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Some of the National and Local activities






National and Local Activities



General Assemblies Students deciding their future


As you know, CEEM is the only, official and

recognized, peak representative organization of all

Spanish medical students. It’s officially established

and registered as a lay and non-profit, national

university-students’ organization independent

from any political party and concurring with to

the Spanish Associations Legislation.

CEEM is constituted as an organization of 38

members, which are the Medical Students’

Councils / Medical Students’ Societies (Councils,

from now on) of each of the 38 Spanish Medical

Schools. These Councils have to ensure to be

representatives of all the Medical Students of their

Medical Schools, based on the principles of

democracy and legitimacy and according to

CEEM´s bylaws as well as their University’s


Each Council appoints its representatives to CEEM

according to their own proceedings; the only


condition set by CEEM is that they must hold an

official Medical Students’ Representative position

at their university. These representatives meet

twice per year, in April and October at CEEM’s

General Assembly Meeting (JEEM), the

decision-making body of the organization.

During JEEM, the internal organization, strategic

management, advocacy policy and projects, as well

as the election of the Executive Board (EB) and

other official positions are decided. Regardless of

the number of representatives present at the

General Assembly, each member, thus each Med

School, holds one vote.

The April GA normally coincides with the Medical

Education Students Conference, and the

representatives can attend a small part of the
































A perfect opportunity to be better every day Formative Conference about

Medical Student Representation



Introduction and objectives

InterJEEM means between JEEMs, the name we use for our General Assemblies. CEEM is growing fast, all the external relationships and institutional contact and recognition, are really developed in the Council and are bigger than any student association in Spain. For that reason, we realize that we have to invest more efforts to improve internal work, in order to promote among the students the work of our Standing Committees and try to achieve that every medical student in the country knows CEEM, and they could work in any committee, division, or topic we discuss.

Internal Forum is a real good tool for this, and together with the figure of the “associate student”, every day we fight to make CEEM closer to the students. But we need something more, and with this purpose this conference was born.

The Conference is focused on medical students, mainly Local Council members, or CEEM members, but opened to any student interested in the Council, local work, or simply, some of the conference topics.

We are convinced that the best way to improve internal work on National and local level, is by giving people the necessary tools. For that reason, in the conference, we try to impart workshops and lectures about the most important topics for medical students in Spain (reform on the specialization system, health professional´s demographic, etc.), and about how to acquire different skills (skills related to new technologies, publications, etc.).



We celebrated the first edition of this kind of conference in Elche for three days, 17-19th February. Sixty medical students from almost twenty different schools met in Elche and enjoyed the Conference.

The Executive Board, with the Officials, and the Organizing Committee, were working hard three months before the conference in order to organize all the different aspects to make the Conference a success. All the workshops and lectures were prepared and imparted by CEEM members (Officials, Executive Board, Local Council Members).

The Conference was divided in three parts: Discussion time, Standing Committees time, and Workshops and Lectures time.

We´re going to explain the program, summing up every “part time” of the conference.

Discussion t ime

The discussion time was short, and focused on a topic. We talked about problems in the different schools and possible solutions, about the Adaptation to the EHEA and Bologna Process Implementation. The discussion time was chaired by of the Regional Coordinators, who took minutes, in order to obtain after the discussion, a document with conclusions.

Standing Committees and Management Divis ions t ime

As you know, we have four different Standing Committees right now: Medical






Education, Medical Profession and Public Health, Specialization System and Bioethics. In addition, we have the Management Divisions (CEEM Events Division, Legislative Division, Advisory Board, and Public Relations Division which include four areas: New technologies, publications, Marketing and Press), but only the first and the last one participate in this time.

Before the small working groups (every committee and division had a individual meeting with their members), the Standing Committee Directors and the Management Division Directors explained their functions and their current work. After that, we divided up into six groups for three hours, in order to work the different issues, give new ideas, try to start new projects, etc.

Workshops and Lectures t ime.

13 workshops and lectures took place throughout the whole conference. We are going to explain only who imparted the lectures and workshop, and a short explanation about the workshop.

Essential information and more relevant medical and legal documents in Bioethics.

In this lecture, the VPE and ex- Bioethics Director, explained the different documents, laws, etc. we need to work in Bioethics in a correct way, and what we need to achieve to be good physicians in the future.

Bibliographic search and skills in Medical Education.

The person in charge of the New Technologies Area gave us a brilliant workshop about the different kind of search engines on the Internet (Pubmed, Cochrane, etc.), and how to distinguish good or bad information.


Cinema in Bioethics: “CinEthics”.

The VPE again, imparted this workshop with different scenes of really known films, some of them related to Medicine and Ethical Conflicts, and she raised different questions in order to start a discussion.

The key to success in the daily Activity of the Local Councils.

The five Regional Coordinators prepared a lecture about how to improve participation in the councils, attract people, or simply how to organize some activities. Later, they reviewed the activity of every council, and marked one of its strong points to make a sort of Decalogue about “Things we have to achieve”.

How to organize a general Assembly or a Medical Education Conference.

The Medical profession Coordinator, and the Vice-president of the current OC of the Medical Education Conference made a review about all the stuff a OC needs, and how to do it. A big part of the lecture was more enjoyable thanks to role-playing.


DPC: Continuous Professional Development.

A one-hour lecture imparted by the Medical Profession Director, the VPI and the president. In this lecture they explained a current and really relevant topic worked in the Profession Forum. They made an introduction to try to clarify concepts, and they explained other models, like the USA or Canadian Model.

Star Workshop.

A secret workshop for the audience prepared for four members of the Standing Committee of Medical Profession. The entertainment point of the Conference was a quiz with issues related to the Medical profession.

Workshops of the Public Relations Division

Three members of the division, in a rotator manner, gave three workshops of half an hour. We could learn about:

- How to do a basic video: Windows Movie Maker (Public Relations Division member).













- How to use Photoshop (person in charge of the NNTT area).

- How to standardize documents of your Council, or of CEEM (Treasurer).

How to create and organize projects.

A lecture about different kind of projects depending on their objectives, how to start the project, write it, raising money, etc. Imparted by the VPE and supported in a twenty-paged document with more information and steps to organize projects.

Basic legislation.

The Immediate Past President gave a general view of the basic legislation of Councils, and about the basic legislation in Spain: different kind of lows, structure of the governments, mainly the ministries that we work, etc. In addition, he talked us about medical professionalism and about the CEEM like a part more of the Spanish Forum for the Medical Profession.


IFMSA and Medical Students Associations in the World.

Here, the current President and the Immediate Past President explained what IFMSA is in general terms, its way of working, its General Assemblies, our differences and the things we have in common. A review for the different kinds of associations in IFMSA, and how we can find similar associations.

After the f irst Edit ion:

After the first conference, we did two different things: To pass a poll to evaluate the conference, which was really positive, and a physical presence meeting of the Executive Board with the rest of Officials and more students that attended the Conference. In this meeting, we talked about a lot of things, but we dedicated a big time to analyse and discuss the sense and results of the Conference, and to try to find the best way to celebrate this kind of event.


The conclusions were: The Conference was a success and useful and we have to repeat the experience. It would be better to divide the Conference into two different conferences: o One in February (2012), for

new people, with a not knowledge about CEEM and Councils in general, who desire to learn and be informed. In this conference, our efforts would be focused on trying to capture the interest of the attending people and make the participation in CEEM and Councils bigger.

o The other, in summer (2012), for “old” people, with a long experience in their Local Council, or in CEEM. A conference aimed at improving knowledge, skills and work of the attending people, with more time for working in different projects of the Standing Committees, and more free time to promote team building.

“Novice or Beginners Conference”

In the first physical presence meeting in this term, 13-14th May, the Team of Officials established the basic structure of the “novice conference”, in order to start a discussion in the internal forum and be able to define, in the next meeting, together with the OC, the conference contest. The basic structure will be:

A basic or essential block.

It will be the only constant part in the Conference. The content will be always the same, because students can attend this kind of conference once. It will be about basic information about Medical Students Local Councils, University, CEEM, IFMSA, about the legislation in Spain, and about the use of the Internal Forum.



















Projects, trainings and NNTT block.

There will be a time to present the different Council projects, in a Fair of Projects (IFMSA-like).

There will be too some training (because some of our member are AECS members too and they attended the TNT past December, and in addition, we´ll invite AECS members according to our bilateral agreement).

The NNTT parte will be variable.

Standing Committees and Management Divisions time.

Something like the time in the first conference, but aimed at inexperienced people, and more focused on start new projects with the people ideas and work in it in two different sessions.

Theme block.

An important part in the conference, where CEEM officials will have to explain the most relevant issues in Spain for medical students depending on the current situation in the


country. For example, it could be about smoking regulation in Spain, primary health care integration in Spanish medical curriculum, etc.

Leisure time.

Some free time to practice sports, sightseeing, or make any activity that the OC prepare.

Regional Formative Conferences about Medical Student Representation.

Some regions, like Catalonia, the territory we share with AECS, have started to celebrate conferences like that, in a smaller way. The last one was celebrated in Gerona, and was attended by twenty people, including AECS people and the CEEM VPI.





!"V Medical Education Convention The medicine of the furute


The “Congreso de Educación Médica” (Medical

Education Convention) is the biggest convention in

Spain for Medical Students. It’s organised by CEEM

and by a local Organising Committee in a different

University each year. The first edition was in 2008 in

Madrid, and next year will be the fifth Edition in the

University of Murcia.

In the convention there are all sorts of activities such

as lectures, workshops, games, etc. Each year we also

have the collaboration of many organisations and

private companies such as Elsevier or SEDEM (Spanish

Society of Medical Education). The convention is

celebrated at the same time as the General Assembly of

CEEM, and has some of the activities in common.

For the next Edition in Murcia we plan to extend the


length of the Convention. Up until now, it has been

two days long. Next year it will be three days, from the

11th to the 13th of April, coinciding with Murcia’s

regional party and holidays. It will have one thousand

spots available for students. The Convention won’t

have a fixed location, but will be moving around the

city and University, as well as other cities close by.

CEEM’s General Asembly will be taking place at the

same time as the convention. Medical student

representatives of all Universities will come to Murcia

and will be working during the four days, including

Saturday. Some of the activities, like lectures, will be in

common for everyone, and the rest of the time,

representatives will stay at the University, while the

General Assembly takes place.



For this convention we intend to set five lines of themes

related with medicine, so that the lectures and activities

have different topics. These are: Medical Education, Medical

Investigation, Environmental Medicine, Social Medicine and

Health Politics. We will have five “mascots” or characters,

one for each theme, which will appear in the merchandising

and promotion of the Convention. There will be lectures on

all of these topics, so that each student can choose the ones

they are most interested in, especially on the last day.

We have many activities planned, but one of the most

interesting and new will be organised by “Protección Civil”

(Civil Defence). They will put on a small show for all the

students where they simulate a traffic accident with a bus.

Actors play the victims of the accident and all their medical

staff act as they would in a real accident, teaching and

explaining all of their protocols and showing us how they

would handle everything in this situation. The show is

approximately 90 minutes long. After it, we will divide

students into smaller groups, and workshop on triage will

take place.



For the second day an assortment of different activities and

games will be organised, all of them with a medical theme

or relation. It will take place in the port of Cartagena and

the Politecnical University of Cartagena, which is located

nearby. Students will be divided into small groups and they

will be able to choose the activities they prefer, which will

range form Military Medicine (such as visiting a camp

hospital or the military base in the port) to a medical trivia

organised by our Committee. This day is intended to be very

practical and fun for students, so that they can learn while

enjoying themselves.

For the last day we will organise workshops for everyone,

divided again into small groups. These workshops are

directed by the different Medical Societies that collaborate

with us each year. Some of the topics will be: sutures, basic

CPR, bioethics, etc.


Any interesting topic for students fits in our Convention


Planning and locations

The three days will be organised the following way:

On the first day, the opening ceremony and lectures will

take place in Murcia’s Convention Centre, biggest hall in

Murcia and only one with capacity for over 1000 people.

We will then go to the University for lunch and workshops.

The second day will be in Cartagena, a city nearby (30

minutes, approximately). This day is intended to be for


games and activities of all sorts. On Friday we will start at

the University for workshops and after lunch we will go

back to the centre of Murcia, where different lectures will

take place in different halls, so that students have the

opportunity of seeing a little bit more of the city. The

closing ceremony will be in Murcia’s Teatro Circo, a theatre

in the centre of Murcia with a capacity of approximately

900 people.

Social Plan

The convention won’t be organised just during the day.

Many activities will be organised for the students visiting

our city during the night, so that they can enjoy every day

of their stay. One of the nights we will have a Musical,

played by our students. The main characters of the story

will be the five “mascots” of our convention, as medical

students that have different interests. It will be interpreted

in the Faculty of Medicine of our University, and every

student will be able to watch it for free.

Other activities will be parties and dinners, so that everyone

has the chance to see our city and also experience our

holidays. The details are still to be defined.


Past Editions

The last edition of our Convention took place last April

in Madrid.

With more than 25 different workshops, interesting lectures and an amazing social plan, it

was a great experience.

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Rare Diseases day Students involve for a good cause


Rare diseases are life threatening or

chronically debilitating diseases with a low

prevalence. There are 6000-8000 rare

diseases identified.

February 28th 2011 will mark the fourth

International Rare Disease Day organized

with rare disease national alliances in 25

countries. On that day hundreds of patient

organizations from more than 40 countries

worldwide will be organizing awareness-

raising activities and converging around the

slogan “Rare but equal”.

University of Alcalá was the first school in

Spain, which organized this event. Since

2009, they have been in order to promote

this Campaign between the students, and this

year, thanks to the support of the III Regional


Coordinator, the Rare Disease Day was

celebrated in the entire Region. In addition,

three members of the University of Alcalá

were invited at the government parliament, in

order to celebrate the day, and like

recognition of their work.

World Rare Diseases Day Campaign takes

place on the 28th of February in the majority

of schools. In Alcalá, takes place on the 28th

February and the First of March.

The Rare Disease Day objectives are: to give

information to students about diseases like

Prader-Willi and organize awareness-raising

activities (for example, distributing pamphlets

or imparting a lecture) and, of course, one of

the mainly aims of this event is to report

about Rare Disease, to show the ways to face




Rare Diseases and to make aware of

problems with diagnosis and treatment of

those patients.

In the five schools, every Medical Student

Council organizes a stand with several

pamphlets and many other papers in

collaboration with the Spanish Rare

Disease Federation.

In some schools, there is a solidarity race

in campus, in order to promote the Rare

Diseases Day or different lectures with

doctors with experience in this field.

In the University of Alcalá, the First of

March they show to their students the

movie “Extraordinary measures”.


From CEEM this kind of initiatives are

supported and recognized and we´re

working to achieve a bigger establishment

of the project next year, in order to make

this project one of the first in the future

Projects ´Division. Until the Division starts

to work, we will try to include this

campaign into our Public Health

Campaign, in which we celebrate different

days like the “World no tobacco day, 31th


With Her Majesty Leticia, Princess of Spain as support


!"NeuPols (SnowPols)

NeuPols is a CEEM’s event that began a year ago, it is aimed at students of health sciences at UAB. NeuPols takes place on the first of December at Alpe d’Huez. It is a skied that is mixed with a very well social program for five days in December.

In the f irst edit ion, 205 students participated, these students had a

opportunity to sky and do a lot of different leisure activities. We did a survey

and the final global result was 9.1!!! For this reason we have decided to repeat

the next year.

In the next edit ion, we will organize a different ski competitions, bingo

sessions (different sponsors will offer skis, snowboards, snow jackets), new

activities in the social program (karaoke, barça’s football match, disco,

different games, gymkhana, etc) and the most important change consists in

openness to zone II (Catalonia). All medicine and some health sciences students

from Catalonia will be able to participate in NeuPols.

NeuPols objectives are: to promote sport activities, medical student council

and interfaculty relationship.

NeuPols Promotion: For the next edition, we have bought a domain

(www.neupols.org) that we will develop in the next months. We also use

facebook to promote NeuPols (we have over 700). In September, we will record

a video. For this reason, we are doing promotion for the video by facebook



!!"Some of the local Councils activities

Paediatric Congress for Medical Students


Target group, date: Paediatric

Congress for Medical Students is aimed

to every medical

student who is interested in Paediatrics.

It takes place for 3 days in March. There

is no audience limit.

Description of the activity: Five

years ago, our Student Council

organized the First Paediatric Congress

for Medical Students. This year, our goal

is to consolidate the congress trying to

improve our national and international

diffusion. In addition, we want to bring

the activities closer to all students and

people interested in it. This edition will

be focused in Orthopaedic Paediatrics,

Illness and humanity labour in the third

world, HIV and nutritional disorders.



1. To increase students participation

2. To encourage the scientific and clinical practice between the university students

3. To contribute to the Paediatric knowledge

4. To create a bond among students and doctors

5. To bring paediatrics closer to students, showing to them all the different options theyhave in this science and its relevance in the actual medical outlook.

Web l ink:




Target audience, dates and

duration: Sciences and Medical

School. May, 9-11th May.

Thematic Description: The

Council achieved to count on with

government representatives,

professor, and incredible speakers to

talk about the Health Services in our

region. The agenda contained

lectures about generic drugs,

investigation, NGOs, private services,


Health Service in Galicia



Cultural week in Santander

Target group, date: The Cultural week is aimed to every student of the

University of Cantabria. There is no audience limit. All the activities usually take

place during the third week of March.

Description of the activity: The main goal of the Cultural Week is to offer a

leisure time for all of our colleagues but, above all, we want to stimulate the

relationships among the students of the university.

The Cultural Week Program counts with plenty of activities, from academic

conferences to leisure activities such us card games, basketball, football and Ping-

Pong competitions. However our most important activity is the Gymkhana in which

the Student Council members prepare different trials and challenges to all the

people interested in participating. On the other hand, these promote our Medical

Council among our University with the organization of a Musical Concert

performed by our students and a Theatre Representation, prepared by “La Machina


In conclusion, the Cultural Week is not only a way to bring a different kind of

culture (or at least different than what we usually treat) back to university but also

a way to encourage the relationships between students and enjoy all the activities

organized in company. Besides the benefits of our week are donned to a NGO.

Web l ink: There is no link for this activity. If you want more information, you

Stimulate relationship amog the students of our university, is the main objective

Critical Economy

University and Organization: University of Santiago de Compostela. Medical

Student Council.

Target audience, dates and duration: Sciences School, Philosophy School,

Economical School, and Medical School. 27-27th April, and 3-7 May.

Thematic Description: In this activity, students and professors try to create

awareness within people about topics related to economy. In the agenda, we can

found lectures about how to make economy more human or about the present

situations of women in the labour market.


Student's Cardiology Congress

Target audience: Medical students from all over Spain.

Duration: Three days

Thematic Description: it takes place in April at the

University of Salamanca. Each conference is organized by

students, residents and a doctors and the lectures are given

by students. Later, some of them participate in the Regional

and National Cardiology Conferences of the Spanish

Cardiology Association.

Website or complete project l ink:



International Oncology Conference for Students

Target audience, dates and duration: Third-year

students or higher of all degrees in health sciences. March

3rd, 4th and 5th.

Thematic Description: This conference has the

objective to promote enthusiasm in a vital field to the

future of biomedicine and society as well as provide

students participating in such act; to present new

developments on the biology, screening, diagnosis,

treatment and prognosis of cancer; to encourage students

of health sciences branch exchange knowledge in the area

of oncology and to review basic and advanced concepts in

the radiological diagnosis of cancer.

Website or complete project l ink:


!"Getting involve as a way to understand University and MedSchool experience


Medical Sports Tournament

Target audience, dates and duration: To Medical Students. October and


Thematic Description: Medical Sports Tournament takes place in October and

November at Universidad de Alcalá. Medical Student’s Council organizes 6 teams

(one of each class) of 3 sports: basketball, football and volleyball. There are 2

groups of each sport, and the winners of each group fight in the final. The aim of

this event is to promote health in medical students and the spirit of team

There are prizes for the winners.

Psychiatry through cinema

Target audience, dates and duration: To Medical Students in their last

three years. 10 sessions during 8 months

Thematic Description: The Medical Student Council organizes a course of

Psychiatry through cinema at Universidad de Alcalá. The aim of this course is to

show students how Psychiatry and psychiatric patients are introduced in different

movies. There are 10 different sessions. In all sessions students see the movie and

after that there is a debate with Psychiatrics of Príncipe de Asturias Hospital,

where students improve his skills in Psychiatry and psychiatric patients.

Sign Language Course for Medical


Target audience, dates and duration: To Medical Students. 4 different

sessions in February

Thematic Description: The Medical Student Council organizes a course of Sing

Language for Medical Students at Universidad de Alcalá. The aim of this course is

to make aware of the problems with communication with deaf-mute patients.

There are 4 different sessions of 5 hours, 3 of them with the objective of learning

basic Sing Language and the last session to practice it in a practical way.


Bellvitge Medical Students Congress

Target group, dates and duration: To medical students of the University of

Barcelona. Two days in March or April

Thematic Description: This Congress is organized by the Medical Student

Council. Its purpose is to improve the students’ knowledge about medicine and

other related fields involved in the continuous professional development. For two

days, lectures and classes are suspended, and students are able to attend meetings

or workshops: suture, laughter therapy, first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation

and many others.

I Days of basic clinical skills

Target audience: Every sciences health students in UPF-UAB

Duration: Two days

Thematic description: This project takes place on the first of June at

University of Pompeu Fabra-UAB. The Medical Students Council organizes suture

workshops, bandages workshop, basic clinical urgencies sessions, basic CPR

sessions and a debate session about complementary medicine. Furthermore, we

tried to integrate and promote our council, for this reason the representatives

organize leisure activities. Around 45 people did each activity; it represents 1/3 of

all faculty students (150).

Blood Donation Campaign

Target audience, dates and duration: To everybody. Two different days,

one in April and the other in November.

Thematic Description This event is organized by the Medical Student Council

in order to encourage people to donate blood. We do it two times a year and we

organize a stand with several pamphlets. The organization is shared between the

Local Committee and Bellvitge’s Hospital Blood and Tissues Bank.


I Training sessions for Medical students

from region II of CEEM (Catalonia)

It’s aimed at: Medical students from two area of CEEM

Duration: Two days

Thematic Description: This project took place on the middle of March at University of

Girona. The Medical Student Council organizes training sessions for all medical students

from CEEM´s region II. We inform our partners about activities of the different

representative organizations in the local, regional and state level in the field of medicine.

Trainers teach participants in different skills (communication, efficient meetings),

collaborating with AECS trainers (some of them belong to CEEM). Representatives

coordinated debates about ESHE (European Space for Higher Education). Furthermore,

with theses sessions we try to involve our partners sharing their experiences and

increasing teambuilding. This is the most important thing to get a true collaboration

between Local Committees

Health Science Day

Target audience: Health sciences students from URV

Duration: Two days

Thematic Description: This project takes place on the first of November at University

of Rovira i Virgili. The Medical Students Council organizes different trainings and the

CEEM national members explains CEEM’s main projects. Furthermore, we have different

conferences about sports and medicine, investigation, mobility, future possibilities, etc


Research Conference for medical students Target group, dates and duration: 100 participants, during 3 days in the afternoon,

in April.

Thematic description: During 3 days in the afternoon, students attend to different

talks of themes about investigation and medicine and 3 trainings to acquire clinical

abilities. In addition, to promote the investigation between students, they expose to their

partners what they have been doing during the year as internal students. This year for the

first time we have created a prize for the best communication and for the most

participative student during the trainings and talks. As new, in this edition of Research

Conference for Medical Students, they have a special thematic: “The Mora Spirit” making

reference to the old Clinical Hospital of Cádiz Faculty of Medicine, Mora’s Hospital, and

the great atmosphere of working that doctors, nurse and patients had there.

Workshop of student representation Target group, dates and duration: it is for all medical students of the University of

Extremadura, around 20-30 participants, one weekend in early course.

Thematic description: it is intended that the students reinforce their knowledge of the

Council of Students and the importance of student representation. For this purpose, we

explain the functions of the Council of Students and university governing bodies where

students have representation. In addition, representatives of the University of

Extremadura’s Students Council (CEUEX) and members of the National Council of Medical

Students of Spain (CEEM) and the State Association of Nursing Students (AEEE) come to

talk about their work at national level in favour of the rights of students of Medicine and

Nursing. We also develop taskforces and debates on current issues that students see in the

Faculty or the University and what measures could be taken from the Council to solve



Welcome week

Target group: Nursing and medicine students

Duration: One week

Thematic description: This project takes place on the first of September at University of Lleida. The

Faculty organizes a week in which you can visit the city. There other students show how the Medical

School functions. Furthermore, faculty leaves a space where we can explain everything about our MSC.

Next year we want to organize a trip to promote a better welcome week and give a nicer image of the


Water workshop

Target audience: Sciences health students in UdL

Duration: One day

Thematic description: This project takes place on the first of November at University of Lleida. The

MSC organizes a workshop to try to create awareness within people that there is not much difference

between bottled water and tap water. To do this workshop, we need a jug of bottled water and a jug of

tap water. Students didn’t know which was which and they had to guess it.


Target audience: Sciences health students in UdL

Duration: One day

Thematic description: This project takes place on the middle of February at University of Lleida. The

MSC collaboration with “Cooperation and solidarity office” make a documentary about the “neglected”

diseases that are not profitable for the industry. Before this documentary, we ask the hanged slogans in the

Faculty as viral advertising to make people wonder about the real incidence of diseases like Chagas.


Bioethics “Cineforum” Target group, dates and duration: Focused on Medical Students, four days.

Thematic Description: We show four different movies related to medical situations or ethical conflicts,

to be analysed by the students who have to answer a poll about the different films. The last day, a

discussion about the films takes place.

Information Day

Target group, dates and duration: Medical Students. One day every term.

Thematic Description: Some of the Council members remain at the Council Office the entire day at the

disposal of students to answer their questions, solve problems related to activities, or anything.

Christmas Chocolate Day Target audience, dates, duration: for all medical students of the University of Córdoba, the last day

before Christmas holidays, in the morning.

Description: from the Students Council, we organize a place where take hot chocolate and some sweets

in order to expend some time together before the holidays.

Spring week Target audience, dates, duration: for all medical students of the University of Córdoba, 3rd, 4th, 5th

and 6th of May.

Description: during this week, we organize a huge amount of activities for all students. These activities

consist of sports tournaments (football, basketball, table tennis, etc.), games (Trivial Pursuit tournament,

Pro Evolution Soccer tournament, etc.), activities related to Medicine (suture workshop, sex education,

etc.), information stands (careers, international cooperation, etc.) and teacher vs. students games. The

purpose of all these activities is to show that the life in the University goes beyond the classes and notes.

Sport and medical championships

It´s aimed at, part ic ipants, dates, duration. Students, Administration and Services Personnel and

Teaching and Investigation Personnel of the Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital in Albacete.

180 participants. October-November, 2010.

Thematic description Series of football tournaments, basketball, card games, ludo, mus and trivial, with

the aim to favour sport activity in the university environment and the relation between several university

and hospital bodies.



Medical Emergency Conference

Target audience: UAB

Medical students

Duration: Three days

Thematic description:

We are going to celebrate

our seventh edition. With

this activity we try to

promote the knowledge of

the basic aspects of

emergency medicine.

“Pause” party

Target audience:Medical


Duration: One night

Thematic description:

all the students have a

dinner and party in the

hospital, the fifth course

students show the t-shirt

that they are going to sell

during these year until the

next Pause. The main idea

is to create unity between

medical students of our




All the students go to a

house and prepare activities

to meet each other. The old

students prepare a welcome

activity for rookies.



Target audience:

Medical students

Duration: One day

Thematic description:

The main idea of this

project is to present our

hospital to the newcomers.

We explain the main

organization aspects of the

hospital and it´s

relationship with the



Cooperation and Development Conferences

Target audience, dates

and duration: To

everybody: all the students,

professors, and many other

people. The third week of

November. Three days.

Thematic Description:

The Cooperation and

Development Conferences

are some conferences

launched in the school this

new course. Similar in

structure to the Tropical

Diseases and International

Health Conferences, there is

a three-day project,

three hours each day (with a

break in between). The

project is carried out with

a professor belonging to the

Parasitology Department, as

well as a specialist in

Cooperation Development,

which in turn is the

Academic Secretary of the



Emergency course

Target audience, dates

and duration: To medical

students from fourth grade

up to sixth grade. Three


Thematic Description:

The emergency course is

carried out in one of our

hospitals. It lasts three

days, distributed this

way: the first day consists

on medical emergency

theory, and the other

days are dedicated to

practice it in the Emergency



Some students prepare a

play and they act in the

Christmas dinner and




International Cooperation Lecture Target group, dates

and duration: It´s

focused on medical

students, 8th November, one


Thematic Description:

We organized a round table

conference about

international Cooperation in

Spain and had a discussion

later. We counted on

different non-profit

organizations like MSF, Red

Cross, etc.

Living in Emergency Target group, dates

and duration: It´s aimed

at any student, 11th May,

one day.

Thematic Description:

MSF organize activities to

make their work known

among medical students.

MSF Delegates showed a

documentary about MSF

work, called “Living in

Emergency: Stories of

Doctors without Borders”.


Summer Practice in Regional Hospitals Target group, dates

and duration: Medical

Students, during July,

August or September.

Thematic Description:

All the Medical Students

can practice in any hospital

in the region, during a

month. We contact with

most important hospitals,

and ask for places that we

have to distribute later

among the students. Any

student can practice in

other hospital in Spain, and

we validate it as those who

practice in the regional

hospitals. All the students

have to summarize their

experience to obtain credits

(ECTS) and students have to

sign a certificate to verify

their practice.


Rare Disease Day Target group, dates

and duration: It´s mainly

aimed at students, 28th

February, one day.

Thematic Description:

Rare diseases are life

threatening or chronically

debilitating diseases with a

low prevalence. There are

6000-8000 rare diseases

identified. The Rare Disease

Day objectives are: to give

information to students

about diseases like Prader

Willi and organize

awareness-raising activities,

for example, distributing

pamphlets or imparting a


Saint Lucas Day

Target group, dates

and duration: Medical

Students, 18th October, one



Thematic Description:

18th October we celebrate

the patron of medicine.

Every year, we organize a

lunch for the students, to

celebrate the day, and

sometimes, we organize

some sporting competitions

among students.

Collaboration with the General Practitioners/ Family Physicians Professors

Target group, dates

and duration: First, third

and fifth year students.

Thematic Description:

We help Family Physicians

to collect information

through surveys about the

specialization, in order to

create different activities to

increase medical student

participation in their



Cultural Week in

Albacete´s Campus

Target group, part ic ipants, dates,

duration Meant for every student in

Albacete’s Campus. 901 participants. 11th-

14th of April.

Thematic Description During the 11th,

12th and 13th days of April, championships

and different cultural and formative

activities were held in the different Campus

Centres. The Delegation of Medicine was

responsible for the organization of the

poker tournament and for the informative

talk regarding novelties in core subjects.

The 14th a party was held for the whole

Campus with paellas and local group

concerts (La Pantera Rusa and Los Já). Therapeutic Clowns Course Target audience, dates and duration: To medical

students. Three days.Thematic

Description: Therapeutic Clowns Course takes place on

February at Universidad de Alcalá. The Medical Student

Council organizes a course of three days in which Medical

Students can experience and learn how “Medical Clowns”

work and how to become in one of them. The aim of this

event is to teach 30 students how to cheer patients up in

difficult situations with fun.

Cinema and Bioethics Period

Target group, part ic ipants, dates, duration Students at

the Faculty of Health Sciences of ULPGC. It is meant to carry

out several periods during the year.

Thematic description We want to present films, shorts or

series that reflect ethic aspects in professions related with

health sciences and a posterior debate to analyse the different

aspects in each matter.

Moreover, the Medicine Student Delegation collaborates with

other projects created by students of the Faculty of Health

Sciences who want to relate and involve students from the

whole Faculty (Medicine, Nursery and Physiotherapy students).


Suture Course for

Medical Students

Thematic Description: The Medical

Student Council organizes a course of

Surgical Sutures for Medical Students. The

aim of this course is to give students

practical skills that are not always easy to

learn in Medical Schools. There are 3

different sessions in different groups with

surgeon of the 4 Students Hospitals in

some universities. In others, It´s a two-hour

course in which medical students can learn

surgical skills, like basic kind of sutures,

special threads, knots, with a theory

lecture, and later, with time to practice.

Four or five internal residents of the

nearest hospitals help us, and teach

medical students how to use the tools, etc.

and we help them to achieve a “trainer

certificate” in return.

Cultural week Target audience, dates and duration: To everybody:

students, professors, and many other people. The second week

of May. Between three and five days.

Thematic Description: Several stands are placed for

Cooperation and Solidarity all over the School, while carrying

out photos, paintings, poetry and short story contests, being

rewarded with medical books. It also takes

place a thematic writer discussion and a classical music

concert, with guest musicians performing, along with medical

students themselves who play various instruments and wish to

participate. This concert usually takes place mid-week.

Newcomers Day

Target audience, dates and duration: To Medical

Students in First year. First day of the Medical Students

Thematic Description: The First Day of the Academic year

the Students Council participates in the Welcoming Day of our

Medical School. Students Council introduce all organizations

and activities to the new students in order to keep them

informed of all they can do after the classes, and also how they

can defend their rights with Students Representation. After the

talk, we invite our new partners to some food and drinks. Every

“old student”, takes a group of 20-30 students and show them

the different places of the Scholl: the cafeteria, the council

office, reprographics, classes, etc.


Target audience, dates and duration:

To everybody: students, professors, and many

other people. The first week of May. Five


Thematic Description: The "Patron’s

week" is as, its name suggests, a week in

honour of Medicine’s

Patron “Saint Lucas”. Throughout this entire

week we will be able to watch all kinds of

activities at the Medicine School, noting:

- The theatre play in the school,

represented by students from the own

Medicine School, on Tuesday afternoon.

- The “Patron festival”, held on Thursday of

this week, where medical fellows in second or fifth grade sell

refreshments to raise funds for the Ecuador and the end of

the career trips, while seats are positioned for cooperation

and solidarity sale.

- On Friday, the non school day because of being

the official party, takes place the sixth grade graduation,

and fellows from fifth grade dressed up as waiters and serve

refreshments to family and friends. This event closes the

week celebrations.

Patron’s week

World Rare Diseases

Day Campaign

Target audience, dates and duration:

To everybody: students, professors, and

many other people. The 28th of February and

the First of March.

Thematic Description: World Rare

Diseases Day Campaign takes place on the

28th of February and the First of March. The

Medical Student Council organizes a stand

with several pamphlets and many other

papers in collaboration with the Spanish

Rare Disease Federation. The aim of this

event is to report about Rare Disease, to

show the ways to face Rare Diseases and to

make aware of the problems with diagnosis

and treatment of those patients. In the

morning, there is a solidarity race in our

campus, in order to promote the Rare

Diseases Day. We also organize three talks in

the afternoon with doctors with experience

in this field.


Tropical Diseases and International Health Conferences Target audience, dates and duration:

To everybody: students, professors, and

many other people. The second or third

week of February. Four days.

Thematic Description: Tropical Diseases

and International Health Conferences, as

its name suggests, consists of four

days dedicated to medical students

knowledge of tropical diseases and how to

prevent them, because sometimes we

forget them. Every day there are

programmed three speeches (every afternoon with a break

between them) that last 3 hours, inviting distinguished

speakers from both national and international renown

in international health. It is without doubt one of

the largest and most successful projects of the Medicine’s

Council, and each year fills the Great Hall of the School

with more than 500 students from all different careers

of health. It is made in collaboration with a professor of the

Parasitology Department.

World AIDS Day


Target audience, dates and duration:

To everybody: students, professors, and

many other people. The first and de second

of December. Two days.

Thematic Description: World AIDS Day

Campaign takes place on the first and the

second of December at Universidad de

Alcalá. The Medical Student Council

organizes a stand with several pamphlets

and many other papers. The aim of this

event is to report about AIDS, how it’s

passed on and the ways to prevent it. We

also organize a talk in the afternoon with

expert doctors in AIDS and infectious


The second of December we organize talks

in High Schools in Alcalá de Henares in order

to report about AIDS and its prevention.

Also, in the afternoon, we show to our

students the movie “Three needles”.



Medical-Health Practice through film


Target audience, dates, duration:

for all students of the University of

Córdoba, 8th, 15th, 22th and 29th of

March and 5th and 13th of April.

Description: During 6 days, we watch

some films about bioethical and legal

topics related to medical practice. After

the film, we make a debate with a

doctor who is an expert on that topic.

We watched these films:

! “Arrowsmith” (John Ford,

1938), presented by Sebastián

Martín Recio (Family doctor in

Health Center of Carmona,


! “The constant gardener”

(Fernando Meirelles, 2005),

presented by Juan F. Rangel

Mayoral (Coordinator of Health

Area of University complex of


! “The doctor” (Randa Haines,

2005), presented by José Carlos

Torres Vélez (Family Doctor in

Toledo and ex President of


University of Córdoba’s

Medical Student Council).

! “Gattaca” (Andrew Niccol,

1997), presented by Emilio

Doblaré Castellano (Head of

Immunology in University

complex of Badajoz and

health area Manager).

! “Awakenings” (Penny

Marshall, 1990), presented

by Pedro Montilla López

(retired teacher of de Faculty

of Medicine of the

University of Córdoba).

! “Mash” (Robert Altman,

1970), presented by Juan

Guijo Castro (military


Web page:






Target group, part ic ipants,

dates, duration Meant for ULPGC

students. Unlimited assistance

permitted, but limited vacancies to

participate in tournaments and

activities. November 2010. Duration:

One day.

Thematic Description It is meant

to promote relations between

university students, mainly between

the ones at the Faculty of Health

Sciences through tournaments

(Trivial, Taboo, game cards…) and

activities (such as salsa, juggling,

corporal expression…). The day is

over with a concert and music in the

parking lot of the Faculty of Health


Recreational Days


