catching you

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  • 8/8/2019 Catching You


  • 8/8/2019 Catching You


    Catching You

    Harry Potter/ Draco Malfoy FanFiction

    It has been one month since they mutually and wordless agreed to becoming a couple, but it was said that no

    one else was to now!

    "heir relationship was to be a secret until a good time presented itself for them to let others now that they

    were together, if they were still together by the time this most opportune moment presented itself!

    "hey both saw the logic in this and no ob#ections were $oiced, but now a nagging $oice was growing louder

    inside one half of this pair!

    % ! % ! %

    I turned around for the fourth time and waled bac towards my bed on the other side of the room! I had

    glared at the other occupants and they had wisely stayed outside while I thought of what to do with the mess I

    had gotten myself in!

    I clenched and unclenched my hands as I felt his hair mo$ing through my fingers again! It's not helping to keep

    thinking about him, I told myself as I now thought of issing his nec! I turned and looed at the cloc hanging

    on the wall! It was #ust about time! I&m going to do it! He's given me no choice, I con$inced myself as I piced up

    my green lined robe from the bac of the chair where I dropped it #ust ten minutes before!

    I now where to catch up with him! I&ll eep the secret, but I had to touch him! 'ight days and we ha$en&t e$en

    touched hands ne$er mind issed! I wanted to smell him as he pressed up against me! I lost sight of the hall and

    the students as they made way for me down the center of the passage! I didn&t ha$e any of my so called friends

    with me, but I still carried enough respect as a Malfoy, if not fear, for them to get out of my way!

    "he image of the one I was currently hunting faded from my sight as my hair was blown into my face! I stopped

    to mo$e the strands aside and looed around to see where I was!I'm almost there,I reali(ed as I looed across

    the courtyard that was now in front of me! I saw the red tuft that the )easleys called hair and new he had to

    be with him! I crossed the open area in time to see the three of them as they turned a corner and heard the

    dying sound of a comment from the e$er talati$e *ranger!

    I didn&t hide the fact that I was following them! +tudents from all the houses mo$ed out of my way as I got

    closer! I watched them as they taled and smiled and not soon enough part ways! nce he was out of their sight

    I pulled him to the closest door that we passed as I caught up with him!

    I promptly looed into the room and saw that it was an empty class room! I yaned on his arm and pulled him in

    -uicly before he could call for help or reach for his wand! .s he fell to the ground I pulled out my own and

    aimed it at the door and it&s loc, to secure it twice before placing the unneeded weapon on the table net to

    me as I turned around!

    0Draco, what is wrong with you10 he ased as he looed up at me confused and a little angry!

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  • 8/8/2019 Catching You


    06ine days Potter, nine days,0 I told him as I too off my robe to eep it from getting dirty or wrinled!

    0)hat are you taling about1 )hat happened nine days ago10 he ased without a clue!

    I came closer to him as he seemed to ha$e decided to stay on the floor! I bent and brought my face closer to his!

    0I understand why, I #ust thin that you are trying to torment me or you don&t now when to gi$e in,0 I told him

    before I saw his mouth and couldn&t stop from mo$ing in closer!

    0Drac!!!0 I heard him starting to say my name in protest, but I wasn&t going to listen! I pressed my lips to his and

    opened his mouth to mine as I dran in e$erything about him! My hands were now in his thic hair! I was

    actually tasting him with my lips again and not #ust remembering! I laid o$er his body to feel him s-uirm against


    I was star$ing for him and I had not had my fill when I pulled our lips apart! I breathed hea$ily as I looed down

    on him! His glasses were barely hanging on to his face now! His sin was pale and red at the same time! I felt his

    hands on my body now and reali(ed that they had been there almost since I started my assault on him! ne

    hand held on to my arm while the other had found a place to hold on to around my belt in the middle of mybac!

    0I want more Potter,0 I told him! I don&t now if it came across as a threat, or warning, but I new it was a

    promise to myself! I started to pull off his robe, but stopped when I heard a tear! I looed into his green eyes! I

    didn&t care about the cloth that bared the colors and symbol of my ri$al house, but it could upset him! I waited

    a moment and all he did was stare bac at me with a blan loo that could easily change to horror o$er what I

    had #ust done! I started to uncurl my fingers from his slightly damaged robes to feel him tighten his hold on my

    belt and pull me closer to him!

    0You started this! You should finish it,0 he said before his crooed glasses came closer to me! His lips were hot

    under mine! My pants got tighter as I opened my mouth to let his tongue in!

    0.ahhh,0 I lowly moaned into his mouth as all the itches I had from not holding him o$er the past eight days

    were finally calmed! I went bac to pulling his clothing free from his body, but by the time I pressed my mouth

    to his #aw line and liced downwards, I had yet to free him completely of his shirt and felt it as it touched one of

    my ears!

    0Mmmm,0 he moaned as I suced on his sin, gladly remembering and en#oying the delightful taste it had!

    Harry lifted his hips up to rub both our trapped erections together!

    0You are ruining my plans Potter,0 I told him as I closed my eyes and pushed bac! I #ust wanted to hold him and

    iss him and feel his body against mine! Possibly ha$e a little chat of why such measures had to be taen on my


    0D7.C80 he shouted as I pushed my hand down the front of his pants and gripped him before mo$ing along

    his hot flesh as best I could in a pair of pants that were still buttoned up! I felt his hand on my arm as he tried to

    pull me out!

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    0I thought you wanted me to finish what I started10 I ased him as I leaned in closer to whisper the words into

    his mouth and to continue sliding my hand up and down at a better angle!

    0ohh!!!0 he moaned as his closed his eyes! I came in closer and touched his lips with mine! Oh this was too

    painful.I pulled my hand out and started to open his pants!

    06o, You can&t80 he shouted!

    0You can&t stop me now Potter,0 I told him as I looed down at the rim of his tidy whites! I placed my hands on

    his hips and rubbed my thumbs o$er his eposed waist line! I looed up at his face again and saw him breathing

    deeply before I issed him deeply again before standing! I lifted up my shirt and started to undo the waist of my

    own pants that I really didn&t want to be wearing at this moment!

    Knock. Knock.

    0Mr! Potter1 .re you in there10 came from the other side of the door! It was the old bat, Professor Mc*onagall!

    +he ho$ers o$er Potter lie )easley hangs round his muggle girl friend *ranger! If I didn&t now that she didn&t

    ha$e a shot in fro(en hell of being with him I would be tempted with the idea of being #ealous of herpersistence at being his guardian fairy!

    I -uicly undid the little progress that I had made with my clothing before looing down at Harry to see that he

    was doing the same! I reached out and pulled him up by the tie that was still around his nec!

    0.nswer me! )ho is in there10 came her aged female $oice again! I looed into Potter&s eyes as he looed bac

    at me! I issed him -uicly before she undid my spell and entered the room! I felt his hands on me again but I

    couldn&t tell if he was pulling me towards him or pushing me away! I pulled away and looed into his green eyes

    once again! It then struc me that I was seeing them without his glasses between us! I pulled further away from

    him as I looed for his glasses! "he last time they broe he too fore$er to get them fied!

    "here was a cracing, breaing sound that drew both our eyes to the door! I had to get out of here, I thought as

    I looed down at him!

    0*ood :ye Harry,0 I said with a smile as I left him sitting on the floor to race o$er to the table that had my wand!

    .s I wrapped my fingers around it I heard my spells as they were broen! "he sound of breaing glass falling in

    wa$es preceded the clin of the loc that was now open! I looed around for a way out and saw the open

    window behind Potter! I #umped o$er him and di$ed out the window! I didn&t hear anything but one foot fall

    coming from where the door was, before I heard the wind rushing past my ears as I #umped out of the opening

    in the wall! .s I fell I hit my shoulder on the grass co$ered ground that was #ust four feet below the opening!

    "he force of my run had me rolling until I hit the trun of a tree that put a stop to my downward tra$el!

    Ow! My bloody head.I laid there for a bit waiting for e$erything to stop spinning! I then -uicly turned my head

    from side to side as I looed around, upside down, to see if anyone was running in my direction! o one would

    come running after me,I told myself calming my ner$es! "hey wouldn&t chase after me, they new they weren&t

    strong enough to last long in a fight with me! .t least that is what I tried to tell myself! Most feared me #ust

    because of my father or my family name, but only Harry really now the state of my fighting sills!

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  • 8/8/2019 Catching You


    .nd if they didn&t now it was me, Potter wasn&t going to tell them! I smiled and en#oyed the sunshine on my

    face as I now propped up both my feet on the tree trun! I grinned at the sight Professor Mc*onagall must ha$e

    met when she entered the room! I didn&t lea$e any bruises on him, but his missing glasses and torn robe would

    ha$e it looing lie he was in something of a fight!

    My robe! I hit my head as I remembered lea$ing it behind in my haste to get away unseen! *reat8 6ow I ha$e to

    go get one before my net class started! I iced against the tree and rolled bacwards until I landed in a

    crouched position that allowed me to stand up in a dignified manner! I brushed myself off before looing bac

    at the room I #ust escaped from! It was at the top of small hill actually! '$en if I didn&t run I&m sure I would ha$e

    rolled down here anyway #ust by #umping out the window!

    I too a more upright loo around and reali(ed that I was #ust a building away from my house! I waled in the

    direction that would get me there the fastest and slowly I began to mi with the rest of the students of the

    school! 6o one said anything or tried to stop me and I passed a Professor or two!