cellular response to injury, acute inflammation,healing and jeganathan


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Page 1: Cellular response to injury, acute inflammation,healing and jeganathan



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● Cells actively control the composition of their immediate environment and intracellular milieu within a narrow range of physiological parameters(homeostasis)

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Mechanisms of Cell Injury

● Depletion of ATP● Mitochondrial Damage● Influx of Intracellular Calcium and Loss of Calcium

Homeostasis● Accumulation of Oxygen-Derived free radical

(Oxidative stress)● Defects in Membrane Permeability

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Morphology of Cell Injury and Necrosis

● Cell Injury – Reversible● – Irreversible

● Cell Death – Necrosis● – Apoptosis

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Cell Injury and Death

● Reversible Injuryo Cell swelling develops when cells are incapable of fluid an

ion homeostasis (↓ed function of ATP dependant pumps).o Fatty change the accumulation of lipid vacuoles in the

cytoplasm.● Irreversible injury (Necrosis)o Two basic processes underlie the morphologic changes of

necrosis▪ Denaturation of protein▪ Enzymatic digestion of cell components

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Reversible vs irreversible cell injury

● Reversible injury● * Decreased ATP levels● * Ion imbalance● * Swelling

● Decreased pH● Fatty change (liver)

Irreversible injury* Amorphous densities in mitochondria* Severe membrane damage* Lysosomal rupture• Extensive DNA


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Morphology of Cell Injury

● Plasma membrane alteration● Mitochondrial Changes● Dilation of Endoplasmic reticulum● Nuclear Alteration

Reversible Injury

Cellular swellingFatty change

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● Process by which the cells in the body regenerate and repair to reduce the size of the damage or necrotic area and replace it with new loiving tissue.

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● Recall phase

● Resolution phase

● Regeneration phase

● Repair phase

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Soft Tissue Healing

● Inflammatory Phase (0-6 days)

● Proliferation Phase (3-21 days)

● Regeneration and Maturation Phase (up to 1+ year)

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Skin Tissue

● Epidermis

● Dermis

● Subcutaneous Layer

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Skin Injury Classification

● Abrasions

● Blisters

● Skin Bruises

● Incisions

● Lacerations

● Avulsions

● Punctures

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● Epimysium

● Perimysium

● Endomysium

● Fasciculus

● Muscle Fibers

● Myofibrils

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● Calcium Carbonate

● Calcium Phosphate

● Collagen

● Water

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Bone Injury Classification

● Fractures

● Closed

● Compounded

● Transverse

● Comminuted

● Oblique

● Epiphyseal

● Spiral

● Greenstick

● Avulsion

● Impacted

● Depressed

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● Afferent Nerves (Affectors)

● Efferent Nerves (Effectors)

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Nerve Injury Classification

● Tensile forces cause stretching of the nerve fibers.

● Grade I: Neurapraxia: temporary loss of sensation and/or motor function.

● Grade II: Axonotmesis: significant motor and mild sensory losses.

● Grade III: Neurotmesis: motor and sensory losses persisting for up to one year.

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Acute & Chronic


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Inflammation:Inflammation is the reaction of blood vessels, leading to the accumulation

of fluid (Serum) and leukocytes in extra vascular tissue.

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Role of tissue and cells in inflammation

The circulating cells are:

● Neutrophils.

● Monocytes.

● Eosinophils.

● Lymphocytes.

● Basophils.

● Platelets.

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Sign & Symptoms Of InflammationThese are:

● Fever (increase temperature).

● Pain.

● Tissue damage.

● Swelling of tissue.

● Redness of tissue.

● Loss of movements or restricted movement, if near joints.

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Types Of Inflammation

Inflammation is divided into

I - Acute inflammation, which occurs over seconds, minutes, hours, and days.

II - Chronic inflammation, which occurs over longer times, days & months.

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Acute Inflammation

● Acute inflammation, begins within seconds to minutes following the injury of tissues.

● The damage may be purely physical, or it may involve the activation of an immune response.

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Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is of longer duration and is associated histologically with the presence of:

● Lymphocytes and macrophages.

● The proliferation of blood vessels.

● Fibrosis and tissue necrosis.

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Response Of Inflammation

The main processes are:

I - Increased blood flow.

II - Increased permeability.

III - Migration of neutrophils.

IV - Chemotaxis.

V - Leucocytes recruitment & activation.

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Response of Acute Inflammation

● Increased Blood Flow, increased permeability and Edema in Inflammation:

● The increased blood flow & increased permeability are readily visible within a few minutes following a scratch that does not break the skin.

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Response of Acute Inflammation

● At first, there is pale red line of scratch.

● Later on there is accumulation of inflammatory cells lead swelling, (inflammation).

● Finally, there is accumulation of interstitial fluid cause edema.

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Acute Inflammation

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Acute Inflammation(Acute Bronchitis)

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Chronic inflammation

● It is the inflammation of prolong duration (weeks or months).

● It is occurred as:

● Following acute inflammation.

● Occurs, incidentally as active inflammation.

● With tissue destruction.

With repair process.

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Chronic Inflammation(Chronic Bronchitis)

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Chronic Bronchitis

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Causes of Chronic inflammation

I - Persistent infection:

● Bacteria.

● Viruses.

● Fungi.

● Parasites

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Chronic Inflammation

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Causes of Chronic inflammation

II - Prolonged exposure to potentially toxic agents:

● Endogenous, (atherosclerosis).

● Exogenous, ( particulate silica-Silicosis).

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Causes of Chronic inflammation

III - Autoimmunity:

Occurs in:

● Rheumatoid arthritis.

● Lupus erythmatosus.

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Chronic Inflammation(Rheumatoid arthritis)

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