centre democrat. (bellefonte, pa.) 1884-05-15 [p ] · samuel i). gross, the emi-nent philadelphia...

S.T.SIiUUKKTJt E. L.ORYIK, Kditortf. V()l>. 0. "®ltt , 'J. c Ttrmill.SO pr Annum in Ailviuto v DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. ' CONGRESSMAN -AT-I.AKUK, T GEN. W. H. H DAVIS. Ij OF HI CKS curyry. j t THE ELECTORAL TICKET. t KLCCtOftd %T LA&OB. i lchra Vau*. B J Mctlraium 11. B. BItIUIHLT. IITK"t inv >**. 1. J..hn Mliivln. |I&. Uoorgs 8- I'ar.lj, I A JIJIII P- J. K.tnimlorf 18. P K. Acklejf. jfc S. J bn W 17. John P 4. HMTKTI J. Iloru. IB F.Rl> Prbf*r, 6. Hirltm<l L Wright, ll>. E. I> Mumm*, >* Ju|,n 11. BilntuU, AII Pill. 7. Win Bialilor. Jl. Franklin P. Jwi. L CtaHw '? InBoMWi .'J.J K p D*F, I. 9. 11. J1 North. St Jon" 8u. 111. lUm U Stile*, 11. A M W int.-rnlU, . 11 A. J. Uron tbrail, it. .'\u25a0'? J hill Hill. 111. F V. Kookiilellc*. JB. Win A. Fnjn*r, . 1A Norlnitre, ? J. A J. .JiwiitiriU. 14. <l*org.'ll. train; j ? = ! Mil. Co*, of New urk, in trod tit* il 1 a lill iu the Ifuuse on Monday, to I place Gen. Grant ou the retired list ot 1 the army. I At.i. the Republican delegate* to ".lie | National Convention, hav ? been oho*- t en, ami still the Republicans are not ( happy. No one is out of the woods, t MU. HEWITT, ou M.unlay introduc- 1 ed his bill to modify existing lawn re- lating to duties on imports anil inter- ( J nil revenue taxes, and to enlarge the j free list. I THE Chicag j( Rep. j Tribune thinks 1 "the people have had enough of this betrayal of them by the incn who go i 1 to Congress in the people's liveiy to ? | seive tjc corporations." A. S. HEWITT, is given a- author, ily for the declaration that the forty- j 1 one Democrats in Congress who aided 1 to defeat the Morrison taritl hill, will 1J issue an address to the people giving ! their reason for opposition to it. FEMALE aspirants for the office ot Superintendent of the common schools . iu this state, it appiars were not n -'ic \u25a0a cess at the late school elections. Ev. ry lady candidate in the state, it i* >.? 1, g wa defeated. Tin: arrival of B,i üb.r t ainci ri is | looked for with great anxiety bv the opponents of Blaine, who hope to , make some arrangement which will defeat the Maine statesman, and tie- *troy the hopes of those who have urged him as the wisest, purest and . best representative of modern Repub- licanism. PROF. SAMUEL I). GROSS, the emi- nent Philadelphia surgeon, died last week. Prof. Gross has been for many years connected with the Jefferson Medical College of that city, and ex- tensively known to the medical pro- fession throughout the state. The dead boJy of the distinguished pro- f feasor was taken to Le Moync cr-iua- tory at Washington, Pa., and there reduced to ashes. 4 THE railroads in order to scalp the scalpers, have bit upon a plan of special rates to conventions and other bodies during the coming season which will, probably, in a great measure block their busineas in its most profit- able season. The plan is the requir- ing of full fare from delegations going to the conventions, ami one-quarter fare on their return, on the prcaenta- tion of attostcd certificate at the Com- panies' offices. \u25a0 - ? LAST week excitement ran high in financial circles in New York, by the failure of the Marine National Rank. This created a distrust that soon brought its fruits, and the firtn of A Ward, bankers, were forced to suspend, and have since assigned. Gen. Grant is the head of the firm, and is greatly worried over the affair, r" for which he is probably not person- ally responsible, his partner being the jSt business manager. The shortage of accounts, it is said, will reach . $<1,000,000. Jt'iiAH P. BENJAMIN*. The career 1! ofthi* remarkable man was closed by death in Txmdon a few days ago. lit jsi was s Jew ami ro.-e to the eminent ? lie n a. quired from a very humble position " in life by strong iulellectunl powers v and rcmtirtuhle tenueity of will. Be* ?' fore the rebellion he was the leading r ' lawyer of New Orleans and was elect- ed to the I . H. Senate from Louisiana, ami from that botlv became ono ot h the leading spirits of the confederacy, e After the war he settled in England ami there became the most succi*-' J ? ami commanding lawyer of the , d bar. ?' ; i' CANADA deals tuotc verily with u rogues who polutc the ballot box than c the United Suites, with nil "tir hoa-tcd respect tor tlie sacredneea of the elect- ive frauchite. A man nametl Charles (hale*, of Montreal, lias h-< u di-.jiial- ' ified for eight year* from voting, from £ bt ing elected to, or holding any office ' timh r the Duniuimt Government, to '' pay a fine of ?100 or undergo four '' are imprisonment for bribing at the r late electiou. The oflcuse lor which t tlii* penalty was imposed, coiisia'ul in t giving small sums to voters to pay i their railway fares to and from the r polling places. * THE Philadelphia Time* in sum. * tiling up the delegates elected to the 1 Republican National Convention give* ' the following classification of the dele ' gat** h* indicated in the instruct! ns ami expressed preferences: Arthur si.lo- i ?- !* fan 4* i \u25a0 J'hwruimn '* ll*vs|j 14 giwwLahj ft ' okttuVb ? ??? ft a Nntsl#r of Dobntm Immq t ? ? ri Urn hi 11 The New York Ai"i sums up a* fol- j j lows: c Arthur 2* U*lj. 1! a WM SOU i.r. . MPs' L fan 44 I 1 j Mmmmi -* f Tr.fwl j Tit In tie he**r 1 Ifwffl - r T*Ml ??? >-- .*rj t ? ... 11l t The Colorado convcnti-m ch<> s c an ' uninsiructetl delega.ion of -ix. b*liev. e l to h \u25a0 for Blaine. Morrison Bill , Till, defeat of the Morri-on tariff ( bill in the Hou*c, while only hoo'tl for hvcon*ervative tarifl"reform Ik rn- ocrats, echo.* iu a full incisure the sentiments of the great ma*.' of the American people, ami i* one bright spot in the desert of a [xr-onal ambi- , tiou that would ruin Democratic proi- i p Tts of victory this fall. Carlisle, Morrison and NVatterson, the griat free trade triiiiuviiate, would place the Dcni'K"ratic party on the defensive and in a fabe position, on the eve of a great national conflict That means defeat. That they love the Democrat- I ic party we doubt not; "Not that i loved !Cn *ar less, but Rome more," is their motto, as it was Brutus' defense after having plunged the dagger into the heart of his friend Csesar. Cie*ar, in the present instance, is the Democratic I party, Roa> is (.'arlisle, Morrison ami Watterson. Mr. Randall character- 1 ieed the hill a* a confession on the part of its authors of their inability to grapple with an intricate question. : Buch no doubt is the fact, but the in- competence of the so-called tariff re- formers should not be saddled on the Democratic party. Morrison flatly ami squarley refused to allow amendments to be mado en his bill, and then on the eve of his de- feat taunted Mr. Itandall and his fol- lowers with the challenge "if you have the power to defeat this bill, you have the power to amend it." Morri- son knew when he uttered these words that it was impossible to amend the , bill at that time, as the Republicans , would have voted with the Morrison people. In this he waa unfair, nay, ' with the knowledge of the facts be ' was dishonest, and resorted to ths 1 tricks of a ward politician. That ' there should be a "reform'' of existing ' tariff laws the most ultra protectionist 1 will admit, and on that point all agree, j On the question of bow to accomplish < "EqCAL A!l> K X ACT JI'STI" * TO AM Mi'.K. t>Y W HATRVIH STATE OK fr. WfAKIOK, KKI "K FoLITII At. JHtsrsob ISKIXKFONTK, I'A.. THURSDAY, MAY IS, 1881. he desire*) it-suit is the dispute. Mr. Kmi'lall nnd his supporter.', de- iir! the nholilion of the entire inter- ' :tal revenue system. Mr. Morrison i >ji| 111 t>> it. Mr. Utiudiill is in fa cor of raiding revenue on i-itporta for ihe vnnls auil needs f the govern- rn tit economically administered, and if affording incidental protcetiou to Atuericau industry. Mr. Morrison is for revenue, without any protection it ? idental or accidental. Strike out all internal taxation ! \u25a0 Admit free of duty anything that hoi ler.n on inc i y and that dins not ['?> me in coin; etiti in with Arn- riean prodneU. I.iv inipurt dutiia on lux- urn*, and oil articles tlial come in compeliiion with American projiucta, ' Tho Ropubl'can Situation. As the time near* for the uncl- ing of the National Convention, the <|iu<tioii of combinations or puol- ing of issues among the army of can- didates who aspire to Republican lead' rsliip, is 1.. ing di-cu- ed. U- fi r- ring to tin prts* :t acjiect of the bat- tie, the Harri.-lmrg Patriot concludes that a combination between lilainc i- not impossible or improbable, ami remarks : Tin ~ pubbcjo arithmetician* are not *- an. C' ssful in figuring out tiie rrl.it ie strength of the several candidates hr the r> p ihlicno pre-idenlal riuwinati. n i a- tbey hav proved in counting in their candidate after he we deVal. i. Tory differ widely t- to tue nunil ?r of the delegate* lh*f nu\ he r* lied iij.n to suj | ort the twff | rincipit randetalr- re- spectively, M'-ssers, trtt.ur and I'.iaine. Striking a mean by a sort c>' illig.iln.ii - alternate it would q pear that Itlaine lead* with a vote "! nrarh 350 while Arthur i a go--I *oc >nd wi ha vole clo-.- to *i. The remaning bo *oi*- are distributed am- ng Measer-' b.dmuod* Sherman. <ire*ham. i! iwler and , Fa rchlld. Tho balance of |ow.-r held by lt>e minor candida'es is not likely to tw thrown solidly in favor of either Arthur or I'daine. It is jute certain that toe former can get but hub if any < f that s'-ri ngth utiles *. ind I, tie-final Strug gle should te tietw. .-n him and itlaine. , Int. at ev< ot nearly all ? . the I Imunds- Sherman and H.iwley x.i'f would be! cast far Arthur. The talk "f the under -tan ding between It nine and to ni i renewe I and if it be true that an agreement between the#, tan hi been entered into, it is .juite likely that Itlaine will receive the vol' *of I.sgin wh 'li would In ng him so close to a nomination that h.s opponent would find it difficult to .lo'eat him. If the more svnguini of Blaine's supporters figure with arv degree of sccuranev tb< rote rontrollel t.y Ixigsn will be quite sufficient to give the nornir a'ion to the ''Plumed Knight." Both Arthur and Itlaine are shrewd politicians. They understand moat thoroughly tho art of manipulating political convention*. t.rcek will met tifeek at Chicago in the per-on* of lbee w II match* d antagonists and there will t>e a tug of war in the republican nation al convention that will equal if not surpass in stubtiornnesa and exciting interest that of the week's battle be- teen the 3<HS and the field in ISSO. But may not the shrewdness of th*e princi I*l contestants suggest to them the propriety of "pooling their iaaue" in stead of permitting the field to utilize the strength of the weaker for the I.one fit of one of the minor Candida tee f Arthur and Blame between them con- trol three fourths of the convention. There has been no such bitterness in their rivalry as to preclude a combina- tion which would l>e mutually advert tagoua. True, it ia not likely that Treai dent Aruhur would accept office under Blaine, hut as he ia a natural horn politician and two young to retire alto gether from public life he might le willing to become "the power Isehind the throne greater than the throoe it- self," As for Blaine it ia not to be doubted for a moment that if he find* that bis play for the principal stakes is to loae he would lie willing to repeat with Arthur or any other promising candidate the bargain he made with Oerflold. Stranger things have happen ed in polities than a combination be tween Arthur and Rlaine. Isaac 1.. Mr<'lo*kv has been elected Superintendent ct School* in Clinton county. t ciui ( oiigre-* last year ut forty mil- lion dollar*, will out amount to ten million. A expenditure ha* been di- t( miiiished for ioteri-i n 1 |>eiisi..iiM to , double tint sun, i; **ii.,t probahh- tliHl the decie i-ed receipts fr: ill int. r- I mil revenue will serve to bring the to. ' titl surplus of tlii* yer below what it * wa* the year before. So, after all tin j J talk, ii thing has !J. E.i done to r.-luvi th" ii'(-e--iti(-- (.I th* ix-oiile. In every . \u25a0 department of trn le there is the pris- j sure of coiii.triction and stagnati >ll ; |, luit the dollnr* go jiugling into the frea-'irv in a sli udy str> uui, ami ( Hl- gr.s* i- ih. illy busted in devising new 1 schemes for getting the money out again. The Democrat* who were ' faithfully <\< rti: themselves to j.a-- a tariff bill to r< d\u25a0; e th. rurplu* in , the mod it sutn of thirty million <1 llur, were j< .-red at by joblier* and 'ubsidisli a* wasting valuable time." j'. 'I III; bill to amend the (,'liinese im. " migration Juw of IySJ,l y SJ, wiiiih wit* pas*..! by the Jf u-e lu-t Saturday, i- d.signed (o stop some of the hole* whieh vigilant ('aliforuian* have found in the ad to r< -tricl (.'iiincte iiiuuigra- ti ij. As qu'stions have arisen cou- , ci rnitig the nati >nnlity ot Chinese im- migrants, some <>f whom were horn , und.-r the British flag-, the objection, nhlc voyagers are now c!asd a-' "t'hine-e persons. *' Another amend- ment provide* for the punishment of any master of a ve-*el who shall kno singly import into the United Slates the prohibited fH-r-or.- <)lb(-r t amendment* specify ways snd irn an- by which Chinese persons going from ' this country to China with the inten- tion of nturning may lie identified, so tliat i-'h. r may not come hither in tin ir pla- i-. and also to prevent un- authorized person* from coming here on false pn tense. The phrase "mer- chant" in the law of I&*2, having; Irecn t lilH-rally construe*!, it is cn- | acted thnt the w rd shall not lie held < as describing "huckster*, p- idler*, . r i engage,) in taking, drying, or otherwi-e preserving shell or other fi-h for homi c"t> tmj tin ' r exp rta- ti'.n. ' The phra-.- "Chint-sc lab r< r-" i* authoritatively d. fined, a?> 1 the whole bill may he accepted as an at- tempt to r> tnedv some of the ini]-r- --feclD iis of the exi-ting law.? I'itts- burgh font T ii r ilevonon of the li o til li, rv party to civil ?ervjr r<-form and th, -inreiit) rf ??nh leader* as tolin She- man .n their h-rn itid* f..- j ore ofllcial life are well illustrated in the rej eated declsr.xtions of confi.-dnce of Hepuhli can coventiorn in President \rthur. , tin ' inuar v 31. 18T9, ' uester A. Arthur' wa* eolle, tor of custom* in New York t'.ty. It wa a high trust he held, snd ( with it requirement* Mr. Arthur was 1 fully acquainted. At that date Mr. John v bermnn was secretary of the Treasury in the c.v' im-t of President i IPij-e-. lie was brought in close official j contact witli the Collector of the Port of New York. The Secretary addressed a letter to ths Collector, dated .fanoary 31, 1*79. in which he said : "Person* have been regurlarly paid by you who have rendered little or n>> service. The | expenses of your office have increased, J whi e it receipts have been diminished. : Hril>es, or grwtuiiies in ahape of brilie*, have been received by your auitordinatc* in #vernl branches of the custom houses; I and you have in no ease supported the i effect to correct these abuses. Cross j abuse* of administration have continued j and increr*l during your incuralx'Dcy.' Actingon inform Hi >n nodouhl received through efficiMJ sources the unctuous, i President at the same date supeoded i i Collector Arthur, using to him his lan i guage .- "You have made the custom- < house a centre of partisan political management. With a deep sense of i obligations under the Constitution. Ire [ gard it my plain duty to suspend you i j in order that the office may be honestly I | administered.' Mr. Arthur is the same I man now hs WM then, snd wbe.ti bis < ' intensst required it and where be dares f to do it he uses the Government |at | ionage as he did then to accomplish ? personal and partisan ends. ? The .Teflerson county jail is without * any prisoners now, the last having been * discharged one day last weak. 1 Tin: North Atntrimn says that by ill.- time ihnt Mr. K. ifcr,of Ohio, has heard the la*t comment* on his bitter and indecent attack* upon Fit?. John I'ortir, a niftn with n spotlee* personal record, it i- probable that he may have burned to appreciate the wisdom of ri licence. It is quite true tbut the p ople of thi* country have short ineiuori.* when it i* charitable to for- ' get hut on the other hand they ate apt I ... r>'*ent any undue pri-uiiiption on their good nature. Mr. K- ilir might lirive remained in the ha k grounds undisturbed during the remainder of lii- existence, But lie will come to the front and challenge public criticism, he i lik< ly to get em ugh of it. 'I III: Tyrone Ibruhl has tlii*to *v in regard to the Gr.'.ly exp-ditiou; Iwo v. .--? !* of the Greciy Relief Kx- [?edition, the 1! arnml Thetis, are now on ilitir way towards Lady Franklin bay to re.cue the ice-bound adven- turers. The Alert sailed on Saturday. The I htti* i* th* llag ship, and will had the way into the ice. B >th the Bear ami flag ship have been fitted out in the rn.et thorough manner. The Ah rt will bring up the r<-ur and sup- ply deficiencies. The expedition *t!irt- "iit with good pi(*[ic.'t* ofHccofuplikh- ing it* object. I.'-t u* hope it will !? the last expeditioa of the kind it *'i!l ever le ni-ct -csrv to m ml out lor the relief of North-pole explorers. liti. l.lmwmh organs writ* down Blaine ath if. The Blaine organ* re- tort by declaring that Kdniundi i* an- other. The I'.dtuuml* and Blaine }m*i- pi. affe. t disgust with Arthur's meth- j "d and the Arthur supporters have their opini n of R.th Blaine nrd lid. muud*. The Ind-|M>iid(tits regard Ixtgan and IJoc.dii with avcraioii he. cau-e Isith the latter were of the UOti in l- SM t>. an<l all the mher carididat'*- look down on Hawl.y a- a light- weight scarcly worthy of their con- tempt. John Sherman, with hir h u'. finished at the cxjH-nse (.f the government, hi* connection with the, Wail street le,n<l selling symli-ate and the js-rjury <f M.i?a I'iukston t > rcc. otnnieml him, r.ninin* to rharrn the Flanigan* who will ch < >-<\u25a0 a pre-.detj- tiul eand int? f-1 r the R publican par- ty. "You pay* your mom v ami you Ink- - your . hoice." Tin. Ilanishurg Tiiriot -H\- 'TIC latest jdaii suggested a mea-ure of relief to an overt! .wing treasury is to inter, -t the government in a real c',ate operation in Montgomery e uutv, thi- -tate. It i* proposed that about six. i t'l-n hundred acres of land, including the historic q*.t ujtoii which Washing- ton s army *a eticampcii at \ alley Forge, le pure based and converted into a national park. The idea is a very pretty one, but not nearly a- pretty a* the sum it would cot the government Iw-fore the spcculutora would realise the full amount of profit that would be afford- ed by the picturesque and patriotic job. Ry the time those who had it in charge would get out all that was in it. the ellonstone park swindle, as a piece of intended rascality, would be thrown entirely into the shade. It is well to keep Valley Forge and the deeds associated with it in remem- brance, hut it wonld not be too im aginative to believe that if the revolu- tionary worthies who suffered the I hardship* of that winter rantoanient ! could ace what a rascally lot of job- bers and machine politicians are im- aging the government they would probably give vent to their feelings iu profane expressions. THE Philadelphia lieeord remarks: "Secretary Folgcr, notwithstanding the danger of reducing his gold re- j serve at an inopportune time, has sue- j cumhed to the pressure of evar-inrreaa- i ing surplus of cash drawn from the pockets of the people and issued an- other call for the redemption of itn million dollar's worth of outstanding bonds. It is uow certain that the tax redaction, estimated by the Republi TKHMS: pir Annum, in Ad vaiue. NO. 20. Items of Interoat. Kinif r Otayson, of Lowe, Oxford, Che*, lor county, recently killed a Lla.-k \u25ba risk'- lire feet jn length. Willi irn Massy, paiing tel|T o? th<* ?'iliiinore Bsnk bommeree, wan arrested last J hut.'lay charged with embezzling U..000 by falae entries. Hi.- J'ti-on Inspectors of Nortbamp ton county |,a Ve recommend*'! that the death nen'enre of Sabato A lxnd r be commuted to imprisonment for life. The I, "ly Of the late Prof Gro* once head of tit) b' a| fcii-ri' i i n the United >'ati. KM cremate ! on Thur>d y lz-t, \u25a0 tl.< be M .yi.,. t'rctnaUiry, ton I'.. e About 7000 head of rattle are daily I" an;: north from Texas. The ra.il- rr "la are unai l-to carry a I the rattle " ' r ''"vr-r ' 'I i/< :i'l are awaiting ?hipirii nt. J \u25a0' ' Postmaster at Noth Manchester. Irid., wa. arretted on Tue. ° n \u25a0' "barge of tiffing registered "i 1 . If'- \u25a0 on'CM <1 li. guilt and ' .i comm tt'i to tl,t- Indianapolis j*i| f IT tr al. M'Jrh diruag. wan done u the ' 'unti, r. u- d about Petersburg!., Vs., 1 y wind arid rain 1 i..-.1,-,y bight. In It.nwid l| county the t ,rtn was Mipplement" I by htavy hail and violent thunder. \ San Fincim dispatch %ya tho M irin<- f'.ink, lately suspended m N*-w ork. a-k d about three wneka ago, a loan of half a ro !!i n from the Nevada ' r.k in that c.ty, but the manager* declined. Ex ' <>an;y ( ounni-'ioiier McKsnnev >uiith, wiio enter- I a plea of guiftv t > the chargea, of embezzlement at W !.:am-j. rt f.n 1 ursday, was aentenced t i imj rih nm nt for two yntr* in tfa*.* La*!- rn I\ nit nliarjr. \lpliot * Leclovitc jumped from the fourth flo< r of the Clark House inf'liica ' l| . 'tr a fit of in .omnia, one dry last w-eK, before the break of day. breaking down th<- telegraph w re* in hi* decent, lie wa* found d. rd at day light. 1 he l<oy Suiboll;, w ho r<- f-ntly d: tap geared from Fragb*vil]e, Mont S* '!n#*ry county, left to avoid a whipping hi* fatli'r jrcn.i '1 him b< cause be was not able to a. -count for #"? It i* feared 'hat he ha*- mm it ted sn id. A terrible norm i r ported Pom 1 luml u*. N". b. rhe t< wn i* cut off on all i le. No tri-in* fi m the Weft have come m .ri the Union Pao flo *incc Mon'ley, (ir- at quantities of litre nock have hi n' \u25a0 ? -1. ?nd two children drown <I. Hie ivibri> over #IOO,O ). i. gbt- "i of the twenty four cigar- mak.-r whom both. Ir<fu-A lircnner. of f.n. ;nn*tti ,mj iied from York. Pa., to take the place of their locked-OUt \u25a0 nij. y 1. E an II, .'INE.-D their deter minaiiin to ace pt the offer of the ' igirtr.aker'* I'n.on to remain out of the factories with the members of the urn n. Tim union offered either to ?uj'port tk-m here or pay their way back home. 1liis leave, *i* at work. ' >nc thousand men are on a strike. There wa successfully C a*t on Tu*s day at the s.iuth Boston Iron Works, in fulfillment of a contract with the I'nited State Government, the larg-st gun ever constructed in this country. *hen fully completed it will l* about thirty feet in length, of twelve-inch rifle bore and will weigh J12.000 pounds. Die cost of the gun will be or about one half the *um a steel gun would have coat. It is calculated to be able to throw a projectile a distance of ix mif-a. Cbarle* Keade wrote hi* own epitaph It is to be engraved upon a plain *tone, and reads Ha follows : "Here lie by the side of his Beloved Friend, the Mortal Kemains of Übarlns R.-ade. Hrainatist, Novelist and Journalist. Ilia last werda to mankind are on hia stone. I hope lor a resurrection, not from any power in nature, but front the will of the l ord Hod fhnnipotent. who made nature and tn<\ He created man out of nothing; which nature cannet. And I hope for holiness and happiness in a future life, not for aoytbing I have said or dooe in hia body, but front the merits and ctcdi at ion of Jreus tTirist. He has promised hia intercession to all who seek it, and ha will not break his word : that inter- na aaaow, once granted, cannot be reject ed ; for He is (tod, and hi* merits are Infinite; a man's aina are but human and finite, llim that cometh to Me, I will in no wise caai out.' 'lf any man *in, we have an advent* with tha Father. Jesus Christ the Righteous ; ai d Ha is the propitiation for our aina. ?

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Page 1: Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1884-05-15 [p ] · SAMUEL I). GROSS, the emi-nent Philadelphia surgeon, died last week. Prof. Gross has been for many years connected with the Jefferson

S.T.SIiUUKKTJt E. L.ORYIK, Kditortf.

V()l>. 0.


'J. cTtrmill.SO pr Annum inAilviuto vDEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. '


OF HI CKS curyry. jt


lchra Vau*. B J Mctlraium11. B. BItIUIHLT.

IITK"tinv >**.

1. J..hn Mliivln. |I&.Uoorgs 8- I'ar.lj, IA JIJIII P- J. K.tnimlorf 18. P K. Acklejf.

jfc S. J bn W 17. John P4. HMTKTI J. Iloru. IB F.Rl> Prbf*r,

6. Hirltm<l L Wright, ll>. E. I> Mumm*,

>*Ju|,n 11. BilntuU, AII Pill.

7. Win Bialilor. Jl. Franklin P. Jwi.L CtaHw '? InBoMWi .'J.J K p D*F, I.9. 11. J1 North. St Jon" 8u.

111. lUm U Stile*, 11. A M W int.-rnlU, .11 A. J. Uron tbrail, it. .'\u25a0'? J hill Hill.111. F V. Kookiilellc*. JB. Win A. Fnjn*r, .1A Norlnitre, ? J. A J. .JiwiitiriU.14. <l*org.'ll. train; j

? =

!Mil. Co*, of New urk, in trod tit* il 1

a lill iu the Ifuuse on Monday, to Iplace Gen. Grant ou the retired list ot 1the army. I

At.i. the Republican delegate* to ".lie |National Convention, hav ? been oho*- ten, ami still the Republicans are not (happy. No one is out of the woods, t

MU. HEWITT, ou M.unlay introduc- 1ed his bill to modify existing lawn re-

lating to duties on imports anil inter- (

J nil revenue taxes, and to enlarge the jfree list. I

THE Chicag j( Rep. j Tribune thinks 1"the people have had enough of this

betrayal of them by the incn who go i 1to Congress in the people's liveiy to ?

| seive tjc corporations."

A. S. HEWITT, is given a- author,

ily for the declaration that the forty- j 1one Democrats in Congress who aided 1to defeat the Morrison taritl hill, will 1Jissue an address to the people giving !

their reason for opposition to it.

FEMALE aspirants for the office ot

Superintendent of the common schools. iu this state, it appiars were not n -'ic

\u25a0a cess at the late school elections. Ev. ry

lady candidate in the state, it i* >.? 1,

g wa defeated.

Tin: arrival of B,i üb.r t ainci ri is |looked for with great anxiety bv theopponents of Blaine, who hope to ,

make some arrangement which willdefeat the Maine statesman, and tie-*troy the hopes of those who haveurged him as the wisest, purest and .best representative of modern Repub-licanism.

PROF. SAMUEL I). GROSS, the emi-nent Philadelphia surgeon, died lastweek. Prof. Gross has been for many

years connected with the JeffersonMedical College of that city, and ex-

tensively known to the medical pro-fession throughout the state. Thedead boJy of the distinguished pro-

ffeasor was taken to Le Moync cr-iua-

tory at Washington, Pa., and therereduced to ashes.

4THE railroads in order to scalp

the scalpers, have bit upon a plan ofspecial rates to conventions and otherbodies during the coming season whichwill, probably, in a great measureblock their busineas in its most profit-able season. The plan is the requir-ing of full fare from delegations goingto the conventions, ami one-quarterfare on their return, on the prcaenta-tion of attostcd certificate at the Com-panies' offices.

\u25a0 -?

LAST week excitement ran high infinancial circles in New York, by thefailure of the Marine National Rank.This created a distrust that soonbrought its fruits, and the firtn of

A Ward, bankers, were forcedto suspend, and have since assigned.Gen. Grant is the head of the firm,and is greatly worried over the affair,

r" for which he is probably not person-ally responsible, his partner being the

jSt business manager. The shortage ofaccounts, it is said, will reach

. $<1,000,000.

Jt'iiAH P. BENJAMIN*. The career 1!

ofthi* remarkable man was closed bydeath in Txmdon a few days ago. lit jsiwas s Jew ami ro.-e to the eminent ? lie n

a. quired from a very humble position "

in life by strong iulellectunl powers v

and rcmtirtuhle tenueity of will. Be* ?'

fore the rebellion he was the leading r 'lawyer of New Orleans and was elect-ed to the I . H. Senate from Louisiana,ami from that botlv became ono ot h

the leading spirits of the confederacy, e

After the war he settled in Englandami there became the most succi*-' J ?

ami commanding lawyer of the ,d

bar. ?'

; i'CANADA deals tuotc verily with u

rogues who polutc the ballot box than c

the United Suites, with nil "tirhoa-tcd

respect tor tlie sacredneea of the elect-

ive frauchite. A man nametl Charles(hale*, of Montreal, lias h-< u di-.jiial- '

ified for eight year* from voting, from £bt ing elected to, or holding any office 'timh r the Duniuimt Government, to ''

pay a fine of ?100 or undergo four ''are imprisonment for bribing at the r

late electiou. The oflcuse lor which ttlii* penalty was imposed, coiisia'ul in tgiving small sums to voters to pay itheir railway fares to and from the rpolling places.


THE Philadelphia Time* in sum. *

tiling up the delegates elected to the 1Republican National Convention give* 'the following classification of the dele '

gat** h* indicated in the instruct! ns

ami expressed preferences:Arthur si.lo- i ?-

!*fan 4* i \u25a0J'hwruimn '* ll*vs|j 14

giwwLahj ft ' okttuVb ? ???ft

aNntsl#r of DobntmImmq t ? ? ri Urn hi 11

The New York Ai"i sums up a* fol- j jlows: cArthur 2* U*lj. 1! aWM SOU i.r. .

MPs'L fan 44 I 1 jMmmmi -* f

Tr.fwl jTitIn tie he**r 1 Ifwffl

- rT*Ml ???

>-- .*rj t ? ... 11l t

The Colorado convcnti-m ch<> s c an '

uninsiructetl delega.ion of -ix. b*liev.e l to h \u25a0 for Blaine.

Morrison Bill ,

Till, defeat of the Morri-on tariff (bill in the Hou*c, while only hoo'tl

for hvcon*ervative tarifl"reform Ik rn-ocrats, echo.* iu a full incisure thesentiments of the great ma*.' of theAmerican people, ami i* one brightspot in the desert of a [xr-onal ambi- ,tiou that would ruin Democratic proi- ip Tts of victory this fall. Carlisle,Morrison and NVatterson, the griatfree trade triiiiuviiate, would placethe Dcni'K"ratic party on the defensiveand in a fabe position, on the eve of a

great national conflict That meansdefeat. That they love the Democrat-

I ic party we doubt not; "Not that i loved!Cn *ar less, but Rome more," is theirmotto, as it was Brutus' defense afterhaving plunged the dagger into theheart of his friend Csesar. Cie*ar, inthe present instance, is the Democratic

I party, Roa> is (.'arlisle, Morrison amiWatterson. Mr. Randall character- 1ieed the hill a* a confession on thepart of its authors of their inabilityto grapple with an intricate question. :Buch no doubt is the fact, but the in-competence of the so-called tariff re-formers should not be saddled on theDemocratic party.

Morrison flatly ami squarley refusedto allow amendments to be mado en

his bill, and then on the eve of his de-feat taunted Mr. Itandall and his fol-lowers with the challenge "if youhave the power to defeat this bill, youhave the power to amend it." Morri-son knew when he uttered these wordsthat it was impossible to amend the ,bill at that time, as the Republicans ,would have voted with the Morrisonpeople. In this he waa unfair, nay, 'with the knowledge of the facts be 'was dishonest, and resorted to ths 1tricks of a ward politician. That 'there should be a "reform'' of existing 'tariff laws the most ultra protectionist 1will admit, and on that point all agree, jOn the question of bow to accomplish <



he desire*) it-suit is the dispute.Mr. Kmi'lall nnd his supporter.', de-

iir! the nholilion of the entire inter- '

:tal revenue system. Mr. Morrison i

>ji| 111 t>> it. Mr. Utiudiill is in facor of raiding revenue on i-itporta forihe vnnls auil needs f the govern-rn tit economically administered, andif affording incidental protcetiou to

Atuericau industry. Mr. Morrison isfor revenue, without any protection it ?

idental or accidental.Strike out all internal taxation ! \u25a0

Admit free of duty anything that hoiler.n on inc i y and that dins not['?> me in coin; etiti in with Arn- rieanprodneU. I.iv inipurt dutiia on lux-urn*, and oil articles tlial come in

compeliiion with American projiucta, '

Tho Ropubl'can Situation.

As the time near* for the uncl-ing of the National Convention,the <|iu<tioii of combinations or puol-ing of issues among the army of can-didates who aspire to Republicanlead' rsliip, is 1.. ing di-cu- ed. U- fi r-

ring to tin prts* :t acjiect of the bat-tie, the Harri.-lmrg Patriot concludesthat a combination between lilainci- not impossible or improbable, amiremarks :

Tin ~ pubbcjo arithmetician* are not

*-an. C' ssful in figuring out tiie rrl.it ie

strength of the several candidates hrthe r> p ihlicno pre-idenlal riuwinati. n ia- tbey hav proved in counting in theircandidate after he we deVal. i. Tory

differ widely t- to tue nunil ?r of thedelegate* lh*f nu\ he r* lied iij.n to

suj | ort the twff | rincipit randetalr- re-spectively, M'-ssers, trtt.ur and I'.iaine.Striking a mean by a sort c>' illig.iln.ii-

alternate it would q pear that Itlainelead* with a vote "! nrarh 350 whileArthur i a go--I *oc >nd wi ha vole

clo-.- to *i. The remaning bo *oi*-

are distributed am- ng Measer-' b.dmuod*Sherman. <ire*ham. i! iwler and ,

Fa rchlld.Tho balance of |ow.-r held by lt>e

minor candida'es is not likely to twthrown solidly in favor of either Arthuror I'daine. It is jute certain that toe

former can get but hub if any < f thats'-ri ngth utiles *. ind I, tie-final Strug

gle should te tietw. .-n him and itlaine. ,Int. at ev< ot nearly all ? . the I Imunds-Sherman and H.iwley x.i'f would be!cast far Arthur. The talk "f the under-tan ding between It nine and to ni

i renewe I and if it be true that an

agreement between the#, tan hi beenentered into, it is .juite likely thatItlaine will receive the vol' *of I.sgin

wh 'li would In ng him so close to a

nomination that h.s opponent wouldfind it difficult to .lo'eat him. If themore svnguini of Blaine's supportersfigure with arv degree of sccuranevtb< rote rontrollel t.y Ixigsn will bequite sufficient to give the nornir a'ionto the ''Plumed Knight."

Both Arthur and Itlaine are shrewdpoliticians. They understand moat

thoroughly tho art of manipulatingpolitical convention*. t.rcek will mettifeek at Chicago in the per-on* of lbeew II match* d antagonists and there willt>e a tug of war in the republican national convention that will equal if not

surpass in stubtiornnesa and excitinginterest that of the week's battle be-teen the 3<HS and the field in ISSO. Butmay not the shrewdness of th*e princiI*l contestants suggest to them thepropriety of "pooling their iaaue" instead of permitting the field to utilizethe strength of the weaker for the I.onefit of one of the minor Candida tee fArthur and Blame between them con-trol three fourths of the convention.There has been no such bitterness intheir rivalry as to preclude a combina-tion which would l>e mutually adverttagoua. True, it ia not likely that Treaident Aruhur would accept office underBlaine, hut as he ia a natural hornpolitician and two young to retire altogether from public life he might lewilling to become "the power Isehindthe throne greater than the throoe it-self," As for Blaine it ia not to bedoubted for a moment that if he find*that bis play for the principal stakes isto loae he would lie willing to repeatwith Arthur or any other promisingcandidate the bargain he made withOerflold. Stranger things have happened in polities than a combination be

tween Arthur and Rlaine.

Isaac 1.. Mr<'lo*kv has been electedSuperintendent ct School* in Clintoncounty.


ciui ( oiigre-* last year ut forty mil-lion dollar*, will out amount to tenmillion. A expenditure ha* been di- t(miiiished for ioteri-i n 1 |>eiisi..iiM to ,

double tint sun, i; **ii.,t probahh-tliHl the decie i-ed receipts fr: ill int. r- Imil revenue will serve to bring the to. 'titl surplus of tlii*yer below what it *

wa* the year before. So, after all tin j Jtalk, ii thing has !J. E.i done to r.-luvith" ii'(-e--iti(-- (.I th* ix-oiile. In every .


department of trn le there is the pris- jsure of coiii.triction and stagnati >ll ; |,luit the dollnr* go jiugling into thefrea-'irv in a sli udy str> uui, ami ( Hl-

gr.s* i- ih. illy busted in devising new 1schemes for getting the money outagain. The Democrat* who were '

faithfully <\< rti: themselves to j.a--a tariffbill to r< d\u25a0; e th. rurplu* in ,the mod it sutn of thirty million<1 llur, were j< .-red at by joblier* and'ubsidisli a* wasting valuable time." j'.

'I III;bill to amend the (,'liinese im. "migration Juw of IySJ,l y SJ, wiiiih wit*

pas*..! by the Jf u-e lu-t Saturday, i-

d.signed (o stop some of the hole*whieh vigilant ('aliforuian* have foundin the ad to r< -tricl (.'iiincte iiiuuigra-ti ij. As qu'stions have arisen cou- ,ci rnitig the nati >nnlity ot Chinese im-migrants, some <>f whom were horn ,und.-r the British flag-, the objection,nhlc voyagers are now c!asd a-'"t'hine-e persons. *'

Another amend-ment provide* for the punishmentof any master of a ve-*el who shallkno singly import into the UnitedSlates the prohibited fH-r-or.- <)lb(-r tamendment* specify ways snd irn an-

by which Chinese persons going from 'this country to China with the inten-tion of nturning may lie identified, sotliat i-'h. r may not come hither intin ir pla- i-. and also to prevent un-authorized person* from coming hereon false pn tense. The phrase "mer-chant" in the law of I&*2, having;Irecn t lilH-rally construe*!, it is cn- |acted thnt the w rd shall not lie held <as describing "huckster*, p- idler*, . r i

engage,) in taking, drying, orotherwi-e preserving shell or otherfi-h for homi c"t> tmj tin ' r exp rta-ti'.n. ' The phra-.- "Chint-sc lab r< r-"i* authoritatively d. fined, a?> 1 thewhole bill may he accepted as an at-

tempt to r> tnedv some of the ini]-r---feclD iis of the exi-ting law.? I'itts-burgh font

Tiir ilevonon of the li o til li, rvparty to civil ?ervjr r<-form and th,

-inreiit) rf ??nh leader* as tolin She-man .n their h-rn itid* f..- j ore ofllciallife are well illustrated in the rej eateddeclsr.xtions of confi.-dnce of Hepuhlican coventiorn in President \rthur. ,

tin ' inuar v 31. 18T9, ' uester A. Arthur'wa* eolle, tor of custom* in New Yorkt'.ty. It wa a high trust he held, snd (with it requirement* Mr. Arthur was 1fully acquainted. At that date Mr.John vbermnn was secretary of theTreasury in the c.v' im-t of President

i IPij-e-. lie was brought in close official jcontact witli the Collector of the Portof New York. The Secretary addresseda letter to ths Collector, dated .fanoary31, 1*79. in which he said : "Person*have been regurlarly paid by you whohave rendered little or n>> service. The

| expenses ofyour office have increased,

J whi e itreceipts have been diminished.: Hril>es, or grwtuiiies in ahape of brilie*,

have been received by your auitordinatc*in #vernl branches of the custom houses;

I and you have in no ease supported thei effect to correct these abuses. Crossj abuse* of administration have continuedj and increr*l during your incuralx'Dcy.'Actingon inform Hi >n nodouhl receivedthrough efficiMJ sources the unctuous, iPresident at the same date supeoded i iCollector Arthur, using to him his lan iguage .- "You have made the custom- <house a centre of partisan politicalmanagement. With a deep sense of iobligations under the Constitution. Ire [gard it my plain duty to suspend you i

j in order that the office may be honestly I| administered.' Mr. Arthur is the same Iman now hs WM then, snd wbe.ti bis <

' intensst required it and where be dares fto do it he uses the Government |at |ionage as he did then to accomplish ?personal and partisan ends. ?

The .Teflerson county jail is without *any prisoners now, the last having been *

discharged one day last weak. 1

Tin: North Atntrimn says that byill.- time ihnt Mr. K. ifcr,of Ohio, hasheard the la*t comment* on his bitterand indecent attack* upon Fit?. JohnI'ortir, a niftn with n spotlee* personalrecord, it i- probable that he may haveburned to appreciate the wisdom ofri licence. It is quite true tbut thep ople of thi* country have shortineiuori.* when it i*charitable to for-

' get hut on the other hand they ate aptI

... r>'*ent any undue pri-uiiiption on

their good nature. Mr. K- ilir mightlirive remained in the ha k groundsundisturbed during the remainder of

lii- existence, But lie will come to thefront and challenge public criticism,he i lik< ly to get em ugh of it.

'I III: Tyrone Ibruhl has tlii*to *v

in regard to the Gr.'.ly exp-ditiou;Iwo v. .--? !*of the Greciy Relief Kx-[?edition, the 1! arnml Thetis, are nowon ilitir way towards Lady Franklinbay to re.cue the ice-bound adven-turers. The Alert sailed on Saturday.The I htti* i* th* llag ship, and willhad the way into the ice. B >th theBear ami flag ship have been fittedout in the rn.et thorough manner. TheAh rt will bring up the r<-ur and sup-ply deficiencies. The expedition *t!irt-

"iit with good pi(*[ic.'t* ofHccofuplikh-ing it* object. I.'-t u* hope it will!? the last expeditioa of the kind it

*'i!l ever le ni-ct -csrv to m ml out lorthe relief of North-pole explorers.

liti. l.lmwmh organs writ* downBlaine ath if. The Blaine organ* re-

tort by declaring that Kdniundi i* an-other. The I'.dtuuml* and Blaine }m*i-

pi. affe. t disgust with Arthur's meth-j"d and the Arthur supporters havetheir opini n of R.th Blaine nrd lid.muud*. The Ind-|M>iid(tits regardIxtgan and IJoc.dii with avcraioii he.cau-e Isith the latter were of the UOtiin l-SMt>. an<l all the mher carididat'*-look down on Hawl.y a- a light-weight scarcly worthy of their con-tempt. John Sherman, with hirh u'. finished at the cxjH-nse (.f thegovernment, hi* connection with the,Wail street le,n<l selling symli-ate andthe js-rjury <f M.i?a I'iukston t > rcc.otnnieml him, r.ninin* to rharrn theFlanigan* who will ch < >-<\u25a0 a pre-.detj-tiul eand int? f-1 r the R publican par-ty. "You pay* your mom v ami youInk- - your . hoice."

Tin. Ilanishurg Tiiriot -H\- 'TIClatest jdaii suggested a mea-ure ofrelief to an overt! .wing treasury is tointer, -t the government in a real c',ate

operation in Montgomery e uutv, thi--tate. It i* proposed that about six.

i t'l-n hundred acres of land, includingthe historic q*.t ujtoii which Washing-ton s army *a eticampcii at \ alleyForge, le pure based and convertedinto a national park.

The idea is a very pretty one, butnot nearly a- pretty a* the sum itwould cot the government Iw-fore thespcculutora would realise the fullamount of profit that would be afford-ed by the picturesque and patrioticjob. Ry the time those who had it incharge would get out all that was init. the ellonstone park swindle, as a

piece of intended rascality, would bethrown entirely into the shade.

It is well to keep Valley Forge andthe deeds associated with it in remem-brance, hut it wonld not be too imaginative to believe that ifthe revolu-tionary worthies who suffered the Ihardship* of that winter rantoanient !could ace what a rascally lot of job-bers and machine politicians are im-aging the government they wouldprobably give vent to their feelings iuprofane expressions.

THE Philadelphia lieeord remarks:"Secretary Folgcr, notwithstandingthe danger of reducing his gold re- jserve at an inopportune time, has sue- jcumhed to the pressure ofevar-inrreaa- iing surplus of cash drawn from thepockets of the people and issued an-other call for the redemption of itn

million dollar's worth of outstandingbonds. It is uow certain that the taxredaction, estimated by the Republi

TKHMS: pir Annum, in Advaiue.

NO. 20.

Items of Interoat.Kinif r Otayson, of Lowe, Oxford, Che*,

lor county, recently killed a Lla.-k

\u25ba risk'- lire feet jn length.Willi irn Massy, paiing tel|T o? th<*

?'iliiinore Bsnk bommeree, wan arrestedlast J hut.'lay charged with embezzlingU..000 by falae entries.

Hi.- J'ti-on Inspectors of Nortbampton county |,a Ve recommend*'! thatthe death nen'enre ofSabato Alxnd rbe commuted to imprisonment for life.

The I, "ly Of the late Prof Gro* oncehead of tit) b' a| fcii-ri'i in the United>'ati. KMcremate ! on Thur>d y lz-t,

\u25a0 tl.< be M .yi.,. t'rctnaUiry,ton I'..


About 7000 head of rattle are dailyI" an;: north from Texas. The ra.il-rr "la are unai l-to carry a I the rattle"

' r ''"vr-r ' 'I i/< :i'l are awaiting?hipirii nt.

J\u25a0' ' Postmaster at Noth

Manchester. Irid., wa. arretted on Tue.° n \u25a0' "barge of tiffing registered

"i 1. If'- \u25a0 on'CM <1 li. guilt and' .i comm tt'i to tl,t- Indianapolis j*i|

f IT tr al.

M'Jrh diruag. wan done u the' 'unti, r. u- d about Petersburg!., Vs.,

1 y wind arid rain 1 i..-.1,-,y bight. InIt.nwid l| county the t ,rtn wasMipplement" I by htavy hail and violentthunder.

\ San Fincim dispatch %ya thoM irin<- f'.ink, lately suspended m N*-w

ork. a-k d about three wneka ago, aloan of half a ro !!i n from the Nevada' r.k in that c.ty, but the manager*declined.

Ex ' <>an;y ( ounni-'ioiier McKsnnev>uiith, wiio enter- I a plea of guiftv t >

the chargea, of embezzlement atW !.:am-j. rt f.n 1 ursday, was aentenced

t i imj rih nm nt for two yntr* in tfa*.*La*!- rn I\ nit nliarjr.

\lpliot * Leclovitc jumped from thefourth flo< r of the Clark House inf'liica'

l| . 'tr a fit of in .omnia, one dry lastw-eK, before the break of day. breakingdown th<- telegraph w re* in hi* decent,lie wa* found d. rd at day light.

1he l<oy Suiboll;, w ho r<- f-ntly d: tapgeared from Fragb*vil]e, Mont S* '!n#*rycounty, left to avoid a whipping hi*fatli'r jrcn.i '1 him b< cause be was notable to a. -count for #"? It i* feared'hat he ha*- mm it ted sn id.

A terrible norm i r ported Pom1 luml u*. N". b. rhe t< wn i*cut offon

all i le. No tri-in* fi m the Weft havecome m .ri the Union Pao flo *inccMon'ley, (ir- at quantities of litre nockhave hi n' \u25a0 ? -1. ?nd two children drown<I. Hie ivibri> over #IOO,O ).

i. gbt- "i of the twenty four cigar-mak.-r whom both. Ir<fu-A lircnner.of f.n. ;nn*tti ,mj iied from York. Pa.,to take the place of their locked-OUt

\u25a0 nij. y 1. E an II,.'INE.-D their determinaiiin to ace pt the offer of the' igirtr.aker'* I'n.on to remain out ofthe factories with the members of theurn n. Tim union offered either to?uj'port tk-m here or pay their wayback home. 1liis leave, *i* at work.' >nc thousand men are on a strike.

There wa successfully Ca*t on Tu*sday at the s.iuth Boston Iron Works,in fulfillment of a contract with theI'nited State Government, the larg-stgun ever constructed in this country.*hen fully completed it will l* aboutthirty feet in length, of twelve-inchrifle bore and will weigh J12.000 pounds.Die cost of the gun will be or

about one half the *um a steel gunwould have coat. It is calculated to beable to throw a projectile a distance ofix mif-a.

Cbarle* Keade wrote hi*own epitaphIt is to be engraved upon a plain *tone,and reads Ha follows : "Here lie by theside of his Beloved Friend, the MortalKemains of Übarlns R.-ade. Hrainatist,Novelist and Journalist. Ilia last werdato mankind are on hia stone. I hopelor a resurrection, not from any powerin nature, but front the will of the l ordHod fhnnipotent. who made nature andtn<\ He created man out of nothing;which nature cannet. And I hope forholiness and happiness in a future life,not for aoytbing I have said or dooe inhia body, but front the merits and ctcdiat ion of Jreus tTirist. He has promisedhia intercession to all who seek it, andha will not break his word : that inter-na aaaow, once granted, cannot be rejected ; for He is (tod, and hi* merits areInfinite; a man's aina are but humanand finite, llim that cometh to Me, Iwill in no wise caai out.' 'lf any man*in, we have an advent* with thaFather. Jesus Christ the Righteous ; ai dHa is the propitiation for our aina. ?