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    Third Edition

    Edited byIWAO OJIMA


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    Third Edition

    Edited byIWAO OJIMA


  • Copyright © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved

    Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New JerseyPublished simultaneously in Canada

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Catalytic asymmetric synthesis / [edited by] Iwao Ojima. – 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-17577-4 (cloth) 1. Asymmetric synthesis. 2. Catalysis. I. Ojima, Iwao, 1945– QD262.C357 2010 547′.2–dc22 2009052132

    Printed in the United States of America.

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    Preface ix

    Preface to the Second Edition xi

    Preface to the First Edition xiii

    Contributors xv

    1 Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis in Nonconventional Media/Conditions 1

    Chikako Ogawa and Shū Kobayashi

    2 Asymmetric Organocatalysis 37

    2A Enantioselective Organocatalysis Involving Iminium, Enamine, SOMO, and Photoredox Activation 39

    Allan J. B. Watson and David W. C. MacMillan

    2B Asymmetric Acid–Base Bifunctional Catalysis with Organic Molecules 59

    Yi Wang and Li Deng

    2C Asymmetric Phase-Transfer and Ion Pair Catalysis 95

    Seiji Shirakawa and Keiji Maruoka

    3 Chiral Lewis Acids and Brønsted Acids in Asymmetric Synthesis 119

    Hisashi Yamamoto and Cheol Hong Cheon



    4 Asymmetric Synthesis through C–H Activation 163

    Huw M. L. Davies and Jørn Hansen

    5 Asymmetric Carbon–Heteroatom Bond-Forming Reactions 227

    Yoshiji Takemoto and Hideto Miyabe

    6 Enzyme-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis 269

    Harald Gröger

    7 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Homogeneous Asymmetric Hydrogenation 343

    Gao Shang, Wei Li, and Xumu Zhang

    8 Asymmetric Carbon–Carbon Bond-Forming Reactions 437

    8A Catalytic Asymmetric Conjugate Addition 439

    Jian-Xin Ji and Albert S. C. Chan

    8B Enantioselective Allylic Substitutions with Carbon Nucleophiles 497

    Günter Helmchen,Uli Kazmaier, and Sebastian Förster

    8C Asymmetric Carbometallation and Carbocyclizations 643

    Iwao Ojima, Joseph J. Kaloko, Stephen J. Chaterpaul, Yu-Han Gary Teng, and Chi-Feng Lin

    8D Asymmetric Ene Reactions and Cycloadditions 683

    Koichi Mikami and Kohsuke Aikawa

    8E Catalytic Enantioselective Olefi n Metathesis Reactions 739

    Amir H. Hoveyda, Steven J. Malcolmson, Simon J. Meek, and Adil R. Zhugralin

    9 Asymmetric Hydrosilylation of Carbon–Carbon Double Bonds and Related Reactions 771

    Jin Wook Han and Tamio Hayashi

    10 Asymmetric Carbonylations 799

    Cyril Godard, Aurora Ruiz, Montserrat Diéguez, Oscar Pàmies, and Carmen Claver

  • CONTENTS vii

    11 Asymmetric Oxidations and Related Reactions 839

    Kazuhiro Matsumoto and Tsutomu Katsuki

    12 Asymmetric Amplifi cation and Autocatalysis 891

    Kenso Soai, Tsuneomi Kawasaki, and Takanori Shibata

    13 Asymmetric Polymerization 931

    Shingo Ito and Kyoko Nozaki

    Index 987


    The fi rst and second editions of Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis published in the fall of 1993 and spring of 2000, respectively, were very warmly received by research communi-ties in academia and industries, from graduate students, research associates, faculty, staff, senior researchers, and others. The fi rst book was published at the very moment that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States clarifi ed the situa-tion in “ Chiral Drugs, ” the word “ chirotechnology ” was created, and chirotechnology industries were spawning in the United States and Britain. In the Preface of the fi rst edition, I correctly positioned the signifi cance and advancement of catalytic asymmetric synthesis as follows: “ Extensive research on new and effective catalytic asymmetric reac-tions will surely continue beyond the year 2000, and catalytic asymmetric processes promoted by man - made chiral catalysts will become mainstream chemical technology in the 21st century. ” The second edition published in 2000 covered explosive development of catalytic asymmetric synthesis since 1993 by adding newly emerging reactions in that period, but keeping the historically important chapters in the fi rst book. In 2001, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was given to W. Knowles, K. B. Sharpless, and R. Noyori for their outstanding contributions to the advancement of catalytic asymmetric synthesis, pushing up this chemistry and chemical technology to a practical level for the benefi t of mankind. Again, I wrote about their exceptional achievements in the Preface of the fi rst edition as follows: “ Among the signifi cant achievements in basic research, (i) asymmetric hydrogenation of dehydroamino acids, a ground - breaking work by W. S. Knowles et al., (ii) the Sharpless epoxidation by K. B. Sharpless et al., and (iii) the second generation asymmetric hydrogenation processes developed by R. Noyori et al. deserve particular attention because of the tremendous impact that these processes have made in synthetic organic chemistry. ” In many cases, Nobel Prize in Chemistry is given to scholar(s) in a certain fi eld of research that is fully matured. However, this Nobel Prize recognized the chemical science that was still very actively growing and expanding, hence signifi cantly fueled further advances in this fi eld. Accordingly, 8 years after the second edition, it became very clear that an updated and/or newer version of this book was necessary for the synthetic chemistry community. Thus, a third edition was planned.

    This third edition, however, is organized in a manner different from that of the second edition. Since the chapters in the second edition are still very informative and the inge-nious methodologies as well as innovative approaches described there are highly inspir-ing and stimulating even today, those chapters are regarded as “ classics in catalytic asymmetric synthesis. ” Thus, I decided to edit essentially a new book, which would



    become the most useful desktop reference and text, in addition to the “ classics ” in the second edition, for researchers at all levels, highlighting the most signifi cant advances in catalytic asymmetric synthesis since 2000. Although the third edition does not aim to be comprehensive in nature, it covers the reactions most needed by today ’ s practicing researchers and graduate students in synthetic organic, medicinal, and materials chem-istry. New to the third edition, six new chapters focusing on novel approaches to catalytic asymmetric synthesis are introduced, including non - conventional media/conditions, organocatalysis, Lewis and Bronsted acids, CH activation, carbon - heteroatom bond forming reactions, and enzyme - catalyzed asymmetric synthesis (Chapters 1 – 6 ). I believe it is time for synthetic organic chemists to recognize and embrace the importance and power of “ enzyme - catalyzed reactions ” in asymmetric synthesis. Moreover, another very important reaction (metathesis, the subject of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) for catalytic asymmetric synthesis is introduced as a new chapter (Chapter 8 E) in the section of the carbon - carbon bond forming reactions. Updated chapters are on hydrogenation (Chapter 7 ), carbon - carbon bond forming reactions (conjugate additions, allylic alkyl-ations, carbometallations and carbocyclizations, transition metal catalyzed ene reactions, and cycloadditions) (Chapter 8 ), hydrosilylation (Chapter 9 ), carbonylations (Chapter 10 ), oxidations (Chapter 11 ), amplifi cations and autocatalysis (Chapter 12 ), and polym-erization (Chapter 13 ). It is obvious that these reactions and processes provide powerful methods for the highly effi cient synthesis of enantio - enriched or enantiopure compounds of biological, medicinal, agrochemical, and materials/nano - science – related interests.

    The authors of these chapters are all world leaders in this fi eld, who provide system-atic, in - depth state - of - the - art coverage of the basic principles, scope and limitations, strategies, and perspectives for future development of each reaction.

    I sincerely hope that this book attracts the interests of broad range of synthetic organic, medicinal, and materials chemists, especially among the younger generation researchers in both academia and industry, who will introduce original and creative ideas into this fascinating fi eld of research and advance catalytic asymmetric synthesis by highly innovative approaches in the years to come.

    Iwao Ojima November 2009


    The fi rst edition of Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis , published in the fall of 1993, was very warmly received by research communities in academia and industries from graduate students, research associates, faculty, staff, senior researchers, and others. The book was published at the very moment that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States clarifi ed the situation in “ Chiral Drugs, ” the word “ chirotechnology ” was created, and chirotechnology industries were spawning in the United States and Britain.

    As accurately predicted in the preface of the fi rst edition, extensive research on new and effective catalytic asymmetric reactions has been continuing, in an explosive pace, and it is now obvious that these catalytic asymmetric processes promoted by man - made chiral catalysts will be the mainstream chemical technology in the 21st century. About fi ve years from the publication of the original book, there was a clear demand in the synthetic community for an updated version of this book because advances in the fi eld were accelerated during this period. Accordingly, I have agreed with the publisher to edit a second edition of this book.

    In the second edition, I intended to incorporate all important reaction types that I am aware of, while keeping the monumental discovery and initial development of certain processes from the fi rst edition, and highlighting recent advances in this fi eld. The origi-nal book had 13 chapters (9 general - reaction types), which covered most of the impor-tant developments at that time. However, the second edition has 21 chapters (11 general - reaction types) (a total of 21 chapters for the 21st century is intriguing, isn ’ t it?), refl ecting the tremendous expansion in the scope of catalytic asymmetric synthesis in the past several years. In addition to the nine general - reaction types covered in the original book, the second edition includes “ Asymmetric Carbometallations ” (Chapter 4 ), “ Asymmetric Amplifi cation and Autocatalysis ” (Chapter 9 ), and “ Asymmetric Polymerization ” (Chapter 11 ). “ Cyclopropanation ” in the original book has been replaced with “ Asymmetric Carbene Reactions ” (Chapter 5 ), which now includes pow-erful asymmetric intramolecular carbene insertion to C – H bonds. As the Table of Contents shows, there has been signifi cant expansion and development in the asym-metric carbon – carbon bond - forming reactions (Chapter 8 ). Thus, this section consists of eight chapters dealing with cycloaddition reactions, aldol reactions, ene reactions, Michael reactions, allylic substitution reactions, cross - coupling reactions, and intramo-lecular Heck reactions. These processes provide very useful methods for the highly effi cient synthesis of enantio - enriched or enantiopure compounds of biological, medici-nal, agrochemical, and material science related interests.



    Once again, the authors of these chapters are all world - leaders in this fi eld, who outline and discuss the essence of each catalytic asymmetric reaction. Because the sepa-rate list of the chiral ligands in the original book was very well received, a convenient list of the chiral ligands with citation of relevant references appears in this book as an Appendix.

    This book will, once again, serve as an excellent reference book for graduate students as well as chemists at all levels in both academic and industrial laboratories.

    Iwao Ojima


    Biological systems, in most cases, recognize a pair of enantiomers as different substances, and the two enantiomers will elicit different responses. Thus, one enantiomer may act as a very effective therapeutic drug whereas the other enantiomer is highly toxic. The sad example of thalidomide is well - known. It is the responsibility of synthetic chemists to provide highly effi cient and reliable methods for the synthesis of desired compounds in an enantiomerically pure state, that is, with 100% enantiomeric excess (% ee), so that we shall not repeat the thalidomide tragedy. It has been shown for many pharmaceuticals that only one enantiomer contains all of the desired activity, and the other is either totally inactive or toxic. Recent movements of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States clearly refl ect the current situation in “ Chiral Drugs, ” that is, phar-maceutical industries will have to provide rigorous justifi cation to obtain the FDA ’ s approval of racemates. Several methods are used to obtain enantiomerically pure mate-rials, which include classical optical resolution via diastereomers, chromatographic sepa-ration of enantiomers, enzymic resolution, chemical kinetic resolution, and asymmetric synthesis.

    The importance and practicality of asymmetric synthesis as a tool to obtain enantio-merically pure or enriched compounds has been fully acknowledged to date by chemists in synthetic organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, agricultural chemistry, natural prod-ucts chemistry, pharmaceutical industries, and agricultural industries. This prominence is due to the explosive development of newer and more effi cient methods during the last decade.

    This book describes recent advances in catalytic asymmetric synthesis with brief sum-maries of the previous achievements as well as general discussions of the reactions. A previous book reviewing this topic, Asymmetric Synthesis, Vol. 5 — Chiral Catalysis , edited by J. D. Morrison (Academic Press, Inc., 1985), compiles important contributions through 1982. Another book, Asymmetric Catalysis , edited by B. Bosnich (Martinus Nijhoff, 1986) also concisely covers contributions up to early 1984. In 1971, an excellent book, Asymmetric Organic Reactions , by J. D. Morrison and H. S. Mosher, reviewed all earlier important work on the subject and compiled nearly 850 relevant publications through 1968, including some papers published in 1969. In the early 1980s, a survey of publications dealing with asymmetric synthesis (in a broad sense) indicated that the total number of papers in this area of research published in the 10 years after the Morrison/Mosher book, that is, 1971 – 1980, was almost the same as that of all the papers published before 1971. This doubling of output clearly indicates the attention paid to this important



    topic in 1970s. Since the 1980s, research on asymmetric synthesis has become even more important and popular when enantiomerically pure compounds are required for the total synthesis of natural products, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural agents. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the number of publications on asymmetric synthesis has been increasing exponentially every year.

    Among the types of asymmetric reactions, the most desirable and the most challeng-ing is catalytic asymmetric synthesis because one chiral catalyst molecule can create millions of chiral product molecules, just as enzymes do in biological systems. Among the signifi cant achievements in basic research: (i) asymmetric hydrogenation of dehy-droamino acids, a ground - breaking work by W.S. Knowles et al.; (ii) the Sharpless epoxidation by K. B. Sharpless et al.; and (iii) the second - generation asymmetric hydro-genation processes developed by R. Noyori et al. deserve particular attention because of the tremendous impact that these processes have made in synthetic organic chemistry. Catalytic asymmetric synthesis often has signifi cant economic advantages over stoichio-metric asymmetric synthesis for industrial - scale production of enantiomerically pure compounds. In fact, a number of catalytic asymmetric reactions, including the “ Takasago Process” (asymmetric isomerization), the “ Sumitomo Process ” (asymmetric cyclo - propanation), and the “ Arco Process ” (asymmetric Sharpless epoxidation) have been commercialized in the 1980s. These processes supplement the epoch - making “ Monsanto Process” (asymmetric hydrogenation), established in the early 1970s. This book un -covers other catalytic asymmetric reactions that have high potential as commercial processes. Extensive research on new and effective catalytic asymmetric reactions will surely continue beyond the year 2000, and catalytic asymmetric processes promoted by man - made chiral catalysts will become mainstream chemical technology in the 21st century.

    This book covers the following catalytic asymmetric reactions: asymmetric hydroge-nation (Chapter 1 ); isomerization (Chapter 2 ); cyclopropanation (Chapter 3 ); oxidations (epoxidation of allylic alcohols as well as unfunctionalized olefi ns, oxidation of sulfi des, and dihydroxylation of olefi ns) (Chapter 4 ); hydrocarbonylations (Chapter 5 ); hydrosi-lylation (Chapter 6 ); carbon – carbon bond - forming reactions (allylic alkylation, Grignard cross- coupling, and aldol reaction) (Chapter 7 ); phase - transfer reactions (Chapter 8 ); and Lewis acid - catalyzed reactions (Chapter 9 ). The authors of the chapters are all world - leaders in this fi eld, who outline and discuss the essence of each catalytic asym-metric reaction. (In addition, a convenient list of the chiral ligands appearing in this book, with citation of relevant references, is provided as an Appendix.)

    This book serves as an excellent reference for graduate students as well as chemists at all levels in both academic and industrial laboratories.

    Iwao Ojima March 1993


    Kohsuke Aikawa, Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro- ku, Tokyo 152 - 8552, Japan

    Albert S. C. Chan, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, Room M1711, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong; Email: [email protected]

    Stephen J. Chaterpaul, Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794

    Cheol Hong Cheon, Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 5735 South Ellis Avenue (GHJ 409), Chicago, IL 60637

    Carmen Claver, Department of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry, Universi-tat Rovira i Virgili, Campus Sescelades, C/ Domingo s/n 43007, Tarragona, Spain; Email: [email protected]

    Huw M. L. Davies, Department of Chemistry, Emory University, 440 Atwood Hall, Emory University, 1515 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322; Email: [email protected]

    Li Deng, Department of Chemistry, Brandeis University, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA 02454 - 9110; Email: [email protected]

    Montserrat Di é guez, Department of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Campus Sescelades, C/ Domingo s/n 43007, Tarragona, Spain

    Sebastian F ö rster, Organisch - Chemisches Institut der Universit ä t Heidelberg, D - 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

    Cyril Godard, Department of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Campus Sescelades, C/ Domingo s/n 43007, Tarragona, Spain

    Harald Gr ö ger, Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Erlangen - Nuremberg, Henkestr. 42, 91054 Erlangen, Germany; Email: [email protected] -

    Jin Wook Han, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Hanyang University, Seoul 133 - 791, Korea



    J ø rn Hansen, Department of Chemistry, Emory University, 440 Atwood Hall, Emory University, 1515 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322

    Tamio Hayashi, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606 - 8502, Japan; Email: [email protected] -

    G ü nter Helmchen, Organisch - Chemisches Institut der Universit ä t Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 270, D - 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; Email: [email protected] -

    Amir H. Hoveyda, Department of Chemistry, Eugene F. Merkert Chemistry Center, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467; Email: [email protected]

    Shingo Ito, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engi-neering, The University of Tokyo, 7 - 3 - 1 Hongo, Tokyo 113 - 8656, Japan

    Jian - Xin Ji, Chendu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, China

    Joseph J. Kaloko, Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794

    Tsutomu Katsuki, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyushu University, 6 - 10 - 1 Hakozaki Higashi - ku, Fukuoka 812 - 8581, Japan; Email: [email protected] -

    Tsuneomi Kawasaki, Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku - ku, Tokyo 162 - 8601, Japan

    Uli Kazmaier, Institut f ü r Organische Chemie, Universit ä t des Saarlandes, D - 66123 Saarbrü cken, Germany

    Shū Kobayashi, Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo - ku, Tokyo 113 - 0033, Japan; Email: [email protected] -

    Wei Li, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854

    Chi - Feng Lin, Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794

    David W. C. MacMillan, Department of Chemistry, Frick Laboratory, Princeton University, Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544; Email: [email protected]

    Steven J. Malcolmson, Department of Chemistry, Eugene F. Merkert Chemistry Center, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

    Keiji Maruoka, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyoto University, Sakyo - ku, Kyoto 606 - 8502, Japan; Email: [email protected] -

    Kazuhiro Matsumoto, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyushu University, 6 - 10 - 1 Hakozaki Higashi - ku, Fukuoka 812 - 8581, Japan

    Simon J. Meek, Department of Chemistry, Eugene F. Merkert Chemistry Center, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

    Koichi Mikami, Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro- ku, Tokyo 152 - 8552, Japan; Email: [email protected]


    Hideto Miyabe, School of Pharmacy, Hyogo University of Health Sciences, Minatojima, Kobe 650 - 8530, Japan

    Kyoko Nozaki, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7 - 3 - 1 Hongo, Tokyo 113 - 8656, Japan; Email: [email protected] -

    Chikako Ogawa, Eisai Research Institute, Lead Identifi cation, 4 Corporate Drive, Andover, MA 01810

    Iwao Ojima, Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794; Email: [email protected]

    Oscar P à mies, Department of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Campus Sescelades, C/ Domingo s/n 43007, Tarragona, Spain

    Aurora Ruiz, Department of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Campus Sescelades, C/ Domingo s/n 43007, Tarragona, Spain

    Gao Shang, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854

    Takanori Shibata, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Ohkubo, Shinjuku - ku, Tokyo 169 - 8555, Japan

    Seiji Shirakawa, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univer-sity, Sakyo - ku, Kyoto 606 - 8502, Japan

    Kenso Soai, Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku - ku, Tokyo 162 - 8601, Japan; Email: [email protected]

    Yoshiji Takemoto, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, Yoshida, Sakyo - ku, Kyoto 606 - 8501, Japan; Email: [email protected] -

    Yu - Han Gary Teng, Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794

    Yi Wang, Department of Chemistry, Brandeis University, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA 02454 - 9110

    Allan J. B. Watson, Department of Chemistry, Frick Laboratory, Princeton University, Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544

    Hisashi Yamamoto, Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 5735 South Ellis Avenue (GHJ 409), Chicago, IL 60637; Email: [email protected]

    Xumu Zhang, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 610 Taylor Road Piscataway, NJ 08854; Email: [email protected]

    Adil R. Zhugralin, Department of Chemistry, Eugene F. Merkert Chemistry Center, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


    Chikako Ogawa * and Sh Ū Kobayashi Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo - ku, Tokyo 113 - 0033, Japan


    Conventionally, catalytic asymmetric synthesis has been carried out in organic solvents, because most organic materials are not soluble in other solvents. However, asymmetric catalysis in other solvents (nonconventional solvents) is now of interest for many reasons. First and most signifi cantly, the negative characteristics of organic solvents have come to the fore recently; many organic solvents are volatile, fl ammable, sometimes explosive, and have a damaging effect on human health (e.g., mutagenic or carcinogenic) or on the envi-ronment. On the other hand, recovery and reuse of catalysts is crucial in organic synthesis not only from an economical aspect but also from an environmental point of view. Use of nonconventional solvents often enables the recovery and reuse of catalysts.

    In this chapter, water, fl uorous solvents, supercritical fl uids (SCFs), and ionic liquids (ILs) are discussed as nonconventional solvents, and characteristic features of asymmetric catalysis are surveyed. Microwave - assisted catalytic asymmetric synthesis is also described.


    Water is remarkable in nature; indeed, nature chooses water as a “ solvent. ” Many elegant in vitro reactions, mainly catalyzed by enzymes, are carried out in an aqueous

    Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis, Third Edition, Edited by Iwao OjimaCopyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


    * Present address: Eisai Research Institute, Lead Identifi cation, 4 Corporate Drive Andover, MA 01810


    environment in our bodies. Given that nature so gracefully exploits water, why should mankind not perform synthesis in water too?

    1.2.1. Chiral Lewis Acid Catalysis in Water

    In general, the formation of chiral Lewis acid complex is much more diffi cult in water than in organic media, since a chiral ligand competes with water in coordination with Lewis acid. Although there are successful reports to realize chiral Lewis acid catalyzed asymmetric reactions in aqueous media , it is still very challenging to use water as sole solvent [1,2] . Mannich - Type Reaction in Water Asymmetric Mannich reactions provide useful routes for the synthesis of optically active β - amino ketones and esters, which are versatile chiral building blocks for the preparation of many nitrogen - containing biologi-cally important compounds [3] . Diastereo - and enantioselective Mannich - type reactions of α - hydrazono ester 1 with silicon enolates in aqueous media can be successfully achieved with a ZnF 2 – chiral diamine L - 1 complex (Scheme 1.1 ) [4] . This complex enables reactions in water without any organic cosolvents or additives to proceed smoothly, affording the corresponding products in high yields and high stereoselectivities (Condi-tions A) [5] . In the reaction of α - monosubstituted ketone - derived silyl enol ether with 1 , cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) is necessary to accelerate the reaction. It is also noted that, in contrast to most asymmetric Mannich - type reactions, either syn - or anti - adducts are stereospecifi cally obtained from (E) - or (Z) - silicon enolates in the present reaction (Conditions B). Moreover, the amount of ZnF 2 and L - 1 can be success-fully reduced to 10 and 5 mol %, respectively, maintaining the same level of result (Conditions C).










    L-1 (x mol %)ZnF2 (y mol %)CTAB (z mol %)

    0°C, H2OEtO





    1R2 R


    (3.0 equiv)

    NH HN

    Ph Ph

    MeO OMe

    Conditions A: x = 10, y = 100, z = 0, R1 = R2 = H, 20 hConditions B: x = 10, y = 100, z = 2, 20 hConditions C: x = 5, y = 10, z = 2, 40 h

    Scheme 1.1. Michael Reaction in Water AgOTf – PPh 3 complex - catalyzed Michael addi-tions of β - ketoesters to nitroalkenes proceed effi ciently only in water but not in organic solvents (Scheme 1.2 ).

  • 1.2. CATALYTIC ASYMMETRIC SYNTHESIS IN WATER 3 Epoxide Ring - Opening Reaction in Water Scandium trisdodecylsulfate (Sc(DS) 3 ) was designed as a Lewis acid as well as a surfactant as illustrated in Scheme 1.5 . In the model reaction of benzaldehyde with the silyl enol ether derived from propio-phenone in water, Sc(DS) 3 catalyzes the reaction smoothly, while the reaction proceeds sluggishly when Sc(OTf) 3 is used as a catalyst (Scheme 1.6 ).

    A key to the success in this system is assumed to be the formation of stable emulsions. Physical property of the droplets was investigated, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed that only about 0.08 mol % of Sc(DS) 3 is suffi cient to form

    Based on these results, a plausible mechanism is shown in Scheme 1.3 . In the forma-tion of metal enolate B, TfOH is generated and the reaction mixture becomes hetero-geneous, where metal enolate B stays in organic phase, while TfOH is excluded to water phase because of the difference of hydrophobicity between them. On the other hand, in the case of a normal organic solvent system, the reaction mixture becomes homoge-neous, leading the reverse reaction from B to A fast. As a result, metal enolate B does not make contact with TfOH, and the reverse reaction from B to A is suppressed. Metal enolate B and nitrostyrene would thus combine in high concentration, and the Michael addition step (B to C in Scheme 1.3 ) may proceed smoothly. Moreover, this reaction system can be applied to catalytic asymmetric synthesis in water (Scheme 1.4 ) [6,7] .

    NO2 +

    AgOTf (10 mol %)

    H2O, rt, 24 hPh







    PPh3 (20 mol %)

    90% yield, dr 80/20

    Reaction in CH2Cl2, THF, no solvent:




    PhNO2 +

    AgOTf (10 mol %)L-2 (7.5 mol %)

    (1.5 equiv)







    H2O, 4°C, 96 h

    71% yield, dr 77/23, 78% ee (major)

    Scheme 1.4.

    Scheme 1.5.

    Sc(OTf)3; 3% yield

    Sc(DS)3; 92% yield

    +H2O, rt, 4 h

    Catalyst (10 mol %)PhCHO







    Scheme 1.6.


    monolayers (Scheme 1.7 ). Based on these results, it is expected that highly hydrophobic environment is formed inside of the emulsion.

    To explore this catalyst further, chiral Sc(DS) 3 catalyst has been investigated. The complex Sc(OTf) 3 • L - 3 was found to be effective in asymmetric hydroxymethylation using aqueous formaldehyde solution in DME (1,2 - dimethoxyethane)/H 2 O cosolvent condition [8,9] . Therefore, there was a possibility that Sc(DS) 3 could form chiral complex with L - 3 in water. First, the asymmetric ring opening of cis - stilbene oxide with aniline in water was investigated.

    Chiral β - amino alcohol units can be found in many biologically active compounds and chiral auxiliaries/ligands used in asymmetric reactions [10] . Catalytic enantioselec-tive synthesis of these chiral building blocks mainly relies on the asymmetric ring opening of meso - epoxides. Indeed, several examples using a chiral catalyst (typically a chiral Lewis acid) are reported in literature [11] ; however, all these reactions proceeded in organic solvents. It is probable that epoxides are readily decomposed under acidic condi-tions in water.

    Using 1 mol % of Sc(DS) 3 and 1.2 mol % of L - 3 in water, the reaction proceeded smoothly in high yield with high enantioselectivity (Scheme 1.8 ). It is noted that the

    Scheme 1.7.




    +Sc(DS)3 (1 mol %)

    (1.2 mol %)


    Ph OH

    H2O, rt, 30 hPhNH2

    89% yield, 91% ee

    N N

    HOOH L-3

    Scheme 1.8.





    +Sc(DS)3 (1 mol %)

    L-3 (1.2 mol %)


    Ph OH

    H2O, rt, 30 hNuH



























    85% yield, 93% ee 75% yield, 92% ee 71% yield, 85% ee

    ee %09 ,dleiy %95ee %58 ,dleiy %36 62% yield, 86% ee

    Scheme 1.9.



    Ph Ph OH


    Sc(DS)3 (5 mol %)

    34% yield, 86% eeBr



    L-3 (6 mol %)

    H2O, rt, 24 h



    4-BrC6H4 4-BrC6H4 OH


    L-3 (6 mol %)Sc(DS)3 (5 mol %)

    70% yield, 93% ee


    (3 equiv)

    H2O, rt, 24 hMeO


    Scheme 1.10.

    ring - opening reaction proceeded smoothly in water, and that no diol formation was observed. This is to date the fi rst example of an asymmetric epoxide ring opening in water as a sole solvent [12,13] .

    Moreover, catalytic asymmetric ring - opening reactions of meso - epoxides with indoles, alcohols, and thiols proceed smoothly in the presence of catalytic amounts of Sc(DS) 3 and chiral bipyridine ligand L - 3 in water to afford β - amino alcohols in high yields with high enantioselectivities (Schemes 1.9 and 1.10 ) [14,15] . These results suggest that an excellent asymmetric environment is created in water. Hydroxymethylation in Water Several asymmetric organic reactions have been achieved in water without any organic cosolvents. These reactions proceeded smoothly by creating hydrophobic areas in water to stabilize and concentrate organic substrates or by suppressing the undesired pathway in the reaction mechanism by water.


    One of the key factors for these successes is hydrophobicity of substrates. Therefore, asymmetric reactions in water with hydrophilic substrates are far more challenging.

    An aqueous formaldehyde solution, or formalin, is one of the most important C1 electrophiles as well as a representative of hydrophilic substrates. Asymmetric hydroxy-methylation using an aqueous formaldehyde solution has been investigated in water - organic cosolvent systems [16,17] . Since the hydrophobicity of a substrate is an important factor, it is assumed that hydrophilic substrates are very diffi cult to handle in water.

    Hydroxymethylation of silicon enolate 2 with 36% aqueous formaldehyde solution (aq. HCHO) was studied in detail. The yield of 3 was improved when the amount of formaldehyde was increased from 1 to 5 equiv with a catalyst loading dependency (Scheme 1.11 , Part 1a ) and for an 8 - h reaction ( Part 1b ). The concentration of aq. HCHO also affected the yield of 3 ( Part 1c ). With an Sc loading level (10 and 20 mol %) in the presence of 5 equiv of aq. HCHO, the yields were improved to > 80% as the con-centrations increased up to 2.0 M; however, no improvement was observed by further



    0 2 4 6Equiv of HCHO

    2 mol % 5 mol % 10 mol % 20 mol %

    2 mol % 5 mol % 10 mol % 20 mol %

    1.5 equiv 3.0 equiv 5.0 equiv

    8 10


    0 2 4 6Reaction time (h)

    H2O, yM, 20°C, Time

    Sc(DS)3(x mol %)

    2 3

    HCHO +

    Me3SiO O



    10090807060504030201000 10.5 1.5 2 2.5

    Concentration (M)3



    Scheme 1.11. Part 1a. Hydroxymethylation of 2 (catalyst loading and HCHO equiv, reaction con-centration was 1.0 M, reaction time was 1 h). Part 1b. Hydroxymethylation of 2 (reaction time and HCHO equiv, reaction concentration was 1.0 M). Part 1c. Hydroxymethylation of 2 (catalyst loading and concentration, reaction time was 8 h).


    increasing the concentration. In the cases of the lower Sc loading level (2 and 5 mol %), the yields leveled off at much lower concentrations, 0.5 and 1.0 M, respectively. These results indicated that Sc(DS) 3 might be saturated by aq. HCHO. Based on the experi-ments, it can be said that, in spite of the extreme solubility of HCHO in water, the popu-lation of HCHO in the hydrophobic environment increases in the presence of Sc(DS) 3 due to Lewis acid – Lewis base interaction between Sc(DS) 3 and HCHO , and therefore, the reaction of HCHO with silicon enolate 2 can proceed smoothly even in water.

    Furthermore, the hydroxymethylation of various silyl enol ethers proceeded smoothly (Scheme 1.12 ). Consequently, these experiments suggest that Lewis acid - surfactant com-bined catalyst (LASC) reaction system can be applied to hydrophilic substrates as well as hydrophobic substrates.



    R2HO R3


    R1 R2aq. HCHO +

    Sc(DS)3 (5 mol %)

    H2O, 1.0 M, 20°C, 6 h(5.0 equiv)

    7 examples69–94% yield

    Scheme 1.12.

    Lewis acid - catalyzed asymmetric reactions in water using hydrophilic substrates are recognized as highly challenging [18] , considering the importance of Lewis acid – Lewis base interactions , since Lewis acids lose their acidity upon coordination from chiral ligands. Additionally, chiral ligands compete with substrates and water molecules for coordination with Lewis acids. Therefore, the development of chiral Lewis acid - cata-lyzed hydroxymethylation using aq. HCHO with water as the sole solvent would make a great impact in the fi eld.

    The investigation of asymmetric variants of hydroxymethylations using aq. HCHO revealed that the addition of a chiral ligand and a small amount of a surfactant sup-pressed the competitive hydrolysis of silicon enolates. Eventually, catalytic asymmetric hydroxymethylation reactions are successfully carried out in the presence of a catalytic amount of Sc(DS) 3 , chiral ligand L - 3 [19] , or L - 4 [20] in the presence of additives to afford the desired products in high yields with high selectivities. It is noteworthy that thioketene silyl acetals, which are known to be much less stable than silyl enol ethers (ketone - derived silicon enolates) in water, reacted smoothly under the conditions to afford the desired hydroxymethylated adducts in good yields with high enantioselectivi-ties (Scheme 1.13 ).

    This method could be applied to the synthesis of an artifi cial odorant (S) - (+) - 3 (Scheme 1.14 ) [12] . Hydroxymethylation of 1 was performed using Sc(DS) 3 • L - 3 as a catalyst. After the reaction, the reaction mixture was centrifuged (3000 rpm, 20 min) to separate the colloidal white dispersion into three phases. The upper, middle, and bottom phases are water, surfactant, and organic layers, respectively. After the separation of organic phase, followed by hydrogenation with polymer incarcerated palladium (PI - Pd) [13] in benzotrifl uoride (BTF), the compound (S) - (+) - 3 was obtained in 56% yield with 91% ee over two steps. It should be noted that the synthesis has been accomplished using a catalytic asymmetric reaction in water and a hydrogenation with an immobilized cata-lyst, which are suitable for green sustainable chemistry [3,14] .




    R2HO R3


    R1 R2

    aq. HCHO +

    L-3 or L-4 Sc(DS)3 (10 mol %) or

    Sc[O3S(CH2)10CH3]3 (1–10 mol %)additive

    H2O, 0.5 M5°C–rt, 20–110 h

    (5.0 equiv)




    N N

    OH HO

    tBu tBu

    N+ N+

    O OHN NH

    O- O-



    81% yield, 91% ee


    83% yield, 94% ee

    HO Ph


    91% yield, 91% ee

    HO Ph


    92% yield, 90% ee






    83% yield, 90% ee

    90% yield, 92% ee


    84% yield, 91% ee

    OH O

    82% yield, 96% ee


    HO StBu


    HO StBu


    73% yield, 91% ee 65% yield, 90% ee

    Scheme 1.13.



    aq. HCHO (5.0 equiv)Sc(DS)3 (10 mol %)L-3 (12 mol %)

    H2O, 1.0 M, 20 hthen centrifugation3000 rpm, 20 min

    PI-Pd(10 mol %)H2 (1 atm)

    BTF, 80∞C, 8 h


    356%, 91% ee

    Scheme 1.14. Silica Gel - Supported Scandium with Ionic Liquid ( S ilica - S c - IL ) A novel heterogeneous scandium catalyst system, Silica - Sc - IL, has been developed (Scheme 1.15 ) [21] .

    The catalyst 4 coated with an IL, [DBIm]SbF 6 , works effi ciently in Mukaiyama aldol reaction in water (Scheme 1.16 ). The reaction proceeds much faster in water than in organic solvents, without solvent or in the absence of IL.

    These experiments clearly suggest that Silica - Sc - IL and IL forms hydrophobic reac-tion environments in water (Scheme 1.17 ). It should be noted that water - labile reagents


    1) Toluene, 110°C, 24 h



    2) 2 N H2SO4, 12 hSilica-PhSO3H

    Ion exchange capacity: 0.57 mmolH+/g

    2) Neutralize to pH = 7.0 by 0.1 N NaOH aq. Silica-Na

    Silica-Sc 4


    EtOH, 80°C, 20 h

    1) 1 N NaCl aq., 1 h

    SiO2 O SiO



    O SiO



    O SiO






    Scheme 1.15.



    Silica-Sc 4(0.27 mmol/g, 5.4 mol %)

    [DBIm]SbF6 (30 wt %)

    Solvent15°C, 24 h


    OH O



    Solvent: Et2O 22% yield Hexane 26% yield H2O 97% yield H2O without Silica-Sc 0% yield H2O without IL 31% yield neat 25% yield

    Scheme 1.16.



    Ionic liquid


    Silica supporting material







    O OOO OO

    Si Si


    + ++ +

    ++ +




    – – – ––


    Scheme 1.17.