cat care tips

Cat Care Tips Alison Martin

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Cat Care Tips

Cat Care TipsAlison Martin

Page 2: Cat Care Tips

Introduction Alison Martin has shown her compassion for humans and

animals alike through her work with several charitable organizations. One of the groups that has enjoyed Alison Martin's support on numerous occasions is the Humane Society of New Rochelle and Bideawee, for which she has provided cat-care services and shared her passion for animals.

While many assume that cats are more independent than other animals, these companions still require food, water, shelter, and love, just like any other companion animal. Cats should be safely confined to the property of their owners to the greatest extent possible in order to ensure they do not harm themselves or get lost.

Page 3: Cat Care Tips

Cat Care In the event a cat has to be transported, a cat carrier

can minimize risk. Similarly, spaying or neutering a cat can help control the pet population and minimize the risk of additional costs.

Though cats are generally clean animals, they still benefit from regular cleaning and grooming. Finally, even for cats that seem to prefer quiet time, owners should always make sure to spend some time playing with and enjoying the company of their cats. This not only strengthens the pet-owner bond, but also provides physical and mental stimulation necessary to a cat's overall health.