cat catalyst :: artist and poet


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Page 2: Cat Catalyst :: Artist and Poet

Cat Catalyst Artist and Poet’s Vision

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!   I am an artist and a poet. My practice is about sharing personal truth, insight and revelation about the human experience.

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!   I attempt to do this through the medium of installation, whereby I invite the audience to engage with the work and the act of participation becomes part of the piece itself.

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!   My objective is to extend an invitation to commit to the communication of wellbeing, self-love, inner-peace and connectivity, so that in the face of surmounting state austerity and corporate greed, where the quarterly profit margin is prioritised over and above family, community, human dignity and environmental sustainability, one can offer a healthy comparison.

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!   This can be achieved by engaging in right-brain activities that reconnects an individual with a sense of innocence and play in order to rediscover and form new neurological pathways in the brain.

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!   In this way, according to brain scientist: Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor; one can choose to ‘step to the right of one’s left hemisphere’ at any given moment in time, in order to run the ‘deep inner-peace circuitry’ that is characteristic of the right hemisphere of the brain.

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!   In the words of Thích Nhất Hạnh: ‘Peace is every step’ however, in order to walk a path of 'mindfulness' (ie: left and right hemispheres working together) one must keep challenging one’s concepts of self-identity (left hemisphere) within the context of the larger scheme of things (right hemisphere), to move beyond old limiting programming and divisive stereotypical-labels such as gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, salary, postcode, elitism, etc. to redefine the boundaries of ones inherited cultural and social roles.

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!   This constitutes a hemispherical union that initiates self-love and facilitates it’s outer expression as compassion and humility.

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!   This is the true sense of the co-joining, dovetailing union between Yin and Yang. For Yin and Yang is not something out there, these qualities exist within ones own cranium. It is the perpetual dance of duality and polarity within the self and within each other. Love is unity. Fear is the division of unity.

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!   In order for humanity to evolve humanity must learn to engage and apply both sides of the brain equally. Not one to the exclusion of the other, but both, to integrate the perspective of the ‘I’ and the ‘I am’ as part of the ‘Whole’, the ‘We are’, and the: we are all here now and in this together.

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!   This is also the reason for why humanity appears not to have evolved beyond the multiplicity of the ego, and appears to be making exactly the same mistakes related to power, greed, control, self-importance, conflict and war etc., as it was thousands of years ago, because humanity’s decision making process is still dominated by the same left-brained ego-mind that operates solely from a place of self-interest and instant, short-term gratification, without engaging the vision for a long-term communal best interest that is characteristic of the right-brain.

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!   As soon as we choose to come online to embrace and integrate the sensory nature of the right hemisphere of the brain, to support and balance our left-brain thought processes, humankind will make monumental leaps and bounds forwards, discovering and developing a plethora of new, exciting and inspirational ways to cement a deeper sense of communal responsibility, committed to finding ecologically sustainable growth solutions whilst healing old grievances easily and effortlessly.

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!   Author and spiritual teacher, Marianne Williamson says that: "Righteousness means 'right use' of the mind and the only right use of the mind is love”.

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!   And so I propose that this is how one can begin making heart-supported choices, by engaging our right hemispheres of our brains, (the sensory, feeling, center that connects the heart, tempers the ego and is committed to communicating peace) to balance and support our logical, rational, thinking left-brain, (the ego-mind that offers the incessant internal dialogue that can often border upon the tyrannical) creating an inner-outer union, rather than tension.

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!   This union between the hemispheres is the process of becoming fully conscious, where the 'Off' becomes an 'On' and where the 'Zero' becomes a 'One'. This is also how consciousness can spread like a wildfire virus, where whole countries can become united over night, just like switching on an electric light. Align Right.


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! Dr Jill Bolte Taylor - My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey (Published by Hachette UK, 2009)

! Thích Nhất Hạnh - Peace is Every Step (Published by Bantam Books, USA, 1991)

!   Karen Lazar - Hemispheres: Inside a stroke (Published by Modjaji Books and Worldreader, South Africa, 2011)

!   Marianne Williamson - 'The Law of Divine Compensation’ (Published by HarperOne, USA, 2012)

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