cara membuat lanterns kertas

Cara Membuat Lanterns Kertas: Garland untuk Pernikahan Anda February 24, 2011 by Christina 24 Februari 2011 oleh Christina Want to learn how to make paper lanterns that you can use as garland for your wedding decor ? Ingin belajar bagaimana membuat lampion kertas yang dapat Anda gunakan sebagai karangan bunga untuk dekorasi pernikahan ? You've come to the right place. Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat. These mini paper lanterns were made with dollar store paper. Ini lentera kertas mini yang dibuat dengan kertas dolar toko. They're inexpensive, not to mention a breeze to make. Mereka murah, belum lagi angin untuk membuat. (You probably learned how to make paper lanterns out of construction paper way back in grade school. I know I did!) (Anda mungkin

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Page 1: Cara Membuat Lanterns Kertas

Cara Membuat Lanterns Kertas: Garland untuk Pernikahan Anda February 24, 2011 by Christina 24 Februari 2011 oleh Christina

Want to learn how to make paper lanterns that you can use as garland for your wedding decor ? Ingin belajar bagaimana membuat lampion kertas yang dapat Anda gunakan sebagai karangan bunga untuk dekorasi pernikahan ? You've come to the right place. Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat.

These mini paper lanterns were made with dollar store paper. Ini lentera kertas mini yang dibuat dengan kertas dolar toko. They're inexpensive, not to mention a breeze to make. Mereka murah, belum lagi angin untuk membuat. (You probably learned how to make paper lanterns out of construction paper way back in grade school. I know I did!) (Anda mungkin belajar bagaimana membuat lampion kertas dari kertas kembali cara konstruksi di sekolah dasar saya tahu saya lakukan!.)

Paper lanterns are a bit time-consuming, so you'll want to get a head start on these well before your wedding date. Lentera kertas yang sedikit memakan waktu, sehingga Anda akan ingin mendapatkan kepala mulai pada baik ini sebelum tanggal pernikahan Anda. (Why not have a lantern making party with your maids?) (Kenapa tidak memiliki lentera membuat pesta dengan pembantu Anda?)

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How to Make Paper Lanterns Cara membuat Lanterns Kertas

Find some pretty paper, and cut out a 3.5″ x 2. Menemukan beberapa kertas cantik, dan memotong 3.5 "x 2. 5″ rectangle. 5 "persegi panjang.

Fold the paper in half lengthwise. Lipat kertas menjadi dua memanjang.

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Cut slits in the paper, leaving a little less than half an inch between slits and approximately half an inch on the two edges. Potong celah di koran, meninggalkan sedikit kurang dari setengah inci antara celah dan sekitar setengah inci di dua sisi.

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Glue the two edges together with a glue stick and scrunch down with your fingers. Lem kedua tepi bersama-sama dengan tongkat lem dan mengernyitkan bawah dengan jari Anda.

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Using a hole punch, punch holes in the two sides. Menggunakan lubang punch, pukulan di lubang kedua belah pihak.

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Add a piece of six inch wire (I used copper wire). Tambahkan sepotong kawat enam inci (saya menggunakan kawat tembaga). Form a loop at the two edges to hold the wire in place. Membentuk loop pada dua sisi untuk memegang kawat di tempat.

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Tie the lantern onto a piece of ribbon. Ikat lentera ke sepotong pita. The size of the ribbon is up to you. Ukuran pita adalah terserah Anda. Repeat until your garland is complete. Ulangi sampai karangan bunga Anda selesai.

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Mason Jar Lanterns: DIY Wedding DecorNovember 22, 2010 by Christina

If you have it has bad as I do  for mason jars, you will love these easy breezy mason jar lanterns. You can hang ‘em inside or out. You can use ‘em any time of year. And they’re super cheap to make! (You can also use these mason jar lanterns for hanging flower bouquets.)

I got an entire box of antique mason jars at a yard sale for $1. You can also get them at second hand stores. (They sell them at my local Value Village for 69 cents each.)

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Here is the Mason Jar Lanterns Tutorial

You will need:

Mason Jar



A small candle

Sugar crystals in the colour of your choice.

Wrap wire around the lip of the jar. Make sure it’s beneath the lip so it will stay in place. Snip the wire, leaving enough to secure it properly around the jar.

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Use the pliers to make a ‘u’ shape on one end of the wire. Place other end of wire through the ‘u’ . Make another ‘u’ shape with the other end.

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Cut a separate 11 inch piece of wire for the handle. Insert the piece under the wire that is around the jar. Twist to secure wire. Repeat with other end of handle.

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Make a small bend in the wire that is around the lip so that the handle will stay in place.

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Tie ribbon or fishing line (make sure its good and strong!!!!)  in desired length to the handle. Pour some sugar crystals into the jar (you can also use sand), then place your candle into the sugar.

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Here’s what it looks like with blue sugar crystals at night: