casey anthony - annie downing 1-6-09 transcript

TAPED TRANSCRIPT OF ANNIE DOWNING INTERVIEW CONDUCTED BY CORPORAL YURI MELICH CASE NUMBER — 08-74777 JANUARY 6, 2009 YM — CORPORAL YURI MELICH EE — CORPORAL WILLIAM "ERIC" EDWARDS LD — LINDA DRANE BURDICK, ESQUIRE WL — WARREN LINDSEY, ESQUIRE AD — MS. ANNIE DOWNING LD: Alright, today's date is January 6, 2009. The time is approximately 1:35 p.m. WL: I still write 8 on.... YM: Thank you. WL: ....2008. I can't.... LD: EE: We're on. LD: I said 2009 right (unintelligible). WL: You did. You did. EE: We're on. LD: Ready? EE: Yes ma'am. LD: Alright, uhm, today's date is January 7, 2009. We're at the office of the State Attorney, at 415 North Orange Avenue, OWLando, Florida. My name is Linda Drane-Burdick. I'm the Assistant State Attorney here at the office of Lawson Lamar. Also present in the room is uhm, Detective Yuri Melich with the Orange County Sheriff's Office, and Detective Eric Edwards, also with the Orange County 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG

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Page 1: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript



CASE NUMBER — 08-74777

JANUARY 6, 2009






LD: Alright, today's date is January 6, 2009. The time is approximately 1:35 p.m.

WL: I still write 8 on....

YM: Thank you.

WL: ....2008. I can't....


EE: We're on.

LD: I said 2009 right (unintelligible).

WL: You did. You did.

EE: We're on.

LD: Ready?

EE: Yes ma'am.

LD: Alright, uhm, today's date is January 7, 2009. We're at the office of the State

Attorney, at 415 North Orange Avenue, OWLando, Florida. My name is Linda

Drane-Burdick. I'm the Assistant State Attorney here at the office of Lawson

Lamar. Also present in the room is uhm, Detective Yuri Melich with the Orange

County Sheriff's Office, and Detective Eric Edwards, also with the Orange County



























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Sheriff's Office. Uhm, we have a witness here who will be sworn shortly. Uhm,

2 and also uh, with the witness is a lawyer by the name of Warren Lindsey, who

3 came with the witness. Uhm, first of all, if you could state your full name?

4 AD: Annie Leigh Downing.

5 LD: Alright. Ms. Downing, uh, you are here in response to a State Attorney

6 investigative subpoena uhm, that was served on you some weeks ago uh, initially

7 for an appearance to uhm, be here on December 1 1 th of 2008. Uh, events of that

8 day required a postponement, and you are appearing here now today, January

9 7th uh, in response to that same subpoena. Okay, you understand that?

10 AD: Yes ma'am.

11 LD: Uh, you brought this, brought a lawyer with you, uh, as well. Have you had the

12 opportunity, or do you feel you had, had the opportunity to uhm, discuss with

13 your lawyer uh, the protections that the investigative subpoena affords you?

14 AD: Yes ma'am.

15 LD: Did you have any questions about that....

16 AD: No.

17 LD: ... before we begin? Uhm, you understand uh, that your testimony here is being

18 compelled, and that you do not have any uh, right to refuse to answer questions?

19 AD: Yes ma'am.

20 LD: Okay. Uhm, do you also understand that what you tell us will not be held against

21 you uh, unless you provide uh, the false testimony to us?

22 AD: Yes ma'am, I understand.

23 LD: Okay. Are you ready to begin?

24 AD: Yes ma'am.

25 LD: Alright, uhm, one of these detectives will swear you.


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YM: Would you raise your right hand for. me? Do you swear and affirm the

statements you're about to give are true to the best of your knowledge?

AD: Yes sir.

YM: Okay. I'm Yuri Melich with the Sheriff's Office. Good afternoon. One of the

reasons we wanted to bring you down here obviously is because we're

investigating the case of Caylee Anthony. Orange County case number 08-

074777. Uh, as part of our investigation we've talked to a lot of Casey's friends.

A lot of people just know Casey in passing.

AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

YM: And our ultimate goal was just to get uh, a good idea of what Casey was like

before I met her, which was....

AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

YM: ... on July 16th . Before I even start asking any questions, let me ask you, why do

you think we would want to talk to you about Casey?

AD: Because I was one of her best friends at one time.

YM: And what information do you think we are going to be asking you about Casey in

regards to this case?

AD: I don't have the slightest idea. Maybe the type of person she is, or was.

YM: Okay. How long have you known Casey?

AD: Probably since I was in tenth grade.

YM: Okay, and you guys...

AD: Which would be, I graduated in '03.

EE: Let me simplify this if, if I may for a second. Did you watch any of this on TV?

It's hard not to. I mean there's, it's all over the (inaudible).

AD: I, I actually don't at all.


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1 EE: You know, you haven't seen any of it?

2 AD; Uh, no, not, not for the last few months I can't.

3 EE; So if there was anything that you saw and said boy they, if they're curious about

4 that, if they knew this that would make sense to them now. You see what I'm

5 trying to say? Is there anything about her life like you would, that you eluded to

6 there, uhm?

7 AD; Uh, I don't quite understand what you're asking me.

8 EE: Is there anything that, that, that uh, you think that we need to know before we

9 start asking our questions. What we're trying to do here is see the level of

10 cooperation or information that you're willing to give us freely before we start

11 asking direct and pointed questions.

12 AD: In regards to?

13 EE: Her and her lifestyle and the baby.

14 AD: Uh, I think that the media, whether it's you or the media, has put her out to be

15 somebody who I don't know her to be.

16 EE: Okay.

17 AD: But again, we weren't really the best of friends when all this happened.

18 EE: Okay, fair enough. Well we'll go the question route.

19 YM: Okay. Knew each other since tenth grade, went to the same high school

20 together, Colonial High?

21 EE: Yes sir.

22 YM: And uh, in your group of friends, who would you say your group of friends were

23 when you guys were going to high school?

24 AD: When I was going to high school I wasn't really friends with her.

25 YM: Oh, okay.

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AD: And I, I knew her. I knew who she was. I knew her friends. The people that I,

2 that are my friends now, I didn't really, they weren't my group of friends in high

3 school.

4 YM: What was she like in high school?

5 AD: Athlete.

6 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

7 AD: Uhm, socially I really didn't know her.

8 YM: Okay, you never went to parties with her or anything like that?

9 AD: No sir.

10 YM: When did you, you say you, before we even started you, I asked you why you

11 thought you were here. You said because you and she were best friends at one

12 time.

13 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

14 YM: When did you guys become friends, and best friends?

15 AD: (Sighs.) It's '09 now.

16 YM: You want to use a gauge of when the child was born then kind of go from there.

17 AD: Caylee was, it was at the be... Caylee's second birthday was August of oh... , it

18 would have been '07 because '08 she would have been three.

19 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

20 AD: So the end of '06?

21 YM: So end of

22 AD: The last couple months of '06, the first three to five months of '07. No, because I

23 still went to Caylee's birthday. So the end, end of '06, beginning '07 to a few

24 months after Caylee's birthday is when we were very good friends.

25 YM: A few months after Caylee's birthday...


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Second birthday.

...last year in '07?

In '07.


Two years ago.

Two years ago. So you guys were best friends for about a year roughly?

Roughly, yes.

And did you ever live together at all?

No sir.

Where were you living when you first uh, I guess became friends with her? Oh,

not, not in high school, you said you became best friends. Where were you living

in '06?

In '06 I was at Sawgrass Apartments.

Okay, who were you living with?

My ex-boyfriend, Dante Salati.

And how long did you live there until?

(Sighs.) March of `0...'07 I believe. I'm not exactly sure of the month or the date.

But definitely it was March uh, within a couple months of '07. Beginning of '07.

Do you know when, do you remember when you moved in there? How long you

lived there?

We resigned a lease in October/November of the year prior. We lived there for a

full year. So we renewed our lease and I was only there for a few more months.

so you renewed your lease in '07?


And, no you....

1 AD:

2 YM:

3 AD:

4 YM:

5 AD:

6 YM:

7 AD:

8 YM:

9 AD:

10 YM:



13 AD:

14 YM:

15 AD:

16 YM:

17 AD:


19 YM:


21 AD :


23 YM:

24 AD :

25 YM:


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AD: No, no, '06.

2 YM: ... got it in March '07. And you renewed it in October of '06. You were there in

3 say October '05 roughly?

4 AD: Roughly.

5 YM: Okay...

6 AD: October, November.

7 YM: ... so from 2005, October....

8 AD: I was there a little bit less than a year and a half.

9 YM: You always live with Dante the whole time?

10 AD: Yes, just me and him.

11 YM: Were there any other of your, of your mutual friends that lived at Sawgrass at the

12 time?

13 AD: He knew somebody that lived there. I don't know their name. Uhm, and I had a

14 friend of mine that lived there briefly when we first moved in.

15 YM: And what's her name?

16 AD: Uhm....

17 YM: Or his name?

18 AD: Uh, her name was CaWLy Layton.

19 LD: You have her spelling?

20 AD: C-A-R-L-Y I believe. I'm not positive. And then L-A-Y-T-O-N.

21 YM: And she lived in Sawgrass what time period?

22 AD: It had to have been when we first moved in because she moved out.

23 YM: So end of '05, beginning of '06?

24 AD: Yes.

25 YM: And what part of Sawgrass did she live in?

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1 AD: She lived past me. I don't, building number I don't know anything...

2 YM: Towards the back? Towards the front?

3 AD: It was uh, maybe a building or two over from me, but past, towards the back.

4 YM: Go...

5 AD: Yes.

6 YM: Through the front entrance, and past the uh, office?

7 AD: Past where I lived.

8 YM: Around the corner?

9 AD: Past where I lived, a couple buildings down on the first floor.

10 YM: Anyone else that you guys knew as mutual friends that lived over in Sawgrass?

11 AD: Not that I can, not, not that I can recall.

12 YM: What about after you moved out? Did you, uh, aside from Dante who's still living

13 there?

14 AD: I've never been back so I don't know if anybody that lives there.

15 YM: So you never went back to Sawgrass at all since you moved out?

16 AD: Not since I moved out.

17 YM: So you haven't been back since March of '07 roughly?

18 AD: Not that I can recall, no.

19 YM: You never went to a party there or....

20 AD: No sir.

21 YM: ... met anyone there? Or just use it as kind of a, a staging area to meet, get in

22 the car and go?

23 AD: No sir.

24 YM: Okay. In the year or so that you were best friends with Casey, how would you

25 describe, uh, how would you describe her? What type of giWL was she? Was


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1 she a homebody? Did she like to go out and party? What, what was she, what

2 was she like?

3 AD: Uh, uh, she appeared to be more of a homebody. Uhm, uh, she, we liked to go

4 shopping. That's what we did. We went shopping. Uhm, you know, I, I, I'm

5 young. I do go out. I do party. And most of the time she wasn't there. With my

6 group of friends.

7 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

8 AD: Uhm, she was definitely to me more than a, more of a homebody.

9 YM: So she was best friends with you but you didn't have the same group of friends

10 or?

11 AD: No, no, no, we do. We, we do....

12 YM: Okay.

13 AD: ... have the same group of friends. But she never went out because she had

14 Caylee.

15 YM: Who were your, who were your group of friends when you guys were best

16 friends? Who were your group of friends?

17 AD: (Sighs.) Sean Daly, I mean I have a huge group of friends.

18 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

19 AD: Uhm, Brandon Snow, uh, Jonathan Daly, uhm, my ex-boyfriend, Dante.

20 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

21 AD: Corey. lassen. Uh, I'm probably, I'm leaving people out. I, I know that I am.

22 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

23 AD: Uhm, Daniel. I, I have a, there's a lot of friends.

24 YM: But a lot of people that we've already talked to uh, in essence.

25 AD: Probably. I don't....

I 9

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You're saying your group of...

I don't know.


I don't know who, who you've talked to.

So Casey was described as a homebody? Maybe you guys go shopping

together? When she...

And she occasionally did go out.

When she did go out what would you guys normally do? What was your idea of

a good time?

Well we'd throw parties, uhm, or go downtown. But that's mainly it.

How'd uh, when she went out, as far as drinking, how is she as a drinker?

She rarely, rarely got wasted. She most of the time drove so she'd have a beer

or two and be done.

Uh-hum (affirmative). What...

When she was around me.

What about on her twenty-first birthday party?

She got annihilated.

Okay. What about uh, what about drugs when you guys went out as far as

recreational drugs, whether it be Ecstasy or, or Zanax or, or smoking marijuana,

or doing cocaine? Anything like that? Well what do you know that she would


Nothing. She never did anything around me.

Okay. What do you know that she would do?

I don't know that she's ever done anything.

1 YM:


3 YM:

4 AD:

5 YM:


7 AD:

8 YM:


10 AD:

11 YM:

12 AD :


14 YM:

15 AD:

16 YM:

17 AD:

18 YM:




22 AD:

23 YM:

24 AD:


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YM: She never talked to you or told you that she tried with this, or experimented with


AD: No sir, not to my knowledge.

YM: So in the whole time that you guys were best friends, I'm just narrowing it

between '06 and '07 now, she never told you hey, I went out, whether you were

there or not, or whether you were present or not, she never told you anything

about hey, I just popped this? Boy it makes you feel good. Hey, I just took this?

AD: Not that I can remember, no sir.

YM: Did she ever ask you if you had a connection, or could help her with getting any

type of drug?

AD: No sir.

YM: Did you ever have, let me rephrase that. When was the last time you ever had a

prescription for Zanax?

AD: Last time I had a prescription for Zanax I was a junior/senior in college. I think

more my junior year of college. And I went straight to college out of high school.

YM: So you graduated '03, so you're talking about '05 is the last time you had a

prescription for Zanax?

AD: '05? Listen I'm not exactly sure. I don't remember the last time I went to that


YM: And what were you taking the Zanax for, anxiety or?

AD: Yes sir.

YM: What doctor was it?

AD: Oh, God, I have no clue.

YM: Okay.























11 Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG


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AD: I could tell you where the office is. What the doctor's name was I don't


YM: Where was the office?

AD: Uhm, if you take 436 north to Aloma you'd make a left on Aloma. And it's a, the

building's on the left hand side. You have to make a U-turn to get to it.

YM: So it's near Aloma and 436?

AD: Yeah (affirmative), it's maybe a block or two down uhm....

YM: On Aloma?

AD: On Aloma. If....

YM: East or west? Towards....

AD: It'd be west. Because you'd be going north and make a left, so it'd be west.

YM: Okay.

AD: I'd have, I mean I'd have to check my insurance to see what the name of the

doctor was.

YM: When uhm, when you had this prescription for Zanax did you ever, oh, did Casey

ever ask you for a pill, either for, not telling you where she was going to, what

she was going to do with it, but did she ever ask you for a pill or say...

AD: No sir.

YM: ... hey, do you have any? Did she ever try and buy a pill from you?

AD: No sir.

YM: What if I told you that she had conversations with people that you had access to

Zanax and she was able to get it from you, and she was kind of telling her friends

that? What, what would you say to that?

AD: It's not the truth. Not for me. (Inaudible).


























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YM: Not from you? Is there any other person that you guys know of in your group of

friends named Annie that uh, had a prescription for Zanax that you know of?

AD: I'm the only person that I know of named Annie.

YM: I want to show you something that, this is a... off of unallocated clusters. It's uh,

there were bookmarks on the top page one. And it's got a case number listed on

the left. It's actually her old case number, 08-069208. Take a second if you

would and just go ahead and read through this. It's a chat log. It starts off with

the first person there is Marie. Uhm, take a second to read that and then tell me

when you're done.

AD: Okay.

YM: Do you recognize any of the uh, I'm going to use the word handles, or any of the

uh, labels over here as being someone you know?

AD: Yeah (affirmative), I know Casey's screen name.

YM: Okay. Is Casey 0. Marie Casey Anthony's screen name?

AD: It's one I've talked to her on, yes.

YM: What about Special Agent Jag 4? Do you know who that is?

AD: No sir.

YM: Okay. We do. We talked to him. And we asked him about this conversation.

And he narrowed it down that this took place roughly the middle to end of 2007.

And I want to say last year, but I know it's now two years ago. Uhm, does this,

the reason I asked you the questions before is based on, partially based on this

sheet right over here where it says, "I can hit my friend Annie up for some

Zanax." Why would Casey be telling people that she could hit you up for Zanax if

you've never given it to her and you're the only Annie we know that had a

prescription for Zanax? Why would she say that to people?


























13 Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG

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AD: I don't know. Uh, and she knew I had a prescription for it. Whether or not she

thought I could, I would give it to her that's beyond me.

YM: And you're saying you never gave her any Zanax?

AD: No sir.

YM: Did you ever find any Zanax missing and uh, and thought she may have taken it?

AD: I didn't count my pills. I, I didn't know. I, I, I wouldn't be able to tell you the

honest truth (inaudible).

YM: Did you ever suspect her of taking anything from you such as Zanax or pills?

AD: No, not to my knowledge. But again, I didn't count my pills.

YM: Okay. So....

AD: And it was a, it was a as needed uh, prescription. It wasn't a, I wasn't taking it on

a regular basis. So I....

YM: Did you ever, did you end up taking all the bot... all the pills in the bottle, like....

AD: Yeah (affirmative), I fi... I finished the bottle.

YM: You did finish it?

AD: Yes sir.

YM: The bottle was finished?

AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

YM: How long did that bottle last you do you know?

AD: I wouldn't be able to tell you. Months.

YM: Okay. And again, roughly '05, '06, but we'd be able to check with....

AD: I, I....

YM: ...the doctor?

AD: I'd have to check. I....

YM: Could it have been '07?





















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AD: (Sighs.) I graduated college in '07. August of '07. No, I don't think so. Uh, I

2 could be wrong. I don't know. I, uh, I don't feel comfortable saying yes, I know

3 for sure, without looking at my medical history.

4 YM: Okay.

5 AD: But I, I don't think so.

6 YM: Uh, uh, how, oh, one of the things I, I'd like to ask you, and through your attorney

7 maybe you can help us out, is I'd like to get the name of the doctor who

8 prescribed you the Zanax. So if that's something that you can get to Mr. Lindsey,

9 and Mr. Lindsey....

10 WL: Yes sir.

11 YM: ...can give it to me appreciate it. How would you explain that sentence? Just

12 h... in your own opinion how would you explain Casey saying that?

13 AD: Uhm....

14 YM: What, what...

15 AD: ... untrue.

16 YM: Okay.

17 AD: Absolutely untrue.

18 YM: So she, she's just pretty much lying, saying that you can, she could hit you up for

19 Zanax and, because uh, you read this, and correct me if I'm wrong, it seems to

20 me like it's not a hard thing for her to do is just call you up and say hey, give me

21 some Zani's. Or can I have some of this, and you'd be able to provide it. That's

22 what I read into this. Do you read it a different way or...

23 AD: No, no, I, I, I, I read it the same way you do, but I....

24 YM: But this is un...

25 AD: My prescription was for me, not for anybody else.


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1 YM: This is untrue?

2 EE: You need a break?

3 YM: Yeah (affirmative), okay. I'm going to stop the tape now in just a moment.

4 EE: Hit pause.

5 LD: Alright, what time is it?

6 YM: Just....the time right now is 1:52. Hit play and hit the pause button.

7 EE: Maybe.

8 (Interview stops and resumes shortly thereafter.)

9 YM: Alright, we're back on tape, and it is uh, 1354. Uhm, in regards, again, in regards

10 to this conversation, you, no explanation other than it was a lie?

11 AD: It's completely untrue. Like it's my prescription, is, was for me and my medical

12 necessity.

13 YM: Okay. And you never gave that pill to, to Casey?

14 AD: No sir, not....

15 YM: And did you ever give it to anyone, did you ever give Zanax pills of your, from

16 your prescription to anyone else?

17 AD: Yes sir.

18 YM: Okay. Do you know if any of these people ever gave it to Casey?

19 AD: No.

20 YM: So this couldn't have been hey, I could hit up Annie, but in truth, she'd be calling

21 someone to ask you to give it?

22 AD: Yeah (affirmative). I, one person, one time, and that was it.

23 YM: Who was it?

24 AD: And I saw them take it.

25 YM: Who was that?

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AD: Uh, (sighs).

2 YM: It's to... it's not a hard question.

3 WL: Answer, answer every question.

4 AD: Uh, Sean Daly.

5 YM: Okay. I'm not, I'm not here to jam any, uh....

6 AD: Okay.

7 YM: jam Sean up or...

8 AD: And I'm nervous, so (chuckles).

9 YM: Annie, and that's okay. I'm not here to make you nervous. I understand the

10 environment may make you nervous.

11 AD: Yeah (affirmative).

12 YM: But uh, so going back to, to drug use. As far as you know you don't know of any

13 drugs that Casey would have taken? And I focused it on the times between '06

14 and '07 when you were best friends. Now I'm going to make this over all. In the

15 time that you've known her, you, you, you're, you're tearing up here.

16 AD: I am.

17 YM: What's the matter?

18 AD: I'm just nervous (crying).

19 YM: There's no need to be nervous Annie. We're not here to get anyone into trouble,

20 okay? We're just here to get the truth, alright?

21 LD: Let me see if I can find some more Kleenex for you.

22 YM: You, you need, you need a couple moments? You need a minute or two?

23 LD: (Exits the room and speaks to unknown persons) Anyone have Kleenex?

24 YM: Okay.

25 AD: This is hard for me to understand.


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YM: It's uhm, it's been hard for a lot of people that were Casey's friends. Because a

lot of people are, are just like you that have a, a different impression of what she

was like and you know, I've talked to several people that said she was a good

mother. But uh....

AD: She was.

YM: Un... unfortunately...

AD: I know.

YM: ... all these people also said something changed. And, and that's what we're

trying to kind of pinpoint down. We're trying to figure out what changed. We're

not trying to, to pass blame on another person. We're not trying to say that....

(Ms. Drane-Burdick returns to the room.)

AD: Thank you.

YM: You know we're not trying to say that Annie did something to make Casey bad,

or Annie did something to, to hurt the child. We're not saying that at all. But

there are a lot of unanswered questions that we're just trying to, to get answers

to and uh, that's all we're here for. So, do you know of any uhm, has , has, had

Casey confided in you, or told you anything about drug use or uhm, you know,

experimenting since you guys ended up becoming best friends? Like in the, in

the whole time that you've known her, up until today, every, I already mentioned

to you about....

AD: She never was really into that. Like I said, whenever we went out she would

rarely drink to get drunk. We'd go out and she'd have a beer because she'd

most of the time drive.

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).


























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AD: Uhm, she'd have to be home because of Caylee. Uhm, uh, not to my knowledge

did she ever, she took, she just wasn't, she wasn't into it.

YM: Do you know of any of her family members that may have problems with it?

AD: Not that I know of. No sir, I don't, not, not that I can think of.

EE: Can I add some additional on a statement you just made? Uhm, if you went out

she, she wouldn't drink very much because she'd have to be home because of

the baby?

AD: Yes sir.

EE: Did you, what's your, did you have any knowledge of phone calls that Cindy

would make to her while you were out, or was there any (inaudible).

AD: It happened frequently. Cindy would call....

EE: Okay.

AD: ...frequently. "What time are you going to be home? Why are you out so late?"

EE: Okay. So what...

AD: Because....

EE: What was note... what was her general attitude towards that?

AD: Most of the time, apparently she lied to her mom all the time, saying, "I'm at work,

I'm at work, I'm at work," when she was out. I found that out later she was

always saying that she was at work. Uhm, I'm sorry.

YM: It's okay.

AD: Uhm, and her mom would just call, "Where are you? When are you going to be

home? When are you going to be home?" You know, "I want to go to bed." I

want to, you know, and she wanted her home to take care of her own daughter.



























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1 EE: And you witnessed this how many times do you think? Or was it just so

2 commonplace that...

3 AD: I would, yeah (affirmative), I was, it was, her mom would call almost every single

4 time we were out. She'd yell at her for one thing or another or to see where she

5 was at.

6 EE: So, uh, and....

7 YM: What do you mean to, what do you mean to yell? I'm sorry.

8 AD: (Sighs.) I, I know a lot of the truth now. Like for instance, uhm, when I graduated

9 from UCF Casey was going with me to my graduation. And uhm, on my way to

10 graduation Casey, Casey's mom called and said, "You need to get home now."

11 And so she had a conversation with her mother. She said she had to leave.

12 Uhm, and uh, Casey told me, "Oh, my mom was mad at me because I didn't

13 register for Valencia classes." When I found out later from her mother that it was

14 really because they found a credit card statement where Casey spent a lot of

15 their money. So...

16 EE: What date was that on? Do you remember?

17 AD: August '07. I don't know the exact date. But it was, yeah (affirmative), because I

18 graduated four years after I graduated high school, so August of '07. It was

19 definitely in the summer.

20 YM: Did uh, does Casey ever men... ever talk about that...

21 AD: Stealing money?

22 YM: the time to you and...

23 AD: No. Absolutely not.

24 YM: Something you learned after the fact?

25 AD: I had no clue.


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1 YM: When did you find this out?

2 AD: (Sighs.) Right after Caylee went missing. Uhm, we would have conversations

3 with her parents and that's when I found out a lot about Casey that I didn't know.

4 YM: After Caylee went missing, or after Casey went to jail?

5 AD: Uh, after, after it was....

6 YM: Because it's (inaudible)....

7 AD: ....went public that....

8 YM: Okay.

9 AD: After July 16 th .

10 YM: Okay.

11 AD: Shortly after July 16th .

12 EE: So uh, solidify the event from August there 2007, did she actually have to turn

13 around and leave your graduation and go home?

14 AD: She rode with me. Uhm, her ex-boyfriend, Jesse Grund, came and picked her up

15 and brought her home because I obviously had to go to graduation. (Coughs.)

16 EE: So she was upset about that?

17 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

18 EE: So, her social life was obviously, it, it was a burden to have to turn around and go

19 home all the time because of the....

20 AD: That was the only time that she was ever with me doing something when she had

21 to stop what she was doing and go home. That, that's the only time that I can

22 remember that that's ever happened.

23 EE: But you witnessed other phone calls where you would go out from....

24 AD: And her mom would just ask, "Where are you? Where are you?"

25 EE: And that was how often?


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1 AD: Honestly, I think it, uh, I think it happened probably every time we went out.

2 EE: Every time?

3 AD: Every time we went out her mom....

4 YM: And....


AD: ...would call at least once.

6 YM: And given the fact that you guys didn't go out very much anyway. You might go


shopping or you, you didn't party very much.

8 AD: The night, the times we would go out at night her mother would go on. Which I

9 say she went out with us maybe once a month. Whether it was a house party or


we went downtown, maybe once a month.

11 YM: How would you describe her relationship with her mother?

12 AD: Again, something that I thought was a different relationship. She, Casey made it

13 seem like her mother was this horrible person and that she's trying to control her


life and take Caylee away from her, and wanted Caylee to call Cindy gram, or


mom instead of grand mom. And from Cindy it wasn't like that.

16 YM: So you were hearing that first part you just told me, that was what Casey was


telling you?

18 AD: That's what Casey would tell me, yes,


YM: (Inaudible.)

20 EE: When?

21 AD: All the time. I mean her mom, I mean she used her mom always. Like I


remember at Caylee's second birthday party we were all sitting down opening


presents and Cindy was helping. And she, Casey got, Casey was getting so


upset, you know, This is my daughter. This is my daughter and my mom's trying



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to take her," you know, "Trying to take my job out of it." Her mom was trying,

Cindy was trying to play mom instead of letting Casey play mom, or be mom.

EE: And this is in front of everybody?

AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

EE: So it was very obvious to everyone that was there, maybe uncomfortable even,

that they were arguing about that, or?

AD: No, they, she wasn't arguing about it. She just, Casey just pulled me aside....

EE: Okay.

AD: ....and was like, "I'm so upset. You know, my mom's doing this. My mom's

doing that." And she was just upset by it and it was her daughter's second


YM: Casey tell you anything about her mother?

AD: I'm sorry, what was that you said?

YM: Did Casey ever tell you anything about Cindy, her mother, telling Casey that she

was a bad mother? She was an unfit mother? That she was going to take

Caylee away because of that, or take custody of Caylee? Uh, threatened to take

custody of Caylee?

AD: Not to my, not, not that I can remember. I don't think that.

YM: Casey never made a mention of that to you?

AD: Not that I can think of, no sir.

YM: When you guys were best friends back in '06, '07, where was Casey working?

Where did she tell you she was working?

AD: She, she told me she was working at Univ... at Sports Authority for....first.

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).


























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1 AD: Then at Universal. She was an event planner at Universal after uhm, Sports

2 Authority.

3 YM: And an event planner. Had, did you ever go to her work or....

4 AD: No sir.

5 YM: ... see her office? And so from, well when, when would you say she started as a

6 event planner at Universal?

7 AD: Uhm, I really don't recall.

8 YM: You guys are still best friends?

9 AD: Yeah (affirmative), we were still, we were still very good friends at that time.

10 YM: So at least up until March of '07? Sometime be... before March of '07 she told

11 you she worked for Universal....

12 AD: Yes.

13 YM: ... as an event planner?

14 AD: Yes sir.

15 YM: Okay. And did that ever change after '07? Did she ever tell you anything

16 different?

17 AD: No, not that I can think of, no sir.

18 YM: She ever tell you uh, uh, about her college classes and what classes she was

19 enrolled in?

20 AD: Like I said to you when we went to my college graduation uhm, her mom was

21 upset with, she said her mom was upset with her because she didn't enroll for

22 college classes. Come to find out she didn't have a high school diploma. I didn't

23 know that.

24 YM: What did she, did she tell you after the fact that she was going to class? Did she

25 ever tell you how hard it was going to school or....

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AD: She told me she was....

2 YM: ... college?

3 AD: ...planning on going.

4 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

5 AD: Again, there was, I would say since, it's '09 now; '08, '07, since like October or

6 November of '07 we were just acquaintances. You know, not friends like we

7 were before at all.

8 YM: So after you guys ceased becoming best friends, just in passing?

9 AD: Just in passing. Like uh, like because my group of friends was her base.

10 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

11 AD: We were, she'd always come back to us. She'd go find different groups of

12 friends, meet new people, and then but always come back to us.

13 YM: Who, when you guys were, well when you guys were best friends and uhm, she

14 went out to go with you shopping or wherever, who would watch Caylee?

15 AD: A lot of times Caylee would be with us.

16 YM: Okay, when she wasn't with you who would watch Caylee?

17 AD: I assumed it was her mother.

18 YM: Did she ever tell you anyone else watched Caylee? Because I know you guys

19 had some common friends back some time before the Sports Authority thing.

20 AD: I know that Lauren Gibbs....

21 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

22 AD: ....used to watch her when she was a infant; when, when Caylee was first born.

23 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

24 AD: Uhm, uh, when that stopped I don't know.

25 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).


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AD: When, when Lauren stopped watching her. But uh, she may have mentioned

2 the, the nanny once or twice, but.

3 EE: Did, do you... think about that real hard. Did she mention her that you can recall,

4 or is that just from well recent events maybe that's planted in your mind now?

5 AD: Maybe that's why that's planted in my head. I don't uh, I couldn't swear on a

6 time.

7 EE: So you couldn't, you couldn't swear that you ever heard Casey Anthony refer to

8 the nanny? You couldn't swear a hundred percent?

9 AD: One time I know for sure. July 5th, eleven days before she was ar... I understand

10 she was arrested on the 16th , correct?

11 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

12 AD: So July 5th was the last time that I saw her before she was arrested. She

13 definitely mentioned that day, "Oh, she's with the nanny." Because I remember

14 my dad ran into her a week or two before. Ran into Casey, saw Casey at a liquor

15 store and my dad asked about Caylee. And I said, "Oh, you know, my dad ran

16 into you. He didn't say anything to you because he didn't know if you'd recognize

17 him." Uhm, he didn't see Caylee. Uhm, I was like, "Was Caylee with you?" And

18 she said to me, "No. I wouldn't bring my daughter to a liquor store. Are you

19 crazy?"

20 YM: So that's the first time you ever heard Casey mention a nanny....

21 AD: That one time....

22 YM: ....was on the....

23 AD: ... I know sp....

24 YM: 5th of July...

25 AD: ... specifically she said...

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1 YM: ....last year?

2 AD: Yes.

3 YM: '08? Prior to that, any independent...

4 AD: No; that I can recall, no sir. I know for sure that date though because I remember

5 her saying that.

6 EE: Well....

7 YM: And as far....

8 EE: I'm sorry.

9 YM: It's okay. As far....

10 EE: What date well did that occur on at the liquor store incident, and what liquor

11 store, do you know?

12 AD: Uh, I'd have to ask my dad if he remembers.

13 EE: Would you be willing to do that?

14 AD: Yeah (affirmative), but I don't, I don't see why not.

15 EE: Okay.

16 AD: If, if he remembers. Uhm, it, it was definitely before that. Not long before that.

17 Maybe a week before.

18 EE: A week before the 5th?

19 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

20 EE: Okay.

21 YM: Had uh, had she ever mentioned to you a friend of hers by the name of Zenaida?

22 AD: Not that I can recall.

23 YM: In the group of friends that you had did anyone of your friends have a friend

24 named Zenaida?

25 AD: Not that I can recall.

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YM: What about uh, Jeffrey Hopkins? I know he went to, to high school with you guys.

2 AD: I know a Jeffrey Hopkins.

3 YM: Okay. Do, do you know Casey to ever date Jeffrey Hopkins? Personally,

4 physically seen them two together?

5 AD: Physically? No. Seen them two together in a relationship type way? No sir.

6 YM: Okay. How, how, how do you tie in Jeffrey Hopkins to Casey except for the high

7 school part, how do you tie them both together?

8 AD: Uh, no other relation.

9 YM: Did Casey ever tell you she was dating Jeffrey Hopkins?

10 AD: (Sighs.) Casey told me she dated a lot of people. Uhm, I don't think so. But

11 then again I'm not, like I said, there, there was always a different guy that she

12 would mention. I'm not sure.

13 YM: Had she ever mentioned dating a guy with a, who had a son named Zachary?

14 AD: Not that I can recall.

15 YM: Did, she had never mentioned anything about Caylee having a play buddy

16 named Zachary, same age?

17 AD: She had a play, she had a playmate that the person, okay, now this is coming

18 back to me. Someone would come over to the house and watch Caylee and

19 bring, I thought it was a giWL though.

20 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

21 AD: Uhm....

22 YM: Come over to which house? Who?

23 AD: Uh, her parents' house.

24 YM: Okay. So it's someone that....

25 AD: Where she lived.


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Someone that would be there with her parents there?

No, it was when uh, they were at work, Casey was at work, uhm, that they would

bring, it was a female, would bring, I want to say it was a giWL, but another, a, a

friend of Caylee's and they'd play. Because I remember her telling me she'd get

mad because the house would be a wreck. She'd have to clean up after them.

She doesn't do the dishes. She leaves toys everywhere. That's, that's the most

common story I got.

But were you ever at the house when....

No sir, I've never witnessed it.

That's just her telling you that.

That was just her telling me.


Bear with me because I'm, July 5 th when you asked her that question and she

made a reference to this Zanny.

She said the nanny.

The nanny?

The nanny.

Okay. That's the very first time you can recall her ever saying that?


Where did that conversation take place?

Buffalo Wild Wings at Waterford Lakes. Like I said, I just remembered what she

had told me before that....

So the night you went out with her with Sean Daley and uh, uh....

It was....

... I want to say....

1 YM:

2 AD:






8 YM:

9 AD:

10 YM:

11 AD :

12 YM:

13 EE:


15 AD:

16 EE :

17 AD:

18 EE :

19 AD:

20 EE :

21 AD:


23 YM:

24 AD :

25 YM:


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... me, Sean....

Dante? Was Dante there?

I don't think he was there. I.....

Uh, lassen?



lassen was there. lassen was definitely there.

Okay. Okay.

And a couple other people were there.

So that's that time that she brought up the nanny?

That's the first time I met her last boyfriend too.

That's okay, that was my next, so she was there with who?


Okay. So you were introduced to him? Okay.

Hi, I'm Annie; that's it.

Okay. Alright.

Alright. How was her relationship with uh, her brother Lee?

Uhm, they seemed to be very, very close.

Did she ever mention any problems that she had with her brother?

Uhm, again, knowing what I know now about her lying about so much stuff


What did she tell you at the time?

Just that she'd say Lee is trying to control her life, just like her parents were.

Uhm, the basic, but, but for the most part they had, they, they appeared to have


2 YM:

3 AD:

4 YM:

5 AD:

6 YM:

7 AD:

8 YM:

9 AD:

10 YM:

11 AD :

12 EE :

13 AD:

14 EE :

15 AD:

16 EE :

17 YM:

18 AD :

19 YM:

20 AD :


22 YM:

23 AD:




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a very good relationship, like really close friends, you know, older brother and

younger sister. Like I've hung out with them together.

YM: She never mentioned any problems she had with Lee as, as they were growing

up? What I mean, and, and let me rephrase that because I know there's a lot of

things there. Did she ever mention any problems with uh, Lee possibly abusing

her, touching her, or doing something to her while she was growing up?

AD: No, not that.

YM: Never mentioned?

AD: No sir.

YM: What about uhm, we'll skip to George real quick. What about George? Anything

about him doing that or....

AD: She didn't s... no, she never mentioned anything like that, no. Uhm, she didn't

have a good, she uh, she made it seem like she didn't have a good relationship

with her father and that she did not like her father.

YM: Okay. We'll get, we'll get back to him. Go back to Lee. Uhm, before when we,

when we turned off the tape there was, there was conversation off tape real quick

about Lee and then Casey, and it seemed like there might be something that you

wanted to add to that. I didn't want to take you off too far off track to that, so I'll

give you....

AD: Uhm, well just like the last time I talked to Lee on the phone uhm....

YM: When was that?

AD: I don't know an exact date.

YM: Oh, uhm, uhm....

AD: Uh....

YM: ...yesterday? A week ago?





















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AD: No.

YM: A year ago?

AD: A couple months ago.

YM: Okay.

AD: La... last year, or 2008...

YM: Okay.


... but a couple months ago. Uhm, I couldn't tell you an exact date. I don't


YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

AD: Uhm, he called me just to give me a heads up saying that uhm, that you would

be calling me. That you....

YM: Well...

AD: ....wanted to talk to me.

YM: Lee gave you a heads up?

AD: Yes.

YM: Was this before Casey got out of jail the first time, or had she already been in

and out?

AD: I think she had already been in and out. This was right after that conversation

you just showed me, right after that came out.

YM: Okay.

AD: Right after that was out on the news.

YM: Okay.

AD: Uhm...

YM: Lee called you and said I would be calling?

AD: Yeah (affirmative). Because you had talked to Melina.


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YM: And what did he tell you to do?

AD: Uhm, he told me, or he, he told me that Melina had just come in and just talked to

you. And he said to me uhm, "I just want to let you know they will be contacting

you. They said to Melina, 'Do you know Annie? Do you know, do you know if

she does drugs? Would you be willing to go try to buy drugs from her?" And he

told me that Melina said, "No, I'm not willing to help you in any way, shape or

form." Uhm, and he said, "I just, you know," he told me, "We all know Casey's

done bad things, but you need to protect yourself. You need to, if they call you

you need to tell them the truth. You need to tell them anything you know.

Because if you know something you need to tell them." And that was it.

YM: Did Lee tell you to withhold any information...

AD: Absolutely not.

YM: ...from us if we called?

AD: He said the exact opposite.

YM: Okay.

AD: He said, "Don't protect Casey."

YM: As far as bad things go with Casey, and I'll, I'll make it a very general question

and we'll see where we go from there. Even Lee acknowledged that Casey had

done some bad things. What bad things come to mind if, if, if you, if I tell you

Casey's done some bad, or I asked you to tell me what Casey's done that are

bad, what comes to mind?

AD: Lying to everybody she knows. Uh, uh, more than one. I mean she's, everything

I knew or thought I knew about her was a lie. I mean...

YM: What else?

AD: Uhm, stealing money obviously.
























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1 YM: Did she ever steal money from you?

2 AD: Not that I know of.

3 YM: In hindsight, after everything that's come out, uh, uh, did you ever have money

4 go missing and now you're kind of in retrospect thinking hmm?

5 AD: I, I couldn't place fingers on it, no.

6 YM: You ever have substantial money, or money go missing and....

7 AD: I never hold....

8 YM: ... couldn't explain it?

9 AD: ...a lot of cash, you know, uhm....

10 YM: What about credit card? What about uh, like charges....

11 AD: I don't have a....

12 YM: ....or something?

13 AD: I don't have a credit card. I have a debit card and that is monitored. And I would

14 know if there is a penny missing.

15 YM: So what other bad, what other bad things would you say if, if I asked you you

16 know, as far as Casey's bad things, what else would you say that she did was

17 bad?

18 AD: Uh, the thing that I'm most hurt about is the lies and obviously stealing money

19 from people.

20 YM: What about to you personally, that you personally know? Not what you've heard,

21 but you personally....

22 AD: What, the lie that she said that I think that's horrible.

23 YM: Oh, about the Zanax comment?

24 AD: Yeah (affirmative). I think that's horrible....

25 YM: And (inaudible)....


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AD: ... because it's made me look like somebody I'm not.

2 YM: And she told you that she worked at Sports Authority and she didn't?

3 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

4 YM: And she told you that she worked at....

5 AD: She worked at Universal....

6 YM: ...Universal....

7 AD: ... but she didn't.

8 YM: ...when she didn't? Uhm, what other lies did she tell you that you realize, or

9 came to realize her lying?

10 AD: School. Uhm...

11 YM: Well she said she was thinking about going to school, but she never said she

12 went to college, right?

13 AD: No, she never said she went to college. No, she never said she went to college,

14 but that her mom wanted her to go to college.

15 YM: What about uh, Caylee, as far as uh, Caylee's dad? What did she ever tell you

16 about Caylee's father?

17 AD: He died in a car accident the, either the day before or the day of Caylee's second

18 birthday party.

19 YM: So he died in an auto accident in 2007, August of 2007?

20 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative), yes sir.

21 YM: Where?

22 AD: Not in Florida.

23 YM: Did she say anything about, well what about his name? Did she say anything

24 about, what, what about his name? Do you remember what she said his name

25 was?

o'l 35

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1 AD: Eric.

YM: Eric what?

AD: I don't remember the last name.

YM: Did she say where she met this Eric, or how they hooked up?

AD: That he was in town for spring break while she was working at Universal. She

met him. They hooked up. And he went back because he then shortly after

started dating somebody. It was on a break from somebody when he was down

here and they hooked up, came back, and then got this other giWL pregnant and

married her. Because to that, I believe it was a boy that the other giWL had, she


YM: Hmm.

AD: And that Caylee had a brother that, or sister, or no, sibling, that she wanted to

them meet.

YM: Ever meet this guy?

AD: Huh-huh (negative).

YM: Zanny the Nanny, this nanny, you never met that person?

AD: No sir.

YM: What about uh, Racquelle Farrell or Jennifer Rosa? Sound familiar to you as far

as personal friends, people you would have hung out with?

AD: Personal friends, no sir. Uhm....

YM: Okay, and, and, anyone that....

AD: I meet a lot of people; randomly meet people. I don't remember names.

YM: Casey ever bring two people to you with children and say....

AD: No.

YM: ...this is Racquelle, this in Jennifer?


























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AD: Absolutely not. I'd remember, but no.

YM: Okay.

AD: Not that I can remember.

YM: Uhm, how would you describe Casey as a mother?

AD: If anything over protective. For, until Caylee was two and a half uh, nobody

could hold her because she was so tied to Casey. I mean I was around Casey

five days a week for at least an hour or so. I mean when we were good friends

we, I mean we hung out almost every single day. And she, like I said, I couldn't

even hold her. I was around her like every single day. She knew my face. She

knew who I was. She was okay around me. But she wouldn't, I mean if Casey

were to go to the bathroom and not take Caylee, Caylee would scream.

YM: Did you see a change in Casey's attitude recently, or this past year, in 2008?

AD: Uhm, again, we really weren't....

YM: What caused you guys to split up as, as best friends?

AD: I started dating somebody.

YM: Was it somebody she liked, or dated, or, or what was the...

AD: Huh-huh (negative), no. I just, (sighs), uh, I got the sense that she wasn't always

telling me the truth. Uhm, and, and I mean just somebody to have this awesome

job, they work as an event planner at Universal, but they're always working at

home, it just uh, I took, I put, I don't know, I guess I didn't, it didn't make sense to

me. It, I just, I felt that I was being lied to and I don't like being betrayed.

YM: Did you ever see a change in Casey? From the time you became best friends

with her to the time she was arrested, did you ever see or notice a change in

Casey? Whether it be her attitude, or her mannerisms, or frequency of calling

you, or anything like that?


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1 AD: Oh, frequency of calling me, absolutely. But it was like a mutual thing. We both

2 kind of, I, I switched positions at my company. Uhm, I wasn't really sitting in front

3 of the computer all day. Because that when we'd talk. I sat in front of a, I was at

4 a desk in front of a computer. I'd talk all day long to her. And we'd talk on-line.

5 And that was it.

6 YM: Did she ever complain to you about life getting to her, about not being able to

7 manage, about uh, the weight of having a child, being a single mom? Did she

8 ever express to you her uhm, uh, I, I guess the, the, maybe a crushing despair

9 coming about. Did she ever tell you she was having a hard time with life

10 because of Caylee?

11 AD: Yes. Not because of Caylee. Uhm, there was one time I do recall her basically I

12 mean having an emotional breakdown. Uhm....

13 YM: Tell me about that.

14 AD: She (sighs).

15 YM: When was this? Ballpark. Where....

16 AD: When we were good friends. In that time frame. Uh, she was, I remember her

17 coming over. She was in pants and a three-quarter length, or long sleeve shirt,

18 like she was dressed up going to work.

19 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

20 AD: Uhm, and we, she came and picked me up for lunch. Because she was like, "I

21 just, I need to talk to you. I, I need, I need to talk to you and....

22 YM: Was she with Caylee?

23 AD: Uhm, I do believe Caylee was, I do believe Caylee was in the backseat, yeah

24 (affirmative).

25 YM: Okay.


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1 AD: She was there. She came and picked me up from work. Uhm....]

2 YM: Where were you working at the time?

3 AD: Don Reid Ford, where I currently work.

4 YM: Okay.

5 AD: Uhm, and she came and picked me up. She's like, "Let's go to lunch. I just need

6 to talk." You know, I was like, "Okay, that's fine. I'll go." She came and picked

7 me up and so she just, she was like, "I just want to go. I need to get away. I

8 need to uhm, you know, I feel like I'm having a breakdown. I just, I can't," what

9 had specifically triggered it, I asked her. She didn't say anything. She uhm, just

10 basically that she needed to get away for a little bit. And I was like, "Well you

11 know, what about Caylee?" And she's like, "Oh, my mom'll take her. I know

12 she'll take her."

13 YM: So she was, she was actually wanting to leave....

14 AD: To physically go....

15 YM: Somewhere (unintelligible).

16 AD: She wanted to go to like an institution. Like she said, "I just....

17 YM: She wanted to commit herself, or, or....

18 AD: Kind of, yeah (affirmative).

19 EE: What'd she say to make you think that?

20 AD: I was like, "Well where are you going to? Are you going to go to the beach for

21 the weekend? Like where, what are you going to do?" I mean this completely

22 caught me off-guard. Uhm, she basically said she needed help. And then uh,

23 you know, we, that was at lunch. I just talked to her and uhm, she, we just talked

24 about you know, what's going on with her. And she was like, "You know, I just

25 like, I need to get away. This is just too much."


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1 YM: She didn't say....

2 EE: What did she talk about?

3 AD: (Sighs.) Specifics I'm not....

4 EE: General things.

5 AD: I mean because she like was happy with a guy at the time. She was uh, uh....

6 YM: Do you remember who the guy was?

7 AD: Chris Stutz I believe his last name is.

8 YM: So the time she was dating Chris?

9 AD: Uh....

10 YM: Okay.

11 AD: ...the time she was dating him or they were talking, or, I remember because we

12 hung out.

13 YM: Okay.

14 AD: Uhm, but I just remember, I just remember her just saying that she just basically

15 wanted to commit herself.

16 YM: Did she ever talk about suicide?

17 AD: No.

18 YM: She ever talk about what life would have been like without Caylee?

19 AD: No, because she always told me she wouldn't change it for anything.

20 YM: But uh, as far as the emotional breakdown, she did say that you know, Mom

21 would take Caylee?

22 AD: Absolutely.

23 YM: And then she would get help or, and you took that to believe that she would want

24 to commit herself, put her somewhere she can....

25 AD: Get better.


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1 YM: ...get counseling...

2 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

3 YM: ...and get better? Okay. Was that the only time that you can recall that she

4 uh....

5 AD: That I can recall. Because I remember it was a very emotional, a very emotional

6 time. Uhm, that, that's, yeah (affirmative), and that's, that's the only time that I

7 can remember.

8 YM: What did uh, when was the last time you saw Caylee?

9 AD: (Sighs.) Casey dated Ricardo....

10 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

11 AD: ...who I used to work with at Don Reid.

12 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

13 AD: And one night she brought Caylee up to Don Reid because Casey was coming to

14 see Ricardo. Caylee was with her. And that was the first time that Caylee's ever

15 run up to me and said, "Annie." And I remember that.

16 YM: And that was uh, eaWLy last year then....

17 AD: Uh, yeah (affirmative), yeah (affirmative).

18 YM: ...when she was dating Ricardo?

19 AD: It would have had to have been.

20 YM: And uhm, you said that was the last time you saw Caylee?

21 AD: That was the last time I one hundred percent know I saw her at Don Reid Ford.

22 That's the last time.

23 YM: What about the last time you saw Casey. Saw Casey, not talked to her, saw?

24 AD: Uhm, be...

25 YM: Now would that have been Buffalo Wild Wings?


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AD: No. I saw her since she was arrested, since she got out of jail.

YM: Okay. Prior to the first arrest in July, Buffalo Wild Wings was the last time?

AD: Buffalo was July 5th. It was before all this happened, July 5th.

YM: What about before that in June? Did you see her in June? Do you recall?

AD: Late May, probably at a party we had.

YM: Was it the no clothes party?

AD: Anything but clothes party.

YM: Anything but clothes.

AD: (Chuckles.)

YM: What was your costume?

AD: Uhm, dish towels (laughs) and mop, potholders.

YM: And that was in May?

AD: It was, I want to say it was Memorial Day weekend.

YM: Between May and July 5th when you saw her at Buffalo Wild Wings, did she

make any mention to you about Caylee going missing?

AD: Lee (sighs), messaged me on My Space (making sounds) before July 4 th . So

maybe it was July 3rd . Uhm, again, I could be off a day or two.

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

AD: July 3rd we'll say, because I believe it was right before July 4 th . Messaged me on

My Space, "Hey, have you heard from Casey? Do you know where Caylee is?

My parents haven't heard from her. They're getting worried." I text messaged

Casey, "Hey, what's up? You know, I got a message from your brother. I, I, you

know, what, what's going on?" "No, everything's fine. He's crazy. I talk to my

mom every single day." And I said, "Okay. Happy Fourth of July."


























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YM: And she never made mention to you anything about any problems going, or

2 Caylee going missing, anything like that?

3 AD: No sir.

4 EE: The day that she was distraught there when she picked you up for lunch, where'd

5 y'all go to lunch? Remember?

6 AD: We were going to go to Moe's, but it was really crowded and I want to say we

7 went to Wendy's.

8 EE: Wendy's? And who paid?

9 AD: God, uhm, I don't know for sure.

10 EE: When you would normally go out with her did she have cash, or would, would....

11 AD: Uhm, sometimes; every once in a while. Sometimes she'd have a card,

12 sometimes she'd have cash. Most of the time we'd go we got, we were both

13 broke. We always went to places that you know, if we were going out we'd go to

14 places that were cheap or free.

15 EE: Okay.

16 YM: Did you ever talk to uh, from the time that Casey got arrested to today, did you

17 ever talk to Lee or Cindy or George, or anyone of the family or friends that would

18 have had a similar story about an emotional breakdown, or Caylee coming to

19 them and saying hey, I'm having a hard time coping?

20 AD: Caylee or Casey?

21 YM: Casey, I'm sorry.

22 AD: Uhm, well that, that night I, you know, I got off work and I asked her how it was.

23 Uhm, how everything was going. "Oh, I talked to my mom. Everything's okay."

24 YM: Okay.

25 AD: Uhm....


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YM: This is a text on, in July you're talking about, that night? I'm sorry, you lost me.

2 AD: Oh, oh, the....

3 YM: You said that night.

4 AD: ...the break, the break, the day that...

5 YM: Okay.

6 AD: Whatever day it was, I'm not sure.

7 YM: Okay.

8 AD: Uhm, I, I asked her, you know, "How are you feeling? What are you going to do?

9 You know, are you going to go through with this?" And she'd say, "Oh, I'm fine.

10 You know, I talked to my mom. Everything's okay. We're going to work it out.

11 YM: Did you talk to anyone from this day back about. Casey having ever had a

12 breakdown with them, like they'd go, hey, yeah (affirmative), you know, she can't,

13 like you, with the story you just told me, did anyone come to you with a story of

14 their own about Casey coming to them and saying yeah (affirmative), I have a

15 problem?

16 AD: I don't think so. Not that I can recall.

17 EE: You just said that she said she had talked to her mom and they were everything

18 was okay.

19 AD: She talked to her mom and uh, she might have talked to Chris, which was the

20 guy at the time.

21 YM: Stutz?

22 AD: Yes. I think that's his last name.

23 EE: So the root of her problem in your opinion would have been mom or Chris?

24 AD: I don't think it was Chris. I think she confided in Chris.

25 EE: Okay.


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AD: Uhm....

EE: So there's that ongoing turmoil between mom and Casey maybe?

AD: Uh, see, I'm not sure what the root of the problem was.

EE: But there was a problem you, you think?

AD: Yeah (affirmative). Uh, I don't think she just had this breakdown. I think that she

was experiencing something, going through something, and I just don't recall

what, what it was at the time.

YM: When, when Casey went to jail in July and then came out again, did you have

conversations, or did you go visit her....

AD: Uh-hum (affirmative)....

YM: ....or talk to her?

AD: ... uh, I did. I visited her and I talked to her.

YM: Did you guys talk on the phone afterwards? Because obviously we took her

phone the first time. Did she ever have conversations or text you or anything like


AD: Uhm, I did not talk to her on the phone. Uh, like on the telephone I did not talk to

her. Uhm, she said that she was the one who would text me from her mom's

phone, saying, hey, you know, the vigil's this date. Be there.

YM: Okay.

AD: Uhm, I talked to her briefly through instant messaging.

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

AD: Uhm...

YM: What were the conversations about?

AD: Hey, how are you? Hang in there. Because after all this happened I obviously

was upset. Uhm, I went through some stuff of my own. Uhm, and she just





















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basically you know, hi, how are you? How are you? Are you hanging in there?

You know, tell me to be strong. I told her to be strong. You know, I'm here for


YM: What did she tell you happened with Caylee?

AD: (Sighs.) The first time I saw her when she was out of jail (sighs), I don't, I don't

think she specifically told me what happened. (Sighs.) I'm trying to recall.


YM: Just, just think overall, in times that you, that you texted (sic) her, or spoke with

her, or visited her, what did she tell you happened? Uh, uh, it had to be top of

the conversation wouldn't you say if your daughter's missing and she went to jail

for neglect and now she's charged with murder.

AD: In all honesty, I didn't really talk to her about it. I, I remember her saying to me,

When this is all said and done I have so much to tell you." Uhm, (sighs), she, I, I

know for sure, I remember that because I was like oh, my God, what does she

have to tell me? Uhm, the the nanny, the whole nanny story really, the nanny

has her. The nanny took her. She was supposed to be back by her third, by her

third birthday.

YM: Tell me about that? Why her third birthday? What, what did she say?

AD: I don't, I don't know. I uh, I (sighs). (Sighs.) I remember her saying that,

because again, like when I, when I went, the first time I saw her I was going

through something and I was like "I, I just, I want to see Casey. Bring me to

Casey." And they brought me to Casey. Uhm... I just, there was something that I

said to her. (Sighs.) I don't remember what it was that I said to her. And that's

when she said to me, When this is all said and done I have so much to tell you."

YM: What did you take that to mean?



























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AD: That she had something to tell me that... the truth maybe? I don't know. But I

2 mean nothing she said is the truth apparently.

3 YM: Did you believe the story about a nanny?

4 AD: In the bottom of my heart, no. Because I'd never...

5 YM: Did you ever ask her about that? Say hey, you know, this doesn't make sense.

6 This is Annie you're talking to.

7 AD: No, I never did. Uhm, I, because I was going over there as a friend, just to see

8 her. Uhm, because when I would go do stuff Casey was the person I'd go to.

9 Uhm, and uh, huh, you know, that's like if I was going through something and

10 she, I wanted to see her. And she, and I didn't, I saw her twice and the second

11 time we didn't talk about anything of having to do with Caylee missing. Uhm.....

12 YM: You only saw her two times in the time, from the time she was arrested in July

13 until the time she went back in October for good? You only saw her two times?

14 AD: One time her parents took me over there. One time I stayed the night. I'm

15 almost positive it was two times.

16 YM: Two times? And the only thing she said was basically just the nanny took her?

17 AD: Just, yeah (affirmative), the....

18 YM: She was supposed to be back by her third birthday but what, what, why her third

19 birthday? Who told you the third birthday thing? Did Casey tell you that?

20 AD: She, that's what she told me.

21 YM: Did she say why, what, what, what importance the third birthday was?

22 AD: Okay, okay. Now, okay, she, she said everything she's been saying is

23 something that she was told to say.

24 YM: Okay.

25 AD: Someone's told her.


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YM: Who?

AD: She didn't say. Because that's what I said. And she just shook her head.

YM: Okay. And so it's everything that she told who? Everyone else, or just

everything that she....

AD: I guess you guys, everyone.

YM: But it's the same thing she's telling you.

AD: Yes.

YM: But somebody told her to say that?

AD: Yes.

YM: Did she tell you, there's a couple of versions of Zanny out that that (inaudible) the

kid was dropped off at Sawgrass; the kid was taken from Blanchard Park. Which

version did she tell you as, as true?

AD: She didn't tell me specifically. She didn't say I dropped Caylee of here and I

never saw her again.

YM: Do you think that she ever dropped her child off at the, a babysitter named


AD: I don't think so, no.

YM: Do you think she ever dropped her child off with anyone else?

AD: Anybody else I don't know. Because like I said, we were root group of friends.

She had other friends. I don't know if anybody else ever watched her.

YM: Do you believe the story of Casey dropping this child, dropping Caylee off with

someone and never seeing her child again?

AD: No. Absolutely not.

YM: What do you think happened?



























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AD: (Sighs.) I don't, I, I'm not sure. Uhm, I don't think, if Casey, and this is my

opinion, if Casey harmed Caylee uh, I'm sorry, I'm going to get (sighs).

YM: It's okay. It's a hard question. But everyone that's sitting in this room, you're the

one that knows Casey the best.

AD: (Crying.) If Casey harmed Caylee she didn't do it alone. I know that for sure.

Casey's not that smart.

YM: Okay.

AD: (Sighs.)

YM: What makes you, what makes you say that? What makes you say she, she

would have, would not have been alone when she harmed Caylee?

AD: Like I said, she was an over protective mother. She wasn't, I mean I was one of

her best friends for a year of, a solid year of Caylee's life, and I couldn't even

hold Caylee, you know. Uh, Caylee would scream.

YM: Why would you, why would you, why would you say somebody else is involved?

Well what would make you...

AD: I....

YM: ... is....

AD: I just don't think Casey's that smart. I mean you guys are the be... I mean the

FBI, you mean, you, you just do this for a living, and to not know, to not be able

to figure out, I mean again, I don't know anything more than what's on the news.

I mean she's not that smart. She's just, I mean we all knew, everyone knew that

Casey lied. Like everyone did. We all knew. We didn't believe her. What was

the truth, we didn't know, but we just, there was never, we just didn't believe her.

I don't, I don't know how to any more explain it. It's just (chuckles).

























49 Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG


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You all believed that she worked at Sports Authority for however long. And you

believed that she worked for Universal for a year, a year and a half.

I guess we just didn't question her is what it was.

Oh, okay.

We didn't question what she said. We just said, "Okay. Okay, Casey." Uhm...

But she never told you anything about anyone, she, she never divulged anything

to you aside from the Zanny story? She never told you about an accident, or

about somebody helping her doing it? That's just, you, your opinion on thinking

that she...

My opinion.

Based on the fact that she's not that smart in your opinion?

In my opinion.

What about Cindy and George? Did they ever have a conversation with you

away from Casey about this?

(Sighs.) About what I think happened to Caylee?

Well about Casey, about what Casey did to Caylee or what, what Casey's

involvement in Caylee's disappearance is.


Did Cindy and George ever sit down with you and say, "Let's, we need to come

up with, with this, and we need to come up with this story and stick with this


No, no.


Uhm, the only thing that we did uhm, shortly after everything happened, again, I,

I, within a week or two of when the July 16 th .



3 AD:

4 YM:

5 AD:

6 YM:




10 AD :

11 YM:

12 AD :

13 YM:


15 AD:

16 YM:


18 AD:

19 YM:



22 AD :

23 YM:

24 AD :



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YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

AD: All of our, all of our root friends uhm, went over to their house, the Anthony's

house, and all talked about, we kind of tried to pinpoint when Casey was lying

about, because we were trying to track down Caylee. We, we're trying to find

Caylee. We wanted to put a timeline together and you know, us compare the

stories Casey told us, when she was with us, when she wasn't with us, with the

actual truth to her mom. Uhm, you know like the anything but clothes party

Casey was working is what she said.

EE: This was the meeting that Troy and Ricardo and Jesse, where everybody was at

at the house?

AD: No. Jesse wasn't, those three people weren't there.

EE: They weren't?

AD: They were not there.

EE: This was a different meeting?

AD: No. They got together on their own. Me, my ex-boyfriend, Cory. Uhm, I believe

Sean was there. Lauren might have been there. I'm not sure if Lauren was

there. Chris was there. I know for sure Chris was there. Christina was there.

(Sighs.) There might have been one or two, maybe more people, but I'm not


YM: Did you ever sit down with either the, the Anthony's, or a group of people, and

come up with any type of lists, uhm, you know, like all the friends that Casey

knew and where they and where they lived and what drugs they did. Did you

ever sit down and partake or be a part of, of a project like that?

AD: No sir.


























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YM: Okay. Did Cindy or George, or Lee ever call you and ask you hey, who do you

2 know of Casey's friends that you think we need to look at?

3 AD: Cindy and I have talked about you know, who we don't trust.

4 YM: Who would that be?

5 AD: Uhm, I don't trust Jesse Grund.

6 YM: What about Cindy?

7 AD: Do I trust her?

8 YM: No, no, no, does Cindy trust him?

9 AD: Oh, uhm, no, I don't, I don't believe she does.

10 YM: Okay, who, who, who else do you guys not trust and then tell me why.

11 AD: She said to me that she didn't trust her, the boyfriend at the time, Tony. I don't

12 know Tony's last name. Uhm, and that she even didn't trust Ricardo, J.P. and

13 Amy.

14 YM: Okay, Cindy didn't?

15 AD: Cindy did not.

16 YM: Okay. Is this based on anything in particular or?

17 AD: She said to me because we found out, again, I don't know if this is the truth or

18 not, uhm, that the FBI has been watching them and that, because Cindy had

19 asked me do I know if Tony and Ricardo, J.P. and Amy had any ties together?

20 And I said, "No, I don't even think they know each other." She said, "Oh, well you

21 need to stay away from them. The FBI has them under surveillance." That they

22 uhm, you know, they're into something bad. There into bad things. Just stay

23 away. And I said, "Okay."

24 YM: Did she ever say what bad things were?

25 AD: I didn't ask. She said just very, very bad things.


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YM: Speaking of surveillance, there were comments that George made on the news

about kidnappers being followed, and then they have people watching them. Do

you, do you remember that, or did, did they ever tell you about that?

AD: Say that again.

YM: On the onset, when this first thing, when all this happened, George was, George

was on the news making a comment about the kidnappers and that they have

these kidnappers under surveillance, and they were being monitored, and they

knew who they were. They being the Anthony's.

AD: They, okay. Uhm

YM: They ever tell you anything about that, or again, you know a lot more now then

you did then, but

AD: Not that I can recall, no. Because to me they ever knew who had Caylee. As far

as I knew they didn't.

YM: Did they ever, did they ever kind of console in you , or, or confide in you the fact

that they knew Caylee may be dead?

AD: No.

YM: You sure?

AD: To the best of my knowledge. Uh, Uh, Cindy was very, "Caylee's alive. Caylee's

alive, Caylee's alive, Caylee's alive." George to me seemed more of a realist in

that maybe Caylee's not alive.

YM: What about Lee?

AD: I don't think I've ever really talked to Lee about it. I really don't think I have.

EE: Why do you say George is a realist? What did he say to you to make, give you

that impression?


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AD: Just his vibe. I, I don't, I, I can't explain it. Just his vibe. Because Cindy would

2 always "We've got to find her. Annie, we've got to find her. We've got to find

3 her. We're going to find her. We're, you know, we think we found her." Uhm.....

4 EE: George never had that vibe, that, that drive to....

5 AD: No, he didn't....

6 EE: ....locate the child alive?

7 AD: He, no, he, like every time I'd see him he'd just hug me and say you know,

8 "Thank you for being here," and, "We love you."

9 EE: You say there's two times you went over there. One time the parents took you

10 over, the second time you stayed overnight. That's after she was released from

11 jail or ok...

12 AD: She, the, the first time I went over there, and they took me over there, that was, if

13 I'm not mistaken, Labor Day weekend, that Monday, of last year, of '08. That

14 Monday. And then I think, I think (inaudible).

15 EE: What was the conversation like when they picked you up?

16 AD: Uhm, I met up with them because my friend was the one who made a lot of the

17 missing uhm, child shirts. Uhm, I had picked them up because George couldn't

18 go get them that Friday. I went and picked them up after work and uhm, I met up

19 with them. I had to go out of town again for something I was going through.

20 Uhm, and I met up with them. They had to do something. I met up with them at

21 the Publix right by their house. And uhm, you know, they knew I was upset.

22 They knew something was wrong and I told them what was going on and I was

23 like, "You know, I want to see Casey. Bring me to her." And they said, "Okay.

24 Get in the back seat."

25 YM: You ever write letters to Casey in jail?


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In jail? No.

Did uhm, how is Casey communicating with her parents while she's in jail?

I don't know.

If they're not visiting? Did they ever say they're, they're sending letters through

Baez or anything like that?

I don't know. I have no clue.


Sorry, I want to finish that topic.

Okay, go ahead. I'm sorry.

So when, when they put you in the car and drove you to the house I would


Uh-hum (affirmative). see her? What was the conversation in the car? Did they maybe ask you to

phrase things a certain way so you could get information out of her, or, I mean

they probably hoped that you were able to communicate with her, huh?

Uhm, I, the purpose of me going over there was for me to see...

For you?

For me to see my friend. Uhm, the only thing they really said was, "Lay down as

soon as we pull in the neighborhood so the cameras won't see you."

That was it?

Basically. And then talking about what I was, well what I was going through.

The time that you stayed overnight, how far after, how, how far uh, from that date

that they took you over there originally was that that you stayed overnight?


2 YM:

3 AD:

4 YM:


6 AD:

7 YM:

8 EE:

9 YM:

10 EE :


12 AD :

13 EE:



16 AD :

17 EE:

18 AD:


20 EE :

21 AD :

22 EE :




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1 AD: (Sighs.) I want to think she was arrested again after the first time I saw her.

2 Whether it was for the check fraud, I don't know if that happened before or after.

3 I'm not sure of the dates. Uhm

4 EE: Okay.

5 AD: She may have just been, I don't know how long she was out of jail for. I don't, I

6 don't remember. Uhm, uh, a couple weeks, within a month. Maybe five weeks.

7 But I don't think it was that long.

8 EE: What was the mood there in the house at that time when you went and stayed

9 over?

10 AD: Cindy had had a rough day. Uhm, their pastor came over. We prayed. Uhm....

11 EE: Who prayed?

12 AD: All of us. Me, Casey, Cindy and the pastor.

13 EE: Okay.

14 AD: Uhm, and I remember the pastor saying that you know, everybody needs

15 somebody that they can confide in one hundred and fifty percent. That they can

16 say anything to whether they, it's something that they really don't want to say.

17 Which I took it as him saying to Cindy you know, sometimes maybe you just

18 need to talk about the fact that Caylee may not be with us. You need to maybe

19 talk to somebody about that. Uhm, that's the way, that's, again, that's the way I

20 took it. Uhm, and I remember just Cindy going out back and uhm, she was

21 upset. And I went out there. I told Casey, you know, "I'll be right back. I'm going

22 to go talk to your mom." And I went. It was just the three of us at the house.

23 And uhm, I remember going out back and just telling her, "You know, he's right.

24 You need to talk to somebody. You can't just keep this in. You know, sometimes

25 if you write things down," or I was like, You know me, I go on a drive. If I need to


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1 think about something I drive. I drive, and I drive and I drive. And maybe that's

2 what you need to do. Just try different things because you can't keep it in."

3 Uhm, so Cindy was very upset that day. Uhm...

4 EE: What did she say when you told her that though?

5 AD: She said, "I know. I know." She said, "I need to do something." Uhm, she said,

6 "That's why I'm out here." You know, she had her bible. Uhm.....

7 EE: Was there a sense of tension between she and Casey? I mean did you pick up

8 on they were, though they were together they weren't together?

9 AD: (Sighs.) One time she, somebody was (sighs), you know the My Space and the

10 e-mail accounts, and she, Cindy I guess went on Casey's My Space account, or

11 one of the e-mail, Facebook, My Space, one of the things, someone had said

12 that they had information. They had called the Crimeline. They didn't get

13 through. And Cindy, I remember Casey screaming at Cindy because Cindy was

14 acting as Casey on the e-mail. And she didn't, like Casey was like you know,

15 "This is why I'm getting in trouble." Blah, blah, blah. "People are acting like me

16 and they're not." I remember her screaming at her.

17 EE: Cindy was on the computer acting as if she was Casey?

18 AD: Yes. Ta... I don't if talking to someone because they said that they had

19 information. Uhm....

20 YM: And uhm, and this was well when Casey was home from jail?

21 AD: Yes.

22 YM: And you were there at the time and you heard all this?

23 AD: I heard her screaming, yeah (affirmative). And I had told her, "You need to calm

24 down (chuckles). This isn't necessary."

25 YM: Now it's Casey screaming at Cindy?

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AD: Casey screaming at Cindy.

2 YM: Well what does Cindy do? What was her reaction?

3 AD: You know, "If this can find us Caylee then you know, I'm going to do whatever it

4 takes. I don't care." I guess she signed, what she did is she signed an e-mail, or

5 a message Case. That's what Casey always did her signature as Case. Uhm,

6 and that she signed a e-mail Case. So she wasn't comfortable with that because

7 Casey wasn't doing, you know, I guess Casey got mad because it wasn't her.

8 Uhm, and just everybody was screaming. And I was just like, "It's not that big of

9 a deal." I've, I mean screaming. Top of the lungs screaming at her.

10 EE: You don't remember what she said though exactly? Just screaming?

11 AD: Insults. "You're so fucking stupid." I can't....

12 YM: Who was home at the time besides you three?

13 AD: Just the three of us that I was aware of.

14 EE: What was her, what was Cindy's response to that?

15 AD: "I'll do anything I can to find Caylee. I'm just trying to find Caylee."

16 EE: So she accepted this barrage of verbal abuse and that was her only response?

17 AD: Uh, she might have said something else, but basically yeah (affirmative), she

18 was taking it.

19 EE: Now you stayed there overnight.

20 AD: (Coughs.)

21 EE: I'm sure there was a...

22 AD: I'm sorry?

23 EE: If you stayed there overnight I'm sure, where, where'd you guys sleep?

24 AD: Uh, me and Casey slept in Casey's room.

25 EE: Okay, and so that was some private time away from the rest of everyone?


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Cindy was in there too, on the floor.

She was....

She didn't, yeah (affirmative), she ended up sleeping on the air mattress. Falling

asleep in there because we were watching House.

In Casey's room?

Uh-hum (affirmative). On a air, on a blow-up mattress. Because, because

George was at work. It was when he had first started going back to work. Uhm,

and we were in there watching TV. I had to work the next morning so I was

ready for bed like eaWLy. We watched a movie. Uhm, and then I was like, "I'm

ready to go to bed." Turn on the TV. House was on. I fell asleep watching

House. I, we didn't talk about anything.

Did Cindy ever tell you not to ask Casey any specific questions. Cindy, or

George, or Lee? Did anyone ever, did anyone ever tell you not to ask Casey any

particular questions?

Not that I can recall.

They didn't direct you to ask her anything to try to get information out of her?

Not that I can recall.

Did they live as if they thought that house was bugged?


They did? What did they say in regards to that?

Uh, Ca...when I was there with Casey, Casey was whispering to me and saying,

"We don't know what's in here right now." Uhm, it was more Casey then it was

them. Uhm, uh, just you know, "I, I can't say anything now until, wait until this is

all over." And that's what she, you know, "I'll, I have so much to tell you." But I

mean yeah (affirmative), she definitely thought the house was bugged.

1 AD:

2 EE:

3 AD:


5 YM:

6 AD:






12 YM:


14 ,

15 AD:

16 EE :

17 AD:

18 EE :

19 AD:

20 EE :

21 AD :






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1 EE: So that was her reason not to talk?

2 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

3 YM: What that the first time you ever heard Casey yelling at Cindy?

4 AD: Like that? Yes, absolutely.

5 YM: What about like other ways? I don't yell at my mom.

6 AD: Yeah (affirmative). Uhm, you know besides like you are screaming, hey mom,

7 can you do this? Hey mom, can you do that? Like, you know, like....

8 YM: Ar... arguments though?

9 AD: No, arguments, no, I've never, I don't, I don't believe I've ever heard her argue

10 with the, with the two of them.

11 YM: Casey ever tell you about an argument they had on uh, Father's Day? Or Cindy

12 ever tell you about an argument they had on Father's Day, the day before Caylee

13 went missing and they left the house?

14 AD: (No verbal response.)

15 YM: Tell me about that.

16 AD: I don't think Casey ever told me about it. I am just, I, I don't, I don't think Cindy

17 ever did either. Not that I can recall.

18 YM: Did anyone ever tell you about the argument that they had? Think hard.

19 AD: On the news.

20 YM: But no, no, I'm talking about maybe one....

21 AD: Personal, like someone telling me, I remember George saying he remembered

22 seeing Caylee that day leave. But it might have been the day after Father's Day,

23 YM: Well no, but about an argument before she left....

24 AD: No. I....

25 YM: ...the night before?


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AD: I don't, I don't think anybody ever did.

EE: How about the, the second birthday party I wanted to come back to. I have a

couple things I wanted to ask you. Uhm, that birthday party where you said that

she was a little uh, perturbed regarding her mother acting as if she was maybe

the mom and running the party....

AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

EE: Was there an exchange on that day? Did she get worked, did Casey get mad at

her that day and yell at her or....

AD: I didn't see it. Like I said, Casey pulled me aside and was like, "Oh, my God, I

can't believe what my mom's doing. You know this is supposed to be Caylee's

day. I'm her mom. She's not her mom." Uhm....

EE: What was she doing that was so terrible?

AD: Like you know, the little kid sits down and the mom sits behind them and helps

them open presents. Uhm, and that's what Cindy was doing instead of Casey

doing it.

EE: Jealousy then?

AD: Uh, yeah (affirmative).

EE: Okay.

AD: I guess.

EE: And who was there at that party?

AD: (Sighs.) Me, Casey obviously, Cindy, uhm, I definitely know one of Lee's friends,

Brian, was there. A couple more of Lee's friends were there. I don't know their


YM: Brian, his roommate? Brian Lufkin, right?


























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1 AD: Brian Lufkin, yes. Uhm, I want to say that Corey, lassen and Sean were there.

2 I'm almost certain that the three of them were there. I think that giWL Christina

3 was there. I don't know Christina's last name. I think George was there. And I

4 think Lee wa... maybe Lee and Mallory were there. I'm not sure. I don't

5 remember.

6 EE: So nobody that acted in the capacity of babysitter attended the second birthday

7 party that you know other than

8 AD: Not that I can recall. Huh-huh (negative).

9 EE: Did you ever baby-sit....

10 AD: Oh, Lauren and, Lauren and Mandy were there.

11 EE: They were?

12 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

13 EE: So Lauren's the closest thing to a babysitter that you know of?

14 AD: Yes.

15 EE: And that we were aware of?

16 AD: Yes.

17 EE: Uhm, did you ever baby-sit Caylee one time; ever?

18 AD: No sir.

19 EE: Never?

20 AD: No sir.

21 EE: You didn't get to hold her you said?

22 AD: I, yeah (affirmative), I couldn't even hold her let alone Casey leave her with me.

23 YM: If, if, aside from you and Melina, uh, and maybe even Lauren, who would you say

24 was closest to Casey?

25 AD: Sean was definitely her best guy friend; it was big brother.


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1 YM: Okay, who else?

2 AD: Uhm...

3 YM: Who, if we had to go to, if we had to go to one person that could tell us Casey's

4 life story, and that was really close to Casey and that would be considered one of

5 her best friends, you were her best friend from '06-'07, who would that be?

6 AD: I know she got very close with Amy.

7 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

8 AD: Uhm, Lauren, she always went back to Lauren. Melina, Sean, uhm, me,

9 obviously. Uhm, her and her brother were close. Uhm, I can't think of anyone

10 else.

11 YM: Let me uhm, let me go back to that anything but clothes party. Something just

12 came up. Tell me about the uh, the, there was an incident at the anything but

13 clothes party.

14 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

15 YM: Tell me about that.

16 AD: (Sighs.) Casey's... one of her ex-boyfriends, Brandon, was there.

17 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

18 AD: Uhm, and I believe that's when he started dating his now wife. Uhm, I think she

19 was there too and they were there together. Uhm, and Casey got very upset

20 because she was very, very in love with, with Brandon. And I guess she pulled

21 him aside and he was intoxicated. Uhm, she pulled him aside and went to talk to

22 him out front, maybe have a heart-to-heart. I don't know what was said. But I

23 know they were out front. Casey came running to the back balling hysterically,

24 getting the people that she was, she came with to leave.

25 YM: What was it about?


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1 AD: From what I was told it was her telling her ex, telling him, "I still love you. I want

2 to be with you."

3 EE: Nothing about a pregnancy?

4 AD: She, she had told me that she was, that she had gotten pregnant by him and that

5 she miscarried Valentine's Day; coincidentally on Valentine's Day.

6 YM: And that's what she told you? Did she tell you that before or after the uh,

7 anything but clothes party?

8 AD: Oh, I knew when she was pregnant, well pregnant quote unquote.

9 YM: Okay, so she told you at the time that she said she was pregnant?

10 AD: She was pregnant, yup (affirmative).

11 YM: And she was pregnant. And did she say whose it was?

12 AD: Brandon's.

13 YM: And did she say anything about what her mom was going to say about her being

14 pregnant again?

15 AD: Oh, yeah (affirmative), yeah (affirmative), she didn't....

16 YM: Tell me about that.

17 AD: ...want her parents to know.

18 YM: Was she actually pregnant?

19 AD: I never saw a doctor's visit, a pregnancy test, uh, anything to confirm it. I had

20 doubts that she was pregnant.

21 YM: But she told you, I am pregnant?

22 AD: She told me she was pregnant.

23 YM: And the first time you remember her saying that was when? Anything but clothes

24 party was May of this year.

25 AD: May of 'O._


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1 YM: Oh, I'm sorry, May of '08.

2 AD: May of '0...May of '08. She miscarried, quote unquote miscarried...

3 YM: February.

4 AD: ... February 14, 2008 I believe. Yes, 2008. And no, it couldn't have been then. It

5 couldn't have been, it had to have been '07.

6 YM: Anything but clothes party was '08?

7 AD: Yes. But when she, because I had just broken up with Dante. I'm sorry (laughs).

8 YM: Okay.

9 AD: Uhm, Dante and I had been, I moved out of Sawgrass in '07. It had to have been

10 February of '07 then. Because '08 is when we quit being friends. '0... late '0, late

11 '07. (Sighs.) I'm, I'm sorry. Uhm...

12 YM: Okay, just take a, take, take your time if you need to. And we know the argument

13 happened at the end of anything but clothes party.

14 AD: And Memorial Day, Memorial Day, is that in May?

15 YM: May.

16 AD: May. That was then. She had to have been pregnant the pr... pregnant, quote

17 unquote, the, Caylee would have been three. Her second birthday was '07.

18 YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

19 AD: It had to have been, I'm trying to think. I remember it being Valentine's Day, but

20 it couldn't have been '08, because that was just now. And she dated Brandon...

21 YM: No, it was a year ago now.

22 AD: Well....(sighs). It might have been '07 then. It had to have been '07.

23 YM: So she would have gotten pregnant in January '07, or late '06?

24 AD: I think it was in December.

25 YM: She had just had....


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1 AD: Caylee was like a year and a half.

2 YM: Okay. When she had her miscarriage, did she call you? Because....

3 AD: Yes.

4 YM: ...the miscarriage was '07. Did she call you like right after it happened?

5 AD: That's what she said.

6 YM: Where, where, where did it happen?

7 AD: (Sighs.)

8 YM: Tell me.

9 AD: She said she was at home and she was bleeding and she called her doctor. It

10 was all on a Saturday. Was Valentine's Day on a Saturday? (Laughs.) It, it, it, it

11 was on a Saturday because I'm thinking what doctor is going to go... because

12 she said she called her doctor and she, the doctor met her at the office. But I

13 remember it being on a Saturday because I was like, you know, my mom's best

14 friend works for my doctor and he wouldn't be at the office on a Saturday.

15 YM: So she was at home when....

16 AD: Called the doctor.

17 YM: ...she had the miscarriage.

18 AD: Called the doctor and went to, met the doctor at the doctor's office. Oh, you had

19 a miscarriage.

20 YM: What about her mom? Was he mom home?

21 AD: I don't believe so.

22 YM: Uh, any, was anyone else home that you know of?

23 AD: Her mom didn', I don't think.

24 YM: She was alone at home on a Saturday?

25 AD: Uh, maybe.


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YM: And she went to her doctors and then what else?

2 AD: That was it. Everything was okay. You had a miscarriage.

3 YM: Did she call you that Saturday? Did she call you the day of?

4 AD: I think she did. I think she called me right after. I think.

5 YM: Okay.

6 AD: But f remember it being on a Valentine's Day. Whether it was on, uh, I just

7 remember thinking something's weird because Brandon would talk to me about

8 it. You know, he would, "You know, Annie what do you think? Do you think

9 she's really pregnant?" And I'd say, "No, I don't really think she's pregnant."

10 YM: So she waited a whole year and three months to confront Brandon?

11 AD: Brandon's in the Army. He's in Iraq. He had just gotten back. He was gone for

12 eighteen months.

13 YM: Okay.

14 AD: He was in North Carolina getting ready for deployment to go back to Iraq, or

15 Afghanistan, whenever she....

16 YM: Was that the only time you know of that she was pregnant since she had Caylee

17 that she told you she was pregnant?

18 AD: Uh, yeah (affirmative). I don't, I don't believe she was pregnant.

19 YM: Okay.

20 AD: Uhm, but yes, to my knowledge that's the only time that she ever said she....

21 YM: And the only time she ever had a miscarriage?

22 AD: Ever said she was pregnant.

23 YM: Okay. Uh, what do you know about chloroform?

24 AD: Nothing.

25 YM: Do you know what it is?


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AD: I googled it

YM: Okay.

AD: ....after they said this on the news.

YM: What is it?

AD: Uh, ammonia and bleach.

YM: What is it used for? Do you know?

AD: Again, I looked it up. I, I didn't, I had no clue what it was. I googled it.

YM: Okay.

AD: Uhm, and then you know, people talk about this.

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

AD: Uhm, and, and I asked, you know, I don't even have no clue what it is. And they

said, oh, it's in the old movies they, you'd see them put a white rag over the

woman's mouth.

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

AD: And she'd pass out and they'd go take advantage of the woman and they'd wake

up and they were fine.

YM: Did Casey ever have a conversation with you, or were you ever present with

Casey when this was brought up maybe watching a movie with her and she


AD: One, the one time I was at her house I said, "Casey, what's chloroform about?

What, what is that?"

YM: This is after she was arrested?

AD: This is after she was arrested. This is, I remember this. We had this con... I was

like, "What, what are you talking about? What is it? What is it about the

chloroform in the trunk?" And she said uhm, "You know I don't know. I don't


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know what it is." And I said, "Well, you know, I didn't know what it was. I

goggled it. It's bleach and ammonia." She said, "I know I had cleaning solution

back there. I had cleaning stuff back there."

YM: Did she ever tell you that she looked up chloroform or, or she was dong research

on it back in March?

AD: When I said I didn't know what it was, you now, I said, "I googled it," and she

laughed and said, "Yeah (affirmative), I know."

EE: So she said she had cleaning stuff back there. Did she ever make comments

about anything else that was being discussed that may have been in the trunk, or

just the cleaning stuff?

AD: Just the cleaning stuff.

EE: So all this other stuff that's all over the media about the trunk of the car she only

talked about having cleaning solution in the car?

AD: Okay, it's, now that you guys are talking about it, it's bringing something back to

me. Uhm, when she, we talked about uhm, because that was right after the hat

got thrown away and that person went through their garbage and found the hat

that I was wearing in a picture and that it was my hat. No, it wasn't my hat. It

was Casey's hat that her ex-boyfriend, Jesse, gave her. And that's why they

threw it away because they don't trust Jesse. So they were getting mad at

Jesse. And so they threw the hat away. And Jesse was the first person she

called when she abandoned the car at the Amscot. Again, this is all she said.

Uhm, and so she called Jesse. The car was up there. Jesse knew where the car

was. Jesse had a key to the car.

EE: Ah, she told you that?


























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AD: (Coughs.) Yes, Jesse had a key to the car. And she said, "I don't know what

could have happened to that car when it wasn't in my possession. There very

well could have been something in the back of my trunk that I don't know about."

YM: So she eluded to the fact that Jesse may have done something to her car while it

was abandoned at that Amscot?

AD: In a roundabout way.

YM: She never specifically said it, but she elude...

AD: No. Yes.

YM: ....eluded to the fact?

EE: And was this conversation in front of Cindy and George?

AD: No, this was in her bedroom.

EE: Can you remember anything about that, anything about that conversation?

AD: I remember, like I said, I remember that. And that's, that's, because that's when

she said to me, When this is over I have so much to tell you." She, "Oh, you

wouldn't believe what I have to tell you." And I said, "Why not now?"

EE: So she never, so she talked openly about the trunk of her car and that she had

cleaning solution in her car, and that Jesse had a key to her so she wouldn't

know if Jesse....

AD: And Jesse knew where the car was.

EE: But she never mentioned the smell of decomp, or any of those other things? She

completely avoided those?

AD: It didn't come up.

EE: A hair, nothing?

AD: My hair is probably in that car. I've been in the car (makes sounds).


























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EE: But I'm talking about the high point stuff that's been on the news that she's

2 obviously, not only was she watching when she was home, but I'm sure she was

3 watching while she was in her cell.

4 AD: Huh-huh (negative).

5 EE: No?

6 AD: Not that I can remember.

7 EE: So she didn't try to explain away anything to you?

8 AD: No sir.

9 YM: I have a couple of names I just want to throw out at you to see if you, you, tell me

1 o if you know them. Amy, Amy Lewis?

11 AD: Amy Lewis?

12 YM: Yeah (affirmative), Amy Ann Lewis. Sound familiar to you at all?

13 AD: No, I don't think so.

14 YM: What about Tara Graff?

15 AD: (Short pause.) I, I know there's a Tara we went to high school with, but I don't

16 know her last name.

17 YM: Adam Lynch?

18 AD: Adam Lynch? Uh, these are common names. I don't, I don't, personally, I don't

19 know anybody named Adam Lynch.

20 YM: Amanda Mc... Amanda Macklin?

21 AD: I don't personally know an Amanda Macklin.

22 YM: Uh, Dave Turner?

23 AD: Uh, I don't think I know a Dave Turner.

24 YM: Harry Garcia? Any of these ring a bell as a group of friends or....

25 AD: Harry Garcia? And a group of friends, absolutely not.


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1 YM: Okay. Linda, you have anything?

2 EE: Uh, in and of itself, I just have a problem with this trunk thing and, and you being,

3 sitting there talking to her. You knew her for a great period of time, right? I mean

4 a faiWLy long time. And you kind of got a good feeling for her person, right?

5 AD: Uh, who I thought she was.

6 EE: Doesn't it strike you odd that with everything being said about her in the media

7 and what she would freely talk about, almost like whimsically talk about the fact

8 that she had chemicals in, in you know, maybe cleaning solutions in the trunk of

9 the car, but never try to say anything uh, uh, to explain aviiay any of the other

10 things that's getting so much attention about that car. Other than the fact that

11 Jesse has keys to it.

12 AD: Uhm, (sighs), I, I kind of shut her down in the fact that I don't want to know. You

13 know, I, I didn't, I didn't want to know. I don't want to know anything because I

14 don't want to be the....

15 EE: What was she saying that made you uncomfortable to where you shut her down

16 then?

17 AD: Uh, (sighs), just saying you know, I don't, you know, "Jesse had a key to my car."

18 And I was just like, "Oh." I'm like I don't like you, I don't trust him.

19 YM: Did uhm, did the family or anyone give you any, any way to communicate with

20 Casey when she went out of the jail? Did they give you a phone or....

21 AD: When they went?

22 YM: When they got out, when Casey got out of jail the first time, did anyone give you

23 a phone and say, "Hey, if you want to call Casey call her from this phone?"

24 AD: I had a phone number. Uh, oh...

25 YM: But did....


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AD: ... I think it was a prepaid cell phone of hers. Like I had a phone number that she


YM: But did they give you a phone?

AD: Did they give me a phone? No.

YM: Say hey, if you're going to call Casey call her on this?

AD: No sir.

YM: Do you remember the number of that prepaid phone?

AD: If I...

YM: You have it in....

AD: I might have it. I told, I was told it was prepaid.

LD: By who?

YM: Who, did....

AD: By Casey. I got to turn my phone on.

YM: That's okay. Did you tell her who gave her that phone, or did anyone tell you

who gave her that phone?

AD: Maybe her attorney. I don't know. The family. I don't know.

LD: Did you ever talk to Jose Baez?

AD: I met him one time at the house and it was Hi I'm Jose and hi I'm Annie, but I

never spoke to him though. I may have deleted it (sighs).

EE: Did you ever call the number?

AD: Did I ever call the number? No. Uhm, I'm not sure if this is her old cell phone

number, or if this is her new, the one that she gave me. But it's 407443-0675.

LD: What's your cell?

AD: My cell phone? 407-948-2176. That's my personal cell phone number.



























Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG `83`.1,5

Page 74: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

1 YM: And while, while we're on that line, do you still live, live on Mary Jane Road, 1-2-

2 2-1?

3 AD: I do not... I do not live there.

4 YM: Okay, what's your current address?

5 AD: 9060...1 just moved so my mail uh....

6 YM: 9060?

7 AD: Uhm, 9069 Lee Vista Boulevard, number 1210, 32829.

8 YM: Thank you.

9 LD: How long have you had that cell number, 407-948....

10 AD: A long....

11 LD: 2176?

12 AD: A long time.

13 LD: And who's your provider?

14 AD: Uhm, it's Sprint. Yeah (affirmative), that's the, I don't think that, I think that's the

15 number that she gave me.

16 LD: When you lived, are you guys done?

17 EE: I, I have, I just have a couple more timeline type stuff if you don't mind. What,

18 number one, did she ever tell you about an animal being on her car?

19 AD: I'm, I'm sorry?

20 EE: Did she ever say that there was an animal ran over by her car or anything uh, of

21 that nature?

22 AD: She did not tell me that. Uhm, I think she might have told someone that she ran

23 over a squirrel or something and it got up in her engine.

24 EE: Right. Well

25 AD: And she wanted someone to take it out.


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EE: But she uh, did she ever tell you that?

2 AD: Did she ever tell me? No.

3 EE: Did any of the family ever tell you that?

4 AD: No.

5 EE: Okay. Nothing about the car then other than chemicals, cleaning chemicals in

6 the trunk? I'm done.

7 LD: Alright. Uhm, you had indicated that you lived at Sawgrass Apartments....

8 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

9 LD: ...with Dante Salati from Oc... what you believe now to be October of '05 through

10 March of '07?

11 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

12 LD: This was the time frame that you and Casey were best friends?

13 AD: We started being really, really good friends whenever Dante and I broke up,

14 which would have been, March '07 I moved out. It would have been '06,

15 November-ish.

16 LD: That you two broke up?

17 AD: Uh-hum (affirmative), and I still lived there until March or so. And so the end, I

18 mean as soon as we broke up and Brandon was back in town, because Casey

19 and Brandon started dating, Brandon would come up, they'd come over and

20 hang out.

21 LD: Alright, so they came over to the Sawgrass Apartments?

22 AD: Absolutely.

23 LD: What was your apartment number?

24 AD: Uhm, uh, 2867 South Conway Road, oh, 218 was the apartment number.

25 LD: Okay. Was there more than one 218 at that complex?

75 Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG (6;i1/4.11

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AD: I don't know. I don't think so. Not....

2 LD: Alright.

3 AD: my knowledge.

4 LD: Alright, but you said 2167?

5 AD: 2...2867...

6 LD: 2867.

7 AD: ... I think was my address.

8 LD: Alright. How long, uhm, or how often did she come over?

9 AD: Every day almost. Because I, I don't think at that time I was working and I was

10 just going to school.

11 LD: Did she bring Caylee?

12 AD: A lot of the times, yeah (affirmative), unless it was at night.

13 LD: Did she ever tell you that she knew anyone else in the Sawgrass Apartments?

14 AD: No.

15 LD: Did you ever see her talking to anyone else in the Sawgrass Apartment?

16 AD: Not that I can recall.

17 LD: Alright. Did you know, or did she tell you that she had a babysitter in those

18 apartments while you were there?

19 AD: No sir, I mean uh, no ma'am.

20 LD: Did you uh, ever work for the Sawgrass Apartments?

21 AD: No ma'am.

22 LD: Do anything in their uhm, office?

23 AD: Do anything in their office?

24 LD: Uh-hum (affirmative).

25 AD: No ma'am.


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1 LD: Would you go into their office to uh, pay rent?

2 AD: I usually dropped it in the night drop.

3 LD: Okay. Where were you working? You said you were going to school. Were you

4 working at all during that timeframe....

5 AD: (Sighs.)

6 LD: ...where you lived at the Saw...when you lived at the Sawgrass Apartments?

7 AD: I want to say I was at Don Reid then. I've been at Don Reid, December 13 th was

8 two years. So, two, '05; December '05. Right? Yeah (affirmative).

9 LD: '06.

10 AD: No, no, no, '06. Yeah (affirmative), '06.

11 LD: Okay.

12 AD: So, but there was a time that I was not working, I was just going to school.

13 LD: Alright. Would you have had occasion to go into the uhm, area where the leasing

14 agents would be, with Casey Anthony?

15 AD: No ma'am.

16 LD: And do you have any knowledge as to whether or not she ever went in there?

17 AD: No ma'am.

18 LD: Do you know anybody by the name of Zenaida Gonzalez?

19 AD: No ma'am.

20 LD: Maybe you already asked this. Zenaida Fernandez?

21 AD: No ma'am.

22 LD: Zenaida Gonzalez-Fernandez, or whatever permutation....

23 AD: No ma'am.

24 LD: ....of that you can think of? Did you have friends at the Sawgrass?

25 AD: Uhm....


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1 LD: A... acquaintances?

2 AD: Like I had said to him, uhm, I had a friend that, Dante had a friend that lived

3 there. I, I don't know what the name was, who the, what her name was, and then

4 I had a friend that lived there I believe for only for a short period of time, when we

5 first moved in.

6 LD: Did you know your neighbors?

7 AD: Their names? No.

8 LD: Okay. You ever watch One Tree Hill? Do you know what that is?

9 AD: It's a TV show; a series?

10 LD: You never watched it?

11 AD: I don't think I ever have.

12 LD: You never discussed that show with Casey Anthony?

13 AD: Not that I can recall.

14 LD: Alright.

15 AD: Did you ever discuss Zenaida Fernandez, or Zenaida, Zenaida Gonzalez, with

16 Casey Anthony?

17 LD: No ma'am.

18 AD: Did you ever hear that name, or mention that name to anyone prior to July 15 th of

19 2008?

20 LD: I've never heard that name before until then.

21 AD: Do you have any other information about what happened to Caylee Anthony?

22 LD: I do not know what happened to Caylee, no ma'am.

23 AD: Okay.

24 LD: You had indicated eaWLier that you didn't think Casey Anthony was smart

25 enough to do this by herself?


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AD: The relationship that I witnessed with Ca... between Casey and Caylee, Casey

was an excellent mother. Uhm, too over-protective. Uhm....

LD: Do you have a child?

AD: No...

LD: Okay.

AD: ... I do not. Uhm, I do have friends that have children. And like I said, she was

too over-protective. To, you know, like uh, to not let somebody be able to hold,

hold your child, I think that's a little ridiculous. Uhm...

LD: Well the, the statement of yours that I wrote down, and you can correct me if you

think I have this in... uh, on here wrong. If Casey harmed Caylee she didn't do it

alone. She's not that smart."

AD: Absolutely.

LD: Alright. So, you make room for the situation where Casey could have been

involved in some way, in harming Caylee.

AD: Because of what, I, I, I thought she was somebody that she obviously is not.

Lying to, stealing, you know, the person who I thought I knew, who I once called

one of my best friends, she obviously wasn't that person.

LD: Alright. You said she didn't do it alone. Who do you think she would have done

it with, or been involved with, as it relates to....

AD: Well, I don't....

LD: ... Caylee's demise?

AD: I don't know Tony. But he's mysterious to me.

LD: Just because you don't know him?


























Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG 8351


Page 80: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

I AD: Just, uh, just because I don't know him. He has a completely different group of

2 friends. You know, he, she never brought him around us. And like I said, my

3 friends are her root. We're, she always would come back to us.

4 LD: Anyone else?

5 AD: Uhm, Jesse.

6 LD: Anyone else?

7 AD: Not that I can think of.

8 LD: Her brother?

9 AD: Uh....(sighs). (Sighs.)

10 YM: It looks like you're holding back Annie. Just, just say what's on your mind.

11 AD: I don't know, I don't know that I trust any of them at this point.

12 LD: Do you know how Caylee got her name?

13 AD: (No verbal response.)

14 LD: It was never discussed?

15 AD: No. Caylee and Casey, that's, I don't, that's all I know.

16 LD: Okay. Did she tell you that she had help...

17 AD: No.

18 LD: ... in some way in what happened to Caylee?

19 AD: No.

20 L be D: Whether it . ha rm i ng Caylee digpocing of CnYIPA ' S remains?

21 AD: No ma'am.

22 LD: Nothing?

23 AD: No ma'am.

24 LD: Did Lee Anthony ever tell you he knew where Caylee's remains were?

25 AD: No ma'am.


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Page 81: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

1 LD: Cindy?

2 AD: No ma'am.

3 LD: George?

4 AD: No ma'am.

5 LD: Anybody affiliated with the family?

6 AD: No ma'am.

7 LD: Did you uhm, hear anyone talk about the location of Caylee's remains prior to

8 December 11 th , 2008?[

9 AD: No ma'am.

10 LD: Alright, I don't have any more.

11 YM: Well, just one follow up. What did Cindy and George say about Zenaida?

12 AD: They don't know who she was.

13 YM: When was the first time that they told you they heard of her because you

14 obviously first heard of her July 5 th , or sorry, you heard of her after the arrest.

15 AD: Yeah (affirmative), after the arrest, the name. I mean like I said....

16 YM: Right.

17 AD: But July 5th she mentioned the nanny.

18 YM: When did Cindy and George say that they first knew? Did they correct you and

19 say oh, we've known her for years, or anything? What did they say?

20 A rt. PALF• I believe Cindy has never officially mot har, but it had heard Casey reference her.

21 YM: As?

22 AD: Zanny. Zanny the nanny. Because Cindy told me she thought that for a while

23 Casey was saying Annie the Nanny, think they're talking about me. But she said

24 they were saying Zanny.

25 YM: How long had she known of Zanny? Did she, did she ever tell you?


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Page 82: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

AD: I, I, I don't know.

YM: What about George?

AD: I never talked to him about it.

YM: Or Lee?

AD: (Sigh.) Uh, I don't know if she's ever said anything to Lee.

YM: Any of your friends, or any of your circle?

AD: I, I mean she'd always reference her as the nanny. My nanny.

YM: Well, as of July 5 th , the first time she mentioned the nanny. But before that, has

anyone in your circle ever re... do they remember...

AD: I....

YM: ....Casey saying yeah (affirmative), she mentioned Zenaida....

AD: Uh.....

YM: ...or Zanny, or the nanny?

AD: I can't, I can't speak for anybody else. Uhm....

YM: Well you've had chances to talk to obviously other friends and people. I'm sure


AD: Yeah (affirmative), I mean when she....

YM: ... has come up in conversation.

AD: When we, when we....

YM: Did anyone ever tell you, hey, well yeah (affirmative), yeah (Affirmntive), she told

me about her. Last November she mentioned that you know, they went to

whatever, or they did whatever.

AD: (Sighs.) Uhm, well, I think maybe she might have, I mean I think I remember

lassen might have said something to me. They, because he, also he called me


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Page 83: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

wanting the detective that called me his phone number because he had a

conversation that he wanted to send about where she wanted to live...

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).

AD: Ya-da, ya-da, ya-da. Uhm, and he, I don't know if that was because of just

where she was saying she was going to move to, or that he had, that she had

something about the nanny. I don't, I don't, I don't recall. Uhm, but not, I mean

specific times, uh, no, I can't think of anything.

YM: That's all.

EE: Did you ever visit the office of the Sawgrass Apartments with her to put out...?

AD: With her? No.

EE: Did she ever visit there to apply for an, a, an apartment?

AD: Not that I can think of.

EE; Did she ever talk about it?

AD: Not that I can think of.

EE: She ever talk about it?

AD: Not that I can think of.

EE: And where was your apartment that you lived in in comparison to the one that

she took...

AD: Right next door is from what I think, from what I can recall. I mean I'm 2867.

What was the building number she said?

YM: When you drove in to go to your apartment that you used to live in, you drive in,

the office is to your right? (Inaudible)._

AD: You drive in. You like dead end into the office, so you got to go around to the left

a little bit.

YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).


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•111 Z.%)






Page 84: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

1 AD: And then....

YM: And there's a building to your left and there's another building, right? And there's

a building on both sides?

AD: No, they're on, they're on your, no.

YM: Sawgrass?

AD: I haven't, I haven't been there in a very long time. Uhm, my, when you look,

walked out my door to go down my stairs, you saw the back of the shopping


YM: Okay.

AD: I know that for sure. Like the wall that's there...

YM: So you would have been, if you're coming in the driveway you would have been

on the left hand side? The office would have been on the right hand side? You

would have had to....

AD: Uhm, you have to go to the left.

YM: ... park and then go through the hallway and then up to your apartment?

AD: Not through the hallway. No, I wasn't on the water side. I was on the parking lot

side. There isn't, to the, you drive in, the building's right here, and you have to

go around. There isn't anything that way. I don't think.

YM: Okay.

I .

L.J. lc as you

AD: Yeah (affirmative).

LD: ... uhm, Casey Anthony's only connection to the Sawgrass Apartments is you?

AD: Me and Dante; yes ma'am.

YM: I don't have anything else.

EE: I just am curious what Jesse's done for you not to like him.


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Page 85: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

AD: When, right after all this happened, me and Melina organized to everyone start

2 meeting up at Publix. That Saturday we all met up at Publix. We were going to

3 hand out fliers. You know, go around places. Jesse showed up later. And the

4 first words out of his mouth are, "Why did you and Casey quit being friends?"

5 And it kind of caught me off guard. Everyone else that I'd seen that I haven't

6 seen forever is, you know, "Are you okay? How are you doing? Now what do

7 you think happened?" His words were, "Why did, so why did you and Casey quit

8 being friends?" And I just thought that's odd. For somebody who, you know,

9 they did a paternity test to see if he was her father, you know. And to say to me,

10 "Why did you and Casey quit being friends," uh, it just struck me as odd.

11 EE: That was my next thing is, if, if, if she was, knew who the father was, did she ever

12 tell you why she may have tried to say that Jesse was the father?

13 AD: She never told me she tried to say Jesse was the father, but that she wasn't sure

14 who the father was. Because I didn't know, I had assumed that Jesse was the

15 father. And then one day I finally asked her and she said, "No, no, no, it was this

16 guy. We hooked up. He lives so-and-so." I don't remember where she said it, it

17 was in the south, but not Florida. Uhm, and that he was married and had a

18 k... another kid.

19 EE: So any problem you had with Jesse was after the fact? It wasn't like an ongoing

20 thing with him? It was....

21 AD: Just this, no....

22 EE: ... like an ongoing thing with him?

23 AD: No.

24 EE: It was just that one statement?

25 AD: No. Just like after everything happened, you know, I mean....


Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG 3S '")

Page 86: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

1 EE: Okay.

AD: ... ask me how I'm doing (chuckles).

EE: Okay.

LD: Alright.

YM: If we have any further questions....

WL: Sure, no problem. We'll, you can....

LD: Call you?

WL: Yeah (affirmative), sure, and we'll make....

YM: Okay.

WL: ... produce her on short notice.

YM: And again, I know I swore you in at the beginning, but I would just like to, to

confirm it.

WL: Or if you want to you can just do it and we just agree they can just do it all by

telephone and just continuation if you want. It's up to you.

YM: I have no problem with that.

WL: Okay.

YM: Just as long as we're all in agreement. And again, we, I already swore you in at

the beginning. Everything you told us is true and correct?

AD: Yes sir.

YM: Okay. And you're going to help get the information on the doctor as well so I


AD: Yes.

YM: I can find out the date range on that?

WL: (Inaudible.)

EE: And your father, when he, the day he....


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Page 87: Casey Anthony - Annie Downing 1-6-09 Transcript

1 AD: Yeah (affirmative), I'd have to....

EE: ... saw her at....

AD: I have to talk to my dad....

EE: Okay.

AD: see if he remembers. But it was prior to. (Sighs.)

LD: Alright, thank you.

YM: Alright. And the time right now is uh, 1518 hours.

End of recorded statement.

This transcript has been reviewed on July 17 th , 2009 for accuracy.



Downing, Annie/Case #08-74777/GG 83S9