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Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S., M.Phil. 20 Glebe Road, Newtownabbey. Tel: (028) 9083 6337 Website: Carnmoney Review April 2015 Easter Reflections Helen Steiner Rice With OUR EYES we see The beauty of Easter as the earth awakens once more... With OUR EARS we hear The birds sing sweetly to tell us Spring again is here... With OUR HANDS we pick the golden daffodils and the fragrant hyacinths... But only with OUR HEARTS can we feel the MIRACLE of GOD'S LOVE which redeems all men... And only with OUR SOUL can we make our 'pilgrimage to God' and inherit His Easter Gift of ETERNAL LIFE.

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Page 1: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney RevieCarnmoney Parish Church ˘T C c H E a ˇ ... Barbara Talbot 9058 7830 Faith Factory Linda McCullagh 07503 298562 Carolyn Beasant 07857 329999

Carnmoney Parish Church‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’

Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S., M.Phil. 20 Glebe Road, Newtownabbey. Tel: (028) 9083 6337


Carnmoney Review

April 2015

Easter ReflectionsHelen Steiner Rice

With OUR EYES we seeThe beauty of Easter

as the earth awakens once more...

With OUR EARS we hearThe birds sing sweetly

to tell us Spring again is here...

With OUR HANDS we pickthe golden daffodils

and the fragrant hyacinths...

But only with OUR HEARTScan we feel the MIRACLE of GOD'S LOVE

which redeems all men...

And only with OUR SOULcan we make our 'pilgrimage to God'

and inherit His Easter Gift of ETERNAL LIFE.

Page 2: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney RevieCarnmoney Parish Church ˘T C c H E a ˇ ... Barbara Talbot 9058 7830 Faith Factory Linda McCullagh 07503 298562 Carolyn Beasant 07857 329999




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Page 3: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney RevieCarnmoney Parish Church ˘T C c H E a ˇ ... Barbara Talbot 9058 7830 Faith Factory Linda McCullagh 07503 298562 Carolyn Beasant 07857 329999


Who’s WhoVicar

Rev. Mercia Malcolm 9083 6337

Lay Reader

Valerie Murray 9083 5761

Vicar’s Warden

Brian Adrain 9084 4433

Hon. Secretary

Janet Crilly 9083 6166

Vicar’s Glebewarden

Maurice Atkinson 9084 4093

Church Envelopes

Roy Williams, 5a Dorchester Gardens,

N’Abbey BT36 5JJ. 9084 1752

Gift Aid Secretary

David Gibson 9086 2237

CMS Globes

John Beck 9084 7026

Magazine Distributor

Georgie Gibb 9083 6967

Parish Website

Elaine Munn 07477 574247

[email protected]

Youth Co-ordinator

Gordon Harper 9083 8063


Rev. Carol Harvey 9335 1654


Harry Hamilton 9083 5848


David Rutherford 9028 7515

People’s Warden

John Beck 9084 7026

Hon. Treasurer

Joyce Lardie 9084 9584

People’s Glebewarden

Robert Campbell 9084 3505

Church Restoration Fund

Barbara Talbot 9058 7830

Faith Factory

Linda McCullagh 07503 298562

Carolyn Beasant 07857 329999

Bible Reading Secretary

Georgie Siberry 9083 7015

Church of Ireland Gazette

Billy Gifford 9080 1268

Carnmoney Review

Harry Beckinsale 9336 6788 - [email protected]

Weekly Notice Sheet

Joan Bradbury 9083 6035 - [email protected]

Mon. 7.30pm

Indoor Bowling Club

John Fenton Tel: 9083 5409

2nd Tue. 8.00pm

C.o.I. Men’s Society

Trevor Gibb Tel: 9083 6967

4th Tue. 7.30pm

Mothers’ Union

Joan Killen Tel: 9084 3206

Wed. 7.30pm Sept-Easter

Dancing Class

Cancelled until further notice

What’s OnWed. 8.00pm

Choir Practice

Maurice Carson Tel: 9334 2342

Thu. 7.00pm

Church Girls’ Brigade

Amanda Kenny Tel: 9083 0524

3rd Thu. 8.00pm

Healing Service

Pat Archbold Tel: 9443 3618

Fri. 6.30pm

Church Lads’ Brigade

Dana Henderson Tel: 9083 0420

In this month’s issue.....From the Curate’s Desk . . . . . . . . . . . p4

Annual General Vestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . p4

Parish Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p5

Holy Week Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p5

Diary for April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p6

Reading & Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p7

Catering Team News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p8

A Note of Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p8

Church of Ireland Men’s Society . . . p9

Mothers’ Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p9

Beetle Drive & May Fayre . . . . . . . . . p10

Restoration Fund Totals for 2014 . p11




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Page 4: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney RevieCarnmoney Parish Church ˘T C c H E a ˇ ... Barbara Talbot 9058 7830 Faith Factory Linda McCullagh 07503 298562 Carolyn Beasant 07857 329999

“I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, what is the

breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ”

Ephesians 3:18

Now that Easter is around the corner, preparations are afoot for

services in Holy Week, when we take that symbolic walk with Jesus and

we follow His triumphant entrance to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the

last supper He shared with His disciples and friends, the tragic events

which led to the torturous walk to Calvary culminating in His agonising death on the cross. This of

course was not the end, it was only the beginning, and after the weight of Holy Week we cast our

burdens down and we rejoice with all Christians as we witness the transforming power of love and

the miracle of the resurrection which brings to us the Christian hope of eternal life.

We are, if you like, born anew every Easter morning - as we too triumph with Christ over the grave

and experience the grace of God which has been won for us through the power of love. Look with

me at hymn number 105, “O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless free, rolling

as a mighty ocean, in it’s fullness over me”.

I am looking forward to a new beginning myself. Hospital schedules willing, I should be having

surgery on 15th April. Having been in pain off and on for some time now, I am looking forward to my

new pain free life, to energy restored and the hope of health transformed.

Just as Easter heralds hope, the season rings in a new change. As we celebrate Christ risen from

the dead, we also celebrate nature springing from the ground, blossoming forth in all its

resplendence and we are doubly blessed by the beauty of the risen Christ and the reflection of this

beauty in the natural world around us. What better time to thank God for loving us and blessing us

with abundant life (John 10:10 Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it


At Easter we celebrate life and birth, we celebrate the beauty and bounty of the risen Christ. We

look around and witness God breathing new life and fragrance into nature, how can we fail to worship

and glorify God who gave so much for so many. Sing with me hymn number 3 “God is love let heaven

adore Him, God is love let earth rejoice”.

I wish you every blessing dear parishioners, as you rejoice in His majesty, as you rejoice in sins

forgiven, and as you rejoice in the hope which is ours through the life, death and resurrection of our

beautiful Saviour.

With love in Christ,

Annual General Vestry (Easter Vestry).

The date for our Easter Vestry remains Monday 13th April from 7.30pm and this year the Vestry

decided to revert to the traditional format for the meeting which will be to hear reports, undertake the

necessary business and close with refreshments. All registered Vestry Members can participate but all

parishioners are welcome to attend the meeting.

So please come along and join us as we reflect

together on the past year and our hopes for the

future development of our church life.

Clergy HolidaysThe Vicar’s post-Easter break will be from

Monday 6th April - Sunday 12th April inclusive.

The Curate’s post Easter break was to have

been Monday 13th April - Sunday 19th April

inclusive but as part of that may be spent in

hospital (see page 6) this may be need to be




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Palm Sunday, 29th March

Our annual Bread and Soup lunch will be held following the

11am service and this year this will be a fundraiser for Danielle

McCullagh’s placement with CMS Ireland in Uganda. Please

note, as the leaders will be involved in preparing and serving

the lunch there will be no ‘Faith Factory’ activity that week or

on Easter Sunday. They will resume on Sunday 12th April.

Monday 30th March to Friday 3rd April

As outlined in the March magazine, we will be exploring the

significance of Holy Week through themes from the film ‘Casablanca’ with a service each evening

except Wednesday, when we will keep an extended prayer time from midday to 1pm reflecting on

the passion story with prayer, music and meditation.

Details of the evening services are as follows:

Monday 30th March, 7.30pm. Evening Service for Holy Week. Theme: ‘Wilderness and waiting’

Tuesday 31st March, 7.30pm. Evening Service for Holy Week. Theme: ‘Lamenting and lost love’.

Maundy Thursday, 2nd April, 7.30pm. Service of Holy Communion. Theme: Seeing God’s bigger picture.’

This will be followed by the stripping of the church in preparation for Good Friday.

Good Friday, 3rd April, 7.30pm. Evening Service for Good Friday. Theme: ‘The power of self

sacrificial love.’

During the day on Good Friday, between 12 noon and 3pm, we will also have a slightly different

‘Quiet Day’ at the Glebe, by gathering for a simple lunch and then watching extracts from the film,

together with opportunity for reflection and prayer.

Please join us to reflect together on what it means to meet Jesus in this most important week in the

Christian year.

Easter Day Services. Sunday 5th April

6.30am. Belfast Zoo car park. Dawn praise for Easter Day organised by Newtownabbey Clergy

Fellowship, followed by breakfast at Glengormley Presbyterian Church.

Our services in church will follow our normal pattern for the first Sunday in the month with 9.30am

Holy Communion, 11am Parish Communion and 6.30pm Evening Prayer. However, please note that

as our organist at 9.30am, Jonathan Leathem, is

not available on Easter Day, and it has not been

possible to find cover for him, the 9.30am service

will be a said service of Holy Communion without

music or hymns.

Prayers at NoonThe next monthly parish prayer times at noon

in the church will be on Wednesday 1st April

(which will be an extended time as part of our Holy

Week devotions) and Wednesday 6th May.

Please join us for these times of prayer for our

church and community.

Parish Register

Holy Baptism‘‘ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit ’’

8th March, 2015 James Oscar Stewart, Park Manor, Mallusk

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Wed. 1st April 12-1pm Readings, music and prayers on the passion of Jesus

Thursday 2nd April 7.30pm Service of Holy Communion.

Theme: ‘Seeing God’s bigger picture’. This will be followed

by the stripping of the church in preparation for Good Friday

The Holy Week service means there is NO Fellowship

Group in April

Friday 3rd April 12 noon -3pm Quiet Day at the Glebe.

7.30pm Evening Service for Good Friday.

Theme: ‘The power of self sacrificial love.’

Sunday 5th April Easter Day

6.30am Joint Dawn Easter praise service. Car park, Belfast Zoo

9.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Parish Communion for Easter Day

6.30pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 12th April 2nd Sunday in Easter

9.30am Holy Communion (One)

11.00am Morning Prayer & Faith Factory

6.30pm Evening Prayer

Monday 13th April 7.30pm Annual General Vestry in the church hall

Tuesday 14th April 8.00pm Church of Ireland Men’s Society in the Memorial Room

Thursday 16th April 8.00pm Healing Service

Friday 17th April 7.30pm Beetle Drive in the church hall

Sunday 19th April 3rd Sunday in Easter

9.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Family Service

6.30pm Holy Communion

Sunday 26th April 4th Sunday in Easter

9.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Morning Prayer and Faith Factory

6.30pm Evening Prayer

Tuesday 28th April 7.30pm Mothers’ Union in the Memorial Room

Sunday 3rd May 5th Sunday in Easter

9.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Parish Communion and Faith Factory

6.30pm Evening Prayer


Diary for April

Update on CarolCarol was diagnosed some weeks ago with a rare form of hernia which has continued to give her

intermittent pain. This will require surgery and she has been given a provisional date of 15th April for

the operation. At this stage she is unsure how long she may need to be in hospital or how much time

off she will need following the surgery, but she will of course be in our prayers for a successful

outcome and speedy recovery. We hope to arrange some additional clergy cover if necessary during

the time Carol will be out of action.

Home Communions for EasterOver the next few weeks, the clergy will be taking Holy Communion out to the those who will not

be able to attend church at this special season. If anyone else would like to avail of this, please

contact us as soon as possible.

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Bank Bags for AprilMary McAdam - Tel: 9083 3771

ReadersDate Morning Evening

5th April Mrs S. Earley Mr J. Steen

12th April Mr B. Adrain Mr M. Carson

19th April Family Service Mr J. Fenton

26th April Mr R. Campbell Mrs B. Macklin

3rd May Mrs A. Brandon Mr B. Adrain

* If you are unable to carry out your reading please contact either of the Churchwardens.

ReadingsDate Morning Evening

5th April Acts 10:34-43 Ezekiel 37:1-14

John 20:1-18 Luke 24:13-35

12th April Isaiah 26:2-9,19 Isaiah 26:1-9,19

1 John1:1-2:2 Luke 24:1-12

19th April Family Service Revelations 2:1-11

Luke 16:19-31

26th April Acts 4:5-12 Exodus 16:4-15

1 John 3:16-24 Revelations 2:12-17

3rd May Acts 8:26-40 Isaiah 60:1-14

John 15:1-8 Revelation 3:1-13

Flower Rota

5th April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr & Mrs T. Roulston

12th April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs M. Robinson

19th April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Williams family

26th April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr & Mrs M. Atkinson

Flower arranger - Mrs Anne Campbell 9084 3505

F.W.O. Counters5th April........................................ Mrs M. Nelson

12th April .................................... Mr J. Magowan

19th April.................................. Mrs J. Fitzgerald

26th April.................................. Mrs M. Robinson

Restoration Counters5th April ............................. Mr & Mrs H. Douglas

12th April ...................................... Mrs E. Carlisle

19th April ......................................... Mr J. Walker

26th April........................ Mr & Mrs J. Terrington

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Catering Team NewsIt was with regret that Marion Magowan informed the Select Vestry in March that she has decided

to step down from her role in organising and leading this team when her current Council catering

certificate expires at the start of May. Some other members of the team have also felt the time has

come to relinquish this role. Marion and her team have done sterling work over many years now, not

just in catering for parish functions but in raising considerable amounts of money for the church

through offering catering following funerals. On everyone’s behalf I would like to offer our deep

thanks and appreciation for so many years of commitment and energetic work on this vital service

to the church.

Marion is still willing to help with some tasks but standing for long periods sandwich making in

particular has become more difficult in these last years. So as we offer our thanks and good wishes to

Marion, we now urgently need some further volunteers if we are to continue this service either for the

church or the wider community. We need several people willing to acquire the relevant catering

certificate (it can be done online or through a short course and the church will pay any charges) so that they

can supervise. Ideally, we would also like to have a strong team of helpers so that no-one need be asked

to help too often. Please let the Vicar know if this is something you might be able to help with.

A Note of ThanksA poem was printed in our January magazine about Carnmoney Parish Chruch, written in the

1940s by Irvine Brown, a former parishioner. Many will remember Irvine and many more will

remember his daughter, Marion McMurray, also a very active member of our church and choir, who

sadly passed away a few years ago. One current parishioner was so struck by the poem that he has

presented a beautifully engraved and framed copy of the poem to the church anonymously. The

Select Vestry has received this gift with appreciation and is arranging for it to be hung in the

Memorial Room, close to painting of the church, which seemed the most appropriate location. On

behalf of everyone, we thank the anonymous donor for this kind gift.

Visit of our CMS Ireland Mission PartnersOur Mission Partners, Rory and Denise Wilson, have decided for the sake of their young son Gideon, to

make annual home visits, so that he will have regular contact with his grandparents. They visited the

parish last year on Palm Sunday and spoke in church and also at the lunch afterwards. They will not be able

to make a Sunday visit to us when they are home this spring as they have other link parishes who didn’t

get to see them last year. However, they have offered us a mid-week visit, and the timing works well for

them to come to our May Fellowship evening to share something of their own faith and work in Uganda.

We will keep the evening informal with input from Rory and Denise and opportunities to ask questions

about all they share as well as to enjoy fellowship over tea and coffee. They have even promised to bring

some food for us to share, though they haven’t said whether it will be typically Ugandan or not! So do

come on Thursday 7th May from 7.30-9pm, and take this chance to learn more of their lives and work so

that we can be more informed as we offer them our prayerful and financial support.

Recycling for Restoration FundLast month we raised £9 for books and £9 for scrap metal. Please continue to

collect all clean clothing, shoes, hats, belts and handbags, all metal, including

aluminium and steel food cans, all to raise much needed funds for the church. We

can also recycle  electrical items, including leads, cables and anything with wiring

attached, such as phones. Please do not put other items in the same bags as clothes

and cans. Clothing can be left at the church hall and all items, including scrap metal, at 7 Glebecoole Park

(please call Maurice or Doreen on 9084 4093 to ensure someone is at home before delivering items, as

bags left are liable to be taken by other collectors or clothes get soaked by rain. So before you bin or

kerbie, think recycle for the church - if in doubt ring us. Maurice Atkinson

Page 9: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney RevieCarnmoney Parish Church ˘T C c H E a ˇ ... Barbara Talbot 9058 7830 Faith Factory Linda McCullagh 07503 298562 Carolyn Beasant 07857 329999

Church of Ireland Men’s SocietyIt was great to see so many take up our invitation to join us in our visit to

the Belfast Synagogue last month. We all agreed that we were made most

welcome and it was a very interesting and instructive evening. Not only did

it let us see how worship was conducted within the Synagogue, but it also

gave us a unique insight into how the Jewish community grew and

integrated into Northern Ireland society, but now with an ageing

congregation and changes in society their numbers are rapidly dwindling; a situation which we

ourselves can perhaps appreciate all too well.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 14th April and will be something completely different. Over

the past few years we have been trying to find a convenient date for a visit from the Rev. Neill Cutcliff

with his collection of bottles, and this month we have finally managed to get him. To call it a mere

collection is something of an understatement, as one person who has seen the collection claimed,

“he has more bottles than Coca Cola”. Neill uses these bottles to tell inspirational stories and those

who have met him will bear witness to his contagious enthusiasm and sense of humour. Definitely a

night not to be missed. Trevor Gibb, Secretary

Our meeting on 24th February was once again very well attended. Our speaker was Andrew Irvine

from Street Pastors. He spoke of his work on the streets. Their work is the Church going out into the

community showing their love and compassion to anyone in need especially the young people. They

do not judge or preach to anyone, they are just there for anyone in need, to make sure they are safe

or to give them help. It was interesting to hear

that the young people actually look out for the

Street Pastors and enjoy communicating with

them and seem intrigued when they see all the

churches working together. The Street Pastors

are clearly doing a lot at the weekends to keep

our young people safe. The scheme is being

extended throughout Northern Ireland, as well

as in many parts of the world. Andrew was a

very interesting and informative speaker, and

we all enjoyed listening to him.

On Saturday 28th February we hosted North

Belfast Prayer Breakfast.  A good number

attended from all the local branches.  The

speaker was Rev. Arlene Moore, and in groups

we made a prayer bracelet for each branch.  All

money raised went to support the North Belfast

Contact Centre.

Anne Campbell (Secretary)


Elevenses* Carolyn Beasant, Mabel

Courtney, Eileen Roulston,

Barbara Talbot.

* Responsible for shopping and organising.

Georgie Gibb - Tel: 028 9083 6967

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ROLL UP, ROLL UPCome to Our May Fayre

on Saturday 9th May - 10am - 1pmThe planning of our May Fayre is well under way.

The attractions for this family fun day include:

Parishioners' Cookery Book • Crafts • Flower/plant stalls

Cake stall • Collectables • Bottle stall • Dolls • Candles

Teas • Games to suit all ages (with prizes!)

This is a fundraising event with all proceeds going to church funds. We would

therefore encourage parishioners, their families and friends to support the FAYRE.

We appeal for donations for the bottle/plant/flower/cake stalls.  Anyone willing

to donate items should contact a member of the Fundraising Group, Gayle Hanna,

Marion Magowan, Victoria McFarland, Joan Killen.

Posters advertising the FAYRE will be on display soon.

Make A Date For Our

Ever Popular Beetle Drive

Friday 17th April

Beginning at 7.30pm

in the Church Hall

Entry (pay at door): £3 per adult/£1 per child

and includes tea/coffee/juice/biscuits

An Evening of Fun is Assured

at This Popluar Event

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Carnmoney Parish Restoration Fund 2014Below is a summary of the contributions for the year ending 31st December 2014

1 . . . . . . . .5

2 . . . . .250

10 . . . .250

13 . . . . .26

15 . . . .403

16 . . . . . . .5

17 . . . . .78

18 . . . .114

20 . . . .205

21 . . . .260

22 . . . . .75

24 . . . . .20

25 . . . .120

28 . . . . .50

35 . . . . . . .2

37 . . . . .98

39 . . . .155

42 . . . . .10

44 . . . .144

46 . . . .265

47 . . . .300

50 . . . .104

52 . . . .140

53 . . . . .80

55 . . . . .25

56 . . . .255

57 . . . . .30

58 . . . . . . .5

59 . . . . .50

61 . . . . . . .5

66 . . . .148

68 . . . .120

73 . . . . .10

76 . . . . .42

78 . . . . .20

80 . . . . .85

81 . . . . .60

82 . . . . .68

84 . . . . .40

87 . . . .200

90 . . . .120

91 . . . . .10

93 . . . . . . .3

94 . . . . .89

104 . . . .80

110 . . .232

111 . . . .35

112 . . . .10

116 . . .120

117 . . . .25

118 . . .123

119 . . . .76

121 . . .105

125 . . .260

128 . . . . .5

129 . . . .20

131 . . . .19

133 . . . .76

134 . . .120

140 . . . .32

143 . . . .20

145 . . . .98

146 . . .117

147 . . .260

150 . . . .72

152 . . . . .5

156 . . .250

157 . . .320

158 . . .140

159 . . .130

161 . . .230

162 . . .510

165 . . .264

166 . . . .55

168 . . .225

174 . . .130

175 . . . .75

177 . . .112

182 . . .260

184 . . . .98

187 . . .186

188 . . . . .6

189 . . .158

192 . . . .50

195 . . . .45

198 . . .100

200 . . .253

201 . . . .82

205 . . . .20

206 . . .520

207 . . .260

210 . . .126

213 . . .240

214 . . . .50

217 . . . .20

220 . . .147

224 . . .102

233 . . .143

234 . . . .65

236 . . .104

238 . . . .59

239 . . .163

241 . . .147

244 . . . .99

245 . . . .48

248 . . .520

253 . . .102

256 . . . .10

257 . . . .18

265 . . .245

282 . . . .63

285 . . . . .5

287 . . .150

289 . . . .55

292 . . . .60

297 . . .631

No. £ No. £ No. £ No. £ No. £ No. £

Pray for the Following Families in April5th Apr. - Gracey, Graham (Dromore), Grainger (Rogan M), Gray (Abbey ), Hamill

(B’henry A), Hamilton (Church R), Hanley, Hanna, Hannah, Hardy, Harper.

12th Apr. - Harrison, Harson, Harvey, Haslett, Heaslip, Heatley, Henderson,

Hennessey, Higgins (Woodford Pk E), Hill (Archvale G), Hoey, Hosick (St Quentin A).

19th Apr. - Higgins (Fairyknowe D), Hill (The Brackens), Hosick (Glebe Rd W), House,

Houston, Howell, Hume, Huston, Hutcheson, Ireland (Sentryhill D).

26th Apr. - Hill (Glebecoole D), Hough, Ireland (St Quentin P), Jackson (Green Acres), Jamieson,Jimison (Antrim R), Jenkins, Johnston (Forthill D).

The total amount received was £14,305 and we thank all those who have contributed for their

continuing support.

Be young at heart and live longer!Scientists have now found evidence that feeling young at heart

really can make you live longer. It seems that a youthful ‘spring’ in

your attitude towards life, and optimism about the future can do

wonders for your cardiovascular health.

Researchers at University College London found that when people

felt younger than their actual age by three years or more, then they

were 41% less likely to have died in the follow-up period of eight


It seems that people who feel younger take better care of

themselves, maintain a healthier weight, eat sensibly and follow

medical advice to a greater extent than people who feel their age, or

older. The ‘young at heart’ are also more prone to be engaged in

social activities, which in turn keep them mentally alert.

Page 12: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney RevieCarnmoney Parish Church ˘T C c H E a ˇ ... Barbara Talbot 9058 7830 Faith Factory Linda McCullagh 07503 298562 Carolyn Beasant 07857 329999


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