took a minute to reflect on his tenure as Council Presi-

dent. He noted that Council got faced some tough issues over the

past couple of years and got a lot accomplished, and he expressed his

appreciation to everyone on Council for their hard work, service and

support. He thanked outgoing Council members Jay Byerly, Fredda

Yurk and Wendy Lambeth. He noted that although he is going off

Council, he can continue his work on Buildings & Grounds, updating

the website and the electronic sign at the corner of the church

property, and as the HCLC representative to the Pantry Advisory

Committee. Council responded with a standing ovation for President

Schick for his outstanding service to Holy Cross.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17,

2019 at 2:00 p.m. (Unless this time is not convenient for newly

elected Council members.)

Upon motion to adjourn, the meeting was closed with the Lord’s


Respectfully submitted,

Julie Kilkenny

Council Secretary

… /// … HCLC Minutes for Council Meeting — March 13, 2019


Next Council Meeting:

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

at 4:00 p.m. in the Annex.

Church Council

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APRIL 2019

Altar flowers were donated by:

07 Ann Larson

14 Warren & Penny Schick

21 Al & LaVerne Pivonka

28 The Lambeth Family



































21:10, 22—22:5




MAY 2019

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Our last BRUNCH BUNCH for this season will be at:


823 Antoine Dr. — Houston, TX 77024

(713) 682-8836

Sunday, May 19th, at 11:45 am.

I hope that you can come for the last outing of the season.

Thank you,

Jeanette Dukleth — RSVP (832) 326-7214


If you want to help us, please donate, condiments, cake mixes, soup,

personal care items (shampoo, lotion, etc.) and special, unusual food items.



Mary White

Coming Event:

Food Fair in the church parking lot

Saturday, May 4, 2019, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon

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If your name is not listed or if this is incorrect information

please contact Ann Larson so that the list can be corrected.

Ann Larson (713) 957-0972 email: [email protected]

Holy Cross members celebrating birthdays this month:

11 Catalina Villegas

13 Socorro Samano

15 Mario Torres

16 LaVerna Wegner

17 Bettie Baring

18 Jhon Jairo Arroyave

19 Jo Ann Wood

23 Sussy Terry (Church Office Manager)

01 Jackson Lambeth

04 Carol Prokofieff

05 Stephanie Walton

06 Nannette Luker

07 Dolores Abrego

María García

08 Jadher Abad

10 Pat Hartfiel

Antonio López

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The homebound, disabled, long-term

ill and prolonged recovering.

If you are not receiving HCLC

Prayer Request emails and would

like to, please contact

Renee Allcorn:

[email protected]

or call (713) 254-8638

Note that Prayer Request emails

are sent out daily, so if you are on

the email list and did not receive

any email, please contact Renee.



8:30 am—4:30 pm


8:30 am—2:30 pm

You may sign up for

Altar Flowers

in the Narthex.

Suggested donation is $50.00

and $12.00 for a rose.

Ed Cooper

Betty Firth

Betty Morris

Doris Pannell

Elaine Snell

Rosie Stork


If you have any questions call

Wayne Schaper, Sr. at (713) 465-5206.

MARCH 2019

Receipts $ 29,593.00

Expenses 38,886.41

Balance < $ 9,293.41 >


Operational receipts

year to date received …….. $ 79,600.00

Expenditures year to date ..… 115,390.80

Balance < $ 35,790.80 > ====================

Building Rental $ 460


Saturday: 19

Sunday: 78


Ash Wednesday: 37

Lenten services : 30


Sunday: 74



Dolores Abrego

Edgar Baring

Harold Braun

Karen Estes

Dolores Fojt

Nanette Luker

Ike Thompson

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100 Church Office

101 Sussy Terry

103 Rev. Jim Berggren Senior Pastor

104 Rev. Jhon J. Arroyave Hispanic Pastor

105 Karen Davidson Deacon

107 Financial Office

108 Stephen Ministry Office

109 Family Life Center

111 Volunteer Office

Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Spring Branch

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

7901 Westview Dr. Houston, Texas 77055

Tel. (713) 686-8253 Fax (713) 686-9095

E-mail: [email protected]


“Holy Cross Lutheran Church is a community of Christians

gathered by God’s grace and reaching out through God’s love.”


† Rev. Jim Berggren — Senior Pastor Email : [email protected]

† Rev. Jhon Jairo Arroyave — Hispanic Pastor Email : [email protected]

† Karen Davidson — Deacon Email : [email protected]

† Sussy Terry — Office Manager Email : [email protected]


Cathy Elijah Music Director / Organist

Jo Ann Meeker Pianist

Ann Crick Pianist


ELC (713) 461-5535


Wendy Lambeth President

Bettye Raschke Vice-President

Julie Kilkenny Secretary

Wayne Schaper, Sr. Treasurer


6:00 p.m. — Atrium


English Service : 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School : 11:00 - 11:45 a.m.

Spanish Service: 11:00 a.m.

Estudio Bíblico y Escuela Dominical

12:00 noon

Office Manager & Events Coordinator