case 5 ethics

Case 5 Anorexia nervosa

Upload: emmaaziz

Post on 07-Feb-2016




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aneroxia nervosa


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Case 5Anorexia nervosa

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Doctor’s Dilemma

• To listen to the “child’s voice”

• To maintain “ family unity”

• To think first and foremost of the child’s best

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Legal Area in Children

• GMC guidelines:The children Act 1989

Family Reform Act 1969

Common Law: Gillick vs West Norfolk& Wisbech Area Health

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Ethics Principle

• Autonomy- right to make decisions for oneself

• Competence:Understood the following:

proposed therapy

risk of therapy

benefits of therapy

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The law

• Mental Capacity Act 2005:

Comprehend and retain information that has been presented

Retain that information

Be able to weigh the information

To communicate his decision( any method even blinking)

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Child’s right

• Right to life

• Mercy

• Justice

• Participate in decision- making

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Parent’s Right

• Right to make decisions

• Parental authority- widely accepted but not absolute

• Competent adult has the right to refuse the decision made

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The Law

• A child is a person under the age of 18 years

• Children aged 16 or 17 can consent to treatment (Family Law Reform Act 1969) if they are competent

• Competence can be based on “Gillick Competent”

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Refuse Treatment

• Medical Staff can proceed:

Those who are under 18 years old who has capacity and refuses therapeutic treatment, as long as there is one consenting parent or guardian (even if the other refuses)

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• Involuntary


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