centered on taipei november 2013


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An English-language lifestyle magazine produced for the International Community in Taiwan.


Page 1: Centered on Taipei November 2013

A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s C e n t e r

November 2013, Volume 14, Issue 3

Cultural DifferenCes in Mental HealtH treatMentreligion in taiwantHe Center’s 2013 CHarity auCtion DinneralisHan forest reCreation areaMooDy fooD: graCi in tHe KitCHen season twotaiwan international woMen’s Club

CenteredNovember 2013, Volume 14, Issue 3


silver grass season on Mount jiangziliao

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Page 3: Centered on Taipei November 2013 NOVEMBER 2013

5 LEttER fROM thE EditOR

6 RichaRd REcOMMENds NatiONaL thEatER & cONcERt haLL: NOVEMBER 2013

7 EVENts aBOut tOwN EVENts at thE cENtER

8 cENtER GaLLERy thE cENtER’s faVORitE fiNds

9 Off thE BEatEN tRack Mount Jiangziliao

10 OutLOOk Cultural Differences in Mental Health Treatment

12 ask taiwaNxifu Religion in Taiwan

14 csc NEws The Center’s 2013 Charity Auction Dinner

18 PhOtOGRaPhy Photography in Bad Weather

19 cOffEE cORNER Notch

20 cOMMuNity TAS

21 cOMMuNity TES

22 fashiON Doranne Awad

24 hEaLth An Introduction to the Glycemic Index

25 tcM cORNER Superfoods and Chinese Medicine

26 tRaVEL Alishan Forest Recreation Area

28 PROfiLE Salina Hong

29 cOuRsEs at thE cENtER

30 diNiNG Moody Food

32 chaRity Orphanage Club TIWC

33 chiNEsE kitchEN Fish (Part 2)

34 csc BusiNEss cLassifiEd





November 2013 volume 14 issue 3

cOVER iMaGE: Flowering silver grass flowers at the summit of Mount Jiangziliao, near Keelung.By Richard Saunders

Centered on Taipei is a publication of the Community Services Center, 25, Lane 290, ZhongShan N. Rd., Sec. 6, Tianmu, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 02-2836-8134fax: 02-2835-2530e-mail: [email protected]

Correspondence may be sent to the editor at [email protected]. Freelance writers, photographers and illustrators are welcome to contact the editor to discuss editorial and graphic assignments. Your talent will find a home with us!

Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner.


An Introduction to the Glycemic Index

25 tcM Superfoods and Chinese Medicine

26 tRaVELaVELa



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expat perspective NOVEMBER 2013

cOMMuNity sERVicEs cENtER

Adam McMillan

Grace Ting

Suzan Babcock, I-Wen Chan, Fawn Chang, Katherine Chang, Jung Chin, Chiao-Feng Chung, Wendy Evans, Ting Ting Ge, Cerita Hsu, Carol Lee, Eva Salazar-Liu, Emillie Ma, Ming-I Sun, Cynthia Teeters, Mark Yang

Amy LiuMonica ChengKari SchiroRosemary SusaBianca RussellShana GarciaBunny PachecoGloria Gwo

Alison Davis Bai, Vincy Chik, Lily Lau, John McQuade, Michael Mullahy, Monica Pillizzaro, Gloria Peng, Ruth Reynolds, Emmy Shih, Anita Town

Bai Win AntiquesEuropean Chamber of Commerce TaiwanHao Ran FoundationNita IngThe Regent Taipei

BP Taiwan Ltd.Concordia ConsultingCostco Wholesale TaiwanHSBCICRT


Office Manager


Newcomer Orientation consultant accountant communications Programs coordinator Events coordinatorit coordinatorProgram supportchinese teacher



Premier sponsors

the community services center (csc) is a non-profit foundation. csc provides outreach and early intervention through counseling, cross-cultural education and life skills programs to meet the needs of the international community in taipei. csc offers the opportunity to learn, volunteer, teach and meet others. check out our website and drop by the center to chat with us about our programs. you can also email us at [email protected].

PublisherEditorco-editoradvertising Managertelfax Email

writing and Photography contributors

community servicescenter Editorial Panel

Printed by

Community Services Center, TaipeiKari SchiroRichard SaundersKara [email protected]

Ivy ChenMichelle Cheung Chi-KwunJoanne ChongAly CooperCraig FergusonThomas FureyShana GarciaKatharine GillSerina HuangVerity MackintoshJohn McQuadeSerene Millicent

Siew Kang, Fred Voigtmann

Farn Mei Printing Co., Ltd.1F, No. 102, Hou Kang Street, Shilin District, TaipeiTel: 02-2882-6748 Fax: 02-2882-6749E-mail: [email protected]

Michael MullahyMichael O’NeillBunny PachecoShaun RamsdenKristen RobertsonRichard SaundersBethany ShiehRosemary SusaMaria TanGrace TingKara Wall

A llow me to get a touch sentimental. Call it my American blood, but at this time of year, with the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday just around the corner, I inevitably turn introspective, reflecting on

the past year and all for which I am thankful. It seems like a particularly fitting time to give thanks because, as of this writing, we’ve just wrapped up The Center’s 18th Annual Charity Auction Dinner (see page 14 for more on that), and the glow of goodwill that event brings still lingers in the air. On behalf of The Center, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who supports The Center at the auction and throughout the year.

Centered on Taipei has also been the recipient of extraordinary generosity this year. Last spring we launched a campaign to raise much-needed funds for the magazine, and we were overwhelmed by the response, with individuals and businesses opening their pocketbooks to ensure the continued success of this publication. We tip our hats to our readers, many of whom donated, and to our advertisers, whose support is essential to the magazine. Of course, without our terrific volunteer writers and photographers we would have no publication at all — so to our contributors, thank you for filling the pages with fantastic content each month!

Now, you may be asking, what exactly are the pages filled with this month? Lots! First, I’m thrilled to introduce a new column, Ask Taiwanxifu, by long-time contributor Serina Huang. In this feature, Serina addresses cultural questions related to life in Taiwan, and this month she’s talking about religion. If you have a question, be sure to ask Taiwanxifu!

Speaking of culture, Michael Mullahy’s Outlook article is another must read for the culturally curious. It’s a fascinating piece, about the differences in how people approach mental health issues, that offers an interesting perspective on the cultural aspects of health and medicine.

There are many other terrific articles to highlight, on topics ranging from travel in Alishan Forest Recreation Area to superfoods (and why you may want to think twice about them), but let me focus on one topic in particular: people. Certainly one of the joys of expat life is the diversity of people you meet, and this issue features a number of such individuals. Maria Tan discusses Salina Hong’s inspirational transformation to a healthier way of life, and Verity Mackintosh gives us a sneak peek at season two of the show Graci in the Kitchen in her profile of foodie Graci Kim. Meanwhile, Kara Wall (more on her in a moment) explores the world of design with Doranne Awad, an expat with a serious passion for fashion.

Of course, the downside of expat life is that, all too often, we have to say goodbye to new-found friends. This month we bid farewell to Kara, our Advertising Manager, as she returns to the U.S. With each departure, the process does not get easier, but the silver lining is a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to share a sliver of life with many truly amazing people, however briefly.

With thanks,

Richard SaundersCo-editor

Kari SchiroEditor

Kara WallAdvertising Manager


Please send email submissions, comments, and feedback to [email protected].

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TICKETING OFFICES: • NTCH: (02) 3393 9888 • ERA: (02) 2709 3788

for full details, please log on to the culture Express website at or take a copy of the monthly program from cks cultural center, available from MRt stations, bookshops and ticketing offices.


C hristmas really does seem to have come early this year, with an almost mind-boggling line-up of major concerts at the CKS Cultural Center that hasn’t been surpassed for donkey’s years.

Probably the biggest event of all is home-grown: the world premiere of Cloud Gate Theater’s latest piece, Rice (good luck getting tickets for that if you haven’t already!). Elsewhere the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra is in town for a solitary concert (on November 15th) with super-violinist Hilary Hahn, who made a huge impact a year or two back by almost miraculously revealing (on CD) that Schoenberg’s infamously gnarly Violin Concerto is in fact a magnificently lyrical piece of post-post-Romantic drama. Sadly they’re playing it safe in Taipei, picking the accompanying work on that famous CD: the ever-popular violin concerto by Sibelius (which is also being performed earlier in the month in a Taipei Symphony Orchestra concert, on November 7th). The rest of the program is similarly unenterprising: Wagner’s Lohengrin overture and Dvorak’s hackneyed New World Symphony, but then an orchestra of this calibre could probably turn a concert of Hollywood film soundtracks into a profound listening experience.

Another major international ensemble, The Hungarian National Radio Orchestra, is also in town under pianist-conductor Tamás Vásáry for a pair of concerts on November 4th and 5th, and they’re also taking the easy route, playing mostly crowd-pleasers, including (in a curious example of pointless symmetry) the fifth symphonies of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. We do, however, also get to hear an uncommonly-played Hungarian mini-masterpiece – Kodaly’s Dances of Galanta. We can always rely on Sir Simon Rattle (in Taipei on November 8th and 9th with his band, the Berlin Philharmonic) for some more adventurous programming, and he doesn’t disappoint, conducting my two favorite programs this month. The first concert fearlessly couples Bruckner’s monumental Symphony no. 7 with Boulez’s five knotty orchestral Notations (by extraordinary coincidence played just last month by the NSO). The following night he pits Schumann’s lovely ‘Spring’ Symphony against two youthful masterpieces by Russian composers: Prokofiev’s lovely Violin Concerto no. 1 and Stravinsky’s cataclysmic Rite of Spring.

If, however, it’s simple, undemanding, toe-tapping fare you’re after, the concert by Michel Camilo and the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra is your ticket. I’ve never heard Camilo’s own First Piano Concerto, which forms the centrepiece of the program, but the remainder of the concert is exuberant New World fun, with the exhilarating motor-rhythms of the Estancia ballet music by Argentine’s national composer, Ginastera, the infectious high spirits of Mexican composer Marquez’s Danza no. 2 (written only in 1994, but already a popular classic) and Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, which of course needs no introduction.

Oh, and I almost forgot this month we also have flutist Emmanuel Pahud playing chamber music with harp, jazzman Herbie Hancock and his band, and octogenarian pianist Paul Badura Skoda playing his beloved Schubert and Mozart. It’s a busy month….

National Theater and Concert HallNOVEMBER 2013


Pu’ing: Tracing the Atayal Route Aboriginal song and danceNovember 12

RiceCloud Gate’s latest work receives its world premierNovember 22-24, 26-30 RR


NSO Europe Tour ConcertWorks by Dvorak, Richard Strauss, Berlioz and ChienNovember 3

Hungarian National Radio Orchestra IWorks by Liszt, Mendelssohn, Beethoven and KodályNovember 4 RR

Hungarian National Radio Orchestra IIMusic by TchaikovskyNovember 5 RR

Tamás Vásáry Conversation RecitalVásáry plays (and talks about) LisztNovember 6 RR

TSO: Fire and IceWorks by Sibelius and RavelNovember 7

Berlin Philharmonic and Sir Simon Rattle IWorks by Bruckner and BoulezNovember 8 RR

Berlin Philharmonic and Sir Simon Rattle IIMusic by Prokofiev, Schumann and StravinskyNovember 9 RR

Bonjour! Emmanuel PahudMusic for flute and harp by Debussy, Mozart, Schumann, Faure and PiazzollaNovember 10

Herbie Hancock Jazz ConcertNovember 14

City of Birmingham Symphony OrchestraWorks by Dvorak, Sibelius and WagnerNovember 15 RR

An Evening of Michel Camilo and GershwinPopular orchestral works by Gershwin, Ginastera and MarquezNovember 23 RR

Gwhyneth Chen Piano RecitalRachmaninov’s 24 Preludes (opp. 3, 23 and 32)November 26

European Jazz Trio Taiwan DebutNovember 28

Paul Badura Skoda Piano RecitalMusic by Schubert and MozartNovember 29


Ming Hwa Yuan Arts and Culture Group anniversary celebrationNovember 2 & 3

Light up the NightTurning on the Christmas 2013 lightsNovember 23


RR: Richard Recommends

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RichaRd SaundeRS

Page 7: Centered on Taipei November 2013 NOVEMBER 2013

csc news

BOOK CLUBSThis month The Center’s book clubs will be reading Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found by Cheryl Strayed, a memoir that chronicles the author’s trek from the Mojave Desert to Washington state along the Pacific Crest Trail.The morning book club will meet Tuesday, N o v e m b e r 1 9 , 1 1 a m o n w a r d s. F o r more informat ion, emai l c oted i to [email protected].

The evening book club will meet on Thursday, November 21, 7 pm onwards. For more information, email [email protected].

SPECIAL TOPIC COFFEE MORNINGCome Celebrate Diwali! Thursday, November 1410:30 am – 12 pmExperience the culture, sights, tastes, and sounds of India as we celebrate Diwali, the “Festival of Lights.”

ANZChamNovember 5th at 10:30 amFashions on the Field: Charity Event for the Salvation Army's HS Education FundVenue: American Club Beian Road

Taipei City GovernmentNovember 10th2013 Beef Noodle Festival: The FinalsVenue: Taipei Expo Park, see website for location details Yumen Street

Cloud Gate Dance TheatreNovember 22nd through January 19thLin Huaimin’s Latest Creation: RICE the World Premiere Venue: National Theater, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Zhongshan South Road

Taipei Astronomical MuseumThrough October 2014 Zambezia: From the Heart of Africa, TAM’s Newest 3D Movie Venue: TAM’s 3D Theater (see website for show times and details) Jihe Road

Godot Theater CompanyUntil November 27th, daily25th Anniversary Performance: Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps, 102 Guangfu South Road

Red RoomEvery Third Saturday, 6:30 – 10:30 pmStage Time and Wine: Join the Culture of Listening… Celebrate the Spoken Word, 117 Da-An Road

Guling Street Avant-Garde TheatreTuesday Through Sunday, 10 am to 10 pmExhibition: A Place Where Art, Culture and Creativity IntersectVenue: 1F, Lane 5, Guling Street Riverside Live HouseEvery Thursday through SundayMini Concerts: A Platform for Original, Next-generation MusicCall: (02) 2370-8805 for schedules and tickets Xining South Road

National Museum of HistoryUntil November 24thTangible Splendor: The Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Lacquer Ware from the Collection of Chi Chang Yuan Gallery: 4F, Room 401 Nanhai Road

National Taiwan MuseumUntil November 24thThe View of Formosa's Landscape from PhotographersGallery: G200 Xiangyang Road

Taipei Fine Arts MuseumUntil November 24thLooking for Tao: Hong Mei-Ling Solo ExhibitionGallery: Basement

Until December 29thTime: The Images of Chang Chao-Tang, 1959–2013Galleries: 3A, 3B, 3C Zhongshan North Road, Section 3

National Palace MuseumUntil January 7thThe Complete Qianlong: A Special Exhibition on the Aesthetic Tastes of the Qing Emperor GaozongGalleries: Exhibit Area 1, 103, 105, 107, 202, 208, 210, 212

Until February 10thLeonardo-Mona Lisa ─ The MythsGallery: Exhibition Area II 1F, Library Building Zhishan Road, Section 2

events about town

events at the center

Just a few of the things that are going on around Taipei this month...

* CompIlEd by JoHN mCQuAdE

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Page 8: Centered on Taipei November 2013

H ave you ever noticed that tucked in the lanes, alleys, and backstreets of Taipei are endless places just waiting to be discovered? I stumbled upon just one of these, a place that invites its

visitors to explore a variety of Taiwanese products from tea (sold in small tea houses scattered throughout the store), food, arts, and clothing from some of Taiwan’s local designers, plus activities such as glass blowing and jewelry making for the family. These finds are housed in the newest addition to the Eslite chain. Called “Eslite Spectrum,” this Eslite branch is located in the Songyan Creative Park, and it comes with a hotel, artists’ studios, and a spectacular night view of 101 and the surrounding buildings.

The Songyan Creative Park is located in an area of old warehouses that have been renovated to house a restaurant and exhibition halls. At present, a Robotic Hello Kitty exhibition fills one of the halls. The wall is covered with a variety of different Hello Kitty characters dressed in space-like costumes. Unfortunately, the Hello Kitty Robot dolls are sold out, but for Hello Kitty lovers this exhibit is a must.

The Songyan Creative Park is definitely worth checking out.

Eslite Spectrum88 Yanchang RoadMRT Taipei City Hall (leave by Exit 1)

Tien Tung galleRyI n N o v e m b e r, t h e

G a l l e r y w a l l s w i l l feature the wonderful artwork of Huan Yuan Chen and other artists f r o m T i e n Tu n g A r t

Gallery. Priced between NT$700 and NT$1,800, these beautiful scroll paintings make great gifts or an excellent addition to your home decor. Tien Tung also accepts custom orders.

Rangoli Skin caRe PRoducTS – Back To naTuRal SimPliciTy in Skin caRe

After studying ayurvedic medicine in India, Liz Coetzee created "Rangoli Health," and started making her own cosmetics in 2009. Rangoli is a popular form of art in India that usually adorns doors and gates during festivals. Rangoli designs are like eternal knots, woven together with bright colors, and the purpose of a rangoli is to welcome a sense of wellness into the home. Rangoli Skin Care Products combine an exotic collection of skin care alternatives, to help you weave your personal rangoli pattern of natural living.

cenTeR’S chaRiTy coRneRAmy Liu has kindly donated some beautiful jewelry to help

support The Center. Her jewelry comes in a wide variety of designs to meet all your accessory needs. There are necklaces, bracelets, and earrings for you to choose from. 100% of the proceeds goes to The Center.

A percentage of all proceeds of items sold at the Gallery goes to The Center, so please remember that by displaying and shopping here you are helping us to provide much needed services to the international


the center'sfavorite



GALLERYNovember 2013

Eslite Spectrum

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expat perspective

Richard Saunders is a trained classical musician and writer who has lived in Taipei since 1993. He has written several books (available at The Center and in bookshops around Taipei), including Yangmingshan: the Guide (a complete guide to the National Park on Taipei’s doorstep) and Taipei Escapes I and 2, which together detail sixty day trips and hikes within easy reach of Taipei city. A fourth book, a guide to Taiwan’s offshore islands, is out now.


N ovember is silver grass season, and while parts of Yangmingshan are great spots to watch the annual spectacle when hillsides covered with this coarse, shoulder-high grass erupt into carpets of swaying,

cream-colored flower heads, arguably a better (read: much less crowded) spot to enjoy the show is Mount Jiangziliao (姜子寮山), which looms above the western terminus of the scenic Pingxi Branch Railway Line, east of Taipei City.

Mount Jiangziliao (729 meters) has long been a popular destination for hikers, and today there are three ways to its little summit of close-cropped grass, commanding a magnificent, 360-degree view over the upper Keelung River valley, the East China Sea, and Keelung.

The last time I came up here was well over a decade ago, while scouting for routes to include in the now out-of-print Taipei Day Trips Two. The summit didn’t make the cut, simply because it was too darn strenuous! Today day trippers (with their own transport) can easily make the climb to the summit in less than an hour by a newly stepped path from the north. If you’re up to it though, the original trail is hands down the best, most interesting way to reach this magnificent viewpoint.

The hike begins at Lingjiao Station, three stops before the terminus of the Pingxi Railway. It’s an easy walk for a short while, but then the trail drops to the stream, and the walk is very rough and tricky for a spell, although great fun and very scenic. After a while the trail leaves the sylvan scenery of the glen behind and climbs to a saddle from where it strikes straight upwards to the summit. This last bit of trail is as steep as any trail I know in the Taipei area, and it’s an exciting, if tiring, climb up ropes almost all the way, and even the fittest hikers are likely to be out of breath when the trail finally reaches the summit ridge.

Walk through the tall silver grass, and in another hundred meters or so a slightly out-of-place wooden viewing platform peers out over a surrounding sea of neck-high silver grass and an exhilarating wrap-around view. Hikers that have endured the tough ascent from the south will likely be peeved if they find themselves sharing the summit with groups of well-dressed Taiwanese couples and young kids who came up the (much, much) easier route from the opposite side, but any momentary irritation is immediately forgotten upon clapping eyes on the tremendous view, which, without exaggeration, is one of the very finest in the New Taipei City area.

geTTing TheReThe easy trail up Mount Jiangziliao can only be reached

by private transport. Take National Route 5 (the old road between Taipei and Keelung) to Qidu (七堵), turn south just before Qidu train station onto a side road through the village of Baxihou (拔西猴), go past the car park just below pretty Taian Waterfall (泰安瀑布), and park at the end of the road, which is the trailhead for Mount Jiangziliao. The climb takes 50–60 minutes. Only experienced and fit hikers with a good map should attempt the alternative route from the south; the route is described on my blog.

More information on Mount Jiangziliao can be found on Off the Beaten Track at

Mount Jiangziliao

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10 NOVEMBER 2013


Cultural Differences in Mental Health Treatment

Calling for Help:


T he co-existence of traditional culture and the modern world in Taiwan is fascinating. On my first day in Taiwan, I remember seeing a tiny, ornately decorated temple nestled between two gleaming skyscrapers.

This co-existence of modern and traditional is easy to see on the surface of Taiwanese society, but I’ve also enjoyed learning more about how this collision of tradition and modernity affects Taiwanese culture in deeper ways. As a counseling psychology graduate student in Taiwan, I’ve also seen that the co-existence of modern and traditional ideas affects how Taiwanese people seek help for psychological difficulties.

In all human cultures, people who possess the ability to treat illnesses and relieve distress may take on the role of a “healer.” In traditional cultures, these healers are often shamans, people who treat illnesses by intervening in the spiritual world on behalf of their patients. In modern Western societies, healing services are usually provided by specially trained and licensed medical and mental health professionals such as doctors and counselors.

medical PluRaliSmThe rapid pace of globalization in the last century has

helped many ideas spread. Western medicine and, to a lesser degree, counseling psychology have spread around the world. These Western healing systems were often introduced into cultures that already had well-established indigenous systems of healing. In these places, Western medicine and indigenous healing systems influenced each other, grew together, and now exist side-by-side.

Taiwan is an excellent example of this pattern. Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) system covers treatments from both Western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In addition, there are also many types of more informal folk healing services available. Researchers have found that Taiwanese people tend to practice what is called “medical pluralism”—using different medical systems for treating the same illness. Medical pluralism is a way to take advantage of the different strengths of each system. For example, some people may trust Western medicine’s diagnostic tools but prefer TCM treatments that have few side effects.

Folk healingFolk healing refers to the healing

pract ices developed in spec i f i c cultures to treat the physical and psychological illnesses of members of those cultures. Many Taiwanese folk healing practices are based on ancient Chinese religious and philosophical concepts, and are common ways for Taiwanese people to seek psychological help, resolve interpersonal problems, and receive specific guidance for the future.

At Xingtian Temple in Taipei, on certain days of the lunar calendar, you can find long lines of people waiting for blue-robed ladies to perform a short ceremony. These ladies are performing a ritual called shoujing (收驚), which translates roughly as “spirit calling.” A common traditional belief is that when a person (especially a baby) is frightened, their spirit may leave the body and cause sickness. To cure the illness, a shoujing ceremony must be performed to call the person’s spirit back into the body. These popular ceremonies are performed in temples around Taiwan.

In contrast with these larger-scale shoujing services, spirit mediums called jitong (乩童) provide healing services aimed at the specific problems of each client. Jitong are men who, after having recovered from a serious illness through the intervention of a certain god, are able to enter trances and temporarily take on the identity of that god. When they enter

Many of us may not think twice about how cultural beliefs shape our views on health, but medical treatment and healing practices vary significantly from culture to culture. Michael Mullahy explores this topic as it relates to Taiwanese culture and mental health.

Cultural Differences in Mental Health Treatment Mental Health Treatment

Calling for Help:

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a trance, they are believed to mediate between the human world and the spiritual world, taking their clients questions to the spiritual world, and responding to clients as if the god him- or herself was talking. Clients usually come to a jitong seeking advice about problems related to illnesses, relationships, or family issues. In a ceremony, the jitong first asks clients detailed questions about their problem and the steps they have already taken to resolve it. The jitong provides answers based on his understanding of what would be the best solution. If a client is troubled by a physical illness, the jitong may suggest seeing a doctor, or if there’s a conflict between two family members, the jitong might suggest a compromise.

Many cultural anthropologists believe that there are very good reasons why folk healing continues to thrive in the modern world. Folk healing practices were developed within specific cultures, so they are especially suitable for the people who live in those cultures. Healers’ beliefs about what causes illnesses will probably be similar to their patients’ beliefs, and their recommendations about treating the illness will be acceptable in that culture. As a result, visiting a folk healer is not considered shameful or embarrassing. Here, folk healers are popular because they are integrated into Taiwan’s culture. They know how to provide culturally relevant advice, encouragement, and comfort to clients. As a result, people view folk healers as wise, experienced healers who are able to give concrete solutions to the real problems they face.

counSelingIn contrast with long-established folk healing, professional

counseling is a recent “import” to Taiwan from the West. Counseling and therapy were developed in Western cultures, designed to treat the problems of middle- and upper-class Caucasian westerners. Because of this, mainstream Western cultural values are common in the field of counseling. Many counselors assume that clients should develop independence and self-esteem, and directness and self-disclosure are important parts of many styles of counseling. These Western cultural values can lead to problems when counseling culturally diverse clients such as Taiwanese as they may conflict with these clients’ beliefs and values.

Currently, Taiwan has over 2,000 licensed psychologists who work in schools, universities, hospitals, and private practices. As more and more Taiwanese people understand what counseling is and how it can be helpful, the demand for counseling has increased. In addition to The Center’s counseling services for the international community, there are many counseling services available to local Taiwanese. Most universities have student counseling centers, and more and more hospitals employ clinical and counseling psychologists. Professional organizations are lobbying the government to include more coverage for counseling services in the NHI system in the hope that more people will be able to access counseling services.

diFFeRenT STRokeS FoR diFFeRenT FolkSAfter reading about these cultural d i fferences in

counseling, you might be thinking: This is very interesting, but how is this relevant to me? What can I learn from this, exactly?

Counseling and other types of help-seeking are only one piece of a larger puzzle. A doctor isn’t usually the first destination for a sick child. Parents will usually start by giving a sick child some over-the-counter medicine or a home-style recipe. In the same way, a person with anxious or depressed feelings rarely goes to a therapist as their first step. Usually people will seek professional help after trying everything they can to deal with the problem: talking to friends, self-medication, reading books, or any number of other methods. No matter what our cultural backgrounds are, there are some problems that are simply too difficult for us to resolve by ourselves. When we encounter these types of problems, there’s no shame in reaching out for help. However, there’s no “right answer” for how to seek help. Different cultures have different systems for providing help, and within each culture, different people have different preferences. What works for one person may not work for another. Perhaps we should try to be open-minded, respecting the diverse ways that people try to solve problems, while also helping our friends and family to find the services that will be most helpful for them. NOVEMBER 2013

Michael is a second-year master's student in counseling psychology at National Taiwan Normal University, and is currently doing his counseling practicum at The Center. He enjoys running and photography, and like a true Wisconsinite, has a special place in his heart for cheese.

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12 november 2013

Religion in Taiwan

TexT: Serina Huang imageS: KriSTen roberTSon

A: This is an interesting question, and the answer is both “yes” and “no.” If you ask most

people, they will probably answer “yes.” But the vast majority of temples that you will see on the Taiwan tourist trail are not Buddhist in a pure sense, but really are dedicated to Taiwanese folk religion, with Taoist influences. According to Taiwan's Ministry of the Interior in its 2005 report on religious observance, 35% of Taiwan's population are Buddhist, 33% are Taoist, 3.5% fol low a Buddhist re l ig ion ca l led I-Kuan Dao, and the rest are Christian or a diverse range of other religions, including Buddhist-derived orders.

Taiwan has cradled a renaissance of modern-day Buddhism, with several Taiwanese orders rising from virtual obscurity to become international organizations running centers, temples, and even universities throughout the world. The five largest Buddhist orders in Taiwan are the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation (known for humanitarian work, including as a first responder in disasters); Fo Guang Shan (also known as the Buddha International Light Foundation, with two hundred Buddhist centers around the world); the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education (which runs

Chan meditation centers in Taiwan and around the world); the Chung Tai Chan Monastery (its headquarters in Puli is one of the largest and tallest temples in Asia, rising to 136 meters); and the Ling Jiou Mountain Buddhist Society (founded by the Burmese-born monk, Hsin Tao). All practice Chan Buddhism, a form of Maitreya Buddhism, which is known more commonly as “zen” Buddhism in the West.

But most temples you wi l l see on the tourist trail are dedicated to Taiwanese folk religions, often classified in Taiwanese official census reports as “Taoist.” To complicate things, many of the main deities worshipped are actually Buddhist bodhisattvas. For example, the main “god” worshipped at Longshan Temple is Guanshiyin (Guanyin) Buddha (also known in Sanskrit as Avalokitesvara). And many worshippers at such temples would describe themselves as Buddhist, even if the temples are not Buddhist in the pure sense.

R e l i g i o u s d i s t i n c t i o n s a n d c lass i f icat ions are genera l ly less important in Chinese culture, and it is not uncommon for Taiwan folk religion to borrow divine inspiration from Buddhism, or indeed even from historical figures. Over the course of a lifetime, a Taiwanese person may worship at many different temples (or even churches) depending on his or her needs at the time. For example, a student may pray at a particular temple hoping to do well in an important entrance exam, then later at a different temple to pray to find a husband or wife, to have children, get promoted, or recover from an illness.

This open-mindedness towards religion is represented in the diversity of deities worshipped in Taiwanese folk temples. There are literally thousands of different gods in Taiwanese temples, but some of the more popular are Guanyin (the Goddess of Compassion), Caishen (the Money God), Shangdi (the Supreme, Unknowable God), Guangong

Ask Taiwanxifu is a new question-and-answer column by Serina Huang, a writer who runs the popular (Taiwan daughter-in-law) culture and lifestyle blog. Serina writes about Taiwan food, culture and family issues. If you have a question for Serina, you can visit her blog, the Taiwanxifu Facebook page or email her at [email protected].

ask taiwanxifu

Q: I notice that there are a lot of temples in Taiwan. Are they Buddhist? — Roy from Australia

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expat perspective

TexT: Serina Huang imageS: KriSTen roberTSon

Kristen had been loving living in and taking photos of Taiwan and mainland China for seven years before returning recently to her native Australia. Her collection of amateur photography from those years is her greatest treasure.

(a historical general from the Three Kingdoms period), Matsu (the patron of fishermen, and a popular icon for Fujianese people and overseas Taiwanese), Wenchang (the Public Servant God), and Tudigong (the Earth God).

So how can you tell at first glance what kind of temple you are looking at? At the risk of over generalizing, there are a few tips and clues to aid the casual observer. At Chan Buddhist temples, the monks or nuns usually have shaved heads, the atmosphere is quiet and respectful, shoes must be removed before entering the temple, there are meditation rooms, food is strictly vegetarian, and you may see the character 佛 (fó), a dharma wheel or a swastika. (Yes, a swastika, which has been used in Buddhism for at least a thousand years and is a peaceful symbol of eternity.) The sangha (Buddhist clergy) usually wear grey robes during the day, while senior sangha wear orange robes during important ceremonies.

In contrast, folk religion temples are usually noisy community places filled with worshippers lighting incense, praying for their wishes to be granted, and/or doing a bit of fortune telling. Most folk temples in Taiwan are constructed from red brick and have multiple altars to many different deities, beautiful wood and stone carvings, and ornate, multi-colored roof designs made from pieces of tiles. There are usually people throwing red crescent-shaped blocks on the ground (called baab bway in Taiwanese) and tables containing various offerings (e.g. packets of cookies or flowers). The offerings are not necessarily vegetarian, and you can take them home with you. You are more likely to see volunteers or staff at the temple rather than monks or nuns, but if you do see clergy, unless they are performing a ceremony, they will probably not be in robes (nor will they have shaven heads).

Religion is an important feature of daily life for most Taiwanese. My favorite road trip game is to count how many temples I can see, and I am always amazed by the number I end up with. If you want to know more about various religious practices, including the richness of Taiwan's folk religions, visit Taipei's Museum of World Religions.

Museum of World Religions7th floor, No. 236, Zhongshan Road, Section 1, Yungho District, New Taipei City(02) 8231-6699

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14 november 2013

CSC newS

TexT: The CenTer Images: serene mIllICenT

O n October 4th, The Regent Taipei’s ballroom was aglow with shimmer and sparkle as friends of The Center gathered for the 18th Charity Auction Dinner. This year’s

Diamonds & Denim theme added a playful twist to the annual event, with guests adorned in creatively bedazzled attire, including a jewel-encrusted baseball cap and glitzy stilettos that rivaled Dorothy’s ruby red slippers in shine!

As guests arrived, the ever-talented Richard Saunders set the mood, playing jaunty tunes on the piano. While registering, attendees were also treated to an enchanting surprise when artist and singer Yang Tze-Yun, accompanied by Saunders, gave a magnificent opera performance in the foyer.

With paddles in hand, guests soon made their way into the ballroom where the Taipei European School’s Drum Ensemble started off the dinner portion of the evening with a very literal bang, to the delight of the crowd. The Meimen Kung Fu Art Troupe then took the stage, first performing a rousing Kung Fu Cheerleading routine then a magic show that wowed the audience with awe-inspiring illusions, which included a live dove pulled out of thin air!

MC Tony Taylor kept the festivities rolling and doled out the swag, with raffle and door prize drawings throughout the evening. Center Director Adam McMillan opened the live auction, reminding people to bid often and bid high in support of The Center. By way of illustration, he auctioned off the first item — a bag of M&M’s — for NT$10,000! From there, Auctioneer Aaron Grey took over, doing everything in his power to keep the bids coming, from personally conferring with on-the-fence bidders

Jewels, Jeans, & Generosity:The Center’s 2013 Charity Auction Dinner

to parading around the stage in Live Auction Item #10, a Harley-Davidson leather jacket! Grey’s only break came when ICRT DJ Jimmy Chou took over, playing classic tunes while guests raced to make final bids on silent auction items.

Along with raising vital funds for The Center’s programs, the auction serves as a time for The Center to recognize exceptional members of the international community with their annual Community Leadership Awards. This year Alice Ballard received the Individual Community Leadership Award for her years of service and commitment to the foreign inmates in Taipei Prison. The Corporate Community Leadership Award was presented to the Hao Ran Foundation for its work promoting global educational and cultural exchange.

The Center extends its sincerest thanks to this year’s donors, volunteers, and guests for their incredible enthusiasm and generosity, without which The Center’s Charity Auction w o u l d n o t b e p o s s i b l e . Because of this tremendous group of supporters, The Center is able to provide its high-level services to the internat ional community. Thank you!

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16 NOVEMBER 2013

Serene Millicent Photographyhttp://serenemillicent.com09756 96721



gn: N


i Kal


360analyseA.I.T.American Club in ChinaFaye AngevineArlo Chou's Photo StudioAsian Tigers Mobility - TaiwanAustralian OfficeBai Win AntiquesBake It Yourself TaiwanBakermanBayer Taiwan Co., Ltd.Beitou MuseumThe Brass MonkeyBritish American Tobacco Co.British Trade and Cultural OfficeTim BuddenCamp TaiwanCanadian Trade Office in TaipeiCanmeng AVEDACapital MachineryCarrefourAmy ChangLily ChimChina AirlinesClub MedCollsfitnessConcordiaDianne CornellCorning Display Technologies Taiwan Co., Ltd.Crown RelocationsDirk DiestelEdx EducationElan Collection Co., LtdEngagingMinds Worldwide, Inc.Fares Academy for Fighting ArtsGinjer cakes 'n more

Gorgeous Me!Grand Hyatt SeoulGrand Hyatt TaipeiGranola HouseHawley & Hazel Chemical (Taiwan) Co., LtdHeinekenThe Howard Plaza Hotel TaipeiHualien OutdoorsHyatt Regency TokyoICRTIkea TaiwanKatya Ilieva-StoneInkstone Italian Coffee CompanyJodie's Kitchen - Cooking Classes & Walking ToursKidchen ClubLe JardinSu-Pin LiLiaison Office of the Republic of South Africa in TaiwanLily's CollectionsY.S. LinAmy C. LiuL'Oreal Taiwan Ltd.Lutetia Coffee ShopMelchers Trading GmbH, Taiwan BranchMetropolitan Spirits Ltd.Mexican Trade ServicesMiaoli Wind CompanyMinistry of Foreign Affairs (R.O.C.)Nestle Taiwan LtdNew Zealand Commerce and Industry OfficeNoėsa - Luxenosa Taiwan LtdOffice of the President, Republic of ChinaPalais de ChinePernod Ricard

Persimmon LanePierre La Maison du VinPretty NailsProcter & GambleQ BritanniaRegent TaipeiRobert Bosch Taiwan Co LtdRoyal ChoiceRoyal HostSanta Fe Relocation ServicesRichard SaundersSerene Millicent PhotographyShangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel TainanShangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel TaipeiShangri-La's Rasa Ria ResortSpace Concepts Ltd.The Spice Shop Indian CuisineSuperior Realty Co., Ltd.Rosemary SusaSwire Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd., Taiwan BranchTaikoo Motorcycle LimitedTaipei City GovernmentMaria TanTien Tung Art GalleryTsar & Tsai Law FirmTurkish Trade Office in TaipeiRobert WarrenWaterford Wedgwood Taiwan LtdLisa WestWillie's DeliWonderland Nursery Goods Co., Ltd.A. Ping WuAndrea WuYang Tze-YunZulu Nyala Game Lodge

Thank you To ouR 2013 chaRiTy aucTion donoRS

Nov_p3-end.indd 16 2013/10/29 1:10:23 PM

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Serene Millicent Photographyhttp://serenemillicent.com09756 96721



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S ometimes the weather is just plain bad. Heavy rain, strong winds, a typhoon/hurricane/c y c l o n e . M i s t a n d f o g .

Blizzards. It’d be nice if that perfect time of day lasted all day; if it did, it’d be called the golden day, not the golden hour. And if the weather were perfect all the time, we’d still find something to complain about.

don’T PuT away The cameRa!Photography in bad weather comes

with its own set of challenges. Contrary to popular belief, the first spots of rain are not a sign to put away your cameras and head home. In fact, those first raindrops can sometimes bring about opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise ex ist. The changing weather will often produce some great lighting, so you’d be wise to look out for it and make sure you have an interesting subject to photograph when it comes.

PRoTecT youR cameRaOnce you do decide to stick around

and keep shooting, there are a few points you should keep in mind. While a little rain won’t destroy your camera, you obviously don’t want to leave it out in the open during a downpour. If you plan to photograph for a long time in heavy rain, you may want to consider investing in a protective covering for the camera (and yourself). In most cases though, your bad weather photography wil l probably be done under some kind of shelter that keeps you out of the worst of the conditions. No matter how good a raincoat or waterproof ensemble you’re wearing, most people simply don’t enjoy getting rained on. Positioning yourself

under an overhang and shooting out into the rain is easy in a city, and you’ll still be rewarded with good images. Your camera probably will get a few splashes. Don’t worry too much about them. A dry cloth is usually sufficient to wipe the drops off. Using a lens hood will also help to keep water off the glass.

comBaTTing condenSaTionCondensat ion may be a problem,

particularly if your gear is exposed to large changes in temperature. That could happen as easily as going from a cool environment to a warm one. In the tropics this is a common issue, as it’s usually hot and humid outside and cool and dry inside thanks to all the air conditioners running. If you’re not in the tropics, you may be faced with the opposite problem of moving from the cool outdoor air into a warm home or car. Make sure you dry your camera as much as possible before changing

env i ronments, and you’l l l imit the opportunities for condensation to form.

PRoTecT youRSelFAt times the biggest issue you will

face is not how to protect your gear but how to protect yourself. Don’t take any unnecessary risks with your personal safety. If the conditions are hazardous, get yourself to someplace safe. Particularly during tropical storms or gale-force winds, flying debris can be a real hazard, much more so than the rain coming down. If you see objects being blown around, play it safe. The same applies to flash floods — when the rain is really coming down, keep away from riverbanks, drains, and streams.

The aftermath of storms is often a great time for photography. As people venture out, grab your camera and join them. Don’t be afraid to lend a hand for any necessary clean up, but take the time to take a few photographs while you’re at it.

Craig is a professional photographer and has worked with the likes of Lonely Planet, Monocle, Asia Business Traveller, Asian Geographic and many more. In addition, he also teaches regular photography workshops and individual classes in and around Taipei. Visit his website at

Photography in Bad Weather

18 NOVEMBER 2013

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M y grandmother’s att ic has nothing on Notch. At first glance this café m a y a p p e a r t o b e a

hoarder’s paradise, but everything has a place — everything fits and works in a type of organized chaos. Perhaps this is why it appealed to me so much. Not to play into the stereotype, but it actually did remind me of my husband’s grandmother, of whom I have incredibly fond memories. Walking into her house, I’d never know exactly what new treasure I’d behold. Each item added to the eclectic space that she called home. Notch made me feel at home.

I found out about this treasure by looking up another coffee shop and one link led to another; this article clearly speaks to the rest. The information regarding the café was in Chinese, so naturally I cut, pasted, and went to my friend, Google Translate. I’d have to say in this case, the translation was spot on. “own boutique coffee roasting, cozy warm comfortable environment, free power supply and Wi-Fi - environment - super good.” I could not have said it better myself. Article done? Hardly.

Upon walking in, I could feel myself smiling. I love to be pleasantly surprised by cafés. The space is separated into two differing rooms. However, the first thing that hits you (other than the hairdresser perm-setter-turned-lamps) is the barista area. Moving beyond the HOT! DRINK case filled with cameras, superheroes scattered about, and the massive star-shaped light hanging above the service area, the counter is quite large, jutting out at strange angles, while still leaving room at the bar area, should you choose a seat there. Beyond the counter, this first room is truly something to feast your eyes on. With

exposed brick and what appeared to be wooden beam shelving with shoes (yes shoes!) on one wall, the eclectic mismatched furniture hugs the left-hand side of the café leading into the second room. As you are heading to the back of the café, your eyes are immediately drawn to the large bookcase that frames the wall and doorway. Shelves are filled with ancient delights — TVs, lamps, fans, a sewing machine, bottles… the list goes on. And on. Magazines are piled on top of one TV and from where I sat, looking straight down the crowded center of the shop, I was faced with a bust donning a hat and a stethoscope. The second room is as unique as the first, with more TVs, a piano, radios… I mean, I’m totally in love. Have you noticed?

By 12:35, the business crowd started pouring in and poured out exactly fifty minutes later. It’s as if people arranged it beforehand and just came in shifts. I’ve been to a lot of cafés and I’ve never seen waves of people come in and out of a shop as I did at Notch. I enjoyed watching the suits juxtaposed with the beauty parlor perm setters — it all seemed a bit surreal. Crowds speak volumes to me and it was clear that

Notch was a crowd pleaser. The line was literally out the door, and not one nook or cranny was empty. There was even an outdoor area for the smokers with a few tables and a small beer fridge as you enter!

Oh, the coffee? Sorry. I get carried away…. The latte did not disappoint. I was at a bit of a loss regarding my order, so I naturally deferred to the barista who chose a white chocolate latte. There are certainly options for those with less of a sweet tooth, but a variety of interesting lattes await those who are adventurous: Charcoal Roasted Hazelnut, Mint, Chestnut, Mocha (and more) are among the options here for the latte lover. For those who prefer the no-nonsense route there are Mandhelings, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Grade 2 (and more) for you as well. The price points of these coffees are fantastic; there is nothing over NT$100. My barista chose wisely — the latte was decked out in creamy, adequate amounts of foam, and the underlying flavor was certainly noted. With my latte the perfect temperature, I settled in with my laptop, occupying a table probably FAR longer than was socially acceptable….and I’d do it again.


Aly Cooper is an expat wife of two years who enjoys adventures with her six-year-old son, reading, eating, blogging, having A LOT of coffee with friends, volunteering and spending free weekends exploring what the island has to offer with the family. Got a suggestion for our resident caffeine addict? Send them in via [email protected].

Notch (Coffee Factory Since 2010)15 Wuxing Street, Xinyi District (台北市信義區吳興街15號)Tel: (02) 2345-3008 Open: Monday to Friday 7:30 am – 10 pm; Saturday & Sunday 8 am – 8 pm

coffee corner

TETET xExE T & ImT & ImT AGES & ImAGES & Im : ALy CooPER


Nov_p3-end.indd 19 2013/10/29 1:10:27 PM

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Being there, or being ‘there’Crown’s people are always with you. Preparing you before you go, and helping you settle-in when you arrive.Crown service offerings include:

Taipei Magazine CR Ads.indd 1 10/2/2013 10:33:19 AM


i n the midst of releasing a major independent film, most directors don’t think to include their alma mater as a stop during their publicity tour. This fall, however, Taipei American School students had the opportunity to meet alumna

director Bertha Pan ’88 on campus and watch the trailer for her feature film Almost Perfect. After a Q&A session, Bertha visited the Advanced Theater class to discuss her career in more detail. Throughout the course of her visit, Bertha shared anecdotes of being on set and gave advice to students aspiring to be film directors and actors.

During the Advanced Theater class, Bertha talked with students about working with actors and actresses. Bertha discussed different ways that she tries to elicit real emotion from her actors. One tip she shared: “I coach actors not to act but to react to the situation. I tell them that if the chair is uncomfortable, then react naturally to how it feels. The camera doesn’t lie!” She also taught students how to create a natural chemistry between two actors. For example, if characters are referring to a shared experience such as a dinner, Berth suggests that the actors ad lib that dinner before the take to make the on-screen shot more believable.

Students’ responses to Bertha’s presentation were very positive. Senior Sara Chen said, “She gave great suggestions

about the d i ff icu l t ies we might encounter not just in the movie industry but also in life."

Bertha’s “l i fe advice” included encouraging students to take notice

of their surroundings. She explained that too often people are so focused on their smart phones and tablets that they fail to see what’s happening around them. She recalled a funny yet poignant student-directed film at the annual TAS Formosa Film Festival about a person walking down the street. The character was involved in their digital world and missed the extraordinary events around them. “Don’t let that happen to you,” she said. “Don’t let life pass you by.”

Before leaving, Bertha had one more message: if you’re in it for ego — to get rich and famous — then you’re in it for the wrong reasons. If, on the other hand, you put ego aside and enjoy the process, you will get a great film. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges. Bertha encouraged students to look at these challenges as growth opportunities. It was evident from Bertha’s talk that she put her ego aside and embraced challenges. After all, look at her now and the success of Almost Perfect.


20 OctOBER 2013

Alumna Director Bertha Pan ’88 Visits Taipei American School

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Being there, or being ‘there’Crown’s people are always with you. Preparing you before you go, and helping you settle-in when you arrive.Crown service offerings include:

Taipei Magazine CR Ads.indd 1 10/2/2013 10:33:19 AM


O nce again, it’s time to prepare for the Christmas Bazaar at the Taipei European School! This is a rare opportunity to experience European culture at its best, an event where you can meet people from different continents and gain understanding of cultures from around the world. Who knows...

you may even have your very own magical story to share at the end of the day.There will be a fabulous selection of colorful handcrafts and a feast of cuisines from

all over the globe. And that’s not all: what is Christmas without the traditional carols and dance? Sing along to your favorite Christmas jingles and jive to the sounds of a live jazz band. A wonderful day that will bring you home with a broad smile on your face is guaranteed.


Christmas Bazaar 2013 at the Taipei European School

TAIPEI EUROPEAN SCHOOL CHRISTMAS BAZAARSaturday, November 30, 10 am – 4 pmPrimary School Campus727 WenLin Road, ShiLin District, Taipei

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22 NOVEMBER 2013

her career began in the “fit” or technical side of sports apparel. She was responsible for choosing specific fabrics for sweat absorption, selecting appropriate zipper placement, and deciding what designs and fabrics were best for stretch and flexibility. Just as it sounds, this role required less creativity and more precision.

Later her focus shifted to product design, allowing Doranne to exercise her creativity designing collections for Reebok’s running, tennis, and cross-training division. Her work included apparel projects for high-profile athletes including Venus Williams and Andy Roddick. The job also required frequent travel to Paris and Barcelona to shop for materials. Coincidentally, long before there was the possibility of moving to Asia, Doranne’s work took her to Thailand and Taiwan twice a year to visit the factories where her designs were manufactured. While this all might sound like great fun, Doranne explains that there was often intense pressure


Doranne Awad


From corporate sportswear designer to DIY Mom, Doranne Awad has turned her passion for fashion design and sewing into a way of life. This passion continues to evolve, just as her wardrobe does.

love aT FiRST STiTch Doranne was exposed to the possibil ities of

creativity at a very young age. She received the “creative gene” from her mother, and has been taking advantage of her keen eye for design ever since. Having grown up watching her Mom sew, embroider, and make candles, the art of do-it-yourself most certainly runs in Doranne’s blood.

While in high school, Doranne took a summer course in fashion design at a local community college in New York, and it opened her eyes to the possibility of pursuing a career in the arts. The class was taught by an exceptionally inspiring teacher who continues to be Doranne’s mentor today. For college, Doranne decided to attend the Rhode Island School of Design, where she majored in Apparel Design and learned her technical sewing skills.

PRoFeSSionally SPeaking The majority of Doranne’s professional career was

spent working at the well-known sportswear company Reebok, in Massachusetts. She held a variety of positions as she climbed the corporate ladder, but

The Fabric of Her Life

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Kara lived in Taipei with her husband and puppy from July 2012 to October 2013. She enjoys cooking, camping, and blogging about their travels in Asia (

Doranne can now offer YOU a helping hand with your own wardrobe! She is holding a two-part class at the Community Services Center called your Wardrobe: make It Work! This class will teach you how to take full advantage of your current wardrobe, and you are encouraged to bring garments in so that the class can discuss them and decide which pieces are “keepers.”Your Wardrobe: Make It Work!December 3 & 10, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pmNT$1,000To register, stop by The Center, call (02) 2836-8134, or visit

to come up with innovative ideas.After over ten years at Reebok, Doranne and her family

moved from the east coast to Oregon where she ventured out of the corporate world to stay at home with her two toddlers. She soon found herself doing freelance apparel development work from home, creating “tech packs” — packages that include all the specifications and instructions that are sent to a factory for apparel production — primarily for race-day shirts for athletic events such as 5k runs.

One more move landed the Awad family at their current station in Taiwan and gave Doranne another opportunity to stretch her creative muscles. She now makes and sells “I Spy Bags,” a fun toy for kids aged 3 to 10. She aspires to have her own company where she can sell her original fabric designs to print houses that buy from independent artists. Until then, Doranne is influencing people of all ages in Taiwan, one stitch at a time.

PaSSing iT alongDoranne’s own first exposure to the fashion world came

at the age of 17; she now wants to motivate individuals to explore their creativity at a younger age. To this end, she has already inspired her 9-year-old daughter to follow in her footsteps, and is teaching 4th and 5th grade girls at Taipei Youth Program Association (TYPA). The class of 12 young ladies partake in activities such as decorating their own sketchbooks, designing miniature dresses cut out of felt, and even creating their own fabric designs using paint and a pencil eraser.

Doranne also passes on her enthusiasm by teaching sewing to her friends once a week from her home. This began when a few close friends consulted her regarding some of their mini sewing crises. These ladies sometimes have special projects they need help with, but other times they are simply interested in learning more about the craft.

do iT like doRanneWhen i t comes to fashion, Doranne stresses the

importance of dressing for life and comfort — specific to yourself. Comfort — both physical and mental — is the the real key to style. The point being, if you constantly feel uncomfortable in the apparel you own, it might be time to reevaluate your current wardrobe to determine if it truly suits your personal aesthetic and lifestyle.

Doranne explains that everyone’s wardrobe should evolve over time. A great example is one that most of the international community in Taiwan has probably experienced: moving to an area with a different climate. As your situation changes, it is only natural that your wardrobe should change as well.

Doranne’s life also seems to follow this tenet: she has molded a one-time hobby into a career that evolves as her life changes. She hasn’t let long-distance moves, having kids, or living in new cultures stop her from doing what she loves. Some might say that, no matter where life takes her, Doranne always seems to find a great fit.

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24 november 2013


TexT: Michelle cheung chi-KwunState RegiSteRed dietitian of HealtH Professions council (uK)

I’m often asked: “What constitutes a healthy diet?” A healthy diet consists of “good” carbohydrates, “good” fats,

vegetables and fruits, and lean protein. I’ve previously talked about “good” fats, but what are “good” carbohydrates? They’re those that make it easier for us to control our weight and lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. To measure how quickly carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels, we have a system called the Glycemic Index.

What is the Glycemic index?Carbohydrates increase blood sugar

levels at different rates. The Glycemic Index (GI) measures carbohydrates according to the extent to which they increase blood sugar levels after being eaten. It ranks carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 as the reference score for pure glucose. High GI foods are those which are digested and absorbed rapidly, resulting in significant fluctuations in blood sugar levels, whereas low GI foods (typically those rich in fiber, protein, and/or fat) release glucose more slowly and steadily.

Remember: it is always wise to keep your blood sugar level steady throughout the day; this not only stabilizes your mood but also prevents having excessive sugars, which are stored as body fat, in the body.

GI value Types of food30 Wheat tortilla35 Carrots, raw38 Pound cake40 Oranges, raw40 Fettuccine, egg46 Chocolate cookies50 Macaroni, boiled50 Banana, raw50 Instant noodles51 Cereal cookies

GI value Types of food59 Roti/chapati60 Whole grain breads62 Udon noodles62 Sweet corn66 White rice, boiled69 Potato, white with skin, baked

GI value Types of food72 White bread80 Fried rice, Yanzhou-style98 Potato, white without skin, baked100 Pure glucose

a list of foods and their Gi values

It’s worth noting that a low GI does not mean that a food is high in nutrients, and a low GI diet is not the same thing as a low-carbohydrate diet.

• Foods containing little or no carbohydrates (such as meat, fish, eggs, avocado, wine, beer, spirits, and most vegetables) do not have a GI value.

• The presence of dietary fiber also helps to delay the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, which is why the GI values of potato with and without the skin, and of white bread and brown bread, differ significantly.

• Dietary fat also delays the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, but fat is, of course, high in calories.

Potential health BenefitsDietitians often incorporate low GI foods into meal planning because of their

potential health benefits. Studies have shown that diets rich in high GI foods cause immediate and strong increases in blood sugar levels, which have been associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart diseases, and weight gain. Foods with low GI values have been shown to decrease insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics and improve weight management. Although not all studies have shown promising results, eating whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables (all foods with low GI values) are certainly good for many aspects of health.

An Introduction to the Glycemic IndexCounting Carbs:

Michelle Cheung is currently a full-time mom to 2 but was previously working as a Clinical Dietitian in Hong Kong.

some thinGs to consider…

classification Gi value

loW Gi <55

moderate Gi 56-69

hiGh Gi >70

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Superfoods and Chinese Medicine

N ot long ago “experts” began touting the benefits of “superfoods.” They suggested that these foods could lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, and prevent cancer, among other things. Green

grapes, sweet potatoes, green tea, cottage cheese, berries, walnuts, salmon, spinach, and yogurt all have been considered superfoods at one point or another by various “experts.” More recently there has been a shift towards more exotic foods such as kefir, açaí berries, wheat germ, raw cocoa, molasses, and wolfberries.

Unfortunately, overloading your diet with these foods may not be healthy for your body. The idea behind superfoods sounds very logical: eat highly nutritious foods rich in antioxidants to decrease health risks. The problem is two-fold. First, the human body needs to be able to absorb nutrients effectively, which it cannot do when it is

overwhelmed with a particular food. Second, different people need different nutrients.

Therefore, we must understand that good health comes when organs are functioning at optimum levels. How then does one achieve optimal organ

function? The answer is balance. If you were to

go to the supermarket, buy a large quantity of walnuts (one of the “superfoods”), and then overeat them, this would lead to an imbalance. Most Chinese know that too many walnuts will give you a sore throat and pimples (“shang huo,” 上火). Similarly, if your digestive function is weak, you will get diarrhea and abdominal pain after eating yogurt. What is ostensibly a superfood for you may not be so good for another person.

It's all about optimizing function through balance, which is achieved by eating what your own body needs. Nutritious foods are important, but if you eat too much of anything an imbalance will occur, leading to bad organ function and disease. Balance, however, is not like a pendulum; rather, it’s cyclic. Therefore, one must eat with the seasons. You should eat a broad-ranged diet and eat according to your age. When young, eat more meat, dairy, and salt; when old, consume more vegetables, less dairy, and little salt.

Shaun Ramsden is a native Australian. He has a Bachelor of Medicine from the Beijing Chinese Medicine University and numerous Diplomas in Remedial Massage Therapies. In addition to running his own Physical Therapy and Massage Clinic he enjoys training in different styles of martial arts. [email protected]

text: SHaun RamSden

tCM Corner oCTober 2013

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november 2013

Alishan Forest Recreation Area

A lishan National Forest Recreation Area has a rich range of attractions such as magnificent sunrises, a narrow-gauge track railway, beautiful springtime cherry blossoms, enormous cypress and pine trees, forest pagodas and

temples, rich biodiversity, looming mountains, and great hiking paths. Although the park suffers from mobs of tourists following loudspeaker-toting guides, it’s possible to escape into lesser-visited parts and enjoy longer, less-crowded hikes.

Imagine getting away from the unrelenting traffic, noise, and tumult of Taipei and entering a place of sublime beauty, tranquility, and enchantment. Alishan (阿里山) is such a place and is worth a visit if stunning vistas, relaxing strolls through nature, and scenes of old-growth forests are your goal.

TexT: Thomas Furey Images: Thomas Furey & sTock PhoTos

Riding the RailsAlishan’s crowning attraction used to be the narrow-gauge

railway that traversed three different climate z o n e s ( t r o p i c a l , temperate, and alpine). The ra i lway, bui l t in 1912 by the Japanese colonists as a means to transport logging materials between the mountains and Chiayi city, climbed from 30 meters above sea level

to a staggering 2,274 meters in just over 71 kilometers. In modern times, it served as a tourist attraction and a historical monument, and until a few years ago tourists could ride all 86 kilometers of track, from Chiayi to Alishan, on what was considered to be one of the most breathtaking train rides in the world, rivaling train routes in the Himalayas and Chilean Andes. Sadly, typhoons have caused such extensive damage to the railway in recent years that only a short section of the highest portion of the route is presently in operation. However, riding the train is still a charming and novel activity and a must-do when visiting the park.

times, it servand until a ftrack, from Cthe most brein the Himalasuch extensivshort sectionoperation. Hactivity and a

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Flora and FaunaArguably the most aesthetically

pleasing part of Alishan is its trees. Massive towering sentinel groves of cypress and pine trees welcome travelers and provide an endless backdrop at which to gaze. The forest boasts trees over 52 meters

tall and up to 3,000 years old. These trees evoke awe, and some are considered divine. Some of the more well-known trees include Alishan Thousand Year Cypress and the Sacred Tree — although the latter fell down some time ago. The Guangwu Cypress is probably the most incredible one of the bunch, peeking high above the surrounding trees.

Alishan is also famed for its flowers. In the springtime, people surge here to see the beautiful cherry blossoms, which appear in March and last for about a month or so. At different times of the year you can find various other flowers, including magnolia, rhododendron, and jasmine. The fauna is similarly varied: Alishan is home to over a hundred different types of birds as well as the rare Alishan salamander.

SunriSe and the Sea oF CloudSAlishan’s best sunrises

are astoundingly beautiful and the ritual of waking up early and paying homage t o t h e S u n c o n t i n u e s to b e o n e o f i t s m o st h i g h l y r e c o m m e n d e d activities. Most visitors head to Zhushan to catch the sunrise and view the surrounding area. If you’re lucky, you may even get to gaze down upon a “sea of clouds,” a phenomenon that’s especially good after a rainy day. Get your camera ready, and be prepared to rise before the crack of dawn to get the best views. The trails will be crowded at this time, since this is one of the top views in Taiwan.

hiking trailS

Alishan has a wide range of hiking trails. The Absent-Minded Trail (Leye Mihu), is a quick jaunt through bamboo forests along an easy-going route. The Zhushan Sunrise Platform is another fairly short hike, although most just take this route around sunrise, and it’s a steep climb in places. The Giant Tree Trail meanders through some of the more notable giant cypress trees in the forest and is definitely worth the walk, although it can be crowded at times. The Duei Kao-Yueh Trail is a bit longer and more strenuous. There are also longer hikes to the mountaintops, if you have the time and energy.

teaAlishan is famous

for i ts oolong tea. On the drive up from Chiay i, you’l l pass countless tea farms a n d p l a n t a t i o n s .

Alishan’s cool climate provides the oolong tea plants with perfect conditions to prosper. If you’re interested, you can taste the different varieties at several tea shops situated near the park entrance.

tranSportation and lodgingMost people prefer to stay in Alishan village, at one of the

many guesthouses, but it is also possible to stay in Chiayi and take a bus up in the morning. If you do choose to stay in Chiayi, Assemble! Backpackers is a good hostel option in the area (search “Assemble! Backpackers” on Facebook for more information). With the train still out of operation, the only

public transport to Alishan at the moment is by bus; there are eleven daily services, and tickets are NT$255 each way (half price for children).

Alishan makes a refreshing change from the constant movement and noise of the city. It provides an awesome range of hikes, views, and gorgeous trees. I would recommend it for any traveler, especially those who enjoy be ing outs ide and embracing the wild. I was able to do most of the main hikes and see the majority of

the sights in one day, although it was a little tiring; two days in the area may be a better choice.

ALISHAN BUS INFORMATION AND TIMETABLESTaiwan Tour Bus: Alishan Route B (nine services daily): Route A (two daily services): buses follow basically the same route and terminate at Alishan village.

Tom Furey is a recent graduate from the University of Oregon with undergraduate degrees in journalism and Chinese language and culture. He recently moved to Kaohsiung to pursue teaching opportunities and employ his Mandarin language skills. You can find him blogging about life in Taiwan at

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text: maRia tan imageS: CouRteSy of Salina Hong

Excess weight was hindering Salina Hong’s life and endangering her health. After one particularly eye-opening experience, she finally committed to making the necessary changes to her lifestyle… and it’s made a world of difference. Maria Tan explains.

28 november 2013


I’ve always been an optimist, sometimes to the point of being stubborn as a mule. When I set my mind on something, I usually get it. ‘Mind over matter’ is one of the phrases I live by. But when I met Salina Hong and heard her story, I

realized that here was a truly strong-willed person.

lookin’ GoodIt was in a workshop hosted by Rejuvenate CEO Gabriele Seewald that I met

Salina. She was discussing her book, only when you’re full can you Truly lose weight. She talked about her inspirations and reasons for writing the book. At the beginning of her talk, she said, “guess how old i am.” “go ahead,” she coaxed. “it’s just us. no need to feel embarrassed.” A person who openly invites people to guess how old she is must be confident that no one would get it right. I thought she looked somewhere around 45, but I wanted to be polite so I said “40.”

Now guess what she said next….“thank you very much.” I thought it was meant to be sarcastic until I heard the next sentence. “i’m 64…

yes, i’m 64. President Ma and i share the same birth year. Do you want to see my id?” I knew she was telling the truth. And as we got to know each other better, it became clear just how she got to the healthy and fulfilled place she is today: she is exceptionally good at following through with her plans.

a turninG PointPreviously, Salina was a successful managerial consultant who wrote several

books in Chinese on customer service and management. She later opened her own cooking studio that flourished, but then something happened that made her rethink her priorities — she went to Bhutan.

The highlight of the trip was climbing up to the Tiger’s Nest Temple. She and her brother were part of a tour group that took a bus halfway up the mountain, then they rode horses to a certain point, and finally they dismounted to climb the rest of the way by foot. When she got off the horse, she was panting but still very excited to reach the temple. Upon surveying the remaining climb, however, her brother turned to Salina and told her in a carefully worded manner, “i think it’s better if you stay here. the view here looks really nice.” Reading between the lines, Salina knew what her brother meant. A few moments later, a 78-year-old female monk mounted a horse and galloped off as if the wind were carrying her.

makinG chanGesFrom that moment on, Salina decided to embark on a weight-loss journey to

improve her health. She sold her cooking studio and her house in busy Daan, and moved to suburban Linkou — away from all those culinary temptations in downtown Taipei. The only condition she gave herself was to diet safely. She had tried all kinds of diets in the past but always regained the weight. This time she wanted to do it right. She thoroughly researched nutrition, food choices, food alternatives, supplements, diets, and so on.

(All it takes is COMMITMENT)

An Interview with Salina Hong

Hear Salina Hong speak at The Center’s December Special Topic Coffee Morning!Enjoy the Holidays: Eating Without the GuiltThursday, December 12, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm25, Lane 290, Zhong Shan North Road, Section 6

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Maria has a background in Business and

Communications. She teaches English in Taiwan

to both adults and kids alike. In her free time,

she does freelance writing, a lot of reading, and

shopping. You can reach her at maria.tan@

arts, culture and tours in taiWanSu Ho Paper MuseumWednesday, November 139:45 am – 12 pm

Paper making is considered one of the four great inventions o f C h i n a , a n d t h e S u H o Memorial Paper Museum shows t h i s co nt r i b u t i o n to wo r l d culture. On this tour you will view beautiful displays and have the opportunity to try your hand at the traditional process of paper making.

Chinese Breakfast with Ivy ChenMonday, November 188:30 am – 10 am

Have you tried some of the delicious dishes available at the many small breakfast restaurants on pract ica l ly ever y st reet corner? If not, then join Ivy who will take you to a local Tianmu Zao Can Dian shop where you will have a chance to try some of the more popular dishes.

Tianmu to Yangmingshan and Back: A Scenic HikeMonday, November 259 am – 12 pm

On this hike, led by Richard Saunders, we wi l l c l imb to Ya n g m i n g s h a n Pa r k by t h e Banling Trail, then return by the Tianmu Old Trail. En route we will pass a pair of waterfalls and an expanse of unspoiled woodland.

family, fitness & healthAmerican Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AEDSaturday, December 78 am – 2 pm

In this intensive, one-session class, Stephen Kuhlke and Shane Lawson, both qual i f ied CPR instructors, will teach you life-saving techniques. Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED certification a n d d ow n l o a d a b l e m a n u a l included.

hoBBies & skillsCulinary Knife SkillsTuesday, November 1212:30 pm – 2:15 pm

Learn the proper cutt ing techniques and the correct way to maintain your knives. Practice on different vegetables using the many different cuts used in both Chinese and Western recipes.

What’s cookinG?Authentic Pakistani CuisineFriday, November 1510 am – 12 pm

Have you ever wondered how to cook a delicious Chicken Bir iyani or how to make an authentic cup of Chai? Wonder no more as Sajda Gdihi wil l

show you how to prepare these delicious Pakistani specialties in this class.

Locavore’s Delight: Vegetables that Your Family will LoveFriday, November 2210 am – 12 pm

Learn how to prepare and serve a select ion of local ly available, seasonal vegetables. Don’t miss this chance to learn what to do with those wonderful vegetables that you see in the markets but may not know how to cook yourself.

Bellisimo BiscottiFriday, December 610 am – 12 pm

Learn the secret to making the perfect biscotti in this class! You’ll learn how to prepare two types of biscotti and a decadent chocolate dip.

To register, stop by The Center, cal l (02) 2836-8134, or v is i t

Here’s a selection of upcoming Center activities. For a full list of tours and courses, visit

courses at the center

Applying her expertise in management, she used a smarter, goal-setting method to plan her weight loss. She told me, “i didn’t set myself up to fail. The way to eat an elephant is piece by piece. so the way to accomplish my goal of a 20-kg weight loss was step by step. i opted to lose 2 kg a month. i mapped out a plan and i stuck to it. at the same time, i didn’t stop enjoying myself. i didn’t give up my guilty pleasures. i just changed the way i chose food and how i ate my food. i ate quite good quality food, which i prepared myself.”

In addition to the weight she lost, Salina also regained something: her health. “i used to take medicine for high blood pressure and i used to feel pain everywhere. But now, i don’t take those pills anymore and i can use the stairs instead of the escalator. so, yes it ’s worth all that research and that commitment on my part. change is not really difficult. it’s just different. and if we can change for the better, then why not?”

Indeed. Why not?

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G raci Kim is a New Zealand d i p l o m a t n e a r i n g t h e end of her two-year, full i m m e r s i o n M a n d a r i n

training in Taipei. Mandarin is the fifth string to her language bow, yet this award-winning social entrepreneur still manages to find the time to sate her obsession with food by producing a TV series. Season one was picked up and broadcast over a number of different TV-on-demand networks, reaching almost a million viewers within its first year. Not bad for a passion project. The US is taking the lead, with Canada, Israel, Taiwan, and New Zealand hot on its heels.

early influencesThose that have met Graci know she

is gregarious, exceptionally talented, very modest, and a devoted friend. Graci always keeps her father’s advice close to her heart: “The higher a tree grows towards the skies, the deeper its roots must spread underground.”

Graci’s strongest memories of her family are around a dinner table. “Our socialization always revolves around food — making it, eating it, sharing

it. We love to eat and we love to eat lots of it.” The eldest of three girls, Graci grew up in West Auckland, New Zealand. Though she worked at her father’s Japanese restaurant, she was always out on the floor looking after people. "I was never taught to cook; it was only when I left home and missed home food that I started to experiment in the kitchen."

Touching people’s hearts wherever she went, in 2005 Graci was inducted as an Asia New Zealand Foundation Scholar and Young Leader, a group of "outstanding young people who can inspire fresh thinking on how to build a more integrated and prosperous future between New Zealand and Asia." She has also worked in government to strengthen the ethnic youth voice in New Zealand, and has co-founded two not-for-profit organizations — one promoting the multicultural identity of young Korean-Kiwis, the other using dance to inspire and advance youth development goals.

moody foodg r a c i i n t h e K i t c h e n i s a b o u t

“moody food,” a concept that Graci

has researched for many years. Graci explores how food can affect your mood using research that suggests eating a combination of foods and flavors, fats, vitamins, and minerals can have a positive impact on your mood and body. Graci explains, “When I'm having a fat day, I like to eat salmon because it stimulates your metabolism 3–4 times more than carbs or fat. So you take in fewer calories and instead burn more.“

O n t h e s h o w, G ra c i ga l l i va n t s around her favorite spots in Taipei for inspiration and samples emotional treats. She introduces tradit ional recipes with a twist or presents her own creations using ingredients from all her homes: New Zealand, Korea, and Taiwan. In Episode 8: Feeling Tired, for example, Graci makes “Macadamia Tea Chocolate Crackers.” With support from New Zealand chocolate mogul Whittakers, she infuses her favorite Dark Ghana Chocolate with matcha tea from Taiwanese tea company Tearroir to make these tasty morsels.

the shoW must Go onAfter enlisting the help of Executive

november 2013


TexT: VeriTy MacKinTosh iMages: courTesy of graci in The KiTchen

graci in the Kitchen is back, and it’s better than ever

The intrepid darling who captured our hearts with her love for food, friends, and the arts is back with her second season of Graci in the Kitchen — a show dedicated to creating food to match your mood.

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Producer Verity Mackintosh, season two has taken on a slightly different look and form. As Machintosh i s currently based in Beijing, the series has been 100% run and del ivered onl ine, with the production team relying on optimized video production software and constant online contact to put the series together. Though small, the crew consists of people from New Zealand, Korea, Taiwan, Poland, South Africa, America, and Nicaragua. The

crew had a 10-day window to shoot the series this September. Even the strongest storm to have formed in the last 30 years didn’t hold them back. The nimble crew just shuffled a few locations and worked right through super-typhoon Usagi.

FUTURE PLANSGraci would eventually like to release

a cookbook in which rec ipes are categorized not by type of ingredient or

mealtime but by mood so that readers can be inspired to feed mind, body, and soul. Through each recipe, she hopes to inspire more young people to discover cooking and to experience the holistic power of food.

Where to from here? Graci wants to keep eating. She wants to continue engaging with people around the world and to have their stories inspire more mood-based recipes.

Ver i t y Mack in tosh i s a New Zealand T V Producer & Portrait Photographer currently based in Beijing. Visit or to check out more of her work.

Graci in the Kitchen: Season 2 launched on Oc tober 16, and episodes can be found OCTOBER 2013

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A Society For Women Who Enrich So Many People’s Lives

32 november 2013

CHarIty tOrphanage ClubCathwel Outing Saturday, November 2Chungyi Outing Saturday, November 9On November 2nd and 9th we will be having our Cathwel and Chungyi outings, respectively. We will be taking the kids from both orphanages out to have fun. As usual we will meet at TAS at 7:45 am. Though the venues have yet to be decided, you can be sure that both the kids and our members will have a great time. We always welcome and appreciate additional adult chaperones, so i f you are interested in participating in either outing, please contact us at our email address.

Angel Trees Thursday, November 7On November 7th, we will be setting up Angel Trees in both middle and upper school areas. Cards shaped like angels will be hung on the trees. Each card will include a child’s sex, age, and requested gifts for orphans and needy c h i l d r e n i n Ta i w a n. T h e

children’s requests include clothing, toys, and simple electronics. We invite anyone to pick up an angel card and buy the requested i tem. The gifts will be given to the guests during our annual Pearl S. Buck party in December as well as our Cathwel and Chungyi Chinese New Year Parties in January.

Raffle Ticket Sales and Call for Raffle PrizesStar t ing November 14th, Orphanage Club members will be selling raffle tickets for our 44th Annual Raffle Draw on February 20th, 2014. Tickets will be sold in packets of six for NT$100 and individual tickets for NT$20 each. Furthermore, The Orphanage Club is soliciting items that will make enticing raffle prizes such as airline tickets, jewelry, electronics, hotel stays, and restaurant and department store vouchers. We’re also grateful to hotels, restaurants, and individuals wi l l ing to underwrite the expenses for orphanage outings. We rent

buses, pay for amusement park tickets and exhibition admission, provide lunches, and have numerous other expenses.

Rummage Sale & Flea Market Saturday, November 16We will be having a Rummage S a l e a n d F l e a M a r ket o n November 16th, when we will be selling a variety of second-hand items. The Rummage Sale will be run by OC from 10 am to 5 pm, while people will be selling their own items at the Flea Market from 10 am to 3 pm. There is no admission f e e , a n d w e w e l c o m e everyone!

Pack and Mail WorkdaySaturday, November 23On November 23rd there will be a Pack and Mail workday. The workday will begin at 9 am and will end at around 5 pm. We will be packaging winter clothing with toiletries and school supplies, to be mailed to families on Orchid Island. We always appreciate and welcome everyone willing

to come and help us.

Hunger Week November 18 – 27Finally, from November 18th to 27th, Orphanage C lub will be hosting our Hunger Week. Throughout this week, Orphanage Club members will conduct lessons about hunger i n l o w e r s c h o o l c l a s s e s. Furthermore, we will have an assembly on November 21st to educate students about world hunger. On Hunger Day (November 26th), we will be fasting and collecting donations that will be sent to organizations including Oxfam America, American Friends Service, and World Vision Taiwan.

text: BetHany SHieH

TexT & iMages: Tiwc

T a ipe i Internat iona l Women’s Club (TIWC) is one of the most prestigious all-female organizations in Taiwan, with a history that can

be traced back to the early fifties. It was first founded as “Taipei Women’s Club” by a group of enthusiastic ladies belonging to a small foreign community in Taipei. A few months later, it was affiliated with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, which gave birth to TIWC.

intercultural friendshiPFrom then on, TIWC has functioned as

a place where there are no distinctions between creed, nationality, or economic status. By invit ing women from both

foreign and local communities to join, the club has made friendship and intercultural awareness possible. During the monthly meetings, cultural themes are incorporated and members are encouraged to bring guests.

Several special interest classes are also conducted. More often than not, women are the ones who put aside their dreams in order to put their families first. They’re the ones who usually end up giving so much up for their kids, husbands, siblings, or partners. Thus, these classes are a great way to learn new things, take up new hobbies, meet friends that share their interests, or simply find an outlet for creativity.

TIWC Christmas Charity Dinner ConcertDATE: Friday, December 13, 2013 at 7 pm Registration starts at 6 pm VENUE: Shangri-la’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, TaipeiPremium seat (front row): NT$4,500 Regular seat: NT$3,500 Homepage: www.tiwc.orgFB:


All questions and comments should be directed to [email protected]. Also try contacting our club sponsors Mr. Arnold at 2873-9900 ext. 239 or [email protected] and Ms. Koh at [email protected].

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BuyinG fishChoose fish that have clear, bright, and prominent

eyes. Scales must be undamaged and gluey to the touch. The gills should be bright red, not grey-brown. Most fishmongers in traditional markets will kill, descale, gut and clean, and fillet fresh fish upon request.

Here are a few Chinese phrases that might prove useful when communicating with the fishmonger:1. Please remove the bones for me. (This can be used for

chicken or other meat as well as fish.) Qing bang wo qu gutou (請幫我去骨頭).2. How do I cook this (fish), please? Qing wen zheige (yu) zenme zhu? (請問這個(魚)怎麼煮?)3. I want fish for soup. Wo yao zhutang de yu (我要煮湯的魚). I want fish for steaming. Wo yao zheng de yu (我要蒸的魚). I want fish for pan-frying. Wo yao jian de yu (我要煎的魚). I want fish for braising. Wo yao hong-shao de yu (我要紅燒的魚). I want fish for deep-frying. Wo yao zha de yu (我要炸的魚).

fish Part 2text & imageS: ivy CHen

common sea Bass 七星鱸魚 [qixing luyu]

Common sea bass is a firm white fish that, on average, weighs 500–800 grams. It can be found throughout the year; however, summer and fall are the best seasons.

Common sea bass can be steamed, braised, baked, or cooked in soup.

yelloW croaker黃魚 [huangyu]

Yellow croaker has very delicate flesh. It can be found throughout the year, but it is best in spring and fall. It is best steamed, but it can also be grilled, fried, braised, or cooked in soup.

tilaPia吳郭魚 [wuguo yu]

Tilapia is rich in collagen, which gives it tender flesh, and is the most popular farm-raised fish, either in fresh water or seawater. The seawater-raised variety is always skinned, filleted, vacuum packed, and bought in frozen form.

Tilapia can be found throughout the year and is suitable for frying, braising,

grilling, steaming, or cooking in soup.

threadfin 午仔魚 [wuzai yu]

Threadfin has delicate flesh, like yellow croaker, and is suitable for grilling, steaming, frying, or braising. It can be found throughout the year, although summer is the best season.

trevally or scad 甘仔魚 [ganzai yu]

Trevally has a fresh, sweet flavor and is best steamed, although it can also be fried or braised. It can be found throughout the year; however, the end of spring and early summer is the best time to buy it.

red Bull-eye fish 紅目鰱 [hongmulian]

Red bull-eye fish is a firm white fish. It’s good for steaming, frying, braising, or grilling. There’s no need to descale the fish, as the skin will be crispy and easily removed after cooking.

It can be found throughout the year; however, early summer and late fall are the best seasons.

ttFish from right to left : Common sea bass, yellow croaker, tilapia, threadfin, trevally, and red bull-eye fish.

PhilanthroPyIn addition to the friendship that binds

these women, their sense of philanthropy is noteworthy. They’ve established an educat ional foundat ion, which helps t a l e n t e d c o l l e g e s t u d e n t s w h o a r e experiencing financial difficulties. Many of them are now excelling in their chosen fields and have made significant contributions to society. Since 1978, more than 200 students have been awarded scholarships.

Last year, TIWC managed to fund the Little Shell Workshop — an affiliation of Taipei Parents Association of Autism — allowing them to buy ukuleles and providing them with the budget to hire a tutor to help people with autism develop important life skills.

TIWC does not limit itself to the present recipients of its good will, which now also

includes Animals Taiwan, Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders, The Grapper’s Heaven Center, and Harmony Home Association. It continuously reviews its charitable c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o d e t e r m i n e w h i c h organizations are most in need of funds. When an emergency occurs outside of Taiwan, TIWC mobilizes its members to see who can offer financial support via relevant trade offices.

christmas charity dinner concertUnt i l November 30th T IWC wi l l be

collecting items for the mothers of the Good Shepherd's Children's Center to give as gifts this Christmas. The Christmas Charity Dinner Concert on December 13th will also serve as a place where people can support special causes. Proceeds from the event will help support the Good Shepherd’s Children’s Center, the TIWC Educational Fund, and

Little Sister of the Poor, an organization that helps elderly people rebuild their homes.

What’s more, this Christmas TIWC has collaborated with the Japanese classic pop band Le Velvets. Le Velvets wishes to make this Charity Dinner Concert a special event to express gratitude to the people of Taiwan for the donation of over 20 billion Japanese yen in the aftermath of the March 11th, 2011 earthquake.

Join inTIWC opens its doors to enthusiastic

females who’d like to give back to society and also help empower other individuals. It is not a place to network or to sell things. It is a place for friendship, education, and philanthropy. If interested, please contact Lansing Chen at 0955-967-711, Pam Botha at 0983-765-902, or Mayumi Hu at 0910-221-501.

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34 november 2013

csc Business classified

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recreation Beauty

#14 Tienmu E. Road | Telephone 2871-1515 | [email protected]

Worship Directory anD community Groups

Listings are now available online at and

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