central record (lancaster, ky.). (lancaster, ky.) 1903-04...

I I 0 THE CENTRAL r RECORD rOURTJSEKX YEAX LANCASTER KY FRIDAY APRIL 24 1903MBJlB 4 r 7heFox Sudio t 4 OUR AIM We aim for your satisfaction We hit the mark by making satisfactory pictures Be ¬ cause we put into them the accuracy of our aim the certainty of our knowledge we are sure you will be satisfied Not cheap pictures at a cheap price but pictures youll be pleased to own at a price youll be glad to pay Let us convince you Frames Mouldings En ¬ gravings Easels Etc We are in LiEASTER EVERY FRIDAYI t The Fox Sdi JABEAZLEY80 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Arterial and Cavity Embalming t == t We have the most complete line of- FURNITURE and CARPETS To be found in the town Prices low 000000000000000 w 0 RL DAVIDSON 0 0 Attorney At Law A <> ° 4 S 0for of 8500 and upward 0 == Of Local Interest == And still the hemp rolls in Few gardens have been broken up Fox thephotographer Friday a24tf The Masonic lodge meets Tuesday night A few more patches of rock have been sprinkled on the Public Square Citizens seem inclined to profit by former experience and wait un ¬ til summer is here to put in their gar- dens ¬ The alleys should be cleaned Get out the chain gang If you have no workhouse prisoners take up a few loafers under the vagrancy law We believe the waterworks plan will be a go Heres a chance to invest your money at home among the peo ¬ ple off of whom you made it See The Greatest of Nuisances The biggest nuisance in the world is the person who borrows his neighbors newspaper Last week one of our best paying subscribers discontinued saying 1 like your paper very much and enjoy reading it but Ill be blank ety blanked if I am going to be annoy ¬ ed to death having a certain neighbor coming to my house ringing the bell and bothering me by asking the loan of my copy of The Record This was surely a good cause to discontinue r Clear The Track We are bound for iIjXILOGAtXDJj1XGOOCiXiOI to buy our r SPRING Jand SUMMER GOODS I r r I > 4L < x They have the best stock J v i i < tojbje fqundin this sec < r tionand sell them at VERY REASONABLE PRICES IIf some glib tongued stranger would I come along and offer to sell stock in a waterworks company Kalainazoo or some other outoftheway place he would rake in the shekles right an left Why cant local capitalists put in a little of their stuff here at home Communion at Paint Lick A R Presbyterian communion ser- vices ¬ will be held at New Hope church Sunday the 26th Rev 0 Y Bonner agent for the 29th Century Fund will be present and all members are cor ¬ dially asked to attend- Stockholders Meeting There will be an important meeting of the stockholders of the Crab Orch ¬ ard Fair held in that city Tuesday May 5 Important business to be transacted and all are requested to attend Dont forget the date 242t A Wise Move We congratulate our friend the Danville Advocate upon securing the services of jolly Harry Giovanoli of Washington to send that paper a let ¬ ter every week The Advocate made a wise move in adding this feature They dont grow better writers than Harry Big Colored Fair Stanford Journal The Lincoln and Garrard County Colored Fair Associa ¬ tion met and decided to have their an nual fair at Stanford on August 2728 and 29 Itwill be held in the wood ¬ land on Danville Avenue belonging to Mrs Nora M Goodknlght The officers elected are W M Jones president Alex Miller vice president W H Har ¬ ris secretary and J Miller Broaddus assistant secretary Severe lint Storm The most severe liail storm that ev ¬ er visited this section came down Sun ¬ day evening about 7 oclock The stones were all larger than usualsome- of them measuring over an inch in di ¬ ameter Small vegetation suffered greatly while leaves were stripped from the trees glass broken and flow ¬ ers and shrubbery almost ruined The storm lasted about twenty min ¬ utes The wheat came in for rough handling but farmers tell us it is not seriously injured Special Notice The Telephone Co asks The Rec- ord ¬ to again call attention of users of phones to the importance of ringing off when through talking Unless you give a short ring when you hang up the receiver the lines are left connect- ed then when either party calls for Central it calls up the other end of the line thereby causing confusion and annoyance to the people at the other end of the line This causes no trouble to the operators at central but it does to owners of phones If you want to save yourself trouble al ¬ ways ring off Greatly Behind The farmers were never far be ¬ hind with their Spring work The many hard rains have kept the ground too wet to plow and in fact have been so hard that it was impossible to do any work out doors Onlya very small portion of ground has been bro ¬ ken When Old Sol does decide to come out and dry up the earth the farmers will hustle as they never did before While this is worrying them consiberably it is well to remember that the One who is running the world knows just about what it needs and He is going to do what He thinks is best for all His people So dont worry over what you cant understand along this line Interesting Property The Doores house on Water street advertised to be sold Monday has a little bit of interesting history It is one of the oldest residences in Lancas ter When first built it was occupied by Hon Sam McKee then by Chief Justice Robertson then by Governor Letcher Immediately after their marriage each of these distinguished gentlemen began housekeeping this residence Stranger still each was elected to Congress while residing there The house is still in a good state of preservation and bids fair to last many years longer It will be sold Monday to settle the Doores es- tate one of the heirs having died The School Census The law requires the school census to be taken during April No matter what time in the month it is taken it should be taken as of the first day o the month Jf a family lived in the district pn April 1st bufr has since moved away the trustee should list his children If any family has mov ¬ ed into the district since that time the children should not be listed as they have already been listed where else Any other method woul be obviously unfair as some children would be listed twice and others not at all The school year begins July 1st and the childrens ages should be taken as on that date For instance a cnlld maybe less than six years of now hut if he will be six before luly 1st take the name On the othe- hand leave off the nama of any ahll who will be twenty by th tlmeeven if not that old when the census is to- ken ¬ The residence of a childs par ¬ ents or guardian is usually considered the residence af a child but this is not always true AS a general thing thefacts as to residence that would entitle a man to yore would fix th residence fa child M to his mloo- privileges L ftt t t c The U S Geological Surveyors are again at work in this locality Mr Geo M Patterson sold his resi ¬ Mrd R Denny the past week price 2800 Look on our 2nd page and see if the Garrard county news isnt served up to a queens taste We have the best corps of correspondents in the state Lightning has been plaving the mis ¬ chief all over the county Mat Slier has just rcceivod a new lightning rod wagon and is getting all the work he can do From Billys Old Home NIcholasville JournalJ W Ham ¬ ilton the present circuit clerk o f Garrard has announced his candidacy for reelection subject in the action of the Democratic party His many friends in Jessamine wish him success Imported Hemp Seed We have 5 or 6 bushels of the hemp- seed grown from the China seed im ¬ ported in April 1892 Also about 100 bushels of seed for sowing The first named were imported by M F Ar buckle of Madison There are the last importation in Ky T B WalkerSon Will Do Good Work The Garrard Civic League is having the regard and cooperation of the best citizenship of the county in a way that means best results for the welfare of our people The federation of the Garrard League with those of adjoining counties will be one of the most far reaching forces against vice and crime that Central Kentucky has known for a century The Sensible View Speaking of the proposition to erect an uptodate Court House in place of the present rattle trap at Stanford the Interior Journal says There is certified for taxation in the county over 6750000 Would it beextrava gant for an individual worth alike amount to live in a building costing 40000 especially if the one he now occupies is a deadfall liable not only to kill him but destroy all the evi ¬ dences of his prosperity Lets Hope for the But The hotel people are selling out their furniture etc so it looks as though there will be nothing doing on the burned corner by the present company There is a hen on we un ¬ derstand for a building of another character There are several other places near the square on which a ho- tel could be built and when some monied citizens conclude to invest a little cash at home Lancaster may get out of the suds again at any rate lets hope so- Our Own Horn Blows We beg leave to call attention to the advertisements appearing in this issue of The Record For eight long years we have been dingdonging at business men trying to convince them that the only way to success is by the use of printers ink This issue will show that the moss has been rubbed off of many backs that they are HP to the minute alive and want you to know it This is evidence conclusive that they have bargains for you so see them before buying from some moss back who dont know the war is over Catch step with the procession of up to date business men liuklneH Change As advertised elsewhere in The Rec ¬ ord Nathan Plaut Co of Cincinna- ti ¬ have decided to withdraw their capital fromthe store now managed by our townsman Mr Jacob Joseph and to do this the stock will be clos ¬ ed out at actual cost It is with great pleasure we can say Mr Joseph will not leave Lancaster but remain here and continue in business He has been here for many years and no manI has more friends or stands higher in the estimation of the people Always in the lead in any act of charity the first to visit the sick ever ready to assist the distressed he has won bos ¬ om friends who feel the deepest inter ¬ est in his welfare Such liberal heart- ed honest and public spirited men as Jake Joseph are needed here and as stated above we are delighted to know that he will continue to be a Lancaster man To the City Council The Record desires to call the att- entIOn of the City Council to the con- dition ¬ of affairs at the local depot at train time Last Monday we counted dirty s scufillnf g on the platform and making it decid- edly ¬ unpleasant for passengers and patrons of the railroad company This is the lookout of the Company we heard some wiseacre say No it is not Its the lookout of the town The townd a l comparatively nothing The compa ny is as much entitled to police pro tection as is any private citizen Their property is private property the same nod t lice protection you give aby other tax oAd e be taken up as a vagrant If ilia gang of negroes who crowd ground the depot has any visible means of supr port no one has ever heard of It Take action on this gentlemen Itisanu isance for which the town js censure by stranger who goes to the l rbtbtI inanf store in the town 2 r < 7 l > s 1r f Q > SpringQ 0 i > Q O r Blossoms 0D > o 0 Our spring garments are now in full 2 0 bloom and picking is a pleasure While we keep our stock constantly watered with new 2 ideas that it may always be fresh and at 0 0 tractive still we believe that the first picking 2 ° is the bestQ Q We are outfitters of the male portion of 0the human race The men boys and children 0 o we c lot he arc clothed rightly and o Q 0economically 0 dressed people you meet anywhere We are + Y 0anxious to have you see our new suits hats 0 i shoes and furnishing goods while we are in 0full bloom we shall want to ask you if youe > I 0 ever saw Mens Toggery more pleasing to the Q purse Q i 0Make your selections while the bloom is on and picking is good 2 U T Logan tl Q iThe One Price Clothier o ti li > Q 0 > Q O > Q 0 0 C I 00000 000000000000000 00OOOOc o00000OC i00000 00000000 f + A Happy Reunion An informal but imoressive family anniversary was in the gathering of the Walker family to celebrate in a quiet way the eightysecond anniver ¬ sary of Mrs Ann Walker at the resi ¬ dence of Mr David Geiger on Tuesday the 21st The families of eleven chil ¬ dren four sons and seven daughters representing justly the most highly esteemed citizenship of county and state were present at the reunion Probably in all the exalted woman ¬ hood of Kentucky whose intelligence and grace has been blessing to those about them and beyond them for half century past none have more venera ted record in affection and esteem than the subject of this sketch At an age when physical strength and in tellectual faculties have abated in the strongest Mrs Walkers vigor of mind and body is the marvel of those who know her A written address and ten- der ¬ exhortation to the gathered fami ¬ ly prepared by Mrs Walker was read I by one of the number The senti ments forcibly and touchingly express- ed was most feelingly received by all present A bountiful and elegantly served dinner prepared by the young- est of the family Mrs Geiger was heartily enjoyed by all and after the gathering to the family worship later the grateful memorial was fittingly concluded Try It Here Many towns have adopted the cur ¬ few law and find by its enforcement- a great improvement In the young ¬ sters therein The law as passed is as follows Section 1 It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of nineteen years to be or remain upon any of the public ways of the city between the hours of 8 oclock in the evening and daylight in the morning during the months of November December Jan ¬ uary February and March and be ¬ tween the hours of nine oclock in the evening and daylight in the morning during the other months of the year The public ways as herein used are the street or streets alley or alleys or public square therein Section 2 Jt is hereby made tha du ty of the police officers to ring the City Hall bell at the hour mentioned in the preceding to indicate such time SectIonS The provisions of the first section thereof shall not apply to any person who is accompanied by or part ¬ ¬ rising legalcontrolover him Section 4 Any violationofthis or ¬ shall be d b a flue of mor8hann e fult l duepubllcatl nr Mr Tomlliinoit Withdraw Hon R H Tomlinson who announc ¬ ed as a candidate for nomination for lieutenant govenor has decided to withdraw is law practice not permit- ting ¬ time it would take to make the canvass Mr Tomlinson is a power in the democratic ranks and would have been heard from had he remained in the fight To ny Friend I beg to inform you that Nathan Plant and Co Cincinnati Ohio who have heretofore furnished the capital for our business have ordered same withdrawn This compells us to throw our entire stock upon the market at a great sacrifice As yet our stock is complete so come quickly All those indebted to us will please settle ac- counts ¬ at once andoblige J Joseph Agent Lancaster Ky 424tf Paper For Farmer The Kentucky Farmer is the only journal of its character in the central portion of the State It is easily the leading paper of its kind published in Kentucky and for a short time the subscription price has been reduced to 50 cents per year or on trial three months for 10 cents in stamps The paper is published every Thursday and contains ably edited department for agriculturists stockmen and raisers of poultry Mrs R A Owen is among the contributors the poultry depart- ment She is the best authority on poultry raising in the South and her articles alone are worth the full sub- scription price of the paper Write for a sample copy Address The Ken- tucky ¬ Farmer Danville Kentucky By a special arrangement the Ken ¬ tucky Farmer and The Record will both be sent one year for 125 This price is for old as well asnewsubscrib ers when payment is made in advance Address all orders to The Record Lan ¬ caster Kentucky A Neat Program Now that the Dedication Ceremo- nies of the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition ¬ the Worlds Fair are so close at hand the public is commencing to wonder what St Louis has to offer in the way of entertainment to outof town visitors- Tbe Henderson Route which is The Worlds Fair Line has gotten out a very neat booklet vestpocket size which contains the complete official program of these ceremonies It is a modern piece of work in eve ¬ ry respect printed in green and red with gray antique cover and high grade enameled book stock inside Copies will be gladly furnished on application LJlBwnr Genl Passenger Agent GeoL Garrett Traveling Passenger Agt Henderson Route a17tf Louisville Ky i 9 I I A Household Necessity 7J This is the latest New Royal Style High arm automatic Drop head ball bearing Best attachments Any style Personally warrant ed Furniture of quarter saw ed oak piano polish fin ¬ ish Complete line on exhibition SEE Jan HAIELDE- Y

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Page 1: Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) 1903-04 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz8928z20/data/0072.pdf · FURNITURE and CARPETS To be found in the town Prices low 000000000000000w

I I0


r 7heFox Sudiot


OUR AIMWe aim for your satisfaction We hit the

mark by making satisfactory pictures Be¬

cause we put into them the accuracy of ouraim the certainty of our knowledge we aresure you will be satisfied Not cheap picturesat a cheap price but pictures youll be pleased

to own at a price youll be glad to pay Letus convince you Frames Mouldings En ¬

gravings Easels Etc

We are in



The Fox Sdi



Arterial and Cavity Embalming


We have the mostcomplete line of-


To be found in thetown Prices low


0 RL DAVIDSON 00 Attorney At Law A<> °4

S0forof 8500 and upward 0

== Of Local Interest ==

And still the hemp rolls in

Few gardens have been broken up

Fox thephotographer Friday a24tf

The Masonic lodge meets Tuesdaynight

A few more patches of rock havebeen sprinkled on the Public Square

Citizens seem inclined to profit by

former experience and wait un ¬

til summer is here to put in their gar-


The alleys should be cleaned Getout the chain gang If you have noworkhouse prisoners take up a fewloafers under the vagrancy law

We believe the waterworks plan will

be a go Heres a chance to investyour money at home among the peo ¬

ple off of whom you made it See

The Greatest of Nuisances

The biggest nuisance in the world is

the person who borrows his neighborsnewspaper Last week one of ourbest paying subscribers discontinuedsaying 1 like your paper very muchand enjoy reading it but Ill be blankety blanked if I am going to be annoy ¬

ed to death having a certain neighborcoming to my house ringing the bell

and bothering me by asking the loan

of my copy of The Record This was

surely a good cause to discontinue


Clear The Track

We are bound for


to buy our



r I > 4L <x They have the best stock J

v i i< tojbje fqundin this sec <r tionand sell them at


IIf some glib tongued stranger would

Icome along and offer to sell stock in awaterworks company Kalainazoo orsome other outoftheway place hewould rake in the shekles right anleft Why cant local capitalists putin a little of their stuff here at home

Communion at Paint LickA R Presbyterian communion ser-


will be held at New Hope churchSunday the 26th Rev 0 Y Bonneragent for the 29th Century Fund willbe present and all members are cor ¬

dially asked to attend-

Stockholders MeetingThere will be an important meeting

of the stockholders of the Crab Orch¬

ard Fair held in that city TuesdayMay 5 Important business to betransacted and all are requested toattend Dont forget the date 242t

A Wise MoveWe congratulate our friend the

Danville Advocate upon securing theservices of jolly Harry Giovanoli ofWashington to send that paper a let ¬

ter every week The Advocate madea wise move in adding this featureThey dont grow better writers thanHarry

Big Colored FairStanford Journal The Lincoln and

Garrard County Colored Fair Associa ¬

tion met and decided to have their annual fair at Stanford on August 2728and 29 Itwill be held in the wood ¬

land on Danville Avenue belonging toMrs Nora M Goodknlght The officerselected are W M Jones presidentAlex Miller vice president W H Har ¬

ris secretary and J Miller Broaddusassistant secretary

Severe lint StormThe most severe liail storm that ev ¬

er visited this section came down Sun ¬

day evening about 7 oclock Thestones were all larger than usualsome-of them measuring over an inch in di¬

ameter Small vegetation sufferedgreatly while leaves were strippedfrom the trees glass broken and flow ¬

ers and shrubbery almost ruinedThe storm lasted about twenty min¬

utes The wheat came in for roughhandling but farmers tell us it is notseriously injured

Special NoticeThe Telephone Co asks The Rec-


to again call attention of users ofphones to the importance of ringing

off when through talking Unless yougive a short ring when you hang upthe receiver the lines are left connect-ed then when either party calls forCentral it calls up the other end ofthe line thereby causing confusionand annoyance to the people at theother end of the line This causes notrouble to the operators at centralbut it does to owners of phones Ifyou want to save yourself trouble al ¬

ways ring off

Greatly BehindThe farmers were never far be ¬

hind with their Spring work Themany hard rains have kept the groundtoo wet to plow and in fact havebeen so hard that it was impossible todo any work out doors Onlya verysmall portion of ground has been bro ¬

ken When Old Sol does decide tocome out and dry up the earth thefarmers will hustle as they never didbefore While this is worrying themconsiberably it is well to rememberthat the One who is running theworld knows just about what it needsand He is going to do what He thinksis best for all His people So dontworry over what you cant understandalong this line

Interesting PropertyThe Doores house on Water street

advertised to be sold Monday has alittle bit of interesting history It isone of the oldest residences in Lancaster When first built it was occupiedby Hon Sam McKee then by ChiefJustice Robertson then by GovernorLetcher Immediately after theirmarriage each of these distinguishedgentlemen began housekeeping thisresidence Stranger still each waselected to Congress while residingthere The house is still in a goodstate of preservation and bids fair tolast many years longer It will besold Monday to settle the Doores es-

tate one of the heirs having died

The School Census

The law requires the school censusto be taken during April No matterwhat time in the month it is taken itshould be taken as of the first day o

the month Jf a family lived in thedistrict pn April 1st bufr has sincemoved away the trustee should listhis children If any family has mov ¬

ed into the district since that timethe children should not be listed asthey have already been listedwhere else Any other method woulbe obviously unfair as some childrenwould be listed twice and others notat all The school year begins July1st and the childrens ages should betaken as on that date For instancea cnlld maybe less than six years of

now hut if he will be six before luly1st take the name On the othe-hand leave off the nama of any ahllwho will be twenty by th tlmeevenif not that old when the census is to-



The residence of a childs par¬

ents or guardian is usually consideredthe residence af a child but this isnot always true AS a general thing

thefacts as to residence that would

entitle a man to yore would fix thresidence fa child M to his mloo-privileges

L ftt t


The U S Geological Surveyors areagain at work in this locality

Mr Geo M Patterson sold his resi ¬MrdR Denny the past week price 2800

Look on our 2nd page and see if theGarrard county news isnt served upto a queens taste We have the bestcorps of correspondents in the state

Lightning has been plaving the mis ¬

chief all over the county Mat Slierhas just rcceivod a new lightning rodwagon and is getting all the work hecan do

From Billys Old HomeNIcholasville JournalJ W Ham¬

ilton the present circuit clerk o fGarrard has announced his candidacyfor reelection subject in the actionof the Democratic party His manyfriends in Jessamine wish him success

Imported Hemp SeedWe have 5 or 6 bushels of the hemp-

seed grown from the China seed im ¬

ported in April 1892 Also about 100

bushels of seed for sowing The firstnamed were imported by M F Arbuckle of Madison There are the lastimportation in Ky T B WalkerSon

Will Do Good WorkThe Garrard Civic League is having

the regard and cooperation of thebest citizenship of the county in away that means best results for thewelfare of our people The federationof the Garrard League with those ofadjoining counties will be one of themost far reaching forces against viceand crime that Central Kentucky hasknown for a century

The Sensible ViewSpeaking of the proposition to erect

an uptodate Court House in place ofthe present rattle trap at Stanfordthe Interior Journal says There iscertified for taxation in the countyover 6750000 Would it beextravagant for an individual worth alikeamount to live in a building costing40000 especially if the one he now

occupies is a deadfall liable not onlyto kill him but destroy all the evi ¬

dences of his prosperity

Lets Hope for the ButThe hotel people are selling out

their furniture etc so it looks asthough there will be nothing doing onthe burned corner by the presentcompany There is a hen on we un ¬

derstand for a building of anothercharacter There are several otherplaces near the square on which a ho-tel could be built and when somemonied citizens conclude to invest alittle cash at home Lancaster mayget out of the suds again at any ratelets hope so-

Our Own Horn BlowsWe beg leave to call attention to

the advertisements appearing in thisissue of The Record For eight longyears we have been dingdonging atbusiness men trying to convince themthat the only way to success is by theuse of printers ink This issue willshow that the moss has been rubbedoff of many backs that they are HP tothe minute alive and want you toknow it This is evidence conclusivethat they have bargains for you sosee them before buying from somemoss back who dont know the war isover Catch step with the processionof up to date business men

liuklneH Change

As advertised elsewhere in The Rec ¬

ord Nathan Plaut Co of Cincinna-ti


have decided to withdraw theircapital fromthe store now managedby our townsman Mr Jacob Josephand to do this the stock will be clos ¬

ed out at actual cost It is with greatpleasure we can say Mr Joseph willnot leave Lancaster but remain hereand continue in business He hasbeen here for many years and no manIhas more friends or stands higher inthe estimation of the people Alwaysin the lead in any act of charity thefirst to visit the sick ever ready toassist the distressed he has won bos ¬

om friends who feel the deepest inter ¬

est in his welfare Such liberal heart-ed honest and public spirited men asJake Joseph are needed here and asstated above we are delighted toknow that he will continue to be aLancaster man

To the City Council

The Record desires to call the att-

entIOn of the City Council to the con-


of affairs at the local depot attrain time Last Monday we counted

dirty sscufillnfgon the platform and making it decid-



unpleasant for passengers andpatrons of the railroad company Thisis the lookout of the Company we

heard some wiseacre say No it is notIts the lookout of the town Thetownd a


comparatively nothing The company is as much entitled to police protection as is any private citizen Theirproperty is private property the samenod t

lice protection you give aby other taxoAd e

be taken up as a vagrant If iliagang of negroes who crowd ground thedepot has any visible means of suprport no one has ever heard ofIt Takeaction on this gentlemen Itisanuisance for which the town js censureby stranger who goes to the lrbtbtIinanf store in the town 2


l > s1r f





r Blossoms 0D

>o0 Our spring garments are now in full 2

0 bloom and picking is a pleasure While we

keep our stock constantly watered with new 2ideas that it may always be fresh and at 0

0 tractive still we believe that the first picking 2°

is thebestQQ

We are outfitters of the male portion of0the human race The men boys and children 0

o we c lot he arc clothed rightly andoQ 0economically0 dressed people you meet anywhere We are + Y

0anxious to have you see our new suits hats0 i

shoes and furnishing goods while we are in

0full bloom we shall want to ask you ifyoue >

I0 ever saw Mens Toggery more pleasing to theQ

purseQ i0Make your selections while the bloom

is on and picking is good2

U T Logan tl


iThe One Price Clothier o

ti li> Q0> Q

O> Q00 C

I 00000000000000000000 00OOOOc o00000OC i00000 00000000

f +

A Happy ReunionAn informal but imoressive family

anniversary was in the gathering ofthe Walker family to celebrate in aquiet way the eightysecond anniver ¬

sary of Mrs Ann Walker at the resi ¬

dence of Mr David Geiger on Tuesdaythe 21st The families of eleven chil ¬

dren four sons and seven daughtersrepresenting justly the most highlyesteemed citizenship of county andstate were present at the reunionProbably in all the exalted woman ¬

hood of Kentucky whose intelligenceand grace has been blessing to thoseabout them and beyond them for halfcentury past none have more venerated record in affection and esteemthan the subject of this sketch Atan age when physical strength and intellectual faculties have abated in thestrongest Mrs Walkers vigor of mindand body is the marvel of those whoknow her A written address and ten-


exhortation to the gathered fami ¬

ly prepared by Mrs Walker was readI

by one of the number The sentiments forcibly and touchingly express-ed was most feelingly received by allpresent A bountiful and elegantlyserved dinner prepared by the young-est of the family Mrs Geiger washeartily enjoyed by all and after thegathering to the family worship laterthe grateful memorial was fittinglyconcluded

Try It HereMany towns have adopted the cur¬

few law and find by its enforcement-a great improvement In the young ¬

sters therein The law as passed isas follows

Section 1 It shall be unlawful forany person under the age of nineteenyears to be or remain upon any of thepublic ways of the city between thehours of 8 oclock in the evening anddaylight in the morning during themonths of November December Jan¬

uary February and March and be ¬

tween the hours of nine oclock in theevening and daylight in the morningduring the other months of the yearThe public ways as herein used arethe street or streets alley or alleys orpublic square therein

Section 2 Jt is hereby made tha duty of the police officers to ring theCity Hall bell at the hour mentionedin the preceding to indicate such time

SectIonS The provisions of thefirst section thereof shall not apply toany person who is accompanied by orpart¬


rising legalcontrolover himSection 4 Any violationofthis or¬

shall be d b a flue of

mor8hann efult l

duepubllcatl nr

Mr Tomlliinoit WithdrawHon R H Tomlinson who announc ¬

ed as a candidate for nomination forlieutenant govenor has decided towithdraw is law practice not permit-ting


time it would take to make thecanvass Mr Tomlinson is a power inthe democratic ranks and would havebeen heard from had he remained inthe fight

To ny FriendI beg to inform you that Nathan

Plant and Co Cincinnati Ohio whohave heretofore furnished the capitalfor our business have ordered samewithdrawn This compells us to throwour entire stock upon the market at agreat sacrifice As yet our stock iscomplete so come quickly All thoseindebted to us will please settle ac-


at once andoblige J JosephAgent Lancaster Ky 424tf

Paper For FarmerThe Kentucky Farmer is the only

journal of itscharacter in the centralportion of the State It is easily theleading paper of its kind published inKentucky and for a short time thesubscription price has been reduced to50 cents per year or on trial threemonths for 10 cents in stamps Thepaper is published every Thursday andcontains ably edited department foragriculturists stockmen and raisers ofpoultry Mrs R A Owen is amongthe contributors the poultry depart-ment She is the best authority onpoultry raising in the South and herarticles alone are worth the full sub-scription price of the paper Writefor a sample copy Address The Ken-tucky


Farmer Danville KentuckyBy a special arrangement the Ken ¬

tucky Farmer and The Record willboth be sent one year for 125 Thisprice is for old as well asnewsubscribers when payment is made in advanceAddress all orders to The Record Lan ¬

caster Kentucky

A Neat ProgramNow that the Dedication Ceremo-

nies of the Louisiana Purchase Expo-


the Worlds Fair are so closeat hand the public is commencing towonder what St Louis has to offer inthe way of entertainment to outoftown visitors-

Tbe Henderson Route which is TheWorlds Fair Line has gotten out avery neat booklet vestpocket sizewhich contains the complete officialprogram of these ceremonies

It is a modern piece of work in eve ¬

ry respect printed in green and redwith gray antique cover and highgrade enameled book stock inside

Copies will be gladly furnished onapplication LJlBwnr

Genl Passenger AgentGeoL Garrett

Traveling Passenger AgtHenderson Route

a17tf Louisville Ky








This is the latest

New Royal


High arm automatic Drop headball bearing Best attachments

Any style Personally warranted Furniture of quarter saw

ed oak piano polish fin ¬

ish Complete line onexhibition SEE