cell metabolism

Cell Metabolism

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Cell Metabolism

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Cell Respiration (Metabolism)• Cellular Respiration- is a metabolic process

used to obtain energy from organic compounds or food

• can run under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

• catabolic pathway. • occurs in the cytoplasm and mitochondria • 3 main steps: Glycolysis and the Kreb Cycle,

also known as the citric acid cycle and tricarboxylic acid cycle, and the ETC (electron transport chain)

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Cellular Metabolism

Metabolism – all chemical reactions that occur in the body

Two types of metabolic reactions

Anabolic Catabolic

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Goal of Cell Respiration-Make ATP

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Anabolism provides the substances needed for cellular growth and repair

Dehydration synthesis • type of anabolic process• used to make polysaccharides, triglycerides, and proteins- produces water

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CatabolicCatabolism breaks down larger molecules into smaller ones

Hydrolysis• used to decompose carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins• water is used• reverse of dehydration synthesis

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Control of Metabolic Reactions

Enzymes- all are proteins

lower activation energy•not consumed in chemical reactions•substrate specific•Controlled through feedback inhibition

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Do not make anything happen that could not happen on its own

Enzymes can be reused over and over

Same enzymes catalyses the forward and reverse reactions.

They are very specific

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Control of Metabolic ReactionsMetabolic pathways

• series of enzyme-controlled reactions leading to formation of a product•

Enzyme names commonly• reflect the substrate• have the suffix – ase• sucrase, lactase, protease, lipase

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Control of Metabolic Reactions

Cofactors • make some enzymes active• ions or coenzymes

Coenzymes• organic molecules that act as cofactors• vitamins

Factors that alter enzymes• heat• radiation• electricity• chemicals• changes in pH

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Energy for Metabolic Reactions

Energy• ability to do work or change something• heat, light, sound, electricity, mechanical energy, chemical energy•involved in all metabolic reactions

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Cellular RespirationOccurs in three series of reactions

1. Glycolysis2. Citric acid cycle3. Electron transport chainProduces

• carbon dioxide• water• ATP (chemical energy)• heat

Includes• anaerobic reactions (without O2) - produce little ATP• aerobic reactions (requires O2) - produce most ATP

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• There are 10 steps and all require specific enzymes to catalyze them

• Goal- Produce pyruvate for use in the Krebs Cycle

• NADH used in ETC

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Citric Acid Cycle• begins when acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetic acid to produce citric acid

• citric acid is changed into oxaloacetic acid through a series of reactions

• cycle repeats as long as pyruvic acid and oxygen are available

•Makes 2 ATP 6 NADH and 2 FADH2

•BP- 4 CO2

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The Goal is the production of NADH and FADH2 for use in the ETC—they are electron carriers

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ETC• So far only 4 of the 38 ATP that will be produced have

been, all by substrate level phosphorylation. • The remaining will be produced by the ETC. • The majority of the ATP produced comes from the

energy carried in the electrons of NADH (and FADH2) that were produced by the Krebs Cycle. 6 NADH and 2 FADH2

• The energy in these electrons is used in the ETC to power the synthesis of ATP.

• There are thousands of ETC’s found in each mitochondria, which can number in the 100’s depending on the cell type.

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Oxygen if the Final Electron AcceptorWhy do we Breath??

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Summary of Catabolism of

Proteins, Carbohydrates,

and Fats


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Carbohydrate StorageExcess glucose stored as

• glycogen (primarily by liver and muscle cells)• fat• converted to amino acids

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Regulation of Metabolic Pathways

Turned off when their product is in

strong supply

Works by supply and demand


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Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

Gene – segment of DNA that codes for one protein

Genome – complete set of genes

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The Central Dogma• It is all about Proteins!!!

• DNA contains the information needed to build these life giving proteins in a code on segments called genes.

• One gene can code for more than one protein?

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Structure of DNA

• two polynucleotide chains• hydrogen bonds hold nitrogenous bases together• bases pair specifically (A-T and C-G)• forms a helix• DNA wrapped about histones forms chromosomes

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RNA Molecules




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Protein Synthesis (Transcription and Translation)

• 1st the DNA strand is used as a template to build a molecule of RNA called mRNA that can leave the nucleus taking the instructions for the protein to ribosome for assembly.

• 2nd during translation the information contained in the RNA molecule is used to determine the sequence of amino acids needed to build a protein.

• Order: DNA - RNA – protein - trait.

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Overview: Protein


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DNA Replication

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Mutations – change in genetic information

Result when • extra bases are added or deleted• bases are changed

May or may not change the protein

Some good some bad

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Clinical Application


• enzyme that breaks down the amino acid phenylalanine is missing• build up of phenylalanine causes mental retardation• treated by diets very low in phenylalanine