categorising facial expressions

Categorising Facial Expressions

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Page 1: Categorising Facial Expressions

CategorisingFacial Expressions

Page 2: Categorising Facial Expressions

Marjorie Ferguson (1980)

Women’s ExpressionsBased on the facial expressions in British Women Magazines.

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Chocolate Box

• Half/ full smile

• Lips together/ slightly parted

• Teeth barley visible

• Full/ three- quarters of face to the camera

This pose shows innocent models quite well. They mood is not certain, but it is usually positive. It conveys warmth and especially works well with beauty shots for fashion magazines.

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• Emphasis on the eyes

• Mouth shut with hint of a smile

• Head to one side or looking back to the camera

This pose does what it says. It invites audience members by the mysterious or mischievous effect it usually gives. However it suggests of a friendly contact than a sexual promise.

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Super smiler

• Full face

• Wide open, toothy smile

• Head thrusts forward or chin thrown back

• Hair often wind blown

This pose helps emphasize the model as strong and independent, almost as if a ‘look at me’ attitude is given.

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• Can include both a male and female

• Dreamy

• Heavy lidded

• Overtly sensual/ sexual

Moods given by this pose are possible ‘available’ and definitely ‘available’.

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Trevor Millum (1975)

Men’s Expressions

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• Active

• Healthy

• Vibrant

• Often smiling/grinning

The overall effect of this pose is friendly and inviting. A carefree pose usually suggest the model is humble yet still content with themselves.

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• Concentrating

• Engaged in business in hand

• Mouth closed

• Eyes object directed

• Sometimes a slight frown

This pose works especially for more mature audiences, and with more mature models. Usually used to take the model seriously and as a professional.

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• Similar to cool/level

• Eyes less wide

• Expression is less reserved but still self-confident

• Milder

Because of these effects of this pose, it usually works effectively with male who can be seen as sex symbols by the typical female.

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• Deliberately ridiculous

• Exaggerated

• Acting the fool

• Pulling faces

These kinds of poses definitely give personality across to the audience, and are usually used for celebrities with personality.

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• A neutral look as of a dummy, artificial, wax like

• Features may be in any position- but most likely to be with eyes open wide and a smile

• Looks remain vacant and empty with personality removed

This pose shows a model as an object more than a person. An artificial look appeals to the needs of men (they aspire to be him) and women (they want to be with him).