cd’s / cds – vernon davis ministries · engels / english nummer titel discs cde-01 it's...

CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries Categorieën : Engels Engels-Indonesisch Engels-Nederlands Engels-Papiamento Engels-Spaans Engels-Mandarijn Engels-Duits Nederlands Categories : English English-Indonesian English-Dutch English-Papiamento English-Spanish English-Mandarin English-German Dutch Prijzen per titel /Prices per title 1 disc € 5,00 2 discs € 9,00 3 discs € 12,00 4 discs € 16,00 5 discs € 20,00 7 discs € 25,00 L = Leiderschap Serie (verschillende boodschappen over dit onderwerp / titel) Serie (1 boodschap / titel binnen dit hoofdonderwerp) L = Leadership Serie (different messages on this subject / title) Serie (1 message / title within this main subject/theme) Korting bij 3 artikelen: 10% Discount at 3 articles: Korting bij 4 artikelen: 15% Discount at 4 articles: Korting vanaf 5 artikelen: 20% Discount from 5 articles up:

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Page 1: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries Categorieën:


















Prijzen per titel /Prices per title

1 disc € 5,00

2 discs € 9,00

3 discs € 12,00

4 discs € 16,00

5 discs € 20,00

7 discs € 25,00

L = Leiderschap

Serie (verschillende boodschappen over dit onderwerp / titel)

Serie (1 boodschap / titel binnen dit hoofdonderwerp)

L = Leadership

Serie (different messages on this subject / title)

Serie (1 message / title within this main subject/theme)

Korting bij 3 artikelen: 10%

Discount at 3 articles:

Korting bij 4 artikelen: 15%

Discount at 4 articles:

Korting vanaf 5 artikelen: 20%

Discount from 5 articles up:

Page 2: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs

CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1

CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions 1

CDe-03 Prepare for war 1

CDe-04 We must make a difference 1

CDe-05 Prepare for the fire of God 1

CDe-06 This is what Christ wants, 'An Overcoming Church' 1

CDe-07 God's Healing for deep hurts 1

CDe-08 The Coming of the Lord Jesus 1

CDe-09 Turn your Defeat into Victory 1

CDe-10 God wants us to serve Him with a Perfect Heart 1

CDe-11 Living the sanctified life, 'What is the purpose of sanctification?' 1

CDe-12 Coming under the knife 1

CDe-13 The vicious nature of idolatry 1

CDe-14 God's Love and Concern for the Family 3

CDe-15 The power of God's discipline 1

CDe-16 The High Calling of God 1

CDe-17 L How to be a strong worker in the house of God 1

CDe-18 The virtuous woman 1

CDe-19 Biblical Qualifications for Leadership 1

CDe-20 Take your place as a true disciple, 'Total surrender of self' 1

CDe-21 Desire Total Restoration 1

CDe-22 Total Victory through Praise 2

CDe-23 Take your place as a true disciple, 'What is a True Disciple?' 2

CDe-24 Can teenagers live Holy? 1

CDe-25 We need the Spirit of Holiness 2

CDe-26 Growing up into His Holiness 1

CDe-27 Holiness is: 'Clothing ourselves with Christ' 1

CDe-28 Holiness is: 'Clean on the inside' 1

CDe-29 The church of Thessalonica 1

CDe-30 The beatitudes Blessed are the pure in heart 1

CDe-31 The revelation of the true church the believers' responsibility 2

CDe-32 The people God uses 1

CDe-33 A greater measure of Holiness in the fear of God 1

CDe-34 Serving God with a perfect heart 1

CDe-35 Principles for a Strong Revival in our Lives

CDe-36 God is Building His Church by His Spirit and His Word Ask for the Holy Spirit


CDe-37 The Revelation of the True Church The Lifestyle of the Word 1

CDe-38 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God Higher Degrees of Holiness


CDe-39 The Revelation of the True Church Growing up into a Holy Temple – Develop the Holy Fear of God in your Life


CDe-40 The Spirit of Holy Revival Keys to Experience Holy Revival 1

CDe-41 Look on Jesus and Live! 1

Page 3: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDe-42 There is Healing in the Word 1

CDe-43 =DVDe-62

Become Powerful by God’s Word 1

CDe-44 God’s Divine Grace 1

CDe-45 The Spirit of Holy Revival Will You not Revive Us Again? 1

CDe-46 The Power of Obedience to God 1

CDe-47 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God

Are You Participating? 1

CDe-48 The Essence of Worship 1

CDe-49 (=DVDe-66)

Discipline in the Church 1

CDe-50 We Must Serve God as Bondservants 1

CDe-51 L

Conditions for Effective Ministry 2

CDe-52 (=DVDe-65)

We are Called to be Bondservants of God 1

CDe-53 The Purpose why Christ Died 5

CDe-54 (=DVDe-69)

The Character and Attributes of a True Minister of God Unselfishness


CDe-55 What is the Evidence of Being Pentecostal? 1

CDe-56 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God Our Household Has To Be Holy


CDe-57 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God God’s Word Brings Revival


CDe-58 Do You Experience The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit? 1

CDe-59 6 Names For The Word Of God 1

CDe-60 How To Overcome The Wicked One 1

CDe-61 (=DVDe-73)

We Belong to God by Creation 1

CDe-62 (=DVDe-75)

Count the Cost to Take Your Place as a Leader 2

CDe-63 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple Laying Down Your Life


CDe-64 100% Free 1

CDe-65 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple - Mortification 2

CDe-66 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple Separation from the World


CDe-67 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple Washed by the Word


CDe-68 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple Spiritual Endurance through Suffering


CDe-69 Obedience is the Key 1

CDe-70 The Primary Tool to Build our Family is the Word 1

CDe-71 We are Called to be Free!!! 1

CDe-72 Christmas: Jesus Destroyed Sin! 1

CDe-73 How to Be Strong in the Ministry 1

CDe-74 The Condition for God to Pour out His Spirit upon Us 1

CDe-75 Serving God as Bondslaves 1

Page 4: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDe-76 The Spirit of Holy Revival - The Characteristics that Precede Revival 1

CDe-77 Knowing God by Revelation 1

CDe-78 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church; His Holy Anger - Against Religiosity, Formalism, Hypocrisy


CDe-79 (=DVDe-91)

Jesus is the Foundation of the Church;

His Holy Anger - Against Unbelief


CDe-80 L Counting the Costs for Leadership 1

CDe-81 L Strength & Integrity in the Ministry 1

CDe-82 Even Jesus Had to Be Equipped for Service 1

CDe-83 The Church should not Quench the Holy Spirit 1

CDe-84 God is Light - Do you Walk in the Light? 1

CDe-85 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church His Holy Anger - Against Legalism & Worldliness


CDe-86 The Lord is Building His Church - The Fear of the Lord 1

CDe-87 The Power of God’s Word - True Servants Obey from the Heart 1

CDe-88 Leadership Starts with being a Bondslave of God 1

CDe-89 The Lord is Building His Church - The Lordship of Jesus Christ 1

CDe-90 You have to Experience the Holy Fire Before God can Use You 1

CDe-91 The Power of the Cross 1

CDe-92 The Revelation of the True Church - Accept Your Responsibility 1

Page 5: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

Engels-Indonesisch / English-Indonesian

Nummer Titel Discs

CDei-10 The Victorious Family 2

Kelurga yang berkemenangan

CDei-11 Impartation for ministry 5

Impartasi untuk Pelayanan

CDei-12 How to guard your Heart against satan 1

Bagaimana menjaga Hatimu dari setan

CDei-13 Principles for Revival 1

Hal-hal dasar untuk sabuah kebangkitan rohani

CDei-14 Fan into flame the Gift of God in you 1

Mengobarkan karunia Allah yang ada padamu

CDei-15 Living a sanctified life 1

Hidup dalam kehidupan yang dikuduskan

CDei-16 Experience the manifested Presence of God in your life 1

Alami manifestasi hadirat Allah dalam kehidupanmu

CDei-17 Obedience, really 100%? 1

Perlukah, taat 100%?

CDei-18 Divine Healing in our Family 2

Kesembuhan ilahi dalam keluarga

CDei-19 The God we serve: 'God as Jehovah' 1

TUHAN yang kita layani: 'Tuhan Jehovah'

CDei-20 Is there a minister in your house? 1

Adakah pelayan Tuhan di rumah anda?

CDei-21 The Holy Endtime Remnant ('There are 2 kinds of people in the Church') 1

Orang-orang kudus pada akhir jaman (2 kelompok orang-orang di gereja)

CDei-22 Pursue after God's Holiness," knowing the time" 2

Mengejar kekudusan Tuhan, "Sadar akan waktu"

CDei-23 Soldiers in the kingdom of God 1

Prajurit-prajurit di dalam Kerajaan Tuhan

CDei-24 We Need the Word of God 1

Kita Membutuhkan Firman Tuhan

CDei-25 The Marks of the Sons and Daughters of God 1

Tanda-Tanda dari Putra dan Putri Tuhan

CDei-26 God is Building his Church by His Word 1

Tuhan Membangun Gereja-Nya dengan Firman-Nya

CDei-27 The Working of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a Believer 1

Pekerjaan Roh Kudus dalam Kehidupan Orang percaya

CDei-28 It’s Time to Grow into Higher Degrees of Holiness 1

Inilah Waktunya untuk Bertumbuh dalam Level Kekudusan yang Lebih Tinggi

CDei-29 Christian, Get the Word of God in your Life! 1

Kristen, Dapatkan Firman Tuhan untuk Kehidupanmu!

CDei-30 How to Get the Power of God 1

Bagaimana Memperoleh Kuasa Tuhan

CDei-31 Holiness is: Pursue Peace with all Men 1

Kekudusan adalah: Kejarlah Damai dengan Semua Orang

CDei-32 Christ in you! 1

Kristus di dalam mu!

CDei-33 Effective Prayers 3

Doa-Doa yang Efektif

Page 6: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDei34 Who are the People God Uses? 2

Siapakah Orang yang Dipakai Tuhan?

CDei-35 Speed up your Growth 1

(women) Mempercepat Pertumbuhanmu

CDei-36 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple - Be Therefore Perfect 1

(=DVDei-74) Tuhan Sedang Membangun Gereja-Nya sebagai Bait Kudus Karena Itu Haruslah Kamu Sempurna

CDei-37 The Word of God is the Weapon You Need 1

(youth) Firman Tuhan adalah Senjata yang Kamu Perlukan

CDei-38 The Purpose of Holiness 1

(=DVDei-75) Tujuan Kekudusan

CDei-39 The Power of the Holy Spirit 1

Kuasa dari Roh Kudus

CDei-40 The Lord is Building His Church by the Power of the Word 1

Tuhan Sedang Membangun Gereja-Nya dengan Kuasa Firman

CDei-41 In the Ministry We Need to Live a Sanctified Life 2

Dalam Pelayanan Kita Harus Hidup Kudus

CDei-42 The Restoration of the Glory of God 1

Restorasi dari Kemuliaan Tuhan

CDei-43 The Lord is Building his Church into a Holy Temple - Beware of Hypocrisy 1

Tuhan Sedang Membangun Gereja-Nya Sebagai Bait Kudus - Hati-hatilah Terhadap Kemunafikan

CDei-44 The Lord is Building his Church into a Holy Temple - The Holy Fear of God 1

Tuhan Sedang Membangun Gereja-Nya Sebagai Bait Kudus - Takut akan Tuhan yang Kudus

CDei-45 Deliverance 2


CDei-46 Holiness: Purity of Heart 1

Kekudusan: Kemurnian Hati

CDei-47 The Lord is Building his Church into a Holy Temple - The Church Needs the Spirit of Christ


Tuhan Sedang Membangun Gereja-Nya Sebagai Bait Kudus - Gereja Butuh Roh Kristus

CDei-48 Knowing God by a Manifestation of His Presence and Power 1

Mengenal Tuhan melalui Manifestasi Kehadiran dan Kuasa-Nya

CDei-49 How to get a Dynamic Spiritual Life 1

Bagaimana Memperoleh Hidup Rohani yang Dinamis

Page 7: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

Engels-Nederlands / English-Dutch

Nummer Titel Discs

CDen-01 The knife of circumcision 1

Het mes van de besnijdenis

CDen-02 Victory over fear & intimidation 1

Overwinning over angst & intimidatie

CDen-03 The calling of God 1

De roeping van God

CDen-04 The power of God's Presence 1

De kracht van Gods Tegenwoordigheid

CDen-05 Turn your defeat into victory 1

Verander je nederlaag in overwinning

CDen-06 The power God's Love 1

De kracht van Gods Liefde

CDen-07 Total surrender of self 2

Totale overgave van je 'ik'

CDen-08 The characteristics of God, 'God's Love' 2

De karaktereigenschappen van God, 'Gods Liefde'

CDen-09 The difference between God's people and the world 1

Het verschil tussen Gods volk en de wereld

CDen-10 It's time for maturity 2

't Is tijd om volwassen te worden

CDen-11 Immediate response to God 2

God wil onmiddellijke reactie

CDen-15 Reaching the high call of God 1 & 2 4

De hoge roeping van God

CDen-16 Love, fear and obedience 2

Liefde, vrees en gehoorzaamheid

CDen-17 L The cost for ministry 2

De kosten voor de bediening

CDen-18 The manifestation of the Presence of Jesus 2

De manifestatie van Jezus' Tegenwoordigheid

CDen-19 Take your place as a true disciple, 'Surrender' 1

Neem je plaats in als waarachtige discipel, 'Overgave'

CDen-20 Take your place as a true disciple, 'Perseverance' 2

Neem je plaats in als waarachtige discipel, 'Volharding'

CDen-22 Sentenced to success 2

Bestemd voor succes

CDen-23 The characteristics of God, 'Holiness' 1

De karaktereigenschappen van God, 'Heiligheid'

CDen-24 Shame and fear will barricade your life 1

Schaamte en vrees: barricades in je leven

CDen-25 God's discipline 2

De discipline van God

CDen-26 The Christian privileges 1

De voorrechten van een Christen

Page 8: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDen-27 God's healing for deep hurts 3

Gods genezing voor onze diepe wonden

CDen-28 Can a Christian be demon possessed 2

Kan een Christen bezeten zijn door demonen?

CDen-29 The characteristics of God, 'God is a holy God' 2

De karaktereigenschappen van God, 'God is een heilig God'

CDen-30 Total consecration unto God, 'All our possessions' 2

Totale heiliging voor God, 'Je hele bezit'

CDen-31 How to become a warrior of God 7

Hoe je een strijder van God wordt

CDen-32 Dead and risen with Christ 1

Gestorven en opgewekt met Christus

CDen-33 God wants to raise up soldiers in the Church 2

God wil soldaten oprichten in de Kerk

CDen-34 The revelation of the True Church, 'The Vineyard' 1

(Ook in 43) De openbaring van de Ware Gemeente, 'De Wijngaard'

CDen-35 Servanthood 2

Dienstbaar zijn

CDen-36 The levels of growth in Christ 3

Groeiniveaus in Christus

CDen-37 The revelation of the True Church, "Christ the Rock" 1

(Ook in 43) De openbaring van de Ware Gemeente, "Christus de Rots"

CDen-38 The revelation of the True Church, "The Kingdom of God" 1

(Ook in 43) De openbaring van de Ware gemeente, "Het Koninkrijk van God"

CDen-39 The Spirit's working in the believers life 1

De werking van de Heilige Geest in de gelovigen

CDen-40 Repent and be converted 1

Berouw en bekering

CDen-41 God's plan for you to have a strong family (1 en 2) 4

Gods plan is: een sterk gezin

CDen-42 The revelation of the True Church, 'The army of God - I' 1

De openbaring van de Ware Gemeente, 'Het leger van God - I '

CDen-43 The revelation of the True Church - Volume 1 4

(=34/37/38/42) De openbaring van de Ware Gemeente,

CDen-44 We need a revival of True Holiness and Righteousness 4

Er moet een opwekking komen van Ware Heiligheid en Gerechtigheid

CDen-45 L Principles to build a strong church 1

Principes om een sterke gemeente te bouwen

CDen-46 Spiriual check-up 1

Geestelijke inventaris

CDen-47 Living the sanctified life, 'The Blood' 2

Het geheiligde leven ' Het Bloed'

CDen-48 The Fatherheart of God 3

Het vaderhart van God

CDen-49 The anointing of David 1

De zalving van David

Page 9: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDen-50 The revelation of the True Church, 'A holy temple' 2

De openbaring van de Ware Gemeente, 'Een heilige tempel'

CDen-51 Called to serve 1

Geroepen om te dienen

CDen-52 L The Characteristics of a minister of God, 2

De karaktereigenschappen van een dienstknecht van God

CDen-53 The doctrine of Baptism, 5

De leer van de doop

CDen-54 The Character of a Real Man, 2

Het karakter van een Echte Man

CDen-55 Is there a Man in the house? 2

Is er een Man in huis?

CDen-56 Pitfalls 3


CDen-57 What brings a Revival of Holiness? 2

Wat is er nodig voor een opwekking van Heiligheid?

CDen-58 The Revelation of the true Church 'The Redeemed of the Lord' 4

De openbaring van de ware gemeente 'De Verlosten des Heren'

CDen-59 The Beattitudes, 2

De gedragsregels (Bergrede)

CDen-60 The Beattitudes, 'Blessed are the Pure in Heart' 2

De Gedragsregels(Bergrede), 'Zalig zijn de Reinen van Hart'

CDen-61 The Revelation of the true Church, 'Love God & your neighbor as yourself' 2

De openbaring van de ware gemeente 'Heb God lief en uw naaste als uzelf'

CDen-62 We must go through tribulation and persecution 2

Wij moeten door Verdrukking en Vervolging heen.

CDen-63 The Kingdom of God and its principles 2

Het Koninkrijk van God en zijn principes

CDen-64 How to behave in the House of the lord 2

Ons gedrag in het huis van de Heer

CDen-65 The Holy End Time Remnant 2

Het Heilige Overblijfsel van de Eindtijd

CDen-66 Transformation 2


CDen-67 L The Life of a Minister, 'Living by Example' 2

Het Leven van een Dienstknecht: 'Een Voorbeeld'

CDen-68 The power of the Death and Resurrection of Christ 4

De kracht van de Dood en Opstanding van Christus

CDen-69 Godliness: Formalism or Real ? 2

Godsvrucht: Formaliteit of Realiteit ?

CDen-70 The revelation of the true Church, 'The Bride' 3

De openbaring van de ware Gemeente, 'De Bruid'

CDen-71 The revelation of the true Church, 'The believers' responsibility' 3

De openbaring vd ware gemeente 'De verantwoordelijkheid vd gelovigen'

CDen-72 The revelation of the true Church, 'Seeking God's face' 2

De openbaring van de ware gemeente, 'Gods aangezicht zoeken'

Page 10: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDen-73 The Church must rise up against a mocking world 2

De Kerk moet opstaan tegen een spottende wereld

CDen-74 The feasts of God Sabbath Vol.1 4

De feesten van God Sabbat

CDen-75 The feasts of God Sabbath Vol.2 4

De feesten van God Sabbat

CDen-76 The feasts of God Sabbath Vol.3 4

De feesten van God Sabbat

CDen-77 The feasts of God Sabbath Vol.4 4

De feesten van God Sabbat

CDen-78 The revelation of the true Church, 'The seal of the Holy Spirit' 2

De openbaring van de ware Gemeente, 'Het zegel vd Heilige Geest'

CDen-79 Jesus as Lord over your life Vol.1 4

Jezus als Heer over uw leven

CDen-80 Jesus as Lord over your life Vol.2 4

Jezus als Heer over uw leven

CDen-81 The feasts of God Sabbath Vol.5 4

De feesten van God Sabbat

CDen-82 The feasts of God Sabbath Vol.6 4

De feesten van God Sabbat

CDen-83 The feasts of God Sabbath Vol.7 4

De feesten van God Sabbat

CDen-84 Planted in the House of the Lord Vol.1 2

Geplant in het Huis van de Heer

CDen-85 Planted in the House of the Lord Vol.2 2

Geplant in het Huis van de Heer

CDen-86 Planted in the House of the Lord Vol.3 2

Geplant in het Huis van de Heer

CDen-87 Jesus, the Head of the Church 2

Jezus, het Hoofd van de Gemeente

CDen-88 The Powerful Blessings of Abraham 5

DVDen-34 De Machtige Zegeningen van Abraham

CDen-89 The Passover Vol. 1 4

DVDen-35 Het Paasfeest

CDen-90 God is Building His Church by His Spirit and His Word The Working of the Spirit through Pentecost


God Bouwt Zijn Gemeente door Zijn Geest en Zijn Woord De Werking van de Geest door Pinksteren

CDen-91 God is Building His Church by His Spirit and His Word Slaves of Jesus 2

God Bouwt Zijn Gemeente door Zijn Geest en Zijn Woord Slaven van Jezus

CDen-92 L The Charges and Duties of Leadership 3

De Lasten en Plichten van Leiderschap

CDen-93 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God A Holy Heart Remembers…


=DVDen-40 De Heer Bouwt Zijn Gemeente tot een Heilige Tempel van God Een Heilig Hart Onthoudt…

Page 11: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDen-94 Is there a Minister in your House? 2

=DVDen-41 Is er een Dienstknecht van God in uw Huis?

CDen-95 The Spirit of Holy Revival What Precedes True Revival?


=DVDen-42 De Geest van Heilige Opwekking Wat gaat vooraf aan Ware Opwekking?

CDen-96 The Kingdom of God and its Principles It’s Time to Love the Kingdom & the Work of God more than Everything we Possess


Het Koninkrijk van God en zijn Principes Het is Tijd dat wij het Koninkrijk en het Werk van God meer Liefhebben dan Alles wat we Bezitten

CDen-97 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God Total Freedom


De Heer Bouwt Zijn Gemeente tot een Heilige Tempel van God Totale Vrijheid

CDen-98 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God Self-discipline - Your Thought Life


De Heer Bouwt Zijn Gemeente tot een Heilige Tempel van God Zelfdiscipline - Uw Gedachteleven

CDen-99 Leadership is about Servanthood 2

Leiderschap Gaat om Dienstbaar Zijn

CDen-100 But When the Holy Spirit Comes… 2

(= DVDen-46) Maar Wanneer de Heilige Geest komt…

CDen-101 We Must Have A Blameless Life 2

Wij Moeten een Onberispelijk Leven Hebben

CDen-102 The Power of Pentecost 1

(=ca.DVDen-45) De Kracht van Pinksteren

CDen-103 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God Are You Qualified to be this Holy Temple?


De Heer Bouwt Zijn Gemeente tot een Heilige Tempel van God Voldoet U aan de Kwalificaties om deze Heilige Tempel te Zijn?

CDen-104 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God Be Perfect... As your Father in Heaven is Perfect


De Heer Bouwt Zijn Gemeente tot een Heilige Tempel van God Wees Volmaakt... Gelijk uw Hemelse Vader Volmaakt is

CDen-105 Servanthood - Giving of Self 2

Dienstbaarheid - Jezelf Geven

CDen-106 Is Your 'Net' Mended? Allowing the Creator to Work in Your Life 1

Is Uw 'Net' Hersteld? De Schepper Toelaten in Uw Leven te Werken

CDen-107 Are You Free From Idolatry? 1

Bent u Vrij van Afgoderij?

CDen-108 Discipline In The Church - The Mixed Group In The Church 2

Discipline in de Gemeente - De Gemengde Groep in de Gemeente

CDen-109 The Kingdom of God and Its Principles - The Contrast Between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of the World


Het Koninkrijk van God en zijn Principes - Het Contrast Tussen het Koninkrijk van God en de Koninkrijken van de Wereld

CDen-110 Total Freedom - The Church Must Live In Total Freedom - Vol.1 2

Totale Vrijheid - De Gemeente Moet Leven in Totale Vrijheid

Page 12: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDen-111 Jesus Is Building His Church Into A Holy Temple Take Your Responsibility As A Member


Jezus Bouwt Zijn Gemeente op tot een Heilige Tempel Neem Uw Verantwoordelijkheid Als Lid

CDen-112 Total Freedom - The Church Must Live In Total Freedom - Vol.2 2

Totale Vrijheid - De Gemeente Moet Leven in Totale Vrijheid

CDen-113 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church - His Incarnation 4

Jezus is het Fundament van de Gemeente - Zijn Komst in het Vlees

CDen-114 Knowing God by a Manifestation of His Presence and Power 3

God Kennen door een Manifestatie van Zijn Tegenwoordigheid en Kracht

CDen-115 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church - His Incarnation and His Glory 2

Jezus is het Fundament van de Gemeente - Zijn Komst in het Vlees en Zijn Heerlijkheid

CDen-116 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church - How Jesus Fulfilled the Law 2

Jezus is het Fundament van de Gemeente - Hoe Jezus de Wet Vervulde

CDen-117 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church - The Example of Nehemiah 9 2

Jezus is het Fundament van de Gemeente - Het Voorbeeld van Nehemia 9

CDen-118 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church - His Holy Anger 2

Jezus is het Fundament van de Gemeente - Zijn Heilige Boosheid

CDen-119 End-Time Alert: Watch and Be Ready! 1

Eindtijdalarm: Waak en Wees Klaar!

CDen-120 The Divine Discipline of God to Build a Strong Church 1

De Discipline van God om een Sterke Gemeente te Bouwen

CDen-121 True Shepherds in the Church of Jesus Christ 1

Ware Herders in de Gemeente van Jezus Christus

CDen-122 The Lord is Building His Church into a Holy Temple of God The Church Has to Overcome Apostasy



De Heer Bouwt Zijn Gemeente op tot een Heilige Tempel van God De Gemeente Moet Afvalligheid Overwinnen

CDen-123 The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the Church 1

De Manifestatie van de Heilige Geest in de Gemeente

CDen-124 It’s Time for the Church of Jesus to Live in Total Freedom by the Power of God's Word


Het is Tijd dat de Gemeente van Jezus Gaat Leven in Totale Vrijheid door de Kracht van Gods Woord

CDen-125 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church His Instructions (Digging Deep into the Word)


Jezus is het Fundament van de Gemeente Zijn Instructies (Diep Graven in het Woord)

CDen-126 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church - The Mystery of Godliness 2

Jezus is het Fundament van de Gemeente Het Geheimenis van de Godsvrucht

CDen-127 The Lord is Equipping His Church for Service 2

De Heer Rust Zijn Gemeente toe om te Dienen

Page 13: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

CDen-128 Jesus is the Foundation of the Church His Holy Anger against Religiosity, Formalism, Hypocrisy


Jezus is het Fundament van de Gemeente Zijn Heilige Boosheid tegen Religieuze Vormen en Huichelarij

CDen-129 The Condition of the Church - Learning from the 7 Churches 1

De Conditie van de Gemeente - Leren van de 7 Gemeenten



CDen-132 The Lord is Building His Church by His Spirit We must Crucify All Works of the Flesh


De Heer Bouwt Zijn Gemeente door Zijn Geest Wij Moeten Alle Werken van het Vlees Kruisigen

CDen-133 The Purpose of Sanctification 1

Het Doel van Heiliging

Page 14: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

Engels-Papiamento / English-Papiamento

Nummer Titel Discs

CDep-01 Manifesting God's Presence through Obedience 1

Manifesta Dios su Presencia dor di Obedencia

CDep-02 Total Restoration, your inheritance! 1

Restorashon Total, bo herencia!

CDep-05 God uses the most unuseful people 1

Dios ta huza e hendenan mas inutil

CDep-06 The Principles of Revival 1

E Prinsipionan di Revivamentu

CDep-07 The Godhead wants to live inside of us 2

Dios kier biba den nos

CDep-08 The Power of the Presence of Jehova 1

E Poder di e Presencia di Jehova

CDep-09 God is building His church into a Holy Overcoming church 1

Dios ta konstrujendo su iglesia den un iglisia Santu i Vensedor

CDep-10 We must live as God's Holy, Chosen people 1

Biba Manera Skohinan Santu Tin Deber di Biba

CDep-11 Clean on the Inside 2

Kurason i Konsenshi Limpi

CDep-12 We Must Serve God as Bondslaves of Jesus 1

Nos Mester Sirbi Dios manera un Serbido ku ta Mara na Hesus

Page 15: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

Engels-Spaans / English-Spanish / Inglés-Español

Nummer Titel Discs

CDes-02 Recognize the enemies of the cross 1

Reconocer los enemigos de la cruz

CDes-03 Total Restoration 1

Restoracion Total

Page 16: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

Engels-Mandarijn / English-Mandarin

Nummer Titel Discs

CDe-mand-01 How to Receive the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our Lives 1

CDe-mand-02 It's Time to Obey God and See the Success 1

CDe-mand-03 The Word: The Greatest Power on Earth 1

CDe-mand-04 Purify Yourself Like He is pure 1

CDe-mand-05 The Weapon of Praise 2

CDe-mand-06 The Christian Life is about Giving Yourself 1

CDe-mand-07 Whose Slave are You? Submit Your Life to the Lordship of Jesus 1

CDe-mand-08 Discipline in the Church 1

CDe-mand-09 Pressing Forward to Higher Degrees of Holiness - There is No Standing Still in God


Page 17: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

Engels-Duits / Englisch-Deutsch / English-German

Nummer Titel Discs

CDed-01 The Condition to experience the Glory of God 1

Die Bedingung die Herrlichkeit und Gegenwart Gottes zu erfahren

Page 18: CD’s / CDs – Vernon Davis Ministries · Engels / English Nummer Titel Discs CDe-01 It's time to take your place as a True Disciple 1 CDe-02 Possessing your spiritual possessions

Nederlands / Dutch (only)

Nummer Titel Discs

CDn-01 De misleiding van satan: 'Onwetendheid' 1

CDn-02 De misleiding van satan: 'Verzoekingen' 2

CDn-03 Wat moeten wij doen om de werken Gods te mogen werken? 2