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May 2006—All Rights Reserved The Standard of Excellence in DoD Financial Management CDFM Certified Defense Financial Manager ®

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Page 1: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will

May 2006—All Rights Reserved

The Standard of Excellencein DoD Financial Management

CDFMCertified Defense Financial Manager


Page 2: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will

The Certified Defense Financial Manager, CDFM

The United States of America devotes a significant portion of its federal budget to the defense sector. Defense financial management is a broad and complex field of financial management covering a multitude of interrelated disciplines. The American Society of Military Comptrollers offers the Certified Defense Financial Manager (CDFM) Program to those persons desiring to demonstrate proficiency in the core aspects of defense financial management.

Table of ContentsEligibility Criteria & Examination Format .....2

Competencies Covered ...............................2

Knowledge Elements of Each Core Competency ...........................3

Optional Module 4 .....................................5

Methods of Preparation .............................6

Procedures for Enrollment ..........................7

Summary of Fees ........................................7

Testing Center Procedures ..........................8

Notification of Test Results and Issuance of Certificate ..........................8

Re-Examination Policy ................................9

Rescheduling and Refund Policy .................9

Maintaining Professional Certification ................................................10

Benefits of ASMC Membership ....................10

ASMC Membership Form ............................11

CDFM Enrollment Form ................................12

Verification of Financial Management Experience ............................. 14


As a member of ASMC, I will be guided in all activities by loyalty to the highest principles always remembering that public office is a public trust.

Refrain from activities which are in conflict with the public interest or are discreditable to the Society, and avoid activities which cre-ate the appearance of such conflict.

Exercise diligence, objectivity and integrity in professional activities, ever aware of the responsibility to avoid improprieties.

Refrain from the transmission or usage, for personal gain or advantage, of information obtained in the professional environment.

Carefully earn and continuously protect my reputation for good moral character in comptrollership.

Recognize that professional example will influence associates and efficiency.

Continuously strive to increase my profes-sional knowledge and skills to improve ser-vice and value to associates and the Society.

Extend the same consideration to the rights and interests of others that I seek for myself.

Respect the professionalism of fellow-mem-bers and work with them to promote the goals and programs of the Society.

ASMC Pledge

of Professionalism

Page 3: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


Eligibility Criteria

The Certified Defense Financial Manager is

open to all candidates who have the qualific-

ations shown below. ASMC anticipates that

most candidates will be civilian or military

members of the Department of Defense, US

Coast Guard, or employees of defense con-

tractors and suppliers.

The candidate must:

Adhere to the ASMC Pledge of Professionalism.

Have a high school diploma or equivalent.

Have completed the required years of financial

management experience as follows.

The candidate may take examinations before

completing the required experience; however,

certification will not be awarded until all re-

quirements have been satisfied.

• Complete three years of defense-related

financial management experience (without

degree), OR

• Complete two years of defense-related

financial management experience if the

candidate holds an associate degree or

higher, OR

• If no defense related financial manage-

ment experience, then complete four years

of federal government-related financial

management experience (with an associate

degree or higher).

Examination FormatThe CDFM examination is administered in three separate modules as shown below. Each examina-tion is multiple choice and the primary delivery method is via computer. It is administered at select-ed commercial testing organizations throughout the United States. Each module contains a minimum of 80 questions, and candidates are allotted two hours to complete each module.

To achieve certification, a candidate must successfully complete all three modules. Modules may be taken one at a time or all in one sitting and may be com-pleted in any order. In order to be fully prepared for the examination, the ASMC recommends that only one module be taken at a sitting.

Competencies Covered (with approximate representation)

MODULE 1: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT Government Resource Management Environment (15%)Defense Resource Management Environment (35%)Manpower Management (10%)Personnel Management (15%)Management and Internal Controls (10%)Fiscal Law (15%)

MODULE 2: BUDGET AND COST ANALYSISPlanning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution (60%)Cost and Economic Analysis (20%)Business Management Process Improvement (10%)Fiscal Law (10%)

MODULE 3: ACCOUNTING AND FINANCEFiscal Law (15%)Finance (35%)Accounting (35%)Auditing (15%)

Page 4: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


The Government Resource Management Environment (module 1)• Functions of the three branches of the

federal government

• Checks and balances between government


• Preparation and structure of the federal


• Sources and applications of federal funds

• Relationship of the defense budget to the

gross domestic product

• Relationship of the defense budget to the

federal budget

The Defense Resource Management Environment (module 1)• Organization of the Department of Defense

• Roles and responsibilities of DoD leadership

• The Planning, Programming, Budgeting and

Execution process

• Ethical standards of the Department of


• Financial Management terminology

Manpower Management (module 1)• Determination of peacetime requirements

• Determination of mobilization requirements

• Manpower management terminology

• Relevant legal authorities

• Relevant Circulars and Regulations

Knowledge Elements of Each Core CompetencyEach Core Competency requires the candidate to demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge

elements shown below:

Personnel Management(module 1)• Evaluation tools and criteria

• Conflict resolution

• Relevant legal authorities

• Relevant Circulars and Regulations

Management andInternal Controls (module 1)• Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act

• Internal Control Standards

• Relevant laws

• Relevant Circulars and Regulations

Fiscal Law(applicable to all modules)• Constitutional authorities

• Congressional budget resolutions

• Congressional authorization and


• Federal agency authorities

• Availability of appropriations

• Availability of revolving funds

• Reprogramming

• Continuing Resolutions

• Anti-Deficiency Act

Page 5: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


Finance (module 3)• Safeguarding of assets

• Pay and entitlements

• Travel entitlements

• Contract pay

• Debt management

• Certifying policies and functions

• Disbursing policies and functions

• Currency control

Accounting (module 3) • Basis of accounting for federal funds

• Federal accounting standards

• Defense accounting standards

• Differentiation between proprietary,

financial, managerial and cost accounting

• US Standard General Ledger

• Types and components of financial


• Roles of key accounting agencies

Auditing (module 3)• Purpose and authority for audit

• Comptroller General Auditing Standards

• Department of Defense standards and


• Role and authorities of audit policy boards

• Phases of audit

Knowledge Elements, con’t.

Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution (module 2)• The Planning, Programming, Budgeting and

Execution process

• Products and documents produced by PPBE

• Role of key offices in PPBE

• Prioritization process in PPBE

• Budget execution by type of appropriation

• Budget execution by type of contractual


• Interagency, interservice, and reimbursable


• Reprogramming

Cost and Economic Analysis (module 2)• Cost analysis policies and procedures

• Economic analysis policies and procedures

• Limited application of cost and economic

analytical techniques

• Differentiation between types of benefits

• Limited application of current installation

costing techniques

Business Management Process Improvement (module 2)• Legal basis for Business Management

Process Improvement

• Management of the improvement process

• Outsourcing

• Privatization

• Relevant Circulars and Regulations

Page 6: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


CDFM Acquisition Module Now AvailableASMC is pleased to announce that an optional

fourth module of the Certified Defense Financial

Managers (CDFM) exam is now available. The

optional module deals with the rules governing

acquisition of major defense systems. Appli-

cants can still take the basic three modules and

become a CDFM. Those who pass the first three

module exams and then elect to take and pass

the fourth module exam will become “CDFM

with Acquisition Specialty.”

Why Become “CDFM withAcquisition Specialty”?

We believe CDFMs should take the

fourth module because passing it:

• Provides objective evidence of knowledge

of defense acquisition rules and regulations

that will be highly useful if financial managers

are assuming acquisition jobs;

• Demonstrates depth of knowledge that will

help in winning promotions and jobs;

• Offers personal satisfaction by demonstrat-

ing knowledge of key information important

in financial management.

Preparing for the Test

Initially your best course of study is “on your

own” using the addendum to the CDFM text-

book that is now available. Information on

purchasing this material can be found on the

CDFM web site (

ASMC has developed a one-day course covering

the material in this fourth module exam. The

course will be offered on a limited basis. You

may learn more about the course and its avail-

ability at

Enrolling and Taking the Test

If you are already a CDFM, there will be no added

enrollment fee to take this fourth module exam

for the rest of this calendar year (2006), but you

will need to notify the Certification staff so that

we can authorize your exam. You will be notified

via e-mail when your enrollment is reactivated,

and you can take the fourth-module test at any

authorized testing site for the current test fee.

If you pass and receive a letter of confirmation

from us, you are eligible to refer to yourself as a

“CDFM with Acquisition Specialty.” Exercising

your option to take the Module 4 exam will not

jeopardize your status as a CDFM.

Those who pass and want a revised certificate

indicating their new specialty will be required

to pay a fee to cover the costs of the new certifi-

cate. Future enrollees and individuals currently

enrolled and taking the basic CDFM tests will

be eligible to take this optional fourth test, but

will need to alert the CDFM staff of your desire

to do so. Currently, there is no change in the

enrollment fee. However, if an individual wishes

to take the fourth module, he or she must let

ASMC know so that we hold the certificate until

all four modules have been completed.

Page 7: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will



The Department of Defense makes available

a one-week Enhanced Defense Financial Man-

agement Training course presented by ASMC-

licensed instructors. The primary purpose of

this course is to broaden your overall under-

standing of the financial management system.

"Open enrollment" sessions are also available

from ASMC licensed providers. Please check

the web site for availability.


Selected elements of the curriculum at these

educational institutions, such as the Defence

Financial Management and Comptroller School

at Maxwell AFB, the Syracuse University Army

Comptrollership Program, the Defense Re-

source Management Institute and the Naval

Postgraduate School, will contribute to prepa-

ration for the examination.


ministrative information and/or presentation

by CDFM-certified instructors. Contact your

local chapter president or program committee

chair for details.

SELF-STUDYThe textbook used in the one-week Enhanced

Defense Financial Manager training course is

available for individual purchase through the

ASMC. Information on textbook sales is avail-

able online at the web site cited below.

The Certified Defense Financial Manager

examination covers a broad spectrum

of financial management in twelve core

competencies. ASMC anticipates that most

members of the workforce will need to

prepare in order to pass all the modules.

Methods of preparation are outlined


Methods of Preparation

visit our web site at

Page 8: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


Procedures for EnrollmentThe first step is determining your eligibility to

sit for the CDFM examination. Candidates should

review the prerequisites listed on page two of

this document and, if eligible, complete the ap-

plication form provided on page 12.

Forms should be mailed, along with the nonre-

fundable registration fee, to the address shown

on the form. Non-members may complete the

ASMC membership application found on page

11, include with it the ASMC membership fee,

and therefore qualify for the lower ASMC-member

CDFM fee. Your enrollment begins a certification

eligibility file which is open for two years. If all

three modules are completed within the two-year

period this enrollment fee will not be charged

again. In the event that a candidate takes more than

two years to successfully complete the three ex-

aminations, an extension of enrollment fee must be

paid to remain eligible for examinations. However,

all test modules completed in the initial enrollment

period will remain valid toward the certification if

there is no significant lapse in enrollment.

Upon the acceptance of the candidate’s enroll-

ment, a nine-digit candidate ID number will be

assigned and a welcome letter will be sent to the

candidate’s home address with specific instruc-

tions on exam purchase.

Once the welcome letter has been received, can-

didates must visit the certification web site to pur-

chase an examination to be taken at a commercial

testing center. Your welcome letter will contain

detailed instructions. Purchase procedures for all

other examination locations (e.g., ASMC National

or Chapter PDIs or base education centers) must

be arranged with CDFM staff. The modules may

be taken one at a time or in any combination, and

they may be taken in any order.

SUMMARY OF FEES (as of May 2006)

Program Enrollment Fee .............................$70

Program Enrollment Fee (ASMC member) ...$35

Extension of Enrollment ...............................$70

One module examination ............................$95

Three modules examination ......................$285

Re-examination per module ........................$95

When purchasing an examination via the web site

candidates should be prepared to pay for the exam

using a major credit or debit card. Please note that if

for some reason you cannot make your commercial

testing appointment and must cancel, you must fol-

low that organization's policy on cancellations.

Many government agencies are authorized to

reimburse employees for the cost of certification

programs. Check with your employer to determine

if this reimbursement is available to you. Also,

the Veterans Administration has a reimbursement

program for military members who qualify for the

Montgomery GI Bill. See the ASMC web site for

more information on published reimbursement


NOTE: Fees are subject to change. Please check the certification web site for the current fee structure.

Page 9: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


Testing Center ProceduresComputer-based testing is conducted at au-

thorized commercial testing facilities located

in major cities nationwide. Candidates are not

admitted into the testing center without proper

identification. Two forms of identification with

signature are required.

• Acceptable signature identification includes

government or company identification cards

and credit cards.

• One must include a recent photograph, such

as a passport, driver’s license, or military/

state identification cards.

Lockers are provided for personal items at the

testing center, but it is suggested that nones-

sential items not be brought into the center.

Americans With DisabilitiesAct ProceduresThe testing centers located in the U.S. are

required to comply with the Americans With

Disabilities Act and provide special accom-

modations. All testing centers are wheelchair

accessible, have adjustable height desks, can

accommodate requests for readers, and can

be adapted to accept special peripheral equip-

ment. Candidates must identify their special

accommodation when submitting the CDFM

application. The ASMC and the candidate will

work together to schedule an appointment to

test (five weeks notice is required to schedule

the test). The electronic test designs allow time

extensions for examination delivery for various

approved conditions. Testing centers are gen-

erally open six days per week.

Notification of Test Results and Issuance of Certificate

A message will be displayed on the screen

immediately upon completion of your

examination telling you if you were suc-

cessful. If you do not pass one module but

pass the others, you only have to retake the

module you did not pass.

You must pass all three modules to qualify

for CDFM certification. Once you pass the

modules and meet all eligibility require-

ments, ASMC will issue you an award letter

and a CDFM pin. A personalized CDFM cer-

tificate will follow within ten to 14 weeks.

of completion of your last exam.

Page 10: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


Re-Examination Policy

If a candidate is not successful on a mod-

ule examination there is no limit on the

number of times a candidate may take

a module examination. However, there

will be a required waiting period before

each re-examination. The fee to retake

a module exam is the same as the initial

fee (see the certification web site for the

current fee structure and examination

waiting periods).

If all three modules are not completed

within the initial two-year enrollment

period the account will be closed and

the candidate must re-enroll and pay the

nonrefundable enrollment fee. The dis-

count for ASMC members does not apply

to extension of enrollment. However,

all successfully completed test modules

will remain valid toward the certification

through the second enrollment period

as long as enrollment is maintained

without significant lapse.

Commercial TestingCenter Rescheduling and Refund Policy

If a module exam must be rescheduled for any rea-son, arrangements must be coordinated through the authorized commercial testing organization. Gener-ally, the deadline to reschedule an examination is 12:00 (noon) Eastern Standard Time, two business days before the original scheduled examination date. Complete instructions are included in your exam authorization letter.

Candidates who cancel after the 48-hour deadline, fail to show up for the scheduled appointment, or who arrive more than 15 minutes late for a scheduled ap-pointment are considered “no shows.” “No shows” forfeit the $95 per module examination fee.

Candidates who call within the appropriate time limit may either reschedule or cancel the exam. If the candidate reschedules the exam, he/she will not have to provide any payment information. There is no limit to the number of times an examination may be rescheduled. If you must cancel, you will follow the refund procedures included in your exam autho-rization letter.

Page 11: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


Methods of Obtaining CPE• Attendance at relevant formal training courses• Attendance at relevant college courses• Attendance at lectures on relevant subjects• Attendance at professional conferences• Teaching and course preparation for relevant

subject matters• Preparation and delivery of briefing and work-

related documents outside the scope of routine business

• Reading of professional journal articles to answer content-related questions

• Preparation and publishing of articles in profes-sional journals, such as the Armed Forces Comp-troller

• ASMC virtual library

Maintaining Professional CertificationYou must renew your certification with ASMC every two years. To maintain certification as a Certified Defense Financial Manager, each holder of the certi-fication must complete 80 hours of Continuing Pro-fessional Education (CPE) in every two-year period following the issuance of the certification (measured from the date of your certificate).

Individuals are responsible for documenting their own CPE. Continuing profession education units should be recorded in a log that is readily accessible to the certification holder. A CPE log includes the name of the event, time, date and location. This log, with sup-porting documentation, shall be provided on request to the ASMC headquarters.

One unit of CPE is awarded for each 50 minutes of contact time engaged in authorized activities. CPE guid-ance is available at As part of renewal, you may be asked to provide evidence of your CPE.

The renewal fee is $20.00. However, fees are subject to change. Please check the certification web site for the current fee structure.

Benefits of ASMC MembershipAvailability of information on cur-

rent trends and development in the

military comptroller and financial

management arena in the Depart-

ment of Defense and the U.S. Coast


Subscription to the Armed Forces

Comptroller (AFC), the official pro-

fessional journal of the ASMC. The

AFC contains articles, organizational

news and updates on current trends

and developments and is published


Opportunity to learn and practice

leadership as a chapter officer or

committee member.

Membership in one of over 140

chapters worldwide including all

chapter training and social events.

Reduced member registration fees

for attendance at national confer-

ences and for application to the

certification program.

Page 12: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will

American Society of Military Comptrollers

Membership Application

Professional InformationEmployer (Circle one) AR NV AF MC CG DoD DFAS Other _________________________________

Rank/Grade __________________ Duty Station ______________________________________________________

Career Field (Circle one)

Accounting and Finance

Administrative Support




Cost Analysis

Financial Management

Management Analysis

Program Analysis

Manpower Management

Resource Management


Payment InformationMembership Dues One Year - $26 Three Years - $75

Method of Payment Check or Money Order enclosed (payable in US funds to ASMC)

Charge to Credit Card VISA MasterCard American Express

Card Number ____________________________________________ Exp. Date __________

Cardholder Signature _________________________________________________________

I hereby apply for membership in ASMC and enclose payment for membership dues, which includes the $5 annual subscription to the Armed Forces Comptroller.

Applicant Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

I was recruited by: ___________________________________________ Recruiter Member No. _________________

Membership Status New Member Renewal (Member No. _______ ) I have previously been a member of ASMC.

Personal Information (Please print or type clearly, exactly as you wish information to appear on membership certifi cate.)

Name (First, MI, Last) ____________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________________________


City ___________________________________________________ ST _______ Zip _______________________

Office Address __________________________________________________________________________________


City ___________________________________________________ ST _______ Zip _______________________

Phone (H) ______________________ (O) ____________________________ DSN ________________________

E-mail __________________________________________ Chapter ______________________________________

Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY) ________________________ Gender M F

These Boxes forNational Headquarters

Use Only

Chapter Amount Paid Expiration Year Initial Year Month

Mail to: ASMC National Headquarters • 415 North Alfred Street • Alexandria, VA 22314-2269Questions? Call (800) 462-5637 or (703) 549-0360, or e-mail at [email protected].

Page 13: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


Enrollment Form Certified Defense Financial Manager (CDFM) Program

American Society of Military Comptrollers

Certified Defense Financial Manager Program

415 North Alfred Street, Suite 3, Alexandria, VA 22314

(800) 462-5637, (703) 549-0360, Fax (703) 549-3181

ASMC Member? Yes No Member Number Chapter

This is a: New Enrollment Extension of Eligibility

Identifying Information

Mr. Ms.

Last Name First Middle

Street Address

City State/Province Zip Code/Country

Day Phone Evening Commercial Fax

E-Mail Address Last 4 digits of SSN

Date of Birth (Mo/Day/Yr)

Name as you wish it to appear on your certificate

Professional Information

Section I

Section II Professional Information 1. Service Affiliation? Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps

Coast Guard DFAS Other DoD Corporate None

If None, Other, or Corporate, please explain:

2. Employment Status? DoD Civilian Military Other Non-DoD Retired

If “Other,” please explain:

3. Pay Grade/Band or Equivalent:

4. Civilian Job Series, Military Occupational Specialty, or Corporate Title:

5. Years of Experience in Defense-Related Financial Management:

6. Highest Civilian Education Level:

Below High School High School Diploma GED Some College—No Degree

Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Doctorate

Page 14: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


The enrollment fee of $70.00, or $35.00 for ASMC members, allows an individual to be active in the CDFM database for two (2) years from the date of receipt. The application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. Applications from ASMC members that do not include the Member Number and Chapter Affiliation will be returned without action.

If a candidate must extend his or her enrollment beyond two years to complete the examina-tions, an extension of enrollment fee of $70.00 (for all) will be required.

Fees are subject to change. Please check the certification web site for the current fee structure.

If paying by credit card please provide the following:

American Express Visa Master Card

Card Number

Expiration date (mm/yyyy)

Billing address postal ZIP Code

I certify that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the pledge of professionalism code of the American Society of Military Comptrollers.

Signature _________________________________ Date _________________________

Please make your enrollment check payable to American Society of Military Comp-

trollers. Send to the address on Page 1 of this application. Do not send cash.

NOTES (1) If you have already met the financial management experience requirement, please submit the "Verification of Financial Management Experience Form" with your supervisor's signature along with this application.

(2) The ASMC database requires the last four digits of your social security number for records to be input. ASMC will conform to all provisions of the Privacy Act.

(3) If you have an Americans With Disabilities Act requirement, please include a note to us that details your special needs (five-week notice is necessary to set up an appointment in this category).

visit our web site at

Section III Financial Information

Page 15: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will


Supervisor’s Section

Supervisor’s Name Title

Telephone Number

E-mail Address

Position Held by Candidate

Dates of Employment (mo/yr)

Brief Description of Duties

Position Held by Candidate

Dates of Employment (mo/yr)

Brief Description of Duties

*If more positions are needed to document the 4-, 3- or 2-year experience required, photocopy this page

and use additional experience blocks as needed. DO NOT ATTACH ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING MATE-

RIAL. To determine the length of experience you need, visit the certification web site.

Supervisor’s Signature Date

Verification of Financial Management ExperienceAmerican Society of Military ComptrollersCertified Defense Financial Manager Program415 North Alfred Street, Suite 3, Alexandria, VA 22314(800) 462-5637, (703) 549-0360, Fax (703) 549-3181

The American Society of Military Comptrollers requests verification of financial management ex-perience and duties that I perform(ed). I would appreciate your completion of the supervisor’s section of this form and returning it to me promptly.

Candidate’s Signature Date

Candidate’s Name

Candidate’s Address

Page 16: CDFM - ASMC Gulf Coast Chapter Home Page · 2010. 10. 20. · CDFM web site (). ASMC has developed a one-day course covering the material in this fourth module exam. The course will

American Society of Military Comptrollers415 North Alfred Street, Suite 3Alexandria, VA 22314

Certified Defense Financial Manager

The American

Society of



challenges you.


how to certify your financial

management skill and

advance your career!

