cb passive income, is this a total scam?

CB Passive Income, is this a total scam? By ChuckieeBoi

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Post on 13-May-2015




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http://tracker123.bim-suite.com/track.php?id=2254 Click To Learn More About CB Passive Income


Page 1: Cb passive income, is this a total Scam?

CB Passive

Income, is this

a total scam? By ChuckieeBoi

Page 2: Cb passive income, is this a total Scam?

CB Passive Income by Patrick Chan is an

automated system that is supposed to

create passive income on auto pilot. It is

most effective for newbies who has not

made any income on the internet or have

no experience in online marketing. Patrick

claims that he will be doing all the work

for you so you won't have to worry.

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So How Does It Work?

When you become a member in CB

Passive Income, you will instantly have

access to almost everything you need to

start a business. CB Passive Income may

seem like a very complicated system that

involves a lot of work on your end.

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However, the only thing that you really

need to do is give away a free quality

report. That's IT! After you have given

away the free report, Patrick and his team

will do the rest for you. The next step for

you is to give away another free report to

another person then rinse and repeat.

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Why you should join CB Passive


As a member of CB Passive Income, you

will have all of these or free!

1. A top notch web page that has been

tested to convert at 50%

2. An attractive free offer that will entice

visitors to subscribe.

3. Free hosting

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4. Once visitors have opted in, Patrick's

auto responder will do all the work for you

5. Crafted emails and more free reports

will be emailed out to this list with your

unique code. This means all promotions

will have your very own Clickbank ID in

them. So when the people in this list buys

a product, you get the commission.

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You see, this system is actually quite

simple. The reason why it is so powerful is

because you are leveraging Patrick's

credibility and services. Of course you can

just create a squeeze page, get some opt

ins and promote products yourself.

However, this is very time consuming and

your subscriber list would not know who

you are.

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On top of that, email marketing is one of

the hardest method to sell anything. If you

do not give enough value, don't know

how to craft compelling emails and know

the exact timing on when to promote.

Most likely, you will have more

unsubscribes then sales.

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Additional Training CB Passive Income's members will also have access to some unique

traffic courses. Some of these training includes: 1. Youtube Marketing, which includes everything you need to know from ranking on Google to ranking on Youtube. 2. Learn how to combine Youtube videos to other social medias and get lots of traffic. This includes Facebook, Google +, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, Squidoo and heaps more. 3. Solo ads 4. Facebook Marketing 5. Guest blogging 6. Press release 7. StumbleUpon 8. Forum Marketing and heaps more

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There are also many banners and email

swipes that members can use to help

them promote their free report website

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In Summary: If you are a newbie who has

not made any money or very little money

on the internet. I highly recommend you

give CB Passive Income a shot. There are

four main reasons why you should join CB

Passive Income.

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1. The only job you need to do is give away a free report and get subscibers 2. You do not need to set up any other software or programs, everything is done for you. 3. Patrick has lots of quality free report to give away to this list, this will build trust between the 2 4. Patrick is a known "Guru" and people will more likely buy from him than you.

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Hope this helps
