ceramic tiles – definitions, classification

The Standards Institution of Israel 42 Chaim Levanon Street, Tel-Aviv 69977, Tel. 03-6465154, Fax 03-6412762, www.sii.org.il ISRAELI DRAFT STANDARD SI 314 2014 ICS CODE: 91.100.25 This is a true translation of the Hebrew original. In any case of discrepancy between the original Hebrew text and the English translation, the Hebrew version shall prevail . CERAMIC TILES – DEFINITIONS, CLASSIFICATION, CHARACTERISTICS AND MARKING Translation of Israel national modifications and additions only This document is a proposal only

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The Standards Institution of Israel

42 Chaim Levanon Street, Tel-Aviv 69977, Tel. 03-6465154, Fax 03-6412762, www.sii.org.il



ICS CODE: 91.100.25

This is a t rue t r ansla t ion of the

Hebrew or iginal . In any case of

discrepancy between the or iginal

Hebrew text and the Engl ish

t r ansla t ion , the Hebrew ver sion

shal l prevai l .



Translation of Israel national modifications and additions only

This document is a proposal only


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)

Notice of measure of compliance of the Israel i Standard

with foreign Standards or documents

Revision notice

This Isr ael i Standard, excluding the nat ional

modificat ions and addi t ions indicated, i s iden t ical to the

In ternat ional Organ izat ion for Standardizat ion Standard

ISO 13006 – Second edi t ion : 2012-03-01

This Isr ael i Standard super sedes

Isr ael i Standard SI 314 of June 2004

Amendment no. 1 of October 2005

Descriptors :

wal l t i les, floor ing t i les, t i les, ceramics, classi fica t ion , marking, test methods.

Updating the Standard

Isr ael i Standards are r eviewed per iodical ly a t least every five year s, in order to adapt them to

scien t i fic and technological developments. User s of Standards should ascer ta in that they are in

possession of the la test edi t ion of the Standard including i ts Amendments.

A document appear ing in the "Reshumot" (The Isr ael i Officia l Journal) as an Amendment may be

a separate Amendment , or an Amendment incorporated in to the Standard.

Standard val idity

An Israel i Standard including r evisions becomes effect ive from i ts publ icat ion date in "Reshumot".

Whether the document or par ts of i t a r e Officia l should be checked. An Officia l Standard or

Amendment ( in whole or in par t ) takes effect 60 days fol lowing publ icat ion of the not ice in the

"Reshumot", un less the not ice sta tes otherwise for the effect ive date.

Standards mark

A manufacturer of a product complying with the r equiremen ts of the

appl icable Isr ael i Standards is en t i t led, after being l icensed by the

Standards Inst i tut ion of Isr ael , to mark i t wi th the Standards mark:


This Standard or any par t of i t may not be photocopied, copied or publ ished by any means

whatsoever , wi thout pr ior permission in wr i t ing of the Standards Inst i tut ion of Isr ael .

COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 13006 – Second edition: 2012-03-01 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.

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SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


Introduction to the Israeli Standard This Isr ael i Standard is an adopt ion of the In ternat ional Organ izat ion for Standardizat ion

Standard ISO 13006 (Second edi t ion ) of March 2012 approved as an Isr ael i Standard wi th nat ional

modificat ions and addi t ions.

The fol lowing elemen ts of the Standard are brough t in the order given below:

- Transla t ion of the scope clause of the In ternat ional Standard wi th nat ional modificat ions and

addi t ions ( in Hebrew)

- Detai ls of the nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions in the clauses of the In ternat ional Standard

( in Hebrew)

- Transla t ion of the Hebrew par t of the Standard ( in Engl ish )

- The In ternat ional Standard ( in Engl ish )

Nat ional notes in the Isr ael i Standard are brough t as footnotes and indicated by let ter s of the

a lphabet .

Scope (Clause 1 of the In ternat ional Standard wi th nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions)

Note :

The na t ional modi fi ca t ions and addi t ions in th i s cl ause are brought in a different font .

This Standard defines terms and establ ishes sorting , classi fica t ions, character ist ics and marking

r equiremen ts for ceramic t i les. Th is Standard is not appl icable to t i les made by other than normal

processes of extrusion or dry pressing.

Th is Standard is not appl icable to decorat ive accessor ies for walls or t r im such as edges,

corner s, ski r t ing, capping, coves, beads, steps, curved t i les and other accessory pieces or mosaic tile sheets (mosaic tile sheets are covered by Israeli Standard SI 1353) .

This Standard is applicable to ceramic tiles thicker than 5 mm and that their side dimension does not exceed 1,200 mm.

This Standard is not applicable to tiles with a reinforcing mesh on the back and is not applicable to tiles composed of two ceramic tiles bonded together, back to back.

Notes: - On the second line in the International Standard, the words "of the best commercial quality (first quality)" are not applicable.

- On the fifth line in the International Standard, the words "(i.e. any piece that can fit into an area of 49 cm²)" are not applicable.

- The NOTE is not applicable.


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


Details of the national modifications and additions to the clauses of the

International Standard

2. Normative references - The In ternat ional Standards ISO 1006 and ISO 10545-1 are not appl icable.

- The fol lowing shal l be added a t the end of the clause:

Israel Standards

SI 1003 Par t 1.2 ( a )- Release of lead and cadmium from ware in con tact wi th food: Ceramic

ware, glass-ceramic ware and glass dinnerware – Permissible l imi ts

SI 1555 Par t 1 - Insta l la t ion of mosaic and ceramic floor ing and cladding system in

bui ldings: Exter ior cladding

SI 1555 Par t 2 ( a ) - In sta l la t ion of mosaic and ceramic floor ing and cladding system in

bui ldings: In ter ior cladding

SI 1555 Par t 3 - Insta l la t ion of mosaic and ceramic floor ing and cladding system in

bui ldings: Floor t i l ing

SI 2279 - Sl ip r esistance of exist ing pedest r ian sur faces and of new products for

pedest r ian sur faces

3. Terms and definitions The clause is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the fol lowing:

3. Terms and definitions The fol lowing terms and defin i t ions are val id for th is Standard:

3.1 Ceramic t i le

A th in slab, having a ful l cross-sect ion , made from clays and/or other inorgan ic r aw

mater ia ls general ly used as a cover ing for floor s and wal ls, usual ly shaped by extruding

(designat ion "A") or dry-pressing (designat ion "B") a t room temperature, but may be formed

by other processes (designat ion "C"), then dr ied and subsequen t ly fi r ed a t temperatures

sufficien t to develop the r equired proper t ies.

Notes :

A. The t i l es may be glazed (GL) or unglazed (UGL) . They are incombus t ib le and unaffected by l ight .

B. Ti l es known as "kl inker" and "t e r racot t a" a re ceramic t i l es . They are usual ly manufactured by

ext rus ion, genera l ly unglazed, and are cl ass i fi ed in groups by the i r water absorpt ion as speci fi ed

in the Standard ( see clause 4 .3) .

( a ) The Standard i s i n prepara t ion.


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


3.2 Porcelain t i le ( b )

A ceramic t i le whose average absorpt ion does not exceed a mass fr act ion of 0.5 % or i t s

equivalen t , glazed or unglazed and belonging to groups AIa or BIa .

3.3 Glaze

A vi t r i fied cover ing that i s impermeable.

3.4 Engobed surface

A clay-based cover ing wi th a mat t fin ish which may be permeable or impermeable.

Note :

A t i l e wi th an engobed coat ing on the sur face i s cons idered an unglazed t i l e .

3.5 Pol ished surface

The sur face of a glazed and unglazed t i le wh ich has been given a glossy fin ish by mechan ical

pol ish ing a t the last stage of manufacture.

Note :

Ti l es can be par t i a l ly pol i shed ( refer red to as l appato) .

3.6 Extruded t i le

A t i le, shaped in the plast ic sta te in an extruder , cut in to t i les of predetermined dimension

and designated as group A.

Note 1 :

Thi s Standard sor t s t i l es produced by ext rus ion as "preci s ion" or "na tura l ". The sor t ing i s dependent

upon the d i ffe rent t echnica l character i s t i cs as l i s t ed in the re l evant product Standards .

Note 2 :

Ext ruded product s a re genera l ly des ignated "spl i t t i l es" when double-ext ruded, and "quar ry t i l es"

when s ingle-ext ruded. The t e rm "quar ry t i l es" only re fer s to ext ruded t i l es wi th a water absorpt ion

coeffi ci ent of a mass fract ion not exceeding 6 %.

3.7 Dry-pressed t i le

A t i le formed from a finely mil led body mixture and shaped in molds a t h igh pressure and

designated as Group B.

3.8 Water absorption

The percen tage of water impregnat ing a t i le, measured in accordance wi th In ternat ional

Standard ISO 10545-3.

Note :

Water absorpt ion i s expressed as a percentage of dry mass .

( b ) These t i l es a re re fer red to by the publ i c as "grani t e -porce la in t i l es".


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


3.9 Dimensions

Note :

The s i zes a re only defined for rectangular t i l es . If t he s i zes of non-rectangular s i zes a re requi red ,

t hey are defined by the smal les t r ectangle in to which they fi t .

3.9.1 Nominal size

The size used to descr ibe the product (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) .

3 .9.2 Work size ( c )

The size of a t i le determined for manufactur ing to wh ich the actual size shal l conform

with in specified permissible devia t ions (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) .

3 .9.3 Actual size

The size obta ined by measur ing the face of a t i le in accordance wi th In ternat ional Standard

ISO 10545-2 (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) .

3.9.4 Coordinating size

The work size plus the join t width (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) .

3.9.5 Modular size

Tile and size based on M, 2 M, 3 M and 5 M modules and a lso thei r mul t iples or

subdivisions, except for t i les wi th a sur face area less than 9,000 mm² (see Figure 1 and

Figure 2) .

3.9.6 Non-modular size

A size not based on Module M (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) .

Note :

Ti l es wi th these s i ze a re widespread in mos t count r i es .

3.9.7 Tolerance

The difference between the permissible l imi ts of size (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) .

3.10 Spacer lug

A project ion that i s located a long cer ta in edges, so that where two t i les are placed together

a long these edges, the spacer lugs separat ing the t i les and creat ing a space that i s not less

than the indicated width of the join t (see Figure 2) .

3 .11 Recti f ied t i le

A ceramic t i le that , after fi r ing, i s subject to a precise mechan ical gr inding.

Note :

Rect i fi ed t i l es have t ighter d imens ional cr i t e r i a for l ength and width , s t ra ightness of s ides and

rectangular i ty than those speci fi ed in Annex A to Annex M.

( c ) In the profess ional l anguage , work s i ze i s commonly ca l l ed "ca l iber".


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


3.12 Back feet ( d )

Paral lel r idges runn ing across the back sur face of exter ior wal l t i les wh ich impar t a

geometry to the r ear par t in tended to faci l i ta te a t tachmen t between the t i le and cemen t

mor tar (see Figure 3) .

Note :

Back fee t d imens ions sha l l be measured by means of ca l ipers , and each specimen in a 10-t i l e

sample i s r equi red to sa t i s fy the requi rements in Annexes A to M.

4. Classification The clause is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the fol lowing:

4. Sorting and classification 4.1 Sorting basis

The ceramic t i les are divided in to groups according to thei r manufactur ing method and

according to thei r water absorpt ion (see clause 3.8 and Table 1) . The division in to groups

does not presuppose the usage of the product . In addi t ion , the ceramic t i les are sor ted and

designated according to thei r abrasion r esistance, thei r sl ip r esistance and thei r purpose and

are categor ized as given below.

4.2 Manufacturing method

The two manufactur ing methods are given below:

- Method A – t i les manufactured by extrusion (see defin i t ion 3.6);

- Method B – t i les manufactured by dry-pressing (see defin i t ion 3.7) .

4.3 Water absorption according to groups ( e )

4 .3.1 General

The division in to th ree groups according to the water absorpt ion (E b) i s as fol lows:

4.3.2 Subdivision into three groups

The th ree groups are divided in to t i les of low water absorpt ion , designated Group I , t i les of

medium water absorpt ion , designated Group II and t i les of h igh water absorpt ion ,

designated Group III .

( d ) In the profess ional l anguage , r e l i e f on the t i l e back i s commonly ca l l ed "doveta i l " or "swal lowta i l " . ( e ) Is rae l i Standard SI 1555 Par t 1 speci fi es the absorpt ion requi rements for t i l es sui t able for exter ior

cl adding;

Is rae l i Standard SI 1555 Par t 2 speci fi es the absorpt ion requi rements for t i l es sui t able for in te r ior

cl adding;

Is rae l i Standard SI 1555 Par t 3 speci fi es the absorpt ion and th ickness requi rements for t i l es sui t able for

floor ing.


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


A) Ti les of low water absorpt ion , i . e. absorpt ion coefficien t less than or equal to a mass

fr act ion of 3 %, E b ≤ 3 %, belong to Group I . Group I consists of the fol lowing:

1) for t i les manufactured by extrusion :

1.1) E b ≤ 0.5 % (Group AIa) and a lso

1.2) 0.5 % < E b ≤ 3 % (Group AIb) ;

2) for t i les manufactured by dry-pressing:

2.1) E b ≤ 0.5 % (Group BIa) and a lso

2.2) 0.5 % < E b ≤ 3 % (Group BIb) .

B) Ti les of medium water absorpt ion , i . e. 3 % < E b ≤ 10 % belong to Group II . Group II

consists of the fol lowing:

1) for t i les manufactured by extrusion :

1.1) 3 % < E b ≤ 6 % [Group AIIa , subdivision (par ts) 1 and 2; see Annex B for

subdivision (par t ) 1 or Annex C for subdivision (par t ) 2] , and a lso

1.2) 6 % < E b ≤ 10 % [Group AIIb , subdivision (par ts) 1 and 2; see Annex D for

subdivision (par t ) 1 or Annex E for subdivision (par t ) 2];

2) for t i les manufactured by dry-pressing:

2.1) 3 % < E b ≤ 6 % (Group BIIa) and a lso

2.2) 6 % < E b ≤ 10 % (Group BIIb) .

C) Ti les of h igh water absorpt ion , namely E b > 10 % belong to Group III .

4.4 Abrasion resistance (for glazed t i les only)

Glazed t i les shal l be sor ted in to six abrasion grades, designated 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 or 0, I , I I ,

I II , IV and V (see a lso Annex N).

4.5 Sl ip resistance (for f looring t i les only)

The t i les shal l be designated as specified in Isr ael i Standard SI 2279.

4.6 Purpose

4.6.1 Ti les for wal ls on ly;

4.6.2 Ti les for wal ls and floor s.

4.7 Classi f ication

Tiles shal l be classi fied according to the defects on thei r sur face in to type classes, as

specified in clause 11:

- class A

- class B.


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


5. Characteristics The clause is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the fol lowing:

5. Characteristics The character ist ics for di fferen t appl icat ions of ceramic t i les are given in Table 2.

6. Sampling and basis for acceptance The clause is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the fol lowing:

6. Sample size and its classification 6.1 Sample size

The sample size tested shal l be as fol lows:

6.1.1 For t i les of sur face area less than or equal to 0.20 m² – 10 t i les;

6.1.2 For t i les of sur face area greater than 0.20 m² and less than 0.36 m² – 6 t i les;

6.1.3 For t i les of sur face area greater than or equal to 0.36 m² and less than 0.64 m² – 4 t i les;

6.1.4 For t i les of sur face area greater than or equal to 0.64 m² – 2 or 3 t i les, a t the discret ion of

the in spector .

6.2 Sample c lassi f ication

6.2.1 For t i les of sur face area less than 0.36 m² , the sample is class A i f a t least 90 % of the t i les

tested are type A as r equired by Table 3.

Notwithstanding the above, i f more than one t i le but not more than two t i les are not type A,

an addi t ional sample of 10 t i les shal l be taken . The addi t ional sample is type A i f a l l 10

t i les tested are type A as r equired by Table 3.

6.2.2 For t i les of sur face area greater than 0.36 m² , the sample is class A i f a l l the t i les tested

are type A as r equired by Table 3. Notwithstanding the above, i f on ly one t i le i s not type

A, an addi t ional sample of 5 t i les shal l be taken . The addi t ional sample is type A i f a l l 5

t i les tested are type A as r equired by Table 3.

6.2.3 Ti les that are not type A shal l be classi fied as type B as r equired by Table 3. I f there are

no t i les wi th defects that are not l i sted in Table 3, and there shal l not be more defect ive

t i les than defined in Table 3 are found as type B,

Note :

More defect ive t i l es a re t i l es whose number of defect s and/or defect types a re h igher than

permi t t ed .


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


7. Requirements The clause is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the fol lowing:

7. Requirements Dimensional and sur face qual i ty r equiremen ts and physical and chemical proper t ies shal l be

as given in the r elevan t or specific annex of Annexes A to M, for each t i le class.

8. Marking and specifications The clause is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the fol lowing:

8. Marking and additional identification requirements

8.1 Marking

8.1.1 Marking of the packaging

Each packaging of t i les shal l be marked by pr in t ing, or on a label sui tably a t tached to the

packaging in a manner that preven ts i t from being easi ly r emoved. The marking shal l be

clear , legible and durable and shal l con ta in a t least the deta i ls l i sted in clauses to below.

Marking of the deta i ls given in clauses,, and shal l be in

Hebrew or in Hebrew plus a foreign language. Manufacturer ' s name and address and h is r egistered t r ademark, i f any. If the t i les are

impor ted, a lso the impor ter ' s name and address; Purpose of the t i les as given in clause 4.6:

- Packaging of t i les in tended for wal ls on ly shal l be marked with the words:

לקירות בלבד" "אריחים (mean ing, t i les for wal ls on ly);

- Packaging of t i les in tended for wal ls and floor s shal l be marked with the words:

ולרצפה" לקירות "אריחים (mean ing, t i les for wal ls and floor ); Designat ion of the t i les according to thei r manufactur ing method and thei r absorpt ion , as

indicated in clauses 4.2 and 4.3; Type of t i les according to the sur face fin ish by the words "גג "מזו (mean ing, glazed) or

גג" "לא מזו (mean ing, not glazed) as deta i led in defin i t ion 3.1; Nominal sizes (see defin i t ion 3.9.1) of t i les, and work sizes (see defin i t ion 3.9.2) or a

code of work sizes; Number of t i les in a package or the sur face area that they in tend to cover ;


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)

9 On packaging of glazed t i les: grade designat ion of the t i le abrasion r esistance as given in

clause 4.4. For t i les that the manufacture declared that they are in tended for wal ls on ly,

i t i s unnecessary to note thei r abrasion r esistance grade.

Notwithstanding the above, th is data may be included in the techn ical data sheet (see

clause 8.2) in stead of on the packaging; Class of t i le as given in clause 4.7; Model name and manufactur ing color according to the suppl ier ' s ca ta log; Manufactur ing ser ies of the t i les; Any sur face t r eatmen t appl ied after fi r ing (e.g. pol ish ing); Total weigh t of the t i les and thei r packaging.

8.2 Technical data

The suppl ier shal l have a techn ical data sheet to be provided the customer upon r equest .

The techn ical data sheet for t i les in tended for floor ing shal l indicate the abrasion grade of

the glazed t i les or thei r usage locat ion .

Note :

See a l so Annex R for recommended symbols .

8.3 Additional identi f ication requirements

Detai ls of the fol lowing character ist ics, r efer r ing to t i les ordered, shal l be avai lable from the

suppl ier to be provided to the customer upon specia l r equest :

a) Manufactur ing method (shaping);

b) The r elevan t annex from annexes A to M deal ing wi th the specific type of t i le;

c) Nominal sizes and work sizes;

d) Sur face fin ish , i . e. glazed (GL) or unglazed (UGL);

e) Addi t ion of back feet , i f necessary.

Example 1 : Precision , extruded, glazed t i le in accordance wi th Annex M, marked AI a GL,

nominal sizes 250 mm ×125 mm (work sizes 240 mm × 115 mm × 10 mm).

Example 2 : Dry-pressed, unglazed t i le, in accordance wi th Annex L, marked BI a UGL,

nominal sizes 150 mm ×150 mm (work sizes 149 mm × 149 mm × 12.5 mm).

9. Ordering The clause is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the fol lowing:

9. Ordering The order shal l con ta in a t least the fol lowing in format ion :

9.1 Manufacturer ' s name and coun try of manufacture;


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


9.2 Name of model and manufactur ing color according to the suppl ier ' s ca ta log;

9.3 Nominal sizes (see defin i t ion 3.9.1) , excluding the th ickness;

9.4 Manufactur ing th ickness, according to specia l order on ly;

9.5 Purpose of t i le: for wal ls and floor or for wal ls on ly;

9.6 For glazed t i les in tended for floor ing: abrasion r esistance grade;

9.7 Designat ion of group according to water absorpt ion (see clause 4.3.2);

9.8 Ti le fin ish : glazed or unglazed; the fin ish shal l be noted in Hebrew and with the let ter s GL

or UGL in paren theses.

Pol ish ing grade: pol ished, unpol ished, par t ia l ly pol ished;

9.9 If t i les from groups AIa or BIa were ordered, פורצלן" "אריח (mean ing, porcela in t i le) shal l be

r ecorded;

9.10 Ti le class (A or B);

9.11 Sl ip r esistance grade according to Isr ael i Standard SI 2279;

9.12 Quan t i ty of t i les in m² .

- After clause 9, clauses 10 and 11 shal l be added as fol lows:

10. Shipping document The sh ipping document shal l con ta in a t least the fol lowing in format ion :

10.1 The in format ion r ecorded on the order (see clause 9);

10.2 Model name and manufactur ing color ;

10.3 Work sizes;

10.4 Manufactur ing ser ies;

10.5 Inst ruct ions for use and main tenance that wi l l con ta in the fol lowing in format ion :

a) For t i les whose sl ip r esistance grade is h igh , e.g. R12 or greater , i t shal l be noted that

these t i les may be very hard to clean ; in st ruct ions for main tenance and clean ing shal l be

given ;

b) For unglazed t i les, e.g. ter r acota t i les and pol ished porcela in t i les, i t shal l be noted that

these t i les may be sta ined without proper t r ea tmen t ; in st ruct ions for necessary t r eatmen t

to protect against sta in ing shal l be given .

11. Checking the surface quality 11.1 Defects

Defects in t i les shal l be checked as specified in the In ternat ional Standard ISO 10545-2 wi th

a l igh t in tensi ty of approximately 300 lux.

There shal l not be any defect that i s not of the types descr ibed in Table 3 ( f ) .

( f ) Sta ins , spot s , color d i ffe rences , cavi t i es or prot rus ions , pol i shing marks or l ack of pol i shing and par t i a l

glazing tha t a re par t of the t i l e model sha l l not be cons idered as defect s .


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


The number of defects and thei r sizes shal l not exceed that given in Table 3 ( f ) .

The number of types of defects on one t i le shal l not exceed that given in Table 3 ( f ) .

There shal l not be sign ifican t di fferences between the t i le color s and thei r textures ( f ) .

11.2 Determination of the c lass of batch of t i les

The class of batch of t i les i s determined by the defects on the t i le sur faces, as deta i led in

clause 6 and in Table 3.

Table 2 – Characterist ics required for different appl ications

- The text in note b a t the bot tom of the table is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the

fol lowing:

Upon specia l r equest , i t can be checked by the specified test method.

- In the left column with the heading, "Chemical proper ty", on the second l ine r efer r ing to

"glazed t i les", a r eference to note (b) shal l be added.

- After Table 2, Table 3 shal l be added as fol lows:


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)



SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)



SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


Annexes A-H and Annexes J-M

Tables A.1 – H.1 and Table J.1

- In each of the tables, on the l ine r efer r ing to "Sur face qual i ty", the text in the cen ter columns

beginn ing with the words "A min imum of 95 %" is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the

fol lowing:

as r equired in clause 11.

- Note c a t the bot tom of Tables A.1 to H.1 and a t the end of Table J.1 ( including the r eferences to

i t ) i s not appl icable.

Annex N ( in format ive)

Classi f ication of glazed t i les for f loors according to their abrasion resistance

The Annex is not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced by the fol lowing:

Annex N ( in format ive)

Th is approximate classi fica t ion is given for guidance on ly (see In ternat ional Standard ISO 10545-

7). I t should not be used for an accurate character izat ion of a t i le for defined r equiremen ts.

Class 0 - Glazed t i les belonging to th is class are not r ecommended for use on floor s.

Class 1 - Floor t i l ing in areas where walking on them is essen t ia l ly wi th soft soles or bare feet ,

wi thout scra tch ing dir t .

(e.g. r esiden t ia l bath rooms and bedrooms, wi thout a di r ect en tr ance from the outside) .

Class 2 - Floor t i l ing in areas where walking on them is essen t ia l ly wi th soft soles or normal

footwear that have, a t most , occasional smal l amoun ts of scra tch ing dir t .

(e.g. rooms in l iving areas of homes, wi th the except ion of ki tchens, en tr ances and other

rooms having much t r affic) .

The aforemen t ioned does not apply to specia l footwear , such as hobnai led boots.

Class 3 - Floor t i l ing in areas where walking on them is wi th normal footwear more often wi th

smal l amoun ts of scra tch ing dir t .

(e.g. r esiden t ia l ki tchens, hal ls, cor r idor s and balcon ies) .

The aforemen t ioned does not apply to specia l footwear , such as hobnai led boots.


SI 314 (2014) ( t r ansla t ion of Isr ael nat ional modificat ions and addi t ions on ly)


Class 4 - Floor t i l ing in areas where walking on them is by r egular pedest r ian t r affic that br ing

some scra tch ing dir t so that the condi t ions are more severe than class 3.

(e.g. en tr ances, publ ic ki tchens, hotel rooms, exh ibi t ion and sa le rooms).

Class 5 - Floor t i l ing which is subjected to severe pedest r ian t r affic over susta ined per iods that

br ings some scra tch ing dir t , so that the condi t ions are the most severe for wh ich glazed

t i les are to be sui table.

(e.g. publ ic areas, such as shopping cen tr es, a i rpor t concourses, hotel foyer s, publ ic

paths for pedest r ians and areas for industr ia l uses) .

Th is classi fica t ion is val id for the given appl icat ions under normal condi t ions. Considerat ion

should be given to the footwear , type of t r affic and clean ing methods expected, and the floor s

should be adequately protected against scra tch ing dir t a t the en tr ances to bui ldings by in terposing

footwear clean ing devices. In extr eme cases of very heavy t r affic and quan t i t ies of scra tch ing dir t ,

the use of unglazed floor t i les and quar r ies from Group I shal l be considered.

Annex P ( in format ive)

Test methods

In the next to the last i tem beginn ing with the name of the In ternat ional Standard "ISO 10545-15",

on the bot tom l ine, the words, "see Direct ive 2005/31/EC" are not appl icable and shal l be r eplaced

by the fol lowing:

See Isr ael i Standard SI 1003 Par t 1.2 ( a ) .

Bibliography The bibl iography is not appl icable.