central news - tdsb school...

During the month of December, students of Ms. Lee’s Hair- styling and Aesthetics class raised $110.00 for Plan Canada’s “Gift of Hope”. “Plan Canada a not for profit organization that is mobilizing millions of people around the world to support so- cial justice for children in devel- oping countries.” The class raised enough money to purchase 3 chicks, a mango tree and a goat! $75 for a goat. The goats are sourced in Uganda and shipped to the communities. Pennies for Patients Our school is participating in fundraising for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada School & Youth Program: Pen- nies for Patients. Students col- lect spare change over a three-week period during Febru- ary or March. The change can come from friends or relatives or under- neath couch cushions. What’s important is that the change is collected. M. Gupta, L. Prattas, and D. Hall thank you for your support in saving lives! Principal’s message Happy New Year everyone! There are many new and exciting things happening at Central Etobicoke this year. This News- letter highlights what has been happening…and some upcoming activities. We have a new format for the newsletter thanks to Mr. Gupta and his co-op class. They have done a terrific job of collecting articles and putting together the layout. Well done! Identification, Placement, and Review Committees (IPRCs) are coming in the spring. You will be receiving information outlining the process in the mail. Please ensure that you are familiar with what you need to do to assist your child in his/her education. Please call the school if you have questions or concerns. (M. Kung) CENTRAL ETOBICOKE HIGH SCHOOL Friday, 27 January 2012 Volume 1 Issue 1 CENTRAL NEWS Important Dates Feb 6 Expectations Assembly 10 School Dance 17 PA Day 20 Family Day Mar 12-16 March Break 21 School Council Meeting Apr 6 Good Friday 9 Easter Monday 19 Mid Term Reports distributed 26 Parents’ Night Inside this issue: Gift of Hope, Pennies for Patients School Contact 10 Denfield Street Toronto, ON M9R 3H1 Tel: 416 394 7090 Fax: 416 394 7595 Principal Millean Kung Vice Principals Jane Carberry Wendy Roberts Superintendent Leila Girdhar-Hill 416 394 2036 Trustee Ward 21 Chris Glover 416 397 3106 School Council Chair Pat McAfee Editor and Publisher Mahendra Gupta and Co-op class Getting ready for the world of work 2 Bowling Trip 2 Special Education at CEHS 2 Sports 3 Sign Language Club 3 Community Support Agencies 3 Music 4 School Assembly – School Dance 4

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During the month of December, students of Ms. Lee’s Hair-styling and Aesthetics class raised $110.00 for Plan Canada’s “Gift of Hope”. “Plan Canada a not for profit organization that is mobilizing millions of people around the world to support so-cial justice for children in devel-

oping countries.”

The class raised enough money to purchase 3 chicks, a mango tree and a goat! $75 for a goat.

The goats are sourced in Uganda

and shipped to the communities.

Pennies for Patients

Our school is participating in fundraising for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada School & Youth Program: Pen-nies for Patients. Students col-lect spare change over a three-week period during Febru-ary or March. The change can come from friends or relatives or under-neath couch cushions. What’s important is that the change is collected. M. Gupta, L. Prattas, and D. Hall thank you for your support in saving lives!

Principal’s message

Happy New Year everyone! There are many new and exciting things happening at Central Etobicoke this year. This News-letter highlights what has been happening…and some upcoming activities. We have a new format for the newsletter thanks to

Mr. Gupta and his co-op class. They have done a terrific job of collecting articles and putting together the layout. Well done!

Identification, Placement, and Review Committees (IPRCs) are coming in the spring. You will be

receiving information outlining the process in the mail. Please ensure that you are familiar with what you need to do to assist your child in his/her education. Please call the school if you have questions or concerns. (M. Kung)


Friday, 27 January 2012 Volume 1 Issue 1


Important Dates

Feb 6 Expectations Assembly

10 School Dance

17 PA Day

20 Family Day

Mar 12-16 March Break

21 School Council Meeting

Apr 6 Good Friday

9 Easter Monday

19 Mid Term Reports distributed

26 Parents’ Night

Inside this issue:

Gift of Hope, Pennies for Patients School Contact

10 Denfield Street

Toronto, ON M9R 3H1

Tel: 416 394 7090

Fax: 416 394 7595


Millean Kung

Vice Principals

Jane Carberry

Wendy Roberts


Leila Girdhar-Hill

416 394 2036

Trustee Ward 21

Chris Glover

416 397 3106

School Council Chair

Pat McAfee

Editor and Publisher

Mahendra Gupta and Co-op class

Getting ready for the world of work 2

Bowling Trip 2

Special Education at CEHS 2

Sports 3

Sign Language Club 3

Community Support Agencies 3

Music 4

School Assembly – School Dance 4

At Central Etobicoke we strongly recommend that Grade 12 students enroll in the Co-Op program. We offer co-op at both the credit and non-credit levels. Students can earn credits and develop skills through classroom and experiential learning opportunities. Students develop both confidence and maturity through this experience. We provide public transit training for students who are not able to travel by TTC.

Possibilities for future employment are possible.

In the past, several of our students have been rec-ommended for and have

successfully been hired with paid employment.

Our mission is to provide ALL students with the opportunity to live their learning, by ensuring quality and equitable ac-cess to learning programs and activities.

For more information on how Co-op can help you with life skills and employ-ability skills contact Mr. Gupta or Ms. Marcis at Ext. 20135.

Department organizes three 9 week sports based activities. The pro-gram is currently running its winter session be-tween January 11- March 14, 2012. The spring ses-sion is scheduled be-tween Wednesday, March 28 to Wednesday May 23, 2012. This current program is geared to-wards students with

The S.P.A.C.E. after school programs are ex-tracurricular activities that take place after school hours. These programs offer students enrolled at our school opportunities to develop social relation-ships outside of the school day. Currently, we have two programs run-ning. The Toronto Parks, Recreation & Forestry

Physical Disabilities. The school is expanding the program to allow students identified with a Develop-mental Disabilities or Mild Intellectual Disabilities to participate. Families are responsible for picking up their children if they are not able to take public transit independently. Contact Mr. Liolis for more info at Ext 20044.

Getting ready for the world of work

Special Education at CEHS

Bowling Trip

were lots of strikes and spares. We ate lunch at

the Bowlerama and came back to the school by TTC for afternoon classes. Everyone had lots of fun.

February Fairness

Discuss with your children

what does Fairness

Looks Like?

Sounds Like?

Feels Like?

On Wednesday Decem-ber 14 Mr. Nicholson and Ms. Markowitz took their period one and two gym classes to the Bowlerama at Kipling and Rexdale. Ms. Neff also went on the trip with many Educa-tional Assistants to help. The group travelled by TTC, taking the number 45 bus north on Kipling. We used four alleys at the Bowlerama and everyone had lots of turns. There

“ Treat












Congratulations to the multi-sport ball hockey team who participated in a tournament at Drewry Secondary School. The entire team played hard all 3 periods and scored a total of ten goals! Their hard work and dedication paid off as they rose to the occasion and repre-sented the CEHS Eagles in the true spirit of the game. The team and coaches look forward to

our next event later this month.

Congratulations to the CEHS basketball team who finished in fourth place in the intermediate basketball league. The team has been practicing hard for the past few months in preparation for this game. They played their hearts out against Eastdale and after playing a close game and fighting a long battle against the top seed, they just fell

short. A positive attitude, good sportsmanship and excellent work ethic were displayed by the entire team and we are proud for them to have repre-sented our school. Spe-cial mention to our gradu-ating athletes Darryl Johnson and Rasheed Grant who both had an excellent final basketball game as part of the CEHS Eagles.

E. Markowitz

Griffin Centre Tel: 416 222 1153

Participation Centre 9 Butternut Lane Tel: 905 294 0944 www.participation.net

Pegasus 931 Kingston Road Tel: 416 691 6835



Job Connect YMCA 1530 Albion road



Autism Ontario 1179A King St. West, Tel: 416 246 9592

Developmental Services Toronto, 245 Sheppard Ave. west, Tel : 416 925 5141 www.dsto.com

Family Service Toronto 24 Silverview Dr, www.fsatoronto.com

Tel: 416 741 8714

Job Start 2930 Lake-shore Blvd W. Tel: 416 231 2295

Project Work 2221 Yonge St 416 481 2728 www.projectwork.ca

Operation Springboard 1464 Midland Ave Tel: 416 913 1301



Sign Language Club

Central Etobicoke High School. These students have inspired other Cen-tral Etobicoke High School students to learn more about American Sign Language also known as ASL.

Ms.Veljovic & Ms. Bhan

The Sign Language Club has worked hard these past few months. This

has allowed them to bring sign language culture to


Ontario Disability Support Program 477 Mount Pleasant Rd 416 325 0693


PTP East Centre 815 Dan-forth Ave Suite 201 Tel 416 510 3266

PTP West Centre 5415 Dun-das St. W. Suite 200 Tel 416 239 7309



The Student Success Department once again offered After School Numeracy and Literacy Classes this past se-mester. These classes took place on select Monday and Tuesday afternoons commencing at 3:15 p.m. and ending at 4:15 p.m. The students took advantage of the opportunity to upgrade

both their language and

math skills. These classes will be offered again during semester two starting in late March.

If your son or daughter is currently taking the “school” bus home each day from school and would like to enroll in this program, they are re-quired to have a parental/guardian pick them up from the Front Main Foyer, at 4:15p.m.

For more info contact: Mr. Cleave at ext. 20020



Musical Arts: The music department offers the students a positive and productive way of expressing them-selves and at the same time developing skills, such as leadership and teamwork., The students learn to read guitar tab and musical score, understand timing, and keep a constant tempo through songs such as Shadow

of the Sun, Hallelujah, The Falls, etc. Music Club: The Music Club is an after-school / lunch activ-ity where the students can express themselves through the medium of music using the skills and experiences garnered from the Music Arts Department. A few of our students have taken their experiences outside of the school environment becoming involved in church groups, professional perform-ances, and going as far as afield as Montreal and playing in the Jazz Festival. The two staff advisors for this club, Mr. Hughes and Mr. Rogers-Wardle, guide the students in the use and development of musical expression, with instru-ments.

The Winter Blues Fest was a roaring success with an audience of enthusiastic parents, teachers and Central students. There were over eighty attendees each day on Thursday and Friday. The guitar and drumming classes were able to demonstrate their abilities in an entertaining fashion much to the delight of all who at-tended.

CENTRAL ETOBICOKE HIGH SCHOOL 10 DENFIELD STREET, TORONTO, ON M9R 3H1 TEL: 416 394-7090 FAX: 416 394 7595 “Treat others as you want to be treated.” Page 4

The Terry Fox Run and Walk

The Terry Fox Run and Walk was held in October this year. The event was a great success! Staff and students attended an assembly first. The school en-joyed the presentation that in-cluded photographs from last years run. Students listened to a presentation planned by the Terry Fox Foundation and Lisa Armstrong. Lisa’s motivational words were inspiring and got the school ready for a run or walk.

The Holiday Assembly

The Dance and Arts Media Showcase took place on Thursday, December 22, 2011. We had the opportunity to see some of our great student tal-ents. Did you know that the arts sector accounts for 365,000 jobs in Ontario alone and is Canada’s 4th largest employer (Cultural Career Council of Toronto 2011.)

February Black History Month.

There will be an Assembly held in February to celebrate Black History. Dance and a media presentation will be organized.

School Dance

Thanks to students council, staff and students for helping out in Winter Break and Valentine Dance. Both the dances were great success. The students showed off their talents and enjoyed the music. (M.Gupta)

School Assembly—School Dances