celebrating the past, resourcing the future 2016...


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What an amazing year it has been for Vineyard USA! We are planting churches at home and abroad, and we are evangelizing, discipling, developing leaders, and growing as a diverse movement. This Vineyard USA 2016 | 2017 Annual Report shows continued growth in all of these areas, and is designed to heighten our awareness of what a great family God has joined us to! Please pass this report on to your staff, church boards, and leadership teams.

As Kingdom people in an increasingly complex world, we must work hard to stay focused, and to avoid “mission drift” – at every turn. Forces in every generation have always put pressure on the Body of Christ to spend our time and energies reacting to the tides of culture all around us. Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:2), partnering with Him in the fulfillment of Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

As I’ve shared around the country, I believe Vineyard USA (VUSA), and each entity within it, is to be a resourcing

“supply line” to our local churches. You are the ones advancing God’s agenda in partnership with the Holy Spirit in your locale, and we want to give you what you need to do the Kingdom dream in your church. As we provide resources, you are then set free to find the open field, running with all you’ve got (Heb. 12:1) as God guides you to the successes He is wanting to achieve with you.

In this year ahead, let’s anticipate God’s work growing us into Christ-likeness as we “shine like stars” in our generation (Phil. 2:15b-16a). Let’s continue to plant churches, reach the lost, and grow people into lovers of God and others. We’ve made much progress this year, as this document reveals. Building on this work of the Holy Spirit among us, we have much to look forward to in 2017.

I look forward to seeing you July 10-13 in Anaheim, CA this summer, at our National Conference! Our theme this year is Together, Leaning Outward. We will build on all God has been doing in us since our historic Vineyard Global Family conference, and will deepen in our sense of community and missional living as a people, called by God to “go do great things.”

To the Greater Glory of God, and the well-being of people,

Phil StroutVineyard USA National Director

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REMEMBERING WHO WE AREWhen you say the word, “Vineyard,” what comes to mind? For many of us, the Vineyard is the movement of churches that most defines who we believe we are called to be as Christians – Kingdom people, equipping the saints (Eph. 4:12), reaching the lost, empowering average Christians to “do the stuff” that Jesus did, and holding the “radical middle” in our love for the Scriptures and for the work of the Holy Spirit.

Some reflection on our Distinctives and our Essential Practices can help remind us who we are.

EDLD – DO IT AGAIN! is a phrase that helps keep us as Vineyard leaders and churches on track. EDLD stands for:

(E) Evangelism, (D) Discipleship, (L) Leadership, and (D) Diversity.

We reach people with the Good News, train them to follow Jesus, develop them as leaders, and then repeat this process again and again – always looking to reach diverse groups as we join with God in His work of growing His Church.

These essential practices are the old thing, that is the new thing, that God is always inviting us to do with Him.

THE MAIN AND THE PLAIN.We base everything we do on “the main and the plain,” essential teachings on the Kingdom that Jesus gave His Church.

THE ALREADY AND THE NOT YET.Our theology and practice of the Kingdom of God make it so we can acknowledge God’s work both in the miraculous and in suffering.

COME, HOLY SPIRIT.This is our central prayer liturgy. There should never be a time in our gatherings together that we don’t invite the Holy Spirit.

EVERYONE GETS TO PLAY.We don’t have elite, superstar leaders: we are all commissioned – men, women, and children of every background.

COME AS YOU ARE – BUT DON’T STAY AS YOU ARE.You’ll be loved no matter what state you are in when

you come to the Vineyard. We believe that Jesus can love us all to health.

NATURALLY SUPERNATURAL.We avoid hype or emotional manipulation. Going about our lives naturally, we pray for healing and listen for God’s voice.

REMEMBER THE POOR.We lean toward the lost, the poor, the outcast, and the outsider with the compassion of Jesus. We are all in need, in some way, so we give from the heart.

FAITH IS SPELLED R-I-S-K.We believe being the Body of Christ involves getting outside of our comfort zones. Adventurous faith is welcome in the Vineyard.

EQUIPPING THE SAINTS.We will continually invest ourselves in training and discipling God’s people, equipping the saints for ministry (Eph. 4:12).



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Multiply Vineyard | Vineyard Missions (p. 12-13)$1,579,000

Vineyard Service Group (p. 20)Leadership, Communication, Administration


Regions | Areas (p. 8-9)$798,000

Ministry Teams (p. 6) Large Church, Women, Renewal, Scholars, Healthy Church,

Justice, Pastor Sabbath Retreats, Love Your City$295,000

Vineyard Pilgrimage | Children | Youth (p. 16-17) $175,000

Vineyard Resources* | Vineyard Worship* (p. 14-15)$170,000

Saving | Reserve $158,000

Vineyard Institute (p. 18)$138,000

Vineyard International (p. 22)$60,000

2016 FINANCIALS The Vineyard Movement is, at its root, a family of churches. Like a family, we come together to do things no one of us could do on our own. One of the ways we stay healthy as a family of churches is to combine resources to support our national teams and ministries.

Multiply Vineyard Vineyard Missions

Vineyard ResourcesVineyard Worship

Vineyard Service Group Savings | Reserve

Regions | Areas Vineyard Institute

Ministry Teams Vineyard International

Vineyard Pilgrimage(Children | Youth)

Serves The Local Church


HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR CHURCH’S CONTRIBUTION? Contact [email protected], and see our Vineyard Church Giving page at give.vineyardusa.org.


VINEYARD 3% GIVING$4,596,000

* Reflects contributions from VUSA only. Does not include revenue from sales.

Note: Every year VUSA engages independent auditors (Romberger, Wilson, & Beeson, Inc., Certified Public Accountants) to perform a Financial Review. Every fifth year, they are engaged to do a full audit.

Revenue & Expenses








35% 4%

27% 3%

17% 3%

6% 1%

4% 27%




4%3% 3% 1%

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Vineyard USA would be classified as a multiracial movement based on research published by

Yale University and Lifeway, indicating that a group that has more than 20% of its racial makeup as

non-majority is a multiracial group.

White | Caucasian | European American



Hispanic | Latino(a)

Senior Youth


Black | African American | African


American Indian | Pacific Islander

Asian | Asian American | South Asian


Vineyard churches are small and large, in rural environments and cities, all reaching people

with the great love of God.

The Vineyard Pilgrimage is our conceptual framework for talking about how disciples are made at every age and stage of life. Children, Youth, Senior Youth, and Adults (and senior

adults) all have a part to play in the Kingdom coming in our generation.










6,889 BAPTISMS 12,883









51-100 Attendees

1 Number excludes 19 churches that were closed or disassociated on 12/31. 2 Does not include La Viña churches. 3 Does not include 6 La Viña sites. 4 Includes churches, plants, and sites.

101-200 Attendees

401-1000 Attendees

1001+ Attendees






5% 4%


6%5% 3%3% 3% 1 11 1 1



8% 4%

Up To 50 Attendees 201-400 Attendees

All numbers are based on 93% of Vineyard churches who completed the Census.

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VINEYARD LARGE CHURCH The Vineyard Large Church Network exists to create fellowship, support, fresh inspiration, and innovation for Vineyard Senior and Executive Pastors of churches of over

1000 attendees. Pastors of large churches need a network of other pastors who can help with the challenges they face. This network has responded to this, and has contributed to a high level of ongoing engagement by our large churches within our movement. Contact: Rich Nathan, www.vineyardcolumbus.com

VINEYARD WOMEN The vision of Vineyard Women is to enlighten and equip both women and men in the Vineyard to fully embrace and endorse women in all levels of leadership. There is still

much work to be done in regards to more women serving in senior positions. In addition, we continue to promote healthy male-female team relationships. In 2016, we were actively involved at the CauseCon with an exciting representation of young women leaders! Contact: Di Leman, www.facebook.com/vineyardusawomen

VINEYARD RENEWAL Holy Spirit ministry is a top priority in the Vineyard. The Spiritual Renewal Team is committed to giving practical training to help people effectively minister in the power of

the Spirit. In 2016, we helped train hundreds of people at local events, and we co-sponsored the More Love, More Power conference, where over 1000 people were equipped in Kingdom ministry. Contact: Di Leman, www.spiritualrenewalteam.org

VINEYARD SCHOLARS The Society of Vineyard Scholars (SVS) works hard to foster and sustain an inviting community of intentional theological dialogue in the Vineyard. Since 2009, SVS

has provided a venue for hundreds of Vineyard pastors and leaders to work out their call to love God with their minds in a way that is intellectually robust and full-tilt Vineyard. We see this as leadership development in community, and it is a great privilege to participate. Contact: Caleb Maskell, www.vineyardscholars.org

VINEYARD HEALTHY CHURCH Vineyard Healthy Church exists to come alongside Vineyard pastors and leaders of our churches that are under 200 in attendance to help promote church growth

and health. Through workshops, seminars, coaching roundtables, and one-on-one coaching, we are seeking to encourage and help every Vineyard church to achieve its full redemptive potential. Contact: Phil Chorlian, www.njvine.com

VINEYARD JUSTICE Vineyard Justice Network (VJN) exists to empower Vineyard pastors and leaders to pursue and enact the justice of God’s Kingdom. For the past three years, we

have served, equipped, and engaged over 300 Vineyard churches to connect the work of their hearts, heads, and hands with key issues of structural injustice and leadership. In 2016, VJN worked closely with Multiply Vineyard to integrate compassion and justice work into the DNA of all Vineyard church planters. Contact: Kathy Maskell, www.vineyardjusticenetwork.com

VINEYARD PASTOR SABBATH RETREATS Vineyard USA cares about its pastors! Our pastors on the front-line of Kingdom ministry face unique challenges and difficult seasons. In 2016, Vineyard USA enabled twelve

senior leader couples from across the United States to participate in a Pastor Sabbath Retreat (PSR). The Lord continues to work through this intensive-care retreat, strengthening the battle-weary, restoring marriages, and re-envisioning the hopeless. Contact: Your Regional Leader

VINEYARD LOVE YOUR CITY God is moving in cities throughout the US in the most amazing ways – and is inviting the Vineyard to participate. We have been invited to work with other churches in

New York, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago and many other cities to plant churches and partner together to bring God’s Kingdom to every domain of the city. God is bringing together His body to change cities and the Vineyard is being invited in. Contact: Jay Pathak, www.milehighvineyard.org

A number of ministries in the Vineyard address key areas of development for all of our churches.

Here are some highlights.

We’re committed to giving practical training to help people minister effectively in the power

of the Spirit.

Di Leman Vineyard Renewal

God enacts His Kingdom in each of our lives by His mercy. He calls us to bear witness to His

Kingdom in the world through doing justice.

Kathy Maskell | Vineyard Justice Network

Cities change when churches change. Churches change

when disciples change. Disciples change when

leaders change.

Jay Pathak Love Your City




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CAUSECONIn April 2016, CauseCon gathered at the Vineyard Community Church in KS with 450 young world-changers to hear TED talks, worship, and engage in conversations on vital topics for today. Mark the calendar: April 2018 is our next CauseCon.Find out more: www.causeconference.com

EQ SUMMIT: BETTER TOGETHERIn November 2016, hundreds of our Vineyard family gathered in Evanston, IL for our first ever diversity EQ Summit. Powerful speakers, multi-styled worship, and great ministry times made for a “such a time as this” moment.

REGIONAL CONFERENCESThroughout 2016, our 16 regions gathered for conferences, retreats, and mutual encouragement across the nation. Personal ministry, worship, and equipping times keep our pastors passionate and living the Kingdom dream.

MISSIONAL LEADERS MEETINGIn October 2016, Vineyard Missions and Multiply Vineyard hosted the MLM, a vital retreat in Glen Eyrie, CO. This retreat empowered over 200 people to do the dream of the Kingdom in their local communities and around the globe.

VINEYARD WORSHIP LEADER RETREATS & SONG SUMMITSIn 2016, in the Southeast, Northeast, and Northwest, Vineyard Worship gathered worship leaders from across the US Vineyards (with guests from Canada and the UK) for a week of worship, encouragement, equipping, and inspiration. Find out more: www.vineyardworship.com.

PASTOR SABBATH RETREATSIn 2016, Vineyard USA enabled twelve senior leader couples from across the United States to participate in a Pastor Sabbath Retreat (PSR). The Lord continues to work through this intensive-care retreat, strengthening the battle-weary, restoring marriages, and re-envisioning the hopeless.

While local events are happening across our movement all year long, here are a few of the national events that impacted our churches.


FACEBOOK(encouragement & events)


THE VINEYARD DIGITAL MAGAZINE(news, articles, & events)www.vineyardusa.org

THE SKIM (for senior pastors only)

Contact [email protected]

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ABOUT OUR LEADERSHIP STRUCTUREThe leadership structure of Vineyard USA is designed to serve our local

churches, across the nation, in becoming all that God has designed them to be. A decentralized approach to leadership keeps us agile and

flexible as we reach out to a changing world with the Gospel.

NATIONAL DIRECTOROur National Director – along with our Executive Team, Regional

Leaders (RLs), and Area Leaders (ALs) – is committed to seeing our Vineyard core values embodied in local church pastors, leaders, and

communities across the country.

EXECUTIVE TEAMThe Executive Team serves as our VUSA Board, and is made up of

leaders who bring influence and guidance to various aspects of our ministry development. The Executive Team works with the National

Director to see Vineyard USA strengthened from within.

REGIONAL LEADERSOur Regional Leaders are (or have been) local church pastors who bring oversight to collections of churches we call Areas. Regional

Leaders, supported by Vineyard USA, bring care and equipping to Area Leaders in their Region, as well as provide conferences and ministry

development opportunities for local church leaders.

AREA LEADERSArea Leaders are (or have been) local church pastors who provide

oversight to a particular group of churches within their region. Pastoral support, ministry equipping, church mediation, and more

make up the service of the Area Leader in the Vineyard.

Learn more: www.vineyardusa.org/about/leadership




Vineyard USA is divided into 16 regions, each with clusters of churches grouped together by relationship and location. Regional Leaders (RLs) and Area Leaders (ALs) are the foundation of our regional care structure. Pastoral support and care for pastors and churches are facilitated by the ALs, each covering a specified area within a region. These ALs work together with the RL of their region to provide leadership and encouragement to each local Vineyard church.

The regional map below indicates our 16 regions.





















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REGIONAL LIFEOur Regions are filled with pastors and Vineyard church members who share life together, pursue Jesus together, and give their lives daily to see the Gospel reach

into their towns, cities, and social groups.

The Lakeside Vineyard church plant in

Columbia, SC launched this January with 200

on their first day, and 5 commitments to Christ.

Andy MeadeMid-Atlantic Region

Servants from all over the region offered over 400 individual soul care appointments –

including spiritual direction, massage, healing prayer, prophecy, coaching, and more – to our

pastors and leaders as we gathered this past year to encourage and care for one another.

Brenda Gatlin | Midwest North Region

2016 was a great year for community connections in our region with new circles formed around

worship, children’s ministry, and emerging


John Elmer | East Region

We were filled with excitement for the future of our region at a dinner our area leaders put on for 25 of our best up and coming

leaders – to connect with and be encouraged by each other, our team, and Phil and Jan Strout!

Michelle Wilson | Southern California Region

In our small community of 140,000 people we now have 4 vibrant and healthy Vineyard Churches.

Kirk YamaguchiRocky Mountain Region

With Donnell Wyche leading the way, the

Ann Arbor Vineyard is experiencing renewal after a long season of

conflict and loss.

Ray Befus Great Lakes North Region

What a privilege to host CauseCon this past April when more than 450 young adults from

around the country gathered here in Kansas City to learn, connect, be inspired and grow. This

catalytic event was a spiritual growth accelerator for so many!

Mark Warner | Midwest South Region

The Great Lakes East Region had a wonderful time as over 300 Vineyard men, women, and children came to our 2016 Regional Conference with Phil Strout. What a great

opportunity to not only be challenged by a clear Kingdom vision, but also for hundreds of Vineyard folks from our region to rub shoulders with each other.

Danny Meyer | Great Lakes East Region

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PARTNER WITH THE HOLY SPIRITThe Vineyard story is driven by the reality that God eagerly desires us to experience His presence, and then to partner with Him in His

work of showing His love to the world. We believe that the Holy Spirit distributes gifts among us, enabling us to encounter God’s presence

personally and corporately, and then to minister to the world around us in the power of the Spirit.

EXPERIENCE AND WORSHIP GODThe Kingdom of God is not a geo-political territory, nor is it the people

of God. Rather, the Kingdom of God is a dynamic realm. When one enters the Kingdom she/he experiences the dynamic reality which

exists within the triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This means that the experience of the Kingdom of God (and thus, the experience

of God’s presence) is central to our faith and Christian life.

RECONCILE PEOPLE WITH GOD AND ALL CREATIONJesus is reconciling humans to God, to each other, and to the entire creation, breaking down divisions between Jew and Gentile, slave

and free, male and female. Therefore, we are committed to becoming healing communities engaged in the work of reconciliation wherever

sin and evil hold sway.

ENGAGE IN COMPASSIONATE MINISTRYWe lean toward the lost, the poor, the outcast, and the outsider with

the compassion of Jesus as sinners whose only standing before God is utterly dependent on the mercy of God. This mercy can only be truly

received inasmuch as we are willing to give it away.

PURSUE CULTURALLY RELEVANT MISSION IN THE WORLDThe church exists for the sake of those who are exiled from God. We

are called to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to every nook and cranny of creation, faithfully translating the message of Jesus into

language and forms that are relevant to diverse peoples and cultures.

The Vineyard is a movement distinctively centered in a renewed understanding of the centrality of the Kingdom of God in biblical thought. We view the Kingdom of God as the overarching and integrating theme of the Bible. From our beginnings, the Vineyard has been committed to the proclamation of the Kingdom of God and to bearing witness to the deeds of the Kingdom through healing (physical, emotional, and

social), doing justice, and delivering those held captive by evil. Since the Kingdom of God is the future reign of God breaking into the present through the life and ministry of Jesus, we are a forward-leaning movement emphasizing the ever-reforming nature of the church engaging

the world in love. See our core values at www.vineyardusa.org/about/core-values-beliefs





The Vineyard is a God-initiated, global movement of churches (of which VUSA is a part) with the Kingdom of God as its theological center. The Bible is our rule of faith and practice. Our desire is to know the Bible, do what it says, and experience the way of living it describes. We embrace a full range of Kingdom practices, from proclaiming the Good News of Jesus, to healing and deliverance, to ministry with the poor.

Vineyard churches embody a praxis that includes intimate worship, actively equipping ordinary people for ministry, responding to the initiative and leading of the Holy Spirit, and joining God’s mission in the world.

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We celebrated with Neil and Ami McReynolds as they launched The City Church in 2016! It

meets on Tuesday nights in an old coffee shop in downtown Davenport, IA and is targeting people who don’t currently attend church.

Ben Hoerr | Vineyard Church Peoria, Peoria, IL

So grateful for Project Timothy. The students who attended are at a

whole new level of faith and all are serving in key

areas of our church.

David Stark Vineyard Community Church, St. Louis, MO

We successfully navigated a pastoral transition and grew deeper in unity and


Melody Winderweedle Chattanooga Vineyard,

Chattanooga, TN

A child in our church went to the hospital due to apparent asthma or a chest infection, and ended up having a stroke – leaving several 1-inch long blockages in arteries in the

brain, per the MRI. The parents were told that he would not walk again, talk properly, or ever see out of his right eye. We went up and prayed – and had the whole community pray for him. 4 days later they did a new MRI – and they did it 2 times because all the

blockages were gone and they had no explanation for it. We had an explanation!

Ed Loughran | Legacy Vineyard, Lockport, IL

410 people began a relationship with Jesus

at Miami Vineyard in 2016!

Kevin FischerMiami Vineyard,

Miami, FL

After experiencing 16 suicides, which were acquaintances of our family, FVC started to raise the awareness of suicide in our city. Three years ago, we

started an event with less than 10 people and last year we had over 200 students walking to raise the

level of awareness of suicide in our city.

Jon Sterns | Franklin Vineyard Church, Franklin, TN

This past year, two of our four Northwest Region church plants became “established churches” and it

looks like four new churches will be launched in 2017!

Les Yoder | Providence Vineyard, Lebanon, OR

We experienced over 100 youth that came together from various Vineyards to worship together and then extend the Kingdom to our city through prayer ministry, service projects, and mission outreach. The youth saw God work first-hand through physical healings and pursued the Kingdom together!

Adam Babcock | Hope Vineyard, Hillsboro, OR


CHURCH LIFEOur churches across the country are filled with pastors and Vineyard church

members who are working together to reach the lost, care for the poor, serve their communities – and to work with Jesus in advancing His Kingdom.

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WHY DOES MULTIPLY VINEYARD EXIST?Our local churches are meant to reproduce. The Good News is just too good to keep to ourselves. It is the very nature of the gospel, the nature of discipleship, the nature of the Kingdom of God that it multiplies. Multiply Vineyard is here to come alongside your local church to help facilitate this by offering lots of resources, training for pastors and planters, a discernment and assessment process, helpful coaching, networking with like-minded leaders, just plain encouragement, and lots of freedom as each church learns to participate with what God is doing in the next neighborhood, city, or town.

WINS THIS YEAR· We’ve planted 28 new churches in 2016, and 103 since the beginning of 2013. We’re celebrating the diversity of these new churches.

· We’ve developed a year-long training program (Residency+) accessible through Vineyard Institute, which enrolled 96 students in 18 participating churches.

· Our 35 current coaches have provided coaching in 2016 for 55 church planters, sending pastors, Regional Leaders, and other leaders throughout our movement.

Our Website:www.multiplyvineyard.orgPotential Church Planters:www.multiplyvineyard.org/church-plantersLa Viña (see p. 19): www.multiplyvineyard.org/la-vina

Library Of Resources: www.multiplyvineyard.org/libraryHow To Plant A Vineyard: www.multiplyvineyard.org/how-to-plant-a-vineyard-church

OUR VISION LOOKING FORWARDTogether we are working to plant 750 new Vineyard churches by 2023. We believe that every local church can learn to multiply — multiply disciples, multiple leaders and yes, even multiply churches. We are working to invite pastors and leaders into partnerships where together we can implement a clear multiplication strategy, which includes embracing a larger Kingdom vision for your community, becoming more evangelistically effective, intentional disciplemaking, strategic leadership development, and a thorough preparation of our church planters.

Of Vineyard USA churches committed

to planting

New church planters in training from 74 Vineyard


Vineyard churches with people involved with

Multiply Vineyard

Coaches working with church planters across

the movement

25% 177 300 35


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WHY DOES VINEYARD MISSIONS EXIST?Jesus loves the whole world, and He invites us to join Him on His mission to reach it. Vineyard Missions equips US Vineyard churches to participate in the mission of God around the world.

We provide tools and support helping to facilitate and coordinate the cross-cultural work of US Vineyard churches as they pursue their God-given call to the nations. Our ultimate goal is to mobilize church planting movements in every nation and to develop indigenous leaders to pastor their communities.

WINS THIS YEAR· Last May, Brazil was released as its own Association Of Vineyard Churches (AVC) with Milton Lucas installed as the National Director.

· In 2016, US Vineyard churches began church planting efforts in Côte d’Ivoire.

· Vineyard Missions partnered with Logan Leadership to create a new set of simple leadership development resources for your church (see link below).

Our Website:www.vineyardmissions.orgMissions-Related Resources For Your Church: www.vineyardmissions.org/equipping-resourcesHelp With Sending Missionaries: www.vineyardmissions.org/missionary-resources

Our Leadership Team: www.vineyardmissions.org/about-usLeadership Guides: www.vineyardmissions.org/leadership-guidesFollow Us On Facebook: www.facebook.com/vusamissions

OUR VISION LOOKING FORWARDWe believe that Vineyard churches have a God-given call to their neighborhoods, as well as to the nations. We want to help our churches discover God’s invitation and join Him in that mission. We have seen hundreds of churches planted around the world through the efforts of our Vineyard churches. Now, God is saying, “You’ve learned how to plant hundreds of churches; now I want you to learn how to plant thousands.” This reminds us of John Wimber’s vision of 10,000 Vineyard churches spread across the globe.

Newly-released AVCs in 2016

Vineyard churches estimated worldwide

Nations in which US Vineyard churches are


Nations with Vineyard churches and/or church-planting

initiatives from all AVCs

1 2.4K 95



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WHY DOES VINEYARD RESOURCES EXIST?Vineyard Resources exists to develop and distribute Kingdom-centric resources for Vineyard churches at home and abroad. We are the resourcing arm of Vineyard USA and are dedicated to tracking the pulse of the Vineyard Movement regarding resources both digital and physical. Vineyard Resources supports both the EDLD and Vineyard Pilgrimage initiatives through the collection and development of resources that empower these concepts. We have the privilege of speaking with Vineyard pastors and leaders daily, asking what is needed and helping fulfill their resource requests.

WINS THIS YEAR· Launched the new Vineyard Digital Membership, reaching churches with immediate resources.

· Developed more than 12 new resources for our local churches.

· Launched Vimeo-On-Demand platform for immediate access to Vineyard-specific, streaming video.

· Supported multiple Regional Conferences with ministry resources for every aspect of church life.

Our Website:www.vineyardresources.comDigital Tools (music):digital.vineyardresources.comTwitter: www.twitter.com/vineyardstuff

Membership: www.vineyarddigitalmembership.comFollow Us On Facebook: www.facebook.com/vineyardresources

OUR VISION LOOKING FORWARDA synergy between VUSA, Vineyard Resources, Vineyard Worship, and other Vineyard entities is building. Collaborative efforts are resulting in higher quality, vital resource development. New approaches to distribution and technology will enable VR to share more resources with more people to further the Kingdom message. Tools to support local churches with their EDLD and Vineyard Pilgrimage themes continue to be developed. As we seek to plant Vineyard churches at home and all over the world, VR relishes the privilege of helping that mission with Kingdom resources.

New Vineyard Digital Membership website

New resources created for Vineyard


Booklets sold on prayer, formation,

EDLD, and distinctives

Active churches and leaders on the Vineyard

Digital Membership

1 12 60K 101


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WHY DOES VINEYARD WORSHIP EXIST?Vineyard Worship exists as an organic extension of the Vineyard Movement of churches. We are, in a phrase, “from the church, for the church.”

Our mission is to document, model and impart the heart and activity of worship in the Vineyard by equipping the next generation of worship leaders and helping the local church experience God through music, training, and resourcing.

WINS THIS YEAR· Partnered with Vineyard Institute (VI) and Multiply Vineyard to create the Vineyard School Of Worship residency track.

· Oversaw worship for CauseCon 2016 and the Better Together Diversity Conference.

· Experienced another year of growth and diversity in attendees at our Vineyard Worship Leader Retreats.

· Launched RISE – a worship training boot camp for young worship musicians (ages 12-21) in the Vineyard.

Our Website:www.vineyardworship.comVineyard Songs:www.vineyardsongs.comOur YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/vineyardworship

Our Worship Leader Network: www.facebook.com/groups/vineyardworshipleadersFollow Us On Facebook: www.facebook.com/vineyardworship

OUR VISION LOOKING FORWARDVW is excited to be on the front lines of equipping the next generation of Vineyard songwriters and worship leaders. Through the growing success of our retreats, training events, webinars, song summits – and the launch of our new Vineyard School of Worship and VI curriculum – VW is poised to come alongside the movement in the development of strong leaders who will lead our churches in this planting season. And, as we have always done, we continue to share the new songs and voices that emerge from Vineyard churches with the rest of the body of Christ.

% growth on Vineyard Worship Instagram profile

Vineyard Song Summitswhere seasoned writers

mentor others

Growth in Vineyard Worship Leader Retreat


Fresh recordings ofVineyard worship music

1.4K 2 22% 6


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WHY DOES VINEYARD PILGRIMAGE EXIST?Vineyard Pilgrimage exists to see every person, from the youngest child to the seasoned sage, develop a life-long passion for God and for the Vineyard expression. We’re building a strategic pathway for intentional and continuous spiritual development that is rooted in Kingdom of God theology and Vineyard values. The Vineyard Pilgrimage empowers and equips churches to eliminate ministry silos and provides a unified track for development in the areas of leadership and parenting.

WINS THIS YEAR· To gain valuable insight into how Vineyard church leaders perceive their kids’ and youth ministries, we’ve designed and distributed a survey to pilot churches. We’ll use the valuable data from this survey to more appropriately engage and equip churches.

· Vineyard Pilgrimage has assembled a team of leaders across the movement to work together to strategize and create and meet goals. · We’ve also partnered with the ministry One Hope, an organization that exists to reach every young person with a relevant Gospel message.

Our Website:www.vineyardusa.org/explore/vineyardpilgrimagePilgrimage Digital Resources:www.vineyarddigitalmembership.com

Follow Us On Facebook: www.facebook.com/vineyardpilgrimage

OUR VISION LOOKING FORWARDVP will develop its 5 key components: 

• Outcomes – clear goals/objectives for spiritual development across all ages and life stages. 

• Milestones – significant spiritual moments in an individual’s life that we will equip Vineyard churches to intentionally celebrate. 

• Bridge Events – crucial transitional experiences designed to help kids and youth make the jump into the next phase of church life. 

• The Leadership Track — a path for potential leaders within the Vineyard church body.

• The Parenting Track — provide training and resources to help parents navigate each stage of their child’s development.

Pilot Churchesfor the

Vineyard Pilgrimage

Regions out of 16represented on

Vineyard Kids Task Force

HLI alumni serving in churches

around the world

Regional youth leadersacross the US, out of

16 regions

23 13 10015RESOURCES

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Heroic Leadership Institute exists so that our young people have a place to be invited into leadership in the Vineyard, regardless of the size, age, or resources of their local church. During HLI, the students engage with each of the core Vineyard values as they grow in spiritual formation, education, and participation in the context of a local church. HLI students regularly process with Vineyard leaders and graduate with an appreciation for the beautiful diversity that makes up our movement. Following the Ignatian rhythms of examen, they are given tools to walk out a daily pursuit of God.

• Over 100 alumni are now connected to our alumni network, which includes monthly webinars and book clubs to encourage their continued growth. We are excited to see how they continue to plug into various churches, serve on Vineyard staffs around the movement, and lead.• Many of our students who are gifted creatively, especially in media, are thriving around the globe. Having a solid Vineyard theological foundation, a grounding in identity, self-awareness, and teamwork has led to some pretty cool projects for our alumni.

Website - www.godogreatthings.comHLI Equip - www.godogreatthings.com/hli-equip

There’s a place and a vital role in the Vineyard family for those who have reached their golden years. Passing on wisdom and maturity to the next generation, we want to create continued opportunities to serve for retirees, for exiting pastors, and for seasoned saints in congregations across the country. Vineyard Sages are considering ideas like creating sabbath retreats, reunions, and mentoring environments for ministry veterans.

Website - www.vineyardusa.org/explore/vineyardpilgrimage

HLI Blog - www.godogreatthings.com/blogFacebook Page - www.facebook.com/VineyardHLI



Our dream and passion is for all Vineyard churches to be known for their love for kids. The reality is that most Jesus-followers make that decision as a child. Reaching and discipling kids today is the best way we can ensure that the Vineyard Movement thrives for generations to come! And it’s not just about the future. Our churches, today, become stronger as we embrace kids as full partners in God’s mission. God has given the Vineyard this assignment for such a time as this!

• Kids are moved with compassion when they hear about struggles in other countries. Kids from Mountainbrook Vineyard worked a slew of odd jobs to raise money to sponsor two children who live in extreme poverty for one whole year.• Many Vineyard churches are leading kids into a growing relationship with Jesus. One church in Maine hosted a VBS for kids during the summer and eighty kids accepted Jesus as their savior.

Facebook Discussion Group - www.facebook.com/groups/34293374674Vineyard Teaching/Worship Resources for Kids -  www.vineyardresources.com/equip/childrenWebsite - www.vineyardusa.org/explore/kids

Vineyard Youth exists to promote networking, training, relationships and resource creation/sharing among youth leaders across the country. We’re working to ensure that every teen in America has access to a great gathering event; that every youth worker is connected to and has relationships with other youth workers; and that every region who wants a Project Timothy has one. Resources we’re utilizing to achieve these goals include a youth ministry blog written by Vineyard youth leaders, Vineyard youth curriculum, webinars for youth leaders, multiple sites for Project Timothy, an online youth leader newsletter, a Facebook discussion group and multiple gathering events.

• 15 of the 16 regions have selected a regional youth leader. Their job is to network with all the youth pastors/leaders/volunteers in their region for the purpose of relationship building and resource sharing!• Kansas City launched a new Project Timothy site this summer taking our total to three! A Launch Packet was created for those interested in us planting one in their region, and 5 are in the works for 2017.

Website and Blog - www.vineyardyouthusa.comProject Timothy -  www.vineyardyouthusa.com/project-timothyFacebook Discussion Group -  www.facebook.com/groups/721901341270028

Leaders met in Nashville, TN in

Jan. 2017 to plan for Sage development


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WHY DOES VINEYARD INSTITUTE EXIST?Vineyard Institute (VI), a global education provider, was created to equip the people of God to pursue the call to go out into the world as workers in the harvest, whether that calling is as a disciple in the workplace, a spiritual mentor to the younger generation, a missionary, a pastor, ministry leader, or church planter in the church. We partner with the local Vineyard churches to raise up and train leaders through high quality education, integrated with spiritual transformation so that students are prepared for Kingdom work at any level in the church and in the world.

WINS THIS YEAR· VI launched a tuition discount program in 2016 that offers up to 40% off if students commit to finishing a certain number of courses every year.

· VI is now creating new courses that are of interest to every disciple who wants to learn and grow – not just those who want a full-time career in ministry.

· Pastors are reporting that the flexible and team-based approach for training students (Hybrid Model) is working.

Our Website:www.vineyardinstitute.org/USABest Practices For A Pastor Running A VI Campus: www.vineyardinstitute.org/usa/for-pastors/pastor-resources/local-campus-best-practices

VI Testimonies: www.vimeo.com/128392386Small Group Bible Study: www.vineyardinstitute.org/index.php/usa/for-pastors/pastor-resources/for-small-groups

OUR VISION LOOKING FORWARDIn 2016, VI embarked upon a research project that entailed talking with VUSA pastors around the country in order to understand to what extent we are or are not meeting their expectations and needs – and how the VI team can improve the education that is being provided in partnership with what pastors are doing in their local church and community. In 2017, we are now developing new courses and curriculum with new formats that will take into consideration the needs of the people in their churches, not just those called into full-time ministry, but everyone who wants to learn about the Kingdom of God.

VUSA churches participating

with VI

Increase in VUSA student


Course offerings (increased by 17%

in 2016)

Percentage of students that take the tuition discount and are on

track to finish VI

148 62% 41 100%


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WHO ARE OUR LA VIÑA CHURCHES?The Latinos in the US are the largest minority group, the fastest growing segment of the US population and one of the most open groups to the Gospel. Many of them are Spanish-speaking. We exist to plant Spanish-speaking Vineyard churches so that we can win the Latinos in the US for Christ, disciple them and raise them up as leaders so that they can repeat this process with other Latinos resulting in the extension of the Kingdom of God.

We provide resources such as prayer, coaching, training, church planting boot camps, books, conferences, on-line monthly meetings, and regional representatives.

WINS THIS YEAR• 4 La Viñas planted in 2016, and 14 since 2013. We have also seen the birth of 10 Hispanic ministries since 2013.

• Launched two of five modules of our training program in Spanish for pastors, leaders, and church planters. • Currently have about 200 people praying frequently for the La Viña vision.

Our Website (Spanish):www.multiplyvineyard.org/la-vinaOur Website (English):www.multiplyvineyard.org/la-vina-english

La Viña Training Program:www.multiplyvineyard.org/la-vina/programa- de-adiestramiento

OUR VISION LOOKING FORWARDOur vision is to plant 200 La Viñas by 2023. We are working hard to cast our vision, recruit church planters, train them, and support them.

We believe that by planting more churches among Hispanics in the US, we will help extend the Kingdom and bring diversity into the wider Church. We also want to see the Vineyard Movement reflect the diversity of God’s Kingdom – and His heart for the Hispanic community – in a more complete way.

La Viña church plants in process

(6 to plant in 2017)

Active La Viña ministries in established

Vineyard churches

Number of certified Spanish-speaking


Active La Viña congregations (includes

established churches, plants, & sites)

10 14 10 34RESOURCES

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WHY DOES VINEYARD SERVICE GROUP EXIST?Our national office goes by the name Vineyard Service Group (VSG) to reflect our mission to provide service to our local churches. VSG exists to serve both the local Vineyard church and the various entities that serve our local churches. Leadership, vision, and representation are provided to and for VUSA through our National Director and his staff. National Conferences, Equipping Summits, and other events are strategically organized by VSG, as well as communications, web, social media and more. VSG also provides accounting for contributions and disbursements to the various Vineyard entities, and builds and maintains vital statistics via our census. Finally, the VSG team provides a hub of administrative, informative, and pastoral services to the Vineyard Movement.

WINS THIS YEAR· Added a National Coordinator to oversee business and to help with pastoral care, encouraging churches across the country.

· Supported EQ Summit and 16 Regional events, gathering thousands of our best leaders across the country.

· VSG has reorganized in such a way that contributions, official documentation, and administrative support are more efficient, higher quality, and more available to leaders and those making strategic decisions (read about our new VUSA Database on p. 21).

Our Website:www.vineyardusa.orgOur Twitter:www.twitter.com/vineyardusaOur YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/VineyardUSAChannel

Follow Us On Instagram: www.instagram.com/vineyardusaFollow Us On Facebook: www.facebook.com/vineyardusa

OUR VISION LOOKING FORWARDThe goal of Vineyard Service Group is to serve the local Vineyard church by providing leadership that inspires, communication that is relevant, events that are catalytic, and administration that is timely and efficient. These services support local Vineyard churches and VUSA in making the best strategic decisions possible.

Our desire is, with all that is within our ability, to serve local Vineyard churches with resources that empower them to extend the Kingdom of God in their communities.

Powerful new websites serving

our churches

VUSA churches completing Census

Approximate miles traveled to support

VUSA areas and regions

VUSA congregationsserved through administration, events, communications, and


3 93% 500 K 600RESOURCES


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In 2016, a suite of tools and technologies launched Vineyard USA into a new era of resourcing our local churches with what they need, when they need it.


VineyardUSA.org The new website of Vineyard USA launched in May 2016, complete with a new media library, church finder, and photographic look. 72K+ users visited the site in 2016, with 900K+ page views.www.vineyardusa.org

Vineyard USA DatabaseThis extensive new technology neared completion in 2016, enabling our pastors to complete their Census in a simple, online manner, and leaders to see vital statistics on all our churches!admin.vineyardusa.org

Vineyard Digital Membership (VDM)The VDM is a new digital download website giving our churches 24-7 access to Vineyard-specific, high quality, downloadable, customizable, and print-ready resources for church life.www.vineyarddigitalmembership.com


The Vineyard Digital MagazineIn May 2016, our new VUSA email, communicating monthly encouragements from Phil, stories from around the movement, and resources available to our churches launched. Sign up at the top of www.vineyardusa.org.

SKIMIn May 2016, we launched The Skim, a “quick-read” email to our Senior Pastors, giving them internal communications about important events, tools, and support resources.




Twitter:@vineyardusaYouTube: @VineyardUSAChannel

Instagram: @vineyardusaFacebook: @vineyardusa

Includes Vineyard USA, Vineyard Worship, Vineyard Resources, and Vineyard Events social platforms.


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Vineyard USA is part of a global family of 2400+ Kingdom-minded Vineyard churches and 13 AVCs whose numbers are growing every day. There are Vineyards in 95 countries – and we are releasing new Associations Of Vineyard Churches all the time!

Our international Vineyard family is connected together through a high degree of relationship, mutual support,

and shared values. Our National Directors work together through what is called the Vineyard International Executive (VIE).

John and Eleanor Mumford of the UK serve as Coordinators for the VIE, and provide support to the shared leadership and decision-making of this group of national leaders.

Whether you are worshipping in a Vineyard congregation in the UK, Canada, South Africa, Burkina Faso, Brazil, Nepal, or the Ukraine, you will sense our underlying commitment to be naturally supernatural people who love Jesus – and are radically committed to seeing the Kingdom of God impact every person within our reach.

Get to know the #VineyardGlobalFamily at www.vineyardusa.org/about/our-global-family.


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ENCOURAGING DIVERSITYWe have come a long way in seeing our movement become more diverse, and we are experiencing the joy of being #BetterTogether as we move through 2017. With all of us working together to reach out to others who aren’t like us, our hard work and commitment to get beyond ourselves will bear Kingdom fruit. Let’s keep at it, growing in our diversity in all forms – celebrating our multiethnic communities, raising up women leaders, and encouraging younger leaders.

EXPERIMENTING WITH CHURCH PLANTINGWe have learned much in the arena of church planting over our history as a movement. This year we are investing time, resources, and conversations into fresh (and sometimes out of the box) ways we can think about planting even more Kingdom outposts in every place people live – from our smallest towns to our largest cities. Thinking strategically, the Executive Team and others are listening to the Lord of innovation for remarkable, creative ways to reach the least, the last, and the lost.

SUPPLY LINE THINKINGA significant word to Phil this past year is related to the idea of our Vineyard Service Group (VSG – our national office) and primary VUSA entities functioning as a “supply line” to our leaders and churches. Every week, you are making inroads deep into enemy territory loving people to life with the Good News of Jesus. The supply line metaphor will keep VUSA focused as we build and reinforce new supply lines to each of our churches (like www.vineyarddigitalmembership.com) to get you what you need in 2017.

OPEN FIELD RUNNINGThis is a time in the Body of Christ when the challenges facing us in the culture threaten to drive us back into familiar and safe patterns of doing ministry. We want to break through the ranks and give the ball to some “open field runners,” unencumbered by administration and structure, so that they can find the open field in front of them and run hard for the finish line. Identifying some of these open field runners, and giving them some room to cover new ground, will be given attention in 2017.

SOUL CAREOne of the most vital emphases we’ve had over the past years in the Vineyard Movement has been our emphasis on soul care – the intentional cultivation of spiritual and lifestyle rhythms that empower a sustainable and deepening faith in our leaders and our churches. This emphasis, which includes Pastor Sabbath Retreats, spiritual director development, and spiritual formation tools for our churches, will continue. New video courses from Phil Strout are also in development on this topic.

BUILDING ON THE VINEYARD PILGRIMAGEOur shared commitment to disciple Christians at “every age and stage” of life and development will continue to get heavy focus this year. We are in this for the long haul, to support your church as you reach into the lives of children, youth, senior youth, adults, and senior adults to serve them, support them, and provide resources for them to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Invest yourself in finding ways to disciple folks in each of these stages of life, and VUSA will be working hard to resource you along the way.

Where are we going in 2017? As you can see, there is vision brimming from all of our entities, and all of our churches, as we all look to join the Father in what He is doing in our towns, cities, and nation this year. Here are a number of key emphases that we want to continue to see bolstered and given energy as we do the Kingdom dream together over the next months.

© 2017 Vineyard USA

For inspiration and stories on these topics and more throughout 2017, get the VUSA Magazine email by signing up at www.vineyardusa.org.






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