case study - accenture

INTERNATIONAL BPO SERVICE PROVIDER The client. A global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company with offices and operations in more than 150 cities across the world. They have the broadest outsourcing services offering in the market, unmatched in scope, scale and depth. Providing outsourcing solutions for virtually every type of need, they help companies achieve high performance. The need. Successful companies create a strong bond with their customers. In an era when companies can quickly duplicate product features and swiftly match prices, a branded ‘customer experience’ is a critical business differentiator. To create this branded customer experience, the agents need to be able to communicate effectively with customers. The agents for a certain process are required to take the BERLITZ – a ‘language assessment exam’, which requires a certain level of competency in the English Language. To meet these requirements, the agents need to go through a series of enhancement modules that include: - Accent Neutralisation Language Enhancement Customer Delight Culture Telephone Handling Skills, Business Etiquette. What we Did. Phase I. Needs Analysis

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Page 1: Case Study - Accenture


The client.

A global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company with offices and operations in more than 150 cities across the world. They have the broadest outsourcing services offering in the market, unmatched in scope, scale and depth. Providing outsourcing solutions for virtually every type of need, they help companies achieve high performance.

The need.

Successful companies create a strong bond with their customers. In an era when companies can quickly duplicate product features and swiftly match prices, a branded ‘customer experience’ is a critical business differentiator. To create this branded customer experience, the agents need to be able to communicate effectively with customers. The agents for a certain process are required to take the BERLITZ – a ‘language assessment exam’, which requires a certain level of competency in the English Language.

To meet these requirements, the agents need to go through a series of enhancement modules that include: -

Accent Neutralisation Language Enhancement Customer Delight Culture Telephone Handling Skills, Business Etiquette.

What we Did. Phase I. Needs AnalysisWe visited our client to experience first hand the environment, issues and expectations. This enabled us to develop program objectives together with the client. Based on the additional needs assessment work required, we prepared a client specific questionnaire for participants, conducted interviews, and facilitated an interactive assessment process for the client. We then designed a training programme (series) on the basis of the objectives and the needs assessment results.The module outline is customised as a result of the importance of the dynamic environment of the industry that our client is operating in. Most often than not, the program is focused on handholding the agents through this transformation process, within the time available.

Page 2: Case Study - Accenture

Phase II. Workshops.1. Class room training2. Floor Walking3. Short Burst Training Programs

"Learning through Active Experience" and “Practice makes perfect” is what we believe in. So we present the participants exclusively with concrete tasks, which can be accomplished only by using head, hand, and heart.

The 120 hrs classroom-training programme covers voice and accent, customer service, culture and listening comprehension. This translates into domain specific role-plays, frequently mispronounced words, cultural nuances and background as well as FAQs. The various class room activities also comprises a combination of short “ice-breakers” where participants work in pairs or a whole group and 1 to 2 hour tasks where groups work in parallel or in collaboration. In addition to the swift and successful delivery of the Business Essentials course, we have helped in devising assessments at several stages of the program; right from the training stage to the operational stage. Weekly reports track the progress of agents in training, and on-the-job and regular short burst training programs ensure a continuous gap fill between the actual performance and the desired benchmark.We provide an encouraging physical and psychological security framework for both theoretical and practical aids.

How it helped

Evolv, with it’s dedicated team, their expertise in program management capabilities and speed to deliver, as well as their ability to successfully bridge cultures and create training that is relevant to an international audience—has made an outstanding contribution to this project.

- The training helps the agents improve conversational skills and overall language ability

- The skills transfer will have a huge impact on the way agents respond quickly to concerns, issues and queries raised by clients.

- The assessment metric used, tracks progress and areas of concern / improvement for each agent is given immediate attention.

- We ensure that our client sustains their high levels of performance and market dominance by mapping the ‘Evolv Monitoring scores’ with the ‘C. Sat. scores’. This in turn helps implement focused training inputs based on the benchmark set.