celebrating devinny elementary school’s

Celebrating Devinny Elementary School’s Blue Ribbon Recognition!

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Celebrating Devinny Elementary School’s

Blue Ribbon Recognition!

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Welcome to the New Year



Ground us for next six months

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“I’m not here to

just make a living

I’m here to make

a difference.”

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“To be a successful

leader, create the conditions for

others’ success.”

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Self Actualization

To become everything that one is capable of, to realize your full potential. Do your best work!

Esteem Needs

A. Self Respect, Autonomy, Achievement

B. Recognition, Status, Attention

Social Needs Acceptance, Affection, Belonging, Friendship.

Safety Needs Establishing Stability, Security, Consistency in world. Protection from physical and emotional harm.

Physiological Air, Water, Food, Sleep, Shelter.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Stephen R. Covey (1989)

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Independence (Habits 1-3)

• Habit 1: Be Proactive Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow.

• Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and

relationships in life.

• Habit 3: Put First Things First A manager must manage his own person. Personally. And managers should

implement activities that aim to reach the second habit.

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Interdependence (Habits 4-6)

• Habit 4: Think Win-Win Value and respect people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a

better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had got

his/her own way.

• Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be

Understood Use empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which

compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being

influenced by you.

• Habit 6: Synergize Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to

achieve goals no one person could have done alone.

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Continuous Improvements (Habit 7)

• Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw o Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a

sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle.

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“Leaders don’t create followers, they create more

leaders.” -Tom Peters

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(Re) Building a Climate

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Shattered Myths from “Built to Last” Collins and Porras 1994

• Myth: oVisionary companies require great and

charismatic visionary leaders.

• Reality: oNot required, in fact can be detrimental to

the long term prospects.

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Shattered Myths, cont. from “Built to Last” Collins and Porras 1994

• Myth:

oVisionary companies are constantly changing.

• Reality: oThey preserve the “core ideology”.

They create a “guiding beacon” for others to follow, an “enduring star on the horizon.”

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Shattered Myths, cont. from “Built to Last” Collins and Porras 1994

• Myth: o The most successful companies focus

primarily on beating the competition.

• Reality: oVisionary companies focus on “beating

themselves”. Ask the question “How can we improve ourselves to do better tomorrow than we did today?”

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Synthesis of Research: Characteristics of Effective Schools-Lezotte (1997)

• Safe and Orderly Environment

• Climate of High Expectations for Success

• Instructional Leadership

• Clear and Focused Mission

• Opportunity to Learn and Student Time on


• Frequent Monitoring of Student Progress

• Home - School Relations

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Why are we here? Schools Students

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Why are we here? Schools Students

• Climate change

• Jeffco 2020

• Defined Autonomy


• Negotiated


• Safety/Security

• Alameda Plan o Stein rebuild

• Jefferson Plan o Stevens ES

o Sobesky Academy

• Concurrent Enrollment o CTE Programs

• School programming o STEM/STEAM



o Experiential Learning

• Achievement Progress o CMAS/PARCC


o Grad Rates

o ACT Scores

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Principal Top Ten David Letterman top 10 things to remember about your job (or maybe it is "everything you need to be successful you learned in Kindergarten) 10. You are responsible for everything that happens in and around your building...you, no one else 9. Share the victories, it takes a lot of people to make it happen 8. Accept the defeat, even if it really was not your fault 7. Someone is watching you....all the time. What do you want them saying?

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Principal Top Ten (continued)

6. 24 hour rule

5. Good decisions take time

4. God gave you 2 eyes, 2 ears and one mouth, use

them proportionately. (this means you should be

watching and listening 80 percent of the time)

3. You are not a leader if no one is following.

2. You have friends that care about you and have

been there...use them

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Principal Top Ten (continued)

1. There is nothing more important than your

family...20 years from now

your family is not going to

say "gee mom or dad, you

were a great ____________".

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The Vision: CAN YOU? In order for


to pursue

their life goals,

by 2020

all Jeffco graduates

will be able to

successfully apply

the following


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Jeffco Public Schools

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Webpage Main page story with link to tool

May use web story as main link in other promotion or direct to on-line tool

Video Short video to put on web, social media, linked in emails/newsletters, show at school level

Would be a brief overview of our current situation and how our budget works

Press Release/Community Item General release and request to include in e-newsletters of municipalities, chambers of

commerce, county outreach, etc.

The Messenger One main story then sidebar link in two additional issues

Chalk Talk One main story then sidebar link in another issue

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Email to principals in early January:

Please explain to SAC how community budget tool complements DAC-SAC Questionnaire and ask SAC for assistance in promoting parent participation

• Ask schools to promote budget tool during teacher conferences/open houses/other school meetings

• Have kiosks available to parents to use on-line budget tool while at school meetings or parent conferences

• Have as agenda item at a staff meeting and encourage staff participation

• Include info in school level parent newsletters

• School Messenger call from principal to remind parents to participate once the tool is live

• Links to resources (video, flyer, web links, talking points)

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Social media

Promote link twice a week on our channels

Paid promotion via Facebook (assuming Finance has funding)

Telephone town hall

Four telephone town halls, North/South/Central/Mountains

Publish number so anyone can call in

Robo-call invite by area from a sampling of schools (number called a big part of price)

Would need funding to implement (unlikely Finance has this much funding to promote, would need board to designate funds)

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January 12: Student Based Budgeting update at BOE meeting*

January 26: 2017/18 Budget Overview with Cabinet reallocation recommendations, and Facilities Master Plan update including Boundaries, 6th grade moves, possible school closures

January 21-February 10: Online budget tool open for public/staff input on the 2017/18 budget*

March 16: Study session on 2017/18 budget including reports from the DAC and online budget tool results; BOE direction to staff anticipated

April 20: Special BOE meeting with Public Hearing for 2017/18 Proposed Budget legislative update*

May 4: Anticipated 2017/18 Budget adoption/appropriation at BOE meeting*

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All Leadership Meeting, January 2017

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State statute and State BoE rules

- CDE has a role in reviewing and reporting evaluation data

CDE has been talking about the specifics of this for several years

May 2016 - Colorado Attorney General’s office confirmed that CDE

needs to publicly report aggregated evaluation data

Reports available in SchoolView, Late January or Early February

Information available

Overall ratings

Quality Standard ratings

Alignment between rubric and student growth

Relationship between effective educators and student demographics

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Data is not available for individuals, only in an aggregate %

Current CDE information is from 14-15

Potential teacher/community wonderings

Data is not current

School size is small -

Who are those ‘less than effective’ teachers?

My student had better not be in that class

Updates will be communicated as they are available


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Mr. Ron Mitchell President, Board of Education

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SBB Reminders

DAC-SAC Questionnaire

SPED Funding

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Enrollment Projections

Variance Form

Align to School Improvement

Kid Centric!

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Window: Jan 21st through Feb 10th

Capture Assurances

Gather insight on school funding priorities

Looking to promote Community Survey Budget Tool

If your SAC has the ability: Provide insight on District Budget Priorities

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Kevin Carroll

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“Leadership is about vision, but it is also equally about creating a climate where the truth is heard and the brutal facts confronted”

…in other words, set and maintain,

through your actions,

High Expectations for ALL