cas presentation bisb 2010

+ CAS @ Brent

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CAS @ Brent

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+Why CAS?

Experiential learning has the potential to change your life.

Required for IB Diploma,

Required for Brent Diploma

World’s Favorite Sport by Rama V, Flickr

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+How will you successfully complete CAS?

By participating in new varied Challenging outside-your-comfort-zone significant and meaningful activities

and reflecting deeply and seriously on these activities, you will demonstrate evidence of the 8 learning outcomes.

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+How will you be evaluated?

Final interview

8 learning outcomes

Yes or No

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It’s not about the hours…

It’s not about hours…

veritum dies aperit by John Harvey, Flickr

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Picture of beautiful horizon

Six Shooter Flood by Evan Leeson, Flickr

It’s about personal growth.

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+Learning Outcome 1

Students are able to see themselves as individuals with various skills and abilities, some more developed than others, and understand that they can make choices about how they wish to move forward.

Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth

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+Learning Outcome 2

A new challenge may be an unfamiliar activity, or an extension to an existing one.

As with new challenges, new skills may be shown in activities that the student has not previously undertaken, or in increased expertise in an established area. 

Undertaken new challenges

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+Learning Outcome 3

Planning and initiation will often be in collaboration with others. It can be shown in activities that are part of larger projects, for example, ongoing school activities in the local community, as well as in small student-led activities.

Planned and initiated activities

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+Learning Outcome 4

Collaboration can be shown in many different activities, such as team sports, playing music in a band, or helping in a kindergarten. At least one project involving collaboration and the integration of at least two of creativity, action, and service is required.

Worked collaboratively with others

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+Learning Outcome 5

At a minimum, this implies attending regularly and accepting a share of the responsibility for dealing with problems that arise in the course of the activities.

Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities

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+Learning Outcome 6

Students may be involved in international projects but there are many global issues that can be acted upon locally or nationally (for example, environmental concerns, caring for the elderly, education).

This usually stems from some service project.

Engaged with issues of global importance

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+Learning Outcome 7

Ethical decisions arise in almost any CAS activity. You may encounter issues where you have to decide what is right and wrong about how you act, which volunteer opportunities you choose, the what are the consequences of those activities in the community and in the world.

Considered the ethical implications of their actions

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+Learning Outcome 8

As with new challenges, new skills may be shown in activities that the student has not previously undertaken, or in increased expertise in an established area.

Developed new skills

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In other words…

You will have changed in a profound way as a result of CAS.

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This will hopefully guide you toward activities that will be meaningful to your personal CAS experience.

Due Aug. 6

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Step 1:


Philippines after 2009 Typhoons IFRC, Flickr

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+ Step 2: Create your CAS plan.

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CAS plan is not set in stone but should get you to identify a variety of activities that you are interested. Due Aug. 6

Amian at Mt. Pulag by kumo_no_ue, Flickr

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+Step 3: Get approval with CAS proposal form, or through email.You may do this for summer activities before your CAS plan is completed.

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Step 4: Create, Act, Serve!Get started doing CAS activities.

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Click icon to add picture

Messages of Violence and Freedom by Angie Torres, Flickr

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Step 5: Keep Records

Write entries at least once a week. Planning entries Ongoing entries Reflection entries upon

completion of activity (most substantial)

Record time commitments/schedule of activities.

Take photos.

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+ What is CAS?

Real, purposeful activities, with significant outcomes

Personal challenge – tasks must extend the student

Thoughtful consideration, such as planning, reviewing progress, and reporting

Opportunity for reflection on outcomes and personal learning

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Click icon to add picture

Nikka Again by Margolove, Flickr; Surf’s Up! By mrwhitepatch, Flickr

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+ Other questions to ask

Is the activity a new role for me?

Is it a real task that I am going to undertake?

Does it have real consequences for other people and for me?

What do I hope to learn from getting involved?

How can this activity benefit other people?

How does this activity relate to the Learning Outcomes?

How can I reflect on this activity?

Have I found an adult supervisor yet?

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Click icon to add picture

Snorkeling Mactan by Storm Crypt, Flickr; Philippines Public School by Moyer Photo, Flickr

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+And what is not CAS?

Anything that is already part of the student’s Diploma Program.

An activity for which a student is personally rewarded either financially or with some other benefit (unless this benefit is passed on in full to a worthy cause).

Simple, tedious, and repetitive work like collecting tickets or passing out programs.

A passive activity – visiting a museum, watching a concert, or sports event. There must be INTERACTION and ACTIVITY.

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+Still not CAS?

Religious devotion (i.e. going to church, saying prayers, serving at communion)

Family duties – helping your little brother with homework, visiting your grandmother.

Fund-raising with no clearly defined end in sight.

An activity where there is no leader or responsible adult on site to evaluate and confirm student performance. (This may be negotiated on a case by case basis if student

is able to otherwise prove successful completion of activity.)

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+Still unsure??

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Challenge Attendance only requiredGives opportunity for

student to extend him/herself

Presents a difficult and challenging target

Pushes student beyond previous limits

Opportunities for service, benefit to


No benefit other than to student

Has some benefit to others

Outcome is directed towards benefiting others

Results in identifiable benefit to others

Acquisition of skills and interests rather

than practising those already acquired

No level of skill requiredRequires skills any student

of this age would be expected already to have

Develops existing skills Develops new skills

Initiation and planning by students

Activity organized by school

Activity organized by outside agency

Organized by group of students with adult leader

Planned, organized and run by student(s)

Establishing links with community and

furthering international


Does not involve working with others

Involves working within the school community


Involves working with the community but may only

be with student’s own nationality or international


Involves working with and within the local

community and/or in the local language

Active rather than passive nature

No active participationStudent required to

participate but not initiateRequires active


Requires active participation and input

from student

Project nature - combining a range of

activity (Creative, Action and Service)

Activity ‘one-off’ of short duration only one type

Combines two activities on more than one

occasion or one for longer duration

Has elements of all three activities on more than one occasion or two for

longer duration

Has a good balance of three activities combined into a long term project

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What kind of portfolio works for you?

Pen and Journal by Bob AuBuchon, Flickr

Kevin Typing by Nathan T. Baker, Flickr

Helios 44M 58mm F2 and Me by David Cornejo, Flickr

Click icon to add picture

Click icon to add pictureRecording

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A blog?

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Easy to keep up-to-date.

Easy to stay organized.

May have



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Still waiting to hear from IB about this.

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+Big image of scrapbook/journal

A journal?

Do Note, Conclusion by Paul Watson, Flickr

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+ Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the

quiet reflection will come even more effective action.

-Peter F. Drucker

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Reflection by ***Steph***, Flickr

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+Recording Guidelines

Activity log Name of each activity Date of activity Type of activity

(C/A/S) Supervisor’s name

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+Blog/Journal Entries

Essay format

Initial entries for each activity should include Clear statement of goals for the activity What do you fear? What are you unsure of?

Ongoing entries are where you describe What happened Daily problems Daily successes

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Reflective essay of no less than 150 words

Must be typed

Completed within 2 weeks of completion of activity

Turned into CAS advisor

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+Reflective Questions

What did I plan to do?

What did I do?

What were the outcomes, for me, the team I was working with, and others?

The basics…

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+Reflective Questions

How did I feel (before/during/after the activity)?

What did I perceive/judge/make assumptions about?

What did I think about the activity?

What did the activity mean to me?

What is the value of the activity to me, to others, to the community?

What did I learn from the activity and how does this learning apply to a different situation, my future, life?

Going deeper…

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Contact Info:[email protected]

(This is how you will get summer activities approved!)
