ceres news digest vol.5 week 9-; oct.27-31

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  • 8/10/2019 CERES News Digest Vol.5 Week 9-; Oct.27-31


    10/27/14 10/31/14

  • 8/10/2019 CERES News Digest Vol.5 Week 9-; Oct.27-31


    Moscows Arbitration Court ruled on Thursday that oil

    company Bashneft had been sold unlawfully to Russiancompany Sistema, owned by billionaire VladimirEvtushenkov, in the 2000s, allowing the court to seizeshares of the company. This decision will effectively re-nationalize Bashneft, in a move that many commentatorshave likened to the nationalization of Yukos in 2004.Sistema has denied the claims, and Evtushenkov is currentlyunder house arrest.


    This week, 150 Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters arrived inTurkey, where they intend to cross into the besieged Syriantown of Kobani to battle ISIS militants. Turkey agreed tothe deployment after weeks of tension and refusing to allowTurkish Kurds to cross the border to fight. Syrian Kurdishleaders from Kobani said that the reinforcements wereinsufficient for their purposes.

    New York TimesBBC

    Following Ukrainian parliamentary elections on Sunday, inwhich pro-Western parties won the majority of the vote,Russia and Ukraine signed an energy deal that would ensuregas supplies for Ukrainians ahead of the winter months.Ending a gas cutoff that has been in effect since June, thedeal will secure gas supplies for Ukraine through March.The deal will also assure other European countries that theirown gas supplies from Russia will remain constant through

    the winter.

    New York TimesWashington Post

    An Aeroflot flight flew directly from Moscow to Tbilisi onMonday for the first time in six years. Aeroflot FlightSU1892 carried about 100 passengers from MoscowsSheremetyevo Airport to Tbilisi at 11:30 PM Sundayevening, and made its return flight at 4:20 AM on Mondaymorning. Future flights will take place daily on a similarschedule. This is the first flight between the capitals ofRussia and Georgia since war broke out between the two

    countries in 2008.

    Moscow TimesRFE/RL

    Over the past two weeks, a number of Armenians, primarilywomen, have been protesting changes to government albenefits for pregnant women. The maternity benefits lawcurrently compensates women with 100% of their salarywhile on maternity leave. With the new amendments, thecompensation will vary based on length employed. Whilethe government says that the changes will help providebenefits for unemployed mothers, women claim that thechanges will exacerbate Armenias demographic crisis.


    On Monday, the European Investment Bank (EIB)announced that it would open its first local branch inChisinau. EIB Vice President Wilhelm Molterer credited theopening to the cooperation of Moldovan authorities, andsaid that the new office will support local businesses,develop contacts in the public and private sectors, andstrengthen relations with partner banks. Moldova hasreceived more financial support per capita from the EIBthan an other Eastern Partnershi nation.

    CISTran FinanceGlobal Post


    The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, and thePresident of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, met in Paris onOctober 27 for another round of talks under the OSCEMinsk Group to mediate the conflict resolution negotiationsover the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Paris meetingwas the third in the last three months between the twopresidents. The meeting was initiated by French PresidentFrancois Hollande. The two parties reached an agreementon the exchange of data about those missing in action.

    RFE/RL Trend.az

    The EU decided on Thursday to extend Belarusian sanctionsby a year. These sanctions include asset freezes and travelbans for individuals and companies linked to the Belarusiangovernment. The extension was motivated by the poorhuman rights record of the country. Sanctions are part of theEU policy of critical engagement with the government of

    Alexander Lukashenko that is devised to push Belarus toimplement reforms. Belarus responded that the sanctionshinder the process of normalization of relations between theEU and Minsk.

  • 8/10/2019 CERES News Digest Vol.5 Week 9-; Oct.27-31


    On Thursday, sources at the Atomic Energy Organization(AEO) of Iran reported that the Iranian authorities detectedand prevented a sabotage attempt on heavy water tanks.Asghar Zarean, deputy chief in charge of nuclear protectionand security at the AEO, stated that the attempt to damage thetanks had occurred in recent weeks but was foiled before thetanks were filled at Arak. Zarean claimed that an unidentifiedforeign country was behind the attempt.

    Yahoo! NewsWashington Post

    According to the World Banks latest Ease of Doing

    Business report, released on Tuesday, Tajikistan has mademore progress than any other country in implementingbusiness-friendly reforms. Tajikistans progress fits in withthe overall trend of improvement among other countries inthe region, with 85 percent of countries in Eastern Europeand Central Asia making it easier to do business in the past


    Reuters Doing Business

    Turkmenistan marked the 23rd anniversary of itsindependence from the Soviet Union on October 27. Thecelebrations lasted for two days and included a militaryparade and an event at the sports stadium in the capital,Ashgabat. Russian President Vladimir Putin sent acongratulatory telegram to President GurbangulyBerdymukhammedov of Turkmenistan and emphasized theimportance of close relations between Russia and

    Turkmenistan for stability in the region.

    Cihan RFE/RL

    The Mongolian government has approved a new railproject to Russia to boost international trade. Known as theNorthern Railway, the line will link Erdenet with theOvoot metallurgical coal project and the Russian border atArts Suuri, providing a direct route to Russias coal plantin the Ulug Khem Basin. Development of the NorthernRailway follows the Mongolian governments recent trade

    agreements with Russia and China to develop transitinfrastructure for increased metallurgical exports.

    Railway Journal World Coal

    On Wednesday, the town of Urgench hosted a two-dayinternational conference on mitigating environmentaldegradation in the Aral Sea region. Leading internationaldonor organizations pledged $3 billion to help save theshrinking Aral Sea, which was dubbed by SCO DeputySecretary General Nurlan Akkoshkarov as a man-madedisaster and a direct threat to sustainable development ofthe Central Asian region.

    On October 24, the International Court of Arbitration inParis awarded Latvian businessman Valery Belokon $16.5million in an arbitration case against the Kyrgyz Republic.Belokon owned the Manas Bank in Kyrgyzstan, which theKyrgyz government expropriated on allegations of moneylaundering and ties to the ousted Bakiyev regime in 2010.This marks the third international case lost by the Kyrgyz

    government in recent months.

    Diplomat Baltic Course

    Rappler Turkish Weekly

    Following a meeting on Tuesday between Afghan PresidentAshraf Ghani and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chinapledged $327 million in aid. In addition to the financialresources, Jinping also promised Chinese help in trainingpersonnel and developing other sectors. In light of thedrawdown of U.S. troops and rising regional instability,

    Ghani has been looking for additional sources of foreign aid.

    Al JazeeraWall Street Journal

    A court in Almaty has ordered the Havas WorldwideKazakhstan advertising agency to pay a fine of 34 milliontenge (around $190,000) for the gay club poster thatdepicted Alexander Pushkin kissing composer KurmangazySagyrbayuly. The agency is required to pay the teachers andstudents of Kurmangazy National Conservatory, whobrought the complaint to the court claiming the poster hadhurt their feelings. Human Rights Watch called the decisionof the court a draconian ruling.

    Human Rights WatchThe Guardian

  • 8/10/2019 CERES News Digest Vol.5 Week 9-; Oct.27-31



    On Monday, Polish Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniakannounced plans to strengthen Polands military presence along

    its eastern border. "The geopolitical situation has changed. Wehave the biggest crisis of security since the Cold War and wemust draw conclusions from that," Siemoniak stated. The planwill require shifting troops from their current positions alongPolands western border, where most troops have beenstationed.

    Bloomberg Reuters

    Slovakia signed a contract on Wednesday to purchase twoItalian Spartan C-27J military cargo planes for 34.5 millioneuros each. The first plane is set to be delivered in 2016,followed by the second plane a year later. "I believe thiscontract concerns the largest modernization project in thehistory of the Slovak Armed Forces. It's a project that willshift our air force to a level where we'd like to see it," SlovakDefense Minister Martin Glvac said after signing the contract

    in Bratislava.

    Shanghai Daily Slovak Spectator

    Petrom, Romanias biggest oil company, and Exxon Mobilhave begun drilling a new exploration well off the coast ofRomania in the Black Sea. The well is located 155kilometers offshore in the Neptun block, where Petrom andExxonMobil have been drilling since 2011.RomanianEnergy Minister Razvan Nicolescu noted that discoveries inthe Black Sea region could help Romania become energyindependent by the year 2020.

    Daily Mail ViceWSJNY Daily News

    The makeup of the new Latvian Ministerial Offices amongthe three coalition parties was announced this week. TheUnity Party will have six ministers, including the posts ofprime minister, foreign minister, and finance minister. TheUnion of Farmers and Greens will have five ministers,including defense minister, economics minister, and healthminister. The National Alliance will have three posts,including the parliamentary speaker.

    Reuters Baltic Course

    Deutsche Welle RT

    RIA Novosti

    The Guardian Portfoli.hu


    Anonymous blackmailers are threatening to spread Ebola inthe Czech Republic if the government does not pay them amillion euros in Bitcoin. An email that was published by thecountrys top commercial TV Station claimed that the

    blackmailers have biological material from an infectedpatient in Liberia. The Czech Prime Minister called thealleged blackmailers hyenas for taking advantage of

    public fear. The Czech Republic currently has no confirmedcases of Ebola.

    Soldiers from nine NATO nations will undertake militaryexercises in Lithuania. The exercise will involve 2,500soldiers from Czech Republic, Estonia, United Kingdom,Canada, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, and Germany."This shows that NATO countries assume an increasinglyserious and united position regarding geopolitical changesand our concerns about security in the region," Lithuania'schief of defense said on Wednesday.

    A 15-year-old student in Estonia opened fire and killed histeacher during class on Monday at around 2:00 PM local time.Four other students were inside the classroom. The shot leftthe teacher Ene Sarap, a German national, dead. The gun waslegally registered under the name of students father. PrimeMinister Taavi Roivas called the first school shooting inEstonias history a shock to us all.

    On Tuesday, approximately one hundred thousand peopleprotested the Hungarian governments decision to taxinternet use. Participants have demanded that thegovernment withdraw its plan to force internet serviceproviders to pay tax per individual subscriber. Furthermore,there are concerns that the tax might not be absorbed by theinternet providers as the government claims. Thedemonstration has continued since Tuesday.

  • 8/10/2019 CERES News Digest Vol.5 Week 9-; Oct.27-31


    Bulgarias 43rd National Assembly convened its first

    meeting on Monday. After the new MPs were sworn in,President Plevneliev gave an address, emphasizing theimportance of a functioning parliament and encouragingdialogue between parties in the newly elected parliament,which have been unable to form a coalition government sincethe October 5 elections. Instability is the greatest threat toBulgaria, Plevneliev said. It is of utmost importance that

    we rise to a new level of political and institutional stability.

    Sophia Globe Novinite

    On Monday, a TV journalist in Prishtina was attacked as hesat at his desk. The assailant entered the office of thetelevision station Klan Kosova and repeatedly stabbed MilotHasimja in the head and neck. Hasimja is in stable conditionand the unnamed assailant has been detained. "Attacks suchas this are a serious violation of press freedom and cannotbe tolerated," said Oliver Vujovic, Secretary-General of the

    South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO).

    B92 The Guardian

    Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic announced on Wednesdaythat Serbia is aiming to reach an agreement with theInternational Monetary Fund on a loan by the end of the year.Vucic said that the loan would improve the countrys imageand prospects with potential investors. The loan would beprecautionaryfor three or four years, the size of which willbe under negotiations. The Serbian government expects a

    budget shortfall for 2014 of about 7.6% GDP.

    InSerbia Bloomberg

    The leading Croatian telecommunications company T-Hrvatski Telekom posted a net profit of HRK 717 million inthe first nine months of 2014, down nearly 26% from thesame period of 2013. A Hrvatski Telekom press releaseexplained that the Croatian telecommunications industrysuffered from a protracted economic downturn and regulatorychanges this year as well as a new spectrum fee imposed by

    the government.

    Dalje Broadband TV News

    President Bujar Nishani visited Slovenian President BorutPahor in Ljyubljana on Tuesday, with the joint announcementof a new effort to boost economic cooperation between the twocountries. Nishani called for Slovenian investment in theAlbanian energy, culture, agriculture, and tourism industries.Nishani also expressed gratitude for Slovenias support in

    Albanias democratization process and efforts to join the EU.

    On Sunday, the Bank of Slovenia announced that Slovenias

    state-owned banks NLB and NKBM have failed a EuropeanCentral Bank (ECB) stress test, having a joint capitalshortfall of 65 million euros in an adverse scenario. NLBand NKBM were both rescued by the state in Decemberwhen the government barely avoided an internationalbailout by injecting 3.2 billion euros into local banks to

    prevent collapse under bad loans.

    Bloomberg Reuters

    Balkans Business NewsSlovenia Times Balkans.comNATO


    Two projectiles were fired at a Macedonian governmentbuilding late Tuesday evening. One hit the roof of thebuilding while the other struck the exterior walls. No onewas injured. Whereas the police have not released anyinformation about potential suspects, a forensicinvestigation is under way to determine the assailants

    identities and the types of projectiles used.

    General Knud Bartels, Chairman of the NATO MilitaryCommittee, visited Montenegro at the invitation of theMontenegrin Chief of General Staff Admiral DraganSamardi. During the visit General Bartels also met with thePrime Minister and the Minister of Defense. General Bartelspointed out that, working with partners enhances NATOsability to tackle security challenges together and allowsNATO to build a broad cooperative security network.

  • 8/10/2019 CERES News Digest Vol.5 Week 9-; Oct.27-31


    On Monday, Bosnian Muslim, Croat, and Serbian nationalistparties prevailed in the countrys three-person presidentialelections, as well as central and regional parliaments. BakirIzetbegovic of the Muslim SDA party won a second four-year term in the collective presidency; the Serbs will berepresented by Mladen Ivanic, and the Croats will berepresented by Dragan Covic. Analysts expect lengthy

    power-sharing talks and new delays in overdue reforms.

    Reuters Balkans Business News
