ceragon white paper sdn and nfv mobile backhaul networks

White Paper SDN and NFV in Mobile Backhaul Networks Authors: Dudu Bercovich, Chief Architect Ran Avital, VP Strategic Marketing Tomer Carmeli, Director of Product Management Ariel Adam, ONF Wireless Microwave Backhaul Sub-Workgroup Lead February 2014 Copyright 2014 Ceragon Networks Ltd. www.ceragon.com

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White Paper

SDN and NFV in Mobile Backhaul Networks

Authors: Dudu Bercovich, Chief Architect

Ran Avital, VP Strategic Marketing

Tomer Carmeli, Director of Product Management

Ariel Adam, ONF Wireless Microwave Backhaul Sub-Workgroup Lead

February 2014

Copyright 2014 Ceragon Networks Ltd. www.ceragon.com

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Ceragon White Paper SDN and NFV in Mobile Backhual Networks

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Introduction While the mobile industry was focused on addressing the surge in capacity demand, the Over the Top (OTT) players gobbled up the mobile operators’ lunch—and bottom line. Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) have been hard-pressed to respond with expanded coverage and capacity while reducing their network costs.

As it is a given that MNOs will add more (smaller) cells to their networks, industry discussion has begun to shift toward drastic Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)-reduction initiatives coupled with ideas to make service providers more agile to cope with rapid shifts in traffic patterns. In addition, MNOs are in dire need of technologies that can increase the velocity of new service introduction in order to compete with OTT players.

The introduction of virtualized and programmable network concepts such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) promises to disrupt the networking ecosystem, each in its own way. However, by leveraging a combination of SDN and NFV, MNOs can contemplate solutions that, at once, will lower cost and render mobile networks far more flexible and efficient. With SDN and NFV combined, it is possible to envision a future where multi-vendor network elements work in a multi-layer network model leveraging big-data analytics to take optimal decisions network-wide, optimizing traffic while considering power consumption and other operator-defined policies.

In this paper, we will deal with what is unique about the mobile backhaul environment and, specifically, its wireless segments. Then, we will continue with relevant examples to demonstrate the considerable benefits of applying network programmability—à la SDN and NFV–and the importance of Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement in a typical, constrained backhaul situation.

Before we conclude, we will pay special attention to the issue of migration, providing a roadmap for cost-effective network evolution toward SDN and NFV.1

Wireless Mobile Backhaul: A Unique Case Mobile backhaul is often treated as a costly necessity for enabling a wide-area mobile service. The business case for deploying high-capacity backhaul with wireless or fiber, or adopting backhaul-as-a-service must meet financial goals and limitations typically measured in terms of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).2

It is practically impossible to find infinite interconnect capacity in real backhaul networks as opposed to what is typically found in the data center. In fact, the vast majority of the world’s cell sites are served by a backhaul link constrained in many ways. These inherent constraints constitute a new set of challenges for SDN and NFV when applied to the mobile backhaul network. We will focus herein on wireless backhaul, but the case for leased backhaul services is very similar.

1 This paper does not purport to be an SDN or NFV tutorial. The reader is encouraged to familiarize himself with these

concepts in the numerous papers that are available throughout the Internet.

2 For a discussion on TCO for mobile networks see http://www.ceragon.com/solutions/hetnet-hauling/tco.

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Introduction to SDN and the Backhaul Network Software-Defined Networking evolved from a theoretical model back in 2008 to become the data-center and campus-network concept of choice. However, evolution from the IT domain to carrier networks is not at all straightforward as the industry experienced not too long ago with the protracted transition of Ethernet from the enterprise to the carrier network. The evolution of Ethernet toward applicability to mobile networks, Carrier Ethernet 2.0, was a lengthy and arduous process. Now, finally, Carrier Ethernet addresses the particular characteristics of mobile networks like scalability and reliability, and emphasizes service level with standardized services, quality of service and service management. Likewise, the evolution of SDN from the data center to the carrier network will take time and effort before SDN is perfectly suited to this environment.

The SDN vision is to form an open network operating system (OS), allowing MNOs to create applications that “personalize” their networks according to specific needs. This notion of SDN flexibility is extended by an open API within the network elements and a high granular flow concept that supports any network layer (Layer 1 to Layer 7). The SDN controller has visibility and interaction with all the network elements that host the open network OS (either directly or via their network management system). The orchestrator is the element above the controller that performs big-data analytics and hosts the applications that execute seamlessly across the network.

The Open Networking Foundation (ONF) took the lead in adapting SDN to carrier networks with extensions made for transport and optical gear, specifically in the standard interface as defined by OpenFlow Versions 1.3 and 1.4.3 Additional carrier and mobile extensions are now under consideration with a wireless workgroup dedicated to dealing with the mobile service level as well as with different network segments. One of the promising network segments for programmability benefits is the wireless backhaul part and this is where we will focus.

Introduction to NFV and the Backhaul Network The evolution of Network Functions Virtualization is quite different than SDN’s. NFV began life in late 2012 as the initiative of 13 operators. By the end of 2013, the ETSI discussion group came up with detailed use cases and a new industry language.4

The notion of a virtualized, software-based world running over standard computing hardware (i.e., x86) with infinite processing-power resources pooled and orchestrated to address any network scenario. These computing resources can be located in data centers, network nodes and end-user premises with the potential to lead a new innovation cycle of network building.5

It is easy for us to imagine that at least some portion of the carrier world can be converted to NFV. Many network functions in mobile operators’ data centers already use dedicated appliances in semi-standard hardware to perform their functions. Enhancing these elements to take on pure NFV operation is an evolutionary process shifting to standard hardware and adapting it to support virtualization.

3 See https://www.opennetworking.org/images/stories/downloads/sdn-resources/onf-specifications/openflow/openflow-spec-

v1.4.0.pdf 4 See http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV/001_099/002/01.01.01_60/gs_NFV002v010101p.pdf

5 More about the NFV vision can be found at the ETSI website: http://portal.etsi.org/NFV/NFV_White_Paper.pdf

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NFV comes out of the data center and into the backhaul network domain by targeting network elements that are perceived to require dedicated hardware accelerators, such as base-stations. Once the benefits of pooling and virtualizing the baseband processing in the Radio Access Network (RAN) are recognized, it becomes crystal clear how carriers would realize a dramatic TCO-reduction by applying NFV to their networks.6

Backhaul: A Constrained Environment Mobile operators typically operate between 5,000 and 100,000 base-station sites in a single network. A backhaul transport network serving mobile base-stations needs to address a unique and extensive set of requirements and network constraints. For example, in urban areas, there are base-stations every few hundred meters while in rural areas, every few kilometers. The deployment options and economics diverge considerably all over the backhaul even though they constitute one mobile network.

There are three main domains where the backhaul setting has a unique impact:

Site-related constraints: Real estate lease costs, shelter size, power consumption, heat dissipation, physical access, lightning protection, operational considerations of remote-site maintenance and remote management are just some of the constraints related to location. Site-related constraints led to the evolution of a ruggedized, dense breed of backhaul-specific products that can operate in these demanding conditions.

Network-related constraints: There are numerous network-concept options in the backhaul network ranging from network Layer 1 (physical) through Layer 3 (network). Network planners need to address distributed provisioning, propagation of policy, network security, multi-service, multiple RAN technologies and, recently, also the need to support the emergence of different convergence and sharing business models in a cell site.7

Spectrum-related constraints: In the case of wireless, there is the additional consideration of spectral efficiency. Spectrum for transport applications is costly and tends to increase linearly with usage. Operators have a huge interest in using precious spectrum as efficiently as possible.

The good news is that the more challenging the constraints, the more significant SDN’s value in optimizing overall network resource utilization. In addition, as the operation of the backhaul for a base-station at a particular location becomes more demanding and constrained, the greater the benefit to the operator in applying standard software-based optimization methods (NFV) at this location to improve the overall network throughput.

The Wireless Perspective The first obstacle in the process of making wireless transport elements programmable is standardized interfaces. Although today, wireless attributes of network elements are very

6 For further details on C-RAN strategy check the NGMN web or just click the following link:

http://www.ngmn.org/uploads/media/NGMN_CRAN_Suggestions_on_Potential_Solutions_to_CRAN.pdf 7 For a discussion on network sharing ramifications on backhaul networks, see:


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much vendor-specific, a subset of parameters can be standardized in order to provide cross-vendor programmability (Pareto Principle 80/20). The ONF Wireless Transport Working Group, approved in October 2013, is actively leading the way toward filling in the gaps in standardization.

Let’s address the wireless-specific aspects to clarify the benefits of adapting SDN and NFV to wireless transport:

The Physical Layer: Generally speaking, wireless network elements include multiple radio carriers, each with networking and/or interface modules. A few examples of methods for using multiple radio carriers to achieve higher capacity or availability in a radio link are: Multi Radio (MR), Cross Polarization (XPIC), Multi-In Multi-Out (MIMO), Space Diversity (SD), and Frequency Diversity (FD). Another common approach is to operate radio elements in a multi-directional topology and in mixed, multi-carrier / multi-direction scenarios.

Wireless Link Availability: Wireless radio links have a statistical behavior due to weather conditions. Heavy rain will cause a well-planned link to suffer from momentary capacity degradation but still meeting link availability of 99.999% and more. This “breathing” behavior is compensated by the Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) mechanism to enable higher performance over time with fewer unavailability periods.

Spectrum Usage: There are many options to allocate radio spectrum. Licenses can be based on the link or allocated by block on a national / regional basis with different lease schemes such as pay-per-use or even pay-as-a-percentage-of-revenues. Since it is often expensive, MNOs have an interest in limiting their acquisition of spectrum and optimizing what they acquire.

Wireless Backhaul Examples for SDN and NFV The shift from a theoretical discussion on how SDN and NFV can change our carrier networking world to a practical discussion is exciting. In this section, we share some of our original thoughts. Some of our ideas are already running in our labs with off-the-shelf FibeAir® IP-20 Platform8 wireless radios, while some will require broader research at the network level to reveal to what extent these ideas can improve TCO and new-service-introduction capabilities.

SDN Ceragon Networks’ vision for SDN in the backhaul network is based on two premises:

1. Infinite processing capacity is available in the Cloud. Big-data analytics make it possible to take better decisions.

2. Smart elements with complete network awareness have the capability to report and act dynamically upon request.

Here are a few simple examples of SDN applications that can provide immediate benefits to the wireless backhaul network accompanied with advice on how they may be implemented:

8 For more information on the FibeAir IP-20 Platform, please see: http://www.ceragon.com/products-ceragon

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Flow Shaping: ACM in wireless links triggers the shaping of flows at the source in order to increase the utilization of the network. There is no need to send traffic all the way to its destination if we know it will be dropped eventually along the way. For that, we need the capability to shape traffic at a flow-based level of granularity. With SDN, this can be accomplished quickly and extraneous capacity can be allocated dynamically to other flows.

Flow Re-route: ACM in wireless links may trigger the re-routing of flows to different paths. Even though ITU G.8032, MSTP and IP-based Fast Re-route (FRR) can provide that capability, they cannot be aware of end-to-end network conditions. SDN provides greater visibility at the network level, regardless of whether the network concept is Layer 2, Layer 3 or even Layer 4. As in the previous example, the function that is required is one that knows how to handle many flows and can assign forwarding rules to each one.

Traffic-Aware Power Management: Power consumption of wireless network elements can be optimized in real-time. Power can be reduced or cut out when little or no capacity is required by a specific backhaul segment. The event of a power outage in one segment can cause the shift of capacity to an alternate path.

Network-Level Traffic Optimization: There are also traffic-optimization benefits. In a highly constrained environment that necessitates high efficiency, like wireless backhaul, it doesn’t make sense to overprovision for rare events. For example, optimization might be useful at times, but it is prohibitively expensive to provision everywhere and all the time. With SDN, some flows can be sent, on the fly, to an optimizer while other flows are not. For that kind of operation to occur, we need fine flow granularity and a traffic optimization application running on a standard processing unit. (We’ll discuss that in more detail in the NFV section below.)

Dynamic Spectrum Management: SDN opens a new range of spectrum optimization techniques at the network level. Ideas of joining the interference measurement and dynamic spectrum allocation no longer seem like science fiction. They will allow order-of-magnitude more reuse of spectrum. Specifically, when block spectrum is used, a dynamic allocation application can monitor interferences on one side and utilization on the other, and can redistribute spectrum as needed either in symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangements.

Wireless transport optimizations are among the most promising applications for SDN treatment. Dynamic services adapt to breathing wireless links and their dynamic environment. Power-consumption can be reduced based on dynamic loads and operators’ aggregated knowledge of the network behavior involving equipment from different vendors. Optimization can be achieved by leveraging a minimal set of configurable wireless attributes.

Below, Figure 1 describes a multi-level, multi-vendor behavior triggered by an optimization application running in the Cloud with cross-network visibility provided by an SDN controller.

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Figure 1: Network-Level Optimization of Transport Enabled by SDN

NFV and SDN Combined The following example demonstrates the power of NFV combined with SDN. As discussed, current practice is to have dedicated hardware for each application that runs in the network: DPI box, router, transport device or traffic optimization appliance. NFV allows integration of all these functions into a single element. The application runs as a virtual function hosted by the same network node that hosts the virtual switch and the transport function. The virtual switch together with OpenFlow interface provides the service layer while OpenFlow transport extensions provide the transport layer.

To illustrate the concept, we chose a Data De-duplication application.

Data De-duplication is a common routine used in the Cloud in order to minimize storage. It usually runs as a process over standard computing hardware. It scans the storage using sophisticated algorithms and efficiently eliminates redundancies in stored information. We can apply a similar routine to networks as well. By implementing more advanced algorithms to traffic flowing between data centers, we can eliminate redundancies to reduce the required transmission capacity. It is easy to see how this capability can be applied as a Virtual Network Function (VNF) anywhere in the network. Coupling this VNF with SDN means that the VNF can be activated where redundant data patterns consume the available capacity. An aware orchestrator can apply this routine to flows at locations with available processing capacity and where this brings the greatest benefit.

In Figure 2 below, we summarize the Data De-duplication application controlled by a VNF and SDN working together as an evolution from the Cloud to a distributed-processing environment in an NFV domain.

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Optimization at the data-center / Cloud level: Data De-duplication is a process of seeking redundancies in stored content and their elimination by keeping a single instance only. Today, this is performed by an appliance, but can shift easily to run in an NFV concept.

Traffic Optimization between data centers at the transport level monitors redundant transport traffic and eliminates redundant traffic patterns over time (Transport Data De-duplication).

The concept of Transport Data De-duplication can be extended to transport in the backhaul to eliminate repetitions of content such as over-the-air software upgrades, application updates and video streaming.

Figure 2: Data De-duplication Enabled by SDN and NFV

Figure 2 describes an optimization where VNFs placed in different locations in the network provide an improved overall utilization of the backhaul by 30-50%, depending on location and traffic patterns.

In a diverse network with different service and flow types, each with its own special requirements, there is a clear need to run multiple virtual transport networks over the same wireless transport. Our previous example shows traffic optimization with Data De-duplication. Other flows might require a DPI function or security extensions. A highly granular system with an H-QoS9 mechanism and multiple VNFs may work in sync with the network orchestrator, associating actions (via VNF) to a flow, increasing overall resource utilization.

SDN and NFV: Migration Roadmap and Other Issues For those of us who believe that NFV and SDN are permanent fixtures and that they will redefine the backhaul network’s ecosystem and value chain, there are still questions of when and how to migrate. There is also the acute issue of specifying the network element that is required for the transition period as well as the long-term version. In the next few paragraphs, we will describe short-term and long-term migration strategies, as well as other considerations.

Migration to an SDN-Enabled Network The most reasonable migration path, in terms of scale and benefits, is to start with a tunnel-overlay mode where only the edges of the wireless transport network, the interconnecting wireless links, support SDN. Later, the network can evolve to a full wireless transport SDN where all elements participate in the SDN methodology. This means network elements need to support both the tunnel overlay today and the full implementation down the road. While specifications are not yet set, it is rather clear what kind of elements may support this evolution in terms of processing power, granularity of flows and, most important, a programmable architecture.

9 For a discussion on H-QoS, see: http://backhaulforum.com/mobile-network-sharingthe-wireless-backhaul-perspective/

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Figure 3: Migration Strategy: Start with a Tunnel Overlay Concept

Hybrid Management During this transition period, wireless network elements should provide complete protocol support and traditional element and network management to ensure smooth hybrid operation well into the future. The hybrid state is where SDN is implemented in different ways depending on the capabilities of the network elements. The wireless transport elements are configured via a Network Management System (the NMS represents an internal wireless transport Cloud) while some elements are directly programmed via an SDN controller. A clean and simple migration path requires elements to support existing SNMP/REST/CLI interfaces and SDN interfaces, such as OpenFlow, concurrently.

Migration to NFV in the Network The most obvious path for including NFV in the transport is the introduction of VNFs into network elements already deployed in strategic locations in the network. The most beneficial strategy is to distribute network functions and apply them where they matter most – before a low-capacity connection or where critical services require special treatment such as data optimization or security. We can start by statically provisioning the VNF on the network elements. Later, we can implement an orchestrator that dynamically moves the VNFs between the network elements. This obviously requires a network node with a general purpose processing unit to host those VNFs

Service Chaining Not all flows require the same treatment. Service actions such as encryption and traffic optimization can be relevant to certain flows and irrelevant to others.

Service chaining is a concept of creating customized virtual routes per flow according to the flow’s traffic type (video, secured data, etc.). For example, some flows can be subjected to an encryption function while, on others, the Data De-duplication function can be applied. The goal is to improve overall network utilization.

In the SDN / NFV environment, the association of flow and service action is made dynamically by the orchestrator, flow by flow. Coupled with the distribution of network functions, service chaining reduces pre-investments in processing capacity.

Service chaining is an emerging model to improve utilization of appliances in data centers. With the introduction NFV, service chaining is virtualized where each flow might experience a

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different set of VNFs in its path. The next step, minor, in fact, is to have this model operating in a network node to benefit the utilization of wireless network nodes operating in a constrained environment.

Layer 3 and SDN Since the beginning of networks, there has been an industry debate between Layer 3 devotees and Layer 2 enthusiasts. Patrick Donegan, Senior Analyst with Heavy Reading, in a recent report stated, "Easier management is the single most important value proposition of converged microwave routers...”10

SDN addresses exactly this point and more. It also addresses multi-vendor, multi-segment and, most importantly, multi-layer in a standard way. In the future, we expect this discussion to become less relevant. In an SDN network it is possible to program network elements or small clouds representing elements of the same type interconnected. This network programing concept can happen regardless of whether it is a Layer 2 or Layer 3 network, or whether it’s optical or wireless. This means decisions can be based on either layer taking into consideration overall network conditions and end-to-end constraints and not rely on limited local or proprietary protocols.

Conclusions Software-Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization are poised to move from the data center into the realm of backhaul networks. Together, SDN and NFV have the potential to deliver the service-velocity level that every network operator has been seeking. They bring about flexible, efficient management of the network based on holistic monitoring and decision-making, transforming a set of network elements to a coherent network and network OS, and outperforming traditional network concepts.

Backhaul networks have special requirements and characteristics that make them different than enterprise networks. Adapting the power of SDN and NFV together to backhaul networks will lower TCO while enabling flexibility and efficiency, and a new optimization horizon.

Migration of today’s networks to SDN and NFV will occur over years, every step along the way increasing the benefits of the approach. Careful planning and selection of network elements that can accommodate the migration path will enable Mobile Network Operators to achieve the benefits of SDN and NFV over time.

Ceragon Networks’ vision for wireless backhaul SDN and NFV includes three considerations:

1. Processing power, flow granularity and standard interfaces to participate in the

software-defined network.

2. A standard processing platform to execute on-demand virtual network functions.

3. A sound migration strategy that provides benefits all along the way.

Ceragon’s new FibeAir® IP-20 platform was built to function in a world enabled by SDN and NFV. With programmable network processors and a software-defined engine, IP-20 wireless products can participate in any MNO’s program of migration to the SDN / NFV backhaul network of the future delivering its benefits all along the way.

10 See: http://www.heavyreading.com/details.asp?sku_id=3147&skuitem_itemid=1547

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www.ceragon.com Page 10 February 2014


CLI Command Line Interface

GPP General Purpose Processing. Usually refers to a standard server based on x86 architecture with a standard operating system.

H-QoS Hierarchical QoS. Quality of Service is the set of tools and methods to set and control the quality per class of service. Hierarchical means you may define multiple levels of QoS to reach the granularity required

NFV Network Functions Virtualization. A new operator-led initiative discussed in ETSI to promote an industry shift to software and virtualized network elements. (http://www.etsi.org/technologies-clusters/technologies/nfv)

ONF Open Networking Foundation is a user-driven organization dedicated to the promotion and adoption of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) through open standards development. https://www.opennetworking.org/

OpenFlow OpenFlow™ protocol is a foundational element for building SDN solutions.

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SDN Software-Defined Networking: is an emerging architecture that is dynamic, manageable, cost-effective, and adaptable, making it ideal for the high-bandwidth, dynamic nature of today's applications


REST Representational State Transfer. Architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems.


TCO Total Cost of Ownership. The entire cost of acquisition, deployment and operation. It is typically divided into capital expenditure (CAPEX), the costs associated with acquisition and deployment, and operating expenditure (OPEX), the ongoing and often long-term costs associated with operations.

VNF Virtual Network Function. For detailed definitions please refer to http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV/001_099/003/01.01.01_60/gs_NFV003v010101p.pdf

Ceragon Networks Ltd. (NASDAQ: CRNT) is the #1 wireless hauling specialist. We provide innovative, flexible and cost-effective wireless backhaul and fronthaul solutions that enable mobile operators and other wired/wireless service providers to deliver 2G/3G, 4G/LTE and other broadband services to their subscribers. Ceragon's high-capacity, solutions use microwave technology to transfer voice and data traffic while maximizing bandwidth efficiency, to deliver more capacity over longer distances under any deployment scenario. Based on our extensive global experience, Ceragon delivers turnkey solutions that support service provider profitability at every stage of the network lifecycle enabling faster time to revenue, cost-effective operation and simple migration to all-IP networks. As the demand for data pushes the need for ever-increasing capacity, Ceragon is committed to serve the market with unmatched technology and innovation, ensuring effective solutions for the evolving needs of the marketplace. Our solutions are deployed by more than 430 service providers in over 130 countries.