cattlewomens newsletter 2014 no 4

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Cattlewomen Beefmaster Newsletter 2014 No. 4



    President Bobbie Wall [email protected] Vice-President - Marie Welkener [email protected]

    Secretary/Treasurer - Kathy Skinner [email protected]

    Ex-Officio - Cindy Emmons [email protected]

    I am writing this letter as Bobbie Walls, our President, found she was unable to carry out her responsibilities as President due to her husbands illness and that she needed that time to care for him. We are very saddened that Greg lost his long, hard fought battle with cancer on Sunday, August 17


    We all offer our condolences and prayers for Bobbie as she goes through this very difficult time. In just over two months the 2014 BBU Convention will be happening in Memphis, Tennessee. The convention will begin on Thursday, October 30

    th and end on Saturday,

    November 1st. This years

    Convention Committee is busy making plans for a fun time to be shared with old and new friends. The Beefmaster Breeders Cattlewomen Breakfast and Annual Meeting will take place on Saturday, Nov. 1

    st from 8am

    to 10am and will be held at a restaurant on Beale Street close to the convention hotel. Ty Agee, a Beefmaster breeder and restaurant owner from Memphis, is helping us coordinate this Southern Soul Food breakfast and we will have entertainment fitting to the Memphis music world. Our annual business meeting will take place at the breakfast. Nominations for officers for the next two years will be presented to membership for a vote and our Nominating Committee will be making those selections before the meeting. If you would like to serve as an officer, please contact Kathy, myself or a member of that committee. There were several scholarship applications submitted this year and all of them were very,

    News from Marie

    deserving students. The Scholarship Committee members were very committed to selecting the most qualified applicants out of those submitted. A big Thank You goes out to the members who volunteered to serve on this selection committee. BBC was proud to again provide a $3,000.00 sponsorship for the JBBA National Convention this year. Reports are that is was a great convention for the kids who attended. The Public Speaking Contest winners will be presenting their winning speeches at our opening luncheon at this years convention and BBC will be providing a stipend to them to help in their travel expenses to the convention in Memphis. I want to issue a request to our members who are receiving this BBC newsletter. We need your help! We have not had a newsletter since the first quarter of this year and that is because there was a very limited amount of news submitted to Erin Brown, our Newsletter Editor. Recently, she has received bios on a few of our members and some recipes but we really need your input. The newsletter was created for our membership so if you have news, cares and concerns, recipes or anything you would like to share with our ladies, please contact Erin or one of our officers so that we can continue the newsletter. Erin donates her time out of her busy life to put the newsletter together for us; however, she cant write the newsletter without material to put in it. I am asking you, as members, to help in keeping the

    newsletter going. Membership dues of $25.00 are now due and there will be a drawing at our annual meeting for all members that have paid their dues PRIOR to the BBU Convention. Please mail your checks to Kathy Skinner, P. O. Box 277, Katy, TX 77492-0277 along with any changes from last year. Hope everyone is having a good summer, and that your ranches have had rain. I know that in South Texas we have not received much needed rain. Prayers for rain and good health to you all. Till we meet at Convention, -Marie Welkener

    September, October, November, December 2014

    Volume 3, Issue 4

    Birthdays Cynthia M. Lyssy 7-Sep Marie Welkener 14-Sep Nancy Allen 14-Sep Gabby Eskew 3-Oct Norma Jean Bounds 6-Oct Saundra Lieke 9-Oct Lana Carpenter 18-Oct Deanna Emmons 19-Oct Bobbie Wall 19-Oct Dusty Carr 24-Oct Cherryl Forte 25-Oct Carmen Priola 31-Oct Ruth Mersiovsky 31-Oct Cynthia Dismang 3-Nov Becky Meacham 4-Nov Leticia Saenz 12-Nov Julie Bertrand 16-Nov Mary Ann Hoge 19-Nov Kelli Schapeler 19-Nov Marilyn Scherer 27-Nov Harriet Mihalski 29-Nov Karen Psencik 2-Dec Nina Manor 19-Dec Karen Gattis 21-Dec Erin Brown 22-Dec Janell Ronquille 23-Dec Theresa Wagner 24-Dec Kathy Skinner 26-Dec

  • Use every event, calm or

    rough, for more insight.

    Courtesy of Norma Jean Bounds

    Scholarship Winner Update

    Cindy Emmons, Ex-officio, presented the 2014 Cattlewomen's Scholarships to Rebecca Herrera, Walker Eskew and Trenton Glaser at the JBBA Nationals in Oklahoma.

    Courtesy of Sue Pierson

  • Beefmaster Breeders Cattlewomen Page 3 of 8

    The Cattlewomens group used the proceeds from the quilt square sales and the sale of the quilt for scholarships.

    JBBA members say thank you

    This and That

    "The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention

    Courtesy of Sue Pierson

    Dear JBBA Supporter, I would like to start off saying thank you. Thank you for your continued support of this association. The time and money you invest into JBBA allows kids like me the opportunity to grow in leadership knowledge and communication skills. This association has helped me on so many levels. It has not only helped me make new friends, but has also pushed me outside my comfort zone to limits, which I, otherwise, thought I could not achieve. With your support, I have been able to become a stronger speaker, leader, and helper to others in need. Without you, I would not be the person I am today. Thanks again, Cory Sinkule



    (1) 7 ounce package caramels

    cup evaporated milk

    cup chopped pecans, divided

    (1) 9-inch chocolate crumb piecrust

    (2) 3 ounce pkgs cream cheese, softened

    cup sour cream

    1 cups milk

    (1) 3.9 ounce package chocolate instant pudding mix

    cup fudge topping

    Place caramels and evaporated milk in a heavy saucepan. Heat over medium-low heat, stirring

    continually, until smooth, about 5 minutes. Stir in cup chopped pecans. Pour into piecrust. Combine

    cream cheese, sour cream and milk in a blender. Process until smooth. Add pudding mix; process for

    about 30 seconds longer. Pour pudding mixture over caramel layer, covering evenly. Chill, loosely

    covered, until set, about 15 minutes. Drizzle fudge topping over pudding layer in a decorative pattern.

    Sprinkle top of cake with remaining pecans. Chill, loosely covered, until serving time.

    NOTE: Create a homemade crust with chocolate sandwich cookies (I used Oreos.) Mix 1 cups

    cookie crumbs with 3 tablespoons melted butter. Press into a 9-inch pie plate. Bake at 350 degrees for 6

    to 8 minutes.


    c. shortening

    1/3 c. sugar

    tsp soda

    1 pint sweet milk

    c. mashed potatoes

    tsp baking powder

    tsp salt

    cake Fleishmans yeast

    Heat milk to boiling point. Pour over shortening, sugar, soda, potatoes, baking powder & salt. Cool to

    lukewarm & add yeast. When yeast softens, mix and add enough flour to make a soft batter. Let rise 40

    minutes. Turn onto floured board and knead in enough flour to make a soft dough. Grease mixing bowl,

    turn dough into it and cover. Refrigerate. When wanted, pinch off a piece of the dough. Place on

    floured board, roll out as for biscuits and cut. Place biscuits in greased pan and turn biscuits over. Let

    rise for two hours. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.

    NOTES: Can keep dough for seven days. You can make the day before and let it rise in the fridge.

    ZUCHINNI BREAD (2 loaves)

    3 eggs (beaten) 3 tsp cinnamon

    1 c. cooking oil tsp cloves, *see note below

    2 c. sugar 1 tsp salt

    2 c. grated zuchinni 1 tsp soda

    3 tsp. vanilla tsp baking powder

    3 c. flour 1 c. pecans or raisins

    Mix all together. Pour into greased and floured loaf pans. Bake 60 minutes at 325 degrees. You can

    also make muffins by using muffin tins and a shorter cooking time.

    NOTES: - Pecans and raisins are optional. I use both. Sometimes I use craisins.

    - The recipe calls for cloves but we dont care for this spice and I do not add it to my recipe.

    Someones in the Kitchen

    "Common sense is genius

    dressed in work clothes

    In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity


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    Members Spotlight:

    Upcoming Events

    o Lasater Ranch Field Day,

    Matheson, CO

    -September 5, 2014

    o Lone Star BBA Field

    Day, Grand Saline, TX

    -September 27, 2014

    o Zipperer Beefmaster

    Field Day, Clewiston, FL

    -October 4, 2014

    o BBU Convention,

    Memphis, TN

    -October 30,2014

    o BBU Board of Directors

    Meeting, Memphis, TN

    -October 30,2014

    Sue Pierson Cherry Glen Beefmasters Vacaville, California Cherry Glen Beefmasters is a small purebred cattle operation grown out of the BBU Upgrading Program. Sue, along with husband John, has been a member of BBU since 1989. The primary focus of this program has been to provide bulls to the western commercial market. Some females have been marketed, but primarily have been retained in the herd. Sue and John have 3 grown children. Daughter Kristi Perkins lives in Oklahoma City along with her husband Jon and son Jon, Jr., 17. Daughter Erin has been employed in the maritime industry for 12 years, working in operations and safety. She has lived and worked in Southern California since her graduation from CSU, California Maritime in 2002. Son John received his degree in journalism from CSU, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. After working briefly as a news producer for a small market television station in Santa Maria, John transferred employment to the maritime industry and works at the Port of Los Angeles. Sue grew up in Santa Rosa, California, as one of 3 children. She attended local schools advancing to for a time to study at Santa Rosa Junior College. In early adulthood, Sue worked in Human Resources for Hewlett Packard, reviewing employment applications and performing screening interviews for the division located in Santa Rosa. Following her marriage to John, she worked briefly in the Vacaville Unified School District leaving that position in 1977 to be a full-time mom. When she and John began running a few head of commercial cattle, Sue began to educate herself about herd management through a close association with a local beef veterinarian, and, ultimately, with then BBU Director of Field Services, John Newburn. Today, she is responsible for herd health management, genetic selection, breeding decisions, culling practices and record keeping among other aspects of herd management. Sue and John both believe in the breed benefits of Whole Herd Reporting and have participated since the inception of the program. Sue has served on the following BBU committees: Advertising and Public Relations, Breed Improvement, By-Laws, Commercial Marketing, Convention (Chair 2010), Ethics, Membership, and Long Range Planning. During her tenure as WSBBA President, she represented the western states on the Presidents Council. Sue is also a member of Beefmaster Breeders Cattlewomen. Involvement with WSBBA has seen Sue serve as President, Vice President, Secretary and Director. Over the years both Sue and John were active in Western States sales and field days. Together, they have been involved in organizing a number of field days in cooperation with their veterinarian, local Livestock Farm Advisor, and UC Davis. Promoting Beefmasters has been a long-term goal, and has found Sue and John participating in various events with the BBU booth. They are both active in the Napa Solano Cattlemans Association, serving on that board. Not only has Sue held nearly every WSBBA Board position and served on the majority of the BBU committees, she has also attended meetings of committees on which she was not currently serving, and has been in attendance at most BBU Board Meetings over at least the last 9 years

  • Hello,

    I am Norma Jean Bounds. A city girl, that somehow got transplanted to the country 20+ years ago. A cow, well that's what gave us

    milk and beef and that was the extent of my knowledge back then. And now, I may know a little more than back then. Mackie, my

    husband needed a tax write off, and my kids decided to show cattle when we moved to the country, and that was the beginning of the

    story. From cross bred, black baldies, long ear Brahmas, F1 Tiger stripe, and then we got started with our first Beefmasters from my old


    grade teacher, along with my first donkeys. It's been a up and down road, like any rancher can tell you, and it's been an interesting

    trail. Droughts, low prices, coyotes, black leg, we learned so many things thru' the years.

    In the beginning of our ranching experience I helped do what ever the common laborer was suppose to do; check on momma cows,

    give shots, help pen, shred, etc..........until one night around 1:00 am, I told Mackie there has got to be a better way. After that we

    started hiring a little help, until now we have full time help on the ranch. So I don't do much of that any more. I am usually behind the

    camera, taking pictures, updating the website, face-book page, filing, designing ads, and all general computer work. So it's a different

    ball game than it use to be. Easier on the body, worse on the behind!

    Mackie & I have 2 children. Our son, Kent and his wife, Valerie live in Waco, TX and have our littlest granddaughter Lyla that is a

    little sweetheart at the age of 3. She is my little shadow! Our daughter, Crystal and her husband Jeff live in Valley Mills, TX. They

    have 2 children Autumn, 8 and Mason 6. Autumn is our little Princess, Writer, and Artist while Mason wants to be a cowboy,

    fisherman, and all about the outdoors fellow. We are known as Jean-Jean and Pappy to them! As you can tell, they are our highlight

    around the ranch.

    I was raised here in the grand state of Texas, met Mackie and we were married 36 years ago. He transplanted me to Indiana for a few

    years, then we moved back to the Waco, Texas area and planted our roots deep! I have one sister, Sharon and my parents are thankfully

    still living and in good health.

    We enjoy our church family in Lorena, at the Lorena Church of Christ. We raised our children there, and have been members there

    for 34 years.

    I am thankful to be a part of the Beefmaster family. I'm not the most outspoken one around, more quiet, but I have enjoyed meeting

    lots of great people in the Breed!

    Norma Jean Bounds

    Swinging B Ranch Axtell, TX


    Member Spotlight Continued:

  • Beefmaster Breeders Cattlewomen Page 7 of 8

    To make the pumpkin, you just get a bunch of canning

    jar lids and string them together, tying the string tightly.

    The original idea came from Funky Junk Interiors.

    All of the lids should be the same size. Add some

    cinnamon sticks in the center, and added a couple of

    burlap leaves. You can spray paint the rings orange or

    leave them their natural tarnished color for a rustic look.

    Crafters Corner

  • Remember in your prayers Bobbie Wall with the passing of Greg

    Military and their families

    Our nation's leaders


    First responders

    Cares, Concerns, and Prayer Requests

    Beefmaster Breeders


    Send information for the newsletter to

    Erin Brown


    (936) 645-1695

    E-MAIL: [email protected]

    Beefmaster Breeders Cattlewomen is "organized exclusively for charitable, and educational purposes, such as to assist the Beefmaster Breeders United in the promotion of the Beefmaster breed of cattle, to educate the public to the merits of the breed, assist in Junior Beefmaster Breeders Association program with scholarship and any other charitable projects deemed appropriate by its members."

    Mission Statement

    Were on the Web!

    See us at:



    Ester 4:13. Be still for a while and praise God for His favor, His grace and His awesomeness. God is able to do the impossible and is always near. He loves us unconditionally.