ce@maithanalloys. com er,2021 .,* .#ffi1?ii33i'ij;r'r#

ISO 9001 :2008 COMPANY Registered Office : ldealCentre,4th Floor 9,A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata -700017 T (033) 4063 2393 F (033) 2290 0383 E offi ce@maithanalloys. com 7s septemb er,2021 .,* , .#ffi1?Ii33i'i"J;r'r"# 11 2l The Secretary Listing Department The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. T,Lyons Range, Exchange Plaza, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Kolkata- 700 001 Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 Scrip code: 10023915 Scrip code: MAITHANALL Sub: Newspaiier advertisement of Public Notice Dear Sir/Madam, We are enclosing herewith copies of the newspaper advertisement as published on 7th September, 2021, tn Business Standard (English Language) & Arthik Lipi (Bengali Language) relating to the dispatch of Notice of the 36th Anlual General Meeting of the Company, together with book closure dates and e-voting particulars. The information has been submitted in compliance with the provisions of Regulation 30 read with Regulation 47 of the Securities and Exchange Board of Lrdia (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 201,5. This is for your information and records. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Maithan Alloys Limited Va ^/4' Rajesh K. Shah Company Secretary Encl:a/a c.c. The Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai- 400 001 Scrip Code:590078 Works : Unit-l : P.O. Kalyaneshwari . 713 369, Dist Burdwan (West Bengal) Unit-ll : E.P.l.P., Byrnihat, Dist. Ri-bhoi-793 101 (Meghalaya) Unit-lll : Plot No. 42 & 43, APSEZ, PO. Atchutapuram, Dist Visakhapatnam - 531 011 (A.P)

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ISO 9001 :2008 COMPANY

Registered Office : ldealCentre,4th Floor9,A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata -700017T (033) 4063 2393 F (033) 2290 0383

E offi ce@maithanalloys. com

7s septemb er,2021 .,* , .#ffi1?Ii33i'i"J;r'r"#

11 2lThe Secretary Listing DepartmentThe Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.T,Lyons Range, Exchange Plaza, Bandra-Kurla Complex,Kolkata- 700 001 Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Scrip code: 10023915 Scrip code: MAITHANALL

Sub: Newspaiier advertisement of Public Notice

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are enclosing herewith copies of the newspaper advertisement as published on 7th September,2021, tn Business Standard (English Language) & Arthik Lipi (Bengali Language) relating to thedispatch of Notice of the 36th Anlual General Meeting of the Company, together with bookclosure dates and e-voting particulars.

The information has been submitted in compliance with the provisions of Regulation 30 read withRegulation 47 of the Securities and Exchange Board of Lrdia (Listing Obligations and DisclosureRequirements), Regulations, 201,5.

This is for your information and records.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Maithan Alloys Limited

Va ^/4'Rajesh K. ShahCompany Secretary


c.c. The Corporate Relationship DepartmentBSE LimitedPhiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,Dalal Street, Mumbai- 400 001

Scrip Code:590078

Works : Unit-l : P.O. Kalyaneshwari . 713 369, Dist Burdwan (West Bengal)Unit-ll : E.P.l.P., Byrnihat, Dist. Ri-bhoi-793 101 (Meghalaya)

Unit-lll : Plot No. 42 & 43, APSEZ, PO. Atchutapuram, Dist Visakhapatnam - 531 011 (A.P)

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Tesla ...As per the tweaked FDI rulestoenableforeignbusinessestooperate in India, all procure-ments made in India by thesingle brand retailer entityshallbecountedtowards localsourcing, whether it’s fordomestic or overseas sales.Tesla has globally set up itsown retail outlets rather thangoing for a dealer network. Italso sells online.

Therulestates thatasinglebrand retail trading (SBRT)entity is also permitted to setoff sourcing of goods fromIndia for global operationsagainst themandatory 30 percent sourcing requirement.

For this purpose “sourcing ofgoods” from India for globaloperationsshallmeanvalueofgoods sourced from India forglobal operations for that sin-glebrand(inRs) inaparticularfinancial year directly by theentityundertakingSBRTor itsgroupcompaniesor indirectlyby them througha thirdpartyunder a legally tenable agree-ment. Industry experts saythat Tesla has been sourcingauto components from thecountry after signing up non-disclosure agreements. Therehave been recent reports thatit might increase India sourc-ing and is in talkswith at leastthree domestic componentmanufacturers. According toautocomponentanalysts, theyhave been looking for a rangeof components like light-

weightingof forgedparts,pos-siblysteeringwheels,amongstothers. Under the FDI rules,the company can account thevalue of third-party deals formeeting its local sourcingnorms, irrespectiveofwhetherit’s foruseinIndiaorexported.

Apple Inc, which plans tosource 30 per cent from Indiain five years for mobiledevices, has already startedassemblingphonesthroughitscontract manufacturers, bothfor India andexports.

Tesla is looking at import-ingthecars initially.TeslabossElonMuskhas called for a cutin the duty of imports — cur-rently at over 100 per cent —saying this policy is not con-sistent with its climate goals.Musk has also said thatdepending onhow imports ofcars do in India, it might lookat a production facility in thecountry.

Themovehasalreadybeenpublicly opposed by manyIndian players like OlaElectric, which has said thatthe company should invest inmanufacturing inIndiaratherthan import. But it has alsoreceived support from globalcompanies like Hyundai--thesecond largest car manufac-turer in the country--andVolkswagen. Many globalcompanieshavebeenpushingfor a reduction in duty to 40per cent.

The size of the electric carmarket isnegligible andexist-ingmodels are expensive andout of reach of most con-sumers. R C Bhargava, chair-man of the largest carmakerMarutiSuzuki, inaninterviewsaid the market for electriccarswasverysmallandwouldtake more than five years totake off. Telsa has alreadyreceivedgovernmentapprovalfor four of its models to beroadworthy in India.

Multi-variantvax...Headdedthat if theDeltavari-ant construct proves to neu-

tralise several variants betterthan the current Wuhanstrain, then in the future thevaccine canbeupgradedwiththegeneticsequencefromtheDelta variant.

Patel said that apart fromthis, there was a secondapproach. “We put two vari-ants inonevaccine–amixtureoftheDeltaandonemorevari-ant.This is like the fluvaccineshots where three or four flustrains are part of the samevaccine. However, all thisresearch is still very prelimi-nary, and I do not think thatwehaveanythinginsightany-timesoon.Tohavesomethingpractically would take at leastfive to six more months,” hesaid.

Theoretically,eachvaccineplatform can be changed, butfor some vaccine platforms,likerecombinantones(mRNAand DNA platforms), thechangeisrelativelyeasier.Oneis only changing the geneticsequence (of the virus strain),and not changing anythingelse that is part of the con-struct.

Also, the mixing ofsequences is not possible forall platforms.

It is possible to developmulti-variant vaccines on theinactivatedvirusvaccineplat-form like Bharat Biotech’sCovaxin.However, research isneededtoseehowthingsworkout.

“Everytimewechange,weare inactivating a live virus,and every inactivation is dif-ferent.Thewayoneinactivatesthe Wuhan strain may not bethe same as one inactivates adifferent strain,” the sourceexplained.

For recombinant vaccineslike mRNA or DNA, theprocess is relatively simpler.Here, onechanges thegeneticsequence of theWuhan strainwith whichever strain onewantsto.Forvirus-likeparticletechnologyvaccines (NovavaxorBiologicalE)also, this ispos-sible.

There is no data today onwhethermixing twostrains inthe same vaccine gives betterresults.


‘Testingpatience’:SCgivesgovtaweektofillvacancies intribunals


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The Supreme Court Mondaysaid the Centre was testingits “patience” and "emascu-lating" tribunals by notappointing officials to thequasi-judicial bodies whichare facing severe crunch ofpresiding officers as well asjudicial and technical mem-bers and sought action onthe matter by September 13.

Asserting that it did notwant any confrontation withthe government, a specialbench headed by ChiefJustice N V Ramana askedthe Centre to make someappointments to the tri-bunals before next Monday.

“There is no respect forthe judgements of this court.This is what we are feeling.You are testing our patience.Last time, you made a state-ment that some persons havebeen appointed. Where arethey appointed,” the CJIsaid.

Section 144 inKarnal aheadof farmers’protest today

Court no to deferring NEETTheSupremeCourtMondayrefusedtodefertheNationalEligibility-cum-EntranceTest (NEET)-UGexamination,scheduledforSeptember12,sayingitdoesnotwanttointerferewiththeprocessanditwillbe"veryunfair"torescheduleit.AbenchheadedbyJusticeAMKhanwilkarsaidifstudentswanttoappear inmultipleexams,thentheyneedtoprioritiseandmakeachoiceastheremayneverbeasituationwhereeveryoneissatisfiedwiththedateofexams.Theapexcourtsaidhoweverthatthepetitionerswillbeat libertytomakearepresentationbeforethecompetentauthoritiesontheissueandthesamemaybedecidedattheearliest inaccordancewiththelaw."Theargumentswhichyou(counsel forpetitioners)arecanvassingmaynotberelevantfor99percentcandidates.For1percentcandidates,entiresystemcannotbeputonhold,"thebenchtoldadvocateShoebAlamwhowasappearingforpetitioners.

Prohibitory orders banninggathering of people wereimposed in Karnal onMonday, a day ahead of agheraoplannedbyfarmersatthemini-secretariathereoverthe August 28 lathicharge,officials said.

The district administra-tion has issued prohibitoryorders under section 144 oftheCrPC,banningtheassem-bly of five or more people,and a traffic advisory withplanned route diversions,they said. According to aHaryana police advisory,main National Highway No44 (Ambala-Delhi) may seesome traffic disruptions inKarnal district on Tuesday.

"Therefore, the generalpublic using NH-44 areadvised to avoid journeythrough Karnal town or oth-erwiseusealternateroutes togo to their destination onSeptember 7," it said.Additional Director Generalof Police (Law and Order)Navdeep Singh Virk saidelaborate security arrange-ments have been made inviewof thecall for thegheraoofmini-secretariat. PTI

Focus on Af as PM chairsBRICS summit on Thursday

PRESS TRUST OF INDIANew Delhi, 6 September

PrimeMinister NarendraModi will chair theannual summit of the

five-nationgroupingBRICSonThursdayinthevirtual formatand it is expected to focusextensivelyonthesituation inAfghanistan.

Themeetingwillbeattend-ed by Russian PresidentVladimir Putin, ChinesePresident Xi Jinping, SouthAfrican President CyrilRamaphosa and Brazil's JairBolsonaro, according to the

Ministry of External Affairs(MEA).

“As part of India's ongoingchairship of BRICS in 2021,Prime Minister NarendraModiwill chair the13thBRICSSummitonSeptember9invir-tual format," the MEA said in

a statement.This is the second time

Prime Minister Modi will bechairing the BRICS summit.EarlierhehadchairedtheGoasummit in 2016.

The Indian Chairship ofBRICSthisyearcoincideswith

the15thanniversaryofBRICS.The theme for the summit

is: 'BRICS@15: Intra-BRICScooperation for continuity,consolidationandconsensus'.

India had outlined fourpriorityareas for itsChairship.These are reform of the mul-tilateral system, counter-ter-rorism,usingdigitalandtech-nological tools for achievingSDGs and enhancing people-to-peopleexchanges.“Inaddi-tionto theseareas, the leaderswill also exchange views onthe impact of the COVID-19pandemic and other currentglobal and regional issues,"the MEA said. Separately,Russian Ambassador to IndiaNikolayKudashevsaidthesit-uation in Afghanistan isexpectedto figureprominent-ly at the summit.

This is the second timeModiwill chair the summit



Covidandotherglobal issuesalsoonagenda:MEA

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7 Óy!íãƒÑ˛úÑ˛yì˛y, õDúÓyÓ˚, 7 ¢ Ï≤Wz¡∫Ó˚ 2021

Kolkata�Tuesday�September 7, 2021Arthik Lipi, Page 7

Government of West BengalN.I.Q in Abbreviation

1. The Assistant Engineer,PWD, Assembly HouseElectrical Sub-Division,having office address atAssembly House, SouthAnnex Building, Ground Floor,Kolkata-700 001 invitesQuotation from manufacture/authorized dealers/resourceful Contractorshaving electrical works ofadequate experience inexecuting similar nature ofwork/ works under PWD,Govt. of West Bengal.Sl. No. 01 DescriptionTemporary illumination &providing PA sound systemfor the ''Oath or Affirmation tothe Newly Elected Mambers ofthe 17th. LagislativeAssembly" will be held at theAssembly House MainDebate Hall, Kolkata, duringthe year 2021-22N.I.Q Memo No. 372/(AH)Dated: 06.09.2021 Due on:13.09.2021For details please contract atthe office of the undersigned.

Sd/-Assistant Engineer

Assembly House ElectricalSub-Division PWD

Government of West BengalNotice Inviting Tender

Executive Engineer, HowrahConstruction Division, P.W.Dinvites tender (offline) for 3(three) nos civil works atHowrah vide NIT. No. 11 of2021-22 of EE/HCD/PWD.Last date of application Up to2.00 P.M. of 14.09.2021Last date of purchase oftender paper: Up to 2.00 P.M.of 16.09.2021Date & time submitting oftender paper: Up to 3.00 P.M.of 20.09.2021Details will be availablefrom the website http://wbtenders.gov.in and noticeboard of this office on allworking days within officehours.

Sd/-Executive Engineer, P.W.D

Howrah ConstructionDivision

Government of West Bengal

NIT-01/AE/GKSD of 2021-22office of the Assistant Engineer,PWD, Gairkata Sub-Division,Jalpaiguri, Memo No. 114, date-25.08.2021, Last date ofapplication- 09.09.2021 upto14.00 Hrs. Date of Submission -13.08.2021 up to 13.00 Hrs,date of opening;- 13.08.2021 at15.00 Hrs.

Sd/-Assistant Engineer, PWD

Gairkata Sub-DivisionJalpaiguri

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Email : [email protected] Website : www.herofincorp.com

I, Previously called MohammadTauqir Alam (old name) S/o,Mohammad Mustaqeem AlamR/o, Z-5/175/8, BhangakhalRoad, Ps.-Nadial, Kolkata-700044. Have changed myname as Mohammad TauqeerAlam (new name) vide anaffidavit sworn before theNotary Public at Kolkata on06.09.2021.


I, Previously called GolamRabbani (old name) S/o,Md. Ishaque R/o,51/H/1,Narkeldanga North Road,Ps.-Narkeldanga, Kolkata-700011. Have changed myname as Sk. Golam Rabbani(new name) vide an affidavitsworn before the NotaryPublic at Kolkata on06.09.2021.


CHANGE OF NAMEI, Samir Paul S/O Bagala KantiPaul R/O Patulia Brahmin Para,Titagarh, P.S. Titagarh,Kolkata-700119, India willhenceforth be known SamirKumar Paul. As per affidavitbefore the Notary PublicKolkata on 06-09-2021 bothSamir Paul and Samir KumarPaul is the same and one iden-tical Person.

Government of West BengalAssistant Engineer, PWDAlipurduar Electrical Sub-Division, Invite sealed TenderPaper. NIQ no. 12/Q/AESD of21-22. Last dateof permission-13.09.2021 Date ofOpening :- 13.09.2021(NOTICE, PUBLICATION &SPECIFICATION) is available onofficial websiteor Office NoticeBoard.

Sd/-Assistant Engineer, PWD

Alipurduar ElectricalSub-DivisionAlipurduar

CHANGE OF NAMEI, Sabitri Singh (2) SabitriDevi Singh (3) SavitriDevi D/o Late Laxman Singh andW/o Anil SinghR/o JupiterResidency Block-01, Flat-3AB, CA/9,Gobindo Niwas,Rajarhat Gopalpur (M),P.S.Baguiati, Kolkata-700059shall henceforth knownasSabitri Devi vide an affidavitsworn beforeNotary Publicat Kolkata on 04-09-2021.

CHANGE OF NAMEI, Shiva Ratan Jhawar S/oLate Suraj Mal JhawarR/oAsha Apartment, Flat No 1-D-13, 93,Deshpran SasmalRoad, P.O. Tollygunge P.S.Charu Market, Kolkata-700033 shall henceforth beknown as Shiv RatanJhawar vide an affidavitsworn before Notary Publicat Kolkata on 06-09-2021.

Government of West Bengal

NIT- No. 03 (Sl No 01 to 02) of2021-2022 office of theAssistant Engineer, PWDGairkata Construction Sub-Division, Jalpaiguri Memo No.518, date 25.08.21, Last date ofapplication 09.09.2021 upto14.00 Hrs. Date of Submission -13.09.2021 up to 13.00 Hrs.date of opening: 13.09.2021 at15.00 Hrs.

Sd/-Assistant Engineer, PWDGairkata ConstructionSub-Division Jalpaiguri


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E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.maithanalloys.com

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Office of the Domjur Panchayat Samity


Tender is invited from the eligible Bidder for offline submis-sion for tender reference no-NIT-11/2021-2022, 12/2021-2022, DATES-06/09/21 at Domjur Block under Howrah WestBengal. Last date for the offline receipt of Tender is 17/09/21 at 12.00 noon, Detail will be available at the Notice Boardof Domjur Panchayat Samity.

Sd/-Executive Officer

Domjur Panchayat Samity

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