carlton speak 2015 · 4kc- patrick c; laylah h 5s- zaynab a; dilan a 5e- kayla h; fatimah h 5nh-...

Page 1 60 Cameron Street, Bexley NSW 2207 T 9587 3717 - 9587 3162 E [email protected] W Carlton Speak 2015 Carlton Public School E-Bulletin Term 4 - Week 3 Thursday 22 October 2015 Dear Parents and Carers Swimming Scheme has come to an end for 2015 so I would like to thank all the organising and participating teachers for their contribution to this very important program. We hope that all the children acquired skills that will allow them to enjoy the beaches, waterways and swimming pools and most importantly keep them safe. Kindergarten Transition Our Kindergarten transition program is running smoothly and feedback to date has been very positive. If you have relatives, friends or neighbours that are sending their child to school but have yet to enrol please encourage them to enrol as soon as possible BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) In Semester One 2016 we plan on trialling a BYOD initiative in two Year 6 classes. Mrs Smith is presenting a parent information session on October 27 at 7pm and again on October 28 at 9:15am in the school staffroom. If you have any interest or concerns please attend the sessions so we can respond to your questions. Basically the advantages of having children bring their own I- Pad or other tablet means easy and quick technological access to areas of study the class is conducting. Information about BYOD will also be sent out in the newsletter. Luckily for us we have learnt a great deal through the trials and research conducted in hundreds of schools over the last 3 years. Once a 6 month trial and evaluations are completed in 2016, a decision will be made as to whether we extend the initiative or cancel it entirely. End of Year Presentation Assemblies I know parents like to know well in advance about Presentation Day dates and times. We will be conducting three Presentation Day Events: 1. A Y3-6 Awards Ceremony to be conducted at 9.15am on Wednesday 9 December. The audience for this event will be all primary students and parents who are able to attend. 2. A K-Y2 Awards Ceremony to be conducted at 11.45am on Wednesday 9 December. The audience for this event will be all K-Y2 students and parents who are able to attend. 3. The Y3-6 Sports Presentation Ceremony will be held at 9.00am on Friday 11 December. Congratulations To Olivia W (KCN); Mohamad R (1C); Michael K (4A); Anthony H (5/6F) who participated in the Greater Southern Sydney Public Speaking Competition. Special Congratulations to Olivia W who was awarded the Highly Commended award for her speech. To the following students who achieved a High Distinction in the University of NSW Mathematics Competition: Toby O (Year 3) Grace M (Year 4) Michael L (Year 4) Angelo W (Year 4) Ben W (Year 5) William C (Year 6) Anthony H (Year 6) Edwin S (Year 6) Ryan L (6C) To the following students who achieved Distinction in the University of NSW Mathematics Competition: Evan N (Year 2) Iris L (Year 2) Henry H (Year 2) Jason Y (Year 2) Matthew L (Year 3) Chelsea L (Year 3) Sarah L (Year 3) Nikola V (Year 3) Adonis B (Year 3) Micheal C (Year 3) Aayush P (Year 3) Mathew L (Year 4) Jason G (Year 4) Mark C (Year 4) Jennifer L (Year 4) Stefan I (Year 4) Perry C (Year 4) Trisha C (Year 4) Patrick C (Year 4) Janet L (Year 4) John L (Year 4) Angus T (Year 4) Annie D (Year 4) Ali H (Year 4) Jason H (Year 4) Jessica I (Year 4) Kyna L (year 4) Jeremy Z (Year 5) Saichhya G (Year 5) Kayla H (Year 5) Jessica W (Year 5) Beryl L (Year 5) Kelly F (Year 5) Kaylee L (Year 5) Jonathan H (Year 5) Ellis K (Year 5) Nicholas L (Year 5) Emily L (Year 6) Phoebe T (Year 6) Christina W (Year 6) Ohm B (Year 6) Gary L (Year 6) Ryan O (Year 6) Thomas L (Year 6)

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    60 Cameron Street, Bexley NSW 2207 T 9587 3717 - 9587 3162 E [email protected]


    Carlton Speak 2015 Carlton Public School E-Bulletin

    Term 4 - Week 3 Thursday 22 October 2015

    Dear Parents and Carers Swimming Scheme has come to an end for 2015 so I would like to thank all the organising and participating teachers for their

    contribution to this very important program. We hope that all the children acquired skills that will allow them to enjoy the

    beaches, waterways and swimming pools and most importantly keep them safe.

    Kindergarten Transition

    Our Kindergarten transition program is running smoothly and feedback to date has been very positive. If you have relatives,

    friends or neighbours that are sending their child to school but have yet to enrol please encourage them to enrol as soon as


    BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

    In Semester One 2016 we plan on trialling a BYOD initiative in two Year 6 classes. Mrs Smith is presenting a parent information

    session on October 27 at 7pm and again on October 28 at 9:15am in the school staffroom. If you have any interest or concerns

    please attend the sessions so we can respond to your questions. Basically the advantages of having children bring their own I-

    Pad or other tablet means easy and quick technological access to areas of study the class is conducting. Information about BYOD

    will also be sent out in the newsletter. Luckily for us we have learnt a great deal through the trials and research conducted in

    hundreds of schools over the last 3 years. Once a 6 month trial and evaluations are completed in 2016, a decision will be made

    as to whether we extend the initiative or cancel it entirely.

    End of Year Presentation Assemblies I know parents like to know well in advance about Presentation Day dates and times. We will be conducting three Presentation Day Events: 1. A Y3-6 Awards Ceremony to be conducted at 9.15am on Wednesday 9 December. The audience for this event will be all primary students and parents who are able to attend. 2. A K-Y2 Awards Ceremony to be conducted at 11.45am on Wednesday 9 December. The audience for this event will be all K-Y2 students and parents who are able to attend. 3. The Y3-6 Sports Presentation Ceremony will be held at 9.00am on Friday 11 December.

    Congratulations To Olivia W (KCN); Mohamad R (1C); Michael K (4A); Anthony H (5/6F) who participated in the Greater Southern Sydney

    Public Speaking Competition. Special Congratulations to Olivia W who was awarded the Highly Commended award for her speech.

    To the following students who achieved a High Distinction in the University of NSW Mathematics Competition:

    Toby O (Year 3) Grace M (Year 4) Michael L (Year 4) Angelo W (Year 4)

    Ben W (Year 5) William C (Year 6) Anthony H (Year 6) Edwin S (Year 6)

    Ryan L (6C)

    To the following students who achieved Distinction in the University of NSW Mathematics Competition:

    Evan N (Year 2) Iris L (Year 2) Henry H (Year 2) Jason Y (Year 2)

    Matthew L (Year 3) Chelsea L (Year 3) Sarah L (Year 3) Nikola V (Year 3)

    Adonis B (Year 3) Micheal C (Year 3) Aayush P (Year 3) Mathew L (Year 4)

    Jason G (Year 4) Mark C (Year 4) Jennifer L (Year 4) Stefan I (Year 4)

    Perry C (Year 4) Trisha C (Year 4) Patrick C (Year 4) Janet L (Year 4)

    John L (Year 4) Angus T (Year 4) Annie D (Year 4) Ali H (Year 4)

    Jason H (Year 4) Jessica I (Year 4) Kyna L (year 4) Jeremy Z (Year 5)

    Saichhya G (Year 5) Kayla H (Year 5) Jessica W (Year 5) Beryl L (Year 5)

    Kelly F (Year 5) Kaylee L (Year 5) Jonathan H (Year 5) Ellis K (Year 5)

    Nicholas L (Year 5) Emily L (Year 6) Phoebe T (Year 6) Christina W (Year 6)

    Ohm B (Year 6) Gary L (Year 6) Ryan O (Year 6) Thomas L (Year 6)

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    Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 3 Thursday 22 October 2015

    Important Reminders:

    Our parent helper and community volunteers Thank You Morning Tea will be held on Wednesday 25 November at 11:00am in the staffroom. Invitations will be sent out in the next couple of weeks. This is our opportunity to recognise and thank all of the wonderful people who volunteer at our school regularly and help our students with their learning.

    Lost Property- We endeavour to return all lost clothing to students as soon as possible. Having a name a class clearly labelled on the item helps us find the owner promptly. If your child has lost an item of clothing, please come and have a look in our lost property bins for the item. If it is not there, please enquire in the school office for the lost item as it may also be there.

    Regards Stephen Vrachas Principal

    P&C News

    The final P&C Meeting for Term 4 will be held on Tuesday, 10 November at 7.30pm. Please mark the date in your diary.

    Dates for your diary:

    • Family Photo Fundraiser – Sunday, 1 November.

    • P&C meeting - Tuesday, 10 November at 7.30pm.

    5c Coin Round Up - keep bringing in those coins!

    Each class has been given a container to put all their 5c coins in. There will be prizes for the class in each grade that brings in the

    most coins. So please help your child start collecting now from family, relatives and friends. Lets see how much we can raise!!

    Family Photos – bookings now open till 6pm.

    There is still time to get a quality family portrait for only $15. We already have 32 bookings so the day will definitely go ahead!

    Thank you to those families who have already sent in their payment. Bookings are now available up until 6pm.

    What to do:

    • Log onto the website at

    • Enter the online code (HG2 ZNZ 12R) in the login box in the top right hand corner of the screen and press ENTER. Don’t press

    ‘BOOK NOW’.

    • Choose your booking time and enter your details.

    • Send $15 in an envelope marked with: ‘Family Photos’, your child’s name and class and your booking time into the school

    office collection box. It is important that this step is completed as soon as possible so that you keep your booking time. Please

    send payment in as soon as possible after booking. We are still waiting on payments for some families who have booked


    Alternatively, if you don’t have access to a computer, bookings can be made through the P&C by email on

    [email protected] with ‘Family Photos’ in the subject line or by contacting Marrianne Skinner (phone number is on the

    back of the booklet that was sent home).

    School Banking The school banking coordinators rostered on for, Tuesday, 27 October are Xiaohui C, Elaine X, Sue R and Marrianne S.


    Many children have been ordering rewards that are no longer available. Please read the lists below so the children won’t be

    disappointed when they are asked to re-order and then need to wait another week for their reward.


    - Cosmic Light Beam Torch - Handball - Glow Solar System - Lunar Light Band’


    mailto:[email protected]

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    Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 3 Thursday 22 October 2015

    - Galaxy Glider - 2015 - Outer Space Savers Money Box - 2015 - ET DVD - 2015 - Intergalatic Rocket -2015 - Invisible Ink Pens - 2015 - Knuckles game – 2013 - Dollarmites Money Box 2014 - Scented pencils – 2014 - Shark keyring – 2014 - Swim bag -2014

    Classroom Achievement Award – KT winners again!

    This week’s award goes to KT. What a fantastic effort – they have won 3 weeks in a row. Congratulations!


    On Thursday 12 November we will be having our annual Walkathon. The aim of this day is to raise money to fund projects at the

    school. Last year we raised $20 000 which went towards air conditioning in several classrooms. The Walkathon will take place

    from 9:30 – 11:00. Kindy will walk around Bill Walley Reserve, Stage 1 around the artificial grass at school, Stage 2 will walk on

    the footpath around the lower part of the school and Stage 3 will walk down to Tindale Reserve in Short Street where all the

    children will complete 15 laps. No K-4 student will be crossing roads at any time.

    Walkathon sponsorship cards will go home soon and every student is encouraged to ask family and friends to sponsor them for

    every lap they complete.

    Mr Clark

    Gold Awards & Silver Awards

    Silver awards are presented to children when they have received 5 Bronze Awards = 50 tokens. Gold awards are presented to children when they have received 10 Bronze Awards = 100 tokens. A fantastic effort! Parents are most welcome to attend the assembly to see their child receive their very special award. Congratulations to the following students who will receive their awards at the assembly on the dates listed below.

    SILVER AWARDS K-2 Assembly – Monday 2 November, 2015 (Week 5) at 2.00pm in the school hall.

    KJ Lina K, Juwayriya C KT Olivia P, Hadi T, Bilal M, Izaak M

    2A Dean P, Aracely A, Mohammad A-S

    GOLD AWARDS K-2 Assembly – Monday 2 November, 2015 (Week 5) at 2.00pm in the school hall.

    KT Ema H, Reesha S 1C Ayana K, Zuzanna B, Ishan D

    SILVER AWARDS Y3-6 Assembly - Monday 2 November, 2015 (Week 5) at 11.25am in the school hall.

    3A Jawad A, Amy Z, Remi A, Irfan M, Anthony A, Kishan S, Montana D-F, Hussein A

    3P Mahdi H

    3S Justin K, Alison J, Billy M, Alaa E, Lily N, Daniel G

    5NH Kirimana S 6B Kataraina P, Alysha-Marie R-S, Zak Y, Deena N

    GOLD AWARDS Y3-6 Assembly – Monday 2 November, 2015 (Week 5) at 11.25am in the school hall.

    5W Kitana M-L, Drishya T 5/6F Anthony H, Phoebe T, Ellis P, Ben W, Igor M, Grace C, Andrew J

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    Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 3 Thursday 22 October 2015

    Class Awards

    KM- Sofia N; Angus Y KJ- Dejan V; Bethany H KT- Lucca W; Jacob IS

    KIB- Simona G; Tahmid N KF- Raqeebah I; Loraine L KCN- Stephanie H; Olivia W

    3S-Daniel A; Lily N 3A- Ayah J; Daniel T 3P- Arya K; Katie N

    3/4M- Leanne T; Matthew L (Yr4) 4A- Stefan J; Zeinab S 4N- Bindiya C; Mohammad K

    4KC- Patrick C; Laylah H 5S- Zaynab A; Dilan A 5E- Kayla H; Fatimah H

    5NH- Angus H; Maria G 5W- Tyler J; Rayan H 5/6F- Andrew J; Christina W

    6C- Maha T; Jawad D 6KM- Brian C; Fatima A 6S- Amanda H; Christian J

    6B- John P; Alysha-Marie R

    Create South

    This week I was lucky enough to perform in this year’s showcase performance of Create South- “Lunacy- Mayhem on the Moon”.

    I was selected as part of the drama group and played the role of “Clive Fabbot”- mayor of the moon. I got to wear a fat suit

    which was fun and added to the character. Create South brings children from various Sydney Public Schools together. The cast is

    selected after auditioning in the fields of Drama; Dance; Choir; Band; Technology and Art. Over 300 students auditioned for a

    drama spot and only 22 were selected.

    Each day roughly about 180 students attended Sutherland Public School where we had three days to write the story, plan the

    scripts, do all the art work and technical details such as film sequences and video covers and learn all the dances and songs. This

    was the 16th

    year for Create South and the main performance was held at the Sutherland Entertainment Centre.

    It was so much fun and I met lots of great people. I really enjoy drama and one day hope to entertain the world.

    Vincent V

    Term 4 Calendar

    Week 3: 19 October- 23 October Week 4: 26 October- 30 October

    Mon 19 Oct

    K-2 Assembly 2pm 2G and KCN Hosting Backyard League Stage 1 Session 1 Kindergarten Bounce Program 3-6 Assembly 11:25 5NH Hosting Kindergarten 2016 Transition Workshop 11:30-12:30pm

    Mon 26 Oct

    Backyard League Stage 1 Session 2 Kindergarten Bounce Program Kindergarten 2016 Transition Workshop 11:30-12:30pm

    Tue 20 Oct

    Stage 1 Cricket Clinics Dance 2B Fit Stage 3

    Tue 27 Oct

    BYOD Parent Information Session 7:00pm in staffroom Stage 1 Cricket Clinics Dance 2B Fit Stage 3

    Wed 21 oct

    Backyard League Stage 3 Session 1 Wed 28 Oct

    Backyard League Stage 3 Session 2 BYOD Parent Information Session 9:15am in staffroom

    Thur 22 Oct

    Backyard League Stage 2 Session 1 Thur 29 Oct

    Backyard League Stage 2 Session 2

    Fri 23 Oct

    Summer PSSA Backyard League Kindergarten Session 3 Kindergarten 2016 Transition Workshop 9:30am-10:30am Opening Night for Not Just A Brush at Hazelhurst Gallery 6:00pm

    Fri 30 Oct

    Summer PSSA Kindergarten 2016 Transition Workshop 9:30am-10:30am

    Week 5: 2 November- 6 November Week 6: 9 November- 13 November

    Mon 2 Nov

    K-2 Assembly 2pm 1C and KIB Hosting Backyard League Stage 1 Session 3

    Mon 9 Nov

    Kindergarten Bounce Program

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    Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 3 Thursday 22 October 2015

    Kindergarten Bounce Program 3-6 Assembly 11:25am 4A Hosting

    Tue 3 Nov

    Stage 1 Cricket Clinics Dance 2B Fit Stage 3 Kindergarten 2016 Playgroup 2pm

    Tue 10 Nov

    Stage 1 Cricket Clinics Kindergarten 2016 Playgroup 2pm Y3-6 DragonTag Gala Day 7.30pm P & C

    Wed 4 Nov

    Band Blow In at Carlton Public School Backyard League Stage 3 Session 3

    Wed 11 Nov

    Thur 5 Nov

    Backyard League Stage 2 Session 3 Kindergarten 2016 Playgroup 2pm

    Thur 12 Nov

    Walkathon 9.30am Kindergarten 2016 Playgroup 2pm

    Fri 6 Nov

    Summer PSSA Fri 13 Nov

    Summer PSSA

    Week 7: 16 November- 20 November Week 8: 23 November- 27 November

    Mon 16 Nov

    K-2 Assembly 2pm 1A and KF Hosting Applications for 2017 Selective High School Placement Close Kindergarten Bounce Program 3-6 Assembly 11:25am 6S Hosting

    Mon 23 Nov

    Kindergarten Bounce Program

    Tue 17 Nov

    Kindergarten 2016 Playgroup 2pm Tue 24 Nov

    Kidsmatter Concert “A”- CarltonVision

    Wed 18 Nov

    Wed 25 Nov

    Combined Scripture Session Thank You Morning Tea White Ribbon Day

    Thur 19 Nov

    Kindergarten 2016 Playgroup 2pm Thur 26 Nov

    Kidsmatter Concert “B”- CarltonVision

    Fri 20 Nov

    PSSA Semi Finals Fri 27 Nov

    No PSSA

    Week 9: 30 November- 4 December Week 10: 7 December- 11 December

    Mon 30 Nov

    K-2 Assembly 2pm 2J Hosting 3-6 Assembly 11:25am 5E and 5W Hosting Kindergarten Bounce Program

    Mon 7 Dec

    Semester 2 Student Progress Reports sent home

    Tue 1 Dec

    Tue 8 Dec

    Wed 2 Dec

    Wed 9 Dec

    3-6 Presentation Day 9:15am-11:00am K-2 Presentation Day 11:45am-1:00pm

    Thur 3 Dec

    Year 6 High School Orientation Day Thur 10 Dec

    Year 6 Farewell Dinner

    Fri 4 Dec

    PSSA Finals Fri 11 Dec

    3-6 Sport Presentation Assembly 9:00am-11:00am

    Week 11: 14 December- 16 December Week 11: 17 December- 18 December

    Mon 14

    Thur 17 Dec

    Staff Development Day 1

    Tue 15

    Picnic Day Fri 18 Dec

    Staff Development Day 2

    Wed 16

    Year 6 Graduation Assembly 2pm Stage 3 Talent Quest 11:30am Last day for Students

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    Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 3 Thursday 22 October 2015

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    Thursday 18 August 2011 Term 3 - Week 5 Term 4 - Week 3 Thursday 22 October 2015