case study hassle free v4

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can

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Case Study: be confident to change your office supplier hassle free, because with Banner you can

because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can 2

be confident to change your office supplier hassle free, because with Banner you can

A high percentage of companies don’t want to change their office supplies provider due to the time, effort and the hassle it would cause the company. They prefer to stay with their incumbent and let the contract roll. This can result in companies paying more and not receiving the best value for their money.

Make sure you’re receiving the best value for money.

because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can

Have you thought about changing your office supplies provider?

Have you thought about changing your office supplies provider but can’t face the stress and additional workload involved?


Choose Banner and you will be pleasantly surprised at how straight forward the whole process is, and we will also save you money on your procurement costs.

because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can

Read how Banner adds benefit to your office supplies contract…


• Changing your supplier is easy, we manage the whole process from start to finish and minimise the input required from the customer, allowing them to carry on with their core roles with no distractions or headaches.

• Through engagement with the previous supplier, Banner ensures a smooth transition and any leftover stock is transferred for the new contract.

• You will be assigned a dedicated project manager who will manage the switch between suppliers, they will manage every aspect from award to go-live.

because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can



• During the transition we communicate regularly and to all key parties so that everyone is aware of the implementation progress every step of the way.

• Banner will manage your online set up by ensuring the correct people are authorised to order products. We will regulate who can see what products and will organise scheduling, whether it be next day delivery, or whatever your requirements.

because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can

If you’re still wondering why to move suppliers…

We will look at all your procurement processes and work out where and how we can reduce your spend and actually reduce your costs – we manage this so you don’t have to.

We saved a leading high street bank 46% on their procurement costs when they moved to Banner, which equated to a saving of £6.9 million.


We can reduce your costs.

because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can

Welcome programmeAre you concerned that your employees will find it difficult to switch to a new supplier?

Once we take on a new company contract we make sure the transition for all staff members is as seamless as possible.

Our welcome programme starts before the contract goes live, ensuring that all staff are communicated to, welcomed and introduced to Banner. They receive a series of emails from the get-go.

The emails explain who Banner is, provides dedicated account team details, how to place an order and login details so that ordering products can be carried out with ease.

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because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can

Don’t delay, start the path to saving money today

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With Banner, moving to a new supplier will cause you minimum disruption and give you ultimate gains.

With excellent customer service, immense product selection and huge potential to save costs on your procurement, shouldn’t you be speaking to Banner?

because with Banner you canbecause with Banner you can

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If you believe you could benefit from the expertise of Banner, get in touch:

T: 0845 226 4708 E: [email protected]/how-we-do-it

be smartbe confidentbe inspired

Your office supplies procurement just got a lot easier

Customers trust us because we continuously

demonstrate how we proactively cut out

unnecessary costs, find them savings and

always deliver exceptional quality.