ccs training manual

SUPERVISO ONBOARDIN December 1-3, 2015

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December 1-3, 2015

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Needs Analysis

CCS, Inc. has decided to expand their current call center of 10 employees to a call center of approximately 200 customer service representatives. In order to maintain consistency across work teams, the company has decided to promote and/or hire 12 new supervisors to oversee the new work teams.

During the interview process, a training needs analysis form was completed for each new hire candidate. After compiling all the forms, the group needs were discussed and recommendations were made to the hiring manager(s).

Based on the recommendations from the HR Team, these newly promoted or new hire associates will need to go through an onboarding process in order to ensure they are all proficient with the corporate vision, mission statement, culture, and programs that will be used in their position.

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The training needs analysis form needs to be inserted here. With The High Level Training Design tab behind it.

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Insert the High Level Training Design Here with the Detailed Design Document tab behind it. Then the Table of Contents tab right behind that.

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Detailed Design Document

Day 1Prior to the participants arriving, the room should be set up with a copy of the participant manual on each desk, a small table with pre-printed name tents, a table with breakfast items and a menu for lunch choices, an overhead projector that can be connected to a laptop for presentations.

The participants should arrive no later than 9:00AM. Allow them 30 minutes to eat, find their name tent, and chose a desk.

Promptly at 9:30AM, the first session will begin with a short welcome and discussion about CCS Inc.’s Corporate Vision. This portion should last approximately an hour.

CCS, Inc. not only wants to provide the best customer service available but also impact the community. We believe that our service should extend outside of the workplace. CCS, Inc. strives to impact the lives of our customers by offering numerous opportunities to do community service and reach out to our customers. We believe by having a great team of people who are bonded together to helping others then we can have a great company built upon care, respect and assistance. Our ultimate goal is “spreading the power of optimism through knowledge.” We believe by giving others the knowledge they need to answer their questions happiness increases and overall optimism increases as a result.

The next discussion should immediately follow and be a discussion about the Corporate Mission Statement. This discussion should be about 30 minutes in length.

Here at CCS, Inc., it is our intention to provide the best call experience for every client, to ensure we have the best possible customer service on the market. We believe, having a knowledgeable staff, will enable us to provide the answers to any questions that our clients may have.

At this point it should be around 11AM. Give the participants a break of about 15 minutes.

Pick up again around 11:15AM and begin a discussion about CCS Inc.’s Corporate Culture. This mini session should last about an hour to 75 minutes. However, whenever this session wraps up, the participants can break for lunch and social time.

At CCS, Inc. we have high standards both in the service we provide and the team we hire. We strive to be a company with genuine values that can be seen all through our work and in our staff. It is encouraged to do community service and make an impact on others’ lives. It is our intentions to leave this earth better than we found it and by out reaching to the community outside of work it reminds us why we started this organization. This organization was started

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with the intentions of helping others find answers to the questions they have. Shelli Sweet McCullough, Cody Morgan and Cheryl Walker founded this small firm in 2015 with the vision of providing the best service you could get in the call industry.

After lunch, conduct a 30-minute recap of the morning information and answer any questions the participants may have.

The next hour and a half will be facilitated by the HR Team. They will help the participants complete the New Hire Packets as needed.

Around 4PM check in with the HR Team and allow the participants to take a 15-minute break.Round out Day 1 with a short question and answer session. Length can be flexible, but, try to have the class wrapped up by 5PM.

Day 2

Prior to the participants arriving, the room should be set up with a small table with pre-printed name tents, a table with breakfast items and a menu for lunch choices, an overhead projector that can be connected to a laptop for presentations, and a laptop on each of the participant’s desk that is connected to the company intranet.

The first session should be a recap of Day 1 and last approximately 30 minutes.

The next session will be a working session that should last about an hour. In this section the participants should set up their individual Microsoft Outlook accounts.

When the participants have finished setting up their individual Outlook accounts, they can take a break until approximately 11:15AM.

When the participants return from their break, direct them to the mock schedule that is found in their participant manual under the “Participant Materials” tab. They should use this document to enter their own schedule first and then the schedules of the employees listed on their sheets. This task should last no longer than 75 minutes.

At this point it should be around 12:30PM, and the participants are free to break for lunch and social time. They are due back in the classroom by 2:00PM.

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Promptly at 2:00PM, you should begin a recap session about the morning activities. Have a general discussion and answer any questions that the participants might have. Please keep this Q&A to no longer than 30 minutes if possible.

At 2:30 the next working session should begin. This session is about setting up group meeting requests in Microsoft Outlook. You will find the slides that are used in the PowerPoint presentation that teaches this module. In addition to copies of the slides, you will find a narrative for each slide.

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Day 2 – continued

This presentation will be used for the final two modules of the day. The first part will be slides 1 through 5. This part of the day should last around 1 to 1.5 hours. Gage the time portion based on how quickly the participants are able to learn the steps. Once they are able to do the steps shown on these slides, let them take a 15-minute break.

Microsoft OutlookSlide 1 Intro: Welcome to CCS supervisor training. By

learning this platform, you are going to learn how to professionally interact with colleagues on a level of scheduling as well as event planning.

Slide 2 After you have watched the training module you should be able to effectively use the tools proficiently.You should also be able to train other employees on creating calendars and consolidating events into anelectronic event planner and coordinate employees throughout the intranet.

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Day 2 – continued

Slide 3 To begin the training module, you will open up Microsoft Outlook. Then you will select the calendar tab at the top of the screen. Since Outlook is offeredin numerous platforms it is possible the setup might differ slightly. However, they all offer a tab forcalendar typically located on the left side of the screen or at the very top. After locating and opening this tab,you then need to enter your work schedule into a calendar.

Slide 4 Next, locate on the top banner the option labeled “New meeting request.” This will open a new window where you can then create a meeting. This is how you can setup an event company wide and see individual availability for the company.

Slide 5 Under the “new meetings portal” you are able to format the entire calendar with the subject, location, time/date and even the reason for the meeting.

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Break for 15 minutes here

Day 2 – continuedAfter the participants return from their break, pick back up with slide 6 and finish the presentation. This session should be about 1 hour in length. Make sure before you close this module that the participants are proficient in all the steps outlined in the presentation. You can do this by walking around the room while they practice and watch them to ensure they have learned the necessary steps.

Slide 6 Once you have entered the “new Meetings portal” within Outlook and established the meeting credentials, you will be presentedwith the ability to add associates you want to send this meeting invitation to.

Slide 7 After establishing where the meeting is going to take place, the reason for the meeting, and the associates invited to attend the meeting, you can then finalize the invitation by adding a response option so the associates can either accept, decline or propose a new time to the invitation. This step is also intended to recap the process of making the invite in Microsoft Outlook.

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Day 2 - continued

Slide 8 Upon completing all previous steps, you should have a completed meeting invite within Microsoft Outlook. There are also other training modules offered for more advanced training. To learn more about the advanced features ofMicrosoft Outlook such as reserving a conference room and the multitude of features this application offers, look in the CCS, Inc. intranet under Training.

When you have finished with the above PowerPoint and the participants are comfortable with working with these features in Outlook, it should be around 5:15PM. The remainder of the day will be a wrap up of the modules presented today. This session is flexible with time; however, try to end no later than 6:00PM.

Day 3

Prior to the participants arriving, the room should be set up with a small table with pre-printed name tents, a table with breakfast items and a menu for lunch choices, an overhead projector that can be connected to a laptop for presentations, a laptop on each of the participant’s desk that is connected to the company intranet, and a phone.

The first session should be a recap of Day 1 and last approximately 30 minutes.

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This module will introduce the Customer Service Solutions application. This is the in house ticket tracking application. There should be an icon on the participant’s laptops for them to access the program. Have them open the application and then go over the slides on the next page. Use about an hour to go over this application.

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Day 3 – continued

Customer Service Solutions

This is the first screen you will see when you open the application on your desktop. It will be blank on your first day of work. But, going forward it will be a list of your customers and the status of their request. When you answer a call, click on the “New Case” tab on the far left of the ribbon. The following screen will open.

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Day 3 – continued

Fill out as much of the information as you can during your call. Then, as quickly as possible, after you hang up, complete the ticket and click on “Save and New” to end this request.

You can always use the Knowledge Base List to look up information if you need help with the program. The Report Center will help you with the reports you will need to run as a Team Supervisor. Finally, the Customer List will be the place you can look up current customer information.

At the end of each day, click on the Save button. This will ensure that all of the tickets and information you have worked on during the day are saved in the application.

Take a 15-minute break here.

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Day 3 - continued

After the participants return from their break, the next 75-minute module will teach them how to use our phone system. The following is the information that is necessary for them to know. Go over the information at a pace that ensures they have learned the steps described.

We utilize a simple phone system here at CCS, Inc. You will be wearing a headset when logged into the system. When a call rings through to your line, simple press the button that corresponds to the blinking light. That will connect your call. Should you need to place the call on hold, simply press the HOLD button once. To remove the hold, press the button to resume talking. If you should need to transfer a call, press the button, after you hear a series of beeps, enter the extension where the call is being transferred. You will then here a tone of the call ringing at the new extension. When the call connects, please give a short introduction to the new associate as to the nature of the call that is being connected. Forwarding information should include the clients name, account number, call back number, and a brief nature of the call. When the information has been acknowledged by the associate taking over the call, you may disconnect from the call by pressing the END CALL button.

Break for lunch until 2:00PMWhen the participants return from lunch, the next session will be a role playing session. Divide the group into pairs. Have them switch off being a client and an agent. The agent will be doing all the steps learned from opening the Customer Service Solutions application to answering the call and completing a ticket on the call. Walk around the room to ensure that all the participants have acted out both parts and are comfortable with the agent role. This will prepare them for the last part of the day which will be the shadowing of an SME on the call center floor. At the end of this session the participants can take a break until no later than 3:15PM. At this time, they will need to report to the call center to be paired with an agent for shadowing.

The shadowing session should run until about 5:15PM. When the participants return to the classroom, conduct a final wrap up and answer any questions they may have.

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At the close of this session, provide the participants with your contact information in case they should need it for follow up in the future.

This concludes this onboarding training. Thank all the participants for their attendance. Certificates of completion will be emailed to them within 48 hours of the completion of the training.Insert the Table of Contents tab here

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Table of Contents Welcome Corporate Vision Corporate Mission Statement Corporate Culture New Hire Forms: HR Team Notes from Day 1 Microsoft Outlook Notes from Day 2 Customer Service Solutions Phones Notes from Day 3 Evaluations Participant Materials References

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Insert the Welcome tab here

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WelcomeOver the next few days, you will be immersed in CCS, Inc.’s onboarding training sessions. We are excited to support you, any way we can, to be successful in your new role. Over the next three days, you will gain applicable knowledge on new employee information, including a complete benefits package and incentives associated with your employment with CCS, Inc. Additionally, you will receive training on computer software programs, including Microsoft Outlook, to provide greater efficiency when you begin your employment.

Thank you for attending these onboarding training sessions. We hope the knowledge you gain will give you the foundation for building a successful career at CCS, Inc.

“Spreading the power of optimism through knowledge.”

Cody Morgan (Co-Founder)

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Insert Corporate Vision tab here

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Corporate VisionCCS, Inc. not only wants to provide the best customer service available but also impact the community. We believe that our service should extend outside of the workplace. CCS, Inc. strives to impact the lives of our customers by offering numerous opportunities to do community service and reach out to our customers. We believe by having a great team of people who are bonded together to helping others then we can have a great company built upon care, respect and assistance. Our ultimate goal is “spreading the power of optimism through knowledge.” We believe by giving others the knowledge they need to answer their questions happiness increases and overall optimism increases as a result.

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Insert Corporate Mission Statement tab here

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Corporate Mission StatementHere at CCS, Inc., it is our intention to provide the best call experience for every client, to ensure we have the best possible customer service on the market. We believe, having a knowledgeable staff, will enable us to provide the answers to any questions that our clients may have.

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Insert Corporate Culture tab here

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Corporate CultureAt CCS, Inc. we have high standards both in the service we provide and the team we hire. We strive to be a company with genuine values that can be seen all through our work and in our staff. It is encouraged to do community service and make an impact on others’ lives. It is our intentions to leave this earth better than we found it and by out reaching to the community outside of work it reminds us why we started this organization. This organization was started with the intentions of helping others find answers to the questions they have. Shelli Sweet McCullough, Cody Morgan and Cheryl Walker founded this small firm in 2015 with the vision of providing the best service you could get in the call industry.

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Insert Notes Day 1 tab here

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Notes Day 1

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Notes Day 1

“As leaders, we wanted to lead by example; and, the best way to do this was helping others and making a genuine impact on the community.” – Shelli Sweet McCullough


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Insert Microsoft Outlook tab here

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

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Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

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Slide 7

Slide 8

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Insert Notes Day 2 tab here

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Notes Day 2

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Notes Day 2

One of the largest reasons customers stick with a company is because of their set of values. By upholding our values of integrity, honesty and helpfulness we strive to lead above

the rest and set the standards in the industry.

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Insert Customer Service Solutions tab here

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Customer Service Solutions

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Insert the Phones tab here

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Insert the Notes Day 3 here

Our Phone SystemWe utilize a simple phone system here at CCS, Inc. You will be wearing a headset when logged into the system. When a call rings through to your line, simple press the button that corresponds to the blinking light. That will connect your call. Should you need to place the call on hold, simply press the HOLD button once. To remove the hold, press the button to resume talking. If you should need to transfer a call, press the button, after you hear a series of beeps, enter the extension where the call is being transferred. You will then here a tone of the call ringing at the new extension. When the call connects, please give a short introduction to the new associate as to the nature of the call that is being connected. Forwarding information should include the clients name, account number, call back number, and a brief nature of the call. When the information has been acknowledged by the associate taking over the call, you may disconnect from the call by pressing the END CALL button.

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Notes Day 3

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Notes Day 3

American express has a similar style we like which is “customers will never love a company until the

employees love it first.” – American Express Card, Inc.

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Insert the Evaluations tab here

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Pre-training Survey

Name: ___________________________

CCS, Inc. is always looking for ways to serve you better. Please take a moment to complete this short survey. This survey will help us better serve your future needs.

Please fill out the following questions before attending the training session.

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

1. New hire appointment process

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

2. New hire application process

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

3. New hire communication with HR

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

4. New hire benefits paperwork

○ ○ ○ ○ ○


Please circle the appropriate response below to indicate your responses before attending the training session. How do you rate your knowledge about:

Very Low Low Moderate High

1. CCS, Inc. health insurance benefits 1 2 3 4

2. CCS, Inc. 401-K/retirement benefits 1 2 3 4

3. CCS, Inc. employee benefits 1 2 3 4

4. Clear communication of objectives and expectations of your employment with CCS, Inc.

1 2 3 4

5. Microsoft Outlook (utilization of emails and appointment scheduling)

1 2 3 4

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Post-training Survey

Name: ___________________________

CCS, Inc. is always looking for ways to serve you better. Please take a moment to complete this short survey. This survey will help us better serve your future needs.

Please fill out the following questions after attending the training session.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

1. The instructor was knowledgeable about the content of the training program.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

2. The instructor answered my questions in a clear and concise manner. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

3. The training room was comfortable during the training session? ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

4. The Microsoft Outlook software appointment scheduling will be useful in my job.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

5. The time allotted for training was adequate. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Did the training workshop meet your expectation? _____Yes _____ No

Are there any suggestions you would like to make that would improve this training in the future?

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Insert Participant Materials tab here

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Sample Team Supervisor and Team Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm

8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm

8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm

8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm

8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm 8am-5pm

Sample Team ListAllen, ThomasCoats, MichaelFrank, ShirleyHart, LisaMorgan, CodyPattengil, MarshaSweet, RochelleThompson, AlyWalker, CherylYates, Angel

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Insert Reference Page here

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WelcomeOver the next few days, you will be immersed in CCS, Inc.’s onboarding training sessions. We are excited to support you, any way we can, to be successful in your new role. Over the next three days, you will gain applicable knowledge on new employee information, including a complete benefits package and incentives associated with your employment with CCS, Inc. Additionally, you will receive training on computer software programs, including Microsoft Outlook, to provide greater efficiency when you begin your employment.

Thank you for attending these onboarding training sessions. We hope the knowledge you gain will give you the foundation for building a successful career at CCS, Inc.