car wash

1. Executive Summary 2. Company Summary 3. service 4. Company Summary 5. Strategy and Implementation Summary 6. Management Summary 7. Financial Plan 8. 1

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Page 1: car wash

1. Executive Summary2. Company Summary3. service4. Company Summary5. Strategy and Implementation Summary6. Management Summary7. Financial Plan8.


Page 2: car wash

Executive Summary

Auto Paradise is a dynamic start-up company requiring Rs. 934,10000 to establish a two-bay automatic and four-bay self-serve car wash that will provide exceptional car care services to the members of the Colombo community. Quality services that will exceed expectations will establish Auto Paradise as the premiere car wash service in Colombo at end of 2011. Silva and Vicki are pledging Rs. 45,00000 and are looking for investors to raise an additional Rs. 150,00000, which represents 20% of the company stock, to establish the company and to secure a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan of Rs. 740,40000. Auto Paradise will be dedicated to offering the highest quality laser car wash, self-serve car wash and vacuum/shampoo services. Auto Paradise will also offer ATM services and will sell reverse osmosis (RO) water on site.

Auto Paradise has a strong management team. Mr. Silva, who will be the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Auto Paradise, has extensive leadership, management and organizational experience. He has served our country for the last 10 years as an officer in the Srilanka Army. During those 10 years, he served one year as a Brigade Logistics Officer and two years as a Company Commander. As such, he helped plan, coordinate and execute several complex deployments and missions.

Extensive research indicates that vehicle usage in Colombo will support steady year-round sales. Further, Auto Paradise's location and marketing campaign will attract the local residents, Colombo community and Private industrial sector base customers. Auto Paradise will be near the intersection of major roads in Colombo. Direct competition is limited to outdated "tunnel" or friction car washes, lube & washes and convenience stores. Auto Paradise will boast the Laser wash 4000 "touch less, spot-free" system. And washing Equipment of Srilanka (WES) is located in San Angelo and will provide all equipment and maintenance support.

Auto Paradise will open approximately 90 days after securing financing. Mr. Silva is offering several ways to invest in Auto Paradise:

1. Company stock: Mr. Silva is offering 20% of company stock to investors:  offering 1% of company stock for Rs. 7,50000. This capital will help establish the first Auto Paradise location. Auto Paradise plans to distribute Rs. 2,50000 per 1% share each of the first three years.

2. Secured Investment:  Mr. Silva is offering a guaranteed 10% annual return for a three year investment. Mr. Silva is willing to secure these investments with personal assets/investments.

The SBA loan that Mr. Silva will secure from People Bank in Colombo is structured to ensure Auto Paradise's success during the early months of operation. The Rs. 740,40000 loan includes two elements designed to help build operating capital. First, the loan includes a 10% (Rs. 69,00000) construction contingency that will convert to operating capital if the construction costs


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are consistent with the estimate. It also includes nine months of interim interest which will defer the long-term mortgage payment.

Mr. Silva 's ability and willingness to invest substantial cash in launching this business is furthered by the lack of personal dependence on business profits during the first 6-12 months of business.  These factors will enable Mr. Silva to expand to a second location within the first two years of operation.

1.1 Objectives

1. Average monthly sales of Rs. 28,00000.

2. Establish second site 12 months after first Auto Paradise opens.

3. Provide initial investors a 33% (Rs. 2,50000/share) distribution each of the first three years to recover initial investment.

1.2 Mission

Auto Paradise is dedicated to providing its customers the ultimate car care experience. Focusing all of its energy and resources on customer satisfaction and value, while providing owners and employees an excellent reward.


X 105

Rs. 700

Rs. 600

Rs. 500

Rs. 400

Rs. 300

Rs. 200

Rs. 100

Rs. 0

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1.3 Keys to Success

Auto Paradise will be near the intersection of two major roads in Colombo. Direct competition is limited to outdated "tunnel" or friction car washes, lube & washes and convenience stores.

Auto Paradise will boast the Laser wash 4000 "touch-less, spot-free" system. Washing Equipment of Srilanka (WES) is located in Colombo and will provide all equipment and maintenance support.

Company Summary

Auto Paradise is a dynamic start-up company that will provide exceptional car care services to the members of the Colombo community. Quality services that exceed expectations will establish Auto Paradise as the premiere car wash service in Colombo. It will provide that following products and services to the local community:

1. Two Laser Automatic "touch-free and spot-free" car wash bays2. Four "self-serve" bays3. Vacuum and car wash vending services4. Reverse osmosis drinking water.


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Auto Paradise will establish its first location one lot from the intersection of two of the busiest streets in Colombo. The ATM and RO dispensers will be accessible from a side road and will not interfere with the car wash traffic.

The facility will have two automatic car wash bays, four self-serve bays and an equipment room/office in the middle of the bays. It will also have four high powered vacuum islands (eight total vacuums), vending area, and an ATM/RO water area.

2.1 Company Ownership

Mr. Silva will create Auto Paradise. Mr. and Mrs. Silva will be the majority owners (80%) with principal investors owning the remaining 20%. As of this writing, it has not yet been chartered and Mr. Silva is still considering alternatives.

2.2 Start-up Summary

Total projected start-up expenses (including construction, equipment, land, landscaping and related start-up expenses) come to Rs. 934,10000. The start-up costs are to be financed by direct owner investment and long term financing.

A. Investment Options. Auto Paradise will open approximately 90 days after securing financing. Mr. Silva is offering several ways to invest in Auto Paradise:

1. Company stock:   Mr. Silva is offering 20% of company stock to investors. Auto Paradise is offering 1% of company stock for Rs. 7,50000. Capital will help establish the first Auto Paradise location and provide "head start" on the second location. Auto Paradise plans to distribute Rs. 2,50000 per 1% share each of the first three years. 

2. Secured Investment:  Mr. Silva is offering a guaranteed 10% return for a three year investment. Mr. Silva is willing to secure these investments with personal assets/investments.

B. Financing. The SBA loan that Mr. Silva will secure from the SBA is structured to ensure Auto Paradise's success during the early months of operation. The Rs. 740,40000 loan includes two elements designed to help build operating capital. First, the loan includes a 10% (Rs.69,00000) construction contingency that will convert to operating capital if the construction costs are consistent with the estimate. It also includes 9 months of interim interest which will defer the long-term mortgage payment for 9 months (6 months of operation).

C. Construction. Getting a firm construction bid is the next step in the process after securing the initial investors. The architect plans and an actual bid will be the last elements necessary to secure bank financing. The estimates included are from previous projects and are considered generous (on the high-side). The estimated Rs. 390,00000 includes total construction costs for two automatic and four self-serve bays, parking lot, signage, landscaping and architect fees.


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D. Construction Contingency. The 10% construction contingency will cover any unexpected expenses or shortfalls. This may be re-negotiated as a "line of credit" in order to reduce the amount of the loan.

E. Equipment. Washing Equipment of Srilanka (WES) has provided a detailed estimate for the purchase and installation of the equipment for two automatic bays, four self-serve bays, four vacuum islands (eight vacuums) and a reverse osmosis water dispenser. WES, which is located in Colombo, will also provide all maintenance and repair services.

The assumptions are shown in the following tables and chart.


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Start-up Funding

Start-up Expenses to Fund Rs. 40,50000

Start-up Assets to Fund Rs. 893,50000


X 105

Rs. 900

Rs. 800

Rs. 700

Rs. 600

Rs. 500

Rs. 400

Rs. 300

Rs. 200

Rs. 100

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Total Funding Required Rs. 934,00000


Non-cash Assets from Start-up Rs. 799,000 00

Cash Requirements from Start-up Rs. 94,500 00

Additional Cash Raised Rs. 0 00

Cash Balance on Starting Date Rs. 94,50000

Total Assets Rs. 893,50000

Liabilities and Capital


Current Borrowing Rs. 0 00

Long-term Liabilities Rs. 700,00000

Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) Rs. 0 00

Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) Rs. 0 00

Total Liabilities Rs. 700,00000


Planned Investment

Vicki Rs. 45,00000

Additional Investors (20% Ownership) Rs. 150,000 00

10% Construction Contingency Rs. 39,000 00

Additional Investment Requirement Rs 0.00

Total Planned Investment Rs. 234,00000

Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) (Rs. 40,50000)

Total Capital Rs. 193,500 00

Total Capital and Liabilities Rs. 893,500 00


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Total Funding Rs. 934,000 00

Start-upRequirementsStart-up ExpensesProject Closing Costs Rs. 25,000 00Summit Funding Fee Rs. 10,500 00Misc (Legal/CPA/Misc) Rs. 5,000 00Total Start-up Expenses Rs. 40,500 00Start-up AssetsCash Required Rs. 94,500 00Other Current Assets Rs. 0 00Long-term Assets Rs. 799,00000 Total Assets Rs. 893,500 00Total Requirements Rs. 934,000 00


Auto Paradise realizes the car wash industry, top to bottom, is a service industry. Auto Paradise will establish itself as the premier car wash facility in Colombo by providing a quality service for a competitive price and by focusing our staff on customer service. We will offer the following services to the Colombo community:

Laser "touch-free and spot-free" car wash (4 different washes: Rs.500, Rs.600, Rs.700, Rs.800)

Four "self-serve" bays (Rs.125 for 4 min cycle) Vacuum and car wash vending services(Rs.7500 for 4 min cycle) Reverse osmosis drinking water (Rs. 2500/gal) People Bank Goldkey ATM services.

Industrial And Market Analysis Summary

Auto Paradise will be focusing on, local residents and Private industrial sector Base drive-by traffic for repeat customers. The volume of drive-by traffic (approx. 14,000 - 17000 cars/day) will provide a high volume of opportunity customers. Our most important group of potential customers are those customers who live and work in the immediate area. Those local residents


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who will want a quick, quality car wash at a competitive price. We will also aggressively pursue building relationships with the local car dealerships to develop additional business opportunities.

4.1 Market Segmentation

1. Local Residents and Private industrial sector base traffic.

2. Drive-by Opportunities: 20010 Department of Transportation data indicates the following:

Car count:  23,000 cars per day in Colombo area.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Potential Customers Growth CAGRTown base Car Count 3% 14,000 14,420 14,853 15,299 15,758 3.00% Around town (Additional Car Count)

3% 23,000 23,690 24,401 25,133 25,887 3.00%

Other 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total 3.00% 37,000 38,110 39,254 40,432 41,645 3.00%

4.2 Competition and Buying Patterns

Extensive research indicates that the Car usage in Colombo will support steady year round sales. Further, Auto Paradise's location and marketing campaign will attract residential, local resident and private industrial sector Base customers.

Direct competition is limited to outdated "tunnel" or friction car washes, lube and wash and convenience stores.


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Auto Paradise will boast the Laser-wash 4000 "touch-less, spot-free" system. Laser-wash is widely recognized as the leader in automatic car wash systems. It will also have attendants on duty Monday - Saturday to provide additional customer service and car preparation. Washing Equipment of Srilanka (WES) of Colombo will provide all car wash supplies, equipment and maintenance support. The Laser-wash system is a fast, convenient, high quality car wash system that does not damage your car, while offering a great value to its customers. Auto Paradise will increase its customer base by also offering four self-serve bays for those "do-it-yourself" customers.

Marketing Strategy And Implementation Summary

The following topics describe our competitive edge, marketing strategy and sales strategy.

5.1 Marketing Strategy

Marketing in our car wash business relies on the name recognition of the Laser wash system as an industry leader and the "curbside" appeal of the site for first time customers. Quality service will bring customers back time and time again. Also, use of a local radio station and the "word of mouth" advertising of satisfied customers will grow our customer base. We will offer a competitive price for all budgets. Our base wash will be Rs. 500 and our deluxe wash will be Rs. 800.

5.2 Competitive Edge

We start with a critical competitive edge: there is no competitor in Colombo that offers a 2-bay, 24 hour, automatic and self-serve combination car wash. Our competitors consist of "event washes." We define "event washes" as self-serve, lube wash, gas wash and friction washes. Currently, Colombo customers must plan significant time and/or effort to get a quality car wash. Our positioning in these areas are very hard to match if we maintain our focus on customer service, speed, quality and reliability.

5.3 Sales Strategy

Sales in our business are client service. It is repeat business. We will ensure the following elements are the building blocks of our marketing/sales strategy:

24 hour service availability quality service at good value (attendants on duty: 10 - 6, Mon - Sat, who are always

focused on customer satisfaction) Reliability in all seasons/weather.

5.3.1 Sales Forecast


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The following table and chart give a run-down on forecasted sales. We expect to average over Rs. 26, 00000 in overall sales by the third month of operation. Being an all cash business we also expect to at least break-even during the first two months of operation.

Because of the all capabilities of the Laser wash 4000 system, we expect to have relatively consistent sales throughout the year. Variable expenses have been averaged to account for fluctuation in price from season to season.

Projected Gross Revenue:

1. Both Automatic Bays are projected to average 61 cars/day the first two months and 105 cars/day after the business is well established. Wash prices will vary, currently Rs. 500 to Rs. 800, depending on the options the customers selects. Projected automatic wash revenue assumes an average of Rs. 625 per wash.

2. Self-Serve Bay income is projected at Rs. 1,50000 per month. This assumes 40 cycles per bay each day. A cycle is Rs. 125 for 4 minutes. The average self-serve customer spends Rs. 450 per wash.

3. Vacuum and vending revenue is projected to be 5% of aggregate automatic and self-serve revenue. This projection is based on a vacuum price of Rs.75 for 4 minutes.

4. Reverse Osmosis Water revenue is projected to be Rs. 75000 per/month. Drinking water in Colombo is a significant market. Reverse osmosis water will be offered at Rs. 2500 per/gallon.

5. ATM revenue is projected to be Rs. 10000/month. People Bank will fully maintain the ATM.

Note:  All numbers assume a second site is opened at the beginning of the second year.


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Rs. 30











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Sales ForecastYear 1 Year 2 Year 3

SalesLaser Car Wash Sales Rs 222,80200 Rs 462,33400 Rs 479,06400 Self-Serve Revenue Rs 66,00000 Rs 138,000 00 Rs 144,000 00



Rs. 700








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Vacuum / Vending Sales Rs 14,44000 Rs 29,600 00 Rs 30,672 00ATM Revenue Rs 1,09600 Rs 2,224 00 Rs 2,304 00RO Water Sales Rs 8,50000 Rs 19,224 00 Rs 19,920 00Total Sales Rs 312,83800 Rs 651,382 00 Rs 675,960 00Direct Cost of Sales Year 1 Year 200 Year 3Laser Car Wash Sales Rs 50,13000 Rs 104,02500 Rs 107,78900 Self-Serve Revenue Rs 7,33300 Rs 15,332 00 Rs 15,998 00Vacuum / Vending Sales Rs 2,83400 Rs 5,950 00 Rs 6,231 00ATM Revenue Rs 0 Rs 0 Rs 0 RO Water Sales Rs 0 Rs 0 Rs 0 Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales

Rs 60,29700 Rs 125,307 00 Rs 130,01800

Management Summary

Auto Paradise has a strong management team. Mr. Silva, who will be the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Auto Paradise, has extensive leadership, management and organization experience. He has served our country for the last 10 years as an officer in the Srilanka Army. During those 10 years, he served one year as a Brigade logistics officer and two years as a company commander. As such, he helped plan, coordinate and execute several complex deployments and missions.

6.1 Personnel Plan

The following table summarizes our personnel expenditures for the first three years, with compensation increasing from less than Rs50,000 the first year to about Rs140K in the third. Mr. Silva will be the CEO and will manage the location. Two attendants will staff the wash Monday - Saturday. They will provide customer service, vehicle prep at the automatic washes and maintain the car wash site.

Personnel Plan

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

2 Attendants, 1st site Rs.24,000 00 Rs.24,00000 Rs.24,000 00

Manager, 1st site (Owner) Rs.18,00000 Rs.36,00000 Rs.36,000 002 Attendants, 2nd site Rs.0 Rs.24,000 00 Rs.24,000 00Manager, 2nd site (Owner) Rs.0 Rs.18,000 00 Rs.36,000 00Total People 3 5 5 Total Payroll Rs.42,000 00 Rs.102,00000 Rs.120,00000


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Financial Plan

Our business is an "all cash" business that will pay for all variable and fixed expenses monthly. Thus, we will rapidly build cash flow to finance future growth. During the first nine months (six months of operation), two key issues will assist Auto Paradise in rapidly building capital:

1. Nine months (three months construction, six months of operation) of deferred long-term loan repayment (Rs.7,08100 savings/month)

2. CEO/manager will not receive a salary for at least six months (Rs.3, 00000 savings/month).

7.1 Important Assumptions

The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the following table as annual assumptions. From the beginning, we recognize that variable expenses are critical. Cost of water, sewer and electricity are our largest expenses. Water is our major concern in Colombo area. We are planning for this possibility by installing all of the required storage, electrical and plumbing for a total water reclamation system.

Two of the more important underlying assumptions are:

1. We assume our long term financing includes nine months of interim interest for repayment.

2. We assume a sound economy, without major recession despite our modest pricing. 3. We assume, of course, that there are no unforeseen changes in local regulations that will

interrupt our service.

General Assumptions

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Plan Month 1 2 3

Current Interest Rate 7.50% 7.50% 7.50%

Long-term Interest Rate 8.00% 8.00% 8.00%

Tax Rate 20.83% 20.00% 20.83%

Other 0 0 0

7.2 Break-even Analysis


Page 17: car wash

The break-even analysis table below the following revenue sources: 

1.  Laser Car Wash Sales

2.  Vacuum / vending sales

3.  ATM revenue

4.  Reverse Osmosis water revenue.


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Break-even AnalysisMonthly Revenue Break-even Rs16,059 00Assumptions:Average Percent Variable Cost 19% Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost Rs12,964 00

7.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Projected Revenue. See "Sales Forecast" for a detailed breakdown of projected revenue.


X105 Rs.










0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 X105 Rs.

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Projected Operating Expenses.

1. Direct Cost of Automatic Sales. o Chemicals. Average 8.6% of gross revenue. Chemicals include soap, wax and

salt.o Utilities. Average 13.9% of gross revenue. Utilities include water, electricity, gas

and sewer.2. Direct Cost of Self-Serve Sales. Total cost averages 11.1% of self-serve revenue.3. Direct Cost of Vacuum/Vending Sales. Average 1% of aggregate automatic and self-

serve revenue.4. Variable/Fixed Expenses

o Labor. Labor is estimated to be Rs2,0000/month with an additional 15% burden to cover related payroll taxes and workman's compensation insurance. Based on two part time employees, 70 total hours/week at Rs 650/hr.

o Repair and Maintenance includes Rs75000/month for monthly service provided by WES and Rs10000/month to clean each wash bay pit.

o Real Estate Taxes are estimated at 3% of value of land and construction costs (Rs500, 00000).

o General Liability Insurance is estimated at Rs180000/year.

Depreciation was calculated as follows:

Equipment. Rs295,00000 ¸ 6 years ¸ 12 months = Rs4,09700/month Construction:  Rs390,00000 ¸ 15 years ¸ 12 months = Rs2,16700/month


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Rs. 90Rs. 80Rs. 70Rs.60Rs.50Rs.40Rs.30Rs.20Rs.10


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Profit and LossYear 1 Year 2 Year 3

Sales Rs312,83800 Rs651,38200 Rs675,96000 Direct Cost of Sales Rs60,29700 Rs125,30700 Rs130,01800 Other Production Expenses Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Total Cost of Sales Rs60,29700 Rs125,30700 Rs130,01800 Gross Margin Rs252,54100 Rs526,07500 Rs545,94200 Gross Margin % 80.73% 80.76% 80.77% ExpensesPayroll Rs42,00000 Rs102,00000 Rs120,00000 Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses

Rs17,40000 Rs34,80000 Rs34,80000

Depreciation Rs75,16800 Rs150,33600 Rs150,33600 Accounting / Legal Rs1,20000 Rs2,40000 Rs2,40000










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Dumpster / Telephone / Pager Rs1,50000 Rs3,00000 Rs3,00000Insurance Rs1,80000 Rs3,60000 Rs3,60000 Repairs / Maintenance Rs10,20000 Rs20,40000 Rs20,40000 Payroll Taxes Rs6,30000 Rs15,30000 Rs18,00000 Other Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Total Operating Expenses Rs155,56800 Rs331,83600 Rs352,53600 Profit Before Interest and Taxes Rs96,97300 Rs194,23900 Rs193,40600 EBITDA Rs172,14100 Rs344,57500 Rs343,74200 Interest Expense Rs55,60300 Rs84,49000 Rs111,40100 Taxes Incurred Rs7,96300 Rs21,95000 Rs17,08400 Net Profit Rs33,40700 Rs87,80000 Rs64,92000 Net Profit/Sales 10.68% 13.48% 9.60%

7.4 Projected Cash Flow

The following table outlines are estimated cash flow.


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Cash FlowYear 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cash ReceivedCash from OperationsCash Sales Rs312,83800 Rs651,38200 Rs675,96000 Subtotal Cash from Operations Rs312,83800 Rs651,38200 Rs675,96000 Additional Cash ReceivedSales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 New Current Borrowing Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 New Other Liabilities (interest-free) Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 New Long-term Liabilities Rs0 Rs771,39000 Rs0 Sales of Other Current Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Sales of Long-term Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 New Investment Received Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Subtotal Cash Received Rs312,83800 Rs1,422,77200 Rs675,96000











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ExpendituresYear 1 Year 2 Year 3

Expenditures from OperationsCash Spending Rs42,00000 Rs102,00000 Rs120,00000 Bill Payments Rs148,60600 Rs299,32100 Rs338,28300 Subtotal Spent on Operations Rs190,60600 Rs401,32100 Rs458,28300 Additional Cash SpentSales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing

Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Other Liabilities Principal Repayment Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment

Rs9,16800 Rs40,80800 Rs57,79200

Purchase Other Current Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Purchase Long-term Assets Rs0 Rs857,10000 Rs0 Dividends Rs65,00000 Rs65,00000 Rs65,00000 Subtotal Cash Spent Rs264,77400 Rs1,364,22900 Rs581,07500 Net Cash Flow Rs48,06400 Rs58,54300 Rs94,88500 Cash Balance Rs142,56400 Rs201,10700 Rs295,99200

7.5 Projected Balance Sheet

The following table indicates our estimated balance sheet totals.

Balance SheetYear 1 Year 2 Year 3

AssetsCurrent AssetsCash Rs142,56400 Rs201,10700 Rs295,99200 Other Current Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Total Current Assets Rs142,56400 Rs201,10700 Rs295,99200 Long-term AssetsLong-term Assets Rs799,00000 Rs1,656,10000 Rs1,656,10000 Accumulated Depreciation Rs75,16800 Rs225,50400 Rs375,84000 Total Long-term Assets Rs723,83200 Rs1,430,59600 Rs1,280,26000 Total Assets Rs866,39600 Rs1,631,70300 Rs1,576,25200


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Liabilities and Capital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3Current LiabilitiesAccounts Payable Rs13,65600 Rs25,58200 Rs28,00300 Current Borrowing Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Other Current Liabilities Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Subtotal Current Liabilities Rs13,65600 Rs25,58200 Rs28,00300 Long-term Liabilities Rs690,83200 Rs1,421,41400 Rs1,363,62200 Total Liabilities Rs704,48800 Rs1,446,99600 Rs1,391,62500 Paid-in Capital Rs234,00000 Rs234,00000 Rs234,00000 Retained Earnings (Rs105,50000) (Rs137,09300) (Rs114,29300)Earnings Rs33,40700 Rs87,80000 Rs64,92000 Total Capital Rs161,90700 Rs184,70700 Rs184,62700 Total Liabilities and Capital Rs866,39600 Rs1,631,70300 Rs1,576,25200 Net Worth Rs161,90700 Rs184,70700 Rs184,62700


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Sales Forecast

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12


Laser Car Wash Sales 0% Rs11,596 Rs11,596 Rs19,961 Rs19,961 Rs19,961 Rs19,961 Rs19,961 Rs19,961 Rs19,961 Rs19,961 Rs19,961 Rs19,961

Self-Serve Revenue 0% Rs3,000 Rs3,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000 Rs6,000

Vacuum / Vending Sales 0% Rs730 Rs730 Rs1,298 Rs1,298 Rs1,298 Rs1,298 Rs1,298 Rs1,298 Rs1,298 Rs1,298 Rs1,298 Rs1,298

ATM Revenue 0% Rs50 Rs50 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs96 Rs100

RO Water Sales 0% Rs500 Rs500 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750

Total Sales Rs15,876 Rs15,876 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,105 Rs28,109

Direct Cost of Sales Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Laser Car Wash Sales Rs2,609 Rs2,609 Rs4,491 Rs4,491 Rs4,491 Rs4,491 Rs4,491 Rs4,491 Rs4,491 Rs4,491 Rs4,491 Rs4,491

Self-Serve Revenue Rs333 Rs333 Rs667 Rs667 Rs667 Rs667 Rs667 Rs667 Rs667 Rs667 Rs667 Rs667

Vacuum / Vending Sales Rs146 Rs146 Rs260 Rs260 Rs260 Rs206 Rs260 Rs260 Rs260 Rs260 Rs260 Rs260

ATM Revenue Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

RO Water Sales Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales Rs3,088 Rs3,088 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,364 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417

Personnel Plan

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

2 Attendants, 1st site 0% Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000

Manager, 1st site (Owner) 0% Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs3,000 Rs3,000 Rs3,000 Rs3,000 Rs3,000 Rs3,000


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2 Attentants, 2nd site 0% Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Manager, 2nd site (Owner) 0% Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Total People 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Total Payroll Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000

General Assumptions

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11Month


Plan Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Current Interest Rate 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50% 7.50%

Long-term Interest Rate

8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00%

Tax Rate 30.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00%

Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pro Forma Profit and Loss

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Sales Rs15,876 Rs15,876 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,105 Rs28,109

Direct Cost of Sales Rs3,088 Rs3,088 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,364 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417

Other Production Expenses Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Total Cost of Sales Rs3,088 Rs3,088 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,364 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417 Rs5,417

Gross Margin Rs12,787 Rs12,787 Rs22,692 Rs22,692 Rs22,692 Rs22,745 Rs22,692 Rs22,692 Rs22,692 Rs22,692 Rs22,688 Rs22,692

Gross Margin % 80.55% 80.55% 80.73% 80.73% 80.73% 80.92% 80.73% 80.73% 80.73% 80.73% 80.72% 80.73%


Payroll Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses

Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450 Rs1,450

Depreciation Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264 Rs6,264

Accounting / Legal Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100 Rs100

Dumpster / Telephone / Pager Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125 Rs125

Insurance Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150 Rs150

Repairs / Maintenance Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850 Rs850

Payroll Taxes 15% Rs300 Rs300 Rs300 Rs300 Rs300 Rs300 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750 Rs750

Other Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Total Operating Expenses Rs11,239 Rs11,239 Rs11,239 Rs11,239 Rs11,239 Rs11,239 Rs14,689 Rs14,689 Rs14,689 Rs14,689 Rs14,689 Rs14,689

Profit Before Interest and Taxes

Rs1,548 Rs1,548 Rs11,453 Rs11,453 Rs11,453 Rs11,506 Rs8,003 Rs8,003 Rs8,003 Rs8,003 Rs7,999 Rs8,003

EBITDA Rs7,812 Rs7,812 Rs17,717 Rs17,717 Rs17,717 Rs17,770 Rs14,267 Rs14,267 Rs14,267 Rs14,267 Rs14,263 Rs14,267

Interest Expense Rs4,662 Rs4,656 Rs4,651 Rs4,646 Rs4,641 Rs4,636 Rs4,631 Rs4,626 Rs4,621 Rs4,616 Rs4,611 Rs4,606

Taxes Incurred (Rs934) (Rs622) Rs1,360 Rs1,361 Rs1,362 Rs1,374 Rs674 Rs675 Rs676 Rs677 Rs678 Rs679

Net Profit (Rs2,179) (Rs2,486) Rs5,441 Rs5,445 Rs5,449 Rs5,496 Rs2,697 Rs2,701 Rs2,705 Rs2,710 Rs2,710 Rs2,718

Net Profit/Sales -13.73% -15.66% 19.36% 19.37% 19.39% 19.55% 9.60% 9.61% 9.62% 9.64% 9.64% 9.67%

Pro Forma Cash Flow

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Cash Received

Cash from Operations

Cash Sales Rs15,876 Rs15,876 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,105 Rs28,109

Subtotal Cash from Operations Rs15,876 Rs15,876 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,105 Rs28,109

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received 0.00% Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

New Current Borrowing Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

New Other Liabilities (interest-free) Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

New Long-term Liabilities Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Sales of Other Current Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Sales of Long-term Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

New Investment Received Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Subtotal Cash Received Rs15,876 Rs15,876 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,109 Rs28,105 Rs28,109

Expenditures Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Expenditures from Operations

Cash Spending Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs2,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000 Rs5,000

Bill Payments Rs326 Rs9,801 Rs10,242 Rs14,404 Rs14,400 Rs14,394 Rs14,342 Rs14,148 Rs14,144 Rs14,139 Rs14,135 Rs14,131

Subtotal Spent on Operations Rs2,326 Rs11,801 Rs12,242 Rs16,404 Rs16,400 Rs16,394 Rs19,342 Rs19,148 Rs19,144 Rs19,139 Rs19,135 Rs19,131

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing

Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Other Liabilities Principal Repayment Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment

Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764 Rs764

Purchase Other Current Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Purchase Long-term Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Dividends Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs65,000

Subtotal Cash Spent Rs3,090 Rs12,565 Rs13,006 Rs17,168 Rs17,164 Rs17,158 Rs20,106 Rs19,912 Rs19,908 Rs19,903 Rs19,899 Rs84,895

Net Cash Flow Rs12,785 Rs3,311 Rs15,103 Rs10,941 Rs10,945 Rs10,951 Rs8,003 Rs8,197 Rs8,201 Rs8,206 Rs8,206 (Rs56,786)


Page 28: car wash

Cash Balance Rs107,285 Rs110,596 Rs125,699 Rs136,640 Rs147,586 Rs158,536 Rs166,539 Rs174,737 Rs182,938 Rs191,144 Rs199,349 Rs142,564

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We recommend using Business Plan Pro as the easiest way to create automatic financials for your own business plan.

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Pro Forma Balance Sheet

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Assets Starting Balances

Current Assets

Cash Rs94,500 Rs107,285 Rs110,596 Rs125,699 Rs136,640 Rs147,586 Rs158,536 Rs166,539 Rs174,737 Rs182,938 Rs191,144 Rs199,349 Rs142,564

Other Current Assets Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Total Current Assets Rs94,500 Rs107,285 Rs110,596 Rs125,699 Rs136,640 Rs147,586 Rs158,536 Rs166,539 Rs174,737 Rs182,938 Rs191,144 Rs199,349 Rs142,564

Long-term Assets

Long-term Assets Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000 Rs799,000

Accumulated Depreciation Rs0 Rs6,264 Rs12,528 Rs18,792 Rs25,056 Rs31,320 Rs37,584 Rs43,848 Rs50,112 Rs56,376 Rs62,640 Rs68,904 Rs75,168

Total Long-term Assets Rs799,000 Rs792,736 Rs786,472 Rs780,208 Rs773,944 Rs767,680 Rs761,416 Rs755,152 Rs748,888 Rs742,624 Rs736,360 Rs730,096 Rs723,832

Total Assets Rs893,500 Rs900,021 Rs897,068 Rs905,907 Rs910,584 Rs915,266 Rs919,952 Rs921,691 Rs923,625 Rs925,562 Rs927,504 Rs929,445 Rs866,396

Liabilities and Capital Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable Rs0 Rs9,465 Rs9,762 Rs13,924 Rs13,920 Rs13,916 Rs13,871 Rs13,676 Rs13,672 Rs13,668 Rs13,664 Rs13,660 Rs13,656

Current Borrowing Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Other Current Liabilities Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0 Rs0

Subtotal Current Liabilities Rs0 Rs9,465 Rs9,762 Rs13,924 Rs13,920 Rs13,916 Rs13,871 Rs13,676 Rs13,672 Rs13,668 Rs13,664 Rs13,660 Rs13,656

Long-term Liabilities Rs700,000 Rs699,236 Rs698,472 Rs697,708 Rs696,944 Rs696,180 Rs695,416 Rs694,652 Rs693,888 Rs693,124 Rs692,360 Rs691,596 Rs690,832

Total Liabilities Rs700,000 Rs708,701 Rs708,234 Rs711,632 Rs710,864 Rs710,096 Rs709,287 Rs708,328 Rs707,560 Rs706,792 Rs706,024 Rs705,256 Rs704,488

Paid-in Capital Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000 Rs234,000

Retained Earnings (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs40,500) (Rs105,500)

Earnings Rs0 (Rs2,179) (Rs4,666) Rs775 Rs6,220 Rs11,670 Rs17,166 Rs19,863 Rs22,564 Rs25,270 Rs27,979 Rs30,690 Rs33,407

Total Capital Rs193,500 Rs191,321 Rs188,834 Rs194,275 Rs199,720 Rs205,170 Rs210,666 Rs213,363 Rs216,064 Rs218,770 Rs221,479 Rs224,190 Rs161,907

Total Liabilities and Capital Rs893,500 Rs900,021 Rs897,068 Rs905,907 Rs910,584 Rs915,266 Rs919,952 Rs921,691 Rs923,625 Rs925,562 Rs927,504 Rs929,445 Rs866,396

Net Worth Rs193,500 Rs191,321 Rs188,834 Rs194,275 Rs199,720 Rs205,170 Rs210,666 Rs213,363 Rs216,064 Rs218,770 Rs221,479 Rs224,190 Rs161,907