砂exve「雪tas⑪...砂exve「雪tas⑪ 1 eu -type examination ce軸ficate 2 equipment intended...

砂ExVe「雪tas⑪ 1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸fi 2 Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「 3 Certificate Number: ExVeritas 15 ATEX OO61 4 Equipment: LED Light PELl/PeIican 3315R with option 5 Manufactu「e「: Peiican Products lnc. 6 Add「ess: 23215 Ea「Iy Avenue, To「「ance, USA - CA 9O 7 This equipment and any acceptable va「iation the「eto a「e specifie the documents the「ein 「efe「「ed to. 8 ExVe「itas, Notified Body number 2804 in a∞O「dance with Articl Certifies that this equipment or p「otective system has been fou Safety Requi「ements 「elating to design and const「uctjon of equip POtentia=y expIosive atmosphe「es given in Amex旧o the Di「ectiv 9 CompIiance with the appiicabie EssentiaI Health and Safety COmPiiance with the fo=owing Standards and section 16 ofthis ce EN 60079-0:2012十A「 「 :201 3 EN 60079-1 1:2012 EN 60079-28:201 5 10 1f the sign ’`X” is pIaced after the certificate numbe「言t indicates COnditions fo「 safe use specified in the schedule to this certifica 1 1 This EU-Type Examination Certificate 「elates onIy to the desig the specified equipment o「 p「otective system in acco「dance to th 「equi「ements of the Directive appIy to the manufactu「ing p「ocess P「OteCtive system. These are not covered by this certificate. 12 The marking of the equipment sha旧nciude the fo=owing: PELi 3315RZO, PEL1 3315R RA ZO, Pe=can 3315R, PeIican 3315R RA PELi 3315RZl, PELI3315R RA Zl ㊥iI IGExiaopisIICT4Ga @I12GExibopi DANAK PROD Reg.No. 7044 Member of EA MLA This certificate may only be reprodu∝id in its entirety and without The ce巾ficate is only valid when it ca「rfes an orisinal signatu Fo「 heIp o「 assistance reIating to t面s certificaくe, COntact而o@exve ExVe「itas ApS, Ta3kkem旧ndsvej l , 4300 HoIb鍵k, Denmark ExVe航as⑪ is a registe「ed trademark, unauthorised use wi= lead to Pagelof7

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Page 1: 砂ExVe「雪tas⑪...砂ExVe「雪tas⑪ 1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸ficate 2 Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「es Di「ective 201 4/34/EU 3 Certificate


1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸ficate

2   Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「es Di「ective 201 4/34/EU

3    Certificate Number:   ExVeritas 15 ATEX OO61 X Issue: 4

4   Equipment:      LED Light PELl/PeIican 3315R with optionaI angIe adapter

5    Manufactu「e「:      Peiican Products lnc.

6   Add「ess:       23215 Ea「Iy Avenue, To「「ance, USA - CA 9O505

7   This equipment and any acceptable va「iation the「eto a「e specified in the scheduie to this ce巾ficate and

the documents the「ein 「efe「「ed to.

8   ExVe「itas, Notified Body number 2804 in a∞O「dance with Article 17 ofthe Council Directive 2014/341EU,

Certifies that this equipment or p「otective system has been found to compIy with the Essentiai Heaith and

Safety Requi「ements 「elating to design and const「uctjon of equipment and p「otective systems fo「 use in

POtentia=y expIosive atmosphe「es given in Amex旧o the Di「ective.

9   CompIiance with the appiicabie EssentiaI Health and Safety Requi「ements has been assu「ed by

COmPiiance with the fo=owing Standards and section 16 ofthis ce「tificate:

EN 60079-0:2012十A「 「 :201 3

EN 60079-1 1:2012

EN 60079-28:201 5

10  1f the sign ’`X” is pIaced after the certificate numbe「言t indicates that the equipment is subject to special

COnditions fo「 safe use specified in the schedule to this certificate.

1 1  This EU-Type Examination Certificate 「elates onIy to the design, COnSt「uction, eXamination and tests of

the specified equipment o「 p「otective system in acco「dance to the Di「ective 2014/341EU. Further

「equi「ements of the Directive appIy to the manufactu「ing p「ocess and supply ofthis equipment o「

P「OteCtive system. These are not covered by this certificate.

12  The marking of the equipment sha旧nciude the fo=owing:

PELi 3315RZO, PEL1 3315R RA ZO,

Pe=can 3315R, PeIican 3315R RA

PELi 3315RZl, PELI3315R RA Zl

㊥iI IGExiaopisIICT4Ga  @I12GExibopisiiCT4Gb


PROD Reg.No. 7044

Member of EA MLA

This certificate may only be reprodu∝id in its entirety and without any change, Scheduie included.

The ce巾ficate is only valid when it ca「rfes an orisinal signature.

Fo「 heIp o「 assistance reIating to t面s certificaくe, COntact而o@exve「ltaS COm.

ExVe「itas ApS, Ta3kkem旧ndsvej l , 4300 HoIb鍵k, Denmark

ExVe航as⑪ is a registe「ed trademark, unauthorised use wi= lead to p「OSeCution.


Page 2: 砂ExVe「雪tas⑪...砂ExVe「雪tas⑪ 1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸ficate 2 Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「es Di「ective 201 4/34/EU 3 Certificate



13    Description of EauiDment Or P「otective Svstem

The PELi 3315R is ∞mPrised ofan encIosure made in two plastic parts, One Part includes仙e lens, a POWe「 LED,

and an intemal comectO「・ The se∞nd part includes the main ci「cuit and the Li-ion ∞= that powe「s the system" An

angIe adapte「 is aIso available as an optiomaI part.

The p血ted ci「Cuit board has a conformaI coating and is Iocated inside a secondary piastic encIosu「e which is fixed

to the main enc10Sure by screws. This provides an assembly that does not a=ow the a∝eSS tO the Li-ion ce= w冊out

the use ofa speciaI tooi.

The L日on ∞= is provided w軸a protective ci「cuit that is potted and sealed w柵the ∞=, Creating a singIe non

Serviceable unit. The LED山ght p「ovides two pins outside of the main encIosu「e for comection with the PeIican

Charge「 3315R, these pins are intrinsicaIly safe when not in use for charging.

ModeIs EPL Gb (2G):

1 x Li-ion 「echargeabIe ce= Samsung lCR 18650-30B

l x L日on rechargeabIe ∞= LG INR 18650 FIL

Modeis EPL Ga (1G):

1 × Li-FePO4 「echargeabie ce= Tene「gy lFR-18650 (modeI 30064 0)

1 4    DescriDtive Documents

1 4. 1  Associated Report and Cert南cate History:

ReportNumber �CertissueDate �lssue �Comment

RO6671Nl �22I12I2015 �0 �Initia=ssueofthePrimeCertificate RO6671B11 �05I1212016 �1 �ThemodeItypeshavebeen「ea「rangedbyPeIicanand












301Q/0,250W/1%/0805insteadof301Q/0.125VV/1%/0805. Thedocumentationhasbeenchangedwithmino「editions








Certificate: ExVe「itglS ATEX 1 5 ATEX OO61 1ssue 4

This certificate may only be rep「Odu∞d in its enti「ety and w軸Out any Change, SChedule incIuded.

The oe輔cate is o両y valid when it carries an original signature.

Fo「 heIp o「 assistance reiating to this cer輔cate, COntaC白nfo@exve再as com.

ExVeritas ApS, T凄水kemandsvej l , 4300 HoIba9k, Denmark

ExVeritas⑪ is a 「egiste「ed trademark, unauthorised use will lead to p「OSeCution


Page 3: 砂ExVe「雪tas⑪...砂ExVe「雪tas⑪ 1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸ficate 2 Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「es Di「ective 201 4/34/EU 3 Certificate



R1861〃Vl �14IOl12018 �2 �Thisissuehasbeencompiledino「dertoincludeanew





R23551Nl �02IOl12020 �3 �ChangesinthebatterypackPCM Changeintheconformitymarking

R26291N「 �29IO612020 �4 �Thedocumentevaluatesthefo=owingchanges:








14.2  CompIiance D「awings:

issue O

Number �Date �issue �Description

03315R-6000-000E-ZO �2015-1十6 �A �Peii3315RZOlightassembiy

03315R-6000-000E-ZO- 39 �2015-8-6 �A �Body,PeIi3315RZO

03315R-001-ZO �2015-8-27 �A �Pe=3315RZOApp「ova=nsert

03315R-6000-000E-38 �2015-8-6 �A �Shroud

03315R-6000-000-34 �2015-8-6 �A �SwitchboothoIde「

03315尺-6000-000-02 �2015-4-23 �A �Bodycontactpin

03315R-6000-000-01 �2015-7-21 �A �Switchboot

03315R-6000-000-06 �2015-12-17 �A �LEDwithMCPCB

03315R-6000-000-14 �2015-7-21 �A �Go「event

03315R-6000-000-20 �2015-12-7 �A �3315RLEDDrive「PCBA,LiFePO4

03315R-6000-000-25 �2015-12-7 �A �Batterypack,PeIican3315R&PeIi3315RZO

03315R-6000-000E-23 �2015-4-23 �A �Lens,Anti-Static

03315R-6000-000-26 �2015-4-23 �A �Gasket,Lens

03315R-6000-000-07 �2015-12-16 �A �Charge「,LiFePO4

03315R-3030-000 �2015-7-21 �A �RightAngieAdaptor

03315R-6000-000E-Z「 �2015-11-6 �A �Peii3315RZILightAssembIy

03315R-6000-000E-Z「一 05 �2015-7-31 �A �Body,Pe=3315Zl

03315R-001-Z「 �2015-11-6 �A �PeIi3315RZIApp「ova=nsert

03315R-6000-000E-20 �2015-12-7 �A �3315RLEDDriverPCBA,Li-lon

03315R-6000-000-21 �2015-11-4 �A �Batterypack,PeIi3315RZl

03315R-6000-000-23 �2015-4-23 �A �Lens

Certificate: ExVeritas ATEX 1 5 ATEX OO61 1ssue 4

This certificate may only be rep「Oducedin its enti「ety and without any change, ScheduIe included.

The certificate is only vaIid when it ca「ries an orisinaI sisnature.

Fo「 heip o「 assistance 「eIating to this certificate, COntact lnfo@exve「has com.

ExVe「itas ApS, T鍵kkemandsvej l , 4300 Holbaek, Denmark

ExVe「itas⑪ is a registe「ed trademark, unauthorふed use wi= lead to prosecution.


Page 4: 砂ExVe「雪tas⑪...砂ExVe「雪tas⑪ 1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸ficate 2 Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「es Di「ective 201 4/34/EU 3 Certificate



Number �Date �tssue �Description

03315R-6000-000E-07 �2015-12-16 �A �Cha「ger,L口on

03315R-6000-000-41 �2015-12-18 �A �Cha「ge「plastichoIder

003315-3190-000E �2015-11-16 �A �3315RZOSafetylnst「uctions

003315-3140-000E �2015-11-16 �A �3315RZISafetyInst「uctions

Number �Date �issue �Description

03315R-6000-000E-ZO �2015-11-6 �A �Peii3315RZOlightassembiy

03315R-6000-000E-ZO- 39 �2015-8-6 �A �Body,PeIi3315RZO

03315R-6000-000巨-ZO �2016-03-10 �B �Pe=3315RZOlightassembIy

03315R-6000-000E-ZO- 39 �2015-08-06 �A �Body,Peii3315RZO

03315R-001-ZO �2016-07-26 �B �Pe"3315RZOApp「ova=nsert

03315R-6000-000E-38 �2015-08-06 �A �Sh「oud

03315R-6000-000-34 �2016-05-16 �B �Switchboothoider

03315R-6000-000-02 �2016-05-17 �B �Bodycontactpin

03315R-6000-000-01 �2016-05-17 �B �Switchboot

03315R-6000-000-06 �2015-12-17 �A �LEDwithMCPCB

03315R-6000-000-14 �2015-07-21 �A �Gorevent

03315R-6000-000-20 �2015-12-7 �A �3315RLEDDrive「PCBA,LiFePO4

03315R-6000-000-25 �2015-07-21 �B �Batterypack,Pelican3315R&Peii3315RZO

03315R-6000-000巨-23 �2015-04-23 �A �Lens,An紅static

03315R-6000-000-26 �2015-04-23 �A �Gasket,Lens

03315R-6000-000-53 �2016-10-03 �A �Charge「,LiFePO4

03315R-3030-00042 �2015-7-21 �A �RightAngIeAdapto「

03315R-6000-000E-Z「 �2015-11-6 �A �PeIi3315RZILightAssembiy

03315R-6000-000E-Z○○ 05 �2015-7-31 �A �Body,PeIi3315Zl

03315R-001-Z「 �2015-11-6 �A �PeIi3315RZIApprovaIinsert

03315R-6000-000E-20 �2015-12-7 �A �3315RLEDD「iverPCBA,Li-lon

03315R-6000-000-21 �2015-11-4 �A �Batte「γPaCk,Pe=3315RZl

03315R-6000-000-23 �2015-4-23 �A �Lens

03315R-6000-000E-07 �2015-12-16 �A �Charger,Li-Ion

03315R-6000-000-41 �2015-12-18 �A �Cha「ge「pIastichoIde「

003315-3150-000 �2016-11-16 �B �3315R/RAZISafetyinst「uctions

003315-3140-000 �2016-11-16 �B �3315RIRAZOSafetylnst「uctions

Certificate: ExVe「itas ATEX 15 ATEX OO61 1ssue 4

This certificate may only be rep「Odu∝id in its entirety and w柵Out any Change, SChedule included.

The certificate is only va=d when it carries an originaI signature

Fo「 heip or assistance reiating to肌is certificate, COntact而o@exve「ltaS COm.

ExVe「itas ApS, Ta3kkemandsvej l , 4300 Hoib鍵k, Denmark

ExVe「itas⑥ is a 「egiste「ed trademark, unauthorised use wiil lead to p「OSeCution.


Page 5: 砂ExVe「雪tas⑪...砂ExVe「雪tas⑪ 1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸ficate 2 Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「es Di「ective 201 4/34/EU 3 Certificate



Number �Date �Issue �Desc「iption

003315-3140-000E �2016-11-16 �B �3315RIRAZIATEXDCandsafetyinst「uctions

003315-3190-000E �2016-11-16 �B �3315RIRAZOATEXDCandsafetyinst「uctions

Number �Date �lssue �Description

INR18650Datasheet �2015-03-04 �1 �LRB-PS-CY3350_FIL

003315-3140-00ORevC �3110112019 �REVC �PeIican3315R/RARecha「geableFiash=ghtOperating

CIDlO13119 ���lnst「uctions:

003315-3140-000ERevC �3110112019 �REVC �PeIican3315R/RARechargeableFIashIightOpe「ating


003315-3150-000RevC �31IOl12019 �REVC �PeIican3315R/RARecha「geabIeFIashiightOpe「ating

C「D2013119 ���Inst「uctions:

003315-3190-000ERevC �3110112019 �REVC �Pelican3315RIRARecha「geabieFiashIightOperating


03315R-6000-000E-ZO �03IlO12016 �REVB �ApprovaiD「awjng

03315R-6000-000E-Z「 �0410112019 �REVE �ApprovalD「awing

Number �Date �issue �Description

03315R-6000-000-21 �03IlO12019 �F �BatteryPack3315RZl

03315R-6000-000E-ZO �15IO912019 �D �PELI3315RZOLIGHTASSEMBLY

03315R-6000-000E-ZO-39 �0711012019 �B �BODY,PEL13315RZO

03315R-002-ZO �07IO812019 �A �PELI3315RZO

03315R-6000-000E置38 �0810612015 �A �Shroud

03315R-6000-000-34 �1710512016 �B �SwitchBootHoIde「

03315R-6000-000-02 �17105I2016 �B �BodyContactPin

03315R-6000-000-01 �17IO512016 �B �Switchboot

03315R-6000-00040 �2510712016 �A �LEDWI丁HMCPCB

03315R-6000-000-14 �2110712015 �A �Go「event

03315R-6000-000-20 �2110612016 �A �LEDDRIVERPCBA,LIFEPO4

03315R-6000-000-25 �1110912019 �C �BatteryPackPelican3315R&Pe=3315RZO

03315R-6000-000E-23 �23IO412015 �A �LENS,ANTi-STATIC

03315R-6000-000-26 �23IO412015 �A �GASKET,LENS

03315R-6000-000-53 �0311012016 �A �PEL13315RZOCHARGER,LIFEPO4

03315R-6000-000E-Z「 �1010712019 �G �PELI3315RZILIGHTASSEMBLY

Ce巾ficate: ExVe「itas ATEX 15 ATEX OO61 lssue 4

This ∞輔cate may only be rep「Oducec=n its entirety and w軸Out any Change, Scheduie included.

The certificate is only va圃when ca面es an or鳴inai sienature.

Fo「 help o「 assistance 「eIating to t面S Cert涌cate, COntact而o@exve「ItaS COm.

ExVeritas ApS,丁蟹kkemandsvej l , 4300 Hoib鍵k, Denmark

ExVeritas⑪ is a 「egiste「ed trademark, unauthorised use wiIi iead to prosecution.


Page 6: 砂ExVe「雪tas⑪...砂ExVe「雪tas⑪ 1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸ficate 2 Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「es Di「ective 201 4/34/EU 3 Certificate



Number �Date �Issue �Desc「iption

03315R-6000-000E-Z十05 �0810712019 �B �BODY,PELi3315RZl

Number �Date �1ssue �Description

03315R_002_Zl �0810712019 �A �PELi3315RZIAPPROVALINSERT

03315R-6000-000E-38 �0610812015 �A �SHROUD

03315R-6000-000-34 �17105I2016 �B �SWITCHBOOT

03315R-6000-0000-02 �1710512016 �B �Bodycontactpin

03315R-6000-000-01 �1710512016 �B �Switchboot

03315R-6000-000-40 �25IO7I2016 �A �PELICAN,3315RLEDW什HMCPCB

03315R-6000-000-14 �21107I2015 �A �Go「eVent

03315R-6000-000E-20 �10I「OI2016 �C �3315RLEDDRlVERPCBA,LI-ION

03315R-6000-000-21 �1110912019 �F �3315RZl,PELiBA“1丁ERYPACK

03315R-6000-000-23 �23IO412015 �A �Lens

03315R-6000-000-26 �23IO412015 �A �GasketLens

03315R-6000-000EO7 �10IlO12016 �B �ChargerLl-1ON

Number �Date �Issue �Description

03315R-6000-000-50 �1510212020 �B �PELICAN3315RCIDICHARGERLIFEPO4

03315R-6000-000-53 �1510212020 �B �PEL13315RZOCHARGERLiFEPO4

03315R-6000-000-D「 �10102I2020 �D �PELiCAN3315RCIDILIGHTASSEMBLY

03315R-6000-000-D2 �10102I2020 �E �PELICAN3315RCID2LiGHTASSEMBLY

03315R-6000-000E-07 �1510212020 �C �CHARGER,L日ON

03315R-6000-000E-ZO RevE �10IO212020 �E �PEL13315RZOLIGHTASSEMBLY

03315R-6000-000E-Zl RevH �10IO212020 �H �PELi3315RZILIGHTASSEMBLY

03315R-002-ZO �0710812019 �A �PELI3315RZOAPPROVALINSERT

03315R-002-Z「 �0710812019 �A �PELI3315RZIAPPROVALINSERT

03315R-6000-000E-ZO-39 �07IlO12019 �B �BODY,PEL13315RZO

03315R-6000-000巨-Z十〇05 �07IlO12019 �B �BODY,PELi3315RZl

Certmcate: ExVeritas ATEX 1 5 ATEX OO6=ssue 4

This ∞輔Cate may Only be rep「Oduced in its entirety and w軸Out any Change, Schedule included.

The certificate is only vaIid when ca両es an originaI signature.

Fo「 heIp o「 assistance 「eIatlng tO this certificate, COntaCt而o⑰exve「瞳s com.

ExVeritas ApS, T鍵kkemandsvej l , 4300 Holb暴k, Denmark

ExVe「itas⑪ is a 「egiste「ed trademark, unauthorised use wiii iead to prosecution.


Page 7: 砂ExVe「雪tas⑪...砂ExVe「雪tas⑪ 1 EU -Type Examination Ce軸ficate 2 Equipment intended for use in Potentia=y ExpIosive Atmosphe「es Di「ective 201 4/34/EU 3 Certificate



Conditions of Ce巾fication

SpeciaI Conditions for Safe Use

Oniy the charger 3318/3318RZO shall be used to charge the modei PELI仲eiican 3315R, the use ofany

Othe「 charge「 w旧nvalidate the type of p「otection intrinsicatry safe.

The device must not be cha「ged in a hazardous atmosphere, Only cha「ging in safe a「ea is permitted.

Conditions fo「 Use

(Rou伽e lests)

EssentiaI HeaIth and Safetv Reaui「ements

EssentiaI HeaI肌and Safety Requirements a「e addressed by the standa「ds =sted in section 9 and whe「e

「equired the report iisted in section 14.1

The manufacture「 sha= inform the No師ed Body of any modifications to the design of the p「oduct

described by this scheduie,

Certificate. ExVeritas ATEX 15 ATEX OO61 Issue 4

This certificate may only be rep「Oduced in its enti「ety and without any change, SCheduie inciuded.

The ce面ficate is only valid when carries an o「isinaI sienature.

Fo「 help o「 assistance 「eIating to this certificate, COntact而0⑰exver幅s com

ExVeritas ApS, T蟹kkemandsvej l , 4300 Holb馨k, Denmark

ExVeritas⑪ is a 「egiste「ed t「ademark, unauthorised use wi= lead to prosecution.
