case report diagnosis of mondor s disease in the...

Case Report Diagnosis of Mondor’s Disease in the Emergency Department with Bedside Ultrasound J. Michael O’Neal, 1 Erik Castleberg, 1 and Vi Am Dinh 1,2 1 Department of Emergency Medicine, Loma Linda University, 11234 Anderson Street, A-108, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA 2 Division of Critical Care, Department of Internal Medicine, Loma Linda University, 11234 Anderson Street, A-108, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA Correspondence should be addressed to Vi Am Dinh; [email protected] Received 27 August 2014; Accepted 28 December 2014 Academic Editor: Michael J. Ramdass Copyright © 2015 J. Michael O’Neal et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Mondor’s disease is a rare condition characterized by a superficial thrombophlebitis that can occur in the thoracoabdominal and genital areas. Findings with ultrasound in penile Mondor’s disease are readily measurable: a noncompressible penile vein without flow and absence of tears of the corpus cavernosum or tunica albuginea, hematoma, or evidence of fracture of the penis. We present a case of Mondor’s disease, diagnosed with bedside ultrasound, in the emergency department. Ultrasonography is readily available within the emergency department, and we suggest its use in aiding diagnosis of genitourinary disorders such as Mondor’s disease. 1. Introduction Mondor’s disease is a relatively uncommon disease, first described by Mondor in 1939 referring to the superficial thrombophlebitis in the thoracoabdominal wall [1]. Manifes- tations of the disease have subsequently been noted on the penis, groin, axilla, antecubital fossa, abdominal wall, and posterior cervical region [1]. e true incidence of Mondor’s disease is unknown, but one series showed an incidence of 18 of 1296 (1.39%) patients in a sexually transmitted disease clinic over a 12- year period [2]. e study demonstrated an association with several sexual behaviors in the patients, including a history of vigorous sex aſter a period of abstinence in 17 of the 18 patients, which is consistent with the presentation of the patient presented here. 2. Case Presentation A 24-year-old previously healthy male presented to the emer- gency department complaining of five days of painful penile swelling aſter experiencing a “popping” sensation during intercourse. e swelling was described as being at the base of the penis and extending down the shaſt. e patient reported intermittent swelling of the penile shaſt lasting between four and five days for the past three to four months. He described vigorous intercourse preceding these events. e patient otherwise denied trauma, dysuria, hematuria, difficulty with erection, multiple sexual partners, or attempted intercourse since the “popping” sensation was noted. Upon presentation, the patient was normotensive (138/ 83) with a normal heart (100) and respiratory (18) rate and was afebrile (36.8 C). Physical examination revealed a well- developed male in no distress without palpable hernias. Genitourinary exam revealed an uncircumcised penis and a palpable cord on the right dorsal side of the penis. Mild tenderness of the penile shaſt was noted and testicular exam revealed no swelling or pain on palpation. Ultrasound of the penis using an Ultrasonix Sonix- TOUCH (Vancouver, British Columbia) machine, with a high frequency linear probe (L15-5) on the small parts setting, demonstrated a noncompressible, hypoechoic right lateral superficial dorsal vein (Figures 1 and 2). e uncompressed vein did not exhibit a reduction in caliber compared to additional superficial dorsal vein identified. Color Doppler ultrasonography demonstrated a lack of flow compared to the deep dorsal vein and dorsal arteries (Figure 3). e arteries and soſt tissues of the penis were otherwise unremarkable. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Case Reports in Emergency Medicine Volume 2015, Article ID 817960, 3 pages

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  • Case ReportDiagnosis of Mondor’s Disease in the Emergency Departmentwith Bedside Ultrasound

    J. Michael O’Neal,1 Erik Castleberg,1 and Vi Am Dinh1,2

    1Department of Emergency Medicine, Loma Linda University, 11234 Anderson Street, A-108, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA2Division of Critical Care, Department of Internal Medicine, Loma Linda University, 11234 Anderson Street, A-108,Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA

    Correspondence should be addressed to Vi Am Dinh; [email protected]

    Received 27 August 2014; Accepted 28 December 2014

    Academic Editor: Michael J. Ramdass

    Copyright © 2015 J. Michael O’Neal et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

    Mondor’s disease is a rare condition characterized by a superficial thrombophlebitis that can occur in the thoracoabdominal andgenital areas. Findings with ultrasound in penile Mondor’s disease are readily measurable: a noncompressible penile vein withoutflow and absence of tears of the corpus cavernosum or tunica albuginea, hematoma, or evidence of fracture of the penis.We presenta case of Mondor’s disease, diagnosed with bedside ultrasound, in the emergency department. Ultrasonography is readily availablewithin the emergency department, and we suggest its use in aiding diagnosis of genitourinary disorders such as Mondor’s disease.

    1. Introduction

    Mondor’s disease is a relatively uncommon disease, firstdescribed by Mondor in 1939 referring to the superficialthrombophlebitis in the thoracoabdominal wall [1]. Manifes-tations of the disease have subsequently been noted on thepenis, groin, axilla, antecubital fossa, abdominal wall, andposterior cervical region [1].

    The true incidence of Mondor’s disease is unknown,but one series showed an incidence of 18 of 1296 (1.39%)patients in a sexually transmitted disease clinic over a 12-year period [2]. The study demonstrated an association withseveral sexual behaviors in the patients, including a historyof vigorous sex after a period of abstinence in 17 of the 18patients, which is consistent with the presentation of thepatient presented here.

    2. Case Presentation

    A 24-year-old previously healthymale presented to the emer-gency department complaining of five days of painful penileswelling after experiencing a “popping” sensation duringintercourse.The swelling was described as being at the base ofthe penis and extending down the shaft.The patient reported

    intermittent swelling of the penile shaft lasting between fourand five days for the past three to four months. He describedvigorous intercourse preceding these events. The patientotherwise denied trauma, dysuria, hematuria, difficulty witherection, multiple sexual partners, or attempted intercoursesince the “popping” sensation was noted.

    Upon presentation, the patient was normotensive (138/83) with a normal heart (100) and respiratory (18) rate andwas afebrile (36.8∘C). Physical examination revealed a well-developed male in no distress without palpable hernias.Genitourinary exam revealed an uncircumcised penis anda palpable cord on the right dorsal side of the penis. Mildtenderness of the penile shaft was noted and testicular examrevealed no swelling or pain on palpation.

    Ultrasound of the penis using an Ultrasonix Sonix-TOUCH(Vancouver, BritishColumbia)machine, with a highfrequency linear probe (L15-5) on the small parts setting,demonstrated a noncompressible, hypoechoic right lateralsuperficial dorsal vein (Figures 1 and 2). The uncompressedvein did not exhibit a reduction in caliber compared toadditional superficial dorsal vein identified. Color Dopplerultrasonography demonstrated a lack of flow compared to thedeep dorsal vein and dorsal arteries (Figure 3). The arteriesand soft tissues of the penis were otherwise unremarkable.

    Hindawi Publishing CorporationCase Reports in Emergency MedicineVolume 2015, Article ID 817960, 3 pages

  • 2 Case Reports in Emergency Medicine

    Figure 1: Noncompressed view of superficial dorsal veins withhypoechoic right sided vessel, suggesting superficial thrombophle-bitis (depth set at 4 cm).

    Figure 2: Compressed view of superficial dorsal veins showing non-compressible right superficial dorsal vein (depth set at 4 cm).

    Figure 3: Color Doppler ultrasonography showing absent flow inright superficial vein when compared to accessory vein and dorsalartery, which both demonstrate normal flow (depth set at 2 cm).

    Urology was consulted, and the patient was diagnosedwith superficial thrombophlebitis (Mondor’s disease) ofthe right lateral superficial dorsal vein without evidence ofpenile fracture. Conservative management with NSAIDswas recommended with outpatient follow-up to ensure theresolution of symptoms, which was expected to take up to4 weeks. The patient was contacted by phone 8 weeks laterand reports his symptoms had resolved within 4 weeks withibuprofen treatment and cessation of intercourse.

    3. Discussion

    Ultrasound has been shown to have consistent features inMondor’s disease, including noncompressible veins and lackof venous color Doppler flow [1, 3, 4]. Other signs ofthrombus include vein lumen size and thrombus echogenicity

    where a chronic thrombus has a smaller lumen size andincreased echogenicity (i.e., hyperechoic) [5]. In this particu-lar case, the vessel was noncompressible, lacked venous colorDoppler flow, had a normal size lumen, and had decreasedechogenicity (i.e., hypoechoic). These constellations of find-ings are consistent with an acute phase of Mondor’s disease.These described findings are also found with Mondor’sdisease in other areas, such as the breast [1, 6]. Hye et al.additionally found weak flow and high resistance in nearbyarteries using pulsed Doppler in examiningMondor’s diseaseof the penis [7].

    Mondor’s disease can be diagnosed clinically with thefindings of a palpable cord in the affected area withoutother significant findings beyond swelling [1, 3]. However,the disease is rare enough that many emergency providersmay have somehesitancy in diagnosing the conditionwithoutsupporting diagnostic evidence given that penile fractureis also an emergent condition in the differential for peniletrauma. Kervancioglu et al. demonstrated the findings thatwould support the diagnosis of penile fracture on ultrasound,such as tears of the corpus cavernosum and tunica albuginea,as well as the presence of hematomas. Vascular injuries tothe superficial dorsal vein, deep dorsal vein, dorsal artery,and deep cavernous artery may also be seen sonographicallyin penile fractures [8]. The absence of these additionalsonographic findings can be used by the emergency providersto support the benign diagnosis, such as in this case.

    Further imaging studies have been used for the diag-nosis of superficial thrombophlebitis. For the cases of thedisease occurring in the breast, mammography is commonlyused, showing densities along the affected area [1, 9]. MRIangiography can also demonstrate thrombus and be used toevaluate extension of the thrombus, even into areas difficultor impossible to image with ultrasound or presence ofhematoma; however, MRI is expensive and adds little tothe clinical management of the disease [10]. Belleflamme etal. have suggested ultrasound be the confirmatory imagingmodality of choice [11].

    A case series by Al-Mwalad et al. [3] covered 25 patientsover a six-year period with Mondor’s disease of the peniswith symptoms of feeling of tension in various locations ofthe penis without pain [3]. Improvement with conservativetreatment was shown in 23 of 25 patients, with the remainderrequiring surgical intervention, demonstrating thatMondor’sdisease of the penis is a relatively benign condition. Causativefactors for Mondor’s disease have not been definitively iden-tified, though trauma, tumors, and surgery are consideredrisk factors [3]. One case study suggested urogenital infectionand muscular strain as possible causes [12]. Immunohisto-chemistry demonstrated thrombophlebitis as the underlyingpathology in most cases of Mondor’s disease with occasionallymphangitis as a cause [13].

    Proper identification of Mondor’s disease assisted byultrasonography allows for proper management of the dis-ease. Patients diagnosed in the emergency department shouldbe given proper follow-up, which may include testing forprotein C and protein S or antithrombin III deficiencies[3], evaluation for other thrombophilic conditions [11], andpossible search for occult malignancy [1, 11]. Treatment in

  • Case Reports in Emergency Medicine 3

    the interim should consist of NSAIDs and cessation of inter-course [1, 3].

    4. Conclusion

    Ultrasound has been shown to be an effective means ofsupporting the diagnosis of Mondor’s disease of the penis.Findings on ultrasound are a noncompressible penile veinwithout flow and absence of tears of the corpus cavernosumor tunica albuginea, hematoma, or evidence of fracture of thepenis. Its use has been validated and accepted by specialtiesoutside of the emergency department. Given the availabilityand low cost of the modality within the ED, familiarity withthe sonographic findings can lead to the fact that emergencyproviders are able to quickly diagnose this rare condition atbedside with relative certainty.

    Conflict of Interests

    None of the authors identify any conflict of interests.


    The authors acknowledge the Loma Linda Emergency Medi-cine Research Division.


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    [2] B. Kumar, T. Narang, B. D. Radotra, and S. Gupta, “Mondor’sdisease of penis: a forgotten disease,” Sexually Transmitted Infec-tions, vol. 81, no. 6, pp. 480–482, 2005.

    [3] M. Al-Mwalad, H. Loertzer, A. Wicht, and P. Fornara, “Sub-cutaneous penile vein thrombosis (Penile Mondor’s Disease):pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy,”Urology, vol. 67, no. 3, pp.586–588, 2006.

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    [5] V. F. Tapson, B. A. Carroll, B. L. Davidson et al., “The diagnosticapproach to acute venous thromboembolism. Clinical practiceguideline. AmericanThoracic Society,”TheAmerican Journal ofRespiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 160, no. 3, pp. 1043–1066, 1999.

    [6] B. Yanik, I. Conkbayir, Ö. Öner, and B. Hekimoǧlu, “Imagingfindings in Mondor’s disease,” Journal of Clinical Ultrasound,vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 103–107, 2003.

    [7] Y. H. Hye, J. C. Dong,W. K. Kum, andM.H. Cheol, “Pulsed andcolorDoppler sonographic findings of penileMondor’s disease,”Korean Journal of Radiology, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 179–181, 2008.

    [8] S. Kervancioglu, A. Ozkur, and M. M. Bayram, “Color Dopplersonographic findings in penile fracture,” Journal of ClinicalUltrasound, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 38–42, 2005.

    [9] A.Adeniji-Sofoluwe andO.Afolabi, “Mondor’s disease: classicalimaging findings in the breast,”BMJCase Reports, vol. 2011, 2011.

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    [11] M. Belleflamme, A. Penaloza, M. Thoma, P. Hainaut, and F.Thys, “Mondor disease: a case report in ED,” The AmericanJournal of EmergencyMedicine, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 1325.e1–1325.e3,2012.

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