célébrons le français de base in your community. il était une fois… the story of “ mrs....

Célébrons le français de base In your community

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Célébrons le français de base

In your community

Il était une fois…

The story of “ Mrs. Little”

Work within your Community




• Why learn French• Meaningful learning

• Advantages for their children

• Latest Brain Research

• Visibility• Administration• School Board

Why Learn French

Respect for other languagesLatest brain researchMagic Trees of the Mind- Marion DiamondBecause it’s funLes invités- Guests- newcomers to Canada

and their experiences

In your school

Oh Canada in FrenchTalk to kidsEstablish a Basic French TeamTeam meetings at school – don’t repeat

from one year to the nextUse older students to mentor younger


Links between French Immersion and Basic French

La fête françaiseLinking learners across the school division

Transitions between schools

From Middle School to Early YearsSenior Years to Middle School

Special Events in School

Presentations between classesFestival d’hiverJournée françaiseLes restaurantsBouche à l’oreilleVos idées…

School EventFête culturelle- Living the Language

Working with puppets“ living the language”

French FestivalsFestival du voyageur

Saint Boniface

Reaching out to parents

Visibilité du français dans les couloirsAux assembléesAux concerts (du temps des fêtes, du

printemps…)Invitations aux restaurants françaisMonthly letter home- or in school

newsletterPresentations to Parent CouncilPresentations to School Board

Role of the Teacher BEF website

Teachers are key to maintaining a positive attitude about second language learning

Teachers need to find something they are comfortable with and build as they go

Enthusiastic teachers and motivational tools are essential

Motivated teachers

You can do it! Bonne chance.

Need more information?Contact me!Carol HarveyAll Rights Reserved