center for biomedical imaging - diffuse optical tomography system to image brain ... ·...

Diffuse optical tomography system to image brain activation with improved spatial resolution and validation with functional magnetic resonance imaging Danny K. Joseph, Theodore J. Huppert, Maria Angela Franceschini, and David A. Boas Although most current diffuse optical brain imaging systems use only nearest-neighbor measurement geometry, the spatial resolution and quantitative accuracy of the imaging can be improved through the collection of overlapping sets of measurements. A continuous-wave diffuse optical imaging system that combines frequency encoding with time-division multiplexing to facilitate overlapping measure- ments of brain activation is described. Phantom measurements to confirm the expected improvement in spatial resolution and quantitative accuracy are presented. Experimental results showing the application of this instrument for imaging human brain activation are also presented. The observed improvement in spatial resolution is confirmed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. © 2006 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 170.0110, 170.3890, 170.3010. 1. Introduction For more than two decades, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been successfully used to monitor local changes in cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamics during functional brain activation in both adults and neonates. 1–5 With NIRS, cortical hemodynamics can be monitored noninvasively, continuously, in real time, and with compact and inexpensive instrumentation compared to positron emission tomography and func- tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). NIRS can provide a temporal resolution of 10 to 100 Hz (depend- ing on the signal-to-noise ratio). Furthermore, the difference in the near-infrared absorption spectra of oxyhemoglobin HbO 2 and deoxyhemoglobin (HbR) allows the separate calculation of the concentrations of these two species from spectroscopic measure- ments. 6 The sum of the changes in the concentrations of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin additionally provides a measure of total hemoglobin concentration change [proportional to the cerebral blood volume change (CBV)]. NIRS thus offers an advantage over the commonly used blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) based fMRI technique, which is sensitive to changes in only the deoxyhemoglobin concentra- tion. 7,8 Diffuse optical tomography (DOT), however, has the disadvantage of relying on an ill-posed inverse prob- lem to reconstruct an image of the hemodynamic re- sponse to brain activation. 9 The majority of activation images published to date have been produced by anal- ysis of the hemodynamic response measured with nearest-neighbor pairs of sources and detectors and then an interpolation of the response between the mea- surement channels. 10 –13 The resolution of these im- ages is therefore comparable to the source– detector separation, which is typically 2–4 cm. In addition, the quantitative accuracy of the response is compromised because the image obtained is not an optimal solution of the inverse problem. 9 A suggested possible solution to these problems is the acquisition of overlapping sets of measurements. 14 Recently, we have shown that sources and detectors arranged in a hexagonal probe can provide overlapping measurements to improve spatial resolution by a factor of 2 while balancing the hardware demands of dynamic range and image tem- poral resolution. 14 In that work, the separations for the nearest and second-nearest source– detector pairs were 2.5 and 4.25 cm, respectively. This probe al- lowed a more uniform spatial sampling, which signif- The authors are with the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Massa- chusetts 02129. D. A. Boas is also with the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. D. K. Joseph’s e-mail address is [email protected]. Received 5 December 2005; revised 19 May 2006; accepted 19 May 2006; posted 22 June 2006 (Doc. ID 66440). 0003-6935/06/318142-10$15.00/0 © 2006 Optical Society of America 8142 APPLIED OPTICS Vol. 45, No. 31 1 November 2006

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Page 1: Center for Biomedical Imaging - Diffuse optical tomography system to image brain ... · 2006-11-02 · Diffuse optical tomography system to image brain activation with improved spatial

Diffuse optical tomography system to image brain activationwith improved spatial resolution and validation withfunctional magnetic resonance imaging

Danny K. Joseph, Theodore J. Huppert, Maria Angela Franceschini, and David A. Boas

Although most current diffuse optical brain imaging systems use only nearest-neighbor measurementgeometry, the spatial resolution and quantitative accuracy of the imaging can be improved throughthe collection of overlapping sets of measurements. A continuous-wave diffuse optical imaging systemthat combines frequency encoding with time-division multiplexing to facilitate overlapping measure-ments of brain activation is described. Phantom measurements to confirm the expected improvementin spatial resolution and quantitative accuracy are presented. Experimental results showing theapplication of this instrument for imaging human brain activation are also presented. The observedimprovement in spatial resolution is confirmed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. © 2006Optical Society of America

OCIS codes: 170.0110, 170.3890, 170.3010.

1. Introduction

For more than two decades, near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) has been successfully used to monitor localchanges in cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamicsduring functional brain activation in both adults andneonates.1–5 With NIRS, cortical hemodynamics can bemonitored noninvasively, continuously, in real time,and with compact and inexpensive instrumentationcompared to positron emission tomography and func-tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). NIRS canprovide a temporal resolution of 10 to 100 Hz (depend-ing on the signal-to-noise ratio). Furthermore, thedifference in the near-infrared absorption spectra ofoxyhemoglobin �HbO2� and deoxyhemoglobin (HbR)allows the separate calculation of the concentrationsof these two species from spectroscopic measure-ments.6 The sum of the changes in the concentrationsof oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin additionallyprovides a measure of total hemoglobin concentration

change [proportional to the cerebral blood volumechange (�CBV)]. NIRS thus offers an advantage overthe commonly used blood oxygen level dependent(BOLD) based fMRI technique, which is sensitive tochanges in only the deoxyhemoglobin concentra-tion.7,8

Diffuse optical tomography (DOT), however, has thedisadvantage of relying on an ill-posed inverse prob-lem to reconstruct an image of the hemodynamic re-sponse to brain activation.9 The majority of activationimages published to date have been produced by anal-ysis of the hemodynamic response measured withnearest-neighbor pairs of sources and detectors andthen an interpolation of the response between the mea-surement channels.10–13 The resolution of these im-ages is therefore comparable to the source–detectorseparation, which is typically 2–4 cm. In addition, thequantitative accuracy of the response is compromisedbecause the image obtained is not an optimal solutionof the inverse problem.9 A suggested possible solutionto these problems is the acquisition of overlapping setsof measurements.14 Recently, we have shown thatsources and detectors arranged in a hexagonal probecan provide overlapping measurements to improvespatial resolution by a factor of 2 while balancing thehardware demands of dynamic range and image tem-poral resolution.14 In that work, the separations forthe nearest and second-nearest source–detector pairswere 2.5 and 4.25 cm, respectively. This probe al-lowed a more uniform spatial sampling, which signif-

The authors are with the Athinoula A. Martinos Center forBiomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, MassachusettsGeneral Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Massa-chusetts 02129. D. A. Boas is also with the Harvard-MIT Divisionof Health Sciences and Technology. D. K. Joseph’s e-mail addressis [email protected].

Received 5 December 2005; revised 19 May 2006; accepted 19May 2006; posted 22 June 2006 (Doc. ID 66440).

0003-6935/06/318142-10$15.00/0© 2006 Optical Society of America

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icantly reduced image artifacts directly beneath thesource or detector positions for which single, nearest-neighbor measurements are insensitive.

We have observed that there is a 2 order of mag-nitude difference in light intensity detected from theadult brain at 2.5 and 4.25 cm distances on the head.Due to the limited instantaneous dynamic range�60–70 dB� of the detector channels in our imagingsystem, we could not obtain an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio for both the near and the far distance mea-surements with all the sources on the probe turned onsimultaneously. We require 80 to 100 dB of dynamicrange in the detection electronics for such measure-ments. In a previous work it was shown that by time-division multiplexing of sources and detector gains wecould obtain such overlapping measurements withcomparable signal-to-noise ratios.14 In that case, thetime-division multiplexing was done manually withthree different subsets of measurements each lasting600 s, where for each measurement subset differentlasers were on with correspondingly appropriate de-tector gains. It is more desirable to acquire the dif-ferent measurement subsets in 1 s or less to moreaccurately image the physiological fluctuation occur-ring within the brain.

Here we describe the development and character-ization of a continuous wave system (CW-5) thatcombines frequency encoding of lasers with computercontrolled time-division multiplexing of the lasersand detector gains to increase the effective dynamicrange of each detection channel and to allow overlap-ping measurements while maintaining an imagetemporal resolution of �1 Hz for functional brain im-aging. Since this time-division multiplexing is nowperformed by the instrument control software, thissystem is capable of switching measurement subsetsevery 250 ms allowing three different measurementsubsets to be collected in 1.2 s (accounting for delaysin switching detector gains).

Schmitz et al.15 have described a similar time-division multiplexed system. In that instrument,frequency multiplexing was limited to the differentwavelengths, with only one source position beingactive at a given time thus requiring time-divisionmultiplexing of all source positions. Instead, we fre-quency encode all 32 lasers in the system so thatmultiple source locations can be active at the sametime. This allows us to acquire images at a rate of�1 Hz. Our combination of frequency encoding withtime-division multiplexing enables us to acquire thenecessary effective dynamic range for overlapp-ing measurements while maintaining an acceptabletemporal resolution for functional imaging of �1 Hzor better.

We first describe the time-multiplexed–frequency-encoded system in detail. We then present the charac-terization of the system with two dynamic phantoms: ahomogeneous phantom for automated characteriza-tion of the CW-5 imaging system and a heterogeneousphantom that simulates brain activation. Finally, weexperimentally demonstrate the afforded improve-ment in spatial resolution by imaging brain activation

in adult humans. This improvement in spatial resolu-tion is confirmed by spatial comparison with fMRI ofbrain activation in the same subjects.

2. Methods

A. System Design

1. Instrument DescriptionThe continuous-wave imaging system (CW-5, TechEnIncorporated, Milford, Massachusetts) has 32 sourcesand 32 light detector channels. Figure 1 shows thephoto of the CW-5 imaging system. Figure 2 is theblock diagram of the signal flow from one source toone detector (for simplicity the other source and de-tector channels are not shown). The 10 MHz clocksignal is derived from the master data acquisitioncard (National Instruments 6052E). The programma-ble square-wave generator was custom built usingfrequency division integrated circuits (TechEn Incor-porated). Of the 32 laser sources, 16 are at 690 nm(Hitachi HL6738MG) and the other 16 are at 830 nm(Hitachi HL8325G). We typically set the 690 nm la-ser to a 12 mW average power and the 830 nm laserdiode to a 6 mW average power. Each laser was mod-ulated at a different frequency, from 6.4 to 12.6 kHz,with an interval of 200 Hz between adjacent frequen-cies. Each light detector channel consisted of an av-alanche photodetector (APD) module (HamamatsuC5460-01) followed by signal conditioning, amplifica-tion, and digitization stages (TechEn Incorporated).Each photodetector preamplifier output was firsthigh-pass filtered to remove low frequency signalsfrom stable interference sources like room light and1�f noise generated by the electronics. The gain con-trol stage amplified the signal voltage to match thevoltage range of the data acquisition card and wasprogrammable to vary the gain over a range of 65,000with 16-bit control (custom built by TechEn Incorpo-

Fig. 1. Photo of CW-5 imaging system and DAQ-data acquisitioncards.

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rated). The low-pass filter was implemented to reducealiasing during digital sampling. Each detector chan-nel was then sampled at 41,666 samples�s. To sampleall 32 detectors at this rate simultaneously, we usefour National Instruments NI6052E data acquisitioncards, each capable of acquiring eight differentialchannels at 333,333 samples�s. The continuous par-allel operation of multiple sources and all the detec-tors allowed for rapid data collection.

Once the detected signals had been digitized, theywere demodulated in software to determine the con-tribution at the detector attributable to each sourcechannel. The structure of the in-phase and quadra-ture (IQ) digital demodulator program is shown inFig. 3. All other spurious modulated optical signals(including those produced by line-powered lamps,computer terminals, or multiplexed LED displays),which are not phase-coherent to the source, exit thedigital mixer in the form of frequency-shifted ac sig-nals. A low-pass filter placed at the output of themixer strongly attenuated these incoherent signals,leaving only the small dc voltage proportional to themagnitude of the source energy detected. The low-pass filter utilized a third-order Butterworth filterwith a bandwidth of 20 Hz that was applied sepa-rately to the I and Q channels of the demodulator.The amplitude of the optical signal was subsequentlyderived from the square root of I2 � Q2.

The imaging system had an auxiliary data collec-tion unit to acquire physiology and stimulation trig-ger synchronously with the optical data. This unitused a National Instruments NI 6023E data acquisi-tion card, which has eight input channels with eachconfigured for a sampling rate of 25,000 samples�s.

The sources and detectors were connected to thehead gear by using 0.4 mm diameter multimode fi-bers and 3 mm diameter fiber bundles, respectively.Fibers from a pair of lasers at 690 and 830 nm wereepoxied together into a single optode to enable us totake spectroscopic measurements from the same po-sition on the head. The head gear was made fromflexible plastic and foam material and secured to ahead band with Velcro.

2. Time-Division MultiplexingIn the hexagonal probe geometry shown in Fig. 4,the separations for the nearest- and second-nearestsource–detector pairs are 2.5 and 4.25 cm, respec-tively. This geometry was chosen to optimize imagequality and temporal resolution as described in Ref.14. The detector channels (i.e., the APD, filters, gainstages, and data digitization) on the CW-5 imagingsystem do not have the required instantaneous dy-namic range to maintain comparable signal-to-noiseratio at the shorter and longer separations simulta-neously. To increase the effective dynamic range ofthe detector channels we used time-division multi-plexing of the sources and the detector gains. Sincethe different sources had different frequencies wetime-division multiplexed different sets of sources(rather than individual lasers) while optimal detec-tor gains were synchronously set for each set ofsources. For the hexagonal geometry this can bedone with three states, specifically using sources1, 5, 6; sources 2, 7; and sources 3, 4, 8. Softwarecontrols the switching of the sources and the detec-tor gains, with detector gains typically increased bya factor of 10 to measure the further sources. Figure5 shows the time traces of demodulated laser sig-nals received by detector 1 in the three states fromsources 6, 7, and 4, respectively. Each set of sourcesis on for 250 ms in each state. In addition there is afinite delay between different states due to the finitetime to switch detector gains. This delay dependson the number of detector gains, which have to bechanged from one state to another, and is slowed by

Fig. 2. Structure of the CW imager. Signal flow from one source to one detector: F, optical fiber; APD, avalanche photodetector module;Amp, amplifier; and DAQ is the data acquisition and control card.

Fig. 3. Structure of the IQ digital demodulator program for de-modulating one specific source. The signal is multiplied by the sineand cosine reference frequencies generated in the software, andthen a Butterworth low-pass filter (LPF) (20 Hz bandwidth) is usedto pickup the low frequency I and Q signals.

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the serial transmission of control data from the com-puter to the instrument. A complete cycle through thethree states takes 1.2 s. An increase in the duty cyclecan be achieved in the future by placing this digitalcontrol in the instrument itself rather than utilizingserial transmission from the computer. Note thatthe switching of lasers on and off results in missingdata for individual source–detector pairs. We ac-quired data for each source–detector pair for 250 msevery 1.2 s, for a duty cycle of 21%. The missing datawere interpolated.

B. System Characterization

An automated dynamic phantom was set up to allowthe simultaneous characterization of all the detectorsand lasers in the system. The phantom setup shownin Fig. 6 consists of a phantom box, syringe pump,cuvette, and a peristaltic pump. Lasers and detectorsare connected to the phantom box in transmissiongeometry by using optical fibers. The syringe pumptitrates black ink (absorber) uniformly into the res-ervoir filled with Intralipid solution (scattering me-dium). The peristaltic pump circulates this Intralipidand ink solution through the phantom box. At thebeginning of the experiment the medium was weaklyabsorbing due to water absorption (i.e., no ink waspresent and the Intralipid had negligible absorption).The ink titration was initiated and continued until

the medium was strongly absorbing. The data wereautomatically collected from the detectors at regular5 min intervals. In addition to measuring the sourcesignals at each detector transmitted through thephantom, we also measured the transmission of lightthrough a 3 mm thick cuvette in line with the circu-lating pump. The emitted and received light throughthe cuvette was collimated to detect only unscatteredlight. In this way, we could calculate the temporalchanges in absorption of the medium given the initialscattering and absorption of the medium. Given thescattering and absorption properties of the mediumand the evolution of absorption over time, we calcu-lated the expected signal for each source and detectorpair. The measured signal is compared with this pre-dicted signal to estimate the linear dynamic range.

The heterogeneous phantom setup, which simulatesbrain activation, is shown Fig. 7 and consists of a phan-tom box, a sphere with a diameter of 3 cm, a cuvette, aperistaltic pump, and a syringe for injection of brainactivation simulating absorber (black ink). The spherewas placed at various locations in the phantom box.The box was filled with an Intralipid and ink solutionto mimic the optical properties of the human head at830 nm (absorption coefficient of 0.05 cm�1 and re-duced scattering coefficient of 10 cm�1). A matchedIntralipid solution was circulated through the sphereusing the peristaltic pump. At regular intervals anink bolus was injected into the sphere. This created atransient absorption increase in the sphere similar tobrain activation. The lasers and detectors were con-

Fig. 4. State diagram with positions of sources (x’s) and detectors (o’s) indicated. The lines connect the active sources with the first- andsecond-nearest-neighbor detectors. Sources active in states 1, 2, and 3 are (1, 5 and 6), (2 and 7), and (3, 4, and 8), respectively.

Fig. 5. Demodulated laser signals received by detector 1 fromsources 6, 7, and 4.

Fig. 6. Homogeneous dynamic phantom for system characteriza-tion. Positions of sources (x’s) and detectors (o’s) are indicated.

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nected to the phantom box using optical fibers andthey were arranged in the hexagonal geometry. Thecuvette was monitored by a single source and detectorin transmission and served as a reference measure-ment of the ink bolus.

C. Validation for Brain Function Imaging

1. Human Subject ProtocolWe performed measurements on human subjects toconfirm the improvement in optical image quality bycomparison with fMRI. We enrolled three healthy sub-jects (two male, one female). The Massachusetts Gen-eral Hospital Institutional Review Board approved thestudy, and the subjects gave written informed consent.

The stimulation protocol consisted of multiple runsof an event-related finger-tapping task with on peri-ods of 2 s. The interstimulus interval (ISI) betweenfinger-tapping periods was pseudorandomly chosenand optimized to provide the uniform temporal cov-erage necessary for deconvolution with a 500 ms timestep.16 The length of the ISI ranged between 4 and20 s with an average ISI period of 12 s. Each runlasted for 6 min and the subjects participated in fivesuch runs. At the end of the study the position of theoptodes was recorded by using a 3D digitizer (Pol-hemus) with nasal, left, and right ear points as ref-erence. This information was used to coregister thelocation of brain activation identified by DOT withMRI.

2. Optical Data Processing and VisualizationThe individual source signals were demodulated andlow-pass filtered with a bandwidth of 20 Hz. Themissing data points corresponding to the time when asource was off were linearly interpolated from neigh-boring known data points. The rest of the data pro-cessing and visualization was done with a customMATLAB data analysis program (HomER), which isavailable for public download and use (see Ref. 17).Signals were further low-pass filtered at 0.2 Hz usinga zero-phase forward and reverse digital filter to re-move the heart signal. Changes in optical density foreach source–detector pair were then high-pass fil-tered with a 1�30 Hz drift correction. From opticaldensity data, the individual subject’s hemodynamic re-

sponses were calculated for each wavelength by usinga least-squares linear deconvolution18 and imple-mented within the HomER program. Regions of timeshowing significant motion artifacts (as clearly evi-denced by extremely large and sudden perturbationsin the measurement time course) were rejected fromthe analysis. The hemodynamic response functionswere then averaged for each source–detector pair over135 responses across all five runs for each subject. Wereconstructed images of absorption changes at the twowavelengths from the hemodynamic response functiondata averaged across the duration of activation (i.e.,the response for each source–detector pair was aver-aged from 2 to 8 s where 0 s is the time at which the 2 sstimulus began). Images of absorption changes werefinally converted to changes in hemoglobin concentra-tions.

For image reconstruction, we used the linear Rytovapproximation to the photon diffusion equation toimage changes in the measured photon fluence fromspatial changes in the absorption coefficient,9 that is,

y � Ax, (1)

where the jth element of vector x indicates the ab-sorption perturbation at the jth voxel, and the ithelement of vector y represents the variation in the ithmeasurement that is due to spatial variation of theabsorption coefficient x from background absorption.Matrix A is the linearized transformation from imagespace x to measurement space y.

For the case in which there are fewer measure-ments than unknowns the linear problem is under-determined and is given by the (regularized)Moore–Penrose generalized inverse

x̂ � AT�AAT � �I��1y, (2)

where I is the identity matrix, � is the Tikhonovregularization parameter, and y is the measureddata.

In the results given here, we chose � � 10�1 of themaximum eigenvalue of AAT.19 We refer to this re-construction scheme as the DOT reconstruction anduse this to reconstruct images from the multidistancemeasurements. When images are reconstructed us-ing only single distance measurements we use acolumn normalized backprojection scheme20 given by

x̂��AS�Ty, (3)

where the diagonal matrix S produces column nor-malization(one norm) of matrix A.

3. Functional Magnetic Resonance ImagingProtocolBOLD-fMRI measurements were performed using a3 Tesla Siemens Allegra MR scanner (Siemens Med-ical Systems, Erlangen, Germany). Data were takenwith the (gradient) echo planar imaging sequence�TR�TE�� � 500 ms�30 ms�90°� with five 6 mmslices (1 mm spacing) and 3.75 mm in-plane spatial

Fig. 7. Heterogeneous dynamic phantom that simulates brainactivation. The positions of the sources (x’s) and detectors (o’s) areindicated.

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resolution. Structural scans were performed using aT1-weighted magnetization prepared rapid gradientecho (MPRAGE) sequence (1 mm � 1 mm � 1.33 mmresolution, TR�TE�� � 2.53 s�3.25 ms�7°).

To calculate the BOLD-based hemodynamic re-sponse functions, the functional images were firstmotion corrected21 and spatially smoothed with a6 mm Gaussian kernel. The hemodynamic responsefunctions were then calculated by a least-squares lin-ear deconvolution. A third-order polynomial wasincluded to remove drift effects. As with the NIRSanalysis, the hemodynamic response was estimatedwithout assumptions of fixed canonical responses andwas averaged from 2 to 8 s following the start of the2 s duration stimulus.

4. Coregistration and Functional MagneticResonance Imaging ProjectionTo register the optical and BOLD images for spatialcomparison, the optode positions from the Pol-hemus 3D digitizer were registered to the anatom-ical MPRAGE images using the three fidicual head

points for orientation by rigid-body affine transfor-mation. These three points were manually selectedin the MPRAGE volumes. Since the digitized loca-tions had been marked by the Polhemus digitizer onthe top surface of the optode, rather than the sur-face of the subject’s head, the resulting optode lo-cations from this rotation were elevated above thehead’s surface. These positions were brought to thesurface of the head using a nonlinear relaxationalgorithm. This algorithm utilized an energy costfunction based on a series of connected, virtual,elastic springs between the optode positions:

Ei �12 ��xi � x̂i�2, (4)

where Ei is the energy of the ith connection betweena source and a detector, � is an adjustable springconstant, and x̂i is the interoptode distance for thisconection, which was precomputed from the physicaldesign of the probe layout. Only nearest-neighborconnections were used in the energy cost function.The algorithm brought the optodes to the head’s sur-face, while minimizing the above cost function in aniterative manner. Following registration, the fMRIdata were projected from the cortex to a scalp surfaceimage using an equal-area map projection algorithmthrough the center of the optical probe.22 For fMRIimages, the functional contrast projected to the scalpwas averaged from 2 to 8 s poststimulus onset.

Fig. 8. Time course for brain activation simulating phantom. (a) Time courses with increase in optical density (decrease in lightamplitude) for detectors 12, 8, and 9 with light received from source 5, (b) probe geometry where the circle corresponds to the projectionof the spherical inhomogeneity on the probe, and (c) time courses of the averaged change in optical density for detectors 12, 8, and 9. Theblack bar corresponds to the period of injection of ink bolus.

Table 1. Performance Characteristics of CW-5

Parameter Value

Dynamic range (bandwidth) 68 dB (20 Hz)Noise equivalent power 0.05 pW�root hertzDrift �0.5% over 5 min

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3. Results

A. System Characterization

The parameters that characterize the continuous-wave system are the stability of the lasers, and thedynamic range and noise-equivalent power of the de-tectors. Using the homogeneous dynamic phantomsetup we can observe the performance of a detectorover the entire dynamic range from saturation to thenoise floor. Table 1 quantifies the key characteriza-tion parameters of CW-5.

The dynamic range of the instrument is defined bythe ratio of the light that saturates the detector chan-nel at high signal levels and the noise equivalentpower at low signal levels. For the different detector

channels in the CW system, the dynamic range var-ied between 60 and 70 dB with a less than 2% devi-ation from a linear least-squares fit.

When detecting low light with an APD module, thesignal-to-noise ratio is determined by shot noise bysignal light and noise generated in the current-to-voltage conversion amplifier. The shot noise by signallight is nearly proportional to the square root of thesignal light. When the signal level is low, the noise isdominated by the amplifier noise and is independentof signal. The noise-equivalent power (NEP) corre-sponds to the amount of light that, when incident onthe APD module, has a signal-to-noise ratio of unity.This is calculated as 0.05 pW per root hertz, which iscomparable to the NEP specified for the APD module

Fig. 9. Comparison of backprojection images obtained from first- and second-nearest-neighbor measurements with the DOT image for thebrain activation simulating phantom. The positions of sources (x’s) and detectors (o’s) are indicated by the numbers in the reconstructedimages. The dotted circle corresponds to the actual projection of the sphere centered 2.6 cm below the probe.

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(C5460-01, Hamamatsu). This indicated that thecircuitry following the APD module preserves thesignal-to-noise ratio achieved by the APD module.

The stability of the signal from each detector chan-nel for each laser was measured to be less than 0.5%drift over 5 min (after 30 min of system warmup).During time-division multiplexing where the lasersare turned on and off and the detector gains are mod-ulated during data collection, the drift was less than0.8% over 5 min.

B. Validation Studies

1. Measurements on Heterogeneous PhantomFigure 8(a) shows the time course for changes inoptical density �OD � log10 I�Io� for near-infraredlight �830 nm� from source 5 incident at detectors 8,9, and 12, respectively, when the ink bolus is injectedfive times at 22, 60, 95, 132, and 165 s. Each boluslasts approximately 20 s. The spherical absorptioninhomogeneity has a diameter of 3 cm and is centeredat a depth of 2.6 cm. The circle in Fig. 8(b) shows theprojection of the sphere on the probe. The blockaveraged change in OD for different source–detectorcombinations is shown in Fig. 8(c).

The images reconstructed at a depth of 2.5 cm areshown in Fig. 9 with each row corresponding to adifferent position of the sphere. The three columnscorrespond, respectively, to the backprojection im-ages with only nearest-neighbor measurements, thebackprojection images with only the second-nearest-neighbor measurements, and the DOT images recon-structed with both the nearest and the second-nearest neighbors.

It could be observed that for all the sphere positionsthe location and width or diameter of the inhomoge-neity reconstructed by DOT better matches the trueprojection of the sphere (dotted circle) compared to thebackprojection images. Also, for the sphere positions inFigs. 9(c) and 9(d) the inhomogeneity is not well re-solved when the image is reconstructed by backprojec-tion with just the nearest-neighbor measurementsbecause it is located in a region not sampled by

nearest-neighbor measurements. These results are inagreement with the quantitative analysis of spatialresolution and image accuracy presented in Ref. 14.

2. Optical Imaging of Adult Brain ActivationIn the three subjects we recorded optical signals con-taining noise that was less than 1% of the signal.Figure 10 shows a temporal plot of the hemodynamicactivation measured on the first subject. Oxyhemo-globin concentration increases and deoxyhemoglobindecreases in response to the finger-tapping task be-tween source 7 and detector 6. A neighboring region,between source 7 and detector 4, is plotted in thegraph to show the lack of hemoglobin changes in thisarea.

3. Comparison with Functional MagneticResonance ImagingIn Figs. 11, 12, and 13 we qualitatively compare de-oxyhemoglobin maps reconstructed from optical datawith projected fMRI images for the three different

Fig. 11. Qualitative comparison of deoxyhemoglobin maps recon-structed from optical data by the different image reconstructionalgorithms with projected fMRI images for subject A. The positionsof the sources (x’s) and detectors (o’s) are indicated by the numbersin the reconstructed images.

Fig. 10. Temporal Profile of hemodynamic activity for subject A. HbO, oxyhemoglobin; HbR, deoxyhemoglobin; S, source; and D, detector.The curve labeled HbO S7 D6 displays the Beer–Lambert estimate of oxyhemoglobin concentration change measured between source 7 anddetector 6 and averaged across all 5 runs.

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subjects. We display images for both the optical andthe fMRI images at a half-maximum threshold tovalidate the improvement in the spatial resolution ofthe optical image that is afforded by the overlappingmeasurements. The spatial extent of the brain acti-vation is compared for four images: the fMRI, thenearest-neighbor backprojection, the second-nearest-neighbor backprojection, and the DOT reconstructionof the overlapping data. From these images it ap-pears that the optical image generally localizes thebrain activation in the same general region as thefMRI, with differences that can arise from the differ-ing depth sensitivity of the optical and fMRI methods.Qualitatively, from the three examples, it is clearthat the DOT images provide a more localized imagethan the backprojection images consistent with thephantom experiments and that the DOT images more

closely match the fMRI images. This improvement isquantified in Table 2, which presents the spatial ex-tent of brain activation in square centimeters. Thearea was determined by the number of activated pix-els that exceed the half-maximum threshold.

4. Summary

We have implemented a DOT system that combinesfrequency encoding with time-division multiplexingto increase the effective dynamic range of the detec-tors to allow overlapping measurements while main-taining an image temporal resolution of �1 Hz asappropriate for functional brain imaging. The systemwas described in detail along with phantom and hu-man subject brain activation experiments to demon-strate the improvement in image sensitivity andresolution afforded by overlapping measurements. Wehave confirmed, by comparison with fMRI, the im-proved spatial resolution afforded by this system byusing overlapping measurements with respect tothe simple single-distance backprojection scheme. ThefMRI shows a smaller region of brain activation thanthat observed by optical imaging, indicating that fur-ther improvements in optical image resolution areneeded. Further improvements in spatial resolutioncan arise either from a greater density of optical mea-surements and/or from incorporating prior informa-tion into the optical image reconstruction. To improvetemporal resolution, we can reduce the data acquisi-tion dead time during which control information isserially sent from the computer to the instrument.This can be accomplished by passing control of thedetector gains to a processor in the instrument ratherthan relying on the external computer.

This work has been made possible by financialsupport from the National Institutes of Health undergrants P41 RR14075, RO1-EB002482, and R01-EB001954. T. J. Huppert acknowledges funding fromthe Howard Hughes Medical Institute predoctoralfellowship program. The authors thank TechEn, In-corporated for collaborative efforts in developing theinstrument.

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Fig. 12. Qualitative comparison of deoxyhemoglobin maps recon-structed from optical data by the different image reconstructionalgorithms with projected fMRI images for subject B. The positionsof sources (x’s) and detectors (o’s) are indicated by the numbers inthe reconstructed images.

Fig. 13. Qualitative comparison of deoxyhemoglobin maps recon-structed from optical data by the different image reconstructionalgorithms with projected fMRI images for subject C. The positionsof sources (x’s) and detectors (o’s) are indicated by the numbers inthe reconstructed images.

Table 2. Area of Brain Activation


Area of Brain Activation (Square cm) Identified by






A 9 19 33 40B 2 9 11 22C 1 4 10 12

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