catching falling leaves play original

1/1/2012 The Romantic Comedy Play | By: Victoria Montgomery 1

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a Shittily written play I wrote in high school


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The Romantic Comedy Play | By: Victoria Montgomery


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Jason works at a coffee in the average old town where nothing exciting ever happens. He dropped out of musical art college because he couldn’t pay for it. Both his parents are dead. There are three other people at the coffee shop, His manager Lizzie, Kelsey, a girl he’s been friends with since childhood, and Xavier, the barista. Jason keeps auditioning for a song writing deal. He’s not so great at writing and singing songs. So every time he goes to present his music to the judges they always tell him it’s missing that certain something. Suddenly in walks Amy, a girl from out of town. (This is rare) She’s from the north. Amy comes in everyday and orders a mint chocolate chip latte. Jason takes her order one day and assumes he loves her because he finds her interesting. He begins to talk to her and learns that she enjoys reading novels and one day dreams of writing her own. But really she’s acting and she aspires to be an actress. She doesn’t enjoy reading in fact she’d rather be out partying than going on dates with her Ex Boyfriend. Jason and Amy end up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. She doesn’t love him at all. This is all so she can prove to her Ex she is a great better actress. The play ends when Jason decides he is moving to the north to be with Amy. The audience will know that this is a setup because she has a conversation about it over the phone. Kelsey also over hears this conversation. Jason seriously believes he’s in love with Amy. But he leaves the only girl who truly loves him. Things end up bad for Kelsey and she tells the Audience why she never told Jason she loves him.


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Jason- College Drop out. He loves music. He works the cash register at the House of Joe. He’s a little dense. And once he decides something no one can tell him different. Has a spunky attitude about him. Jason dresses in plaid shirts and jeans. He’s actually nice and sweet if you get to know him. He is a very dense boy unless he’s after a girl himself.

Kelsey- She is Jason’s friend since childhood. She bakes the sweets at the Café and is the one who decorates it for special occasions. She secretly Loves Jason and has loved him for 4 years. She sings and is great at writing. Kelsey reads novels on her time off. When she is around Jason she can’t help but smile. She is not very fond of Xavier and is friends with the manager. Doesn’t like it when people are being tricked.

Amy- Customer actually is an actress in college. She comes from a rich family. They bought her way into a dramatic arts college. Ex boyfriend said that she couldn’t act and doesn’t deserve to be there. Loves to party and talk. Barely reads. Not the smartest at school. Has the Charisma skill to charm anyone. (Except Kelsey and Lizzie) Can’t sing or dance. She is very melodramatic. Has sudden outbursts that the audience can tell she’s not who Jason thinks she is.

Xavier- The barista and assistant manager, he is 1 year older than Jason. A nerd among nerds. He loves videogames, Internet, and rating the women who come in the café. Often calls Jason a Hipster. Xavier says memes in real world situations. Can’t sing but is very smart. His appearance is pretty average, wears glasses. Related to the manager, but will not admit it.

Manager (Lizzie)- . She is the one that does all the background work for the House of Joe. She is really good friend of Kelsey. She is Xavier’s first cousin. Lizzie is very flashy and boisterous. She is always late, or not at work (Unless she hears her name).She has always wanted to own a business. Knows about how much Kelsey loves Jason and often tries to get her and him alone. Always has a FABULOUS outfit.

There are many extra characters that can be used as extras; one of them is Amy’s friend who calls her on the phone to see how things are working out. There are characters that need to be background people too.


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Catching Falling LeavesScene 1: Like a Spider or a Moth.

Curtains open with Jason sitting on a side stage with a guitar and a mike, he strums it as if he is going to sing but doesn’t because he is interrupted by Kelsey. There is a large counter-top, pastry display case with fake sweets (pictures or toy-food)

Kelsey: (struggling with a big bag of coffee behind countertop) Umm… Jason.

Jason: (talking to his self) How could they! Those stupid critics don’t know music when they see it! My songs are a masterpiece! They probably couldn’t tell the difference between Rebecca Black and a song filled with emotions and depth!!!

Kelsey: Jason? A little help please! (he talks to the audience. As Kelsey is losing her balance)

Jason: I’m sorry sir but your songs are missing a certain something. That Something! That Something! That’s about all I hear from critics!

Kelsey: JASON HELP!!!

(Jason finally notices and runs over to help her. He catches her awkwardly backwards just as she is about to hit the floor)

Kelsey: whew, thanks! That bag was about to crush me.

Jason: (still holding her awkwardly) What on earth made you think you could handle all that?

Kelsey: Ummm…. See what had happen was…

(Xavier walks in hanging up a jacket and putting his apron on)

Xavier: Woooh Guys! Sorry to interrupt your little flirting scene.

(They gather themselves together and stand in an upright position. Kelsey is a little flushed, while that “experience” had no effect on Jason.)

Xavier:*continuing* But why is the “Sorry we’re closed” sign up? Who was the last person to come in?


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(Kelsey looks at Jason. He notices)

Jason: What?! I needed some time to gather myself after such shocking news! Xavier can you believe this! (He takes out a piece of folded paper from his pocket. While showing it to Xavier the paper says REGECTED in bold letters.)

Jason: They took my song, balled it up and threw it away like it was nothing!

(Xavier takes the paper balls it up, and throws it in the trash.)

Xavier: Jason I don’t pay you to Gather up yourself or write your silly songs! I pay to work now get back to it!

Jason: What are you talking about? You don’t pay us. You’re only the Assistant Manager! Besides if Lizzie..

(Xavier runs to Jason and covers his mouth.)

Xavier: SHHHH!

(He looks around. When he realizes it’s clear, he removes his hand from Jason’s mouth.

Xavier: *sighs* Don’t say that word! He has very sensitive ears. Especially when you say his name! You know he’ll cling to you like a moth clings to a light bulb! Only this one won’t die when he touches the light. No~ this one is a very indestructible pest. You remove the light bulb and it stays in the room and annoys you to death. You try to squish it and he becomes a spider and bites you. If you kill a spider, more spiders come and then next thing you know your house is filled with spiders using up all your hot water and eating all your snacks. (Starts to lose it) Spider. In. My. House. I CANNOT ESCAPE!

Jason: (shakes Xavier) Pull yourself together man! (Smacks him)

Xavier: Thanks man. I needed that.

Kelsey: You guys are mean. I would never compare a spider to Lizzie.

(Lizzie struts in)

Lizzie: Good Morning Darlings!

Xavier: Oh No! (Shakes his head) She’s back!

Lizzie: Nice to see you too X honey! (Facing the audience) And what is this I hear about a Spider. Don’t tell me I have to get Cooks Pest Control in hear.

(sings the jingle and does a cutesy dance)

Lizzie: Looky! Looky! Looky!


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Hear comes cookie.

Cooks Pest Control!

(Liz gives the audience a charming smile. While Jason and Kelsey get back to work. Amy and her group of friends walk in. Two head straight to the countertop to order their drinks. While the rest (three including Amy) head to a table on the left side of the stage. Xavier runs his hand through his hair)

Xavier: Why do you have to be so annoying?

Liz: Why do you have to be so uptight? And speaking of which, why are you working my poor poor Kelsey, and Jason to death. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Xavier: But!

Liz: No Buts! Now get back to work. Time is money. And money pays for my shopping sprees!

(Lizzie crosses stage left but before exiting she stops behind Amy. Taps her on the shoulder to get her attention. With an icy smile she says)

Lizzie: I don’t like you.

(Lizzie exits. While Amy has a very confused and is mouthing the word why.)

Scene 2- Mint Chocolate Chip

( Amy and her 4 friends are sitting in a semi- circle around a table facing the audience. One of them have a laptop in front of them. Two others have coffee they got while in act one. Amy is looking very sad. She puts her hands on her face. )

Amy: What am I going to do? He said called me a spoiled brat in front of everyone. I have never been so embarrassed in my whole life!

Group Altogether: Aww Poor Amy!

Amy: Tis alright group that says whatever I want them to in perfect synchronization. For I will somehow go on with my college life

Group Altogether: Aww Poor Amy!

Amy: I need a latte! Waiter oh waiter!


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(Jason is leaning on the counter staring at Amy. Kelsey and Xavier look around; they both look at each other and point at one another. They both throw up their hands and exclaim.)

Kelsey and Xavier: Naw!

Friend 1 with coffee: Umm Amy? I think you have to go up there and order something. Last time I checked there aren’t any waiters in a café.

Amy: Well Friend 1 with coffee, you really don’t expect me to get up and walk over there do you?

(All the friends look at each other and nod)

Amy: Ughh! Do I have to do everything myself!

(She crosses to the counter as Jason wipes his apron and checks his breath)

Jason: Welcome to House of Joe! My name is Joe. (Corrects himself) I mean uhh, Jason. Yea umm what can I get you?

Amy: Mint Chocolate Chip Latte and make it quick! (She snaps at him)

Jason: (still stricken by her beauty) Yes, anything for you beautiful.

Amy: Huh?

Jason: I mean uhh, Yes Ma’am

(Amy goes back to her table. Jason crosses to Xavier while Kelsey is organizing some coffee cups.)

Jason: Quickly! Make a mint chocolate L!

Xavier: Bro, chill out. What’s wrong with you?

Jason: Well there’s this girl…

Xavier: Oh wow great story! Speaking of girls, what do you think about that group over there?

(He nods towards Amy’s group)

Xavier: I’d give that one on the end an 8. Maybe the one next to her is a 6.

Jason: Xavier, I think I’m in love. She’s so beautiful and did hear her accent.

Xavier: Wait! The one that ordered this nasty tasting thing? She’s nowhere near cute on my scale. And what accent? She sounds just like all these other Herpinas in this stupid town.

Jason: Will you stop it with the memes? And she’s not just someone from town. I’ve never seen her before. I’ve never seen something so mysterious.


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(Gazes at Amy, She looks back at him and grimaces)

Xavier: Oh shut up Mr. ForeverAlone! You’ve barely said ten words to the girl! And by that look I can tell she’s not interested, dude give up.

Jason: I have to said ten words to her! (Counts on his hand) In fact, I have said 29 words to her.

Xavier: (starts clapping and sarcastic) Oh bravo Jason! You are a real snake charmer! Now will you please deliver this to her table before Miss Snake walks over here again?

(He crosses to Amy’s table.)

Xavier: (looks up as if talking to God) Why do you always send them to me?

(Jason at Amy’s table)

Jason: Here you go Ma’am. Anything else?

Amy: (rudely) No! Will you please leave?

(Jason goes back behind the counter. Xavier is laughing and Kelsey is confused what happened. Amy is drinking her coffee, and her friends are patting her on her back)

Amy: What is with the boys here they are so creepy! Hey, Laptop Friend let me use your laptop. I need to update my status on Facebook, and the iphone app is so stupid.

(Laptop Friend scoots her laptop to Amy)

Amy: Omg guys he updated his status, (dramatizes this) “Never Again less than sign, slash, three! (</3)”

Group Altogether: Aww Poor Amy!

Amy: What am I going to do?! I can’t return to that school knowing he won’t want me anymore!

Friend 1: Why don’t you just prove to him you can act?

Amy: (interested) Ohhh? Friend Number One. I’m interested! Please tell me more!

Friend 1: Well why don’t you stay here for a month and get yourself a new bf!

Amy: I don’t understand how staying here in Hillbilly country and finding myself a “Cowboy” would make him want me back?!

Friend 1: Well if you can “act” your way into the heart of one of these cowboys then that will prove to him you are a great actress. Plus he will be jealous when you show up on campus with another man. Guys can’t stand that! He’ll become so jealous he’ll take you back!


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Amy: Wow! See that’s why you are Friend Number One, instead of coffee breath over here! I like the way you think! C’mon girls! Let’s go shopping for my new life since apparently I will be staying here.

(Amy and her group exit stage right, lights dim. The rest of the coffee shop workers walk calmly to their spots)

Scene 3- Espresso Yourself

(This scene opens up with Jason sitting at a table writing on a piece of paper and drinking coffee. Xavier pulls out an iPod and jams as if he can’t hear anything. He is sitting at the same table as Amy and her friends. Kelsey is cleaning a cup, and Lizzie is leaning on a different table and talking on her cell phone.)

Lizzie: (smiling and is happy) Alright honey. 10 o-clock? But that’s in 20 minutes that is not enough time for me to get ready! I need to do my makeup and fix my hair! Then what will I wear? (There is an 8 second pause) Alright if you say so…. I love you too!

(Lizzie hangs up and gives a smile indicating that she’s in love. Then she skips to Kelsey.)

Kelsey: And may I ask why you are so bubbly?

Lizzie: (is excited) Dancing! Club! Cute! Guy! Must go now! Here! (Gives her the keys out of her pocket. Then runs and hangs up her apron on a rack.) Remember to clean before you lock up!

(Lizzie runs off stage. Kelsey puts the keys in her pocket and gets a broom from behind the counter. She sweeps and is getting closer to Jason. He is still writing on his paper looking frustrated. Jason makes a face and erases on the paper and wipes it off the table. Kelsey leans down and cleans it up. )

Jason: UGHHHH! (Hasn’t noticed Kelsey. He erases and wipes it off different side the table. Kelsey wipes that up too)

Jason: This is useless! (Balls up the paper and throws it away) I’ll never be able to write a good song!


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Kelsey: (gets up from under the table) That’s not true Jason! You just have to try harder.

Jason: No it’s hopeless. Everything I write down is an instant jumble of words. No emotions! I don’t understand what they wanted me to accomplish! (Confused and points at Kelsey) And why were you under the table?

Kelsey: (notices broom in her hand. Drops it) That is beside the point!

Jason: And what exactly is the point?

(Kelsey walks to the trashcan and pulls out Jason’s balled piece of paper.)

Kelsey: This! Jason I know you and I believe in you. I mean look at these lyrics!

(She brings the paper closer to Jason and begins to read them.)

Kelsey: “My life is a boat sailing on the ocean”

“I am a sailor this boat, and she my love, is the boat?”

(Kelsey raises her eyebrows at Jason)

Jason: Hey! That one line is beautiful! A masterpiece!

(Kelsey keeps reading)

Kelsey: “Fish jump out of the water to flirt and kiss my boat, but she is mine and only mine. My boat is new! From someplace afar. With a cute northern horn only I can hear?” Ummm Jason?

Jason: I swear to you it sounds better with the music. (he goes and gets his guitar still laying beside the stool in scene 1.)

Kelsey:….. Ok then? Let me hear what you’ve got?

(Jason sits in a chair and strums his guitar,)

Kelsey: Hmm? Not bad? Do you mind if I edit this song a bit.

Jason: (still strumming) Nope. Go ahead.

Kelsey: (singing to his guitar) Remember that day I met you. I looked in your eyes and asked who? You’re the most wonderful girl in the world.

Xavier: (still has head phones on, singing with his own music in his head) What now son? What now son! I beat’em with my gun. I beat’em with my gun.

(Xavier goes back to bobbing his head up and down. Kelsey and Jason look at him and then continue playing)


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Kelsey: (singing) I feel like I’m the only who can’t hold your attention. I wish that you’d listen to me. I put you first instead of all my problems…

Xavier: (interrupting again, waves his hands) To the windows! To the wall!

Kelsey: (restarts singing) I get jealous when other boys talk to you. I want to tell you my feelings too…

Xavier: (interrupts and dances) Soulja Boy up in this oh. Watch me crank it, watch me roll. Watch me crack dat soulja boy that superman that oh! Now watch me YOU~ YOU~ YOU~

(Xavier calmly sits down like nothing ever happen. They both give him a confused look, then they start back up.

Kelsey: I don’t know the word to express myself towards you. Well I guess what I’m trying to say. Is that I Love….

Xavier: ( He stands and dances toward the middle of the stage and interrupts for the last time) Just take those old records off the shelves. I sit and listen to them by myself! Today’s music aint got the same soul. I like that old time Rock and Roll!

Jason: You know what this isn’t working anymore. I’m going home. (Gets up and takes his guitar with him

(Xavier is still dancing when he leaves. Kelsey gets up and throws her apron on the ground. Then Crosses towards Xavier and yanks his head phones out.)

Kelsey: You know what?! Why don’t you clean and lock up for the night! I’m going home! Why do you have to ruin every good moment X? WHY!?

(Kelsey shoves the keys in his chest, and walks off stage outraged)

Xavier: (yells toward right side of stage) What did I do? (Looks at audience) Somebody is on their time of the month.

( He picks up broom and starts sweeping. Lights dim. End of scene)

Scene 4: Bookworms live in New Jersey

(Scene opens with Jason and Xavier working behind the counter. Amy is sitting at a nearby table


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reading Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet upside down. She is peeking at Jason behind the counter.)

Xavier: Hey, Jason? Look it seems like your “new love” is spying on you. (points at Amy)

Jason: (looks back at her. Amy notices and turns her head away) Wow. She totally was! Quick make a Chocolate Chip Peppermint Latte!

Xavier: Dude you memorized what she ordered yesterday? No me gusta, challenge denied.

Jason: X, stop it with your nerd talk. And help me out with this one!

Xavier: (folds his hands) Why should I help you? What do I have to do with you and your Hipster love life?

Jason: What’s a Hipster? This isn’t the 1970’s.

Xavier: (sighs) It’s a word that we nerds would use to describe someone like you. Someone who listens to bands you've never heard of, wears ironic tee-shirts, and believes they are better than you, reads novels I never heard of, is all about save the planet stuff. Yea, that’s basically you.

Jason: I don’t think I’m better than you! That has to be the most made up piece of crap I’ve ever heard in my whole life!

Xavier: That still dosen’t answer my question. What I will you give me for this “free of charge” latte?

Jason: Ok. I will wash the dishes for 2 weeks, and you get 20 percent of my pay.

Xavier: I don’t know if 20 percent will be enough… My hand doesn’t feel like working today….

Jason: Alright 30 percent! Just make the Latte!

Xavier: Challenge accepted! (Shakes hands) Now would you mind bringing this latte to the girl in the black jacket? It’s been getting cold.

Jason: (surprised) But how did you? When did you?

Xavier: What? Don’t tell me you didn’t see me working over here this whole time? You mad bro? You mad?

Jason: Give me that!

(Jason takes the latte and walks toward Amy who is still reading. She put the book down when she notices Jason)

Jason: Here’s your latte.

Amy: But I didn’t order a latte?


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Jason: It’s on the house, Miss…

Amy: Oh it’s Amy……anda. Amanda. (Looks at chair) Amanda Chairly.

Jason: So Miss Amanda? Where are you from? I noticed your accent.

Amy: I’m from New Jersey. It’s very lovely. Not at all like the Jersey Shore. Not that I would know about those types of shows! I read a lot!

Jason: I can tell. What book were you just reading? (picks up the book) Ahh, Romeo and Juliet ! I remember reading this in high school!

Amy: (worried) You do?

Jason: Yes, it always bothered me how Romeo believed that Juliet was dead and instantly kills him. I mean they were only in love for three days! What about you?

Amy: (stutters and scratches her head. It’s obvious to the audience that she’s never read it.) I ummm. Agree! She should have waited for Romeo to rescue her in the tall tower. But it was silly how he kept fighting with the big bad wolf, over the rainbow?

(Amy cringes knowing that may not be the story. Jason puts his hand on his chin and thinks)

Jason: Amanda. You. Are. Brilliant.

(Amy sighs and takes a sip of her drink)

Jason: Never have I tried to put Romeo and Juliet into children’s book mash up. I get it! The tall tower represents her parents forcing her to marry. The Big Bad Wolf is Tybalt, keeping Juliet away from her one true love. And the rainbow is the paradise that they would’ve escaped to, if her and Romeo had gotten away.

Amy: (nods at Jason then turns to audience) He’s dumber than I thought. This is going to be easy!

Jason: How did you come up with that?

Amy: Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a writer. I’m currently in a writing school.

Jason: Writing? Me too. I used to be in Musical art school. I write songs!

(Kelsey and Lizzie walk in. They hang around by the counter)

Jason: Wow, Amanda. We have so much in common. I’d really like to get to know you better. How about dinner? I know I nice little place downtown?

Amy: Sure. (Gets a pen and napkin off the table) why don’t you come to this address at 7:00. Oh and here is my phone number too.


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Jason: Ok! (gets up and backwards walk towards counter) 7:00 it is then! (Jason runs behind counter and tells Xavier the big news, they high-five. While this is going on Amy’s phone will be ringing. She answers and it is Friend 1 from behind the stage.)

Amy: Hello?

Friend 1: Amy darling how are you doing? Is my plan working?

Amy: Working like a charm. He’s head over heels about me. Why did you choose the coffee shop guy anyway?

(Kelsey walks over to clean a nearby table)

Friend 1: I could tell by the way he was looking at you. Are your notes I gave you?

Amy: Yes, I’m a book worm from New Jersey. I want to become a writer. I like his eyes, the he dresses, and how clever he is.

Friend 1: Good, How did it go so far?

Amy: Friend I’m telling you Coffee boy is the most gullible man I ever met! I swear to you if he won the lottery he’d be broke in a day. Get this he thought I actually read Romeo and Juliet! And then called me a genius for comparing it to children’s books! I was just making stuff up! LOL!

Friend 1: I knew he’d be a good choice. Guess who I just saw at the mall?

Amy: Who?

Friend 1: Your Ex. He was walking around with some girl! You better hurry girl or else your man is going to forget all about you!

Amy: Tell that girl to get away from my man… well ex man. And yes I am. The dumb nut already asked me out! I’ll be back in Virginia in no time!

Friend 1: LOL GTG Bye Amy! ILY!

Amy: ILY Friend Number 1!

(Amy hangs up the phone and walks toward stage right. She stops for a second looking at her clothes.)

Amy: OMG I have to get out of these dirty Hillbilly clothes.

(Runs off stage. Kelsey has an Uh Oh look on her face. She runs behind the counter to tell Jason what she just overheard. Two more customers walk in.)

Kelsey: Lizzie have you seen Jason? No hun. But would you mind helping me with these two customers?


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(Kelsey walks over to the counter and acts like she’s Taking their order. Suddenly Xavier comes out from the left side of the stage. )

Xavier: Introducing the hipster who’s the number one mister. Jason Spraggs!

Jason: (walks out normally) Oh cut it out Xavier! It’s still shot out how you took my 30 percent like it was nothing.

Kelsey: Hey Xavier can you make their drinks? I need to have a word with Jason.

(Kelsey walks out from behind the counter. She moves him to the front of the stage.)

Jason: What’s up Kells?

Kelsey: I have something to tell you.

Jason: Oh me too! Do you mind if I go first?

Kelsey: Sure. Go right ahead.

Jason: I met the most beautiful girl today. She’s smart, she’s cool and calm. We both love to write! Oh Kelsey you just have to meet her! I’m sure you too would get along great! After all you’re like a sister to me!

Kelsey: Yea Jason that’s what I have to talk to you about. I overheard her talking on the phone. Jason she’s not who you think she is! She’s only using you to get her Boyfriend back. She called you dumb Jason! She said you were gullible! Please Jason don’t go out with her tonight.

Jason: I can’t believe this!

Kelsey: (pats him on the back) Me neither. I know how you feel.

Jason: I can’t believe you would make up a petty lie only because you’re jealous! Jealous I found my one true love and you didn’t! I can’t believe you Kelsey!

Kelsey: Really Jason?! You think I did this out of jealousy! You know what? Go! Go on your stupid little date! See what I care! But don’t come back crying to me when She dumps you for her Ex!

Jason: Fine! I’ll leave! (Walks toward exit) And I know that won’t happen because she’s not a LIER like some people! I guess our years growing up together were nothing but LIES! I thought I could trust you! I thought you would be happy for me! Well I found mine! Why don’t you go out and find yours! (He walks off stage and we hear a door slam)

(Kelsey starts crying)

Kelsey: I Loved You Jason! My one true love was you! Why can’t you see that?!


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(Kelsey kneels down and hugs herself. Lizzie walks over and covers her with a blanket and holds her. Lights Dim. Kelsey walks off stage. End Scene)

Scene 5- Happy Endings are so Mainstream

(Lights back up. We see Lizzie sitting down at a table typing on her laptop. Xavier is walking to her carrying two cups of coffee. He sits down at the table.)

Xavier: What are you doing?

Lizzie: Just balancing our funds.

Xavier: Why does it seem like ever since the two of them had that fight the coffee shop has become dull.

Lizzie: What can you expect? The girl has loved for 4 years. No matter what she does he just won’t see her that way. I remember when Jason wrote a song about his dream girl. She was Great at baking, had a humble smile, supported him when in need, and always had a calm outlook about her. You can’t tell me that does not sound like Kelsey.

Xavier: But why would you trust a song by him? He’s written up some seriously stupid songs. Remember “I can’t find my glasses”? Or how about “Techno Kitty’s Friday Night”? I wasn’t sleeping for weeks after I heard that one!

Lizzie: Just be happy he didn’t write lyrics for “Friday”! That song sounds like two mikes rubbing up against each other. Even though I’m sure that would sound a lot more pleasant instead of the actually song.

(Kelsey walks in calm as ever but you can hint at the sadness in the air)

Kelsey: Good Morning Everyone!

Xavier: Good Morning Kells

Lizzie: Good Morning Darling.

Kelsey: Has Jason dropped by?

Lizzie: No hun. Today will mark an official two weeks since we last saw him. I would fire him but I’m afraid to see how he’d react.

(2 customers walk in)

Kelsey: Oh…. Ok..

( Kelsey helps the Customers, and Xavier goes behind the counter. Suddenly Jason and Amy walk in holding hand and hand)


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Jason: Hiyah Folks!

Kelsey: ( looks up and is very surprised! ) Jason?!

(Xavier goes to shake his hand)

Xavier: Good to have you back buddy!

Amy: Aren’t you going to introduce to your friends before we go?

Jason: Oh yes. Amanda this is Kelsey. Kelsey meet Amanda. And my friend over there is Xavier. And last but not least this is my former manager Lizzie.

Lizzie: Former what are you talking about?

Jason: Amanda has invited me to move to Virginia with her. She says she got accepted into a writing college.

Amy: I’m trying to become a writer!

Kelsey: What about your job?

Jason: I’ll find another one once we are settled in.

(Amy’s phone rings. She answers)

Amy: Excuse me guys, I need to take this one outside.

(Amy walks off the right of the stage,)

Lizzie: Umm Xavier come with me I have to show you something in the back.

Xavier: What kind of something?

Lizzie: (growls) Come back here now or you’re fired!

(Xavier follows Lizzie out the left exit. And Jason and Kelsey are left all alone. Kelsey leans against the counter top. Jason joins her.)

Kelsey: Jason?

Jason: Hmm?

Kelsey: Do you remember when we were little and you used to come over and play in my backyard? Remember that game we used to play around this time of year?

Jason: (thinks back) Oh! Catching Falling Leaves?

Kelsey: Yep that’s the one. Remember how you used to always catch more leaves then me. But most of your leaves were green and mine were always colored so yours didn’t count?


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Jason: I remember that! I used to get so mad and wonder how come you never caught the green ones!

Kelsey: Yes, well that’s how I think we are now. I always catch the red and you end up with more green.

Jason: I swear to you Kelsey if this is another jealousy lecture, I will walk out that door right now!

Kelsey: No! No, it’s not. I think that it’s great that you’ve caught green leaves. They can be pretty in their own way. I still haven’t caught any green leaves, but one day I should! And I promise you would be the first to know! I guess what I’m trying to say is take care of yourself Jason. I’m going to miss you. And please visit whenever you can.

Jason: I will Kelsey. I know someday you’ll catch those green leaves! Someday you’ll find the right one and be as happy as I am now.

(Amy walks back in.)

Amy: C’mon Jason we have a plane to catch!

Jason: Alright I’m coming.

(Jason and Kelsey hug. )

Kelsey: Good Bye Jason.

Jason: Good Bye Kelsey. Take care of yourself.

(Jason kisses her on the forehead. And then runs off stage. Kelsey sits in s chair facing the audience)

Kelsey: You’re probably wondering, why didn’t you just tell him you love him? I believe the most appropriate answer would be there is a time for everything. I’m not sure if he’ll come back. I’m not sure if I’ll ever see him again. I’m just happy I had such a wonderful experience knowing him. Jason may forget me……………. But I will never forget him.

(Lights Dim out. Kelsey stays still. Curtains close.


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