cassandra day sv 2014: building a flexible, real-time big data applications platform on apache...

Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Cassandra with Kiji Cassandra Day Silicon Valley 07 April 2014 Clint Kelly Member of Technical Staff WibiData 1

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The talk is about the process of adding support for Cassandra in Kiji, our open-source platform for building big-data applications. I start off by describing the Kiji project, how it enables folks to build big-data applications, and (hopefully) get everyone excited about it. Then I talk about the Kiji data model, its origins in HBase (we initially built Kiji on top of HBase), how we updated it to also support Cassandra, what some if the issues were, etc. I get into some detail about our use of the Java driver and its async API, how we translate operations in Kiji into CQL statements, and some enhancements we've made to the Hadoop InputFormat and OutputFormat. I think this talk will be interesting to folks in general, and in particular will be useful for anyone who has an HBase background and is now working with Cassandra. The Kiji Project is a modular, open-source framework that enables developers to efficiently build real-time Big Data applications. Kiji is built upon popular open-source technologies such as Cassandra, HBase, Hadoop, and Scalding, and contains components that implement functionality critical for Big Data applications, including the following: Support for evolvable schemas of complex data types Batch training of machine learning models with Hadoop Real-time scoring with trained models Integration with Hive and R A REST endpoint Recently, we have updated Kiji to use Cassandra as a backing data store (previously, Kiji worked only with HBase). In this talk, we describe the process of integrating Cassandra and Kiji. Topics we cover include the following: The Kiji architecture and data model Implementing the Kiji data model in Cassandra using the Java driver and CQL3 Integrating Cassandra with Hadoop 2.x Building a flexible middleware platform that supports Cassandra and HBase (including projects that use both simultaneously) Exposing unique features of Cassandra (e.g., variable consistency) to Kiji users


Page 1: Cassandra Day SV 2014: Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Apache Cassandra with Kiji

Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform

on Cassandra with Kiji

Cassandra Day Silicon Valley07 April 2014

Clint KellyMember of Technical StaffWibiData


Page 2: Cassandra Day SV 2014: Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Apache Cassandra with Kiji


• The Kiji Project• The Kiji data model and KijiSchema• Mapping Kiji to Cassandra• Status and future work• Try it now!


Should there be any intro page that talks about WibiData anywhere?

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The Kiji Project


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Want to build this...

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Have this...



Want to build this...

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Have this...


Want to build this...

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Open source components

• Batch processing– Extract, transform, load– Train machine learning models

• Scalable storage– Time-series data

• Serialization– Complex data types


Hadoop, C*, HBase, Avro



KijiHive KijiScoring


Page 8: Cassandra Day SV 2014: Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Apache Cassandra with Kiji


• Schemas and data serialization• Complex, atomic data types


Hadoop, C*, HBase, Avro



KijiHive KijiScoring


record UserLog { long timestamp; int user_id; string url; long session_id;}

• Schema evolution• Table metadata

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Kiji batch components

• Scala DSL ➔ describe MapReduce computations

• Machine learning library• Hive adapter


Hadoop, C*, HBase, Avro



KijiHive KijiScoring


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Kiji real-time components

• REST server• Scoring server


Hadoop, C*, HBase, Avro



KijiHive KijiScoring


Page 11: Cassandra Day SV 2014: Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Apache Cassandra with Kiji

Kiji Summary

• Bridge between open-source technologies and real-time, big data applications

• Users are building real systems with Kiji now!– Personalized recommendation systems for retail– Energy usage and analytics reporting


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The Kiji data model and KijiSchema


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Table are composed of rows.

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entity ID data


We call row keys “entity IDs.”

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data0xfa “bob”


We support composite entity IDs (with hashed and unhashed components).

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info0xfa “bob” songs


Data in rows is organized into “column families.”

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songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email



Column families contain columns, named as “family:qualifier.”

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songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be



Individual columns can have many different timestamped versions.

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songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be



Data values can be complex records

record SongPlay { long song_id; int user_rating; long session_id; device_type device;}

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Locality groups

Separate logical organization of data (column families) from physical attributes (caching, compression, etc.)

info songs_todayentity ID songs_prev_year

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Locality groups

Separate logical organization of data (column families) from physical attributes (caching, compression, etc.)

Need this data ASAP for real-time scoring. Use this data only for

batch jobs.

info songs_todayentity ID songs_prev_year

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info songs_todayentity ID songs_prev_year

“real_time” (in-memory, uncompressed, TTL = 1 day)

“batch” (compressed, TTL = 12mo)


Locality groups

Always refer to columns by logical name (“family:qualifier”).

Need this data ASAP for real-time scoring. Use this data only for

batch jobs.

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KijiSchema summary

• Data model similar to Cassandra, HBase, BigTable

• Contains time dimension (not present in C*)• Logical and physical organization separate• Complex schemas with Avro


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Mapping Kiji to Cassandra


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Implementation notes


• Built for Cassandra 2.0.6+• Native protocol / Java driver (no Thrift)• Asynchronous API• Assume users have Hadoop, ZooKeeper

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Mapping a Kiji table ➔ Cassandra

• Locality group ➔ Table• Entity ID ➔ Primary key

– Hashed components ➔ partition key– Unhashed components ➔ clustering columns

• Family, qualifier, timestamp ➔ clustering columns• Cell values ➔ blobs


songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be


Page 27: Cassandra Day SV 2014: Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Apache Cassandra with Kiji

CQL for Kiji locality groupCREATE TABLE users_locality_group_fast ( userid bigint, user text, family text, qualifier text, timestamp bigint, value blob, PRIMARY KEY (userid, username, family, qualifier, timestamp)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY ( username ASC, family ASC, qualifier ASC, timestamp DESC);


TODO: Show row diagram, arrows pointing to components?

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cqlsh:kiji_music>SELECT * FROM kiji_table_users;

userid | username | family | qualifier | timestamp | value--------+----------+--------+----------------+-----------+--------------- 0xfa | bob | info | email | 139653249 | 1243970104327 0xfa | bob | songs | abbey road | 139656012 | 0981274331032 0xfa | bob | songs | help | 139625013 | 9074132704129 0xfa | bob | songs | help | 139621359 | 1923079210370 0xfa | bob | songs | help | 139625013 | 4745018223497 0xfa | bob | songs | helter skelter | 139621324 | 7710423974234

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Physical organization of data on disk


songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be

13965601230xfa:bob:info:email:t0:[email protected]


0xfa:bob:songs:let it be:t5:...

0xfa:bob:songs:let it be:t4:…

0xfa:bob:songs:let it be:t2:…


0xfa:bob:songs:helter skelter:t1:…

Efficient queries = continuous scans!

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Kiji queries ➔ CQL queries

All data in “info” column family for “bob” ➔SELECT qualifier, value FROM music WHERE userid=0xfa AND user=‘bob’ AND family=‘info’;


songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be


Page 31: Cassandra Day SV 2014: Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Apache Cassandra with Kiji

Kiji queries ➔ CQL queries

Data in “info:email” and last play of “help” for “bob” ➔

SELECT value FROM music WHERE userid=0xfa AND user=‘bob’ AND family=‘info’ AND qualifier=‘email’;

SELECT value FROM music WHERE userid=0xfa AND user=‘bob’ AND family=‘songs’ AND qualifier=‘help’ LIMIT 1;


songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be


Page 32: Cassandra Day SV 2014: Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Apache Cassandra with Kiji

Kiji queries ➔ CQL queries

All songs played by “bob” on April 2nd ➔SELECT qualifier, value FROM music WHERE userid=0xfa AND user=‘bob’ AND family=‘songs’ AND timestamp >= 1396396800 AND timestamp <= 1396483200 ALLOW FILTERING;😱😱


songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be


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Kiji queries ➔ CQL queries


songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be


!Bad Request: PRIMARY KEY part timestamp cannot be restricted (preceding part qualifier is either not restricted or by a non-EQ relation)

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Queries that do not map well to CQL

• Break up into multiple CQL queries– Hooray for Session#executeAsync!

• Filter on the client– Potentially very expensive, but functional– Provide warning to user

• Educate users about table layout– Layout in previous example is terrible for that query

• Most issues related to “time” dimension


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• Wrote new InputFormat, OutputFormat• Hadoop 2.x• Multiple C* queries per RecordReader• Does not use Thrift


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Project status and next steps


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Initial release in ~ 2 weeks


• Cassandra as part of the Bento Box• Cassandra working in KijiSchema, KijiMR

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Support in the coming months

• Cassandra integration with KijiREST, KijiScoring, KijiExpress, etc.

• Expose Cassandra-specific features to users– Variable consistency levels– Load-balancing policies– Diagnostics (e.g., route tracing)

• Kiji support in CQLSH– Decode Avro values


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Thanks to Cassandra community

• Great help on mailing lists for users, dev, java driver

• Webinars, meetups, C* Summit all available online

• Free training from DataStax• Very easy to get up-to-speed


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Try it now -- Kiji Bento Box

• Latest compatible versions of all components• Hadoop, ZooKeeper, HBase• Cassandra in ~2 weeks


Mention hiring?

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• Schemas and data serialization• Complex data types (e.g.,

nested maps)• Schema evolution• Metadata• Composite row keys• Transparent paging• Data-definition language, REPL


Hadoop, C*, HBase, Avro



KijiHive KijiScoring


Page 42: Cassandra Day SV 2014: Building a Flexible, Real-time Big Data Applications Platform on Apache Cassandra with Kiji


Schema support

Support for complex schemas with Avrorecord UserLog { long timestamp; int user_id; string url;}

KijiSchema allows schema versioning

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Column name translation

• “family:qualifier” -> “A:B”• Saves disk space• Improves performance• User-facing tools translate names• Possible to turn this off

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Kiji queries ➔ CQL queries

All data in family “songs” for user “bob” ➔SELECT qualifier, value FROM music WHERE userid=0xfa AND user=‘bob’ AND family=‘songs’;


songs:let it be



0xfa “bob” info:email

info:payment songs:

let it besongs:let it besongs:

let it besongs:let it be