central presbyterian church presbyterian church 402 n college street ... miracles. it was the same...

The Outlook Central Presbyterian Church 402 N College Street Waxahachie, TX 75165 Summer time. The sun just seems to hang in the sky, at midpoint, for hours on end, and slowly begins its decent to the western horizon. School is out and just like that summer is here! Camps, vacations, sleeping in, swimming, napping, reading books, snow cones….these are a few of my favorite things about summer. Long lazy days that seems to never end and turn into evenings full of fire flies, cicadas and if you’re lucky shooting stars darting across the vast Texas sky! I love summer, always have. Growing up in East Texas summer meant three things: 1. Working the vegetable garden; planting, weeding, picking, washing and sorting tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupes and watermelons. This resulted in an awesome farmer’s tan and a love for growing things! 2. Riding my bike for hours on end (the days I was not working the garden that is!). Riding up and down black top roads barefoot, stubbing my toe more times than I care to remember! Also I had more than one accident flying over my handle bars while racing downhill at top speed and I have a couple of scars to prove it. 3. And lastly it meant Vacation Bible School. It was literally my favorite time of summer! All our VBS’ were pretty much the same. Every year we would march into our small country church singing “Onward Christian Soldiers” carrying the Christian flag. And boy were you excited when you were the one chosen to carry the flag! It was pretty heavy for a scrawny country girl, but I did it…several times. Proudly carrying it to the front of the church while Ms. Sharon banged out the tune on the piano and about 20 kids (mostly my cousins) sang the words by heart. After this we would usually sing “Deep and Wide” and “This Little Light of Mine” – honestly it never got old! We would go to our rooms where we learned about God, talked about Bible stories like Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Whale, Jesus walking on water and other miracles. It was the same stories, year after year. We always had a couple of crafts; they mostly included popsicle sticks, old cigar boxes and dried macaroni noodles. An outdoor game of Red Rover was always in order and then we would run up to the kitchen window, where my mom would be handing out popsicles and a cookie. With sticky hands, and popsicle juice running down our faces, we would laugh and play the rest of the morning until it was time to return home from VBS, eager for the next day to get here so we could do it all over again! These are the days of my childhood, snippets of what it looked like to be a country girl in east Texas in the 70’s. I can literally close my eyes and hear the sounds, see the sights and smell fresh watermelon. It takes me back to a place where summer, family and church all tangled up together and VBS was the highlight of the summer. Times have changed, I’m no longer a scrawny country girl, I’m a big city girl living here in Waxahachie! Still working the dirt, but now I grow flowers instead of watermelons – I prefer to buy mine at the local Farmer’s Market. Instead of riding a bike uphill and down, you’ll often times find me using the wheels God gave me and walking the neighborhood with Karl. But VBS is still the highlight of my summer, and I’m especially excited about VBS this year. Our theme is “Mighty Fortress” and we’ll learn together that God is our refuge and strength. One of my favorite things about VBS this year is the music. The music takes a few old familiar hymns “A Mighty Fortress is our God” and “Crown Him with Many Crowns” and puts a slightly different beat to them. VBS will be June 19-22, from 5:30 to 8:00, and EVERYONE is invited. We’ll start with dinner for all and then an opening ceremony. Pastor Matt will lead the adult Bible study and we have great volunteers ready to lead the kids! So you adults who long for your childhood summers where VBS probably played a big part, you get to come and be a part too. Make VBS a highlight for your family and friends and remember we’re never too old to laugh and play and end the day with a little popsicle juice running down our face! Annette Goss, DCE “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57 June 2017

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The Outlook Central Presbyterian Church

402 N College Street

Waxahachie, TX 75165

Summer time. The sun just seems to hang in the sky, at midpoint, for hours on end, and slowly begins its decent to the western horizon. School is out and just like that summer is here! Camps, vacations, sleeping in, swimming, napping, reading books, snow cones….these are a few of my favorite things about summer. Long lazy days that seems to never end and turn into evenings full of fire flies, cicadas and if you’re lucky shooting stars darting across the vast Texas sky! I love summer,

always have. Growing up in East Texas summer meant three things:

1. Working the vegetable garden; planting, weeding, picking, washing and sorting tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupes and

watermelons. This resulted in an awesome farmer’s tan and a love for growing things!

2. Riding my bike for hours on end (the days I was not working the garden that is!). Riding up and down black top roads barefoot, stubbing my toe more times than I care to remember! Also I had more than one accident flying over

my handle bars while racing downhill at top speed and I have a couple of scars to prove it.

3. And lastly it meant Vacation Bible School. It was literally my favorite time of summer! All our VBS’ were pretty much the same. Every year we would march into our small country church singing “Onward Christian Soldiers” carrying the Christian flag. And boy were you excited when you were the one chosen to carry the flag! It was pretty heavy for a scrawny country girl, but I did it…several times. Proudly carrying it to the front of the church while Ms. Sharon banged out the tune on the piano and about 20 kids (mostly my cousins) sang the words by heart. After this we would usually sing “Deep and Wide” and “This Little Light of Mine” – honestly it never got old! We would go to our rooms where we learned about God, talked about Bible stories like Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Whale, Jesus walking on water and other miracles. It was the same stories, year after year. We always had a couple of crafts; they mostly included popsicle sticks, old cigar boxes and dried macaroni noodles. An outdoor game of Red Rover was always in order and then we would run up to the kitchen window, where my mom would be handing out popsicles and a cookie. With sticky hands, and popsicle juice running down our faces, we would laugh and play the rest of the morning until it was time to return

home from VBS, eager for the next day to get here so we could do it all over again!

These are the days of my childhood, snippets of what it looked like to be a country girl in east Texas in the 70’s. I can literally close my eyes and hear the sounds, see the sights and smell fresh watermelon. It takes me back to a place where summer,

family and church all tangled up together and VBS was the highlight of the summer.

Times have changed, I’m no longer a scrawny country girl, I’m a big city girl living here in Waxahachie! Still working the dirt, but now I grow flowers instead of watermelons – I prefer to buy mine at the local Farmer’s Market. Instead of riding a bike uphill and down, you’ll often times find me using the wheels God gave me and walking the neighborhood with Karl. But VBS is still the highlight of my summer, and I’m especially excited about VBS this year. Our theme is “Mighty Fortress” and we’l l learn together that God is our refuge and strength. One of my favorite things about VBS this year is the music. The music takes a few old familiar hymns “A Mighty Fortress is our God” and “Crown Him with Many Crowns” and puts a slightly different beat to them. VBS will be June 19-22, from 5:30 to 8:00, and EVERYONE is invited. We’ll start with dinner for all and then an opening ceremony. Pastor Matt will lead the adult Bible study and we have great volunteers ready to lead the kids! So you adults who long for your childhood summers where VBS probably played a big part, you get to come and be a part too. Make VBS a highlight for your family and friends and remember we’re never too old to

laugh and play and end the day with a little popsicle juice running down our face!

Annette Goss, DCE

“Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 15:57

June 2017

The out look


Special offering on June 18 to benefit

Presbyterian Communities and Services was approved.

Building and Grounds ministry team presented a motion to offer items stored in the Rutan’s barn to the congregation for purchase and dispose of any items not sold. The motion passed unanimously.

Buildings and Grounds ministry team reported a donation has been made along with a matching donation for playground upgrades and a Fellowship Park pavilion. (Session agreed to begin calling the Bridge lot “Fellowship Park”)

Mission ministry team requested approval for a “Pancakes for Haiti” fundraiser on Saturday in June. It is set for June 24. The project was approved.


Patty Dickerson and Priscilla Clore for their work on the misconduct policy.

Priscilla for her landscaping beautification work.

Letitia Rutan for coordinating the care packages for college students during final exams and all the work she does for the youth of our church.

Highlights from the May 18th

Stated Session meeting:


A mission trip to No Place Like Home in Port-au-Prince, Haiti is planned for June 27th through July 3rd, 2017. Mission work will include working on the new orphanage, conducting a Bible school for the children, and time to play and interact with the children and the nannies at NPLH. Those who might be interested and needing a passport, should apply ASAP.

Anyone interested can call Cheryl Loper, at 214-533-6854.

Coffee Fellowship

We have a Coffee Fellowship

Time in the Parlor between

Sunday School and the Worship

Service. It begins at 10:35 and

goes until 10:50, at

which time all

are encouraged to

enter the Sanctuary

for the

Gathering Music.

April 2017 Results April 2017 YTD


Actu-als Budget

Favorable/ (Unfavorable

) Variance Actuals Budget

Favorable/ (Unfavorable) Variance

Pledged Offerings $15,405 $ 23,250 $ (7,845) $96,873 $93,000 $ 3,873

Unpledged Offerings $ 2,050 $ 1,667 $ 383 $ 6,402 $ 6,668 $ (266)

Other Income (Weddings & Royalties) $ 453 $ 925 $ (472) $ 1,583 $ 3,700 $ (2,117)

Total Unrestricted & Other Income $19,222 $ 29,264 $ (7,934) $108,114 $117,056 $ 1,490

Note: April was a normal month for collections. Our year-to-date collections are virtually equal to where we were last year. Thank you to everyone for your commitments. Expenses are also favorable to budget through April. We are blessed as a congregation.

The out look

Thank You

Le and I wish to thank all for the prayers, beautiful cards, visits,

flowers, and goodies. I am home , now finished with all my physical therapy and I am busy learning to walk. I do thank you all for your

concern and kindness.

Gloria and Le Woodard

If you or your child's birthday is not included on the birthday list, please notify the church office so it can be added to the list.

June Birthdays 1 Dequan

3 Robin Guy

4 Dean Gray

5 Jessica Buie

5 Tracey Tull

6 Matthew Goss

6 Margaret Smith

7 Andrew

7 Cheryl Loper

7 Billie Snyder

14 Gloria Woodard

16 Melissa Hauffe

16 Debra Wakeland

18 Victoria LeBreton

20 Matt Authier

20 Margaret Morgan

23 Chelsea Hinds

28 Randy Arey

28 Pam Montgomery

29 Matt Curry

29 Letitia Rutan

30 Caroline Barksdale

30 Lynn Stockman

Be truly glad.

There is wonderful joy

ahead. 1 Peter 1:6

Join us

June 25th, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

for a Baby Shower to help

Ellen and Patrick Stelzer

prepare for a new Baby Boy due to arrive soon!

Big sister Gracey and big brother Luke are super

excited too!

Central Presbyterian Church parlor

Registered at Target, Target.com and Amazon.com.

Ellen prefers cloth diapers, which are available on the


Hosted by their church family!

Questions? Annette at 972.935.6246

Honey is sweet. A little baby is even sweeter.

3rd Semi-Regular

Men's Fellowship Breakfast, BBQ

and Fishing Tournament

Saturday, June 10th - 8:00am

Yes, it’s been a couple of years, but that’s why we call it semi-regular. On Saturday

morning, June 10th, at 8am, the Men's Fellowship will once again gather at the Rutan house at 3128 Clover Ln (off Butcher Rd, near Shackelford Elementary) to throw on

several briskets and pork butts in preparation for the all-Church BBQ.

Breakfast will be prepared outdoors on the flat top, with plenty of healthy offerings

(healthy for the soul, anyway). After a short devotional and several stories, we will disperse, only to return in that late afternoon to fish and take the meat off the pit.

At 4:00 pm, everyone is invited to come try their luck in the pond and see what they can hook, or at least claim to hook. Jaron Curry actually claims to have hooked a bass

at the pond last weekend that tested his skills and jumped out of the water and off his hook. Let’s see if anyone can capture that elusive fish. There are plenty of small catfish

and bluegill to keep your line active.

Please feel free to bring your kids, grandkids, or anyone you want to enjoy to an afternoon of fun and fellowship with. If you don’t have a pole, we have several for you.

Just bring your sun screen, favorite beverages and a bucket full of smiles. There will be trophies awarded (past tournaments have honored Mia and Ben for the biggest fish and

Karl for the best dressed). You never know what trophies will show up each year, so come give us a reason to celebrate you.

Guys, if you haven’t been to one of these breakfasts, or if it has been a while, please come join in the fun! We hope you will join us. Please contact Brent Rutan (972-923-

0588) or Mike Tull (972-938-1020) with any questions.

MISSION TEAM NEWS: Submitted by Cheryl Loper

On June 27 through July 4, Michelle and Bonham Burks, Gary and Cheryl Loper, and Kelsey Mcdivit, will be going on a mission trip to Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

On June 24, Saturday, beginning at 8:00 AM the Mission Team of CPC will sponsor a community wide pancake breakfast to raise money for the upcoming mission trip to Port-au-Prince Haiti, specifically to NO PLACE LIKE HOME ORPHANAGE. Donations will be taken for breakfast with all proceeds going to the mission efforts at NPLH. Mission work will include working on the new orphanage which will take 50 more

children off the streets of Port-au-Prince, conducting a VBS for the children, and completing some painting projects in the present facility. Please spread the word among family and community members about the Mission trip and the fundraiser, and pray for our team as we attempt to add our efforts to this God led project.

Give-a-Meal-a-Month – the Yellow Bags

Let’s go to Mexico this month. Those canned tamales are really good and have a lot of nutrients. Some little boys and girls will be very happy you provided them. Look for the red-colored menus.

Please consider continuing your support of the Yellow Bags. Take your kids or grandkids and let them experience personal mission or just do it yourself. Thank you for your help in past months and keep this important personal mission project in your thoughts and prayers. Your ministry will help many people.

Give a Meal a Month Menu for June 2017

Canned tamales

Corn muffin mix

Canned corn with chiles (like Mexi-corn)

Canned pears

Optional items may always be included such as Milk, Jelly, Fruit Juice, etc. Checks are always

welcome – payable to CPC memo to CARE.


Submitted by Priscilla Clore May 2017

The Marthas small group met Saturday, May 13h at 8:30 a.m. in the parlor at CPC for breakfast hosted by Lynn

Stockman and Annette Goss via Letitia. The meditation was taken from a new book, Behold the Lilies by H. Paul

Santmire. After the opening prayer, we began our planning session.

Letitia reported on the banner project. The example is now available, so we are ready to present our plan for approval

in the near future.

Lynn reported on the cookbook project, showing examples of the entry page online or hard copy, the detailed

brochure from the company, and a sample cookbook. We hope to include recipes from present and past members,

especially the saints no longer with us. Funding for the cookbook may be available from an undesignated memorial

fund for the printing with the expense paid back from sales if needed. Priscilla will check with Finance. This project of

the Marthas will be a fundraiser for the Building Restoration Fund. We hope to publish and have for sale by the April

2019 anniversary celebration of the present church building.

The Marthas will host (serve and clean up) the meals for the June 19-22 Vacation Bible School at CPC which will be

an evening all-generation event with dinner at 5:30 pm. We plan the following menus:

Monday Hot dogs Mary Jo (Tommy)

Tuesday Tacos Letitia

Wednesday Sloppy Joes Arlene

Thursday Pizza Letitia will order

We agreed to take a break in June—no meeting June 10th—and return in July, rested and ready for the rest of the


We closed the meeting with prayer, and began our morning project-soup!

Music Notes

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.”

Psalm 100

June, 2017

As we reflect on the glory of Easter and look forward to Pentecost, we are reminded these are the real celebrations of our Christian faith. Jesus’ resurrection and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Reflect on the triune

God we worship. May we always join in worship with that Lord.

I want to thank Leah Kelso for sharing her Wedgeworth choir with us. That was certainly a wonderful

experience. And thank you Denise for accompanying them.

This is a busy time of the year as the school year draws to a close and we head into summer. In spite of the recent cool weather, we know what to expect. That being said, the choir is shedding our robes for the summer starting with the Memorial Day weekend. The lack of air circulating in the loft is mighty

uncomfortable in the heat of summer.

The choir will finish this choral season on Trinity Sunday, June 11. We will break from rehearsing until July

19, but will remain in the loft to lead in worship each Sunday.

See you Sunday.


Love measures our stature: the more we love, the bigger we are.

There is no smaller package in all the world than that of a man all wrapped up in himself.

William Sloane Coffin

in Credo

Surplus church pews, doors and windows available Submitted by Mike Tull

Building and Grounds has a few church pews, doors and windows (stored over

10 years) for which we have no use. These are available to church members for

a donation to Central Presbyterian. These items are stored in Brent Rutan’s

barn and need to be removed. Anyone interested please contact Mike Tull and

you may see these on Saturday, June 10, 9:00 A.M. at the Rutan Home, 3128

Clover Lane, Waxahachie, TX. Any funds received will go to the church. Items

not provisioned will be sent for sale on consignment. Please contact Mike Tull,

phone: 972-938-1020 or email: [email protected]

Tony, Darcus, Aubrey and Katy Drollinger, New Members of CPC

“Waxahachie people are exceptionally nice.” explained Tony Drollinger. “We think of that as an outstanding feature of the city.” When Tony and Darcus and their daughters, Aubrey and Katy, moved to a new home near Grandview, they found that driving to Waxahachie was now easier. They decided to visit several churches here and look for a church home. But they changed their plans when they were warmly greeted at Central Presbyterian and made to feel welcome right away. Although they live busy lives, they love the coming here for the worship and the fellowship with others in the church.

Darcus is the rancher of the family. She raises sheep, goats, and dogs, and is training a herding dog, as well as a livestock guard dog. Tony is the executive director of finance of Arlington ISD, and spends a lot of time on the road.

Their daughter Aubrey graduated from a program in Eastern New Mexico University in 2010. She often does childcare in the nursery on Sundays and really enjoys the children, but sometimes has to miss church because of her work schedule. Katy, a junior in high school in Grandview, loves to read and play the piano, and is especially interested in history and genealogy. She is already thinking about college, since she will be a senior next year. Katy is the champion for all 3A schools in Texas in UIL Current Events. Tony and Darcus also have an older daughter, Ashton, who lives with her husband, John, their granddaughter, Addison, 6, and new grandson, Latham, 8 months, near Texas A&M.

Tony likes participating in the worship service. He finds Rev. Curry’s sermons challenging, motivating, and well written, and often listens to them again on You Tube. He was very involved in their previous church, and was ordained as an elder there. He hopes some day to have more time to pursue his interests here. Katy also likes the worship and being here in the church.

The family agreed, Tony said, that “The Youth Service, on April 30, was, of the many similar services they have attended, the most well organized, spiritually meaningful, phenomenal service they have ever attended.” They also appreciate the many other ministries that are a part of Central Presbyterian Church. We shared sadness over the fact that the current PCHAS homes for children will be leaving, and wish them well in their new home. But we also agree that there will be new and worthwhile opportunities for service with the new ministry to single mothers and their children as well as the many other activities happening through the church. We are very happy to welcome the Drollinger family as a part of our Central Presbyterian Church community.

Pre-Haiti Mission Trip Dinner

On Sunday, June 25 at 5:00 PM, the LOPER's are hosting a pre-Haiti mission trip dinner

at their home. Anyone who has been on a mission trip or would like to know more about this effort

is invited to attend. Please call Cheryl at 214-533-6854 for more information.

My Little Pantry Submitted by: Patty Dickerson

“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food,

and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

James 2:14-18.

My Little Pantry is open!

Thanks to Jim and Karl Goss and the Second Saturday mission team for building and installing our newest neighborhood ministry! “Take what you need–Leave what you Can” is the message of our little pantry located next to the clothing and household goods recycle bin on Jackson Street across from the church office. Here is a list of suggested items, but use your imagination. Single service eating utensils, for example,

are very handy for people in need.

Overflow will be stored in the storeroom by Annette’s office….if the pantry is full when you

donate, you can leave items there.

Food Baby needs Personal Needs

Peanut butter Diapers Hand soap

Canned fruit, veggies, protein, soup Wipes, diaper cream Toothbrushes and toothpaste

Granola bars School supplies Deodorant

Dry Pasta, beans Pens, highlighters, crayons, Bars of soap

Crackers markers Toilet tissue and Kleenex

Cereal Household items Socks

Coffee, tea, water Dish soap

Please no used or open goods; glass, harsh cleaning chemicals, expired food, food prepared at home or food without labels.

Discipleship and Education


JUNE 19-22 ALL AGES Mark your calendars for June 19 – 22nd, 5:30 to 8:00. We will have a church wide,

all age VBS beginning with dinner for everyone. We are busy planning and

organizing and could still a few more volunteers! We also need help with things

leading up to VBS and the week of VBS! If you have just a little or a lot of time to

volunteer, we can use you! If you would like find out more about volunteer

opportunities, please contact Annette at [email protected] or call at


June 8th (6:00 p.m. – 9:00 a.m.) K-5th graders Lock in at Ms. Annette’s house. Swimming,

games, food, devotional, movie under the stars, and hopefully a little shut eye! Wake up to donuts and juice and then out the door to go home! Ms. Annette will need help with this lock-in! Please rsvp to 972.935.6246

June 9th (5:00 p.m. – 8:30 a.m.) Same Difference Youth Group Alright, we have the coolest Nerf

Lock-in ever, for anyone 6th grade – 12th grade. On Friday, June 9th join us for an amazing time of

fun, Nerf and movies. We will start at the church at 5 and divide up into 2 groups and go swimming in the neighborhood. We will then switch houses and then all meet back at the church for burgers and dogs. Then the ultimate Nerf party will be held in Bethlehem Revisited grounds. No worries if you don’t have the equipment, we have some, just bring some goggles. Then everyone will come back to the church, we will lock the doors and its Movie night with popcorn and snacks. Lights out at midnight thirty, then up and out the next morning by 8:30 a.m. Come one and come all, please just let Letitia know if you are interested. Her email is [email protected] or 210-601-5496.

This will be the ultimate Nerf Party of the year!!!

June 13th (10:00 a.m.- noon) T-12th graders Art fun at the church.

June 25th -30th Same Difference Youth Group Urban Gap Mission Trip This will be

one of the most amazing weeks of your summer, we promise you that! (if you can’t stay the entire time and you have transportation, you are welcome to come when you can). We have the incredible opportunity to participate in a Mission trip at First Presbyterian Church, Ft. Worth called Urban Gaps. We will stay at the church, prepare our meals and have awesome fellowship time! Some of the missions that we will participate in are: Room in the Inn which provides overnight hospitality for homeless men, Summer Feeding Program which serves free lunches for children and youth, Presbyterian Night Shelter which provides shelter and case management for men, women, children, veterans and those with mental illness. There are so many other mission opportunities and we will have a better idea of exactly what we will be doing when we know how many of you want to participate. The cost of the trip is $60 per person for a week of awesome fellowship, discipleship and fun! Please contact Letitia Rutan at [email protected] or 210-601-5496 if you have any questions and to let me know if you are interested.

Discipleship and Education Continued……….


June 23 at 6:30

Movie begins promptly at 6:30! Come

early for movie snacks!

Stay afterwards for a lively discussion

of where God was seen in the movie.

Adults: Hoosiers

Teens: Soul Surfer

Children: The Secret Life of Pets


JUNE 11th

Our Spring Confirmation class has been

meeting for the past two and a half months.

Our confirmands will be confirmed and

joining the church during morning worship

on June 11th. Please join us for this festive

occasion and stay afterwards for a

celebration in their honor! There will also

be a bring-a-dish on the church grounds. It

will be a great day to stay after worship to

celebrate our new confirmands and join in a

time of good food and fellowship.

Church Barbecue Bring a dish lunch

Sunday, June 11

Building and Grounds and Central Presbyterian Men’s Council are

sponsoring a church barbecue on Sunday, June 11 right after church.

Meat and drinks will be provided. Everyone is invited to bring a side dish

or dessert to enjoy with the meal. We plan to have the event outside on

the Bridge lot next to the church. In the event bad weather, we will host

it in the basement fellowship area.

Submitted by Mike Tull


Please have your Newsletter contributions/submissions to both Nancy Post at [email protected] and Johnna Breedon at [email protected] by the 20th of each month. No computer? No problem. Please just submit to the office.

Thank you!

We talked about occasional maintenance or repair needs

senior members of our congregation have around the

house or yard and right away, the Second Saturday Ser-

vice ministry team stepped up to offer helping hands.

Please call me at (972-217-5956) or email me

([email protected]) with a list of chores you need

help with to get on their schedule. A representative from

that group will contact you to set up a date. All are

welcome to participate in this service opportunity and meet

some very special members of our church.

~Patty Dickerson

SENIOR SERVICE Sign up for CPC updates and reminders by e-mail by


[email protected].

Subscribe to our YouTube channel CPCWAX and you

will receive an email notifying you whenever a

video is posted! Go to www.youtube.com/cpcwax and

click the red "subscribe" button.

Are you still receiving the CPC Monthly Newsletter,

The Outlook, by mail? Sign up for e-mail-only

delivery by contacting the office at [email protected]

and help save on printing and postage.

Thank you.!

Members and Friends


Please contact the communication team at [email protected] for member access to

our online directory

Committee for Weddings and Funerals

Central Presbyterian Church has a committee for

weddings and for funerals. Both are headed up by

Winnie O’Donnell with assistance from Kary Meade

on weddings and Larry & Glinda Felty, and Kary

Meade on funerals. The committees stand by ready

to assist any member of the church.

Follow CPCWAX on Twitter

Please use the bins for plastic and cans downstairs in the undercroft. We recycle paper in the church office and bulle-tins and hand-outs after services in the bin on the front pew.

Also, this is a good time to clean out at home - recycle cloth-ing, shoes and household items in the blue bin across the street from the office. CPC receives $.12/pound and the items go to needy families around the Metroplex. Too many toys after Christmas? Share with others by recycling at CPC!

Remember your children's book donations, too. There's a donation box in the cottage. We support four Little Libraries around town. Thanks for all your efforts to care for our earth.

Earth Care Congregation Ministry Team

CPC Recycles! “Gathering Music”

Some of you may be wondering about the Gathering

Music, why are we doing this? The purpose of the

Gathering Music is to begin to settle our minds from

our busy lives, the hectic pace we set during our

week, to shut out everything else and to follow the

Psalmist’s words, “Be still and know that I am God.”

You may have found it hard to focus your thoughts

and attention to the service when we are still in “high

gear”, I know I have. Gathering Music, as it is

intended, allows us an opportunity to prepare our

hearts for worship.

To continue our tradition of being a friendly church,

we have a Coffee Fellowship in the Parlor each

Sunday morning from 10:35 until 10:50. This gives us

a chance to meet our visitors ,see our friends and

share some fellowship over coffee. After we visit, then

we can enter the sanctuary and let the Gathering

Music calm our hearts for worship.

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Arey,

Worship Ministry Team Chairman

402 N. College Street

P O Box A

Waxahachie, TX 75165

Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm

Friday 9am-Noon

Phone: 972-937-2924

E-mail: Office: [email protected]

Pastor: [email protected]

Web: www.cpcwax.org


Facebook: www.facebook.com/cpcwax

Twitter: www.twitter.com/cpcwax

Sunday School 9:45 am

Worship Service 11:00 am

June 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3

2:00—4:00 pm

Graduation Celebration

for Teirra and Dominic

Hentschel in Undercroft

4 9:30 am Prayer 9:45 am Sunday School 10:15 am Music 11:00 Worship Service 12:00 D & E MT Meeting

5 6:30 pm Jubilate



7:00 pm Worship MT 7 7:15 pm Chancel Choir

8 6:30 pm Finance

9 12:00 pm Youth


10 8:00 Men’s Breakfast –Rutan Home 8:30 Marthas 9:30 Second Sat.

11 9:30 am Prayer 9:45 am Sunday School 10:15 am Music 11:00 am Worship Service 12:00 Bring A Dish BBQ


6:30 pm Jubilate


13 14 15

6:30 pm Session

16 17

6:00 pm Saturday



9:30 Prayer 9:45 am Sunday School 10:15 am Music 11:00 am Worship Service 12:00 Mission MT


5:30 pm VBS 6:30 pm Jubilate



5:30pm VBS

6:30 pm Personnel


5:30 pm VBS


5:30 pm VBS

23 24

8:00 am Pancake Breakfast Benefit “No Place Like Home”


9:30 am Prayer 9:45 am Sunday School 10:15 am Music 11:00 Worship Service 5:00 pm Pre-Haiti dinner at the Loper’s


6:30 Jubilate



7:00 pm



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