case of portakabin

PORTAKABIN PEVS; Service Management; February 2015 Author: Antonia Ficova

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. PORTAKABIN PEVS; Service Management; February 2015 Author: Antonia Ficova
  2. 2. What is Portakabin? - a small building that is designed to be moved from place to place and is used as a temporary office, school, for home - Portakabin Group companies have been providing delivering market-leading modular buildings for every application - 1961 Portakabin registered as a trademark and launches its original site accommodation building
  3. 3. - Modular Building innovators for more than 50 years 7countries-1,600 colleagues - The complete modular building service from planning applications, design and installation to fitting out and ongoing maintenance
  4. 4. - Buildings in the Portakabin range can be configured to house from one to more than 1,000 people - will make all arrangements for the delivery of your building - Modular and portable buildings are transported by road on a flat-bed lorry or trailer platform and positioned using a lorry-mounted or standard crane - Portakabin buildings are constructed with a steel outer wall, steel roof and galvanised steel floor frame
  5. 5. LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THIS LESSON - Know that quality relates to how well a product does what it is intended to do. - Explain how the ability to provide quality consistently gives some companies competitive advantage. - Demonstrate the importance of offering customers high quality service.
  6. 6. INTRODUCTION - Most businesses compete with other firms in their market. - For instance, it could be on prices, products or service. - Portakabin competes on quality.
  7. 7. QUALITY - Quality relates to how well a product does what it is meant to do. There are two sources for quality - Internal. The Group makes sure it provides not just good products but also all the extras a client might need. For instance, carpets and climate control systems. - External. Meeting building standards. The Group meets the international standard ISO9001 - Quality also involves keeping pace with new technology and building solutions.
  8. 8. QUALITY SERVICE - Providing customer service is another vital part of Quality Management. - The company believes that providing exceptional levels of customer service is as important as the quality of the products it makes. - To support this commitment, it has developed a number of initiatives aimed at continuously improving service.
  9. 9. PROMOTION - a market analysis to identify the key reasons why customers buy products before deciding on the promotional strategies to adopt.. - deals with is business to business - it sells to big organizations such as schools, hospitals, churches etc. - good understanding of business to business market has helped portakabin to organize its promotional activities in the right ways.
  10. 10. Portakabin - Guarantees to complete all projects on time and on budget. - Contacts customers after delivery to check they are happy. - Aims to solve problems within 24 hours. Operates a Customer Charter laying down standards. - Offers a complete plan, design and build service. - Runs a monthly customer satisfaction survey.
  11. 11. CONCLUSION -In a competitive market, businesses stay ahead by offering products that are different and/or superior in ways that matter to customers. - Portakabin has positioned itself at the top end of the modular buildings market in terms of quality, whilst at the same time providing value-for-money products that fully meet key standards set out in IS0 9001. - This outcome is the result of a great deal of thought, careful planning and ongoing education and training of a skilled and dedicated workforce.
  12. 12. Antonia Ficova [email protected] Thank you for your attention!