ce buea se - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hmg7fsc2v/data/0923.pdf · ce buea tnittg un...

Ce buea tnittg un j VOL XXV NO 109 PADUCAHHY FRIDAY EVENING MAY 7 1909 TEN CENTS PER WEEK SCOTTiFBRGUSON LEADS TICKET IN COUNCIL CONTEST j These Whe Opposed Cross Stayed Away From the tells I f Only One Cosiest Fwc Other Offices 6l THOSE WHO WEIlE NOMINATED PeUce JudgeD A Close AKkrwea Clwrlwi It hell LE DwTctt George 0 J gram and Otto Oventreet- CouncUmot l First Scott l Ferguson second Charles nor I tent Third O 1 Leigh Fourth Fred KreuUer and Clmrics liouncrt Fifth J W Coleman Sixth Dr W no S Wachtwni S I School TI1MIff First W N f Warrrn Second II F Davis e and P P Swift ThIrd Gardner z e Jtlbert Fourth harry L Judd S au II L Tate Fifth W T < Byrd SUUi Henry McGee 1 Alt those who want Davo Crow reelected pollco judge turned out at the primary yesterday Mighty few of those who wore against him liP peared at tho polls Consequently Dave received more votes than all his opponents addod together The total I vote cast was 1320 out of a poll of 3928 and Diva Crow received 849 of them Jack Nelson 259 Oscar Kahn 158 and G C Dluguld 62 la tho Hocotid ward Charles for 4 too defeated Dr B A Washburo by d 1 133 votes All the other candidates were dselected Q had no opposition I a Tfct Jt e went tkrwK as If U WM greased The Vule t ef Other 4 Candidate Scottlo Fergwwa bartender for Charles Dcnkor 1 lM tho ticket bolow police Judge receiving 613 votes Tbo other candidates votes follow Aldermen Hall 407 Durrett 631 Ingram Oft Overstrect 614- Couftcllraen First Ferguson 813 11 Second Morton 528 Waebburn 405 Thud Leigh 589 J Fourth Krcutter 673 Heuser 471 Fifth Coleman 495 GMxth Wa bum 536 School TrutteeFtrlt Warren 480 SeeeRd Davl 4M 1 Swift 370 Third Gilbert 457 Fourth Judd 437 Tate 402 Fifth Byrd 512 Sixth a1McGee 497 Hevr They Took It The UDwtceewful candidate took their defeat with roM grace Jack Nelew thta morning Mid- I doat knew why tile peoplo wouldnt come oat aid vote but they would ROt and 1 worked bard to get them out It WM only on solicita ¬ tlon that 1 matte the race and I bad more signature ell the paper asking me to run than I received Votes yes ¬ terday Mr Kaka laughed and MId I dont know whether the tears the t fioavons shed last night were In sym ¬ ipathy for the three defeated candi ¬ i dates or whether they wore In te- a ¬ joicing over the election of Dave s Cross George C Diagufd who had the 4 smallest vote stld I am unable to unravel l the meaning of the big vote that was not call Police Judge1 I III PRECINCTS Jd f isGallmana t 1 Hennebergers 49 19 1 C Butlers 4 89 20 t1 6 S S F S A 32 17 G 1- iChalks 49304 2 Schmidts s 4814y 11 C Dlegel > 49 IS 2Q Klrkpatrlckf n 71 fa > T 1 N S O IIt 519 24 0 e S S CHI 27 17 8 2 8sclf 2 I 18 1 6 1 Glaubera 32 25 It 4 Warehouser 44 13 16 3 Rogers 54 20 24 5 y ItYaacyl i 37 5 8 4 11 Savages 00 49 22 15 is Plow Factory r 10 9 11 DerrIf 70 13 22 4 Totals 849 259 158 CI2 The OaRdldateil Some of the Democratic nominee have teen service In the cjty adminls tratlon Before Police Judge Croa Is I now serving the unbxpjred term 01 t the late Police Judge David Sanders Ho has been an active worker in th Democratic trenches for years an d the nomination was the result o favors he has extended while In office Of the aldermen Luclen DurreJ hu been 1 In Ute general council sew piesr I I 11 > French Government is Preparing For Revolution if Labor Unions Carry Out Plans They Announced r Will Presecute Leaders Who Organized Government Em pleyes in Face of Orders Net to Do So Paris May 7Th government ac¬ cepted tho gaga thrown down by tho government employes today and be ¬ gan proceedings to dissolve tho trades union which the employes formed yesterday in defiance of tho govern ment and announced that all leaders In the movement will bo criminally prosecuted From the elaborate mil ¬ tan preparations the government is making It Is evident It expect tho strike to assume the proportions of a revolution China After Portugal Lisbon May 7Tho Portuguese government was advised today that Chins t Is missing troops near a Por ¬ tuguese Island of Jmcao preparatory to demanding tho re irn of tho Island to China Portugal hopes to erillst England aid to resist the demands of the Chinese Want 1Shletlvaalring- Constantluopla May 7Jn order to avoid whitewashing In the govern ¬ ments Investigation of tho Asia Minor massacres American Minister Lclshman and British Ambassador L wthcr today are bring preasuro to bear upon Minister of tho Interior Ferld Pasha to Include American and English members on tho Investigating commission France probably will Join In tho request More Trouble for Turkey A serious breach between soldiers tnd Young Turn Committee of Union Is responsible today for the un- expected announcement by General Chettek Pasha that martial law will be Indefinitely continued In Constan ¬ tinople lie declared tho real reason I Is Ue armys dissatisfaction with many of tho radical tendencies of tho 4 Seattle Wash May TIt I le eat ¬ mated today tho list of Injured will reach ICO as the result of tho coN lapotnr of the balcony rail and panic last night during tho excitement at tho finish of tho Marathon race for tko Indoor championship of tho Pa ¬ cific Northwest Amateur Athletic Union held at tho national guard armory Tho crowd fell about 17 feet to the floor It is reported many of tho injured will die Hurry calls for ambulances were sentand as soon as doctors from ev- ery ¬ Institution In the city were pros ¬ ant Officers of tho guard restored order All police reserves hurried t6 tho armory Friends pt persons known to be in tho armory at the order to get Into the building The Injured wore rushed to the hospital It t is charged today that officers in charge of the armory are entirely re ¬ sponsible for the accident for per ¬ milling tho gallery to become over ¬ crowded The eapacllylntended by the arch butcher Charles R Hall is a to- bacco ¬ dealer George 0 Ingram Is a contractor while Otto Ovorstrcet Is a grocerOf tho councl Scott Ferguson tine served the city before Ho served an patrolman about two years ago lie IB s bartender for Charles Decker of Ninth and Washington streets Ho led the ticket yesterday Charles Iforten is R clerk and It Is thq first nomination he has bad Ho won ever Dr B A Washburn Mr Oliver P Leigh fa a broker Fred KreuUer I Is a toakeran4 Is serving In tho sires ¬ cut board of councllmen Charles Heater nominated from tho saute ward is a grocer 3 W Coleman nominated from tho Fifth ward J Je a contractor Dr W R Washburn of the Sixth ward Is a young physician In the school board there are sew¬ eral familiar names who have served before W N Warren J Is a Jeweler while B F Davis U a contractor and I an exschool trustee F P Swift Is a wallpaper banger Gardner Gilbert is 1 a tobacco dealer From the Fourth ward Harry L Judd is a pattern maker at tho Illinois Central shops I and R J Tate ie a broom manufac ¬ I turor From the Fifth ward tho- r r r familiar person of William T Dyrd was nominated Mr Byrd has been film l i the echooL board many time and jhs served as secretary Henry Me Gee was elected J from the Sixth ward I and he has served to the board l S e ROADS IN BAD SHAPE Residents of the rural dis ¬ tricts near Iuducnli who have been In tho city In tho lot Jew days say that the roads In the county are In a bsd i condition from a number of washouts caused by the heavy rains In the S last few weeks Farmers say that never before were tho roads throughout county In such a bad condition and In need of re ¬ pairs The county road supervis ors will begin work Immediately to repair the county roads 1 S S Young Turks The situation Is sug gcstlvo of another military uprising Excavate For Fountain Excavating was begun this morning In the corner of the custom house lawn for the D A D fountain Tho permission from the postofflco depart- ment for the erection of the foun- tain ¬ was received this morning by the chapter and tho work wok begun at once City Engineer Washington as- signed Mr James Caldwell to super Intend the work of erecting the foun ¬ tale Tho foundation waa dug sew oral feet With favorable weather tho fountain can be completed in time for the dedication May 19 Hadley is Firm Jefferson City Mo May 7Gov ¬ ernor HadLoy issued a statement tq day Indicating the whole rate con ¬ troversy will develop Into a question jurisdiction of tho state and octhe courts He said I dont In ¬ tend to allow any unwarranted Ins terference by tho federal courts with the authority of officers of tho state of Missouri Ills statement declar- ed ¬ Attorney Hagermana statement In the federal court that Hadley had promised1 to drop the Bt twula three cent faro Injunction suit was false Balcony Crashes Down With ThotM and People 1 5 pojUco Itecta Vas limited only to thou 3 who could ba seated They claim the offi ¬ cOra knew this It is estimated that a thousand or more people were pro cipitated to tho floor Two She com- panies ¬ were called and tho police Later reports from the hospital showed Cl persons injured Five will die Prosecutor George Vatiderver announced today that he had ordered an Investigation of the accident Vote on Lead Washington May 7That Aldrich In control of tho tariff situation I In the senate is expected to he fully demonstrated today when a vote Is taken on the lead schedule Because lead forms basis of paints some west ern Republican Insurgents notably Brlstdw of Kansas are making an effort to re daettkecduttee- Wheat < Crop Report Washington May 7 Departmenit of agriculture today Issued crop estl mates saying May 1 the area or winter wheat that will be harvested 1 Is 27500000 acres or 2500000 1 less than In 1908 The average condItion Is 835 pbr cent compared with 89 May 1 190S WEATHER FAIR Fair tonight and Saturday pro 1JlghtemptlMtaN t o day 85 Rainfall 17 of am iachi WYLIBIsoARBERTOTIIB WAS LAWLESS ORB Awaiting Trials for Shooting- in Two States When KillcL I > j His Neighbored Hid Seen Much Disorder UtlfLIVE BVNUJI is 8 Mayfield Ky May 7 Special Mat Bynum is 1 still living but with little hope of recovery from tho wound Inflicted by WJUard Wylie his brotherinlaw whom ho skilled Willard Wylle went to the homo of Mat Bynum who lives with his mother Mrs George Bynum about 100 yards from Wyiles homo and called him to the door Only a few words were spoken by each one of them when Wylle began shooting at Bynum with a pistol Two shots were fired but only one took effect and that was in the lung Bynura ran Into tho house immediately procuring a doublebarrel ebdtgun lie fired the contents of both barrels Into the body of Wylle who felt to the ground mortally wounded This was about 9 oclock and he died about 1 oclock Thursday morning Willard Wylle was a well known character of tho south part of the county aa well as across tho lino in Wcakley county Tenn Ho had been In more trouble probably than any one other man In the county Ho was a brotherInlaw of Bynum hav ¬ ing married the latters sister several months ago- Three shooting scrapes have occur ¬ red at the Bynum home within the past year and Wyllo was Implicated In two of them Wyllo shot Jack McCJin and serf ously injured him last f 1 Iat lie By ¬ num place McClaln haii j reeavered and the hr na lng jn clfc cult court He escaped after this was done and was later captured la Mem phis and brought back here where he executed bond for his release While ho was out on bond about a month ago ho shot at Deputy Sheriff Henry Collier of Dukedom on the Tennes ¬ see line but received a bullet in his hip lie had been laid up for several weeksThis Hmo Wylie has been In the courts for a number of years and Is a young man about 30 years Old It Is said that be killed a negro in Texas a few years ago At this same Bynum homo about eight months ago Walter Bynum a brother of Mat Bynum and Riggs Bostlc bad a difficulty when Bostk shot Bynum and slightly wounded him 1 F G RUDOLPH IS- SUED BY HESSIG FOR LARGE SUM Alleging malicious preeecatlon wit waajfll ed In circuit court this after noun by Dr H T Hesofg against F G Rudolph for 21910 damages It Is alleged in tho suit that Rudolpl WM appointed administrator of she estate of Mrs Catherine Henstg and that he filed suit in circuit court against Dr Hesslg alleging that he bad fraudulently obtained a receipt from his mother for ffl09D Thli suit Hesslg says be WM tweed to tight in the circuit court where ho lost the case and was obHges to carry It to the court of appeals where a decision Rae given In htsfavor Ho alleges that ho suffered mee4aI pain low of practice and says by means ot the suit that he was damaged 21 910 which he foeks to recover from Mr Rudolph The suit waeifled by Harper Gilbert c Amanda Borders filed iultagmlnst her husbandi J H Bordenlaclunatlc and FO Rudolph coamlttee In charge of the estate for 636tand an allowance of 25 a month SbealJ- eges in her petition that5 bee bus band was adjudged a lusatta and tnat Rudolph was appointed bjr jthe court to take charge of i hie J property According to the petittonyheraceived I 3698 in his hands and was to allow Jior a living but she alleges he has j failed to pay her a cent and seeks to force him to pay her past allevancea and e monthly allowance for ex penses I Chicago May 7ThQ answer of the government to the brIef > Vgi 6iment I and appeal or John R Walsh t the convicted multi mlllloaalyd Uak 1 wrecker wilt be flied towerrewmernt J leg r r Question of Securing Return of Money Drawn From Co on Orders Forged by Hiram Smedley Live One FriendsDeclare lie Has Been Victim of Drug Habit For 5 Yearsand is Now Irrespon fMsible I Yarledaro the Opinions whether the county can recover fully too loss ¬ es sustained by the shqrtages of HI- ram ¬ Smedloy former county court clerk A seven year limit releases the bondsmen of former county court clerks under whom Mr Smedley served as deputy and under whom It Is alleged he did most of the forging andobtaining money The victims who cashed the checks are liable first and tho limit Is a longer one beyond which tho county can recover funds No steps have been taken this early to prepare to recover money due the county as the county officials are waiting on a decision in the case ot Boon tho defaulting state official may decide the Smedley case Along most lines the case 01 Clerk Smedley is exactly a parallel to the Booe CUll Mr Charles Graham un- der ¬ whom Mr Smedley served two terms as deputy nays he is not liable for the criminal acts of his deputy This la the male point in the Booe case before the court of appeal ft Is believed by the county officials that llr Grahams bond will hold good for any discrepancies of Mr Smedley who served as deputy and forged the checks while in an official capacity All the checks discovered so far were paid through the fiscal court and wore not forged on private citizens Mr Smedley was not under bond to Mr Graham It Is said Tho seven year release of the bonds men will prevent the county recover- Ing money secured wrongfully by Smedley under tho first term of Mr Graham but It can be recovered from the persons who cashed tho checks as they are the first persons liable While serving as cjerk Mr med l ley to hayebeen dropiiidAtemp6Tarlly l tho discrepancies apd the company can bo Mid good to reimburse the county Mr Graham bas stated to friends that he Is out ot politics and doesnot want lo bedrawn Into Jt and that ho Is not liable for Mr Smedlcys wrongdoings Friends of Mr Smedley are con- vinced ¬ by his actions and conduct that he Is out of his reason now Ills talk is contradictory The county officials will not undertake to have him examined before a jury In order to ascertain his soundness of mind unless he becomes violent The plea of Insanity may be a detente for him when his trial is called at the Sep ¬ tember term ot court and his attor- neys ¬ may seek to have him sent to the asylum instead of the pen ItIn ¬ tiary Efforts to make ball for Mr Smed ¬ ley have been dropped temporarily by his relatives It Is said they real- Ize ¬ that ho Is not In his right mind now probably caused by worry and pre willing for him to remain in the county jail His friends say that Mr Smedley is addicted to the drug habit and one reason for keeping him In jail Is to watch him carefully and make efforts to cure him of tho habitThe first night In the county Jail was spent quietly by3Ir Smedley al ¬ though this morning friend whip called on him say that ho looka bad- ly ¬ I and apparently for the first time realizes his situation He was ac- corded the same treatment as other prisoners and shared a cell with Will Hamilton who Is In jail for malicious cutting and robbing the United States malls Dr Thompsons Cull Tho Rev Calvin M Thompson edi ¬ tor of tho Western Recorder has been extended an invitation to the pulpit of the First Baptist church at HopklnsvIJIe Dr Thompson has filled the pulpit three Sundays and tho congregation has asked him to consider the call seriously Ho was pastor of tho First Daptl tchurch until January 1 ISOS when he res- igned to accept the editorship of the Western Recorder Hendrick at Capital Washington D C May 7 Spa- cialFormer Congressmah John K Hendrick jshero on legal business Chicago Market May High Low Close Wheat 129 127 128t Corn II If 73 71K 7294 Oats IfJ 58 H Sa H Lard lflf40 1032X1040 nUn 995 987 995- j High Low CIoM 1 1Jufr 1810 1802 r 13W e cinnmciiKs ORGANIZE e Chicago May 7n Inter denominational religious organ ¬ e ization for tho purpose of con ¬ serving religious resources and effort Is being formed here It- S will be known as tho Federal Council of Churches of Christ Tills will be the headquarters for the central district Bishop W F JlcIOweUof tho Metho dist church Is the originator and mild tho plan Is sanctioned by33e denominations S e- a 0 e New Glove Company Articles of incorporation were filed today In the county court clerks officer by the Shinn Glove company with a capital stock of 5000 The company has begun work and will manufacture canvas gloves Should tbo company meet with favorable sue cess It Is possible that the manufac ¬ ture of gloves will be extended to Include the finer grades The factory Is located in the freight station Sixth and Campbell streets and Is now ems ploying aboqt 20 people although the force may be increased when the com pany sa ns a name The incorpora tors are rolen W VanCulin George Langstaff Dr JQ Taylor Cv W Thompson J E Rogers and H W Shine The officers are President Dr J Q Taylor vicepresident 0 W Thompson secretarytreasurer H W Shinn WaUcrstclns and J Trs Tomorrow afternoon at League park tho Wallersteln baseball team wilt take on tho High school team and a lively game is expected It will be tho first time the two teams have met this season and much rivalry I Is on over the game Elliott and Mercer will bo on the points for the Wallersteln team while Sills John ¬ son or List will be on the slab for High school with Endrlsa behind the drat r it 1 Sue Fathers Slayer Because of tho murder of their father Horace B Osburn his Infant children Ethel Owen and Carter Osburn all under 14 years old filed suit in circuit couik against Louis Futrell and X S Fu yell for 2000 damages Mrs Osburn fled suit for damages several weeksago Osburn was shot and killed by Louis Futrell who was a boarder at Osburna house The suit was brought for tho children by their next best friend Dr J W Pendley BOYLB WISHES TO TELL OF OTHERS WHO ARE GUILTY Mercer Pa May 7A crowd packed the court roost today when the trial IfMr Helen Boyle charged with being aa accomplice in the WfalUa kidaapteg fer anl Silly was thefirat wltneee I Biliysnawerp- leasedthewomen s in the crowd who chelwed This is no vaudeville show said the court He threatened to clear the court room Boyle was brought to the trial with his wife Tame Boyle mado a partial eon fession today to Judge WilllaBi He said bo had something to do with stealing the boy but he said lie didnt t plan the crime but three others are equally guilty The roan who did the planning lived In Mercer lid ho was to get halt the money He said noth- Ing ¬ against his wife I wanted to go OB the stand and tell about three others Implicated Boyle said MMy attorneys wouldnt lot rae They said Jt would not do any good H I would be guilty any way J wanted to get myself squared I was in Warren when Billy was brought tome The man who brought kldnapedIntnot trying b sake out Y The llains Case FlaMing L I May ZWJtJt tho Le agot insanity for Captain Halna b 4ly damaged as the reSult of the testimony of brother officers who taw hIm about Fort Hamilton follow ¬ the quarrel between bla wife and lint and after his wife returned her parents at Boston Attorney Mclntyre when he resumed today was prepared I If possible to work la thet unwritten law plea The at ¬ torney and Hams are making ugly charges of a clique of army r wlib are unfriendly to the geceral and ltls son Ww4t + q HRSCYADGHAH S PASSES QUIETLY AWAY AT HOME Prominent Business Man and Church Leader of Paducah is Dead Is SurVived by Many Friends and Relatives t THR RfcVi JOE MrLESKEV DIES Mr Solomon C Vaughan 71 years old died this morning about 2 oclock at the home of Jill daughter Mrs A S Dabney 502 North Fifth street after a lingering illness of paralysis and general debility Mr Vaughan had been confined to his bed four tibeen been expected for some tlme and yes terday afternoon about 5 oclock his condition became much worse Mr Vaughan was prominent bust tress man in this city He bad been In business here for about 33 years xs but about 7 years ago he retired from active business He bad been a resident of tWs city 40 years When Mr Vaughan first came to Paducah ho was In the mercantile business and then went Into the tobacco business which ho followed for 25 years Mr SC Vaughan was born In Montgomery county Tenn In 1838 and remained with his parents Grandlson and Elisabeth VaughanhlJ5s ti till he was 20 years old He theuI went to Springfield to practice law and while three wan married to Mis Julia Dade Mr Vaughan was mare rled Dl years ago this fall Shortly after his marriage he catao back to Kentucky and resided in Ballard county and then came to Paducah and made this city his home Mr Vaughan Is survived by three brothers Mr Joshua Vaughan and Mr Quinton Vaugban of Louisville and Mr Robert Vaughan of Nashville He leaves three daughters Mrs F L Scott of Denver who will arrive Sat ¬ urday night Mrs tiG Boone and Irsfa S Dabney of thin city anti six vraBdcltildrep Mr C V Scott ofw Noftli Carolina Mrs Edwin Bewleyf lof Fort Worth Texas aster Frank L t U Jr of Denver Mr Vailghan Dabtrey Miss Julia Dabney and Rise Susie Dab ney i of this city Mrs Henry Overby1 ds a niecev r Mr Vaughan was a lifelong mem ¬ bet of the Christian church and hd was also a member of tho Knights ot Honor Ladles and Knights of Honor and tke A O TJ W The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at tho First Christian church at2 oclock Tho burial will be Ja Oak Grove cemetery Tho Rev S D Moore pastor ot the First Christian church assisted by the Rev C L < Jackson pastor of the Tenth Street Christian church will officiate the pallbearers will bd Ed Hannan Carles Hall Waddle Lang W G Wtiitfleld romp Sebree J lleiiry Moiitlll JKDondurant and Major J HAhcraft U Bey Joe Mcljcskcy The vRv Joe McLeskey former paitet et Uw Cumberland Presbyter tan church hero who resigned just tine atp OR account of fatlfoff health died at Fulton Ho was about 77 years old and 55 years of his life were spentIn preaching the gospel It igeald of him that he received mare people In the church and preach ed more funeral sermons than any other minister in tho Cumberland Presbyterian church Besides his wife ho leaves one sis- ter three daughters three sons many relatives and frlepds without number He was the cousin of J M Gilbert 1036 Broadway Depleting Canadian Lakes Winnipeg Manitoba May 7Ther- oyal commission Investigating west ¬ ern Canada Is in session here today Evidence was discovered that all western Canadian lakes are being de- pleted and the fish shipped to the tre ¬ pany are shIpping cars ot Ash dally to tho Statest 10 Cabinet Quarrel Washington May 7lrobablyfor i tho first time since the Civil war the cabinet today listened to the discus sion of eorfoua differences of opinion between two members Tim presi ¬ I dent expect to aak Attorney General i Wlckershaa and other lawyers of the cabinet to file writtenopinions on I the merits ot the controversy before he finally decides It Both Secretaries BaHlftger and Wilson a4e ell equIp- ped ¬ with data and upheld their later pretatlon oC the taw concerning the l wlth < rawaJs of public land to sA

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Page 1: Ce buea Se - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hmg7fsc2v/data/0923.pdf · Ce buea tnittg un j VOL XXV NO 109 PADUCAHHY FRIDAY EVENING MAY 7 1909 TEN CENTS PER WEEK SCOTTiFBRGUSON

Ce buea tnittg unj






These Whe Opposed Cross

Stayed Away From the

tellsI f

Only One Cosiest Fwc Other



PeUce JudgeD A CloseAKkrwea Clwrlwi It hell

LE DwTctt George 0 J gramand Otto Oventreet-

CouncUmotl First Scottl Ferguson second Charles norI tent Third O 1 Leigh

Fourth Fred KreuUer andClmrics liouncrt Fifth J WColeman Sixth Dr W no

S Wachtwni S

I School TI1MIff First W N

f Warrrn Second II F Davis eand P P Swift ThIrd Gardner

z e Jtlbert Fourth harry L JuddS au II L Tate Fifth W T <

Byrd SUUi Henry McGee


Alt those who want Davo Crowreelected pollco judge turned out atthe primary yesterday Mighty fewof those who wore against him liPpeared at tho polls ConsequentlyDave received more votes than all hisopponents addod together The total

I vote cast was 1320 out of a poll of3928 and Diva Crow received 849of them Jack Nelson 259 OscarKahn 158 and G C Dluguld 62

la tho Hocotid ward Charles for4 too defeated Dr B A Washburo by

d 1 133 votes All the other candidateswere dselectedQ had no opposition

Ia Tfct Jte went tkrwK as If U WM

greasedThe Vulet ef Other 4CandidateScottlo Fergwwa bartender for

Charles Dcnkor 1lM tho ticket bolowpolice Judge receiving 613 votesTbo other candidates votes follow

Aldermen Hall 407 Durrett 631Ingram Oft Overstrect 614-

Couftcllraen First Ferguson 81311 Second Morton 528 Waebburn 405

Thud Leigh 589 J Fourth Krcutter673 Heuser 471 Fifth Coleman495 GMxth Wa bum 536

School TrutteeFtrlt Warren480 SeeeRd Davl 4M 1 Swift 370Third Gilbert 457 Fourth Judd 437Tate 402 Fifth Byrd 512 Sixth

a1McGee 497Hevr They Took It

The UDwtceewful candidate tooktheir defeat with roM grace

Jack Nelew thta morning Mid-I doat knew why tile peoplo

wouldnt come oat aid vote but theywould ROt and 1 worked bard to getthem out It WM only on solicita ¬

tlon that 1 matte the race and I badmore signature ell the paper askingme to run than I received Votes yes¬

terdayMr Kaka laughed and MId I

dont know whether the tears thetfioavons shed last night were In sym ¬ipathy for the three defeated candi ¬

i dates or whether they wore In te-a


joicing over the election of Dave

s CrossGeorge C Diagufd who had the

4 smallest vote stld I am unable tounravell the meaning of the big votethat was not call

Police Judge1


PRECINCTS Jd fisGallmanat1

Hennebergers 49 19 1 C

Butlers 4 89 20 t1 6S S F S

A32 17 G 1-

iChalks 49304 2

Schmidts s 4814y 11 C

Dlegel> 49 IS 2QKlrkpatrlckf n 71 fa > T 1

N S O IIt 519 24 0e S S CHI 27 17 8 2

8sclf 2 I18 1 6 1

Glaubera 32 25 It 4

Warehouser 44 13 16 3

Rogers 54 20 24 5yItYaacyl i 37 5 8 4

11 Savages 00 49 22 15 isPlow Factory r 10 9 11DerrIf 70 13 22 4

Totals 849 259 158 CI2

The OaRdldateilSome of the Democratic nominee

have teen service In the cjty adminlstratlon Before Police Judge CroaIsI now serving the unbxpjred term 01tthe late Police Judge David SandersHo has been an active worker in thDemocratic trenches for years an dthe nomination was the result ofavors he has extended while In office

Of the aldermen Luclen DurreJhu been 1In Ute general council sewpiesrI



French Government is Preparing

For Revolution if Labor Unions

Carry Out Plans They AnnouncedrWill Presecute Leaders Who

Organized Government Em

pleyes in Face of Orders

Net to Do So

Paris May 7Th government ac¬

cepted tho gaga thrown down by thogovernment employes today and be ¬

gan proceedings to dissolve tho tradesunion which the employes formedyesterday in defiance of tho government and announced that all leadersIn the movement will bo criminallyprosecuted From the elaborate mil ¬

tan preparations the government ismaking It Is evident It expect thostrike to assume the proportions of arevolution

China After PortugalLisbon May 7Tho Portuguese

government was advised today thatChinst Is missing troops near a Por ¬

tuguese Island of Jmcao preparatoryto demanding tho re irn of tho Islandto China Portugal hopes to erillstEngland aid to resist the demandsof the Chinese

Want 1Shletlvaalring-

Constantluopla May 7Jn orderto avoid whitewashing In the govern ¬

ments Investigation of tho AsiaMinor massacres American MinisterLclshman and British AmbassadorL wthcr today are bring preasuro tobear upon Minister of tho InteriorFerld Pasha to Include American andEnglish members on tho Investigatingcommission France probably willJoin In tho request

More Trouble for TurkeyA serious breach between soldiers

tnd Young Turn Committee ofUnion Is responsible today for the un-expected announcement by GeneralChettek Pasha that martial law willbe Indefinitely continued In Constan ¬

tinople lie declared tho real reasonIIs Ue armys dissatisfaction withmany of tho radical tendencies of tho

4Seattle Wash May TIt Ile eat ¬

mated today tho list of Injured willreach ICO as the result of tho coNlapotnr of the balcony rail and paniclast night during tho excitement attho finish of tho Marathon race fortko Indoor championship of tho Pa¬

cific Northwest Amateur AthleticUnion held at tho national guardarmory Tho crowd fell about 17feet to the floor It is reported manyof tho injured will die

Hurry calls for ambulances weresentand as soon as doctors from ev-


Institution In the city were pros ¬

ant Officers of tho guard restoredorder All police reserves hurriedt6 tho armory Friends pt personsknown to be in tho armory at the

order to get Into the building TheInjured wore rushed to the hospital

It tis charged today that officers incharge of the armory are entirely re ¬

sponsible for the accident for per¬

milling tho gallery to become over¬

crowdedThe eapacllylntended by the arch

butcher Charles R Hall is a to-


dealer George 0 Ingram Is acontractor while Otto Ovorstrcet Is a

grocerOftho councl Scott Ferguson tineserved the city before Ho served anpatrolman about two years ago lie IB

s bartender for Charles Decker ofNinth and Washington streets Holed the ticket yesterday CharlesIforten is R clerk and It Is thq firstnomination he has bad Ho wonever Dr B A Washburn Mr OliverP Leigh fa a broker Fred KreuUerIIs a toakeran4 Is serving In tho sires¬

cut board of councllmen CharlesHeater nominated from tho sauteward is a grocer 3 W Colemannominated from tho Fifth ward JJe acontractor Dr W R Washburn ofthe Sixth ward Is a young physician

In the school board there are sew¬

eral familiar names who have servedbefore W N Warren JIs a Jewelerwhile B F Davis U a contractor and

I an exschool trustee F P Swift Is

a wallpaper banger Gardner Gilbertis1 a tobacco dealer From the Fourthward Harry L Judd is a patternmaker at tho Illinois Central shops

I and R J Tate ie a broom manufac ¬

I turor From the Fifth ward tho-rrr familiar person of William T Dyrdwas nominated Mr Byrd has beenfilml i the echooL board many time andjhs served as secretary Henry MeGee was electedJ from the Sixth ward

I and he has served to the boardl


Residents ofthe rural dis¬

tricts near Iuducnli who havebeen In tho city In tho lot Jewdays say that the roads In thecounty are In a bsd iconditionfrom a number of washoutscaused by the heavy rains In the

S last few weeks Farmers saythat never before were tho roadsthroughout county In such abad condition and In need of re ¬

pairs The county road supervisors will begin work Immediatelyto repair the county roads

1 S S

Young Turks The situation Is suggcstlvo of another military uprising

Excavate For FountainExcavating was begun this morning

In the corner of the custom houselawn for the D A D fountain Thopermission from the postofflco depart-ment for the erection of the foun-tain


was received this morning by thechapter and tho work wok begun atonce City Engineer Washington as-

signed Mr James Caldwell to superIntend the work of erecting the foun¬

tale Tho foundation waa dug seworal feet With favorable weathertho fountain can be completed intime for the dedication May 19

Hadley is FirmJefferson City Mo May 7Gov ¬

ernor HadLoy issued a statement tqday Indicating the whole rate con ¬

troversy will develop Into a questionjurisdiction of tho state andocthe courts He said I dont In¬

tend to allow any unwarranted Insterference by tho federal courts withthe authority of officers of tho stateof Missouri Ills statement declar-ed


Attorney Hagermana statement Inthe federal court that Hadley hadpromised1 to drop the Bt twula threecent faro Injunction suit was false

Balcony Crashes DownWith ThotM and People1 5


Itecta Vas limited only to thou 3 whocould ba seated They claim the offi ¬

cOra knew this It is estimated thata thousand or more people were procipitated to tho floor Two She com-panies


were called and tho policeLater reports from the hospital

showed Cl persons injured Five willdie Prosecutor George Vatiderverannounced today that he had orderedan Investigation of the accident

Vote on LeadWashington May 7That Aldrich

In control of tho tariff situation IIn

the senate is expected to he fullydemonstrated today when a vote Istaken on the lead schedule Becauselead forms basis of paints some western Republican Insurgents notablyBrlstdw of Kansas are making aneffort to redaettkecduttee-


Crop ReportWashington May 7 Departmenit

of agriculture today Issued crop estlmates saying May 1 the area orwinter wheat that will be harvested 1Is

27500000 acres or 2500000 1lessthan In 1908 The average condItionIs 835 pbr cent compared with 89May 1 190S


FAIRFair tonight and Saturday pro

1JlghtemptlMtaN today 85 Rainfall 17 of am iachi



Awaiting Trials for Shooting-

in Two States When

KillcL I>j

His Neighbored Hid Seen

Much Disorder


Mayfield Ky May 7 SpecialMat Bynum is1 still living but withlittle hope of recovery from thowound Inflicted by WJUard Wylie hisbrotherinlaw whom ho skilled

Willard Wylle went to the homo ofMat Bynum who lives with hismother Mrs George Bynum about100 yards from Wyiles homo andcalled him to the door Only a fewwords were spoken by each one ofthem when Wylle began shooting atBynum with a pistol Two shots werefired but only one took effect andthat was in the lung Bynura ran Intotho house immediately procuring adoublebarrel ebdtgun lie fired thecontents of both barrels Into the bodyof Wylle who felt to the groundmortally wounded This was about9 oclock and he died about 1 oclockThursday morning

Willard Wylle was a well knowncharacter of tho south part of thecounty aa well as across tho lino inWcakley county Tenn Ho hadbeen In more trouble probably thanany one other man In the county Howas a brotherInlaw of Bynum hav ¬

ing married the latters sister severalmonths ago-

Three shooting scrapes have occur¬

red at the Bynum home within thepast year and Wyllo was ImplicatedIn two of them

Wyllo shot Jack McCJin and serfously injured him last f 1Iat lie By ¬

num place McClaln haii jreeaveredand the hrna lng jn clfccult court He escaped after this wasdone and was later captured la Memphis and brought back here where heexecuted bond for his release Whileho was out on bond about a monthago ho shot at Deputy Sheriff HenryCollier of Dukedom on the Tennes ¬

see line but received a bullet in hiship lie had been laid up for several

weeksThis Hmo Wylie has been In thecourts for a number of years and Is

a young man about 30 years Old ItIs said that be killed a negro in Texasa few years ago

At this same Bynum homo abouteight months ago Walter Bynum abrother of Mat Bynum and RiggsBostlc bad a difficulty when Bostkshot Bynum and slightly woundedhim




Alleging malicious preeecatlon witwaajfll ed In circuit court this afternoun by Dr H T Hesofg against FG Rudolph for 21910 damages ItIs alleged in tho suit that RudolplWM appointed administrator of sheestate of Mrs Catherine Henstg andthat he filed suit in circuit courtagainst Dr Hesslg alleging that hebad fraudulently obtained a receiptfrom his mother for ffl09D Thlisuit Hesslg says be WM tweed totight in the circuit court where holost the case and was obHges to carryIt to the court of appeals where adecision Rae given In htsfavor Hoalleges that ho suffered mee4aI painlow of practice and says by means otthe suit that he was damaged 21910 which he foeks to recover fromMr Rudolph The suit waeifled byHarper Gilbert c

Amanda Borders filed iultagmlnsther husbandi J H Bordenlaclunatlcand FO Rudolph coamlttee Incharge of the estate for 636tand anallowance of 25 a month SbealJ-eges in her petition that5bee busband was adjudged a lusatta andtnat Rudolph was appointed bjr jthecourt to take charge of ihieJ propertyAccording to the petittonyheraceivedI

3698 in his hands and was to allowJior a living but she alleges he has

j failed to pay her a cent and seeks toforce him to pay her past allevanceaand e monthly allowance for expenses

IChicago May 7ThQ answer of

the government to the brIef >Vgi6imentI and appeal or John R Walsht the convicted multi mlllloaalyd Uak

1 wrecker wilt be flied towerrewmernt

Jleg r r

Question of Securing Return ofMoney Drawn From Co on Orders

Forged by Hiram Smedley Live One

FriendsDeclare lie Has Been

Victim of Drug Habit For5

Yearsand is Now IrresponfMsible


Yarledaro the Opinions whetherthe county can recover fully too loss ¬

es sustained by the shqrtages of HI-ram


Smedloy former county courtclerk A seven year limit releasesthe bondsmen of former county courtclerks under whom Mr Smedleyserved as deputy and under whom ItIs alleged he did most of the forgingandobtaining money The victimswho cashed the checks are liablefirst and tho limit Is a longer onebeyond which tho county can recoverfunds No steps have been takenthis early to prepare to recovermoney due the county as the countyofficials are waiting on a decision inthe case ot Boon tho defaulting stateofficial may decide the Smedley case

Along most lines the case 01 ClerkSmedley is exactly a parallel to theBooe CUll Mr Charles Graham un-


whom Mr Smedley served twoterms as deputy nays he is not liablefor the criminal acts of his deputyThis la the male point in the Booecase before the court of appeal ftIs believed by the county officialsthat llr Grahams bond will holdgood for any discrepancies of MrSmedley who served as deputy andforged the checks while in an officialcapacity All the checks discoveredso far were paid through the fiscalcourt and wore not forged on privatecitizens Mr Smedley was not underbond to Mr Graham It Is said

Tho seven year release of the bondsmen will prevent the county recover-Ing money secured wrongfully bySmedley under tho first term of MrGraham but It can be recoveredfrom the persons who cashed thochecks as they are the first personsliable

While serving as cjerk Mr medlley to hayebeen dropiiidAtemp6Tarllyltho discrepancies apd the companycan bo Mid good to reimburse thecounty Mr Graham bas stated tofriends that he Is out ot politics anddoesnot want lo bedrawn Into Jtand that ho Is not liable for MrSmedlcys wrongdoings

Friends of Mr Smedley are con-vinced


by his actions and conductthat he Is out of his reason now Illstalk is contradictory The countyofficials will not undertake to havehim examined before a jury In orderto ascertain his soundness of mindunless he becomes violent The pleaof Insanity may be a detente for himwhen his trial is called at the Sep ¬

tember term ot court and his attor-neys


may seek to have him sent tothe asylum instead of the pen ItIn¬

tiaryEfforts to make ball for Mr Smed ¬

ley have been dropped temporarilyby his relatives It Is said they real-Ize


that ho Is not In his right mindnow probably caused by worry andpre willing for him to remain in thecounty jail His friends say that MrSmedley is addicted to the drughabit and one reason for keepinghim In jail Is to watch him carefullyand make efforts to cure him of tho

habitThe first night In the county Jailwas spent quietly by3Ir Smedley al ¬

though this morning friend whip

called on him say that ho looka bad-


I and apparently for the first timerealizes his situation He was ac-corded the same treatment as otherprisoners and shared a cell with WillHamilton who Is In jail for maliciouscutting and robbing the United Statesmalls

Dr Thompsons Cull

Tho Rev Calvin M Thompson edi ¬

tor of tho Western Recorder hasbeen extended an invitation to thepulpit of the First Baptist church atHopklnsvIJIe Dr Thompson hasfilled the pulpit three Sundays andtho congregation has asked him toconsider the call seriously Ho waspastor of tho First Daptl tchurchuntil January 1 ISOS when he res-

igned to accept the editorship of theWestern Recorder

Hendrick at Capital

Washington D C May 7 Spa-cialFormer Congressmah John KHendrick jshero on legal business

Chicago MarketMay High Low Close

Wheat 129 127 128tCorn II If 73 71K 7294Oats IfJ 58 H Sa HLard lflf40 1032X1040nUn 995 987 995-

jj High Low CIoM11Jufr 1810 1802



cinnmciiKs ORGANIZEe

Chicago May 7n Interdenominational religious organ ¬ eization for tho purpose of con ¬

serving religious resources andeffort Is being formed here It-

S will be known as tho FederalCouncil of Churches of ChristTills will be the headquartersfor the central district BishopW F JlcIOweUof tho Methodist church Is the originator andmild tho plan Is sanctioned by33edenominations

S e-

a 0 e

New Glove CompanyArticles of incorporation were filed

today In the county court clerksofficer by the Shinn Glove companywith a capital stock of 5000 Thecompany has begun work and willmanufacture canvas gloves Shouldtbo company meet with favorable suecess It Is possible that the manufac ¬

ture of gloves will be extended toInclude the finer grades The factoryIs located in the freight station Sixthand Campbell streets and Is now emsploying aboqt 20 people although theforce may be increased when the company sa ns a name The incorporators are rolen W VanCulin GeorgeLangstaff Dr JQ Taylor Cv WThompson J E Rogers and H WShine The officers are PresidentDr J Q Taylor vicepresident 0W Thompson secretarytreasurerH W Shinn

WaUcrstclns and JTrsTomorrow afternoon at League

park tho Wallersteln baseball teamwilt take on tho High school teamand a lively game is expected It willbe tho first time the two teams havemet this season and much rivalryIIs on over the game Elliott andMercer will bo on the points for theWallersteln team while Sills John ¬

son or List will be on the slab forHigh school with Endrlsa behind thedrat r it


Sue Fathers SlayerBecause of tho murder of their

father Horace B Osburn his Infantchildren Ethel Owen and CarterOsburn all under 14 years old filedsuit in circuit couik against LouisFutrell and X S Fu yell for 2000damages Mrs Osburn fled suit fordamages several weeksago Osburnwas shot and killed by Louis Futrellwho was a boarder at Osburna houseThe suit was brought for tho childrenby their next best friend Dr J WPendley




Mercer Pa May 7A crowdpacked the court roost today whenthe trial IfMr Helen Boylecharged with being aa accomplice inthe WfalUa kidaapteg fer anl Sillywas thefirat wltneeeI Biliysnawerp-leasedthewomen

sin the crowd who


This is no vaudeville show saidthe court

He threatened to clear the courtroom Boyle was brought to the trialwith his wife

Tame Boyle mado a partial eonfession today to Judge WilllaBi Hesaid bo had something to do withstealing the boy but he said lie didnttplan the crime but three others areequally guilty The roan who did theplanning lived In Mercer lid ho wasto get halt the money He said noth-Ing


against his wifeI wanted to go OB the stand and

tell about three others ImplicatedBoyle said MMy attorneys wouldntlot rae They said Jt would not doany good H I would be guilty anyway J wanted to get myself squaredI was in Warren when Billy wasbrought tome The man who brought

kldnapedIntnottrying b sake out


The llains CaseFlaMing L I May ZWJtJt tho

Leagot insanity for Captain Halnab 4ly damaged as the reSult of thetestimony of brother officers whotaw hIm about Fort Hamilton follow ¬

the quarrel between bla wife andlint and after his wife returned

her parents at Boston AttorneyMclntyre when he resumed todaywas prepared IIf possible to work lathet unwritten law plea The at¬

torney and Hams are making uglycharges of a clique of army rwlib are unfriendly to the geceral andltls son Ww4t+





Prominent Business Man andChurch Leader of Paducah

is Dead

Is SurVived by Many Friendsand Relatives



Mr Solomon C Vaughan 71 yearsold died this morning about 2 oclockat the home of Jill daughter Mrs AS Dabney 502 North Fifth streetafter a lingering illness of paralysisand general debility Mr Vaughanhad been confined to his bed fourtibeenbeen expected for some tlme and yesterday afternoon about 5 oclock hiscondition became much worse

Mr Vaughan was prominent busttress man in this city He bad beenIn business here for about 33 years xsbut about 7 years ago he retiredfrom active business He bad beena resident of tWs city 40 years WhenMr Vaughan first came to Paducahho was In the mercantile business andthen went Into the tobacco businesswhich ho followed for 25 years

Mr SC Vaughan was born InMontgomery county Tenn In 1838and remained with his parentsGrandlson and Elisabeth VaughanhlJ5s titill he was 20 years old He theuIwent to Springfield to practice lawand while three wan married to MisJulia Dade Mr Vaughan was mare

rled Dl years ago this fall Shortlyafter his marriage he catao back toKentucky and resided in Ballardcounty and then came to Paducahand made this city his home

Mr Vaughan Is survived by threebrothers Mr Joshua Vaughan andMr Quinton Vaugban of Louisvilleand Mr Robert Vaughan of NashvilleHe leaves three daughters Mrs F LScott of Denver who will arrive Sat ¬

urday night Mrs tiG Boone andIrsfa S Dabney of thin city anti

six vraBdcltildrep Mr C V Scott ofwNoftli Carolina Mrs Edwin Bewleyflof Fort Worth Texas aster FrankL tU Jr of Denver Mr VailghanDabtrey Miss Julia Dabney and RiseSusie Dab ney i of this city MrsHenry Overby1 ds a niecevr

Mr Vaughan was a lifelong mem ¬

bet of the Christian church and hdwas also a member of tho Knights otHonor Ladles and Knights of Honorand tke A O TJ W

The funeral will be held Sundayafternoon at tho First Christianchurch at2 oclock Tho burial willbe Ja Oak Grove cemetery ThoRev S D Moore pastor ot the FirstChristian church assisted by theRev C L < Jackson pastor of theTenth Street Christian church willofficiate the pallbearers will bd EdHannan Carles Hall Waddle LangW G Wtiitfleld romp Sebree Jlleiiry Moiitlll JKDondurant andMajor J HAhcraft


Bey Joe McljcskcyThe vRv Joe McLeskey former

paitet etUw Cumberland Presbytertan church hero who resigned justtine atp OR account of fatlfoffhealth died at Fulton Ho was about77 years old and 55 years of his lifewere spentIn preaching the gospel

It igeald of him that he receivedmare people In the church and preached more funeral sermons than anyother minister in tho CumberlandPresbyterian church

Besides his wife ho leaves one sis-ter three daughters three sonsmany relatives and frlepds withoutnumber

He was the cousin of J M Gilbert1036 Broadway

Depleting Canadian LakesWinnipeg Manitoba May 7Ther-

oyal commission Investigating west¬

ern Canada Is in session here todayEvidence was discovered that allwestern Canadian lakes are being de-pleted and the fish shipped to thetre¬

pany are shIpping cars ot Ash dallyto tho Statest 10

Cabinet QuarrelWashington May 7lrobablyfor

i tho first time since the Civil war thecabinet today listened to the discussion of eorfoua differences of opinionbetween two members Tim presi ¬


dent expect to aak Attorney Generali Wlckershaa and other lawyers ofthe cabinet to file writtenopinions on

I the merits ot the controversy beforehe finally decides It Both SecretariesBaHlftger and Wilson a4e ell equIp-ped


with data and upheld their laterpretatlon oC the taw concerning the

lwlth< rawaJs of public landto sA