catasetum taquariense bicalho, barros & moutinho (orchidaceae): a new species from brazil

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  • 8/14/2019 Catasetum taquariense Bicalho, Barros & Moutinho (Orchidaceae): A New Species from Brazil


    Catasetum taquariense Bicalho,Barros & Moutinho (Orchidaceae),


    In this work, the authors deseribe and illustrate a new speeiesof the orehid genus Catasetum L. C. Rieh. ex Kunth:Catasetum taquariense Bicalho, Barr.os & Moutinho.

    This speeies has been known for a fairly long time undereultivation and comes from the states of Mato Grosso andMinas Gerais, in Brasil.

    Catasetum taquariense Bicalho, Barros & Moutinho, sp.novo Epiphytieum; joliis membranaeeis, elliptieis, 3-n(;:rviisetmulti-nervulosis, aeuminatis, basin versum in pseudo-petiolumangustatis, apieale ea. 24,0 em longae, 2,5 em latae,inferioribus minoribus; racemo ereeto, in speeime nostro8-floribus, ea. 13,0 em longo, seapo glabro; bracteis angustetriangularibus, ea. 1,2 em longis, 0,3 em latis; floribusmaseulis ressupinatis, viride-flaveseentibus, vinaeeo-punetatis;sepalis membranaeeis, ereetis, elliptico-laneeolatis, apicebreviter apiculatis, dorsali 3,5 em longae, 1,3 em latae,lateralibus ea. 3,5 em longo, 1,4 em lato; petalis oblaneeolatis,apiee breviter apiculatis, ea. 3,6 em longis, 1,3em latis; labelloambito subeordiforme, saeciforme, earnoso, trilobato, basileviter eordato, lobis lateralibus sub-ereetis, rotundatis,margine serrulato-dentieulatis, lobo intermedio projeeto,ligulato, margine retrorsa; toto labello explanato ea. 3,3 emlongo, 3,0 em lato; columna generis, apiee rostrata, ea. 3,0 emlonga; cirris parallelis, ea. 1,6 em longis, labelli saeeiformisimo attingentibus; pedicelis teretis, ea. 2,0 em longis; floresjemineis et capsula non vidi.

    HOLOTYPUS: BRASIL - Mato Grosso do Sul; admargines rivuli Taquari, 11. 1980, eol. V.P. Castro s.n.(HB70517)

    PARA TYPUS: BRASIL - Mato Grosso do Sul; admargines rivuli Taquari, floruit in eultivatione, 11. IlI. 1981eol. E. L M. Catharino s.n. (SP I 70302). Minas Gerais -1Instituto de Botaniea. Present address: Instituto de Genetica,ESALQ/USP, CX. Postal 83, 13400 Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.'Instituto de Botanica, CX.Postal 4005, 01000 Sao Paul,o, SP, Brazil.'Herbarium Bradeanum, Cx. Postal 15005, 20000 Rio de Janeiro, R.J. Brazil.


    Cruzeiro da Fortaleza; Corrego do Jaeu, 31-V-1976, eol. M. F.Silva s.n. (SPI75569).

    ln the following English deseription, we have intermixedobservations and measurements obtained from plants otherthan the Holotype.

    Plant epiphytie. Roots fleshy, glabrous, white. Rhizomevery short. Pseudobulbs narrowly, ovoid, 11.0-13.0 em long,3.5-3.7 em wide. Leaves membranaeeous, elliptie, aeuminate,attenuate at base, with three main and many thin nerves; theapiealleaves 22.0-24.0 em long, 2.5-4.5 em wide, diminishingfrom apex to base. Raeeme ereet with 5-13 flowers, seapeglabrous with three membranaeeous, obliquely truneate, nar-rowly triangular shoots 10.0 mm long and 4.0 mm wide. Maleflowers resupinate, sepals yellow-green, membranaeeous,ereet, elliptieal-laneeolate, shortly apieulate, 3.2-3.5 em long,1.2-1.5 em wide, the lateral sepals a bit smaller than the dorsal.Petals oblong-laneeolate, shortly apieulate, 3.2-3.6 em long,1.3-I.7 em wide, entirely yellow-green and spotted with red-brown. Lip sub-eordiform, saeeate, fleshy, trilobed, the baserather eordate; laterallobes sub-ereet, rounded, with serrulate-dentieulate margins; median lobe projeeted, ligulate, wit.hretrorse margins, 3.0-3.3 em long and 2.5-3.0 em wide whenexpanded, yellow-green, with red-brown spots and marks in-ternally. Column typical, rostrate, 2.5-3.0 em long, cirrhi1.3-1.6 em long, reaehing the depth of the lip eoneavity;pedieel eylindrieal, 2.0 em longo Female flowers and eapsulesnot seen.

    This speeies is closely related to C. spitzii Hoehne (1941)from which it differs by the smaller flowers, the eolor of thesepals and petals, the deep eoneavity of the labellum whieh hasno eiliate margins, the slightly thiek apieal lobe and the nonprominent ealosity.

    The faet of the antenna-like projeetions of the eolumnbeing paralIei and symmetrieal plaees this species in subseet.Isoceras (Seet. Meizocatasetum) aeeording to the generalorganization of the genus proposed by Mansfeld (1932).

    Orch. Dig., Nov.-Dec. 1984

  • 8/14/2019 Catasetum taquariense Bicalho, Barros & Moutinho (Orchidaceae): A New Species from Brazil




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    FIGS. 1-8: Catasetum taquariense Bicalho, Barros &Moutinho. 1. General view; 2. flower infront view; 3. longitudinal section of the lip callus; 4. flower in lateral view; 5. longitudinalsection of flower; 6. fIower in lateral view; 7. mid-Iobe of the lip in back view; 8. mid-Iobe Mthe lip in lateral view. (1 and 2 from SP 170302; 3 and 4 from HB 70517 - HOLOTYPE: 5from SP 170318; 7 and 8 from living material).

    Orch. Dig., Nov.-Dec. 1984 219

  • 8/14/2019 Catasetum taquariense Bicalho, Barros & Moutinho (Orchidaceae): A New Species from Brazil




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