catalyst june 2011

1 Catalyst June 2011 Catalyst J. Holt Chetwood Midlands Market President for Wachovia, A Wells Fargo Company CityLight Prayer Breakfast Global Day of Prayer

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Catalyst June 2011


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CatalystJune 2011


J. Holt ChetwoodMidlands Market President for Wachovia, A Wells Fargo Company

CityLight Prayer BreakfastGlobal Day of Prayer

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What kind of times are these that turmoil, tornadoes and terrorists capture the news day in and day out?  Is there peace in the midst of all this?  King David summed it up well in Psalm 31.   When surrounded by enemies, his trust in God rings out through the ages as he appeals for deliverance, “…You are my refuge.  Into your hands I commit my spirit…” Sound familiar?   Jesus also spoke these words on the cross (Luke 23: 45).   With the coming of the Holy Spirit, I am to be as He was in the world - like Stephen at his martyrdom when he used the same words from Psalm 31 (See Acts 7:59).   Stephen mirrored Jesus at his death when he cried out, “Do not hold this sin against them (his persecutors).  How does this apply to me today in the 21st century amidst the circumstances of anti-Christian forces?  Psalm 31: 13 – 14:  But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.”   My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me.”  Complete trust in a God who loves me is to be my attitude. 

Having said that, I must also consider something else.  God does not delight in the death of the wicked, but His judgments must be reckoned with.  Romans 6: 23,  “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  There are two prongs to this statement:   (1) God cannot deny his holiness so evil has to be judged  (2) God is love and His Son’s death on the cross appeased his wrath. 

I John 4: 10:  “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation

for our sins.”  Propitiate is a verb meaning to regain the favor of  (a god, spirit, person) by doing something that pleases them.  Propitiation is a

noun, which is the action of propitiating or appeasing a god, spirit, or person. Now, it is clear.  Jesus willingly appeased God’s anger against evil while Jesus was dying on the cross.  Sin and judgment reckoned with and God’s love demonstrated in the same act!  How brilliant! 

Finally, God has done everything necessary to save the human race from experiencing His judgment against evil.   According to John 1: 9, Jesus is the Light that lights every man, even Usama bin Laden, who comes into the world.  Here are the options:  Either I accept God’s provision or I have to pay! In other words, I could end up, although it is not God’s desire, just like Usama bin Laden! 

So, whether turmoil, tornadoes, or terrorists, there is a God who loves me and will not abandonment me through it all.  Can I say with David, Jesus, and Stephen,   “My times are in your hands.”

Gladys GrimaudPresidentCityLight


Turmoil, Tornadoes, Terrorists

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CityLight Prayer BreakfastNational Day of Prayer

The First Thursday, 6:45AM-8:30AM May 5, 2011Program

Music………….................................Across All Boundaries and Mike Gibbs

Call to Order……………............................................ Pastor Sylvia MickensDirector Christ Central Columbia

National Anthem……….……………...….............................Crystal Garrett

Proclamation.....................................................................................H.L. Allen

Invocation and Blessing ........................................Bishop Shel’don HudsonChairman of the Honorary Host Committee

Introduction of Honorary Host Committee.........................Luella RedfernDirector, CityLight Esther Women of Influence

Introduction of Speaker......…….….......….......…............. Barbara Franklin

Musical Selection.....................................................................Henry Flowers

Guest Speaker....................................................................Pastor Kerry BreenChrist Central Bethel House

Selections.......................................................................................Dante Lewis

Prayer Time....................................................................H.L. and Janie AllenPRAYERS FOR THE SEVEN CENTERS OF CULTURE

(see page 30-31)

The 2011 National Prayer....................................................................Janie Allenr

Closing Remarks.….......................................................................... Redfern II Executive Director CityLight

Benediction.......................................................................Bishop Darrell Croft

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Pastor Kerry W. Breen is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God.  He has pastored churches in Ohio, West Texas and Central Assembly , in Columbia since 1994.   In 1998 pastor Breen started Victorious Overcomer's of Columbia, to help people struggling with addictions and compulsions.   In 2005, Pastor Breen founded Bethel House,, a 1 year residential program for men struggling with addictions.   In 2010 Bethel House became a missions station of Christ Central Ministries.  The Christ

Central Bethel House, is a 50 bed facility, helping men with addictions and compulsions. 

In 2011 Rev. Kerry W. Breen became the Director of recovery services for Christ Central ministries.   Christ Central Ministries has a long term goal to place recovery centers all across SC.  Rev. Breen has been married for 35 years to Kim, who is a public school teacher in Lexington District 2.  Kim has a MA in Ed. from Columbia College.


Kerry Breen, Pastor to the Addicted

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I was just out taking a 40 minute fast walk for exercise, which went quickly and easily because I spent the time reminiscing about my experiences at OCS.

I remember vividly my first day at OCS. After each of us had our heads shaved we marched to the mess hall for evening meal. I won’t talk about the OCS meaning of a square meal but I do remember coming out of the mess hall to join my squadron, most of whom were already standing in formation facing away from me. All of the squadrons were lined up there. With the backs of those heads all looking alike I could not tell which one was Second Squadron.

I took a guess and fell into a formation. When the upper classman marched past the sidewalk leading to Second Squadron, I realized I was in the wrong squadron. I raised my hand as we marched along and, I must say, I got immediate attention. The squadron commander began announcing to every first classman in earshot that he had captured someone. What joy!!!

I was marched away from the squadron and turned over to one of the first class from the Wheel House. They marched me smartly to the Wheel House, picking up an entourage of other first classmen along the way, a s t h e y p r o c l a i m e d t h e y h a d captured…(a POW??).. I don’t know what, but they were having a great deal of excitement at my expense, and I

was getting further and further from Second Squadron.

We finally arrived in the day room of the Wheel House, where I was marched into every wall and every closet. I was nose to nose with several at a time trying to answer various questions, handed out simultaneously. “Mr. Grimaud, what makes you think you can make it through Officer Candidate School when you cannot even find your own squadron? “ In a strong voice I replied as fast as I could, “I can do it, Sir” “Mr Grimaud, what do you want to become if you are even able to make it to First Class?” “Sir, I want to be the Officer Candidate Wing Commander.” “WHAT!!! Did you hear that Colonel Weathers? He wants to replace you!” “You want to what, Mr Grimaud? You want to replace me? What do you think you are going to do in your Air Force Career?” “Sir,


Joseph A. Grimaud, JrOfficer Candidate School Graduate –Class 61C

Joe Grimaud

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I want to become the Air Force Chief of Staff!” “Ha, Ha, Ha, did you hear that? We have the future Air Force Chief of Staff right here in front of us. Let’s see what he can do.”

Then they marched me into more walls. When I hit the wall I just kept on marching until they commanded me to halt or gave me another command. When they marched me into a closet, they would close the door behind me leaving me in the dark, but I just kept on marching, making sure I was stomping hard enough for them to hear me. When they gave me a couple of Column Lefts and marched me back into the door, I just marched against the door until they opened the door and I marched out.

After about an hour of this harassment, the Personnel Services Officer was told to take me back to my squadron. As he marched me back, he engaged in a bit of conversation, and said, ‘Mr Grimaud, I think you did pretty well back there. I think you impressed quite a few people.”

So, for me the game was on. This OCS thing was going to be a game and I was going to play it aggressively. Along the way though, some things did not go quite as I had planned them. The stiff leg bugging caused my knee joints to become inflamed with what the doctor called bursitis. He advised me I would suffer from arthritis at an early age. Then he took a four inch long needle and injected me in the knee joint with cortisone, and gave me a note excusing me from duty for a week. EFD they called it. Well, that did it, but not for long, because when I

went back to aggressively bugging, it was not too long before I could hardly bend my knees to walk up the stairs. It was back to the doctor and through the same procedure all over again. I picked up a nickname, “Tiny EFD.” Not exactly the nickname I would have preferred, but I would laugh it off and make the most of it. I would even pretend I enjoyed it. “Well, here comes Tiny EFD Mr Grimaud do you think you have found a way to go through OCS without bugging?” “No Sir.” But I did manage to bug and march stiff legged for quite a while between those stints, and learned to do it so that my knees would stand up longer.

Every afternoon we went to the parade grounds and chal lenged upper classmen for their positions. The Challenged upper classmen would ask us various questions , usually from our memory work: Name the Air Force Chief of Staff, paces between a formation, and various other positions. etc. If the questions were not a n s w e r e d p r o p e r l y, y o u w e r e commanded to “get out of here,” and you would go challenge another position. I started out each afternoon challenging the Wing Commander,


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Colonel Weathers. I found there were not too many who challenged him, occasionally even getting to lead the parade to the mess hall in that position. I felt like I was doing pretty good. But then I flunked reading lab. Reading lab was one of our first classes. It was supposed to show us how to speed read. I had always loved reading, but I had come to realize I was not a very fast reader. And Reading Lab did not help me much. I spent hours under the blanket at night while my roommate slept. I am still a slow reader.

But the day after I flunked Reading Lab, when I challenged Colonel Weathers he would not even talk to me. He just sneered, and said, “Get out of here, Mr Grimaud.” I was done for! Or so it seemed. Relegated to challenging the Guide On Bearer.

Actually I found that if I could not march as Wing Commander, I could still march in front of the squadron formation as Guide On Bearer, and it was easy to get. Not only that, it put me in a good position to see my wife when the wives came out in the

evening to watch the parade. And a good position for her to get a picture of me. But the first time I marched as Guide On Bearer, I forgot to retrieve the Guide On after the evening meal. The next morning when we fell out for formation for PT, the search was on for the Guide On. Finally the search narrowed to the Guide On Bearer at the previous evening formation. Me! “Mr Grimaud where is the Guide On?” Sir, I forgot it in the mess hall.” “Mr Grimaud, you had better go get that Guide On and be back here in two minutes!” “Yes Sir!” I was on my way and back—but the next night I was Guide On Bearer again, and I forgot it again. “What? You forgot the Guide On again? Mr Grimaud you had better be back with that Guide On in a ninute and a half!” The third time that I forgot, I was made to sleep with the Guide On for a week. The first morning I fell out with the Guide On in my possession, the Squadron Commander called out in his command voice and a smirk on his face. “Mr Grimaud, what do you have there? Did you sleep well last night?” Yes Sir!” “That’s my Wife! We slept well,


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Sir!” And every morning for a week I got such special attention when I fell out with the Guide On.

Since I had flunked Reading Lab, OC Colonel Weathers and the other Wheels thought I would have trouble with academics, so they would not give me a position in First Class that required a lot of responsibility and time. But I had gained enough attention that they gave me a position in the Wheel House as Personnel Services Officer, a position I was told that would not require as much time as some other positions might. And I still had to study under the blanket at night with my flashlight while my roommate, Marty Sorge snored away.

But I made it! I don’t remember in what position I graduated but it was not at the bottom of the class. Somewhere in the top third, as I remember. And I got my revered pilot slot, assigned to Moody AFB, Georgia, for flight training. Dreams were still coming true.

While I never had a promotion below the zone, I had a great Air Force career. I continued to pursue my dream of becoming the Air Force Chief of Staff—so I thought!I graduated high enough to get one of the last of three F-100 fighter slots. I was number eight. And high enough in fighter training to get my desired assignment to Myrtle Beach AFB, SC. I volunteered for everything that came along, while attending every night school class I could work in, between TDY’s. There was Survival School, Air Ground Operations School, Jump School, more college night school, and

finally Bootstrap to the University of Omaha for a Bachelor of General Education with a Math Major. TDY’s to Turkey and Italy sitting nuclear alert, flights across the Atlantic in our single engine, non auto pilot equipped F-100’s. Unit PCS to Misawa, Japan, where I had my first house built for $3,000. Then back to Nellis AFB for the Fighter Weapons Instructor Course, the Air Force’s TOP Gun school. I even won Top Gun.

Charged up by my Top Gun success I got back to Misawa to find some of my buddies had received assignments to F-105’s, which were known for flying the hottest missions in the Air War against North Vietnam. I was devastated to find that I had missed out. I called PACAF Headquarters and managed to wrangle a slot to one of those assignments. At F-105 school, back at Nellis, I found there was a group there known as Wild Weasels


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being trained to fly what had the reputation as the hottest of the F-105 missions. Of course, I volunteered!

I wish I could tell you I shot down five or more MIGs in addition to killing numerous SAM sites. I had a lot of successes, but every Mig I saw was a Mig-21 coming up from six o’clock. All I can say is that they did not shoot me down. Our F-105’s were the fastest thing in the air at 5,000 feet or below but when those Mig-21’s fired their Atoll missiles at us they rotated what looked like 30 degrees nose up and headed for the high altitudes. Our heavy 105’s were fast at low altitude, but not known for their agility in turning nose up nor at altitude. I survived. I killed some SAMs, and I’m sure some gunners on the ground also suffered.

After 100 missions as a Wild Weasel, I got a great staff assignment to Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Headquarters in Ramstein, Germany for four years.

Still dreaming of that Chief of Staff job I enrolled in and completed a MBA Degree with the University of Utah. From Germany I went to the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, VA. Oddly it was at Staff College that I decided I would never be AF Chief of Staff and determined that I would retire at 20 to follow other dreams. Our seminar leader was a full Colonel who had done everything I thought one should do. In a career discussion with him, he told me about all of his experiences and his being a wing commander of three different wings. “I used to have your dreams,” he said, “but now I just look at every year as another sixty dollars in my retirement check.” It wasn’t supposed to work that way at Staff College, but it did.

I went back to a flying job in A-7’s and immediately back to Korat, Thailand, flying combat missions over Cambodia until the war ended. After my only c o m m a n d a s s i g n m e n t , a s a


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Detachment Commander over a group of A-7’s in Panama for nine weeks, I retired in Alexandria, Louisiana. I had earned a Silver Star, a Distinguished Flying Cross, ten Air Medals, a Joint Services Commendation Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal and a few others to hang on my wall, but I was a lowly Major, a long way from Chief of Staff.

Still, my Air Force career was great. I got to do almost everything I dreamed of, except the Chief of Staff position, of course, and it gave me a fantastic base from which to launch my civilian career.

My entrepreneuring in business since retiring has been far more fruitful. I have been blessed. Without going into a lot more detail, I will say my greatest blessing is my wife, Gladys, of 54 years, then three sons and wives, all of whom work with me in our businesses,

and finally nine grandchildren. Did I say I have been blessed?

I started in business in Alexandria, Louisiana, with a Midas Muffler Shop, which grew to six across Louisiana. In 1979 I bought the rights for Precision Tune Auto Care for South Carolina. I have been president of the national company, now have franchise rights over the major portion of 14 states, with 93 franchisees at th is juncture , extending from Jacksonville to Salt Lake City, plus a furniture store, and a rental equipment store. My latest venture is a Cosmetology Continuing Education C o m p a n y o n t h e w e b , So if you have

ideas of any other businesses I can get into just let me know. I still cannot resist getting involved. A lot of my success can be traced back to OCS where those First Classmen put me through the paces, along with you, my classmates, who helped me to grow and develop my self confidence.

While business has provided me with more than I ever dreamed of, it also involves taking risks. But if life were to change and I were relegated back to a little one bedroom house trailer, like when we were at OCS, Gladys and I could be happy as long as we have each other.

( For more information, good, bad and otherwise, or related businesses you can Google “Joe Grimaud”, or “ J o s e p h G r i m a u d ” , o r g o t o w w w . c h a p i n f u r n i t u r e . c o m ,,, w w w. l i t t l e a m p h i b i a n . c o m , o r


Gladys & Joe Grimaud

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Dante Lewis, a native of Columbia, South Carolina, is a powerful saxophonist and musician.

Since the age of 12, Dante has wowed audiences throughout the Carolinas with his quality sound, his engaging personality, and his passion for music. Not only is Dante a passionate instrumentalist, but he is also a humble down to earth human being.

Dante graduated from Eau Claire High School, and he studied at USC Spartanburg. Although talented

academically, Dante took time off from school to pursue his true calling as a musician.

In 2003, Dante started the band “Vision,” a party and jazz group. The group performs at weddings, banquets, parties, and other major social events. Vision includes vocalist and keyboard player Bryon Counts, whom is also featured on Dante’s debut album, “Set the Mood.”

Dante’s “Set The Mood” was released in July of 2010, and has since been featured on more than 300 internet radio sites and radio stations in the United States, as well as internationally.


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N o t o n l y h a s Dante’s album gained notoriety, but he’s also been featured in Lux Millionaire Magazine, Columbia Metropolitan Magazine, California’s “ U r b a n S c e n e Magazine” for “New Artist,” and he’s even performed at the Rowan Arts Festival.

Although Dante does a lot of solo work, he’s preformed on stage with other talented artists, like Ashford and S i m p s o n , K e n n y “BabyFace Edmonds” Kirk Whalum, Mighty Clouds of Joy, Terence Young, Sam Jenkins, Lamar Campbell, gospel group “Women with a Vision,” and David Carmichael.

As a man of God, Dante is the former Minister of Music at St. Luke Baptist Church in Winnsboro, he’s currently a musician at Bethlehem Baptist Church, and he performs for several charitable organizations and events, free of charge.

Dante is the father of two boys, he loves to mentor and inspire, and he puts God first in all that he does.

Continuing to sell out shows everywhere he goes, Dante Lewis is truly geared for success and longevity.

To learn more this rising star or to book him


for future events, visit his. website at:

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Henry Flowers, IVAlive, Adored,

& Appointed

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In January of 2009 Henry Flowers IV was invited to sing at a local Columbia church. After the service was over a woman with a warm smiling face approached him with her hand extended. As he shook her hand she introduced herself and began to tell him how much she enjoyed his music ministry. Then she asked a question that took Henry back to days long behind him. "Henry, why do you sing with such passion?" Three thoughts immediately came to mind.

First, he thought about how his mother, when she was seventeen years old had a choice to make that no teenager should. She had been abandoned by her parents because her arranged marriage didn't work the way they had planned. She and her husband were already separated, leaving her to care for two little girls on her own, not to mention the third child that was six weeks old in her womb. With no job, no high school diploma, and no easy road ahead to travel she had decided that she would abort that pregnancy. While she waited on her front porch for a ride to the clinic, she gathered hundreds of reasons to justify her decision; every one of which most of us would totally understand. Henry was just really glad

that her ride never came-because that child in her womb was him.

Secondly, he thought about the feeling of being unwanted and unloved, which plagued him for years while growing up on the streets of Detroit. Without a father in his life to give priceless wisdom, knowledge, and a sense of value, he was like a ship without a rudder drifting hopelessly through a terrible storm. By the time he was sixteen years old he had lived in twelve different houses, with twelve different families, and was constantly the focus of ridicule by classmates and peers whom he never knew long enough to call friends. If you add to this the fact that his mother struggled greatly to put food on the table, to provide adequate clothing, housing, and many other basic necessities; you would agree that this was a recipe for disaster in the life of any child.

Finally, Henry thought about his decision to join the United States Navy. He'd like to say that he joined because he wanted to express his love for his country; or to help defeat our enemies foreign and domestic; or to uphold the Constitution. He'd like to say all of that but he'd be lying. He certainly held all three of those things near and dear to his heart but to be totally honest, he knew that if he


Why Does Henry Sing?

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didn't get out of Detroit that he would end up dead or in jail like most of his other cohorts. As things turned out, the Navy ended up being Henry's "Canaan Land", as while on a six month deployment during the Iraq war, he found himself spending some much earned time off on a tour of the "Holy Land". He was standing at one of the holiest sites in the world, the Wailing Wall-and it was at that place that Henry had a supernatural encounter. He met the Lord Jesus Christ.

In a second of time He made it clear why that ride to the clinic never came, and why Henry is alive to talk about it. He filled Henry with the love, value, and adoration that was

invested into him since before time, and which was made manifest at the cross so many thousands of years ago. He then told Henry that He had directed his path and kept him safe from birth unto that very day that he then stood before Him, and that He had appointed Henry to ministry for such a time as this.

As Henry looked back into the expectant eyes of the young lady standing before him, he finally was able to say these simple words. "I sing because I am happy to be alive, adored, and appointed in Christ, and I will spend the rest of my life expressing it to all who will hear me."  My friend...that's why Henry sings.


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“The SHAKIRA HOUSE is a home for babies who have no home,” according to Sylvia Mickens. “We take care of babies from birth to two years of age.”Mickens has been the director of Christ Central Mission Station in Columbia, SC. for 15 years. As the director of a homeless mission she has seen a lot of babies who were neglected, HIV positive, malnourished and/or at risk for violence.Pastor Sylvia, as she is called at the mission believes SHAKIRA HOUSE can make a difference. The mission of SHAKIRA HOUSE is to help parents to restore and maintain a healthy relationship with their child. “Our vision of SHAKIRA HOUSE is to ensure that every child receives a good start,” said Mickens The home also focuses on placing the child with a loving family if the restoration process is not conductive to the child.

The house is named after Shakira, a beautiful four year old that Pastor

Sylvia adopted. “Because of the Love of God she has a great future ahead of her. Shakira was born November 2006 into poverty, a victim of medical neglect, and drug abuse. The state picked up Shakira immediately after birth. Shakira was one of thousands of children that are awarded to the state every year.

“Holding Shakira in my arms just three hours after her birth”, Pastor Sylvia proudly states,” I looked into those big beautiful brown eyes, and she looked back at me. The vision for “SHAKIRA HOUSE” was birthed hat day. Thirty eight days later I brought Shakira home with me”. Shakira means thankful, and I am so thankful today that God has brought Shakira into my life.” The second SHAKIRA HOUSE is scheduled to open in the fall of 2011. If you feel led to get involved please contact: Sylvia Mickens @ 803-237-2547 or [email protected]



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Bishop Dr. Shel’don Hudson’s ministries and gifts are multi-faceted. Being gifted of God with a strong anointing to teach, she is dedicated to equipping and educating God’s people to go out into the world and make of men and women, disciples for the Kingdom of Christ. Her passion is in that which she is gifted of the Almighty to do. To communicate, educate and inspire mankind to receive and prosper in the Kingdom of God.

She accomplishes this through her role as pastor of Across All Boundaries Christian Church and Outreach Ministries of Columbia, SC and through workshops, seminars and conferences. Recognizing that many people will not enter the doors of the organized church, Bishop Hudson founded Yadah Ministries, a teaching and preaching ministry which produces and distributes audio recordings of sermons and teachings.

Bishop Hudson’s educational background spans several areas. She is a graduate of Charleston County Public Schools and Truth Bible College, from which she has earned a Doctorate in Theology. Being true to

her heart’s cry, she has completed her studies of the Hebraic Language. And as a graduate of Steven Covey Institute, she holds fast to the ideal, “start with the end in mind.” Having worked in the secular world for over 25 years, she retired in 2001 as a 16 year veteran of Mack Trucks Inc.

Bishop Hudson was licensed in 1998 to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and was ordained in 2000 by Gethsemane Baptist Association. She was consecrated as a Bishop in 2005 by Arch - Bishop Harris E. Clark.

Dr. Hudson has written many poems and theatrical plays, one being the very popular and moving musical theatre, Broken Dolls which was inspired by her book, “Broken Dolls”.


Dr. Shel’don HudsonCommunity Advocate

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She is currently working on her second book and series, “Your Best Life”. She gives all the glory to God.

She is a community advocate going beyond the doors of the church to minister to people wherever they may be found. Her community means much to her and she actively involves herself by being a board member of the Good Samaritan House of Fairfield County, Chairperson of Fairfield County Disaster Relief Organization, and founder and director of Safe Haven Ministry. Bishop Hudson believes and hold fast to the scriptures: Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach

the Gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.”Bishop Hudson has been married to Daniel Hudson for the past 27 years and they are blessed to be the parents of three children and four grandchildren.


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Crystal GarrettCrystal Garrett Bio: Crystal Garrett was born in Fort Bragg, North Carolina on June 12th, 1986. She is the daughter of retired 1st Sergeant Daniel and April Garrett. Because Crystal is an army brat, she and her family were moved to South Carolina in 1992, where she was raised. At the age of three, Crystal was diagnosed with allergy-induced asthma. Her doctors told her that she would not live long enough to turn twenty-one years old, nor would she be able to sing because of her low lung capacity. With treatment and perseverance, Crystal survived her lung disease and remains inspiration to all. Following her dreams, Crystal began taking voice lessons at the age of fifteen in order to expand her lung capacity. In 2004, Crystal was accepted to Columbia College in Columbia, South Carolina as a vocal performance major. In 2005, she transferred to The University of South Carolina’s School of Music as a voice major, theater minor. Crystal was crowned Miss South Carolina 2007 on July 7th, 2007 and was also presented with the overall

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Presidential Proclamation National Day of Prayer

Throughout our Nation's history, Americans have come together in moments of great challenge and uncertainty to humble themselves in prayer. In 1775, as the Continental Congress began the task of forging a new Nation, colonists were asked to observe a day of quiet humiliation and prayer. Almost a century later, as the flames of the Civil War burned from north to south, President Lincoln and the Congress once again asked the American people to pray as the fate of their Nation hung in the balance.

It is in that spirit of unity and reflection that we once again designate the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer. Let us remember those who came before us, and let us each give thanks for the courage and compassion shown by so many in this country and around the world.

On this day of unity and prayer, let us also honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. We celebrate their commitment to uphold our highest ideals, and we recognize that it is because of them that we continue to live in a Nation where people of all faiths can worship or not worship according to the dictates of their conscience.

Let us also use this day to come together in a moment of peace and goodwill. Our world grows smaller by the day, and our varied beliefs can bring us together to feed the hungry and comfort the afflicted; to make peace where there is strife; and to lift up those who have fallen on hard times. As we observe this day of prayer, we remember the one law that binds all great religions together: the Golden Rule, and its call to love one another; to understand one another; and to treat with dignity and respect those with whom we share a brief moment on this Earth.

The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a "National Day of Prayer."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 7, 2009, as a National Day of Prayer. I call upon Americans to pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms and blessings and to ask for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection for this land that we love.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.


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2011 National Prayerby Joni Eareckson Tada, Honorary Chairman

Almighty God, you are our Mighty Fortress, our refuge and the God in whom we place our trust. As our nation faces great distress and uncertainty, we ask your Holy Spirit to fall afresh upon your people — convict us of sin and inflame within us a passion to pray for our land and its people. Grant the leaders of our country an awareness of their desperate need of wisdom and salvation in You until sin becomes a reproach to all and righteousness exalts this nation.

Protect and defend us against our enemies and may the cause of Christ always prevail in our schools, courts, homes, and churches. Lord God, send a spirit of revival and may it begin in our own hearts.Remember America, we pray. Remember the foundations on which this country was built. Remember the prayers of our nation’s fathers and mothers, and do not forget us in our time of need.In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ,


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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN FLAGI pledge allegiance to the Flag     of the United States of America,and to the Republic for which it stands:     one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE CHRISTIAN FLAGI pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands.One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE BIBLEI pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feetand a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heartthat I might not sin against God.

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National Day of PrayerMay 5, 2011 @ 12 Noon

State HousePrelude Music

Shofar/Trumpet - Call to Prayer12:00 - 12:02 Invocation…………………………..…………………….. Chris Smith 12:02 - 12:04 Welcome/Scripture............................... Rick Lindsay 12:04 - 12:06 Repentance……………………......................... Darrell Croft 12:06 - 12:10 Selection…………………………………………….……. Melanie Shull 12:10 - 12:12 Presidential Proclamation...……………….………. Bob Johnson

12:12 - 12:14 Governor’s Proclamation...………………..…………………………. 12:14 - 12:18 Prayer for National, State, Local Leader…. John Lastinger 12:18 - 12:20 Prayer for Military….……………………………....... Bob Johnson 12:20 - 12:24 Selection……………………………..................... Melanie Shull 12:24 - 12:26 Prayer for Media……………………………................................................Rick Lindsay

12:26 - 12:28 Prayer for Education………………………………. Erick Freeman 12:28 - 12:30 Prayer for Business/Economy…………….…… Lew Wayburn 12:30 - 12:34 Selection……………………………...................... Melanie Shull 12:34 - 12:37 Prayer for Churches/Pastors………………….. Eddie Coakley 12:37 - 12:40 Prayer for Youth/Families.…………………….. Robert Reaves 12:40 - 12:42 Prayer for Poor, Widows………………………….. Jimmy Jones 12:42 - 12:46 Blessing for our City, State & Nation… Ronnie Brailsford 12:46 - 12:50 Selection……………………………..................... Melanie Shull 12:50 - 12:54 Corporate Prayer………………………………............ Redfern II

12:54 - 1:00


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Table Sponsors

CityLight Prayer Partners,05/5/2011On August 6th, Christ Teens will hold our 4th Annual SC Teacher’s Rally on the steps of the State House.  Our goal is to reach out and encourage those who work in public schools within every capacity.  Kershaw, Fairfield, Lexington, Calhoun, Akin and other counties throughout South Carolina will be asked to join

Richland County in our efforts to demolish one of the greatest lies that surround our public schools.  They say, “God is not there!”  Many public school workers, including myself, can and will testify to the work of His hands on a daily basis!Didn’t God say, “I will never leave you nor forsake you?”  Then it’s time to turn back to His Word and BELIEVE for this next generation and the state of South Carolina.  On August 6th, we will encourage, edify and help others in public school positions to do the same.

It is my hope and growing passion that South Carolina will be the first state to welcome God back to school- all within the law!  With your support, South Carolina will reclaim our schools with wisdom, understanding and knowledge of our God and show the nation the blessed hope of His presence in our lives.  This is a nondenominational event and all are welcome!

Please let me know if you would be willing to bring together 12 individuals from your county, church or school to this historic event.

For such a time as this, it is my hope that you will join us as we walk in the spirit of Joshua and Caleb-convinced that we can possess the land in and around public schools.  Your presence and prayers will certainly be an encouragement to this state and to many who are concerned about this next generation who are coming out of our public schools.  

His Servant to public schools,                             Vanessa E. Frazier, Director

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THE CHURCH   (II Chronicles 7:14-15) – Pastor Eddie Guess/Global World Outreach Prayer Points

• That the Church would boldly embrace and proclaim God’s truth• That God’s people would be united• That believers would love one another and love  their enemies• That the Church would be characterized by integrity and

righteousness• Pray that churches will be strengthened and readied for revival

GOVERNMENT   (I Timothy 2:1-2) – Pastor Betty Franks/Crossroads WOC Prayer Points

• President Obama, Vice President Biden, Cabinet Members• US Senate and US House of Representatives• US Supreme Court Justices, for righteous Judges and righteous

judgments• State and Local Leaders• Pray that our leaders will act with wisdom and integrity

FAMILY   (Deuteronomy 11:18-19) – Jimmy Burroughs/CCM-WinnsboroPrayer Points

• The hearts of parents and children to be returned to God and each other

• The sanctity of marriage• A return to family activities that unify rather than divide• Family devotions, prayer and church attendance to be reestablished• That God will build faith foundations in families

EDUCATION   (Matthew 19:14) – Ken Clarke/CC InstitutePrayer Points

• Protection in all schools across the nation against violence• For the youth of our nation to find their hope in Christ• School boards, parents and teachers to work together• Students and teachers across the land to turn to the Lord

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MILITARY   (Psalm 20:7) – Reverend Ramón Balaguer Trujillo/Daniel Circle Chapel, Fort JacksonPrayer Points

• Godly wisdom as they serve our nation• Strength and courage for those in the armed forces• The families of those serving in war• Our military to conduct themselves well even under duress

MEDIA   (Matthew 12:36-37) – Pastor Robert ReevesPrayer Points

• Salvation of industry executives and celebrities• Truth and fairness in news reporting• Media to be used to encourage life-giving principles in our society

BUSINESS   (Matthew 5:14-16) – Reverend Ted Cunningham/Chief of Staff of CityLightPrayer Points

• Business leaders in corporate America who are committed to conducting themselves honorably.

• That business men and women will work for a spiritual awakening throughout the workplace

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Honorary Host Committee

Upper DaisBishop Shel’Don Hudson – Chair Host CommitteeMr. Daniel HudsonPastor Kerry Breen – SpeakerJimmy Burroughs – ChristCentral Ministries, WinnsboroPastor Robert Reeves – Boiling SpringsBarbara Franklin/Christ Central President of Mission DivisionJoe Grimaud – CityLight FounderGladys Grimaud CityLight Co-founderPastor Eddie Guess, Past Chair CityLightMrs. Mattie Guess

Lower DaisPastor Betty FranksRev. Ramón Balaguer TrujilloAnnette Balaguer TrujilloKen ClarkeJoann ClarkeReverend Ted CunninghamToni CunninghamH. L. AllenJanie Allen

Table SponsorsHoly LightPastor Sylvia MickensMr. & Mrs Ramon Balaguer Esther Women of InfluenceGreater WorksCross Roads World Outreach CenterChrist CentralMr. & Mrs Joe GrimaudEcumenical ChurchDaniel CircleMr. & Mrs. Samuel PerryMr. & Mrs. Jimmy LaRose

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Sandra TaylorSandra Taylor is an Esther Women of Influence. She serves as Administrative Assistant to Bishop Redfern, II, International Director of CityLight as well as Office Manager at Christ Central Columbia Mission Station.

Among her many hats, she also serves as Administrative Assistant at Christ Teens and is on the pastor’s adjutant team at her beloved church, Perfecting Faith under the Pastorship of Dr. Warren D. Robinson.

Sandra is known for her love of cooking and computer skills. An important aspect of her life is her love for children. She has been actively involve in faith-base non-profit ministry for over three years. Working with youth ministries and teaching children bible study. She has a demonstrated tract record of leadership and organizational skills.

Sandra is a prayer warrior and leader of women. She makes her home in Columbia SC.

Ted Cunningham CityLight has an all volunteer staff of 40 persons. The Citylight Staff is responsible for implementing the mission and vision as outlined by our board of directors. Staff members represent a cross section of the world’s population. CityLight is racially, culturally and denominationally diverse. There are CityLight staff members in the USA,several African Countries, Europe and Asia.

Ted Cunningham is Chief of Staff

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CityLight IndiaPrayer and Care teams are being established in the 28 states and seven territories of India. CityLight India is setting up the National Congress of Prayer and Care. Prayer and Care teams have set mobile health clinics and Bible training school throughout the country. Andrew and Jeyarani Dev are the Directors.

CityLight Teen Challenge WorldwideCityLight is partnering with Teen Challenge to build an international Prayer Chapel to commission Teen Challenge graduates in 90 countries to start Prayer and Care Teams to minister to the poor. Teen Challenge Prayer and Care Groups will be connected via video Conferencing. Pastor Don Wilkerson is the director.

CityLight AfricaCityLight Prayer and Care Teams have been organized in 12 countries in Africa. The Prayer and Care teams giving aid to the sick and dying as well as to the widows of war.

CityLight Prayer Teams are building houses for widows and orphanages for children who have lost both parents. Charles and Agnes Mpagi are our Central Africa Directors.

CityLight Disaster ReliefCityLight Prayer and Care Teams are 1st responders to all major disasters. CityLight has responded to every major disaster since hurricane Katrina. CityLight organizes prayer vigils and mission Teams to go on site to provide relief. Prayer and Care Teams are encourage to provide financial assistance.

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Citylight Teen Challenge Worldwide is our new drug recovery program that offers hope for users, their families and the community.Chris Barber moved here from the original Brooklyn Teen Challenge to be the program’s Executive Director. Mr Barber has over twenty years of experience using discipleship to lead men and women out of addiction.

Citylight Esther Women of Influence is a Prayer and Care ministry for women. These Prayer and Care Teams are serving pregnant teens and teen mothers. Teaching life skills through discipleship.

The Esther Prayer and Care Teams hold their annual conference for training in Myrtle Beach. Luella Redfern is the national director.

Citylight Partners with Eternal Release, a non-profit group working with men between the ages of 18-29. Eternal Release uses mentoring to help guide young men in becoming acttive and productive citizens.

Eric Bowden is the Director.

CityLight @ Riverside Community Development Corporation in Saluda County CityLight partners with RCDC in developing a 64,000 sq ft community center in Saluda, SC. CityLight Prayer and Care deliver meals to senior citizens and purchased computers for the after school program. The center is a hub of Community activity for Blacks, whites and Hispanics. James Holloway is the Director.

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