cascaded models for articulated pose estimation ben sapp, alexander toshev and ben taskar university...

Download Cascaded Models for Articulated Pose Estimation Ben Sapp, Alexander Toshev and Ben Taskar University of Pennsylvania …

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Post on 19-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • Cascaded Models for Articulated Pose Estimation Ben Sapp, Alexander Toshev and Ben Taskar University of Pennsylvania
  • Slide 2
  • Human Pose Estimation Goal: Image -> Stick Figure 2D locations of anatomical parts from a single image efficient inference input output
  • Slide 3
  • Human Pose Estimation: Its Hard lighting variation background clutter pose variation intrinsic scale variations foreshortening
  • Slide 4
  • Articulated Pose and Pictorial Structures A popular choice for (articulated) parts-based models A non-exhaustive timeline Fischler & Elschlager The representation and matching of pictorial structures Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher PS for Object Recognition Ramanan Learning to Parse Images of Articulated Objects Felzenszwalb et al. A Discriminatively Trained, Multiscale, Deformable Part Model. Ferrari et al. Progressive Search Space Reduction 1972200520062008 2009 2010 Eichner & Ferrari Better Appearance Models for Pictorial Structures Andriluka et al. Pictorial Structures Re-visited Fergus et al. ICCV Short Course Sapp et al. Adaptive Pose Priors for PS
  • Slide 5
  • Background: How PS works x y head part detectors unary score: detection maps pairwise score: geometric prior llarm rlarm ruarm luarm torso : location for part i max-product inference sum-product inference prediction
  • Slide 6
  • Background: The Complexity of PS state space for part i typical state space size: n > 150,000 states x y head llarm rlarm ruarm luarm torso Standard inference in a tree graphical model is Typical # of valid combinations for two neighboring parts: (80 x 80 x 24) (80/5 x 80/5 x 24) 1 billion state-pairs! x = pairwise computation:
  • Slide 7
  • Background: The Complexity of PS If, efficient inference tricks can be used: [Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher, 2005 ] Max-prod w/ unimodal cost: Distance transform for Sum-prod w/ linear filter cost: Convolution for Q: Are we losing too much in expressivity for this gain in efficiency? + score for part-state pair: + unary i unary j pairwise i,j State-of-the-art:
  • Slide 8
  • Goal: Integrating richer pairwise terms (, ) e.g., distance in color distribution: incorporate image evidence
  • Slide 9
  • Computation example 20x20 grid 24 angles cpu time